How to advertise a page on facebook. Test different types of publications. How to write ad text

Page promotion is a series of events including:

1) creating incoming targeted traffic to the page.

2) his conversion into fans. At the expense of.

3) maintaining the page so that the "rumor about it" attracted even more incoming targeted traffic.

4) see point 1

In this article I will only consider free  ways to create inbound targeted traffic to a Facebook page.

20 ways to promote and promote Facebook fan page:

1. Ask your friends and friends of friends to join your page.

Thus, I scored about 30 fans. Do not be afraid to ask them. Write: “Hi, I created a new page. Look, maybe this will interest you? ”

Of course, consider the information that is written in the profile of a friend. This applies to so-called "friends." After all, you do not know everyone (for example, 500 people) that you have on your friends lists.

If you offer a page about MLM, and the profile says “I hate MLM”, then do not ask this person to look at your page. Do not turn this into plain spam.

2. Share this page with your friends.

Unlike the previous method, this one simply notifies a friend that you are offering him to view his page. The response from this method is not very large.

In order to do this, go to your page and click "invite friends"

And from the list that appears, select the friends to whom you want to offer to see your page.

3. Install the Facebook social plugin on your blog.

- In the field "Width" indicate the desired width of the plugin

- Check the “Show Faces” box to display the faces of your page fans

- Click “Get Code” and select “Iframe”

- Copy and paste the code into your blog (if you have WordPress), through the "Text" widget

- in the end, there should be a widget in the sidebar with the name "let's be friends on facebook"

Now visitors to the blog will be able to click on “I like” (become a fan of the page) without leaving it.

  4. Edit your profile.

5. Find and start chatting on themed pages and in groups.

Communication on thematic pages is a very important element. Because you draw attention to your profile (which has a link to the page) and establish yourself as a person who knows this topic.

To find such pages and groups, enter in the search a “keyword” that relates to your subject, and filter the search results only by pages.

- Familiarize yourself with her and understand what she is.

- Start by posting comments on the page. Also ask and answer questions of other participants in the page.

(on the image, Svetlana commented on the publication of the page. Thus, drawing attention to herself)

- After some time, when you will no longer be a casual visitor, but become a “seasoned” of this community, start giving comments on your page in the comments.

- Make friends with the members of this community.

- Agree with the page administrator that you can publish links on the page wall to your page. Usually, if this is not a commercial resource and you have already established yourself as an interesting person and interlocutor, it will be free.

6. Comment on behalf of your page.

Everything happens, practically, as in the previous version, but the comments come from the name of your page.

In order to switch to the "page" mode, you need to go to your page and click on "use Facebook as (page name)":

7. Comment on posts

Enter the keyword of your subject in the “search” field and select the “publish all” tab in the list that appears:

After choosing a publication related to the subject of your page, comment on it.

8. Subscribe to yours e- mail, link to the page on facebook

9. Ask your Twitter followers to join the page.

Write a Tweet that you have a Facebook page on such and such topics and give a link to it.

10. Promote your page offline

Recently, I was at a seminar dedicated to "Increasing Sales." All exchanged business cards and some of them had a link to a Facebook page.
  Also on any of your products, except for a link to your site, add a link to the fan page.

11. Tell all employees of your company to place a link to the company page in the "work" field.

If you are posting a video on YouTube.

14. Invite all your email subscribers join the page.

15. Create a group on and in the announcements indicate a link to your page. Choose a catchy name for the group and immediately fill in 5 articles, as after the group is created, it will go to the “new groups” mailing list, to which 3 million people are subscribed and you will immediately receive a significant influx of new members.

Also publish announcements of your articles in other thematic groups. After asking permission from the admins of the group.

16. Arrange with the owners of thematic blogs about the guest post.

Find thematic blogs (use google search on blogs) and after contacting the owner of the blog, invite him to write a guest post. And he benefits (content) and you (at the end of the post, insert a link to your page).

), and also talked about website promotion on social networks (SMM and SMO). Moreover, the latter method is gaining more and more popularity.

