Accelerometer in the phone: what is it? Accelerometer in the phone: what it is and how it works

Modern technologies allow a person to largely experience the superiority of the present in materialized dreams and assumptions of the past, which are most clearly manifested in devices that are so familiar to us today, like mobile phones.

Bringing fiction to life

Accelerometer in the phone - what is it and what is it for? It is about this necessary function that will be discussed in the framework of this article. Today you will not surprise anyone with the compact size of an ultra-thin laptop or cell phone, the case of which is only a few millimeters thick. For most of us, the incredible technical capabilities of individual electronic devices is an obvious fact. Today we humans are operating in truly fantastic volumes of data, and the speed of information transfer has long overcome the “light” mark. But behind these abilities are the completely understandable nature of the device, the properties and functionality of which depend only on the level of technology used. A rather complex mechanism that measures gravitational acceleration - the accelerometer, found its purpose in electronic devices. One of these devices just became a modern mobile phone.

Movement magic

So, the accelerometer in the phone - what is this device? There is a simple answer to this question: it is a sensor that determines the spatial position of the object into which it is embedded. The shape and type of the information displayed by the telephone display depends on the position of the device. For example, a picture can change its orientation with respect to the X and Y axes. Due to physical impact - rotation, shock or shaking - a functional algorithm can activate a particular software process. When using a pedometer or a game application, the principle of measuring gravitational acceleration remains unchanged.

Accelerometer in the phone - what is this device and what are its advantages?

The versatility of the phone’s spatial position sensor greatly facilitates the management of the gaming application. The user during the game moves the device relative to two planes, thereby affecting the overall process of the program. It is worth noting that the speed with which the gamer changes the angle of inclination also has a mathematical value, which is a factor in the necessary reaction. Of course, the accelerometer has significantly expanded the functionality of a modern mobile phone. Thanks to this orientation device, the use of a compass, GPS navigation and electronic toys has been greatly simplified and become more convenient.

Spatial Controller Utility Overview

Let's look at a few good points when using the basic functional capabilities of the accelerometer:

1. It is advisable to use a pedometer while jogging. Exercising control through this application, you will always have information about the number of steps taken, which will become a kind of incentive to improve the result of training and qualitatively affect the overall course of sports.

2. The accelerometer sensor in the phone eliminates the sometimes complex, but at the same time time-consuming process of controlling the game, bringing the user closer to understanding absolute comfort. Natural body movements allow the gamer to get maximum pleasure. The effectiveness of the impact does not lie in the force of pressing or the right button, but solely depends on the choice of the optimal amplitude of movement and the accuracy of the positioning process. The ease and ease of the game moment allow us to consider the accelerometer as an indisputable advantage in controlling the game scenario.

3. When you need to take a comfortable position, say, lie on your side, and the phone is still necessary for use, the device’s spatial position sensor will turn the device’s interface over, making it easier to perceive visually displayed information. Games with an accelerometer installed on the phone today have gained total popularity not only among teenagers ... It has been noticed that in the circles of the older generation there has also been a certain tendency towards applications that use spatial positioning technology.

4. Watching the video will become more acceptable if the screen of the electronic device is rotated to the landscape format, which will also be beneficial for viewing photos, e-mail or writing not too capacious messages. Working with graphic tables and editing articles using the accelerometer function also translates into more efficient returns.

The issue of device reliability

The accelerometer in a mobile phone is becoming an integral part of the hardware capabilities of a modern device. The relative simplicity of the structural elements of the spatial sensor allows you to meet a high level of reliability. Judge for yourselves, technology by definition is designed to work in extreme operating conditions. Aircraft industry and astronautics allowed to bring the device to technical perfection. Indeed, in these areas of application, the technology for determining and measuring the acceleration of the spatial position of an object is an indispensable element that determines jewelry accuracy and the correct operation of on-board control systems. Of course, a mobile phone is not a highly reliable product. Serial production and automation of the conveyor manufacturing process often allows for marriage.

What if?..

Do not shake, beat or rub the phone, if suddenly the sensor has stopped functioning. Shamanistic dances with a tambourine and reading magic mantras also will not have the desired result. A problematic situation when the accelerometer does not work can be solved only in two ways:

  • Software repair (tuning, flashing and updating phone software).
  • Hardware recovery of the spatial sensor (replacement of the control module, maintenance).

Moreover, the second option is the prerogative of electronic specialists.

However, let's look at a few more important arguments in favor of such an important device.

