Search queries competitors Yandex. How to find out by what requests traffic goes to the most visited pages of competitors

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Analysis of the site of competitors is one of the most effective methods for determining the main Internet marketing strategy. You are probably wondering what your competitors are doing to get high in extradition. And this information is of particular importance if you just created a site and started working on its promotion.

Through analysis of competitor sites, you can understand:

  • what are they doing;
  • what methods and approaches are used;
  • how actively webmasters are doing this and what direction of their strategy they have chosen.

Most secrets are practically in the public domain, and it is not difficult to get them, especially if you correctly use specialized online services and independently analyze successes and mistakes.

It should be noted that you should not get too carried away with the analysis of competing sites in order to borrow fresh and useful ideas.

To stand out among the general mass, it is necessary not to copy competing sites, but to offer users new and fresh ideas.

Therefore, try to take an integrated approach:

  • as a basis for a resource, use your own developments (ideas, keywords, content, optimization, etc.);
  • you can borrow interesting chips (having remade them in your own way), add keywords and analyze data related to attendance.

How to identify competitors?

Before you start analyzing competing resources, you should find truly worthy projects. If you have been implementing in a certain industry for a long time, then you probably already know successful projects that you should definitely take a look at.

However, it is necessary to analyze the most competitive sites that are in the top 10 issuance of Yandex or Google. You can evaluate those projects that are located slightly lower in the ranking, but do not get carried away too much, because the process of analyzing a competitor’s site takes a lot of time. Start with top-end projects first.

It is not difficult to do this: we create a short semantic core, which will include 3-5 of the most suitable high-frequency queries. We hammer each request into Yandex and Google search engines and select those addresses that are suitable for you by subject and main direction.

You can also reveal the success of competitors using automatic services. Most popular:

  • and services, which provide data on competitors based on the intersection of keywords in search results;
  • semrush service identifies the top ten major web rivals in the search engine Google;
  • siteAuditor service will be useful if there is a ready-made list of requests for which promotion is planned.

Usability analysis

Website rating is an analysis of its convenience by the average user. If the site attracts with an interesting design, has a clear and convenient interface, then the likelihood that the user wants to use your services will be higher than that of competitors.

The usability analysis of third-party resources evaluates competing websites from the point of view of their visitors, which will reveal all the advantages and disadvantages of structure, navigation, appearance and design, etc. Thanks to this, you can make your site much more convenient for a potential user.

To analyze the technical characteristics of target sites, you can use the following tools:

  • Woorank - this service provides information about technologies used by a competitor, analytical systems, adaptation to mobile traffic and technical features of usability;
  •   - Google-tool that evaluates the speed of loading pages of a resource and provides recommendations for optimization.

You can also evaluate the design, functionality and usability of competitor sites manually: pay attention to attractive services, landing pages, navigation components, and conversion.

Competitor Keyword Analysis

To promote your site effectively, you need to know the keywords that rivals use. After analyzing the resources of competitors, you should find out the main keywords and compare them with the semantic core of your own site. Surely after that you will have many ideas.

First of all, you can find out the keywords of a competitor without resorting to magic. Just walk through the pages of the resource and pay attention to the names of articles, urls and subheadings.

Secondly, use special paid services for analysis, for example:

SpyWords - get information about competitors' words in the search results of Yandex and Google, as well as requests to Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords with a price per 1 click. Plus, you can compare the requests of several sites at once.

SEMrush - find out the keywords of competitors and their position on Google.

Analysis of a competitor site is a disastrously necessary step on the path to successful and effective search engine promotion.

When analyzing, look at their main indicators:

  • usability;
  • attendance;
  • key queries.

Having estimated these key parameters from your rivals, and having implemented relevant features, you can not only increase the success of the project, but also save a lot of money and time on finding your own way of promotion.

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Specialists of SEMANTICA studio will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the site according to the following plan:

- Technical audit.
   - Optimization.
   - Commercial factors.
   - External factors.

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Yandex.Webmaster (beta)

How to find out what positions the site is located in Yandex

The smaller "Av. position ”, the better, since each request pulls up / down the other queries relevant to the site ():

  “Search Queries” - “Statistics” - “Groups” - “Group: All Queries” - “Period: Quarter”

How to find out what queries find my site

   “Search Queries” - “Statistics” - “Popular Queries” Let's look at the statistics on impressions. Only 25 phrases. If you raise the site in the issuance of the specified requests to the first positions, then this will give the most noticeable exhaust.

