Interactive presentation on the topic of programming. Programming languages. Software development

The purpose of programming is the development of computer control programs in order to solve various information problems. The purpose of programming is the development of computer control programs in order to solve various information problems. Professionals in programming are called programmers.

Programming is usually divided into system and application programming. Programming is usually divided into system and application programming. System programmers are engaged in the development of system software: operating systems, utilities, etc., as well as programming systems. Application programmers create application programs: editors, spreadsheets, games, tutorials, and more.

A variety of programming languages \u200b\u200bare available for writing programs. A variety of programming languages \u200b\u200bare available for writing programs. A programming language is a fixed notation for describing algorithms and data structures.

Over the years of the existence of computers, many programming languages \u200b\u200bhave been created. The most famous among them: Fortran, Pascal, BASIC, C (C), etc. Over the years of the existence of computers, many programming languages \u200b\u200bhave been created. The most famous among them: Fortran, Pascal, BASIC, C (C), etc. Common programming languages \u200b\u200btoday are C ++, Delphi, Java, Pascal, Visual Basic, Python.

To create and execute on a computer a program written in a programming language, programming systems are used. To create and execute on a computer a program written in a programming language, programming systems are used. A programming system is a computer software designed for the development, debugging and execution of programs written in a separate programming language.

Programming systems are subdivided: Programming systems are subdivided: universal programming (Pascal, Basic, etc.) - not focused on a narrow application area; highly specialized programming (Web programming, HTML language).

The algorithm is compiled for a specific performer. The algorithm is compiled for a specific performer. As an executor, we will consider a computer equipped with a programming system in a specific language. The executing computer works with certain data according to a certain program. Data is a multitude of quantities.

A separate information object (number, symbol, table, etc.) is a value. A separate information object (number, symbol, table, etc.) is a value. Any value processed by the program takes its place in the computer memory. The value of a quantity is the information stored in this memory field.

Numerical values \u200b\u200bin programming, as well as mathematical values, are divided into variables and constants (constants). Numerical values \u200b\u200bin programming, as well as mathematical values, are divided into variables and constants (constants). For example: (a-2ab + b), where a, b are variables, 2 is a constant. Constants are written in algorithms with their decimal values, for example: 23, 3.5, 34. The value of the constant is stored in the memory cell allocated for it and remains unchanged during the program

Variables in programming, as in mathematics, are denoted by symbolic names. These names are called identifiers. The identifier can be one letter, many letters, a combination of letters and numbers, etc. Examples of identifiers: A, X, B3, prim, r25, etc. Variables in programming, as in mathematics, are denoted by symbolic names. These names are called identifiers. The identifier can be one letter, many letters, a combination of letters and numbers, etc. Examples of identifiers: A, X, B3, prim, r25, etc.

Any algorithm for working with values \u200b\u200bcan be composed of the following commands: Any algorithm for working with values \u200b\u200bcan be composed of the following commands: assignment; input; output; access to an auxiliary algorithm; cycle; branching.

The values \u200b\u200bof the variables that are the initial data of the problem being solved, as a rule, are specified by input. The values \u200b\u200bof the variables that are the initial data of the problem being solved, as a rule, are specified by input. input<список переменных> For example: input A, B, C

Variables are given specific values \u200b\u200bby executing an assignment command or an input command. Variables are given specific values \u200b\u200bby executing an assignment command or an input command. If no value is assigned to a variable (or not entered), then it is undefined.

The results of solving the problem are communicated by the computer to the user by executing the output command. The results of solving the problem are communicated by the computer to the user by executing the output command. Output< список вывода > For example: pin X1, X2

Questions and Tasks Questions and Tasks 1. What is a value? What is the difference between variables and constants? 2. What determines the value of a quantity? 3. What are the main types of values \u200b\u200bin programming? 4. How is the assignment command written? 5. What is input? How is the input command written? 6. What is a conclusion? How is the output command written? 7. In a schematic form, reflect the changes in the values \u200b\u200bin the cells corresponding to the variables A and B, during the sequential execution of the assignment commands: 1) A: \u003d 1 2) A: \u003d 1 3) A: \u003d 1 B: \u003d 2 B: \u003d 2 B: \u003d 2 A: \u003d A + B C: \u003d A A: \u003d A + B B: \u003d 2xA A: \u003d B B: \u003d A-B B: \u003d C A: \u003d A-B 8. Instead of ellipsis, write in algorithm several assignment commands, as a result of which an algorithm for raising to the fourth power of the entered number should be obtained (do not use additional variables): input A ... output A

