Modern means of communication. Telephone network The telephone network is the most common type of operational communication. Network subscribers can be physical. In the modern world, there are various means of communication that are constantly developing and perfect.

  • Why can't a sound wave be transmitted over long distances?
  • Decipher the drawing.

  • What is the detection process for?
  • A. for long distance signal transmission;
  • B. to detect objects;
  • B. To isolate a low-frequency signal;
  • D. For converting a low frequency signal.
  • The process of detecting objects using radio waves is called ...
  • A. scan
  • B. radar
  • B. Television broadcasting
  • D. Modulation
  • E. detection


  • Willoughby Smith, who invented the photoelectric effect in selenium, stands at the origin.


  • The next stage of the discovery is associated with the name of the Russian scientist Boris Rosing, who patented the electrical method for transmitting images.


  • Also contributions to the discovery were made by P. Nipkov, D. Byrd, J. Jenkins, I. Adamyan, L. Termen, who independently in different countries create transmitters for broadcasting images

Scottish engineer John Byrd achieved success in 1925 in rendering a black and white image of a ventriloquist doll. The image was scanned in 30 vertical lines, five images per second were transmitted. For the first time in history, the details of the transmitted image could be discerned.


  • In 1880, the scientist Porfiry Ivanovich Bakhmetyev (Russia) and at almost the same time the physicist Adriano di Paiva (Portugal) formulated one of the basic principles of television - the decomposition of an image into separate elements for their sequential sending over a distance. Bakhmetyev theoretically substantiated the operation of a television system, which he called “telephotographer,” but did not build the device itself.


  • The next stage in the development of technology is associated with the emergence of electronic television. M. Dickman and G. Glage registered the creation of a tube for transmitting images.


  • But the first patent for a technology that is still used today in televisions was obtained by Boris Rosing in 1907.


  • in 1931, engineer V. Zvorykin creates an iconoscope, which is considered the first television.


  • Based on this invention, the American inventor Philo Farnsworth creates a picture tube.


  • The principle of operation of television is a special projection of the image onto a light-sensitive plate in a cathode-ray tube. For a long time, the history of television was associated with the improvement of this tube, which led to an increase in picture quality and an increase in the screen surface. But with the advent of digital broadcasting, the principle changed, now a kinescope with a ray tube is no longer needed. It uses a completely different way of transferring the image. It is encoded and transmitted using digital channels and over the Internet.

Black and white and color television

  • The device is a color picture tube. 1 - Electron guns. 2 - Electron beams. 3 - Focusing coil. 4 - Deflecting coils. 5 - Anode. 6 - Mask, due to which the red ray hits the red phosphor, etc. 7 - Red, green and blue grains of the phosphor. 8 - Mask and grains of phosphor (enlarged).

According to the method of signal transmission, television can be divided into:

terrestrial, in this case the TV receiver receives a signal from the television tower, this is the most familiar and widespread method of broadcasting;

cable, in this case the signal comes from the transmitter via a cable connected to the TV;

satellite - the signal is transmitted from the satellite and is captured by a special antenna, which transmits the image to a special set-top box connected to the TV;

internet TV, in this case the signal is transmitted over the Network.

According to the method of encoding information, television is divided into analog and digital.

Fill in the table at home (p. 58 + internet)

Modern means of communication

Means of communication

How the work is done

additional information

Stages of development of communication facilities English scientist James Maxwell in 1864 theoretically predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves. English scientist James Maxwell in 1864 theoretically predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, experimentally discovered by Heinrich Hertz at the University of Berlin, Heinrich Hertz discovered experimentally at the University of Berlin. May 7, 1895 A.S. Popov invented the radio. May 7, 1895 A.S. Popov invented the radio. In 1901, the Italian engineer G. Marconi for the first time carried out radio communications across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1901, the Italian engineer G. Marconi for the first time carried out radio communications across the Atlantic Ocean. B.L. Rosing May 9, 1911 electronic television. B.L. Rosing May 9, 1911 electronic television. 30 years V.K. Zvorykin invented the first transmitting tube - the iconoscope. 30 years V.K. Zvorykin invented the first transmitting tube - the iconoscope.

