New castle, Baden-Baden, Germany. What is marketing cookies

With the executor of the main role of the play "Baden-Baden" Evgenia Kryukov, the correspondent of "VM" met. The bright and winning roles that Evgeny Kryukov played on the theater scene can envy any actress.

True, all of your current heroines unites tragity and spiritual dorms. Why is your repertoire like that?

I can not agree with you. For example, in the play "Marine Travel of 1933" (the draw of the novel "Ship of the Fools" Catherine Ann Porter. - "VM") My Countess is the only character, which comes from complete destruction to absolute integrity.

This is a person who finds love and leaves the ship in joy. Blanche Dubuy in the play "In the space of Tennessee W.", of course, a tragic character. But after all, in a madness, which she overtakes, she acquires a kind of rest. It helps her to remove everything that was before. In short, for me the life of any of my current heroines in the theater is not tragic. Except with the role of Irina in the premiere of this season "Badenbaden".

Such fatal sample beauty of the middle of the XIX century may be in our time?

I think that there are any such women today. This character is quite modern, as, in fact, and all the work of Ivan Turgenev "smoke", the basis for the premiere. You can look at Irina superficially, and it is possible - deep. We can say that she just loves money and is not ready to exchange the highest light on the real feeling. And you can compare it with Anna Karenina: she is looking for confirmation of love, she has too high demands for the partner, but it does not rush under the train, but simply tear a relationship.

Not in vain, she asks Litvinova at the end, could he live with one love ... That is, it is important for her, and he did not meet her hope to some extent ...

Are you closest to Turgenev Irina?

This, of course, is not me. Although when you do some role, you are trying to miss it through yourself, find an explanation and justify the actions of your heroine. Thus, something from the actor itself is introduced into the image. In this sense, everything from me is enough. I can't go on stage, if I do not answer for myself on the question: why my hero behaves this way.

It is important for you to diversify personal life experience to gain luggage of experiences and impressions for future roles?

There is a profession, but there is a personal life. Of course, any experience is useful for our profession. But specifically look at the dying and watching how he does it, I think, wrong. This is already something paranoid. In general, good actors are able to imagine this or that situation and their behavior in it, since they have a mobile nervous system. The main thing is to learn it to use it.

There was a serious vacuum. Pavel Osipovich gently retained the traditions given once yet Yuri Zavadsky. While it was decided to not appoint anyone to this place. Of course, one day someone should come, but it is necessary that this was the right person who will not destroy, and will increase what is created before him.

Baden-Württemberg is not only a corner of amazing natural beauty, but also the place of outstanding architectural structures. In the territory of the region, you can find many castles and palaces in one degree or other palaces, and some remained only ruins, others did not suffer in an amazing way, and the third were carefully restored.

Anyway, on the territory of Baden-Württemberg there is a whole route by castles and palaces of different eras and different architectural styles. Specify the exact number of preserved objects is difficult, but we picked up ten most famous and prominent monuments of the history and architecture of Baden-Württemberg, who should see with their own eyes, and also collected information on how to get to each of them.

Baden-Württemberg castles: Top-10

Baden-Württemberg's top locks include Heidelberg Castle and Schwestzingen Palace, Vaykersheim Palace and Bruchzal Palace, Stuttgart Palace Solitude and Castle in Zigmaringene, Rastatt Palace Favorite and Ludwigsburg Residence, Residence of Urakh and Hohenzollerne's castle, We will tell about these objects further. In addition, other, less significant historical objects can be added to this list, such as Mannheim Palace, Rastatt Residence, Ludwigsburg Palace Favorite, Palace in Kirheim, Meersburg New Palace. You can find out information about them on the pages of our online guide in the relevant sections.

Heidelberg Castle

The castle of Heidelberg is considered a classic of romanticism among architectural structures of Germany. And although only exteriors remained from the castle built 5 centuries ago, still the place remains one of the most visited among all the sights of Germany. This is due to the authenticity and special atmosphere, which is inherent in the old town of Heidelberg. The lock is open for visiting every day from 8 am to 6 pm, the entrance is paid.

How to get: The castle is located on the natural elevation on the outskirts of Heidelberg, you can climb the mountain on the funicular. The shortest way to get to Heidelberg is to use land transport from Frankfurt or Stuttgart, where flights from Russia arrive. Read more about ways to get to the city, as well as about other attractions, read in our separate article about .

PTWO / Heidelberg Castle

Schwesttsingen Palace

Another architectural property is located near Heidelberg, 8 km from Him, in the Neighlen town of Schwesttsingen. Accordingly, the palace and park complex, located here, got its name by the title of the city. The architectural ensemble in Schurvtsingen attracts attention and its outfice, and its authentic interiors, and if it will be not enough, it is recommended to bypass the landscape park who surrounds the palace, here you can find many curious sculptures, buildings, as well as beautiful gardens.