Assignments: Write in algorithmic language an algorithm for adding two simple fractions (without reducing the fraction). Write in algorithmic language an algorithm for calculating y according to the formula y \u003d (1-x2 + 5x4) 2, where x is a given integer. Consider the following restrictions: 1) in arithmetic expressions, you can only use the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication; 2) each expression can contain only one arithmetic operation. Trace the algorithm at x \u003d 2.

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What is programming Computer science teacher MBOU secondary school № 6 Fedorova Olga Mikhailovna

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who are programmers; what is a programming language; what is a programming system. The main topics of the lesson: grade 9, teacher of informatics Fedorova O.M.

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Now you have to take a closer look at another section of computer science, which is called "Programming". Professionals in programming are called programmers. In the early years of the existence of computers, in order to use a computer in any field, one had to be able to program. In the 1970s - 80s of the XX century, applied software began to develop. The rapid spread of application software happened with the advent of personal computers. It became completely unnecessary to be able to program in order to use a computer. People working on computers were divided into users and programmers. Currently, there are many more users than programmers. Who are the 9th grade programmers, teacher of informatics Fedorova O.M.

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Programming is usually divided into system and application programming. System programmers are engaged in the development of system software: operating systems, utilities, etc., as well as programming systems. Application programmers create application programs: editors, spreadsheets, games, tutorials, and more. The demand for highly qualified programmers, both system and application, is very high. Grade 9, teacher of informatics Fedorova O.M.

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A variety of programming languages \u200b\u200bare available for writing programs. Over the years of the existence of computers, many programming languages \u200b\u200bhave been created. The most famous among them: Fortran, Pascal, BASIC, C (C), etc. Common programming languages \u200b\u200btoday are C ++, Delphi, Java, Pascal, Visual Basic, Python. What is a programming language Grade 9, teacher of computer science Fedorova O.M.

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To create and execute on a computer a program written in a programming language, programming systems are used. What is a 9th grade programming system, teacher of informatics Fedorova O.M.

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Programming is a field of computer science dedicated to the development of computer control programs for the purpose of solving various information problems. Programming can be systemic and applied. Pascal, BASIC, C, Fortran are universal programming languages. A programming system is a computer software designed to develop, debug, and execute programs written in a specific programming language. Briefly about the main grade 9, teacher of informatics Fedorova O.M.

8 slide

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What is programming? What tasks do system and application programmers solve? What are the most common programming languages? What is the purpose of programming systems? Questions and tasks Grade 9, teacher of informatics Fedorova O.M.

summaries of presentations

Algorithmization and programming

Slides: 39 Words: 3752 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Unified State Exam informatics. Task C2. Algorithm for obtaining. Pascal. BASIC. Pascal. BASIC. Algorithm for calculating the number of largest elements. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. BASIC. BASIC. An array of 30 integer elements. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. Integers are entered from the keyboard. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. Pascal. There is a chip on the coordinate plane at the point (0, -5). Players take turns. Possible move. The distance from the chip to the point. Who will win if both players play flawlessly. What should be the first move of the winning player. - Algorithmization and Programming.ppt

Algorithmization and programming languages

Slides: 119 Words: 6056 Sounds: 0 Effects: 400

Algorithmization and programming. The concept of an algorithm and its properties. Algorithm. Varieties of algorithms. Algorithm properties. Algorithm compilation. Methods for describing algorithms. Block diagram. The beginning or end of the algorithm. Basic algorithmic constructions. Block diagram for calculating the hypotenuse. Forking computational process. Branching option. Algorithm for calculating a function. Cyclic computing process. Cycle. Loop with precondition. Basic algorithms. Three numbers a, b, c are given. Euclid's Algorithm. Calculate the factorial F of a natural number N. Product rule. - Algorithmization and programming languages.ppt

