Guide. Tourist reviews. Eger: Bull Blood in the Valley of Beauty Custod Museum in Eger

Eger is an ancient Hungarian spa town. It is famous for healing thermal bathing, beautiful architecture, heroic history, unique wine species. We will tell you that interesting look at the egreer, where to try high-quality local wine, how to see the city from a height, about useful Turkish baths and a unique place - Hungarian Pamukkale.

On the way home, we decided to visit the ancient Eger and pamper themselves relax in thermal baths. This article is the continuation of the report on our European trip. A few days before we were here:

Eger is very convenient for travelers. The city is located 140 km from Budapest and 210 km from the Ukrainian border town of Beregovo. Here is a beautiful nature, in the distance towers covered with the forest Mountains BUKC and Matra. And the name of the city is also "Natural", in translation means "alder".

How to get to Eger

By car It is convenient to call on the road to Hungary (or back), because it is located just 25 km from the highway M 3, leading from Ukraine to Budapest. It is great on the map:

For travelers, our article will be useful for travelers. Read:

By train or bus: The optimal option is to drive to Eger direct train from Budapest. Time on the way is about 2 hours. There are about 10 euros. Schedule - for office. Site. Also in the city there are buses.

Our today's automotive route looks like this: Budapest - Egersamelok - Eger.

Resort Egersselok.

Our path passes through the small village of Egersselok. From it only 10 km to Eger. What is it interesting? Here is the only large salt hill in Europe, the same as in the Turkish Pamukkale and the American National Park Yellowstone. There are only three such natural attractions on the planet. Egersselok - called hungarian Pamukkale. This is a famous thermal resort.

We did not plan to visit the bathing here. I wanted to see an unusual salt hill. From the road rolled up to the right to parking. But some cars were parked simply on the sidelines.

From the parking lot climb to the path, which leads to the salt hill - the business card of the Egersalka. Near - Hotel Saliris Resort Spa Hotel, with it - thermal bathing. Nature around the stunning is a picturesque valley and covered with dense forests of the Mountains of the Buck and Matra.

And this is a miracle of nature! Salt Hill Egersamelok. Due to unique thermal water, which is rich in minerals, "Salt Cap" was formed on the surface. The healing source beats from the depths of 400 m and the years is laundered here is such a frozen waterfall. A couple rises above it and smell sulfur. Water in the source is hot, about 65 degrees.

And this is the work of man's hands. Here are such artificial salt "lace" decorate the hill.

In Egersselok, two thermal sources. The first "Virgin Mary" was found by chance in 1961, when oil was searched here, and the second, named after the patron of sources of St. Vendel, was discovered only in 26 years. The medicinal water is considered one of the most useful in the world in the category of sulfur.

Next to the sources found the hotel Saliris Resort Spa Hotel . The name is translated as "Salt Rainbow".

At the hotel created a large modern SPA - the complex. It includes 17 open and closed pools, the world of saunas, jacuzzi, children's slides and swimming pools. The price of the room includes the use of this complex, except for the sauna. If the purpose of the trip is rehabilitation, treatment, water relax in nature, then you are here))) The hotel often holds promotions with discounts and special offers. Here is a good half board - buffet meals. You can book a room for this link: Saliris Resort Spa Hotel.

Many vacationers stop in Pensions of Egersocal And SPA is visited - the complex for a fee. But it is necessary to take into account that it will be necessary to go to the baths to walk or approach the car, because the hotel is located on the outskirts of Egersocal.

Special offers of hotels in Egersock with profitable discounts, see here:

For visitors Cookiene working hours Slightly shorter than for accommodating in the hotel: 10-00 - 20-00. Cost for all day: Adult - 4500 F (15 euros) on weekdays, and on weekends, holidays and high season 5500 Ф (20 euros), children -3000 f (10 euros) on weekdays, on other days - 4000 f (14 euros). there is family tickets. To swim in the complex 3 hours, It is necessary to pay an adult to pay 2100 f / 3100 f, and the child is 1100 f / 1600 f. Evening ticket After 17-00: 2000 f - adult and 1000 f - children's. Saunas cost 1500 f.

For fans of silence and privacy there is a separate old beach and nostalgia pools, saved since the 1980s.

Eger. Valley beauties.

The Eger Wine region is famous far beyond Hungary. The winemaking here are engaged in the XIV century. The location of the city at the foot of the Mountain Massif Boekk creates a unique climate, favorable for growing different grape varieties and production of high-quality wine. The most famous local wine - "Eger Bull Blood", on Hungarian - Egri Bikaver.Along the road everywhere vineyards, there are many private wine cellars in the villages.

Famous landmark of Eger - Valley beauties.This is the lowland on the outskirts of the city in which there are about 200 wine cellars. We decided to come here before visiting the purchase and other attractions of the historic center of Eger.

On the way to the valley focused on the road signs. They are only in Hungarian. They noticed that in Hungary with English is not very (except for the main tourist places Budapest). Basically enjoy German. So it was in the ener. If they did not write in the notepad, the name of the beauty valley in Hungarian Szépasszony - Völgy., I would pass by. Near big parking. Cost 150 f / h. Follow the coins, you need to pay in the parking lot.

