What is the motherboard?

The motherboard is an integral part of any electronic equipment. Whether it is a smartphone, a laptop, a computer or even so small, like an electric toothbrush. The size of the motherboard varies from the device to the device, for example, the motherboard of the smartphone will be the size of a person's palm, and the computer's motherboard will be slightly larger.

The motherboard is nothing but a printed circuit board (printed circuit board), and it is also called the main board. It connects and helps to exchange data between different parts of the electronic device, and also contains most of the components, such as processor and memory.

The typical computer motherboard will have input and output blocks, more details you can find on the site https://shop.kz/materinskie-platy/. The input unit can be as simple as the USB-A port, and the output port can be a headphone socket or an HDMI port. She got a name "Motherboard", as most of the components are connected to this device, which causes the printed circuit board as a motherboard for all other components.

As mentioned earlier, the motherboard acts as a concentrator for all other electronic components. The motherboard connected to the computer will have components such as RAM, storage, CPU, graphics processor, network card, condensers, sound card, video card and many others.

The desktop motherboard will have modular ports, which will allow them to update these components over time. However, in a modern device, such as a laptop or smartphone, these components will be sorted by printed circuit board. In the second case, the device consumes less energy and offers a more advantageous price and quality ratio. If one of the components fails, it is necessary to replace the entire motherboard, which is again expensive.

Motherboards differ in size. Depending on the application, it can be the size of the rice grains, and the supercomputer motherboard will be the size of the room. Thanks to the development of technology, motherboards have passed a long way. Today's 1-inch motherboard can perform all operations, and in order to do the same, a few decades ago we could need a 20-inch motherboard.

Motherboards act as a hub for the rest of the components, and they ship and receive information using an electrical signal. The data is transmitted using the data bus, and they will be in the computer language (1 and 0). When the motherboard receives a signal from one component, it processes it and converts to a language that another component understands. Please note that all this happens for the split seconds, and in most modern systems there will be almost no delays between the introduction and conclusion.

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