Communication is the most important link in the country's economic system, a way of communication between people, the satisfaction of their production, spiritual, cultural and social needs is the most important link in the country's economic system, a way of people communication, satisfaction of their production, spiritual, cultural and social needs

Main directions of development of communication facilities Radio communication Radio communication Telephone communication Telephone communication Television communication Telegraph communication Cellular communication Internet Internet Space communication Space communication Phototelegraph (Fax) Phototelegraph (Fax) Video telephone communication Video telephone communication Telegraph communication Telegraph communication

Space communications SPACE COMMUNICATIONS, radio communications or optical (laser) communications between ground receiving and transmitting stations and spacecraft, between several ground stations, mainly through communications satellites or passive repeaters (eg, a belt of needles), between several spacecraft. SPACE COMMUNICATION, radio communication or optical (laser) communication between ground receiving and transmitting stations and spacecraft, between several ground stations, mainly through communication satellites or passive repeaters (e.g., a belt of needles), between several spacecraft.

Phototelegraph Phototelegraph, the common abbreviation for facsimile communication (phototelegraph communication). A type of communication for transmitting and receiving images printed on paper (manuscripts, tables, drawings, drawings, etc.). A type of communication for transmitting and receiving images printed on paper (manuscripts, tables, drawings, drawings, etc.). A device that makes such a connection. A device that makes such a connection.

The first phototelegraph At the beginning of the century, the German physicist Korn created a phototelegraph, which does not fundamentally differ from modern drum scanners. (The figure on the right shows a diagram of Korn's telegraph and a portrait of the inventor, scanned and transmitted over a distance of more than 1000 km on November 6, 1906). At the beginning of the century, the German physicist Korn created a phototelegraph, which does not fundamentally differ from modern drum scanners. (The figure on the right shows a diagram of Korn's telegraph and a portrait of the inventor, scanned and transmitted over a distance of more than 1000 km on November 6, 1906).

Shelford Bidwell, a British physicist, invented the “scanning phototelegraph”. The system used selenium material and electrical signals to transmit images (diagrams, maps and photographs). Shelford Bidwell, a British physicist, invented the “scanning phototelegraph”. The system used selenium material and electrical signals to transmit images (diagrams, maps and photographs).

Video telephony Personal video telephony on UMTS equipment Personal video telephony on UMTS equipment The latest models of telephones have an attractive design, a wide range of accessories, wide functionality, support Bluetooth technology and wideband-ready audio, as well as XML integration with any corporate applications The latest models of telephones have an attractive design, a wide range of accessories, wide functionality, support Bluetooth and wideband-ready audio technologies, as well as XML integration with any corporate applications

Types of signal transmission lines Two-wire line Two-wire line Electric cable Electric cable Metric waveguide Metric waveguide Dielectric waveguide Dielectric waveguide Radio relay line Radio relay line Beam guide line Beam guide line Fiber optic line Fiber optic line Laser communication Laser communication

Fiber-optic communication lines Fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) are currently considered the most advanced physical medium for transmitting information. Data transmission in optical fiber is based on the effect of total internal reflection. Thus, the optical signal transmitted by the laser on one side is received on the other, significantly distant side. To date, a huge number of backbone fiber-optic rings, intracity and even intraoffice, have been built and are under construction. And this number will constantly grow. Fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) are currently considered the most advanced physical medium for transmitting information. Data transmission in optical fiber is based on the effect of total internal reflection. Thus, the optical signal transmitted by the laser on one side is received on the other, significantly distant side. To date, a huge number of backbone fiber-optic rings, intracity and even intraoffice, have been built and are under construction. And this number will constantly grow.

Fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) have a number of significant advantages over communication lines based on metal cables. These include: high throughput, low attenuation, low weight and dimensions, high noise immunity, reliable safety technology, practically no mutual influences, low cost due to the absence of non-ferrous metals in the structure. Optical electromagnetic waves are used in FOCLs. Recall that the visible optical radiation lies in the wavelength range of nm. Practical application in fiber-optic communication lines has received the infrared range, i.e. radiation with a wavelength of more than 760 nm. The principle of propagation of optical radiation along an optical fiber (OF) is based on reflection from the boundary of media with different refractive indices (Fig. 5.7). Optical fiber is made of quartz glass in the form of cylinders with aligned axes and different refractive indices. The inner cylinder is called the OM core, and the outer layer is called the OM shell.

Laser communication system Quite an interesting solution for high-quality and fast network communication was developed by the German company Laser2000. The two presented models look like the most common video cameras and are intended for communication between offices, inside offices and along the corridors. Simply put, instead of laying an optical cable, you just need to install inventions from the Laser2000. However, in reality, these are not video cameras, but two transmitters that communicate with each other using laser radiation. Recall that a laser, unlike ordinary light, for example, lamp, is characterized by monochromaticity and coherence, that is, the laser beams always have the same wavelength and are scattered little. A rather curious solution for high-quality and fast network communication was developed by the German company Laser2000. The two presented models look like the most common video cameras and are intended for communication between offices, inside offices and along the corridors. Simply put, instead of laying an optical cable, you just need to install inventions from the Laser2000. However, in reality, these are not video cameras, but two transmitters that communicate with each other using laser radiation. Recall that a laser, unlike ordinary light, for example, lamp, is characterized by monochromaticity and coherence, that is, the laser beams always have the same wavelength and are scattered little.

For the first time, a laser communication between a satellite and an aircraft was carried out, Mon, 00:28, Moscow time The French company Astrium for the first time in the world demonstrated a successful communication by a laser beam between a satellite and an aircraft. The French company Astrium has demonstrated for the first time in the world a successful laser beam link between a satellite and an aircraft. During the tests of the laser communication system, which took place in early December 2006, communication at a distance of almost 40 thousand km was carried out twice - once the Mystere 20 aircraft was at an altitude of 6 thousand meters, the other time the flight altitude was 10 thousand meters. The aircraft's speed was about 500 km / h, the data transmission speed by the laser beam was 50 Mb / s. The data was transmitted to the geostationary telecommunications satellite Artemis. During the tests of the laser communication system, which took place at the beginning of December 2006, communication at a distance of almost 40 thousand km was carried out twice - once the Mystere 20 aircraft was at an altitude of 6 thousand meters, the other time the flight altitude was 10 thousand meters. The aircraft's speed was about 500 km / h, the data transmission speed by the laser beam was 50 Mb / s. The data was transmitted to the geostationary telecommunications satellite Artemis. In the tests, the aircraft laser system Lola (Liaison Optique Laser Aeroportee) was used, on the Artemis satellite the data was received by the Silex laser system. Both systems are developed by Astrium Corporation. The Lola system, Optics reports, uses a Lumics laser with a wavelength of 0.8 μm and a laser power of 300 mW. Avalanche photodiodes are used as photodetectors. In the tests, the aircraft laser system Lola (Liaison Optique Laser Aeroportee) was used, on the Artemis satellite the data was received by the Silex laser system. Both systems are developed by Astrium Corporation. The Lola system, Optics reports, uses a Lumics laser with a wavelength of 0.8 μm and a laser power of 300 mW. Avalanche photodiodes are used as photodetectors.

Ryabukhina Elena student of MBOU Sukho-Sarmatskaya secondary school

The presentation traces the history of the emergence of mobile communications.



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A mobile phone is a telephone used in mobile communications. Today, the development of information technology makes it possible to use mobile phones for transmitting, processing and storing information and they are used as a system that performs the function of a computer, fax machine, etc. The mobile communication environment is a basic system with complex technical devices, which consists of a group of subscribers and base stations, which provides subscribers with the ability to exchange information. In mobile communications, all information is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves wirelessly through the air. Mobile phones and the mobile environment

Means of mobile communication A smartphone (smartphone) in translation from English means "smart phone". Functions like a pocket computer. iPhone is a line of quad-band multimedia smartphones. The iPhone includes, in addition to the basic functions of a computer, the functions of a communicator and Internet tablets. An internet tablet is a dedicated mobile device that is a classic example of personal computers. Tablets consist only of a screen, and they have a built-in virtual keyboard and mouse.

