Instructions for connecting a web camera to a computer. To help computer "dummies": how to connect a webcam to communicate via Skype, step by step algorithm of actions

At one time, communication between people at a distance was maintained exclusively by postal correspondence. Naturally, this kind of communication could not reflect all the emotions experienced by the correspondents.

Yes, and the answer sometimes came when the reason for the appeal could have lost its relevance. The telephone, invented in 1876, became a fundamentally new type of communication.

Having mastered the technology of telephone communication, people realized that it was not enough for full-fledged communication - they wanted to see the face of the interlocutor.

Nowadays, these restrictions are easily removed with the help of inexpensive mobile devices called webcams.

What is a webcam and how do I use it?

A webcam is a small digital device that transmits and. It transmits the picture when using programs such as Skype, as well as during Internet conferences and video broadcasts.

But before diving headlong into the exciting modern world of video communication, you need to figure out how to connect a webcam to a computer?

To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about the functionality of such devices. Usually in. Moreover, it can broadcast image and sound in real time. There are a variety of camcorder models:

  • devices that broadcast video on demand;
  • devices that broadcast video only at a certain, set time;
  • devices that broadcast video constantly.

To connect the camcorder to a computer, you need:

  • computer and webcam,
  • special headphones with a microphone,
  • communication program.

The webcam must be connected to a personal computer via a USB port. After detecting a new device, the driver will automatically install. The software interface is very simple in this case.

If the program for some reason could not install the drivers, then they can be launched from the installation disk, and if not, the necessary software can be downloaded from the Internet. If the installation was successful, the device icon will appear in the My Computer folder.

Connecting a webcam to a tablet

All modern tablet models have their own webcam. But these gadgets are very fragile devices that constantly break down. Very often the built-in camera stops working and it becomes necessary to connect an external webcam to the tablet.

The easiest way to connect your gadget is via USB. As in the case of a desktop computer, after connecting, the download of drivers will automatically start. If the tablet does not detect the device and does not start downloading, then you need to download the driver on the Internet (best on the official website of the tablet manufacturer) and install it on the device.

In fact, this rarely happens - usually the download is always automatic. The tablet will see the webcam as a USB flash drive, external drive, or as a video camera. After that, you need to restart the tablet itself.

If, after all the efforts, the tablet still does not see the webcam, you need to download the StickMount program for Android from Google Play, which will recognize the device and show a list of possible connections. It can be used to sync almost any device. To install and it is enough to purchase a free version of the program.

Connecting the webcam to a router and TV

In addition to a computer and a tablet, the webcam can be connected to other modern digital devices, for example, to a router. Simple in design and functions, the router can be flashed if necessary.

If the firmware is done correctly, then you can connect a camera to such a router and organize, for example, video surveillance. But still, connecting a webcam to a router will not be an easy task, because both devices are simply not designed to work together. It's much easier to connect your webcam to your TV.

It should be noted right away that it is almost impossible to connect this gadget to an ordinary analog TV. But modern digital models provide an opportunity for such a development of events.

If funds permit, the easiest way is to buy a smart TV with Skype support and a dedicated webcam. This should be a highly specialized model specifically for the TV, which has a high sound sensitivity. Thanks to this quality, you can communicate through any suitable video program without leaving your soft and cozy sofa.

It is very important to select a camcorder that is compatible with your TV model. Unfortunately, such a device will not be compatible with a computer. But do not forget that without a webcam, communication on Skype using a TV is impossible, because it is in it that there is a built-in sound recording microphone.

The webcam itself was created as a means of transmitting video information through the global network, which is reflected in its name.

And since this gadget cannot work without outside help, to make a video call, the owner can connect it to the processing device that is needed right now - to a computer, laptop, TV or tablet.

With the expansion of access to high-speed Internet networks, instant messengers with the possibility of video and audio communication have become very popular. Free programs like Skype, Imo, Viber, Jitsi, Google Hangouts, etc. allow you to connect relatives, acquaintances, friends located on different sides of the globe almost instantly and with sufficient quality.