The audience of social networks is huge and not try to use it for your own benefit would be a mistake. Why? Because when working with social networks you get direct contact (in fact, trusting relationships) with your target audience (without impurities), which greatly increases the likelihood that they will become your customers. Another thing is that to realize all this in practice is not always easy.

Today’s article, I just want to start a series of publications on promoting my business (commercial site) using SMM and SMO. To begin with, we start with, which, although inferior to Vkontakte in terms of the size of the Russian-speaking audience, but surpasses in quality. We will talk about create business pages on Facebook, about engaging the audience, about advertising, page content and much more.

What exactly can be promoted on Facebook?

First, let's talk a little about why exactly facebook? In RuNet, the monthly audience of this social network is about twenty to thirty million users per month. This is about two times less than the audience of Vkontakte, but the figure itself is simply huge. At the same time, the age of the vast majority of users of this social network (more than three-quarters) falls within the framework of eighteen to forty-five years (on average, about thirty years are obtained on RuNet).

And this is a very active audience with money (managers, entrepreneurs, etc. people who are ready to discuss business issues, and not to hang out and assert themselves). Registration on Facebook is allowed only from the age of 13 and at the same time there is no such kind of content that is popular on Vkontakte as "free" films and music (meaning the ban on downloading such content to the social network itself), which the schoolboy who has no future for business likes .

The content of this social network in RuNet is approximately equally represented by entertaining and cognitive (intellectual) information. In connection with all of the above, it turns out that the average solvency of a Facebook user is higher than in other popular Runet social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.). Well, besides this, the functionality of this social network is very high, and it can be used to solve many different tasks (like replacing a blog or website, like an online store, geolocation in mobile applications, etc.).

In principle, a lot of business topics (online or offline) can be promoted on facebook.

  1. For example, a business page, as in my case, can serve business card of some site  (both commercial and informational). Announcements of new materials from this resource, announcements of articles of the same subject on other resources and simply interesting information on the topic can be published there.

    Thus, a community is created, part of which will regularly visit your site, becoming interested in another new publication, announced on the Facebook business page.

  2. Also, social networks can be very interesting and useful, selling some courses, as well as conducting seminars, coaching or trainings (the same principle is to interest the information posted, and then push them to buy their courses or trainings).

    Usually, thematic pages are created that do not offer specific products or services, but offer to read “on the topic” (any informative information on this topic is suitable as content). This creates a greater appeal and increases the degree of user engagement.

    Users in such a community are attracted through targeted Facebook ads, or ads in other promoted communities, and are retained using interesting content. Over time, appears to the author of the page and they can "vparivat" what you wanted.

    Subscribers are also the main asset of information business, and collecting them in social networks is no worse than on your website. On Facebook, you can create tabs and applications (subsections within a business page), where you can already place a subscription form to receive, for example, some part of a course or a freebie seminar.

  3. The next obvious example are online stores, which can significantly expand the audience of their customers by creating communities in social networks. They are promoted mainly due to targeted advertising on Facebook itself (for example, they are attracted by discounts, promotions and similar things).

    The content of such an affiliate of an online store in a social network can contain informative or entertaining information on a topic, as well as current news from your assortment with a link to the store’s pages. The main thing is to maintain an acceptable balance and interest of the target audience. For greater involvement, competitions, polls, etc. things.

    Moreover, this may not be large online stores. Selling through your business page on Facebook you can also do something that you did yourself. This is very popular in the bourgeois and is slowly reaching us. Orders are placed “on the spot”, for example, by correspondence with the author.

  4. Many companies and individuals providing servicesmay have their own successful BS on Facebook. By attracting visitors through advertising and retaining them through interesting content, you can significantly expand your customer base.

    Naturally, the more “poppy” the topic of your services will be, the more you will get returns from social networks. Business is going well through social networks in the areas of tourism, leisure, photography, legal services, cosmetology, design, sports, freelance, real estate, hotels, etc.

