Ski resort Serfaus in Austria. Serfaus Fiss Ladis - overview of the ski area in Austria. Serfaus Fiss Ladis - There are no cars on the streets

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When children are happy, their parents are doubly. And Serfaus is exactly the resort, where happiness is twisted in the air. It can even be heard: it sounds like a children's laughter and a screech, which is coming from playgrounds, where the ski school classes go.

And when small skiers proudly go to their first competitions, and then ride on real adult tracks, it is safe to say: a family vacation has been a hundred.

About other joys, which gives rest with children in Serfaus, read in the review of Kidpassage.

Serfaus on the map of Austria

Serfaus (Ziphas) \u200b\u200b- Commune in the West of Austria, in the federal land Tyrol, as part of the Landek district (administrative center - Landek city). The distance from Serfaus to Landek is 26 km, to Innsbruck - 97 km, to Salzburg - 280 km, to Munich (Germany) - 185 km, to Vaduza (Liechtenstein) - 126 km.

In 1999, Commune Serfaus united with neighboring villages, forming Surfaus Ski Resort - Fiss - Ladis. Also within a radius of 20 km are still three riding zones: NADERS, REID, Caunchnal Glacier (3160 m). All of them are united by a single chipass.

Not far from those places where Serfaus is located on the border of Austria and Switzerland, another famous winter resort is located - Ishgl. In this part of the Alps Mountains climb the mark of 3000 meters, so the snow lies from the end of the autumn until the middle of the spring.

Vacation with children

Ski resort Serfaus without droying is called nursery. Not because of the small number of trails - there are many of them here, and even more difficult than simple.

The secret is this: Children's ski schools of the resort are one of the best in Europe, and the Datvora in Serfaus does not just feel skiing, but falls in love with this lesson for life.

A trip to Serfaus with children is usually filled with all sorts of activity. If even a child does not spend all his energy in class and in a snowy town, you will be able to spend time on the Sannaya highway, on the rink or playing Kerling.

And after such a saturated day, you will be waiting for a cozy hotel where all the conditions have been created to comfortably relax with the child. It also applies to baby cottages, and leisure activities, and nutrition for the youngest guests. Families with an infant will appreciate the set of necessary accessories for the care of the kid.

Summer holiday in Serfaus in the number of interests is not inferior to the winter. And let the weather in the resort do not indulge in heat, for active pastime it is not a hindrance. In summer, in Serfaus for children, amusement parks work, only instead of amusements, adventure trails are arranged there and playgrounds for water games.

In addition, in the warm season, it is easier to ride on excursions: a trip to Innsbruck or a trip to Principality Liechtenstein will deliver a lot of pleasure to the whole family.

Please note that Serfaus lies at quite large altitudes, and acclimatization in a child can delay for several days.

When it is better to go

Winter season in Serfaus starts in the second week of December and lasts until the middle or until the end of April. Usually at this time the mountains are covered with snow, frosty weather keeps, and everything conducives skiing.

But not even good snow cover serves as a signal to the opening of the season in Serfaus. The main event that collects a huge number of spectators - show Adventure Night. The first time it is shown at the end of December, and the last - in mid-April (it marks the closing of the season).

When is it better to go to Serfaus? If you don't want to stand in line for lifts, choose for a trip for the middle of January, the second half of March and the beginning of April. In early December, the resort still works at full strength, for Christmas, the new year and in February-March there are a lot of holidaymakers here, and in April there may be problems with snow.

Rest with the child can be planned for the summer. Weather Summer Months Nonzar, often rainy, but also sunny days are not uncommon. With a baby in Serfaus, it is best to go in the summer, since winter is often very frosty.

Weather and climate

The serfaus climate may seem too friendly. From November to March, the resort holds frosts, and in summer, the air does not heat even up to + 20 ° C. But there is such weather and pleasant moments.

First advantage - long and snowy winter. Already by the end of November, a 10-centimeter layer of snow lies in Serfaus. The air temperature drops to zero during the day and up to -5-12 ° C at night.

In December, the thickness of the snow cover reaches 40 cm, and snowfalls do not stop until April. The temperature drops to -3-10 ° C day and up to -4-15 ° C at night.

In January and February, there is a similar weather, but night frosts can intensify: occasionally in the resort of cold up to -22-30 ° C. Clear days alternate with cloudy, only the end of winter is usually issued very frown.

Time for a better rest in Serfaus with children comes with the arrival of spring. Daytime temperature ranges from -5 ° C to + 5 ° C, although nights remain in winter frosty.

In April, the air warms up to + 2-6 ° C, but with darkness at the onset of darkness. In May, snowfall is replaced by rains - they will pour all summer.