Entrance to the gardens and to the palace - paid, organized excursions are held in the palace. The complex is open daily from 9 am to 8 pm (in summer) and up to 5 pm (in winter). How to get: You can get to Schurvtsingen by traveling from Heidelberg approximately half an hour with a small transplant in Mannheim, or take advantage of a taxi.

Francois Philipp / Schurvtsingen

Palace Vikersheim

The palace and park complex in Vaykersheim is recognized as one of the best samples of Baroque in southern Germany. Supplement the lush palace of his gardens, also made in the baroque style. The numerous halls of the palace are decorated with sculptures, a crystal and an exquisite finish, whereas in the gardens of Vikersheim, you can find a large number of statues, fountains, and the final element of the whole composition is considered a baroque arch.

Entrance and to the palace, and in the park is paid. Complex doors are open daily from morning to 6 pm. How to get: The town of Vaikersheim is located away from the major cities of Baden-Württemberg. You can get here from Stuttgart on the train with a small transplant in one of the smallest cities. Approximate time on the way - from 2 to 2.5 hours depending on the duration of the transplant.

Florian Bugiel / Vaikersheim

Palace Bruchzal

Another delicious baroque building is located in the city of Bruchzal, where the Brukhzalskaya Residence is the same name. Inside the palace, you can find rooms with renovated interiors, stucco and painted ceilings and walls, but the main attraction of the palace is the baroque staircase, which was the miracle of the architectic thought of his time. The palace is open to visit from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm, the entrance is paid. How to get: Bruchzal is in close proximity to Karlsruhe, you can get here at the regional train in just 20 minutes, without additional transfers. Trains on the route Karlsruhe - Bruchzal go every 20 minutes throughout the day.

Schnella Schnyder / Bruchzal

Stutgart Palace Solitude

It is not necessary to go somewhere in the outback to admire the unique local architecture. In Stuttgart, the administrative center of Baden-Württemberg, the beautiful architectural construction of the 18th century has been preserved - the Palace of Solitude. The palace is considered to be a South San Susta analogue and made in the Baroque style with elements of rococo and classicism. Palace Solitude for many years after its construction was a summer residence of the rulers of the Württemberg dynasty.

The inspection deserves not only the appearance of the building, but also its interior facilities with numerous art objects. How to get: Stuttgart fly direct flights from Moscow, travel time to just over 3 hours. The Palace of Solitude is located within the city and easily achievable with all types of public transport. Read more about others .

Holinger88 / Stuttgart Palace Solitary

Castle Zigmaringen

The small town of Zigmaringen in the south of Baden-Württemberg became famous for the majestic castle, which once served as a residence for the ruling dynasties. The castle has truly gigantic sizes, and additional monumentality gives it its location on the elevation relative to the rest of the city. The most beautiful thing here is that the castle managed to maintain not only its appearance, but also historical interiors. Currently, the crews and museum of weapons are located in the halls of the castle (the collection is rooted in the Middle Ages).

The castle is open daily throughout the year. In the summer, hours of work of the castle - from 9 am to 5 pm, in winter - from 10 am to 4 pm. The entrance is paid, organized excursions are carried out. How to get: Zigmaringen is away from large cities, so the trip from Stuttgart will take about 2.5 hours by bus or 2 hours at the regional train. The closest city closest to Zigmaringen is ulm. You can also get from Ulma on the regional train, travel time is 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Brian Burger / Zigmaringen

Rastatat Palace Favorit

Rastat is notable at once by two palace complexes. One of them is the official rosteat residence - located in the center of the city, the second - the palace of Favorit - once as the summer residence of local rulers. The palace of the favorite will be recognized due to its elegant baroque architecture, as characteristic of the 18th century. The park is broken around the palace, open for visiting year-round.

Inside the palace, excursions are also held, but only in the spring-summer period (opening hours - from 10 am to 6 pm, the entrance to the palace is paid, in the park is free). How to get:Rastatt is located near such major cities in the region as Karlsruhe (20 km) and Baden-Baden (10 km). In both cases, you can get to the city by train or by taxi. Read more about others .

MEL / Rastatt Palace Favorite

Ludwigsburg Residence

Ludwigsburg is a real pearl of south-western Germany in terms of architecture - here are located immediately 3 palaces, but the most outstanding sample is the Ludwigsburg residence, which became the bone around which the city itself is located a little later. The architecture of the Palace refers us to the 18th century and its baroque trends. The interiors of the palace remained only partially, in particular, apartments of the Duke Karl are renovated and open for inspection. In addition, the Palace building is located the Museum of Fashion and the Ceramics Museum.