How profiles and business pages differ from each other

The social network Facebook seeks to identify and delete multi-accounts (). In general, they do it, and most users of this network have only one profile. At the same time, as many as many business pages can be created under one profile. Therefore, if you already have an account in this social network, then creating a BS (business page) will not be a problem.

The subjects of your future BS on Facebook can be any, if only it was not prohibited by law (in your country) or protected by copyright (you cannot create an official Apple page, but it can create a page for apple-lovers).

Another feature of managing the BS on Facebook is that its creator (by default, he is the administrator with the highest possible permissions) can create another administrator (it can be, for example, the customer for whom you create and maintain this page). His rights will be exactly the same as yours (the author's).

Now let's see what is the difference between a personal profile and a business page  on facebook? At first glance, they look the same visually (the same thing).

In both cases, the cover and avatar can be at the top. But in personal profiles under the cover there are buttons "Add as Friend"  (this operation can only be done with a person) and “Subscribe” (more precisely, they will be located somewhere in the cover area, because the Facebook design changes every six months, and someone earlier, and someone later switches to a new version) . In my current interface incarnation, these buttons are located like this:

On business pages there is a button "Like"  (clicking on it is called “like” the page - from the English name of this button):

Simply put, if you see the Like button, then this is a business page, and if you add it to your friends, then this is the profile of some person. Also on the BS somewhere at the top (depending on the current Facebook interface) you will find the number of likes given to this page ( the number of clicks on the Like button) This is a kind of puzomerka in this social network, which can serve as an analogue when working with sites.

Very important is the fact that you cannot use your profile for business  on Facebook. If you register on this social network and name the account not by name and surname, but by the name of the organization, website or online store, then such profiles are very quickly calculated and deleted (or it is proposed to bring it into line with the rules). Facebook is primarily a network for communication between people, and only then a platform for promoting your business (flies separately, cutlets separately).

So to summarize differences BS (business page) and profile>:

  1. A profile is intended for posting personal information, and a BS is for information about your business and everything that can be correlated with this.
  2. The number of friends for one Facebook profile is limited to five thousand (although the number of subscribers to profile news is not limited - it is important for individuals who are celebrities). The number of “fans” of your BS (those who clicked on the “Like” button) is unlimited.
  3. A business page on Facebook is completely indexed by search engines (its name, description, and, in fact, publications).
  4. It follows from the previous paragraph that BSs are available to all Internet users, including those who are not registered there and are not logged in (such as search engine robots).
  5. The number of possible administrators for the BS is not limited. This allows you to work with her immediately to a whole team of employees. At that time, only one person can manage a profile, who created it.
  6. Only the BS has the opportunity to study their statistics, as well as use Facebook applications of any complexity and functionality on them.
  7. Business pages can be promoted with the help of the targeted advertising system built into this network in order to expand the number of users involved (your target audience)

Facebook groups and what to choose for promotion

What are Facebook Groups? Compared to a business page, this is a closed community, because you need to go to the group to view its contents. There is no cover and publications are a news feed with messages written not on behalf of the group, but on behalf of some of its members. Those. groups are created for communication of a certain circle of people, while on the BS there is public content available throughout the Internet.

Typically, with the help of business pages, the brand itself is promoted, and the group can serve as a platform where people communicate with each other. When creating a message in a Facebook group, you can upload photos, post videos, organize events and upload various files (the latter is possible only in groups).

So, unlike Facebook Groups from Business Pages  consists of the following:

  1. As we already mentioned, in the BS all messages go on behalf of the business page, and in groups there is no way to write a message on behalf of the group (only on behalf of the participant).
  2. If the Facebook user clicks on the Like button on the BS, then all new posts appearing on the BS will fall into his news feed. The posts of the group in the news feed of the participants are not visible, with the exception of posts left by their friends. It is clear that adding all the members of the multi-thousandth group to friends will be absurd.
  3. Another very important difference between the BS and the groups is that the latter are available only to authorized Facebook users, and the contents of the groups are not indexed by search engines (referring to external search engines, such as Yandex and Google).
  4. In Facebook groups, unlike business pages, statistics are not kept, there is no way to use applications and the overall functionality is pretty limited.
  5. And finally, groups cannot be advertised in the internal advertising network, therefore, we can assume that they are very poorly or not at all suitable for promoting a business. Here they rule BS, which, in fact, follows from their name.