Also, the Internet is littered with applications for video recording, motion detection, video surveillance security systems, and image streaming. All these programs are united by one element - a video camera. The most convenient and cheapest type of cameras is WEB cameras.

If you do not quite understand how to connect a webcam to a computer, then this information will be useful for you.

Camera connection

The device connects to the port USB via wired or wireless interface. For its operation, it is enough to insert the cable or receiver connector into the corresponding socket on the computer case.

Please note that cameras can communicate with a computer using USB 2.0 or USB 3.0. This means that a USB 2.0 gadget will work with any protocol, and USB 3.0 only with the corresponding one.

If the motherboard does not support USB 3.0, then it will not be possible to connect a 3.0 camera.

If everything fits together, you need to install the appropriate driver.

Driver Installation

Usually the system independently determines the type of device and installs a support program. As evidenced by the notification in the lower right corner. Sometimes the software is missing, then you should use the disc that came with the camera. As a rule, there are no difficulties at this stage. Follow the prompts and the driver will integrate safely.

If there is no disk, then you will have to look for the driver yourself. To do this, go to device Manager... Windows 10 allows you to do this in a simplified way. Just right-click on the Microsoft icon in the lower left corner of the screen and select the appropriate menu item.

Open Device Manager, and in the window that opens, select Imaging devices - USB camera... At this point, right-click on the inscription Refresh... And choose automatic update. The system will independently detect the driver, install it and connect the device.

It happens that the driver is not automatically detected, how to connect a webcam to a computer in this case? You need to look for a program on manufacturer's website or on the resource by model.


Once the driver is installed, you can customize the gadget. To do this, it can be installed focusing ringto be adjusted. Also, the device has a mount, with which you can set its position relative to the object being shot. If the computer is installed Skypethen the image is adjusted in this program. Open the settings window: Tools - Options. Video settings.

Now you can set the position of the device, adjust the focus and adjust the video signal parameters.

If Skype is not installed, and you do not want to install it, then use any of the applications that support web cameras, for example, Webcam Surveyor, AbelCam, Active WebCam, etc.

Related Videos

A webcam is an absolutely indispensable thing for many modern personal computer users. With the help of a webcam, they are now communicating on the Internet, using video communication, shooting videos, taking photos, without leaving their PC. If desired, the webcam can also be used to organize video surveillance.

Webcams are connected to computers using a USB interface. Such a connector is known to any, even the most inexperienced, PC user; it is used to connect flash drives to a computer.

Such a connector can be located on the back and / or front panel of the computer system unit. Basically, in order to connect your webcam to your computer, you just need to plug the camera's USB cable into any of the connectors. There is no need to install drivers or any additional programs. Windows will independently find and install everything you need. If someone plans to use their webcam all the time, then it is best to connect through the USB connector on the back of the computer. And if from time to time and at the same time you want to be able to quickly turn it off, then you can use the connector on the front panel.

So, again, connecting your webcam to your computer, you just need to plug its cable into any of the USB connectors. At the same time, the computer will emit a specific sound telling us that it "saw" a new device. Next, you just wait for the message that your device is completely ready for use.

Many camcorders come with microphones already built into them. Therefore, a 3.5 mm mini-jack cable is added to the previous USB cable, which must be connected to the corresponding connector.

If the webcam “refuses” to work when connected to a PC, it means that it needs to install drivers, which are usually supplied on a CD-ROM with the camera. Open this disk yourself and install the driver. If there is no driver disk (for example, lost), then you can download the corresponding driver on the official website of the webcam manufacturer.

The question "how to connect a webcam to a computer?" often asked by novice users, most of whom buy this device for free video calling. So, let's look at the connection procedure for Windows operating systems.


Technological progress is making huge strides forward and never ceases to amaze mankind with new developments. We have long been accustomed to the fact that phone calls can be not only voice, but also with video transmission. This is very convenient, since it is one thing to hear a loved one, and quite another to see him.