Wine cellar is located closely to each other in a large circle, in the center of which a green park. In fact, it is large long caves, cut down long-stayed in the local breed. In deep cellars, it is cold, the constant temperature here is about 12 -15 degrees. The noble mold contributes to the maturation of wine.

In the valley of beauties, it smells like wine)) Guests are around the surroundings (for a fee, of course) a red tourist train. When we arrived, there were little visitors. We know that here on tasting and shopping will be captured by "batch" tourists with whole buses, but they have not yet been. All the first half of the day. Perhaps in the evening everything "comes to life" here: the Wine pours, the Hungarian "Chardash" sounds. In the meantime - day lull.

At the entrance to the Valley of Beauty - a fountain with a sculpture of a girl. It presses the legs of grapes, but contrary to the expectations of the Kranes of the stone "barrel" does not flow the wine, but water))).

How such a name is the Valley of Beauty. There are several versions. In antiquity, local winemakers worshiped the goddess of beauty, the Hungarian prototype of Venus or Aphrodite. One of the cellars owned a charming woman. In some mansion, the valley lived a wonderful mistress. And one more original version - after several wine glasses in this valley, all women "by default" become beauties.

In the valley of beauties is made, the wine is stored and for sale of various types from local grape varieties. Eger wines grown on the solar slopes of the Mountains of the Buckle have their own special taste and aroma. The most famous local red wine " Egri Bikaver ",or "Eger Bull Blood." In the first half of July, the festival in honor of him passes in Eger. Such a name guilt has the right to give only here. In the European Union " Egri Bikaver »officially registered and enshrined behind the Eger region. Even the rules for growing grapes and the production of wine, which preserve the quality and "name" of the beverage are adopted. The Eger Bulk Blood is made of a minimum of 3 (classical) or out of 5 (more expensive) grape varieties. It should be held for 2 years and sold only in bottles.

The unusual name of the Red Wine "Bull Blood" for the first time in 1846 gave the Hungarian poet. But they say that this local dark red wine was so called in the Middle Ages. One legend says: during the siege of the Eger Fortress of the Ottoman army, her defenders drank a lot of wine to remove fatigue. From this their beard and clothes were red. The view of the defendant heroes was awesome. The Turks could not take an impregnable fortress and thought that Hungarian soldiers were bullied by blood. Osmans believed that this bloody drink gives the witchcraft forces and courage. And on another legend, one Eger girl grabbed Ottomans to take into the Harem Sultan. She promised the guard to bring the magic bullie to the Blood, and instead she washed the Turkish guards with red wine and escaped.

Among the white types of wines most popular is white dry wine "Egri LEANYKA", Or "Girl from Eger." We tried the wine is really tasty and fragrant. By the way, the lightweight Hungarian beverage "Frech" is perfectly refreshing in the summer heat. It is preparing simply: 2 parts of mineral water and 1 part of the wine poured into a glass with ice.

It is interesting to enter the cellar. However, they turned into whole museums of Eger winemaking, others attract guests an unusual interior.

There are many ethno restaurants called "chares".

In one of the cellars, Lena launched and bought a bottle of wine "Eger Bull Blood". Paid by a card. Wine we drank at the arrival of Ukraine. We liked this thick, slightly patient, fragrant and tasty red wine.

What I want to say about the Valley of Beauty, it is worth come here in the evening without children and a good company, when in the team drinking more than one)). Lena one was uncomfortable to taste the wines, and I - driving and could not make it a company))).

If you are interested in the first place for gastronomic and wine tourism, that is, it makes sense to remove the hotel here. In the afternoon, you can see the historic center of Eger, swim in the baths (go to a car or on foot - go a little more than half an hour), and in the evening to spend in the wine cellars. You can book a hotel or a guesthouse near the beauty valley at this link: hotels Dolley Beauty -the cost of living from 20 euros.

Where to stay in Eger.

In Eger, we booked two-bedroom apartments - Centrum Vendeghaz.They are on the second floor of an old building in the heart of the Old Town, literally in a pair of steps from the Central Historic Square of Eger - Square Ishthan Dobo. From here 5 minutes to go to thermal bathing.

The windows of the apartment overlook the quiet courtyard. Here - free parking. To put the car, we had to drive along the pedestrian central street. The owner of Laslo's apartments was kindly welcomed us in his grocery store on the first floor, showed apartments and a place for the car.

The house in which we stopped. The store received keys, entrance / entry into the courtyard can be seen on the right in the photo.

Small rooms are cozy, clean and modern.

The only nuance is a shared kitchen with guests from the neighboring, second apartments. But for us it was not a problem, we did not plan to prepare in the kitchen. Although everything for this is - enough dishes, tea, coffee, several types of sugar, salt, breakfast flakes.

Next to the kitchen is a dining area with tables for two apartments, a large fridge. Our table is closer to the window.

You can book hotels in Eger by these links:

  • hotels Eger - from 30 euros
  • apartments Eger. - from 22 euros

See special accommodation hotels in Eger with promotions and profitable discounts in this form:

Thermal bathing of Eger.

