Tariff plan “Red Energy. Red Energy tariff from MTS

Tariff plans from the Russian operator MTS are always balanced, profitable, interesting. Subscribers are offered packages without a monthly fee and with its presence. Therefore, each user has the opportunity to make their communication costs the most optimized, consistently save money.

The MTS Red Energy tariff is designed for everyone who is not used to using services with a monthly fee. It is part of the MTS tariff line without a monthly fee. It is really absent, and all local calls are charged the same. We will understand the features of this tariff plan.

Red Energy MTS tariff - description

In 2016, Red Energy offers a single cost for all outgoing calls. No need to think about how much you have to pay for a call to a landline phone or a local MegaFon number. But other services are not included here, and if used, they need to be paid separately. This refers to the lack of an Internet traffic package, SMS / MMS.

For those who want to optimize long-distance calls, access the Internet or send SMS cheaply, there is the possibility of connecting a variety of add-ons in the format of options:

  • the cost of intra-network roaming and intercity will help to reduce "Unlimited calls", "Everywhere at home", "Profitable intercity", "Profitable calls from Moscow region";
  • you can save on sending text and multimedia messages thanks to SMS, MMS;
  • cheaper Internet access will be provided by the SuperBIT, BIT, MiniBIT, Internet-VIP, Internet-Maxi, Internet-Mini options. Basic services are suitable for economical subscribers, and if there are other requirements, then the tariff is easy to modify at your own discretion. For example, connect the SMS package and add “SuperBIT” for low-cost Internet, or choose another convenient combination of options.

Why is it impractical to use packet tariff plans? Because not everyone needs unlimited SMS, or an SMS package, but Internet access is needed. And it makes no sense to pay for messages and for the minutes when you need only Internet traffic. Similarly, you can talk about other services.

MTS Red Energy tariff - how much?

Let's start with the calls. If you mean local calls, they are paid at a rate of 1.6 rubles. per minute (this includes calls to landlines of Moscow, Moscow Region, and calls to local MTS numbers, and phones of other local operators). Sending a local SMS will cost 1.9 rubles.

Considering access to the Internet, we conclude that it is not entirely profitable, since megabyte tariffing is applicable here. The price of traffic is 9.9 rubles / Mb. It has already been pointed out earlier that optimizing the cost of Internet access is possible with the help of additional options.

We will also deal with the cost of other lines of communication and services. The following prices apply:

  • call to MTS number (in Russia) - 5 rubles. (per min.);
  • intercity in Russia - 8 rubles. (per min.);
  • calls to the CIS countries - 29 rubles. (per min.);
  • calls in Europe - 49 rubles. (per min.);
  • calls to other countries - 70 rubles. (per min.).

If required, you can optimize the cost of both long-distance and international calls by including options. Thanks to this, communication will become more accessible.

How to switch to the MTS Red Energy tariff?

Many are interested in the Red Energy tariff plan. But how to make the transition to the specified tariff yourself?

There are two ways to accomplish this task:

  • Sending a USSD command *111*727# ;
  • Through . The most convenient way is the latter method, because it is very easy to get any information on your expenses and data by number in your personal account. In addition, through this tool it is most convenient to manage services and tariffs.

The cost of the operation to switch to the tariff " Red Energy"Equals 150 rubles. But if in the last 30 days the subscriber has not made any transitions, then changing the existing tariff plan to Red Energy for him will be free of charge.

MTS Red Energy tariff plan is the choice of those who need cheap calls to numbers of all operators in the home region and who prefer the actual tariffing of cellular services instead of the monthly fee.

MTS Red Energy tariff: description and cost

Buying this starter pack, you will pay 200 rubles in Moscow and Moscow Region. After activating the SIM card, you get 150 rubles for communication services.

The main feature of the Red Energy tariff is the single cost of all outgoing calls within your region.   It doesn’t matter which carrier you’re close to: connecting the Red Energy tariff from MTS in Moscow and Moscow Region, you will pay 1.60 rubles per minute for an outgoing call inside Moscow Region.

Cost of other calls:

  • with an MTS subscriber outside your region - 5 rub / min;
  • with a user of a different cellular network outside your region - 8 rub / min;
  • with residents of the CIS countries - 35 rub / min;
  • with European countries - 49 rub / min;
  • with other powers of the world - 70 rub / min;
  • via satellite - 290 rub / min.

Cost of SMS and Internet with the MTS Red Energy tariff plan:

  • to a subscriber of any network in your region - US $ 1.90 / piece;
  • to the client of any operator outside your region - US $ 3.80 / piece;
  • abroad - US $ 5.25 / piece;
  • MMS - US $ 0.90 / piece.
  • Internet is worth $ 9.90   for one megabyte.