Where can I see what phrases my blog is finding

Google Webmaster Tools  . The list of popular queries I have has 10 083 phrases. Changes in time are visible. If you click on a request, then it is shown which page the person goes to for the given text. You can set filters, for example, view only queries from a mobile search.
  The same thing if you go to the tab "Popular Pages". In the example, I decided to look at what queries are related to the page (in total I counted 130 queries).

What keywords find a specific page of my site

Google analytics  gives a more detailed picture. I click on the same page.   I select "Main parameter": "Keyword". There are already 334 requests. AT (not provided)  and (not set)  requests encrypted by Google [official message] and Yandex [official message] are hidden.

Yandex.Metric keywords for a single web page URL

Key phrases encrypted by Yandex can be found in Yandex.Metrica. In order to collect data only for a specific page, you need to create a report. At least with the following points:

  1. Build a report by: search query
  2. Count: number of visits
  3. Under the conditions: the URL of the login page is http: //

  By the way, 334 keywords were also displayed here.

Hello dear friends!
  In this post, I decided to write about how to get to know competitors. The article will be a selection of interesting services with which you can identify and select some of them to promote your project.

A few months ago I wrote for an article. But if your subject already has a well-developed competitor, then you can easily see some of his requests. For example, I like to look more interesting ideas for writing posts or the main keyword, and already under it I select various tails and additional queries. So let's get started.

  Using this service, you can make a complete analysis of the keywords of competitors and not only. The service shows the number of main competitors, the approximate cost of the site, puzomerki, IP address and much, much more. At the very bottom is a list of all resource requests on which it is moving. Keywords can be exported to Execel:

  I really like this service. Using it, you can find out how much the resource is spammed with links, and see the approximate promotion of the site in search engines. Below the service shows very valuable information: competitor’s search queries, site positions for these queries, wordstat frequency and even the price of a single impression in Yandex Direct.

All you need to do is enter the site in the line and click on the “check” button. At the very bottom left is the “Export (Execel)” button, which allows you to export all queries.

  This service is very useful for any webmaster, it allows you to find out a lot of information about the site. In the section “seo-services” - “site visibility”, it is possible to find out the keywords of a competitor. Moreover, the site’s positions for these requests, keyword statistics on wordstat and the cost in Yandex.Direct are also shown.

The service shows good visibility of the resource in the search engines Yandex and Google. In addition, you can see the position of the site on demand, impressions per month and the approximate cost of promotion. As I see, exporting queries is not possible, but you can simply copy them and paste them into Execel.

  Here, before you look at the keywords of competitors, you need to register, because for ordinary users, the service shows only a few queries. After registration, all requests can be exported to Execel.

6. Attendance statistics.
  Sometimes it happens that a competitor has open attendance statistics and you can even see search queries. This does not often happen, of course, but if you try, you can find it. First you need, about which I wrote in detail yesterday, and see what statistics are connected to the site. Then click to go:

For example, in the most popular queries, you need to search in the section “by search phrases”, “positions in Yandex” and “positions in Google”. If they are not hidden, then you are very lucky:

7. Title tag.
  If a competitor promotes a resource on search queries, then at least one of them will be registered in the title tag. In order to see all the titles of the title of a competitor’s site, you need to enter this design into Yandex:

Or in Google, the following address:

Instead of the site, do not forget to enter the address of a competitor. Now it remains to go over the headings and determine the keywords. I think you, as a seoshnik, will do this easily: smile :. With this method, I like to look for ideas for articles more. After all, you can even go to the page, see the number of comments, and find out how relevant the article is and is needed by visitors.

Similarly, keywords can be spelled out in the H1 tag and keywords. Some optimizers highlight queries in the text in bold, italics, or underlining.

The best paid way to analyze competitors' keywords.
  5 requests on this site can be found out for free, but if you want more, you need to pay. This service differs from all others in that it shows several times more requests than all free services. Also right on the server you can see how the site will look in the search engines Yandex and Google on request.

There is still a very interesting tool on the service, and even shareware, called the “battle of domains”. Use it to compare 3 and even find common queries. I advise you to register on this service, a very useful thing.

That's all for today! Now you know how to find out the keywords of competitors. Good luck, friends ;-).

In this article I will tell you how to correctly analyze and select the keywords of competitors. This very well helps in SEO website promotion.

Learning LiveInternet Leaders

First we need to find the niche leaders themselves. That is, there should be some standards on which we will continue to rely.

So how to find a competitor? The simplest is to search in the service. We go to the main page and click on the "site rating". Next, select the country, category and look at the first positions.