We have a rule: when we come to Hungary, we definitely visit the thermal bathing. Otherwise, the trip will not "counted")). Read about Hungary's baths in our articles:

Hungary is a famous European resort. Hungars say that a healing source will score from under the ground, even if you just stick stick into it. What else can I find out about the country, read here:

Eger is a popular balneological resort. We planned to visit on this day. Thermal bathing of EgerEger Thermalfurdo.While settled, Nature presented us with a "wet" surprise - a strong shower. Stretch rain in the apartment. When a little dot, went to the bath. We decided to go to closed pools. Plans because of the weather did not want to change at all. Immediately felt that Eger is a resort town. We went to meet the beach adults and children wrapped in towels.

Even the tourist train is lonely experiencing rain.

Thermal bathing of Eger is a great wellness complex . Works all year round. It has an old Turkish bath. Torok Furdo, indoor pool, beach Strandfurdo. With open and closed, thermal, swimming and children's pools. There are also a few large water slides - your favorite water entertainment of our children. (In the bathing of Egersamelok there are only small children's slides, so we chose the beach in the egreer).

The box office has a standard label with prices. Cash regards: ul. Klapka György 26.

We bought a family ticket for a whole day for 6000 forints (approximately 20 euros). Received bracelestics.

Cabins for dressing are located to the right of the entrance. The beach is beautiful, well-groomed. Many greens, colors, fountains with sculptures.

Not far from the entrance - Turkish bath Torok Furdo. She has been over 500 years old. Built the bath on unique healing sources Ottoman Vizier when he captured Eger Earth. The building of the old bathing has been rebuilt many times, but retained the east flavor. The water here is two species -Odone and sulfuric. The chance with a Turkish bath - thermal pools with different temperatures. Entrance inside the bathing is paid separately.

Opposite the Turkish bath is an original fountain. Water beats from jugs.

We go down the steps down, become under the jet of water and get an excellent water massage.

Rain drizzles. Beach lawns and sun loungers are empty.

Large children's pool with small slides.

On the contrary - large water slides. Due to the rain, they turned out to be closed, although these slings were the reason for our selection of the beach of Eger, and not a dowel of Egersocal. Some children were upset.

Cute basin for kids.

In a closed complex with a swimming pool - crowds of vacationers. Adults and children hid from bad weather. But here it was noisy, closely, hot. All sun beds are busy.

In the outdoor pool associated with the closed complex the same situation.

Nearby is an outdoor thermal pool with underwater massage, jacuzzi and waterfalls. Here "accumulated" holidaymakers older. For children under 14 years old, visit pools with medicinal water is not recommended.

Healing water can be drunk. For this, such "vases" with cranes are installed.

Over time, the weather has improved, the rain stopped, the sunshine looked out. We swam in thermal basins near the Turkish bath, children in the next swimming. There were few people here. Rested with pleasure.

Sights of Eger.

I really like small European cities, especially their historical part. Eger has his own unique flavor. This is a very elegant city. Luxury buildings and temples of the center are well preserved from past centuries. During World War II, the city almost did not suffer, so the feeling that you get in the 18-19th century. Eger is even called the "city of Hungarian Baroque". Many palaces, houses and churches were erected during the Board of Habsburgs.

Franciscan church Call more "Church of Friends". It was the only Christian Order, who was ralling and remained in the Turkish Army captured in 1596. For this after the liberation of Eger, the city authorities awarded the monks - Franciscans and allocated them to the earth. In 1755, a large temple with two towers erected from the stones of the destroyed mosque. He is on the street. Kossuth Lajos 14.

Inside the church - luxury and peace.

Eger is an ancient city. The fortified settlement of the German tribes existed here several thousand years ago. Later, the Slavs came to these lands. And in the X century during the Hungarian "resettlement of peoples" they were captured. After decades on a high fortress hill, the first king of Hungary Ishthan Saint elevated a big beautiful temple and founded the bishop of the artisans at home. So the city of Eger appeared. The King of Ishthan is honored in all Hungary. One of the Eger sources is named in his honor.

In the XIII Art. On the fortress hill continued construction. Eger was at the crossroads of trade routes and needed protection from enemies. After the destruction of the city of Mongol-Tatars, a powerful fortress was built on the orders of the bishop. It is singing in many Hungarian legends, thanks to the heroism and the courage of her defenders during the attack of the Ottoman army. In the autumn of 1552, 80 thousandth Turkish army was askedid by Eger. The garrison of the fortress led by the captain Ishthan Dobo defended 1.5 months and did not pass the city. Osmans with big losses retreated. The garrison of the fortress was then total 2 !!! Thousands of people. They survived and won a crowd over a crowded enemy army.

Ancient Towers and Stone Walls Eger Fortress well visible from the central square, named after Hungary Hero Captain Ishthan Dobo - Dobó István Tér.

In the center of Square - Monument to Ishtan Doboand soldiers of the garrison of the Eger Fortress.

On the main square of Eger - beautiful elegant buildings. Look majestically Church of St. Antimony of Paduansky.It is also called the Church of Minorites. Erected in 1773 every day at 11-00, 15-00 and 18-00 the melody of bells on the towers of the temple sounds over the city.

The Church of St. Anthony of Paduansky is considered one of the most beautiful baroque churches of Hungary. The arches of the temple decorate the magnificent frescoes of the XVII century.

To the right of the church - the exquisite building of the Eger City Hall. It was built in 1755. At first it was a residential building, and from the XIX century it became belonging to the city.

And in these cozy houses on the square of Ishthan, the cafes and restaurants are placed. The atmosphere in the center of the city is calm, spiritual, this is a real resort.