How to make the tariff more profitable

Based on your subscriber behavior and needs, you can save on communication services by connecting special options to the Red Energy tariff:

  1. To reduce Internet costs - “Mini-Bit”, “Bit”, “SuperBit”, “Internet-Mini”, “Internet-Maxi” or “Internet-VIP”.
  2. SMS and MMS packages - to reduce the cost of correspondence.
  3. To save on calls in your region, use the options “Profitable calls from the Moscow region” and “Unlimited calls”. To reduce the cost of calls with subscribers outside your region of connection, use the option.

Such offers usually require a small one-time payment and imply a monthly fee - either daily or once a month.

Package Options

Becoming a MTS client with the Red Energy tariff, you automatically receive the following set of paid services when you connect:

  • “SMS Smart Package”.   Within 15 days from the date of connection, send up to 10 messages per day for free. After the expiration of this period, the operator begins to charge a monthly fee of 5 rubles per day;
  • SuperBIT Smart.   After spending the first 3 megabytes, which will be free, the operator will enable this option: for 12 rubles per day, use 3 gigabytes of Internet per month without tariffing;
  • "BIT abroad."   For 450 rubles / day in the base countries (their list is on the MTS website), you get unlimited Internet access. In other countries, the service will cost from 550 to 1,500 rubles / day, and online traffic will be limited to 30 to 1 megabytes per day.

Roaming for MTS Red Energy tariff

Talks in national roaming cost 10.90 rpm   for all incoming calls and for outgoing calls to numbers in the home region and on the MTS Russia network. For conversations with subscribers of other operators outside the home region, the cost of 8 rubles per minute.

If you travel frequently in Russia, enable the option. For 30 rubles once and a monthly fee of 7 rubles / day you get:

  • free inbox
  • all outgoing - 3 rubles / min .;
  • free 100 SMS per day, then at the basic rate.

Both international roaming and national roaming in MTS Red Energy are connected automatically and immediately ready for use.

How to switch to the Red Energy tariff from MTS

You do not pay for the transition if more than a month has passed since the last change of the tariff plan within the MTS network. Otherwise, prepare 150 rubles on the account. Below are the ways to connect the MTS Red Energy tariff:

  • If you are already a client of Mobile Tele Systems, send a request for a number * 111 * 727 #   from your mobile phone.
  • Register on the MTS website and use the "My Account".
  • Use the application “My MTS”.
  • Call the short number 0890 . Follow the operator's instructions to switch to the MTS Red Energy tariff.
  • Buy a starter pack. This option is not suitable if you use the services of another operator and want to keep your number.

Do you know that Red Energy is one of the operator’s oldest tariffs and has been almost 7 years old? Of course, in the modern Energy there is nothing left of the very first TP with its large-scale advertising campaign. Remember that famous robot video?

Among the line of current offers from one of the largest operators in Russia - MTS, there is also a tariff such as “Red Energy”. Perhaps he is not as popular as packages from the Smart line, but many people in vain bypass him, because he has a lot of advantages. And today we will pay attention to them in our article.

To whom the Red Energy tariff from MTS is suitable, its advantages

If we talk briefly about the primary advantages and fundamental differences of this offer from other MTS packages, it should be noted that it is ideal for customers who do not travel often around the country and make calls mainly within the home region.

Subscribers who decide to connect Red Energy from MTS are provided with excellent conditions for communicating with interlocutors-clients of any other mobile operators within the connection region.

Details on the tariff plan of MTS Red Energy

Actual version. Tariff information updated October 27, 2018

When analyzing this tariff in more detail, it should be emphasized that the maximum benefits when using it can be achieved by connecting additional options. This is exactly what the offer is designed for, because subscription fee is disabled for him. Accordingly, in the "stock" form, the offer does not have the most favorable conditions for using cellular communications, which look like this:

  • Making calls to any destination at home: 1.60 rubles per minute;
  • Making calls around the country to MTS / other numbers: 5.00 / 8.00 rubles per minute;
  • Using Internet traffic: 9.90 rubles. for 1 megabyte;
  • Sending messages at home: 1.90 rubles .;
  • Sending SMS within the country / abroad: 3.80 / 5.25 rubles .;
  • Sending multimedia messages: 9.90 rub. for MMS.
Be careful: if there are no outgoing calls, SMS or any other paid services on the phone for 90 consecutive calendar days, from 91 days automatically starts to be charged 3.00 ₽ per day as a monthly fee. From the moment of any paid service, the subscription fee for 90 days will no longer be charged.