The principles of creating a successful business page on Facebook

I think that now you can clearly imagine the differences between profiles, BS and groups. These are different tools designed for different purposes and tasks. For the same tasks that we need to solve (promoting a commercial or information project), it is BS that is best suited. Now it remains only to understand what should be the right business page on Facebook?

  1. Well, firstly, the BS should contain the main idea  (reflected in the name - it will be possible to change it, but only until you have less than two hundred fans clicking on the “Like” button) and be properly designed so that the visitor who got to it can quickly navigate and make the right choice . Do not forget that your main task is to gather your target audience (those who are not only interested in this idea, but who have the potential to become your client).

    The idea (the name of the BS) should cling to, and not repel (the “best room design projects”, instead of the banal “repair”). At first you need to feed the fish, and then throw the hook. If a brand page is being created, then the BS should reflect the name of this brand, but the content should still be informative and fascinating (in the field of your subject, of course, and not at all, because you are collecting the target audience).

    Among other things, Facebook has its own internal search, which many use. He ranks the results according to the principles similar to those that are practiced by Yandex and Google. So it would be nice to mention in the title of your business page the keywords by which you would like to rank. In general, it is very similar to SEO - the header should be catchy and at the same time contain keys.

  2. Must be framedwall (main business page), the necessary links and contacts have been added so that the user can go to your site or contact you in some other way if he has such a desire and interest. On Facebook, uniformity reigns and all BSs will have the same controls, but they can be designed differently.

    The first thing that catches your eye when entering any business page is the cover (what is called a “heading” on sites). As they say, "they meet on the cover", and it should well reflect the idea embedded in your BS. Then people already look at the avatar (located on the left in front of the name of the BS), which in the case of a branded page on Facebook should most likely be a logo (as in the screenshot above) or some other image associated with your business.

    Also in the left column under the cover you can find information about the page (when you click on the heading, you can get to the tab with a full description and indication of all administrators of this BS) and a lot of other things that we will still consider.

  3. Business Page Content  it should not consist only of posts that lead to your site (unfortunately, for now I have just that, but there is something to strive for). It is necessary to regularly post interesting and informative information on the topic, and keep your selfish interests in moderation and organically. The correlation will be correct: eighty percent of the information is in the interests of users and only twenty in the interests of your brand or business.

    For example, you can post news from your commercial site once a day. But also at least once a day to give some useful advice (without links to your site), educational or training materials. You can insert different demotivators, entertainment posts, photo albums (individual photos) or interesting quotes on the topic.

    And also, for example, add a poll once a week, generate feedback, post videos. Well, once a month to arrange some kind of competition or action. This will create an atmosphere of engagement (users will like, comment, do).

    Those posts that cause the greatest response in the form of likes, comments and reposts, contribute to the influx of new users, most likely from your target audience. It is called viral effectwhen popularity begins to grow like a snowball. Both entertaining and informative posts can be viral.

    The reverse situation is also possible, when the content on your business page is not interesting, then it will not receive any development, and you, accordingly, will receive additional profit.

  4. To promote your business page on Facebook, you can use applications (Now they are displayed in the left menu, and earlier they were located in a prominent place under the cover). For example, when you click on any application (with an attractive name) shown in the second screenshot from here, you will have to “like” this BS, because without this you will not see something “tasty” (it looks like blackmail, isn’t it).

    Previously, this could be abused even more (I don’t remember the details, but a similar stub could be hung, in my opinion, on the BS itself, and not on the application button) and rather quickly get likes. I think that now it works well.