Released to the gate Palace Archbishop. This is a whole range of luxurious buildings, chapels, gardens. Their construction began in the XV century. C 1740 Palace became the residence of the head of the Eger Church District. The Museum of Church Values \u200b\u200bof Archbishopia is located. Among the jewelry and masterpieces of religious art, the mantle occupies a special place in which the Empress Mariy Terezia was crowned on the throne of Hungary.

Along the streets of many restaurants. We were interested in this sign near the same cafe. What kind of "beast" so?! Need to try! We have already said that with English in Hungary tight. They went to the cafe and tried "on the fingers" to explain the waitress that we want (after all, to read the name of the dish in Hungarian, the difficulty))). She understood us only when we showed a signboard.

it Gezgomboce (It seems to be said) - traditional Hungarian sweetness. Such a knob of sweet !!! Test, with sweet !!! Stuffing inside, served with sweet !!! Sauce and falls on the choice of poppy seeds or nuts. Even we, sweet tooths, was sooooo sweet. Well, that ordered one for two. We barely ate, I had to "dilute" with excellent EGRs dry wine))).

At the corner of the Palace of Archbishop, from the side of Esterhazi, "the" fence of love ", or the wall of the castles. In the egra, we did not see traditional lovers of love over the river, but the fence with the locks in the nasty centuries - the Episcopal Palace is an original idea.

Slowly came to the Eszterházy Tér Square. The chief, cathedral temple Eger Basilica, or The basilica of St. John the Apostle and the Evangelist, St. Michael and the Immaculate Conception.Erected in 1836, it enters the top three of the largest churches of Hungary. The first place is occupied by the Basilica of St. Adalbert in Estergome. Read about her here:

The second largest - Eger Basilica, the third is the Basilica of St. Ishthan in Budapest. Also:

The temple is amazingly beautiful and majestic. We climbed the stairs. At the edges - the statues of the apostles Peter and Paul, Saints Stephen and Lasshlo.

Near the entrance - information for tourists with the work of the Basilica, as well as the MESS schedule for the parishioners of the temple. From May to October, organ concerts are held in the temple every day. The tool was made in the XIX century by the famous organ master Ludwig Musser.

We did not have time to 18-00. But it turned out to be for the best. At 18-30, a solemn mass began in Basilica. From ethical considerations were not photographed. Just believe that inside the basil is no less majestic and beautiful than the outside. We sat on a wooden bench and listened to prayer. The organ sounded, the music filled the temple. And at least did not understand in Hungarian, a single word, felt a peace and positive energy. It was one of the brightest emotions during the visit of Eger.

Opposite the main entrance of Basilica - College Esterhazi Caroli. Esterhazi Count in the XVIII century founded the university here. In the building now, the Pedagogical Institute, also the Museum of Astronomy and the Diocese Library, in which valuable manuscripts are kept and a genuine letter of Mozart, the only thing in the country.

Basilica balcony overlooks Baroque - Eger City. Quiet, cozy, beautiful.

On the right, at the foot of the basilica steps, there is an original museum. "VAR" translated from the Hungarian "City". Name museum - "City under the city". In 2007, he received the Award "Architectural Miracle of Hungary". A visit to the museum is a 50-minute walk with a guide for medieval dungeons. They originated in 1687 after the liberation of Eger from Ottomans. Bishop Dieper Feneshi did not want to return to his partially destroyed former residence on a serf hill. He bought the land in the city and erected a new palace of Archbishop himself.

Material for construction served volcanic stone tuff. It was mined near the hill slopes. While the palace built in the neighboring mountain, whole underground moves for about 4 km long, with halls, rooms.

In the dungeons, the bishop kept wine - a tax that received from Hungarian lands from Hatwan to Mukachevo. In particularly successful years, 11-12 million liters of wine gathered in the cellar. The dungeons were abandoned after World War II and were only recently renovated and given under the museum.

We no longer have time to get here, but we share information with you)). Entry only with a guide every half hour or an hour, depending on the season. Opening hours: 9-00 - 18-00 - April-September, 10-00 - 16-00 October - December. Price: Adult -1000 F, Children - 500 f. Temperature in the dungeons +12 degrees, so in the summer it is better to take warm clothes with you.

Next to the entrance to the museum is an old wine press.

According to the signs, we headed to the heart of the city and its pride - the Eger Fortress.

Move the bridge to the old town at the foot of the fortress. Below - the river with the same name Eger. There were times when the water of this river was filled with the whole city during floods and floods. "Eger" translated from Hungarian means "alder". Perhaps the city and the river were named so because there were many these trees on the shores.

Went to a small beautiful Végvári Vitézek Tere area. In memory of the heroism of Hungarian warriors and victory over the Turkish army in the ener, a monument is established. Horseman - Hungarian fights with two Ottoman soldiers. At first, the sculpture stood near the city hall building on the Square of Ishthan Dobo. Now she was transferred to the shore of the river. On the embankment at the foot of the monument - many steps. They sit on them, residents and guests of the city are resting. It is peaceful and quiet here.

Go to the fortress. It is pleasant to "get lost" here in such quiet streets.