The palace is open to visit from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm, the entrance to the museums is paid separately. How to get: The nearest major city, located just 15 km, is Stuttgart, where direct flights fly from Russia. You can get from Stuttgart directly to Ludwigsburg, you can direct train or taxi (travel time from 15 minutes before half an hour). Read more .

Torsten Scholz / Ludwigsburg Residence

Residence urach

The town of Bad Urah is located just south of Stuttgart and became famous thanks to the castle of the 15th century preserved here. Outside in this massive object, you can hardly guess the presence of sophisticated Renaissance rooms, but it is. The lock interiors are preserved in authentic form, in addition, the lock can boast a collection of a sled, which remained here since the location of the ruling dynasties. The castle is open for visiting daily, the entrance is paid, excursions are held. How to get: From Stuttgart, you can get to Bad-Uraha by traveling with a small transplant in Metzingen, the time on the way will be a little more than an hour. Trains go through the day with a periodicity of 1 time per hour.

Stefan Fussan / Urach Castle

Castle Gogenzollerne

Finally, we left one of the most outstanding castles in the south of Germany, in its beauty and the greatness comparable to the Bavarian Neuschvanstein, - the generic castle of the gogyenzoller dynasty. The castle is lonely on the hill, at an altitude of 850 meters and towers an impregnable fortress over the surroundings. The construction of the castle was by the 15th century, so in the architecture of the castle, severe gothic is immediately guessed.

Recently, the castle was renovated and reopened to visit tourists, after which immediately came out on top places in the ratings of the sights of Germany. How to get: The nearest relatively large city nearby is a Tübingen, located 25 km from the small town of Bizingen, coming to which, you can start a trip to the lonely standing castle.

Fredrik Rubensson / Castle Hohenzollerne
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In Baden-Baden, there are two castle as many as the unfortunate "old" and "new". Both not far from the city, but only the old works as a landmark that can be viewed by a tourist. The new castle was turned to the hotel, and from that moment on, it is possible to look at it outside.

The present name of the old castle (or, more precisely, what remains from him) - Hohenbaden Castle. It's funny that it is also really pretty simple - the top Badensky, but in the Middle Ages it was the usual thing. In addition, the essence it reflects quite accurately: first, the castle is located on the mountain over the city of Baden-Baden, and secondly, the castle of several centuries was the residence of the Supreme Ruler of the region - Marcgraf Badensky. The castle is very, very old, he is more than 900 years old, and it was built by the same markers of Baden.

The internal finish of the castle is not preserved, but the walls survived quite well.

The construction of the Khoenbaden Castle began in 1100, after administrative changes, as a result of which Badensky Marcrafat appeared and its ruler - Marcgraf Badensky. The first owner of this title and began building a residence. Marcgraf obeyed only to the king, so in his region he was almost a monarch - the king is far away, and that the possibility of something to demand something was limited in that era. So the castle was big - about 100 rooms, designed and for defense, and in court life. Early buildings were built in the Gothic style, the castle was surrounded by a wall, a moat and other defense structures. In the middle of the 15th century, another marker built another castle - a new one - and moved the courtyard there, and the old burned at the end of the 16th century, and it did not begin to rebuild it after that.

Now there are parts of the buildings: walls, buildings, towers, etc. Interior decoration is not preserved, no roofs, floors in many buildings - too, but the walls survived quite well. In some parts, several floors have been preserved. You can see internal courtyards, defense structures and something else. Around a lot of walking routes.

You can also climb the tower and walls, and, in fact, most tourists come here: this is the best observation deck in the district, on top of the neighborhood, Rhine and even venets in distance. The view is completely stunning - at any time of the year.

Practical information

Address: Baden-Baden, Alter Schlossweg, 10.

A visit to the castle for free for everyone, but ask to make a donation (who will give how much).

Work time - from 10:00 to 22:00 (in the evening it is open for so long, because a restaurant is working on the castle, and very good).

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The cruise of the "Wonders of Reina" part of the sixth, Baden -_baden and the Blacksman the next day, with the same anchor parking, we went to Baden-Baden on the bus. We had to drive more than 50 km by bus. What I knew about this city before. NOTHING. What is written in the "player" of Dostoevsky or about the novel of Turgenev and Viardo, and that long-time they spent in this city. Or that this is a resort of world importance, where he rested. It's all. Now I had the opportunity to visit it ... August 21, 2015.

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