Amalfi Italy. Open the left Amalfi menu. Marine Republic Amalfi - Historical Information

Amalfi city I imagined very different. Once he competed on the sea with Genoa, Venice and Piza, then it should have to look like these cities. And in fact, Amalfi turned out to be a small, starred mountains, stretched along a narrow valley.

Find into the city by sea or road (in detail how to get -). In any case, the traveler turns out to be on the wide area of \u200b\u200bFlavio Gioia.

(I want to immediately warn that in the article I used photos of two trips: February and May, so do not be surprised that people in the pictures will be in jackets, then in shorts).

The area is named after the local navigator Flavia Joya, who lived in the 13th and 19th centuries and an invented (according to another version - improved) compass. On the square there is a fountain with its sculpture.

At the entrance to the city are the gate Porta della Marina.. And everything, naturally, the first thing pass through them to the city to see the famous andrei Cathedral of Andrei Promotional.

From the Monastery on Passeggiata Longfellow and the stairs we descend to the sea, to the beach of Siren and Piazzalle Dei Prototini.

Warm february day

I use cards on trips Tinkoff Black
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Amazing beauty The small Italian town of Amalfi is currently considered one of the most prestigious resorts in the world. Its ancient origin, a huge number of monuments of history and architecture, luxury hotels, numerous restaurants, bars and discos, noisy festivals, like a magnet mounted for him every year hundreds of thousands of tourists.


Short description

There is nothing surprising in the fact that among holidaymakers attending the most beautiful city of the Amalfi coast, it is quite often possible to meet the richest people of our planet, popular singers, musicians, designers and athletes. By the way, the number of the indigenous population of the city of Amalfi, spreading from the picturesque bay of the Tyrrhenian Sea, at the moment a little more than 6,000 people. As it is easy to guess, almost all the inhabitants of this beautiful garden city are busy in a tourist business, which brings the main income to the treasury of the elite resort.

View of Amalfi from the Tyrrhenian Sea

By the way, Amalfi was not always just a spa town, he was a lot of centuries ago, he was the capital of the "Maritime Republic", and his population exceeded 50,000 (!) Man. In those distant times, almost all of its inhabitants were richest people, because then they received a huge income from restless, but from trade in coffee, paper, grain and seafood. However, this is the story of Amalfi. It should be stopped at just below in more detail, because even superficially familiarized with it, you can make a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe resort and those monuments of history and architecture, which attract the attention of a huge number of guests of the city, spreading in the Italian province of Salerno.

The interest in Amalfi also causes the fact that this city is listed in the well-known List of UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is worth noting that they are guarded in the resort are not separate attractions, but the whole city is entirely. According to Specialists from UNESCO, the Italian city on the shores of the Salern Gulf should be preserved for descendants in the form in which it is currently. In this regard, since 1997, all projects of new hotels, entertainment institutions and clubs are carefully checked by the Commission specifically created for these purposes. The resolution of the construction of a new building in Amalfi is issued only if it does not violate the already formed ensemble with its architectural form.

By the way, many hotels in which guests are offered exclusively high-quality service and all modern benefits were built even during the heyday of Amalfi. Thanks to this, a person who came to the city, whose buildings are built on the ledge of a sheer cliff, it seems that he "moved by car time" for several centuries ago. And what could be better for resting than a romantic atmosphere, which permeated every street of ancient Amalfi.

Amalfi - a little about the history of the ancient city

Modern historians still lead hot disputes about when Amalfi was founded. However, at the moment it is believed that the once mighty city, which at its time, the capital of the Marine Republic was founded on the protrusion of the cliffs in the IV century Flavius \u200b\u200bValery Averalius Konstantin. This ruler entered the story as Konstantin I or Konstantin Great. It is worth noting that during the heyday of the Great Roman Empire, the prefix "Great", gave almost every emperor in his life. However, Konstantin I was really great. This ruler did not spend time in feasts and orgies: Konstantin built a new cities, including an amazing Amalfi, conducted new reforms. However, his main merit is that it was he who managed to make Christianity the main religion in the entire Roman state.

View of Amalfi from above

The city, which was obliged by its appearance to such a great man, whom, by the way, in some Christian churches had already taken the saints, was simply obliged to become the same powerful and power. Alas, now it is not known now, as the city, founded by Konstantin Great, was called in those distant times. His name Amalfi, the modern resort was most likely, already in the middle of the 9th century. During the time when the city is the rule of the Dartsky Dynasty Amalfi. It is from the name of this ancient race, a trading city, which was already considered in those times the most successful shopping center of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and received his, caressing hearing, name. It will not be superfluous and mention that the city has created, the so-called, "Marine Law Amalfi". List all the items of this legal document will perhaps be superfluous. However, it is worth noting that the "marine law" is considered one of the first documents in which the laws regulating trade in the sea were described in detail.