Here it is famous Eger Fortress- Pride of Hungary and the main attraction of the city. Powerful walls - witnesses of heroic events. At this place in the X century, the King of Hungary by Ishthan Saints was built by the Bishopianism and the city of Eger was founded. In the XIII century, the Citadel, the Cathedral and the new Episcopal Palace erected. Here, the garrison, under the command of Captain Ishthan Dobo in 1552, stood up a 5-week siege and won the Ottoman army, superior in number 40 times.

These walls knew and defeat. In 1596, the Eger Citadel was still captured by Turks, the city was under the authority of the Ottoman Empire under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Austrian troops in 1701 blew up part of the fortress walls when the Hungarian uprising was suppressed under the leadership of Ferenz Rakoki. About him and his heroic mother Ilona Zrine we wrote in this article:

Now in the Eger Fortress - Historical Museums, Art Galleries, Museum of Waxing Figures, Lapidarium, Torture Museum, Casemates, Thematic Exhibitions. In the hall of the Heroes of the citadel is buried by the National Hero of Hungary, Ishthan Dobo.

The cost of entry In the Eger Fortress with a visit to the permanent exhibitions of 1800 ft - admission, 800 ft. - Children. There are family tickets. Additional museums and temporary exposures are paid separately. We arrived after six in the evening. All museums have already been closed. Therefore, we paid only for the entrance to the fortress: 800 ft receptions, 400 ft - children.

Working hours Eger Fortress: Exposure, Exhibitions, Museums Basically work every day from 10-00 to 18-00 in the summer, from November to March - from 10-00 to 16-00, weekends Monday. The castle goal is open in summer from 8-00 to 22-00, from November to March from 8-00 to 18-00.

Near the Cass - a table with information.

Go to the fortress. On the way turned on the shops, loved by the city.

From the walls of the fortress, Eger is visible as on the palm. Beautiful ancient city. Stringing views! For them, it is worth climbing here.

Over the old town of єger rises Minaret Ketyuda. It has been preserved from the XVII century. In 1596 (44 years after the defeat of the Turks from the garrison of Ishthan Dobo), Ottoman troops still captured the fortress and the city. Turkish authorities ruled in Eger 91 year. During this time, Christian temples were destroyed or rebuilt into the mosques, Turkish baths on healing sources were erected. Minaret Ketuda after the liberation of the city from the Ottoman rule decided to leave and as a sign of victory on his top installed the cross. It is considered the northernmost minaret, which existed in the Ottoman Empire.

Interestingly, in our Kamenets-Podolsk, too, there is a mining crowned by a cross. Read here:

On the balcony of Minaret Ketuda there is an observation deck. With her, the whole city is visible. 93 steps of the narrow staircase lead to the balcony. The time of work: 10-00 - 17-00. November - March closed. Ticket price: 300F. The address of Minaret: St.knézich Károly.

Not far from the minaret - there is an interesting Marzipan Museum. It works from 10-00 to 18-00. Address: Harrangöntő 4.

Passed through the ancient walls.


Hungary honors heroes, defeated the Eger Fortress.

About the National Hero Hungary Captain Ishtan Dobo and the Heroic Defense of the Eger Citadel was written the book "Eger Stars". Her author, Hungarian Writer, Genza Gardoni, as the hero of his novel, was buried in the fortress.

In the ancient Episcopal Palace (1470 g), the Museum of Ishthan Dobo and Defense Fortress, Art Gallery, Exhibitions, Wine Cellar and Restaurant.

About the feat of the Garrison of the Eger Citadel based on the novel of Gardenoni Gardoni's novel. In the fortress there is an opportunity to see the history of the defense of the fortress.

In honor of the commandant of Ishthan Dobo and the Heroes of the defenders of the Citadel, each autumn in the egree passes the festival - the reconstruction of historical events.

Return to the city.

On the central square of the Dobo - the original fountain. Beats from - under the ground, then jets, then such a water ferry. Fun and fresh in summer heat kids and adults)))

And we chose a restaurant on the main square and tried the Hungarian Guess with Eger wine. Delicious, but homemade much delicious)))

Eger we liked. This is a beautiful city for tourism and resort holidays. Here it is possible to combat useful with pleasant: relaxes and rehabilitation in thermal baths, acquaintance with the ancient sights and the magnificent architecture of the Hungarian Baroque, visiting museums and exhibitions, tasting national Hungarian cuisine and unique varieties of Eger wines.

And we return home. Ahead of us was waiting for Ukraine.

Fortress Eger

Egri var fortress, Eger was built in the XIII century on a fortress hill.

During the Turkish invasion at Hungary in 1552, the Eger fortress was precipitated, she was able to resist the Turkish army, where the number of Turkish army exceeded 80,000 people, after which the church became significant for Hungary residents.

In 1596, the Turks again attacked Eger and, this time, managed to master the city, which was under their power until 1687. Turks turned the Christian temples in the mosque, rebuilt the fortress, built in the city of Bani and Minarets.

But already in 1687, the Turks were expelled from the city, which, like Hungary, passed under the power of Habsburgs. Eger again survived the period of rapid development, many baroque palaces and temples were built.

Bishops in Jenege were the actual owners of the city and contributed to his prosperity. In 1836, a grandiose basilica was built in Eger, which became the country's largest church at that time. The power of the bishops (and from 1804 Archbishopov) came to an end after the reforms of the 50s of the XIX century.