    You can create an application with a title, for example, “Free video course”, and your page will be like for the sake of accessing it (the sheepskin is worth the stress from the user's point of view). And then you can become even more insolent and offer to receive a video course in the mail, which will allow you to collect the Email database as well (i.e. kill two birds with one stone - likes plus subscribers).

    You can use tabs (application areas) to organize contests or quizzes to collect again the subscriber base. On the other hand, you can use the application to create an online store based on Facebooka (with product cards, basket, and other paraphernalia). Moreover, such applications will not necessarily be paid.

  5. Engaging just the target audience you can indirectly evaluate when viewing statistics on your business page on Facebook  (at least according to the age-sex principle). There you can see the dynamics of the appearance (and deletion) of likes for this page, as well as determine how to get them - the organic behavior of users or whether they were click-throughs for advertising with subsequent likes (paid).

How and why to promote a business page on Facebook?

To do this, you can use both paid and free methods. Let's start with free, although not free, because you still have to work.

In addition, there are paid promotion methods  your BS on Facebook:

  1. Targeted ads on this social network - in the news feed or in the right column. In the first case, your advertising post will be displayed in user news feeds, and in the second case, the advertisement you compiled will show in the right column of the interface of the window of this social network.
  2. You can give money not to Facebook, but to the specific owner of the community you are interested in. He will publish the post you need on his page or in the desired group. This can be a regular post with information about your BS, or, for example, publish some interesting information as an advertisement (the same tests or the announcement of free courses), and already on the landing page (tab of your BS) the user should like your business page (you can thus gain a lot of fans in one advertising publication).

Classical facebook earnings example  looks like that:

  1. You create a BS and a series of tabs on which you place something coveted (free or interesting). But access to this longed-for can be obtained only by clicking on the page and sending you your Email address (through the form on the tab, for example).
  2. Next, you budget in the advertisement of your business page (through targeting or directly in the communities). This stimulates the influx of visitors to your BS, which leads to an increase in the number of its fans and Email subscribers.
  3. Then you send in letters everything that you promised (for example, a free video course, a discount coupon, etc.). Well, and only then it will be possible to begin to slowly send letters with various "indecent" offers that have the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking money on this user. Those. you lure him, and only then, by the method of “social engineering”, induce him to cooperate (feed and only then throw the hook).
  4. Once again, you invest part of the profit in advertising of your BS on Facebook and continue in a circle until you get bored.
  5. Naturally, interesting and useful publications for your target audience should regularly appear on your BS. This will increase the number of subscribers and fans in a natural way, i.e. no additional advertising costs. Although, it is possible that you will entrust the filling of the business page to the contractor, who will have to pay for it. In any case, this increases confidence and improves the conversion of users of your BS to clients of your business as a result (the feeling of retraction is reduced).

But this, of course, is not the only way. Your business page on Facebook can solve, for example, the following tasks:

  1. Attracting an additional stream of visitors to your site (commercial or informational)
  2. Getting additional sales directly from the BS or again by attracting traffic to your online store
  3. Increasing the popularity and recognition of your brand is relevant only for large companies.

To achieve your goals you will have to regularly perform the following actions  (or assign them to a specially trained person):

  1. First you need to create and properly arrange your BS
  2. Analyze your future potential target audience and understand what content it will need to provide
  3. Daily to engage in its promotion of both paid and free methods
  4. Daily fill your page with new and interesting materials for your target audience. This is great for you, which helps to set up pending publications on many social networks, including Facebook.
  5. Daily answer questions asked (in comments and personal messages), as well as periodically “creative” with contests, tests, etc. things.
  6. Daily read the news on your competitors ’BS for“ inspiration ”and draw new ideas (adopt positive experience and not repeat their mistakes)
  7. Track statistics daily to quickly make adjustments to purchased ads

All that we talked about today is, of course, general words and pure theory, but it costs us nothing go directly to practice, which we will not apply to you in the next publication of this section.