During the reign of the genus Amalfi, the city flourished and expanded: luxury temples were built with enviable regularity, buildings struck by their architectural style, and magnificent gardens were broken right on their roofs. The influence of the capital of the Maritime Republic, which controlled almost the entire Mediterranean Sea, and which even the militant and proud Sracins obeyed, no one had already disputed. In Amalfi, thanks to his execution, magnificent balls and festivities were constantly carried out, regatta were arranged. However, as nor sadly, everything in our world comes an end. The genus Amalfi ceased to exist, and the rich shopping city moved to the Duke of Salern.

Amalfi Beach

By the way, in honor of this dynasty, the picturesque bay is named, on the shore of which it spread on the rock of Amalfi. In the 1100th year, Normans were rich in the richness of the city, and already in 1135 the city was partially plundered by the Pisans who returned to Amalfi in two years to finish the started.

Many historians argue that it was from this period of time in Amalfi a decline began: trade with other countries gradually ceased, and the residents of the city had to earn their lives of fishing, macaroni, liqueur and dear paper, called Amalfian. By the way, the name of the liqueur, the recipe of which was developed in Amalfi, is known and our contemporaries. Who does not know about the existence of the legendary lemoncello?

The Duke of the Salernsky after the capture and plunder of Amalfi, nevertheless, returned to the city and tried to restore its former power. However, they never succeeded in realizing this plan: the indigenous population, which counted 50,000 people, simply had to work, so many of them left the once mighty shopping center in search of the best share. Interestingly, with this state of affairs, the "Maritime Amalfi" was still considered the main legislative document regulating maritime trade.

Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called

It existed until the end of 1570 (!) Year. As mentioned above, the city was experiencing in the Middle Ages far from the best of his times. Many residents cursed their lives and did not even guess what could be even worse: in 1343, the sea was impaired, the storm completely destroyed all the buildings of Amalfi, located near the coast, and took thousands of lives.

As everyone is well known, the fate is not chosen. The city on the shores of the Salern Gulf, despite all the troubles and sorrow, was destined to stay on the world map, and even become one of the best resorts on our planet. After a hurricane, Amalfi began to dispute: until the 19th century, luxurious houses appeared on his coastal territory, only now, many of them were turned into cozy hotels. In 1852, a 15-kilometer road was already completed, which fully connected Amalfi, and which, in our days, many tourists are called the most picturesque and most romantic expensive in the world.

Bell Tower of the Cathedral Andrei First Called

Amalfi is one of the best resorts of the world or "all inclusive"

Why amalfi in our time is considered one of the best resorts in the world? Answer this question will be quite simple. Beautiful beaches, magnificent hotels in which special attention is paid to the comfort of guests, the mass of attractions and stunning landscapes. The resort of Amalfi will be interesting to everyone without exception: lovers of the active type of rest, a person striving for peace and privacy, a connoisseur of monuments of history and architecture, families with children. Thanks to the developed tourism infrastructure in this amazing, the ancient city, his guests are constantly returning to Amalfi, in order to also penetrate specially, you can even say, the magical atmosphere of this fabulous resort.

Many people who come to Amalfi do not want to spend all their free time lying on the beaches or bathing in the purest waters of the Salern Gulf. Only the study of this city, bound by the "romantic road", on the roofs of which beautiful gardens are broken, delivers the true pleasure of the connoisseurs of the world of beautiful. Describe those amenities that can be found in hotels, restaurants and cozy bars, in this material, perhaps, not worth it. All this information can be found almost in any travel agency that offers its customers tours to Italy. It should only be detailed to dwell on what can be visited in a small town leading its history from the IV century, and closely related to the name of Constantine Great.

On the streets of the city

Attractions Amalfi - A brief overview of museums, historical and architectural monuments

To tell about all interesting places Amalfi, in one material, even with all the desire, alas, will not work. Therefore, it will be more expedient to stop only on the most significant sights of the city, which attract the attention of almost every guest of the resort. Immediately at the entrance to the city, each guest will not be able to pass by the Monument of Flavio Joy. This person, according to all Italians, is considered an inventor ... Compass. Opinion is quite controversial, if only because scientists argue that the compass was invented in the subwayless empire. To talk about the opinion of specialists in Amalfi, but however, in all of Italy, it is not worth it: all the indigenous population of the country is firmly convinced that such an essential and necessary device, as a compass, was invented by the Amalfi Master of Flavio Joey in the middle of the XIII century.