Automatic programming

Slides: 37 Words: 1019 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Automata theory in programming. Automata programming tools. Course instructors. Place and time of the classes. How to get credit. Virtual laboratory. Write a program. The purpose of the course work. Department site. Application areas of automata programming. Classification of programs. Applicability criteria. Entity with complex behavior. Usage example. Complex behavior. Automata programming ideas. Automatic approach. Basic concepts of automata programming. Basic concepts. System state properties. - Automatic programming.ppt

Linear programming method

Slides: 62 Words: 622 Sounds: 0 Effects: 429

Linear programming. Construction of the canonical form. Simplex method. General linear programming problem. Canonical linear programming problem. Construction. Construction of the canonical form 2. The first geometric interpretation. Graphical solution method. Possible situations when solving a linear programming problem. Let's consider the problem. Theorem. Basic theorems. LP theorems. Basic LP theorems. Properties of a polyhedral convex cone. Theorems. Geometric interpretation. Second geometric interpretation. Basic plan. Plan. The basic plan is non-degenerate. - Linear programming method.ppt

Linear programming problems

Slides: 41 Words: 1482 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Linear programming problems. Linear programming. Linear function. A set of ratios. Constants. Extremum of the objective function. ZLP looks like. Designate variables. Examples of tasks. Optimal resource allocation problem. Production plan. Objective function. Examples. General fund of working time. You can create a system of restrictions. Let's compose the objective function. Maximum value. Kefir. Basic equipment. Profit. Decision. Time limits. Total profit. Mixture problem. Table. The cost of the diet. Mathematical formulation of the problem. - Linear programming problems.ppt

Software development technology

Slides: 40 Words: 2183 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Software development technology. Structure-functions-coctab. Generalized structure of the control system. The composition of the control system. Control system functions. Built-in control systems. Characteristics of the process technology. Software development standards. Program memory. Debugging. V-model of software development. Spiral model of full cycle development. Classification of software development methods. Hierarchy of software development methods. Linear approach. Component programming. Implementation mechanism. Benefits. Introduction to operating systems. Operating system. - Software development technology.ppt

Software development

Slides: 30 Words: 726 Sounds: 0 Effects: 32

Software development. Software development. Systems approach. Object properties. System. Technological cycle of software development. Information flows of PS synthesis. User need. Software requirements specification. Specification requirements. Types of non-functional requirements. Word. Requirements. Requirements are the life of the project. Quality and requirements. Wrong work with requirements. Information model of the process. Project management. Software design methods. Analysis model. Design features. Software project. Software design. Difference between complex software and a program. - Software development.ppt

Application design

Slides: 28 Words: 1801 Sounds: 0 Effects: 229

Patterns as a means of automating the design of application programs. Advances in the development of programming languages \u200b\u200bin the 60-70s of the last century. Application programming crisis. Schematic diagram of the process of developing computer programs. In the future, the development will not be a programmer. A rather close direction in theory. The ability to generate efficient application programs. Design system concept. 5 years of experience (1971 - 1975) of "manual" design. Projects offering natural language programming. Application Generation Concepts. - Application Design .ppsx

Software architecture

Slides: 26 Words: 878 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Software architecture. Architecture concept. Organizational structure. Occam's razor. Separation of responsibility. Separation of abstractions. Abstraction levels. Types of responsibilities. Non-functional requirements. Cross-cutting concerns. Representation of architecture. Architectural templates. Client-server. Peer-to-peer architecture. Notes on terminology. Layered architecture. Data presentation and persistence. Separation of business logic and interface. Transition. Using the subscribe stereotype. Splitting the controller. Encapsulation of the model. Hollywood principle. - Software architecture .ppsx

Software testing

Slides: 32 Words: 1683 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Types and methods of testing. Levels and types of testing. The relationship between development and testing. Software testing. Pavlovskaya T.A. Unit testing. Errors detected. Integration testing. Methods for assembling modules. Comparison of methods. Disadvantages of top-down testing. Disadvantages of bottom-up testing. System testing. Categories of system testing tests. Functional testing. Regression testing. Defect correction. Combining test levels. Types of defects. Acceptance testing. Heuristic methods for creating tests. Triangle. - Software testing.ppt