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As long as Facebook exists, there is so much debate about what is best on this social network for business: a page or a community. Supporters of pages and lovers of communities give many advantages for themselves and minuses against an opponent. But there is something in which they converge: without promotion, neither one nor the other will bring. Here's how to promote a group or page on Facebook and it's worth talking in detail. Immediately make a reservation that the methods of promoting groups of a given social network are very similar to the methods of promoting groups of classmates, for example.

Suppose you create a Facebook page or community for yourself or your organization. The first thing to do is to check whether it meets the three basic, but unwritten rules of the social network. The rules are simple: the page should be interactive, positive, and the information should be well visualized.

What to do next? Wait for users to appear on their own? In vain! They themselves will not appear. In order for a page to start working on it, it is necessary to add several dozen users. The first participants can be invited from those who are your friends, colleagues or business partners in real life. Further it will be a little easier. For example, you can post news with an invitation to join a group or page on your own site, or add a similar invitation at the end of each letter sent by e-mail to clients and partners.

As soon as the page is a little "untwisted" and users began to like photos, you can begin to systematically promote.

What are the methods of attraction? Let us describe them in more detail.

Friends attraction

It is not surprising, but the simplest and most effective method of promotion - this is also an invitation to friends. However, this requires some caution, since the goal of promotion is to attract the target audience. Therefore, after some time, your page will simply be unsubscribed. Although, probably, there are cases when it was from friends that the very cherished 5,000 participants were recruited (the maximum number of users on a page or in a community).

Own site

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising (cross-advertising) is a very effective way to promote a page on Facebook. With the correct installation of targeting settings (settings for showing ads exclusively to the target audience), you can attract not just participants, but interested users. True, this method is paid. There are a couple more drawbacks: inconvenient payment methods and a complex setup system.

People who have a certain weight in an area close to you or who are “fans” of something similar to your topic help quite well. How to promote Facebook with their help? Simple enough. For example, you can agree to invite his subscribers to your page, in exchange for a service, or for a fee.

We make accounts

This method requires a lot of labor. The principle of the method is simple: a lot of accounts are created on the same Facebook, as well as in other social networks (Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.). The purpose of this work is to connect various users to these pages, who are then invited to the main page or community. The question may immediately arise: why unwind several pages at the same time? Honestly, this is not about the full promotion of additional accounts. Their goal is only to initially attract customers and transfer them to the main group.


Pictures are always good. In any field of activity you can always find what to photograph. If you post successful, beautiful or "cool" photos in services such as Pinterest or Instagram, then it is quite possible to attract users to your Facebook page.

If it is not possible or time to additionally spin up another page on Twitter, then you can organize an automatic repost to this network of messages from Facebook. For a twi-account, this may not be very good, but it will ensure transitions to the page. Although a much more optimal method would still be the parallel management of accounts in both social networks. At the same time, it is important to take on Twitter a close, but still different topic, or present the information in a different form. The main goal is for Twitter links to direct users to a page or group on Facebook.

Content Control

How to promote facebook without interesting content? Answer: no way! The interests of users - above all. To attract new participants and not discourage existing ones, you should not let the user get bored. Information should be alternated, i.e. to be useful, serious, important and at the same time entertaining. In this case, strict proportions must be observed. The time of posting is also important: when people at work should post more information on the case, but in the evenings and on weekends, the audience can be entertained.

Contests, Promotions, Surveys, and Quizzes

Various contests, polls or quizzes will liven up the page very well. You should not consider such things frivolous. This is interesting to the public, which means it will attract additional users. Well, if such “enticements” are thematic, then this will be just the right target audience.

Do not forget about the promotion of active users. It is imperative to like the regular members for answering questions, their likes or comments. People are pleased.

A group or page must be useful. Otherwise, readers will simply unsubscribe from your account. Post tips, opinions of competent people, various photos and videos. Such posts attract the attention of users much better than direct advertising or dry text information. An important point is tracking user actions. Observe what they are better at responding to and try to present a little more of just that kind of information or post in this form.