The most amazing place in Amalfi is a cathedral, named after St. Andrew the First Called. By and large, this amazing temple, in which five architectural styles spell immediately, is a kind of "business card" of the resort city. Something like the Eiffel Tower for Paris. Almost every resident of Amalfi is firmly convinced that the relics of one of the students of the Savior of all mankind are kept in this cathedral. In fairness it is worth noting that they are not exhibited for everyone to review, and the priests of the Cathedral of St. Andrew and the First-Called Silence are proud silence.

Another of the most visited places of Amalfi is a cemetery. The cemetery, which wears a rather strange and original name "Paradise dvorik". People who deceased during the reign of the Amalfi dynasty are buried here. It is surprising that this cemetery is really similar to the paradise garden: magnificent arches, orange trees, columns, palm trees ... "In a paradise courtyard, death is perceived quite differently. Stray on this cemetery-garden, we have thoughts about the eternal, and all the fuss and stress go away. " - Tourist shares his impressions, who visited the most ancient cemetery of the resort of Amalfi.

In addition to the above attractions, any guest will be interested to look at the Basilica of the Holy Crucifixion, which is considered the oldest temple in the city. Lovers of miracles that were created by nature itself should definitely go to the Black Herrow Emerald: Awesome Cave, Amazing Forms Stalagmites, Stalactites, as well as the fancy game of shadows on its walls will impress even on the experienced traveler.

Travel arch in the house. Left layout of the city

Separate attention deserves the paper museum. Yes, yes, in this city, there is a museum dedicated to precisely paper, more precisely, the Amalfian paper, which was made by the ancient masters by hand, and which at one time cost fabulous money. It is due to its production and began the revival of the city of Amalfi after the raids of Normans, the Pisans and the destructive storm. Among exhibits are rare machines and paper samples. In addition, the visitor of the museum will be able to see the invaluable ancient books that are made of the material produced by Amalfi.

The paper museum is not the only one in the city: there is a municipal museum in Amalfi. It can make an idea of \u200b\u200bhow Amalfians lived in the Middle Ages, see their coins, clothes, household items and much more. The most valuable exhibit of the museum, near which you can always meet crowds of tourists - the draft of the legendary "Maritime Code", which regulated all trading operations on the sea and in retail ports.

Amalfi layout

In the city resort on the banks of the Salern Bay, the tourist can be sent to rest only if it does not experience financial difficulties. As already mentioned at the very beginning of this material, Amalfi is considered an elite place to relax, which means that prices in it are literally all high enough. Although you can see this stunning ancient city and get acquainted with his main attractions in time of a day excursion. Practically from all the ports of the bay in Amalfi daily go pleasure yachts and boats.

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If you want to get into the most fabulous city of Italy - you have a straight road to Amalfi. This small Italian town (the population of only 5430 residents) is the UNESCO World Heritage. Perhaps there are no luxury large beaches here, but the grottoes, capes and cozy bays are striking with their beauty.

The Amalftinian coast is unique with its beauty!

Enjoying the views of Amalfi can be infinite

The city is built on the slope of the mountain. The stairs that are "united" at home are also carved in the rock. Roofs of their homes, residents are decorated with green gardens. Orange, lemon and olive trees grow straight between bridges, passages, houses.

Mandarins, lemons and grenades ... So I want to stretch your hand and disrupt the juicy fruit
Cities of the Amalfitan coast as if carved in the rocks

Today is a famous tourist center, a piece of earthly paradise on Earth. Amalfi is not the only city on this coast of Italy. The Amalfi Coast includes three cities: Amalfi, Sorrento and Positano.

What is the history of this city?

According to historical sources, the city of Amalfi founded Konstantin Great in the IV century. At first it was a small village until the Byzantines turned it into a powerful fortress. The city had a wonderful strategic location.

Amalfi - a fabulous city in Italy

In 839, he was won by Langobard (this is an ancient German tribe, and the name itself is translated as "long-working"), but after the fall of their power (maybe the beard began to fall out ...), Amalfi became free, and in the 9th century became the first Italian seaside.

Embankment Amalfi

During the heyday, the city consisted about 50,000 inhabitants and there were countless gold, silver and other jewels.