Programming systems

Slides: 28 Words: 918 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Programming systems. Tools for creating programs. Text editor. Translator. Interpreter. Compiler. Link editor. Integrated programming system. Debugger. Rapid design environments. Integrated system. Component for typing the source code of the program. Machine code. Component for translating the source code of the program into machine code. Object code. The syntax of the original program. Broadcasting process. The process of broadcasting the entire program. Programming system. Unified project of automatic construction. Execution of the statements of the original program. - Programming systems.ppt

Object Oriented Approach to Modeling

Slides: 19 Words: 707 Sounds: 0 Effects: 19

Object-oriented approach to system modeling. The concept of an object approach. The concept of an object-oriented approach. An object. Object properties. Difference between class and object. OOP principles. Inheritance. Encapsulation. The interface part. Polymorphism. Other OOP principles. Universal modeling language. Unified Modeling Language. Questions. Diagrams. Software products. Issues studied. The task. - Object Oriented Approach to Modeling.ppt

Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals

Slides: 35 Words: 2038 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming. Object oriented approach. Semantics and Pragmatics. Definitions. Objects. Each object has a specific lifetime. Condition. The cumulative result of an object's behavior. Behavior. A program written using OOP. Uniqueness. Several references can point to one object. Classes. A class is a pattern of behavior for objects of a particular type. Human class. Encapsulation. The public members of the class constitute the external interface of the object. Inheritance. 19. Attitude of generalization. Polymorphism. Example. - Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming.ppt

Class creation

Slides: 44 Words: 3434 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

High-level methods of computer science and programming. Description of the classes. Basic user-defined data types. The building blocks of the class. Class fields. The state of class objects. Placement of fields in the program memory. Class methods. Keyword. Placement of descriptions of class methods and objects. Class methods. Program methods. Description and method call. Method call. Description of the method. Formal parameters of methods. Parameter modifiers. Passing an arbitrary number of parameters. Actual parameters. Making a method call. Method overloading. Special class variable this. Description of the formal parameter. - Creating a .pptx class

Abstract classes

Slides: 19 Words: 1256 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Abstract classes. Pure virtual function. Abstract class. Derived classes. The mechanism of abstract classes. Constructor. Definition of functions. Definition of class functions. Program to illustrate the work. Working with the class. Let's define an abstract class. Abstract class constructor. Non-abstract classes. Specific class. Circle class. All three classes are used. Pure virtual functions. Circle. An object of an abstract class. - Abstract classes.ppt

Relationships between classes

Slides: 24 Words: 1713 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Classes and relationships between them. Classes. Class naming rules. Class specification. Interface specification. Object specification. Persistence - defines the lifetime of objects of the class. Class attributes. Attribute naming. Class attribute specification. Name - the name of the attribute. Initial value - the initial value of the attribute. Class operations. Interaction of objects. Roles of objects in interaction. Operation naming rules. Class Operations Specification. Operation interface specification. A specification for the implementation and use of an operation. Association relationship between classes. - Relationships between .pps classes


Slides: 18 Words: 500 Sounds: 0 Effects: 53

Variable. Definition. Objects associated with a variable. Value. Variable values. Variable type. Variable name. Exercises. Variable description. Internal representation of variables. Assignment operator. The operation of the assignment operator. There are no solutions. Arithmetic expressions. Arithmetic operations. Rules for writing arithmetic expressions. Standard functions. Standard functions table. - Variable.ppt

Variable type, name and value

Slides: 11 Words: 667 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The type, name and value of the variable. Variables are intended for storing and processing data. Variable type. Variable types. Variable name. Variable type declaration. Arithmetic, string and logical expressions. Arithmetic expressions. String expressions. Logical expressions. Assigning values \u200b\u200bto variables. - Variable type, name and value.ppt

Long arithmetic

Slides: 20 Words: 2274 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Long arithmetic. Type in Borland Pascal. Overflow. Addition of "long" numbers. The text of the program for adding "long" numbers. Implementation of subtraction in Pascal language. Comparison of numbers. Function compare. Input and output of a long number. Output. Input. Sizeof (w) function. Fillchar procedure. Example. Procedure readhuge. Multiplication of a long number by a short one. Division of a long number by a short one. Function divide. Multiplication of two long numbers. Procedure multiplyHuge. -