Questions and answers

Answering user questions is a must. And the quicker the response, the better. Encourage users for questions. If there are few questions, then you can initiate them yourself. Subsequently, users get involved in the "game" and will ask themselves.


For promotion, interactivity is important. Users should be well aware that they communicate with them, that the page is created for them. It’s important to keep track of the response of the group or page. Try to give more of the information that interests them and what they respond best to. In the end, you can even ask users direct questions: what does the page like and what doesn’t. Such communication also works well in terms of maintaining old and attracting new participants.

And the last one. Do not use bots. Maybe this will lead to quick results, but not for long. Real participants will quickly understand your insincerity, and, as a result, will unsubscribe from you.

There are many ways to promote on Facebook, but most of them are time consuming. Appealing to influential people or getting backlinks is also a good tactic, but marketers rarely have time to complete such tasks.

Thanks to the Facebook Audience Network, which is replenished monthly with a new audience of more than 1 billion people, the platform is becoming increasingly popular among marketers. And there’s a good reason for this: being able to focus on a Facebook-specific audience allows you to reach the right people at the right time.

Why is it worth promoting content on Facebook:

  • CPC is lower than other paid traffic channels;
  • Various advertising functions allow you to reach many potential buyers;
  • Paid promotion extends the capabilities of the Organic Reach metric;
  • Promotion methods are easily customizable and just as easy to manage.

1. Share your post on Facebook

The best way to start promoting your page on Facebook is to do it for free. Share the link to the article on your Facebook page that you want to draw attention to. Copy the URL of the article and paste the link into the window for publishing on Facebook:

About 2% of real people who like your page will see the post. But this 2% is not the main reason why it is worth sharing posts on Facebook.

One of the best ways to find out is to prepare a post for an advertising publication and type a few “likes” for the article. When your target audience sees that others have “liked” your article and even shared it with someone else, she will be interested to know more.

To get your first “likes,” ask your team for help.

After the post is posted, send a link to it to your team and ask them to like and share the post with their friends. So you get the first "likes" necessary to increase clickability.

More likes \u003d more trust \u003d more clicks

After collecting five to ten likes, proceed to the second step - promoting your post on Facebook.

2. Promote your Facebook post

Facebook page promotion is the easiest way to advertise content on Facebook. All that is needed for this is to set a budget, select an audience and click the “ Promote publication»:

The best time to promote the post is about an hour after the publication of the original article.

Set the duration of your paid campaign to one day and use the lowest possible budget. First you need to see what result this advertising campaign will bring, and only then decide whether to increase the budget or extend the period of paid placement:

The best way to quickly check your Facebook campaign’s performance is to use the tool Facebook Ads Manager. With it, you can see three important indicators:

4. Use well-designed images

Another important aspect that affects people who read ads on Facebook is images. Avoid stock photos, especially free ones. People are already tired of looking at the same images. Hire a designer or use the services of advertising organizations focused on work on Facebook:

Tip. To make your advertisement noticeable in the news feed when promoting a company’s business page on Facebook, use images with high color contrast.

5. Write an interesting advertising text

Suppose you wrote an attractive headline for posting on Facebook and found a picture. But there is still a high probability that people will not click on your ad.

Audiences may like a vivid picture, but before clicking on the link, they first want to find out what your article is about. Attaching her short description is of paramount importance!

A study of ads on Facebook showed that most companies have only one ad. This makes it impossible to adjust to the audience, to find out which headings work better, which images to use, etc. The more A / B tests you perform, the less time you spend on advertising with little or no potential.

To create a split test in a few minutes, use " Facebook Ads Manager"Or another tool such as AdEspresso. You will be surprised at how much you can find out by conducting several successful tests.

Tip. To decide which ads work best when promoting a page on Facebook, you first need to make sure the relevance of A / B tests. To do this, you need to get at least 200 clicks, and even better 500.