And what are the colorful sunsets! Heaven and water are transfused with incredible colors

People of different nationalities traded in the city: Arabs, Africans, Indians. Here I ran the trading path between the West and the East, and there was a browse trade of carpets, coffee and paper. In the city even minted his own coin - Tara. The inventor of Compass Flavio Joy called his homeland exactly Amalfi than the local is very very proud of.

Monument to Flavia Joy, inventor compass and native Amalfi

The first sea code appeared in Amalfi and was called "Tavole Amalfitane". He acted in Italy until 1570. In 1100, the city survived the attack of Normans, and in 1135 the fleet Amalfi was destroyed by the Pisans. After that, the city has lost all its wealth and status. In addition, Amalfi was half destroyed by Tsunami in 1343. In 1860, the city was part of the United Isalya.

Walking on Amalfi, came across a very interesting thing - installation of the life of the city at the dawn of its foundation
We considered all the details of the installation: figurines of people and animals, who are busy and who lives

You can get to Amalfi by plane, train or car. Variants are set. Sitting in Rome on the train can be reached by Naples or Salerno. And from there already on the ferry to Amalfi. The nearest airfield is also in Naples.

What to see in Amalfi? Attractions of the city of Italy.

The patron of the city of Amalfi is the Holy Andrey is the primarious. The Cathedral (Duomo), built in the Norman-Byzantine style, stores his power. Cathedral in Amalfi is not one building, but a whole complex. He became a visiting card of the city and is located in his very center.

The Cathedral of Amalfi Andrei First Called caused some patriotic feelings ... Apparently the Russian soul shouted

The first church appeared here in the 6th century, and in the 9th century, the cathedral was attached here, which was dedicated to St. Andrew. At the beginning of the XIII century, these two basilica were combined. The cathedral was rebuilt in the XVI and in the XVIII century. In the most beautiful part of the cathedral - Kripte - there is a shrine of all Christians - the relics of the Apostle Andrei First-Called, which were brought here in 1208 after the end of the fourth crusade. At first they were in the Greek city of Patras (the place of the martyrdom of the apostle), and in 357, on the orders of Konstantin the Great were transported to Constantinople. After his capture by crusaders, the relics were in Amalfi.

What kind of types here!
It is impossible not to fall in love!

In the past, Amalfitans were also famous thanks to Bambajna paper. The method of its manufacture was adopted by the Arabs. Handmade Amalfi Paper Museum can be visited in the premises of an old paper factory. Here you can see a primitive, but very advanced (for your time) paper manufacturing technology, as well as see the process of its production itself. Today, such paper is very valued and used to make art objects.

Amalfi incredibly charming city! And the habit of Italians to dry their linen on the street, even if the crowds of tourists go - even more fascinating and gives home comfort

The arsenal of the city demonstrates the sea weapons of the Republics. Here you can see the recovered combat ships of Amalfitans. This is the only museum in the south of Italy. And in the National Museum of the city of Amalfi, the world's first sea code is located, in which the responsibilities and rights of sailors are prescribed, as well as the navigation rules. And here you can look at the vintage navigation instruments found in the bay.

If the creator of the compass considered his homeland Amalfi, then the city can not be proud of it. Everyone will like to meet a closer look at the history - Welcome to the Mesa Compass

A few kilometers from Amalfi have a small town of Atraani, which hides in the rocks. This is the smallest city in all southern Italy. There are also excellent swimming places. After all, the Beach Amalfi, they say it is better not to fall. We were in November, when not the best time for swimming. The beach is very expensive, small and always overflowed by people.

Immediately for Amalfi, the road leads to the atra, the main thing is to carefully follow the signs, and it is very easy to miss

In the summer, the lemon festival is held on the streets of Amalfi. The lemon liqueur here is pouring the river.

Delicious Italian Liqueur - Lemoncell and Melonchell (taste melon)
Our little trophy from the Amalftinian coast
In the Amalfi, for each step, the famous lemon liqueur is sold, all showcases are simply forced by jars and bottles with delicious drink

And also there are crazy drivers who overtake even the fastest cars. And it's on serpentine!

Cool turns are not a problem for local drivers, they know the road
And even steep cliffs do not scare local drivers, but visitors are very frightened
Although the road and full of dangers in the form of steep turns, high cliffs, and hurrying in their affairs of local residents, Eyo beauty and stunning views

Amalfi is a favorite place of rest of the bohemian elite. After all, it is very quiet and calmly plus a wonderful nature, a mild climate and a beautiful view.