The temperature is gradually growing, from + 7-13 ° C to + 10-20 ° C in July-August. Despite the abundant rains, the weather in Serfaus is most often sunny, but at the same time a non-fit is the second advantage of the resort.

Planning a vacation in Serfaus for the summer, be sure to take warm clothes with you, because at night the temperature can fall to zero.

Autumn on the resort is early and quite cold. In September, night frosts are possible, and during the day the temperature is barely rises to + 6-12 ° C. In October, it is cold to + 2-9 ° C.


Urban public transport in Serfaus is unusual: instead of ski bass here it runs Dorfbahn, a silent metro on an air cushion. Travel to the subway is free, trains go from 8:00 to 19:00, and on Wednesdays, when Adventure Night passes, - until midnight. There is an accurate schedule on the tourist website of the resort.

But on the road transport in Serfaus, it is forbidden to move.

If you are going to go on vacation by car, you can get to the hotel, but then within the resort you will need to move on foot or on the subway. In Fiss and Ladis, the ban on trips is valid only at night.

To move in Serfaus, all year round can be used by long-distance buses No. 4236, which go several times a day. Adult ticket for a trip from Serfaus to Fiss and Ladis costs about 3 euros, tickets for children are twice as cheaper. On the same bus you can get to Landek, from where there are trains to Innsbruck and Salzburg.

Serfaus Ski resort is a snowy slopes, sparkling a freshness mountain landscape in Austria. The Tyrol region is one of the best places for winter sports lovers. Entertainment for the whole family, a wide selection of trails, in difficulty available to professionals and beginners, attractive ski resorts for every taste - are here in the Austrian Alps. Austria all year round provides 3400 km of well-groomed trails located on 80 skiyskits. And snow cover, its depth and quality are the pride of the Austrian Serfaus.

Commune Serfaus: Multifunctional Ski Resort

One of the best resorts is the Surfaus-Fiss Ladis Ski Complex in Tyrol. The largest ski region of the family orientation in Austria was created by the merger of the mountain resorts Serfaus, Fiss and Ladis, in the southwestern part of the land of Tyrol, at the source of the largest River Inn.

The association occurred in 1999, from where he originates the history of the resort, which possesses one of the five largest tracks of Austria. The large-scale Surfaus-Fiss Ladis ski region is located on a height difference of 1600 km away - from 1200 to ~ 2800 m above sea level.

The villages Serfaus, Fiss and Ladis in Austria have a total of 2.5 thousand inhabitants. All settlements are old and mentioned in the 13th century, but Serfaus clearly exceeds the age of its neighbors: there is information about the planned pasture economy in these places another 4 thousand years ago.

SERFAUS offers and capabilities

Serfaus Fiss Ladis is ideal for both newcomers and professionals, as well as for the whole family. There is a wide selection of slopes on a high plateau above the upper Tyrolean Valley of Austria. Extensive Surfaus-Fiss Ladis Runs with a mass of space allow you to ski and snowboard at all levels of complexity. If you add a fantastic view of Tyrolean Mountains here, then visiting this corner of Austria will be remembered by new emotions and impressions.

At the ski resort, Serfaus in Austria is provided:

  • training programs in qualified ski schools,
  • full-fledged children's leisure time throughout the day,
  • inspection of attractions on the excursions of the family format,
  • conducting popular winter holidays that are always spectacular and crowded.

Ski Serfaus: Trails, lifts, infrastructure

The resort infrastructure is well developed and is entirely based on tourism. Routes and slopes at Serefaus-Fiss Ladis Ski Resort in numbers:

  • 214 km of ski slopes: 47 km of Mizka complexity, 123 km - Central, 28 km - with complex descents and 16 km of foot routes for gentle slopes;
  • 460 hectares of a common ski area;
  • 68 lifting installations, including 11 Gondola, 16 chairlifs, three tens of conveyor belts.

The bandwidth of the lifts - 90,000 people per hour. The lifts provide safe and convenient transportation on the common northern side, filled with forest thickets central part, west side with significant high-rise drops and more complicated routes. Below, between Fiss and Ladis, there is a significant territory for beginners. All this is a queen with night shutsuits, snow parks, various attractions.

The level of preparedness of the descents in Serfaus-Fiss Ladis praise vacationers - their thoughtfulness, navigation, comfortable docking, well-groomed and excellent quality.

Ski pass

Prices for Ski-Pass in Serfaus Fiss Ladis are considered relatively inexpensive, ski rental as well: Some of the most prestigious ski species - Shtokley - cost 180 € for 6 days.

Read more about Ski pass prices in high season for guest card holders:

Ski-passes of the resort operate on all the routes of Serfaus, Fiss and Ladis. There is an opportunity to acquire ski pass at a certain time, for example, for several hours, a day, a few days, two weeks and even for the whole season. Ski passs can be extended at a special rate.