Station wagon is always in demand

Using the special “level” application, you can easily determine the evenness of walls and slopes or the correct installation of the cornice. It is worth noting that the presence of an accelerometer in a mobile device can greatly simplify the search for a desired object within a settlement, and will also provide invaluable assistance in a campaign when using a compass becomes a vital means of orientation. Curious moments of using the acceleration sensor will be fully satisfied when the user wants to know the actual acceleration parameters of the vehicle. Again, exciting races, downloaded to the phone with an accelerometer from the Internet, can add variety and dispel boredom in unforeseen moments of expectation. The versatility of use and the breadth of the incredible capabilities of the spatial device cannot be fully reflected in this article. Therefore, you will have to feel the exciting surprise and fascinating process of learning the large-scale mission of the electronic “vestibule” more than once.


So what is an accelerometer in a phone? Is this a new control system or is it a device for measuring physical parameters? I hasten to please you: both that and another. This is another achievement of technological progress that allows a person to feel additional comfort and increase the efficiency of using an object with applied technology.

Surely you have heard more than once that many smartphones are equipped with an accelerometer. We tell inexperienced users what it is and why it is needed.

In an understandable language, an accelerometer (also called a G-sensor) is a sensor that determines the angle of inclination of a smartphone or tablet relative to the earth's surface. It measures acceleration by comparing three spatial coordinate axes: X (width), Y (length) and Z (height).

Based on accelerometer data, the gadget software changes the orientation of the phone screen. If you rotate the device with the built-in G-sensor 90 degrees, the display will flip the image automatically.

In the smartphone, the accelerometer is installed in the form of a small chip or sensor, several times smaller than a 10-kopek coin. Despite this, it provides many functions of modern Android devices.

Why do I need a G-sensor?

Sports enthusiasts can use the accelerometer to determine the number of steps taken using special pedometer applications. They can be built into the smartphone, or they will have to be downloaded from Google Play.

For fans of gaming applications on smartphones, the G-sensor is just a godsend. It will allow you to control the game process by turning the smartphone. Since the accelerometer reacts to the slightest changes in the angle of inclination, the application will instantly respond to any of your actions. This applies to games of various genres, especially racing.

Also, auto-rotate the screen will add convenience when watching movies and photos, as well as reading electronic books.

If you often go to the forest for mushrooms or for other reasons, be aware that you probably have a compass in your pocket. Typically, this is a preinstalled application that works with a G-sensor.

By installing the “level” application, you can forget about the bulky construction device. And here everything is in the accelerometer - it will allow you to determine the evenness of the wall or the exact angle of its inclination.

Of course, if you do not use all of this, the accelerometer will even bother you a little by constantly changing the screen orientation. But you can always turn it off by going to the screen settings.


Despite its modest size, the accelerometer adds a lot of different features to smartphones. For this reason, manufacturers equip the G-sensor in most modern devices.

Now it’s hard to imagine our life without smartphones and tablets. And from year to year they are becoming more perfect. The amount of RAM is increased, the number of cores in the processor is added (and their frequency is increased), graphic processors are installed for processing graphics (including 3D), cameras become dual, which allows you to take clear photos in high resolution, screens become more sophisticated and much more another. Moreover, it should be noted that all these excellence are completed in a rather thin case of several millimeters. But there are two small details that no smartphone or tablet can do without - these are accelerometer sensors and a gyroscope. However, they are installed in other electronic devices, for example, in quadrocopters. They are even installed on some hard drives. Consider what the accelerometer in the phone is, how it is arranged and what it is used for.

Using the accelerometer sensor in the phone

The accelerometer in the phone is what allows you to measure the apparent acceleration (i.e., the difference between the true and gravitational acceleration of the device). It allows the software to "feel" the movement of the smartphone in space, as well as control the device by turning, shaking, or even tapping. For example, changing the orientation of the screen when turning the smartphone is carried out due to the built-in accelerometer sensor. With its help, control is carried out in some games, for example, such as Doodle Jump. In it, the main character jumps up the platforms, and your task is to control it by turning the phone left or right.

So, the accelerometer sensor in the phone is mainly used for the following tasks:

  • Auto-rotate screen;
  • Management in some games by tilting the device;
  • Tracking physical activity (for example, to count steps while walking or training);
  • Manage your smartphone (or some applications) using specially designed gestures, such as shaking, turning, etc.

The device and principle of operation of the accelerometer

Externally, the accelerometer is a very tiny sensor, about the size of a match head.

The sensor device is quite simple. It consists of:

  • Springs (which is attached to the fixed part);
  • Masses;
  • Damper.

The damper is necessary in order to absorb the natural vibrations of the weight (mass). When the device changes its position or rotates, the spring deforms. All this is recorded and converted into an electrical signal, and then processed using programs.

But only one axis works this way. So that the phone can navigate in three-dimensional space, two more axes are added (there are three in total). The result is a kind of gyroscope.