It seems that time stopped when you admire the coast

Sitting to Amalfi by bus, you can get to the trail of the gods. This is an ancient road that connects neighboring villages.

Bus stop in Amalfi. If I were waiting for a bus here, I would dream about the bus stayed ...

Once every four years in Amalfi, the "historical regatta" is held. The rowers demonstrate different Italian maritime republics.

Amalfi is a city that should visit everyone, at least once in life. He fascinates with his beauty. There is one amalftinal proverb: "When the time comes to go to paradise, the amalfitans will not even see change."

Real Paradise!

Attractions Amalfi. The most important and interesting sights of Amalfi - photos and video, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

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  • Amalfi is a resort that is very suitable for exploring the medieval architecture, in which the Byzantine stylistics is connected to the northern forms and thickening lines. And the main attraction of the city is, of course, the Cathedral of St. Andrei. This is a magnificent building in the heart of the old city dates back to 11th century, although in all subsequent years the features of many architectural styles mixed in his appearance. It is difficult to tear the eye from the contrasting lanes of the facade and the abundance of decorative trim, as well as the majestic bell tower.

    Domoo itself has a 9th century basilica, which served as a cathedral function before a new building was built. In Kripte, located under it, the power of SV is stored. Andrei First Called. Many legends are connected with the relics and creative wonders.

    Another remarkable place of the Cathedral is his club, called Chistro Del Paradiso - "Paradise Dvorik". He was built by Filippo Augustaricho in 1266-1268. and used as a place of burial of members of the noble families Amalfi. A snow-white colonnade with islander arches reminds of a strong effect that I had an Arab culture for Amalfi, associated with the inner courtyards of the Palaces of the Middle East. With Roman and medieval columns and sarcophagi 14 V. This courtyard can be called a real open-air museum.

    On the east side of Amalfi, Konka-dei Marini is located, which has become a favorite place of rich and famous because of its painting.

    Another old building Amalfi is an ancient arsenal. He was erected in those days when Amalfi was one of the four strongest naval republics of the Mediterranean. Arsenal is a gothic building of large stones with arched arches and colonnade; Here the ships were built, traded, stored loads, led customs control. In 2010, the Museum of Compass and the Sea Republic of Amalfi was placed in Stary Arsenal.

    The paper museum is located in the northern part of the modern city, in the mill valley. Amalfi was one of the first centers for the production of paper in Europe: the amalfitans technology was adopted from the Arabs. In the museum you can see an ancient mill that was used in production. She belonged to the family of Milano, which was opened by this production. The museum was founded in 1969 by the will of their descendant, Nikolo Milano, the then Mill host. In addition, in the exposition, other tools and equipment, restored and fully workers, which were used to make paper manually.

    The most famous monument to Amalfi is a statue of Flavio Jiol, which amalfitans consider the inventor of a compass on the same circular area before the harbor.


    Once in Amalfi, it will insisted not to inspect the entire Amalfi coast, which recesses the attractions. These points like Ravello or Positano are famous for the whole world. But also in less well-known small places, which are located within 10 km from the city, you can find many interesting things.

    Take, for example, a small medieval atra - it is even difficult for it to be called a separate settlement, as it is located just 1 km from the center of Amalfi. Meanwhile, Atraani is a real hidden treasure for a tourist. Located on the rock between Rods over the sea, this is the smallest municipality in Italy. From the sea, it looks like an amphitheater, and from sushi - like a toy town with puppet houses of pastel colors, a winding staircase "Scarley", cozy Piazza Umberto I and two remarkable churches: literally built into the city houses San Salvatore de Byreto (10 V .) And Santa Maria Maddalena (13th century), which decorate the painting 16 in.

    On the other, East, the side of Amalfi is Konka-de-Marini, which has become a favorite place of rich and famous because of its painting. John Steinbek, Carlo Ponti, Gianni Agnelli (Fiat Auto Industryman) erected their villas here to enjoy the sea view from the cliffs, the coastal tower of 16 century. and urban architecture, in which Arab, Mauritanian and Greek roots mixed. It is here that the famous emerald grotto, which was discovered less than a hundred years ago due to its inaccessibility, and today he became a phenomenally popular tourist object due to the extremely rare color of water.

    • Where to stay: wishing to combine entertainment and beach with an interesting excursion program - in Sorrento; "Gingerbread" with postcards are looking for Amalfi or Positano; Ravello belongs to the hearts of writers, composers, artists; those who like the port of romance can be advised
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