During World War II, Eger suffered little, which contributed to the preservation of architectural masterpieces of the city and its transformation into one of the main tourist centers of the country.

Hungary, Eger, 3300 Eger, DOBó ISTVÁ N ST 2-14

Thermal center Eger

Thermal center Eger is located in Hungary, in the city of Eger. The Eger Thermal Center is located at the foot of Mattro Mattro and Bukk in the Valley of the Eger Rouch.

Swimming pools Bashes in the center of Eger with medicinal water. One of them comes slightly radioactive water with a temperature of + 28 C. In the pool No. 1, built in 1936, radon therapeutic water goes to the surface through a layer of natural pebbles, ripping the bottom of the pool. From the source located at the egrah boundaries, the bathingarbonate healing water and calcium containing hydrocarbonate healing water with a temperature of + 47 C. These types of therapeutic water are used primarily for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and rheumatic, bone diseases, as well as removal of fatigue syndrome.

Eger bath is one of the important centers of therapeutic and thermal tourism. In the beach-bathing complex, seven pools with medicinal, thermal water, children's pool, indoor and outdoor pools with 14 effects, such as jacuzzi, "pearl" bed, underwater massage, waterfall, etc. Great enjoyment delivers a massage pool, where warm water is broken out of six pipes with different intensity - every moment I find the best option of massage for yourself.

The pools surround rare tropical plants, as wet evaporation from water create a unique microclimate in the Eger complex.

Medical testimony for staying at the resort: diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Rheumatic diseases Chronic inflammatory processes in the joints.

Eger Fortress

Eger Fortress

The construction of a fortress in the old town of Eger began after the Tatar-Mongol invasion, in the XII century. During the time, the fortress was completed, repaired, and his current appearance found in the XVI century, thanks to her commandant Tamas Warcoche. According to his order, the fortress was divided into two parts and built a gate between them, and the walls strengthened with mounds. Thus, the fortress turned into a well-protected town on the mountain peak.

Now on the territory of the fortress is the Museum named after the Ishthan Dobo, in which there are expositions dedicated to the rich history of the fortress. Also an exciting feature of the fortress is a mint, where every visitor can be a student of a coin chanether. You can also visit the ancient wine cellar and a raid shooter.

Every summer, a medieval holiday with knight tournaments and theatrical productions for historical topics is held in the fortress.

+36 +36 312 744

Hungary, Eger, ul. Var, D.1.

Sculptural composition "Border Garbage"

Sculptural composition of Kisfaluduality Strobl.

The sculpture was installed in 1968 on the Square of Dobo in Eger. One of the most beautiful sculptures in the country is live, energetic, ethnic.


Just six km from Eger from December 2006, he takes guests on a unique landscape with a landscape and Velnes-bath in Egersalky.

Egersselok is a small village with a population of 2,000 people, located at the foot of the Mountaint Mountains and the Buckle in the Valley of the River Lashko.

The real landmark of the area is the thermal source located south of the village. The temperature of water beating out of 410 meter depth is 65-68 ° C on the ground surface.

Church Minoritov

The Minorite Church is one of the most beautiful vintage churches in Hungary. It is located in the center of Eger on Square Ishthan Dobo.

The church was built in 1773 in the best traditions of Baroque style. Surrounded by vineyards and age-old buildings, it has already been a few centuries as a unique monument of Hungary.

The facade of the shrine is decorated with two bell tower with a clock. It is they who sound for the whole city three times a day: at eleven, fifteen and eighteen hours.

In the temple you can see the frescoes of the end of the sixteenth century, as well as the majestic statue of St. Anthony.

3300 Eger, Magyarorszá G


The Estergoma Basilica was built in 1831-1836 in the style of neoclassicism, at the time of the construction was the largest temple of Hungary, after the construction of Basilica in Estergome was completed in 1856, it became the second. Architect Yozhef Hilda. By his project in 1931, the construction of basilica began. It was built in 5 years, and during the celebrations about her discovery, she was painted in honor of Archangel Michael and the Apostle Janos. The entrance to the temple leads the steps, on both sides of which are the statues of the Saints and Kings of Hungary. The inner design of the temple is simply great, it took more time from builders than the construction of the building.

Historic center Eger

Eger is located about 130 kilometers north-east of Budapest. The Eger leads the railway branch from the highway Budapest - Miskolc. The city is connected by regular bus and railway communications with Budapest and neighboring cities.

The city is known for its fortress, thermal sources (balneological resort), historical buildings (including the most northern Turkish minaret), as well as the production of Hungarian red wine.

Most of the city's population - Catholics, also have Orthodox, Protestants and Jews.

The settlement on the site of Eger exists from ancient times, during the period of the Middle Ages, the region was inhabited by the German tribes, which were replaced by Avara.

After the defeat, Slavs were settled in the city, and in the second century the city began to belong to the Hungarian.

The historic center is well preserved. On the streets of the town you can see a lot of beautiful buildings in Baroque styles, Copp and classicism

Hungary, Eger is 130 kilometers from Budapest.