7. Focus on the right people

Define your target audience to create ads, focusing only on those who will be interested in it. The choice of audience can also affect the cost of a click:

For example, if you want to target everyone who has visited your blog, you can target the blog URLs:

Tip. Create personalized audiences from those who read publications on specific topics on your blog. It will be easier to advertise your new content for them.

9. Use emoji

We recently conducted a test to find out if emojis affect the clickability of Facebook posts, as well as their engagement rate:

Tip. If you aren’t up to date with fresh emojis, try searching them on Emojipedia. You can copy them directly from the text box.

Here is an example of how, when creating a publication on Facebook, this was done in Buffer:


Facebook promotion  - quite simple and profitable. Do not panic if everything seems confusing at first. After creating several advertising campaigns, promoting publications will become no more difficult than a child’s game.

Those who are used to using VKontakte when logging into Facebook usually exclaim woefully: “Damn, where is that ?! Where to push? ”And retire back to a cozy domestic social network. Meanwhile, Facebook has unique opportunities for promoting a business; it’s a sin not to use them.

Like many other SMM specialists, my path to SMM began with work on VKontakte. Then other social networks were mastered. However, over the past couple of years I have preferred Facebook. In this article I want to tell you why I consider it the most convenient social network for promoting a variety of projects.

  1. The ability to search for the target audience. Probably many have heard about Graph Search or social search on Facebook. To use it, you need to switch your account to American English (English US) and use various search phrase templates in the search bar. So, the phrase “people who like (page name)” will allow you to see the list of subscribers to any fan page. You can find the page where your target audience (CA) is and establish contact with the people you are interested in.

Another useful phrase : “Favorite interests of people who like (page name). " It can help you set up targeted ads on Facebook. You can study the interests of subscribers of both your page and pages of similar subjects and pages of your competitors. There are a fairly large number of different queries, you can easily find them with the help of search engines.

  1. Facebook fan pages will help you track the activity of other pages in your niche. You just need to go to the statistics of your page and scroll through the page. Next, select "add page." After that, you will have access to the general statistics of the selected pages.

  As you know, advertising is the engine of trade. And it is precisely the advertising opportunities of Facebook that make me happy the most.

  1. Great opportunities to test different ads in one campaign. So, for example, when creating an advertising campaign, you can upload up to 6 different pictures at once. Facebook will create 6 different ads, and then you can select the most effective images. What's more convenient - you can immediately find pictures from the drain.

This is just the simplest example. For more advanced users I give a hint which settings can be tested at different levels (advertising campaign, ad group, individual ads). True, I did not find such a cheat sheet in Russian.

And this is how the report on the effectiveness of different images will look. As you can see, the cost per click is sometimes dramatically different. However, only the pictures were different.

  1. Ability to create an ad schedule. If you know the activity of your audience, you already have proven ads, you can set a convenient schedule for your ad impressions. This will allow you to spend your advertising budget more efficiently.

  1. Another, yet unparalleled, Facebook tool is the so-called carousel. It will be useful primarily for online stores, information business, although content sites can also use this tool. The carousel allows you to place up to 5 different products in one advertising post, add to each your own headline, short description, photo and link. It looks like this.

First, Facebook displays the goods in a carousel one by one, and then it puts forward more effective ones in the first places.

  1. Recently announced by Facebook a new advertising format - dynamic advertising. It is also primarily useful for e-commerce. Its essence is that you just need to set the retargeting code on the site, upload the catalog to Facebook, and then it will analyze the behavior of visitors on your site and show them ads of the corresponding products from the catalog. This feature is not yet available for all accounts and only in Power Editor.

  1. Since we are talking about retargeting, here Facebook is also much more convenient than the same VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Once you install the code on the site, you can then create the audience of visitors to individual sections and pages of the site. In addition, he can gather in a separate group of people who have not visited your site for more than a certain period. You will have a great reason to remind them of yourself! And if you wish, you can create various combinations of these options.

  And a few words about targeting settings. On Facebook, by testing a number of different audience settings, you can choose the most effective one, give it a name and save. And in the future, you just need to choose the name of this audience. One click and you're done!

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