If you are also interested in the possibility of making calls abroad, then the charging for each minute of the conversation is as follows:

  • In the CIS: 35 rubles .;
  • To Europe: 49 rub.;
  • Other countries of the world: 70 rub.
Be careful: when connecting, by default, the options “Basic Internet Charging” are activated with, to put it mildly, a rather expensive Internet access cost of 20 Mb. for 25 ₽ and “First Internet Package” with a monthly fee of 360 ₽ per month. We recommend changing these options to something more affordable.

In this situation, users can use the whole list of offers “Bit”, “Internet” or Turbo-Buttons, which includes a variety of traffic quotas.

Not all people like monthly fixed rates. They prefer to pay only for the amount of services they use. For such customers, the company has prepared the MTS Red Energy tariff. Customers using this tariff are not forced to make mandatory payments, guaranteeing one call cost and SMS. Let's find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of Red Energy.

The tariff is not the first year that pleases lovers of the lack of a monthly fee. Previously, he positioned himself as an ideal tariff for young people, which surprised many. Mobile Internet is of great importance for young people, the Red Energy conditions do not attract this factor at all. He does not have a specific age category. What can attract such a tariff?

It does not matter if the client calls the MTS number or another operator, the outgoing call will be paid at the rate of 1.60 rubles per minute of conversation. This is incredibly convenient, especially for people who travel a little and do not really like to talk on the phone. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • you pay one cost per call, regardless of the operator;
  • one price per SMS;
  • the subscription fee is completely absent (there are not many fans of this factor, but they are);
  • a huge selection of additional options with daily payment.

Excellent conditions for fans to sometimes talk on the phone with friends and relatives in their region. If you want to talk with friends from another region, be prepared for an incredibly high cost.

Service cost table

Frankly, Red Energy is far from the most favorable tariff from MTS. Its huge advantage is the absence of a monthly fee, but the high cost of calls to other regions even covers such a plus. The company employs professionals, they understand that releasing a package that is not popular is stupid. If he continues to go out, he managed to win the hearts of many customers. Let's take a closer look at the cost of services.

Service Cost per minute (rubles)
Monthly usage fee Missing
Calls to MTS numbers in Moscow and the Moscow Region 1.60
Calls to subscribers of other operators in Moscow and the Moscow region 1.60
Cost of a call to MTS subscribers in other regions of Russia 5.00
Other country operators 8.00
Calls to the CIS countries 35.00
Europe 49.00
Other countries 70.00
Dedicated Calls - Calls to GTNT and GlobalTel 79.00
There is a possibility of calls to the area of \u200b\u200bsatellite communication systems 290.00
Outgoing messages in Moscow and the Moscow region 1.90
Outgoing messages to other regions of Russia 3.80
SMS to other countries 5.25
MMS messages 6.50
1 megabyte without the SuperBIT Smart option 9.90 (with option free)

Before connecting, you should approximately calculate the number of minutes for the previous month. If you communicate a little, after calculating with the Red Energy tariff you get a small cost, connect. If during the calculation it turned out that it will come out much more expensive, look at other options.

Additional services

Significantly you can save by connecting the additional options described below:

  1. Call for free on MTS Russia 100. When this option is connected, the subscriber will automatically receive an additional 100 minutes. They can be used for calls in their own or other regions of the country. The client needs to pay 3.50 rubles per day in order to continue using the option. If you want to activate the service, you need to dial * 868 # and press “call”. You can use SMS: dial 868 in the text of the message and send to number 111.
  2. SMS Smart Package. When switching to the MTS Red Energy tariff, this service is activated. The subscriber pays only 5 rubles, in return he is given the opportunity to send additional messages in his region. The operator does not matter. 5 rubles is removed from your balance once a day. To disconnect, you just need to dial * 111 * 9009 #.
  3. SuperBITSmart»For internet lovers. Connection gives an additional 3 Gigabytes of Internet per month for 12 rubles.

In this tariff, services are very beneficial, because packages are not always needed by subscribers.

Additional messages or minutes may not always come in handy, and the Internet will definitely not be superfluous. This is a significant advantage of Red Energy, which you can connect using the instructions below.

Red Energy Connection

If you like this tariff, and its conditions do not spend more time, choose one of the transition methods:

  • from your phone dial * 111 * 727 # and instantly change the tariff plan;
  • go to the MTS website, go to your personal account, select this tariff and activate it;
  • download the application for the My MTS mobile phone, with which you can change the tariff on the go;
  • the company has an excellent customer support center, just call 0890 and they will help you change the tariff;
  • personally visit the nearest MTS showroom and buy Red Energy.