Above, we examined what principles an accelerometer works with and what parts it consists of. It’s clear that you can’t put such a design into a thin smartphone. Therefore, engineers have developed a special miniature version. It is arranged as follows:

In short, it works like this: a special partition with contacts laid aside is attached to a fixed body (the body itself on elastic consoles). The taps themselves are placed between the contacts, which take readings of the change in field strength. The production of such sensors is carried out on special equipment.

There are several articles on our website about various sensors used in modern mobile devices. Today we’ll talk about the accelerometer in the phone - what is it?

Many users believe that this is one and the same, although we are talking about two different devices that perform completely different functions.

Almost all smartphones have a built-in accelerometer (of course, if you have an old Nokia 7610). In this case, we consider devices running Android | iOS | Windows Mobile

The name of the sensor comes from the English word "Acceleration" - acceleration. Actually, the sensor is also needed for the correct measurement of this indicator. But why? This is necessary to measure the speed of movement of the phone. The information taken from this device is also used by the gyroscope to more accurately calculate the position of the device in 3D space. That is, we are now talking about two different devices that closely interact with each other. But the principle of action is completely different. Next, we consider in more detail.

What is a sensor for?

With its advent, smartphones have acquired additional functionality, without which it is now difficult to imagine your life:

  • Measure the exact number of steps taken. Extremely useful feature for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, use fitness trackers;
  • Automatically rotate the image on the screen. Well, there’s no point explaining it. Without an accelerometer, you would have to constantly poke your finger into the program button;
  • Simplification of the gameplay (does not work everywhere, but only in applications that support this mode). You can tilt the smart left and right in racing simulators to control cars;

  • Shaking and other gestures for quick access to some features of the gadget. For example, it’s realistic to switch tracks in the music player, accept / drop a call, etc. Here on my Xiaomi, you can turn the phone upside down, and thus put the call into silent mode;
  • Providing more accurate information for programs with geolocation (Google Maps, Yandex Navigator).

You can list for a long time. What kind of sensor have been sorted out, now let's move on to the theory and clever words in order to understand the principle.

Useful content:

How does the accelerometer work?

The first variations of the device were technically complex and relatively dimensional, unsuitable for integration into compact devices. But their purpose was different.

Now the design has become more compact, fits in a single chip. Inside it is something like this:

A practical device - an accelerometer, allows you to measure and adjust the speed of vehicles. For the first time such devices appeared in the configuration of Ford and Mercedes-Benz cars. A little later they began to be installed in mobile phones and other technical devices.

Accelerometer in a smartphone

Accelerometer, what is it in the phone and by what principle does it work?

The initial accelerometers were large in size, which did not allow the device to be embedded in a miniature mobile phone case.

Specialists decided to create a miniature chip with an inert mass inside, which tracks acceleration with fixing data on changes in the location of the object.

The general algorithm of the mobile accelerometer does not differ from the basic principle of the original device.

Modern gadgets are also equipped with this small, but very convenient mechanism. The accelerometer in a smartphone or tablet allows you to save important data, measures the level of displacement from the level of the state of rest, tracks human activity, and also recognizes and demonstrates the location in space.

Other important functions of the accelerometer in a mobile phone:

  • measurement of the number of steps (pedometer);
  • provides convenient control by instant response to a change in the position of the device;
  • flips the screen when changing position, creating the most comfortable conditions for the operation of the gadget.

By the way, most modern smartphones are also equipped with a gyroscope.

The gyroscope in the phone provides the gadget with the function of changing the orientation of the device from portrait to landscape, depending on its location. The first gyro sensor in the mobile industry was installed in iPhone 4.

New features of the phone won over users and this idea was soon picked up by other manufacturing companies. Many modern smartphones already have an accelerometer and a gyroscope that improve the functionality of the gadget.

Accelerometer Function in Fitness Watch

In watches and in fitness bracelets, the accelerometer performs the control function:

  • measures the number of steps;
  • calculates the speed and distance traveled;
  • sets how much energy a person spent during training;
  • recognizes heart rate.

All information is automatically recorded during a person’s sleep and wakefulness. Such data is stored in the report of the installed application. A very convenient device for those who play sports and monitor their health!

Accelerometer function in the DVR

Car DVRs have long been equipped with an accelerometer chip. This device captures sudden changes in traffic and ensures the safety of video files from the registrar.

The accelerometer in the DVR also performs:

  • collection of information about car acceleration and its storage in a computer;
  • when defining “disturbing events” (for example, sudden braking, shock or turn), it starts the recorder to turn on automatically, which could be turned off at that time;
  • prevent accidental deletion of video recordings at the time of "disturbing events" by storing this information in a special separate folder.

Simply put, an accelerometer is a very necessary and convenient thing, successfully applied in different directions.

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