Eger Lyceum

Lyceum (1765-85, Arch. Ya. Felner) - one of the oldest schools of Hungary, is opposite the Basilica. Lyceum has a magnificent library, inside the building - luxury interiors

Serf Museum in Eger

The first fortress on the mountain was built already in the XIII century, but during the period of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion it was destroyed. Eger bishops soon restored the fortress, which turned into one of the main defensive centers of the region. The fortress occupied a much larger territory than the one we see today. High walls and numerous towers surrounded it. In 1552, the commandant of the fortress Baron Ishtan Dobo and his soldiers managed to defend the fortress from a huge advantage in the human strength of the Turkish army. Only 2100 defenders of the fortress (including women and children) 33 days restrained the onslaught of the Turks. Ishthan Dobo became the National Hero of Hungary. From the beginning of the XVIII century, the fortress lost its strategic importance, heatually dilapidated, was partially destroyed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, active restoration and archaeological works began on its territory, which was the result of the creation of a permanent museum exposition. The Episcopal Palace was restored, and on its first floor is located a serf museum of Ishthan Dobo. Here in the Heroes Hall there is a grave of Dobo, a list of fortress defenders and storm associated exhibits. The second floor occupies a collection of an Eger art gallery, including the canvas of Dutch, Italian, Austrian and Hungarian artists.

In October, "Days of the Eger Fortress" are held every year, during which Knight's tournaments, concerts, exhibitions and costume performances are served.

+36 36-312-744

3300 Eger, Hungary

Cheboksary District in Eger

In Soviet times, when there was still CMEV, our students from Cheboksary took part in the construction of Cheboksary microdistrict in the Hungarian city of Eger. In Cheboksary, there is an Eger Boulevard, in honor of those events.

Cheboksary District in Eger, still can not be called a young district, because There is also a lot of historical houses. Beautiful panorama of this area opens from the Eger Fortress.

Monument to Ishtan Dobo

Monument to Ishtan Dobo is a beautiful bronze statue depicting the famous Hungarian warlord and the commander of the XVI century Ishthan Dobo. The monument is located on the main square of the Hungarian city of Eger and invariably attracts the views of tourists.

Captain Ishthan Dobo became famous in 1552, defeating the Eger Fortress and without retreating before many times superior in numbers of the Turks. With the disposal about 2,000 fighters, Ishthan Dobo more than forty days restrained the eighty-thousand Turkish army. The monument in honor of this event is a beautiful sculptural group depicting the Ishthan of Dobo, standing with the naked saber in his hands, as well as other defenders of the Eger Fortress. The monument is located on a high marble foundation and looks very solemnly.

Today, this military memorial is considered one of the main attractions of Eger. The monument decorates the central city square and serves as a reminder of the glorious history of this place.

Central Square of the city of Eger, Hungary

Valley Krasavitz

Krasavits Valley is located in one of the vintage cities of the Eger, it is popular with a numerous amount of wine cellars, the name of the valley until today is considered a mystery for local residents. Here itifies various aromas of local wines and beautiful Hungarian cuisine, you can listen to live gypsy music.

People say that the name happened from the goddess Venus, many residents claim that the most beautiful women of the city lived in this area. There is another version, it is believed that it was for this place that men from Eger came to their fun, because Slutty girls lived here.

People often jokes that after tasting various wines, all women seem to be beauties, from here the valley and received its name. The cellar is considered a popular center, which are located semicircons.

The Valley of Beauty is famous for its hospitality, the tourist can taste traditional dishes of Hungarian cuisine, as well as taste the delicious wine.

SZ Passzonyvolgy 50, Eger, Hungary

Equestrian plant Lipicia

The farm for breeding the horses of the Breed of Lipicia near the city of Eger on top of the Karszt hill appeared on May 19, 1580. Strong muscular jumps were grown specifically for the imperial yard.

Selection, in accordance with the trends of that time, began with Spanish horses, but a little later the selection of the necessary stallions and the mare spread to the whole of Europe. In total, 8 scakunov took part in breed breeding.

As a result, the excellent breed was removed: obedient, trained, ready for work and not too demanding. The characteristic feature of the Hungarian Lipicians is the underlined flexibility and swiftness of movements.

Eger is located about 130 kilometers north-east of Budapest. The Eger leads the railway branch from the highway Budapest - Miskolc. City is connected by regular bus and railway communications with Budapest and neighboring cities

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From Budapest we went to the ancient Eger. The city was surprisingly warm and cozy. Somehow even homemade, I would say. In such places you want to go to slippers right through the streets - that, by the way, local grandmothers are successfully made. At first I did not understand: what do they look out under their feet, walking in slippers? As it turned out, everything is simple: the grandmothers collect nuts (lame) right under the windows of their homes, good grows here a lot. We even had a fun tradition with Nadi: barely freezing such a grandmother, we immediately accepted to help her, referred to the collected "wealth" in her plastic bucket. Grandmothers were very surprised, but rejoiced.

Eger flavor is very unusual. If a second to imagine that the city is a person, then I would describe it as a neat young man of pretty conservative views ... However, Eger's pockets are full of bright blue beads with the Turkish eye, which he imperceptibly leaves the road ... This comparison is probably associated with the siege of the city of the Turks in the XVI century. And although the defenders managed to keep it, there is still something Turkish in the city ... Some Nepipical For Eastern Europe, the carelessness of the Black Sea coast. Although to the sea, as they say, "three days on deer."