Make a video call it is possible both with the help of various gadgets and through special programs on a personal computer. To do this, you will need a PC itself, an Internet connection, the necessary software (for example, Skype), drivers, a microphone and, in fact, a webcam. You can read about where to download Skype for free and how to properly configure this application in the article "".

So, you have purchased a device for video communication and now you are thinking how connect webcam to the computer. Let's consider everything in order:

First of all, find a free USB port on the back of your PC (sometimes on the front). Connect the wire that comes out of your webcam to it.

Secondly, make sure that the system recognizes the device and finds drivers for it. If an inscription about the successful connection of the device appears in the lower right corner, it means that your "operating system" automatically picked up the drivers for the webcam and installed them. In such cases, the device is ready for use. To check its operation, go to "My Computer" and see the connected USB video device in the window that opens.

Double-clicking the left mouse button on this icon will initialize the device and after a few seconds a live camera image will appear.

Sometimes it happens that Windows does not find the necessary drivers in its database for the webcam you purchased. In this case, it is necessary install them manually... If the set with the "webcam" has a disk with drivers, then everything is simple: insert the CD into the computer drive and, following the instructions of the installation wizard, install the proposed files and applications on the PC. In cases where the disc with "firewood" was not attached, we do not get upset, but go to the Internet, open Google (or Yandex, as you like) and write the model of the purchased webcam in the search bar (can be found on the box) and add the phrase “ driver download».

Usually, in the first three links you can find the files you need to download. We save them to the computer disk and then launch them. The process of installing a webcam driver is no different from installing small applications, so just confirm that you have read the license agreement and follow the prompts on the monitor screen until complete completing the wizard... Remember, product registration on the official website of the developer company is optional.

You can check the operation of the connected video device through "My Computer" or using special applications that you installed along with the drivers. When you reconnect the webcam to the computer's USB port, you don't have to install the drivers again, because the system remembered them and registered them in the appropriate files.

Well, now you know how to connect a webcam to a computer and how to download and configure drivers for this device. If the camera was bought for video calls, then feel free to download Skype and communicate well.

P.S. You also need a microphone to communicate in Skype. It is often embedded in a webcam.

To enable it, select the required voice capture device in the corresponding settings of the Skype application.

It's no secret that Skype has become incredibly popular in recent years. Now it is one of the few programs that allows you to organize communication with relatives or loved ones at a great distance for free. Not only can we just communicate like on the phone, there is also the opportunity to see each other. But here many are faced with the fact that they do not know how to connect a webcam to a computer. We will talk about this now.

General Provisions

First, you need to understand that there are several types of webcams. Some do not require additional software, while others are normally installed only with the presence of drivers. What kind of camera do you have? We will deal with this a little later. As a rule, a disc may be included with a "webcam"; if there is none, then it is most likely not needed. Also, the connection process differs depending on the hardware and operating system used. So, it can be a laptop or computer running Windows HP or Linux OS. But since it is not too difficult to connect a webcam to a computer, even a novice user can handle this procedure without experiencing any problems. However, before proceeding with it, read the useful information that will be useful to you in practice.

What we need to get started

We have already said a little about the fact that webcams are different, but the installation principle is not very different. That is why in order to do everything right, we need several essential components. One of them is high speed internet. As practice shows, without going online, there is no particular benefit from a "webcam". This is due to the fact that with its help you can only take your own pictures, but the quality in this case will be far from the best. In addition, we need the actual camera. Currently, most models have a USB connector. If the "webcam" lacks a microphone, which is inherent in older models, you will need headphones with it. If you have a new camera, then you can do without a headset, since you will hear the interlocutor through the speakers, and speak directly to the webcam. By the way, do not forget to free up one USB port, because we will need it. Now let's see how to connect a webcam to a computer.

Stage one

If you are working on a laptop or netbook, then there is already a webcam. You don't need to install, update or download anything to use it. But if you decide to put a better analog, then that's another matter. First, connect the camera to the corresponding port where it is located, you will figure it out, since it is almost impossible to mix it up. Then you need to wait a little while the driver is automatically installed from the base of your operating system. This is the same procedure when connecting a storage device, mobile phone, or other equipment, so don't worry. After that, you will receive a message that the device has been successfully installed and ready to use, in rare cases a PC restart is required. Well, for now, let's go ahead and consider a slightly different situation.