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Programming Development of computer control programs to solve various problems Programmers Users System software: OS, utilities Applied Editors, spreadsheet processors, games, tutorials Programming language Fixed notation system for describing algorithms and data structures Universal Pascal, Basic, SI, Fortran Oriented HTML

Slide 3

Arithmetic expressions in the QB language are written according to certain rules: An arithmetic expression is written in one line; Special signs of arithmetic operations are used and the following procedure is followed: Brackets () Exponentiation ^ (23 → 2 ^ 3) Division / and multiplication * (2: 3 → 2/3) Addition + Subtraction - Decimal fractions are written using a decimal point (1.5 → 1.5 or 0.03 → .03); You cannot omit the multiplication sign (6ab → 6 * a * b); The number of open parentheses must be equal to the number of closed parentheses. Arithmetic notation qBasic notation

Slide 4

PRINT operator The PRINT (?) Operator allows you to: Display text information enclosed in quotes on the monitor screen; For instance: ? “Hello” Calculate the values \u200b\u200bof arithmetic expressions; For instance: ? 5 * 4-5.6 ^ 2 Display the values \u200b\u200bof variables on the monitor screen. For example: DAY $ \u003d “Monday”? DAY $ Instead of the word PRINT, you can type ?. PRINT in translation means to print. END - the end of the program.

Slide 5

Problem solving Calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the expression (a + b) (2a + 1) (b-1) For a \u003d 12, b \u003d 7 and a \u003d -31, b \u003d 8. Program. A \u003d 12 B \u003d 7 PRINT (A + B) * (2 * A + 1) * (B-1) A \u003d - 31 B \u003d 8 PRINT (A + B) * (2 * A + 1) * (B -1) END

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A variable is an area of \u200b\u200bcomputer memory where some value is stored. The main characteristics of a variable are: Name; Value; Type (numeric, string) Each variable has its own name: The name of the variable is written using Latin letters or letters and numbers; Variable names can be up to 40 characters long. For example: F, A5, SCHOOL8, SCHOOL8 $, BC6A7 $ Names of variables values \u200b\u200bof variables type of variables Numeric variables Symbolic variable A8 dog4 Sad $ 15 -20.8 milk

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A numeric variable is a variable that stores a number. A string (character) variable is a variable that stores a word or phrase. A dollar sign $ is placed at the end of a string variable name. The value of a character variable is enclosed in quotation marks. The operation of transferring new data to a variable is called an assignment and is denoted by the \u003d sign. The content is stored in a variable until a new value is entered into this variable For example: A \u003d 10 - the numeric variable A is assigned a value equal to 10 B $ \u003d "MAMA" - the symbolic variable B $ is assigned the value "MAMA" When the program is executed : The variable name is not changed; The value of a variable can change several times; If the value of the variable is not specified, then it is considered equal to zero.

Slide 8

INPUT statement The INPUT statement enters the values \u200b\u200bof a variable from the keyboard into the computer's memory. INPUT "hint"; variable name INPUT translated from English means to insert, to enter. Upon encountering an INPUT operator, the program pauses; a question mark appears on the screen, after which it is necessary to type on the keyboard the value of the variable that is part of the INPUT operator, press the Enter key. The INPUT operator can be used to assign values \u200b\u200bto both numeric and string variables. For example: INPUT S INPUT “S \u003d“; S INPUT “enter the value S \u003d“; S CLS operator clears the monitor screen

Slide 9

Forking algorithm IF condition THEN branch yes ELSE branch no if then otherwise If the condition is true, then the statement or group of statements written after the word THEN is executed; If the condition is incorrect, then the statement or a group of statements written after the word ELSE is executed, then the computer starts executing the next line of the program; If the word ELSE is missing, then the transition to the next line of the program is performed. For example: IF x\u003e 0 THEN y \u003d x ^ 2 +2 ELSE y \u003d x -6 Conditional statement IF… THEN… ELSE

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The condition is written as a string of relations: A\u003e B - greater than C \u003d Z - greater than or equal to S1 AND C

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Problem Write a program according to a given flowchart start Input x Output Y end Program CLS INPUT “X \u003d“; X IF X\u003e 0 THEN Y \u003d X ^ 3 ELSE Y \u003d X ^ 2? “Y \u003d“; Y

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