The history of the siege of Eger is one of the most famous legends associated with the city. It is said that the garrison of the Eger Fortress was led against the 80,000 Turkish army, and the city as a result received the "crown of glory" and a memorable page in Hungarian history. According to one of the legends, the inhabitants of Eger managed this thanks to the famous local guilt, which is called "Bull Blood". Like, the defenders of the fortress drank wine, which gave them a courage, and the Turks, stuck in such a turn of events, decided that it was not wine, and the bull of blood that made Hungarian invincible. According to another version, the famous wine, on the contrary, undermined the ranks of the enemy: the Turks liked the taste of wine that they were confused all their combat readiness. As for the prohibitions on the wine from Muslims, then everything is simple: this is not wine, it is a bull-blood!

In general, I do not know who is right, but Moral fairy tale is: Wine in the energer is excellent. And all nonbeid can assure themselves and others that drink not wine, but by boning blood! True, I do not know how to be with vegetarians, but I hope they themselves will come up with something.

So here's somehow a story from nuts moved to the theme of wine. Well, I will continue, the benefit of Eger became famous for the whole world not only by the "bullish blood", but also "Beauty of Beauty", where this very "blood" and bottled. Szépasszony-Völgy is so called in the Hungarian Language of Beauty - there is more than two hundred wine cellars, many of which have been several centuries. So this is not just a wine factory, but a place with a story! We walked in the valley, the wines drank. It truth turned out to be divine. Back went tantaking.

I do not know how you, and I was interested in the name of the "Beauty Valley" more than the "Bull Blood" (after the "milk of the beloved woman" bullish blood no longer surprise).
So were there in the Valley of Beauty and if so, did they have much left? The question remains open, but local winemakers argue that after a bottle of other wine, all women seem beautiful. Anyway, to establish the origin of a curious name to historians failed. It remains to rely on the legends and the quality of the Hungarian drink :-)

There are in the ener and thermal sources. And although they no longer shook such a royal luxury, like Budapest, they also have their own highlight. Sources of Egersselok (near Eger) are famous for their mineral formations in the form of terraces. Nature like miracles just does not distribute. They say, on our continent they can be seen except Eger in Turkey (Pamukkale). Well, and we once observed something like that.

Sources and really beautiful, however, located nearby the resort looks somewhat depressingly. There is a feeling that the person is unceremonious "blood sucks" from such natural beauty. Is it really so necessary to spoil the unique view of the boring spa adhering on the side?

However, as they say, the sources help people correct health and treat many diseases. According to the legend, in the XVIII century, a blind girl, washing the water of Egersselok, immediately hesitated. In any case, the wonders of nature (and just miracles) is always good. And sources are always nice. The main thing is that not dried!

(c) Photos - I and Nadia

harshes for grandmothers!

I finish the story of Hungary's summer holiday.
Last city. Which we visited in our tour, was Eger. There I was already in 2006 with a more detailed excursion, now everything was gallop in Europe. But I was not particularly upset about this, because The main semantic part of this paragraph was to visit the thermal sources near Eger - in Egersselok.
And this is just beautiful flowers planted around the river.

Nor and I, too, nothing :).

Original fountain.

Interesting balcony.

With this gate, photographed last time - beautiful, nothing to say.

Local University.

Ahead of the walls of the fortress are visible.

And here is the Egersalky himself - the village is 6 km from Eger. The main attraction of Egersalka is a thermal source with calcium-magnesium hydrocarbonate water, Beating out of 410 meter depth, temperature on the surface of the earth 65-68 ° C!! As written in advertising, watercontains 12 biologically indispensable and 7 beneficially influencing trace elements (eg sodium).Similar geological entities are available only in two points in the world: in the Asian part of Turkey, in Pamukkale, as well as in the United States of America, in the National Park Yosemite, and in Europe this formation is the only one.

Place for recreation is very pleasant, better than the sea - 100%! At the edges of the pools - jet water under pressure. I dispersed my whole body to pain, it cost no bruises :).

These are children's pools.

There are cool water in the pool, you can swim and immediately conducted occupations on aquaeerobics by local boards.

Behind me, Hungarian Pamukkale - water from the source puts off salt and the pools of Cleopatra are almost ready here.

Here waterways.

And here is hot water - under 40 degrees - you can clear a little.

And this was already attached with new pools next to the source, after a while, calcium salts will be laid on them and another piece of Pamukkale will be added.

These are pools inside the building. I went there before going out - we had only a couple of hours on a bathing and I chose to swim in the open-air pools. But regretted that he did not look here before. In addition to all sorts of slides, Charcot, etc. Jacuzzi there were still pools lanes with alternating grinding and cold water. You walk in them a couple of meters - the waters of the knee, first hot water, then the pool with cold and so several times is good for exercise of the vessels. There were also dark grots with cold water and fluorescent paint on the ceiling.

Good here we have a week.

Well, after a good physiotload ship, we went well to dine in the valley of Beauty. Traditional Hungarian Goulash with traditional Hungarian wine. Branded wine here Bull Blood. I bought it a 5 liter canister and another 5 liters of white semi-dry wine.

There was an opportunity to get drunk widow, and even at the same time to win a bottle. I did not know what will be for the contest, so immediately first and volunteered. But this man won, to whom the wine was poured and my neighbor at the table.

Well, I also got a little.

This is another of the winners - only 3 bottles were played out.

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