  Competitors rating by LiveInternet

We see that the very first project is This site can be considered as part of the analysis of competitors' keywords. After all, the project has a lot of traffic. Therefore, we can consider it as a standard.

However, be careful here!

This example is only suitable for an information project. If we do not have an information site, but a project of a specific bank, then we must rely on the projects of other banks.

Of course, you can look at information sites, which are also located in higher places. But there is a possibility that in the semantic core of such projects there will be unnecessary requests for us.

In this case, we will not need some kind of informational requests because users will not convert well into leads.

Therefore, there should be a clear separation. If, for example, you have an online store, then we are looking for online stores, and not ordinary information sites.

Learning SEO Rate Leaders

  SeoRate visibility dynamics

Here you can also see the change in dynamics. That is, for whom the dynamics of visibility decreased, for whom it increased, for whom it gained momentum, and so on. Thus, you can focus on certain leaders within the dynamics.

There is a pronounced leader. You can go in and analyze the semantic core with individual tools.

We study competitors through Megaindex

  We study competitors through Megaindex

You can see who the leader is, how his visibility has changed, and so on. Also in the screenshot you can see a sharp drop. Perhaps it was some kind of system failure, not a season or just a global fall.

Below I will tell you how to analyze and select the keywords of competitors. I will give only the basic collection rules that must be followed.

You, in turn, with the help of tools you must find the right queries for yourself. There are a lot of services for this. Therefore, I will not consider them in more detail here. Instead, I give you the basic key selection rule base.

So, for starters, you need to look not only at the report on search phrases, but also focus on paid ones. That is, those requests for which contextual advertising is purchased from search engines.

As a rule, such keys are already more balanced and considered by the competitor. If it was otherwise, then the competitor would not buy for them. Therefore, we pay attention to requests for which a paid advertising campaign is going on.

They can also be useful!

Also, such keywords have a high conversion and pay off well. That is, you can no longer go a long way in collecting keys. It is enough to copy them from competitors.

  Competitor Pages Visibility

You can also specify the specific ones that we want to see. For example, when we are interested in a particular category.

Competitive Marketing Audit

What does it include?

To start, we look what content modules does the competitor use. For example, it can be a block with reviews, additional blocks in the product card or in a category.

  Feedback block

Here we look at the potential of the keywords and their frequency. We look at how expedient it is to implement this content module on your website.

We collect a list of such traffic content modules according to their topic and implement it on our website. As a result, we get good ideas and do not invent a bicycle.

Studying SEO modules used by topic leaders. For example, it can be some kind of linking blocks. That is, we look at how competitors effectively transfer page weight.

You can also evaluate how correct these seo modules are. Next, we make a list and implement it already on our site.

We study the functional modules of competitors and their traffic potential. That is, we study the necessary functions that provide users on a competitor's site.

Let's say there is some convenient function on the site. The user remembered it and then began to ask in the search to see it on other sites.

It may be a function to compare products. It can also be some kind of promotions or discount offers. In installments are also popular. In general, these are some functions that are becoming popular among users.

Based on the leaders of the subject, we study their functional modules. Next, we evaluate the traffic potential of these modules (will they be asked in the search). Then we include them in our project so that.

Thus, based on the experience of our competitors, we immediately discard a huge amount of unnecessary action. At the same time, we scale up our website and expand SY.

We are finalizing the site structure for a new semantic core

After you have learned the keywords of a competitor’s site and conducted a marketing audit, you need to refine the resource structure for a new semantic core.

I want to say right away that there is no need to be afraid to redo or modify the site structure. Than it will be more convenient and focused on useful pages, the better.

  Cargo website structure

Above is an example of the topic of cargo transportation. But as it turned out in this subject a lot of branching and interesting combinations of keywords.

All of them can be reached only with the help of an in-depth analysis of the market, competitors and topic leaders. Then you need to assemble a huge semantic core, break it down and understand what structure you need to create in order to maximize the reach of your target audience.


No need to come up with a bike. You just need to analyze your competitors. Analysis is something without which it is now very difficult to survive in a competitive environment.

It’s easy enough to find sites that receive the most organic traffic. They can’t hide from us anywhere. They are easy to find, analyze, draw conclusions and borrow something useful. And also improve and overtake.

In principle, how to find out the keywords of competitors is not difficult. You just need to adhere to the above rules and use separate tools for collecting requests.

Remember that you need to analyze both free and competitive keys from the context.

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