Stage two: manual installation

In case the camera did not install automatically, you will need to insert the driver disc. But here you may encounter a problem that one is missing or does not work. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to throw the device away, so do not despair, because you can turn on the webcam on your computer even without a driver without any problems. To do this, you need to go to the manufacturer's website and find the appropriate software there. All you have to do is download and install. You can go the other way and install yourself a utility called DriverPack. Its essence lies in the fact that it will automatically search for a suitable driver on the network and install it. To test it, go to My Computer and find your USB video device. If you can go into it and see a picture, then everything is in order, and now you can talk with your family and friends.

Setting up and connecting the webcam to the computer

Do not forget that this USB device has a lot of internal settings. Sometimes the factory settings are fine, so you don't need to do anything else. But in some cases, you will need to adjust a number of parameters, for example, the volume of the recording and audio playback. If this indicator is at the maximum, then the voice may be poorly recognized or extraneous noise will be observed. In addition, it is sometimes useful to change the image quality as well as its size. In the latter case, you can make it wider or, conversely, narrower. This is necessary in order to see the interlocutor completely or only his face. In addition, modern webcams have a number of other settings, such as saturation, sharpness, brightness, contrast, etc. If you connected the device to a PC using drivers, the settings will be set automatically, and most of them will be at the mark 50%.

Skype setup: step one

Basically, a webcam for a computer can be connected quite simply and quickly. Sometimes it is much more difficult to configure it directly in Skype. Let's figure out how to do this. First, you need to log in to the program, go to the "Tools" section and select "Settings" there. After that select "video settings". If you see a picture, then everything is in order, but when a text message from Skype is displayed on the screen, this indicates that there is a problem. The first thing to check is whether the device is connected to the port and whether the computer finds a webcam. Go to "my computer" and see if "usb video device" appears there. By the way, one of the most common mistakes is that "webcam" can be used only in one program. Therefore, if it is open anywhere else, Skype simply will not see it. It's easy to guess that fixing this is very simple. It is enough to close one of the utilities. You may also need to restart Skype, after which everything will fall into place.

Skype setup: step two

Drivers are needed for any webcam, the only question is how they are installed. This can be an archive of your operating system or a disc that comes with the kit. If the camera is not displayed in Skype, and you have tried all the methods described above, then we do as follows. Go to the "Control Panel", select "System" - "Hardware", and then "Device Manager". You will see a list of all devices working on this PC. There should be your webcam somewhere among them. If it is not there, then it only says that the problem is either with the port socket or with the device cable. If you still find the camera and see a yellow exclamation mark next to the icon, then this indicates that there are no drivers. Next, right-click on the icon, select "properties" and "update driver". If there is no exclamation mark, and the webcam is still not visible, reinstall the driver. After that, everything should work.

Several important details

Many users have reported that the webcam is not displayed in My Computer. There is nothing to worry about, especially if you are not using the Windows XP operating system. This is due to the fact that later updates do not support this function. For example, you won't be able to call a "webcam" on a laptop running Win 7, it will only work in Skype. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that there are a lot of manufacturers of this equipment. They all take a different approach, so the setup will be slightly different. For this simple reason, it is simply impossible to work out a single algorithm, nevertheless, debugging is not so difficult. Moreover, in about 70% of cases, a webcam, which is installed on a computer automatically, does not cause any inconvenience to the user.


So we figured out with you how to install and configure the "webcam". Everything is extremely simple: plugged the cable into the port, installed the drivers, updated them if necessary, closed all the utilities that use the webcam, and you can enjoy communication. You also already know how to connect a webcam to a computer without an installation disk, so this shouldn't be a problem. Nevertheless, before buying, please check the question of the need to install a driver on this device. The disk may not be given, but they will write where you need to go to download the necessary software. This is, perhaps, everything on this topic.

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