The cost of the transition will increase to 150 rubles in case of a change in the package of services for the last month.

To find the optimal tariff plan that would suit 100% is almost impossible. All offers of mobile operators have their own characteristics: the high cost of communication services, the Internet, the presence of a monthly fee, the need to track traffic, slowing down after exceeding a certain threshold, etc.

Some subscribers find reasonable rates with the included volume of minutes, messages or the Internet, implying the need for daily or monthly payment. For others, the presence of subscription payments is a “stop signal”, and they find a way out in optimizing TP by connecting additional services and options that provide discounts on specific directions of calls, sending text messages or the Internet.

general description

Activation of packages containing a certain limit of minutes, SMS and megabytes also allows you to configure the tariff plan to the needs of the subscriber. However, before you start connecting options and packages, you should choose the appropriate tariff. Each mobile operator can find options without monthly or daily payments, with a low cost of calls. The MTS Red Energy tariff is one such offer. In this article, we will get to know him in more detail, find out what conditions he implies and what advantages he has.

Red Energy MTS tariff: description

Before telling about what conditions the MTS mobile operator offers regarding this tariff plan, I would like to note a few facts.

Red Energy is one of the tariff plans that do not have monthly payments, since it does not imply the included amount of services (such as Smart line tariffs, where for a certain payment packages of minutes, services and megabytes are provided every month).

The acceptable cost of calls and SMS messages (in the home region), as well as a single tariff for all calls in your area, make TP universal and truly profitable.

TP "Red Energy": the cost of services

This option can be a wonderful solution for those subscribers who do not want to bother about the regular deposit of funds into the subscription fee and constantly monitor the balances of service packages. As mentioned earlier, the single cost of outgoing calls to numbers in your region makes the MTS Red Energy tariff attractive in the eyes of customers. After all, there is no need to worry about how much you have to spend on a call to a landline phone or to a number, for example, the Tele2 mobile operator.

A minute to numbers in your area costs 1.60 rubles. (billing per minute). Sending a text message to home region numbers will cost a little more - 1.90 rubles. A megabyte of Internet, without connecting additional options and packages, costs 9.90 rubles. It is possible to reduce the cost by activating various services. As for calls to numbers registered outside the home area, the MTS Red Energy tariff implies the following rates:

  • sending text messages: in our country - 3.80 rubles., abroad - 5.25 rubles .;
  • calls to the numbers of the same mobile operator - 5 rubles; for other mobile companies - 8 rubles .;
  • connection with CIS numbers will cost 29 rubles / min., Europe - 49 rubles.

Calls to all other countries will cost 70 rubles per minute. If necessary, you can use the options to reduce the cost.

Tariff activation conditions

Go to the MTS Red Energy tariff in any convenient way from those offered by the mobile operator. What is important to know before changing the TP?

If at the moment you have set a tariff that is “archived” (you can check this by going to the MTS website, if it does not appear in the list of available TPs, then most likely it is not active, or by calling the customer service), then after leaving him, it will be impossible to return. Therefore, you should think carefully and compare the conditions of one and the other option.

How to switch to the Red Energy MTS tariff at no extra charge? Change of TP is carried out for 150 rubles. An exception is when more than 30 days have passed since the change in the conditions of use of the number. A similar rule applies to a number of MTS tariffs.

Options for connecting to TP

How to connect the Red Energy tariff on MTS independently? TP activation can be done through the USSD request * 111 * 727 # or through the user's personal account (similar functionality is also present in the My MTS mobile application). After the operation, you must wait about fifteen minutes, and you can safely begin to communicate under the new conditions.

Additional options available for connection

If the conditions of the tariff plan are satisfactory, but not fully, for example, if you want to reduce the cost of Internet services, you should pay attention to a number of options. They can be used on various TPs. Please note that to clarify whether it is possible to connect the selected service option for your region to the Red Energy tariff, MTS (the description of which is given in this article) allows the customer service on the website or by phone. In the list of available options:

  • to optimize the cost of the Internet: SuperBit, BIT, MiniBit, etc .;
  • to reduce the price of calls for long-distance calls and when roaming in the country: “Everywhere at home”, “My country”, etc .; similar offers exist for SMS messages.

Thus, the Red Energy tariff can be a very successful choice for subscribers who want to save money and choose the required amount of services or options for themselves to optimize communication or Internet costs.

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