MOBILE PHONE. A long time ago, these devices were only installed on warships and tanks. Today they listen to music, play, watch videos, use them instead of a wristwatch, a notebook and a camera. The fate of mobile phones is amazing - especially when you consider that it all started with boxes weighing several tens of kilograms. But after many decades of mobile phone development, headsets were created, a two-way car phone from the Bell Telephone Company was created. (1924)

May 6, 1968. Toshiba's new videophone, Model 500, is being tested at the company's headquarters in Tokyo. And so on, many different progenitors of today's mobiles were created, but there is still a long way to go to the present ...

June 13, 1983 Motorola launches its first commercial mobile phone, the DynaTAC 8000X. More than 10 years have been spent on its development and more than $ 100 million has been allocated. The phone weighed 800 grams, stored 30 phone numbers, had 1 melody and cost about $ 4,000. Despite this, queues lined up behind him. In 1984, 300 thousand of these "mobile phones" were sold.

1989 year. The Motorola MicroTAC 9800X is the first truly portable phone. Prior to its release, most cell phones were intended only for installation in cars due to their size, which is not suitable for carrying in a pocket. 1992 year. Motorola International 3200 is the first palm-sized digital mobile phone.

Nokia 1011 is the first mass-produced GSM phone. It was produced until 1994. 1993 year. The BellSouth / IBM Simon Personal Communicator was the first device to combine the functions of a telephone and a PDA.

The Nokia 9000 Communicator is the first series of smartphones with an Intel 386 processor. 1998. Nokia 9110i - this phone was a repetition of the Nokia communicator series and weighed significantly less than its predecessor - a smartphone.

The Nokia 7110 is the first mobile phone with a WAP browser. Benefon Esc! - the first mobile phone model with a built-in GPS system. It was mainly sold in Europe.

The Ericsson T68 is the first Ericsson phone with a color screen. Sanуo SCP-5300 is the first phone with a built-in camera. Although the image was of poor quality, it was the first of its kind.

2005 year. Sony Ericsson K750 is one of the first phones with a 2 megapixel camera and is widely used in Russia. The O2 XDA Flame is the first PDA phone with a dual-core processor.

June 2007. The first iPhone had an auto-rotate sensor, a multi-touch sensor with multi-touch capability and a touchscreen that replaced the traditional QWERTY keyboard layout. The T-Mobile G1 is the first phone to come with a working Android system developed by Google. It is also known as the HTC Dream. In April 2009, one million of these devices were sold.

Almost half a billion smartphones were sold in 2011. In the last quarter of last year, their largest supplier was Apple, with 37.0 million units sold. Pictured is iPhone 4, released in June 2010.

Mobile operators Mobile operators are an organization that provides a mobile phone service to customers. Operators perform the function of collecting the necessary documents and using radio frequencies, developing their own mobile network, conditions for using the proposed mobile communications, accepting payments for services and maintenance.

Mobile communication services Conversation - after dialing the number, the mobile operator determines the location of the caller's and called party's antennas. After that, the information is transmitted to the switchboard and the subscribers communicate through the mobile network. Mobile Internet is a technology for using Internet resources using mobile communications. The advantages of this type of communication are that wherever the subscriber is, he can at any time find the necessary information over the network and use the Internet. Mobile mail - a subscriber's ability to work with a personal e-mail box using a mobile connection.

Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology. Facilitates the process of connecting users and connecting to the Internet. SMS (Short Message Service) is a service for receiving and transmitting small text messages between subscribers in a mobile network. MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is a service for exchanging multimedia messages, photos and videos based on GPRS technology. Exchange of information using mobile communications

In the process of using mobile phones, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules of ethics of communication, storage and transmission of only useful information by e-mail, safety precautions for working with mobile devices. Beware and do not send obscene information over the network and over the phone. Culture of using and communicating using mobile phones

Development of modern means of communication

Communication means - hardware and software used for the formation, reception, processing, storage, transmission, delivery of telecommunication messages or postal items, as well as other hardware and software used in the provision of communication services or ensuring the operation of communication networks.

types of communication Wired (telephone, telegraph, etc.) Wireless, which, in turn, distinguish: radio (omnidirectional, narrowly directed, cellular and other radio systems), radio relay and space (satellite) devices, systems and complexes.

Communication means. The first is the emergence of oral speech. Scientists have identified five powerful impulses that accelerated the development of mankind, which culture received during its existence:

The second is the invention of writing, which allowed a person to enter into communication with other people who are not in direct contact with him.

The third is the emergence and spread of book printing.

Fourth - the emergence of electronic mass communication, which provided an opportunity for everyone to become a direct witness and participant in the historical and cultural process taking place all over the world. Radio Television

Fifth, according to many experts, - the emergence and development of the Internet as a new means of communication, providing ample opportunities in the forms and methods of receiving and transmitting information, as well as the implementation of many other functions.

Stages of development of communication facilities Creation of an optical telegraph - a device for transmitting information over long distances using light signals. This system was invented by the Frenchman Claude Chappe.

Wire communication. The first electric telegraph was created in 1837 by English inventors: William Cook Charles Watsone

Late model of the Cook and Wheatstone telegraph. The signals triggered arrows on the receiver, which pointed to different letters and thus conveyed the message.

Morse Code In 1843, the American artist Samuel Morse invented a new telegraph code that replaced the Cook and Wheatstone code. He designed dots and dashes for each letter.

And Charles Whetstone created a system in which an operator, using Morse code, typed messages on a long paper tape that entered the telegraph apparatus. At the other end of the wire, the recorder was stuffing the received message onto another paper tape. Subsequently, the recorder was replaced with a signaling device that converted dots and dashes into long and short sounds. Operators listened to the messages and recorded their translation.

The invention of the first telephone. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), together with Thomas Watson (1854-1934), designed a device consisting of a transmitter (microphone) and a receiver (speaker). Microphone and speaker were arranged in the same way In the microphone, the speaker's voice made the membrane vibrate, causing the electric current to oscillate ... In the dynamics, the current flowed to the membrane, causing it to vibrate and reproduce the sounds of a human voice. The first telephone conversation took place on March 10, 1876.

The invention of the radio. Radio creator Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859-1906). On May 7, 1895, Popov demonstrated the radio receiver he invented at a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Physicochemical Society. A type of wireless communication in which radio waves are used as a signal carrier, freely propagating in space.

Satellite connection. Satellites are unmanned spacecraft that orbit around the Earth. They can transmit telephone conversations and television signals anywhere in the world. They also transmit weather and navigation information. In 1957, the USSR launched Sputnik-1, the world's first artificial Earth satellite.

In 1960, the Kurier and Echo satellites were launched in the United States. They transmitted the first telephone conversations between the US and Europe. In 1962, Telstar, the first television satellite, entered orbit in the USA.

Fiber optic communication lines. Fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) are currently considered the most advanced physical medium for transmitting information. Data transmission in optical fiber is based on the effect of total internal reflection. Thus, the optical signal transmitted by the laser from one side is received from the other, significantly distant side. To date, a huge number of backbone fiber-optic rings, intracity and even intraoffice, have been built and are under construction.

Laser communication system Quite an interesting solution for high-quality and fast network communication was developed by the German company Laser2000. The two presented models look like the most common video cameras and are intended for communication between offices, inside offices and along the corridors. Simply put, instead of laying an optical cable, you just need to install inventions from the Laser2000. However, in reality, these are not video cameras, but two transmitters that communicate with each other using laser radiation. Recall that a laser, unlike ordinary light, for example, lamp, is characterized by monochromaticity and coherence, that is, the laser beams always have the same wavelength and are little scattered.

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