On a separate Ski-Pass Calculator presented, which helps determine the cost of services, depending on the category of guest, age and time visits. There you can also familiarize yourself with the cost and assortment of the offers of the Serfaus-Fiss Ladis complex, Austria.

Official site: - with a Russian-speaking version. It contains information on descents, instructors, proposals for the organization of recreation and sports activities the smallest, as well as the photo of Serfaus, Austria. On the site online is invited to choose and book places in hotels.

Here you can learn information about the villages and history of the resort, choose the appropriate route, how to get, indicating the current prices and flight schedules. Inspection of territories through moving webcams online - various heights, angles and coverage.

Resort leisure

Serefaus-Fiss Ladis resort is rich in a variety of leisure offer. There is something to see what to participate where to see something new or try unusual.

Feuer & Flamme

A variety of restaurants and cafes are located right on the mountain, you can not descend to the valley. It is believed that Ladis is a more budget place, the FISS is the secondary and Serfaus of the upper price category. The traditional Tyrolean dishes are served, the location and form of the restaurant becomes a highlight: many are located on a mountain, which offers panoramic views, there is a cube bar with mirror glazing, which hangs over the valley.

From attractions and entertainment in Serfaus-Fiss Ladis, experienced tourists recommend:

  • view waterfall, vintage houses, old Roman bridge, natural pyramids;
  • visit the night show on Tuesdays All high season, costume performance "Magic Ladis";
  • spend time on excursions on Laudeg Castle, local museums and art gallery;
  • try the giant swings, rides, deltaplane, reduce children for children's trails, in fan parks, ride on the motorcycle;
  • to visit the viewing platforms.

Especially interesting: from parking to lifts leads the local rustic metro on 4 stations, which connects all three villages. The train walks on the air cushion, he is silent. Its building is considered to be unique in Austria, an analogue of a similar device is in Italy. Take this unusual and convenient adaptation in conditions of remoteness from civilization will necessarily be interesting. The usual transport at the resort at all will have to use little, they caress the ecology here and do not welcome the trip over the car.

Accommodation opportunities

Alfa Hotel.

Surfaus ski resort, Austria does not provide for budget recreation, but the ability to save on housing is still available. Experienced guests recommend living not in hotels, and in the villages nearby, with them there is a regular bus service. Preferring Hotel Service Offer Apartment, Rooms, Suites at prices 100-170 € per night.

Find out prices or book any accommodation with this form.

How to get to Sefas Fiss Ladis

The nearest airport to the resort is in Innsbruck, which is about a hundred km. It is easiest to get there to a taxi for 250-400 € or a shuttle to the resort. Time on the road for cars is 1.5 h. Taxi in Innsbruck is served within a few minutes, flights transfer to better in advance at the air carrier.

By train from Central Station Innsbruck can be reached in a couple of hours and 20 € to Landek Station, which is 25 km from Serfaus, and from there by a bus for 10 €, which runs 6 times a day, or by taxi.

The distance from Munich to Serfaus is 230 km, even further Zurich (250) and Salzburg (270). Before the resort is more convenient to railway:

  • austrian - Tickets Search and order here:
  • german - tickets at

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According to reviews, Serfaus is an advanced, perfectly equipped ski resort with perfect descents, a variety of riding, ski school, a children's leisure organization, good restaurants. It is recommended for visiting as a clean and prosperous place, but mostly expensive.

Useful tips:

Additional seasonal resort opportunities

Winter season at the resort lasts from December to April. But Serfaus is great for relaxing in the mountains of Austria in the summer. A variety of attractions, as well as the unique nature of Tyrolean mountains, open opportunities for family campaigns in the mountains, cycling, climbing or rafting. From mid-June to August, summer temperatures reaches 25 ° C, which allows you to visit the amusement park, zoo, or make a tour of the castle. In July and August, it is possible to try while swimming the cool water of the picturesque mountain lakes. Numerous events, including in the fresh air, contribute to communication and evening rest.

On a note! All guests upon arrival in Serfaus Fiss Ladis can get a summer super map. It opens access to a variety of diverse services in the Alps, such as trips to the funicular at an altitude of up to 3000 meters above sea level and other offers.

Roads with panoramic views, exciting forest and meadow routes, as well as futuristic trails for adventures are very interesting to children. Rafting Tours for the whole family, Bike Park, entertainment theme holidays are diverse a family pastime on summer vacation.

Serfaus is a ski resort, which is famous for the quality of the tracks and excellent European service. In any season there are many foreign tourists who want to join a high-altitude active recreation, to train and increase professional level in special schools. Serfaus Fiss Ladis is a healthy competition with similar ski complexes in the Alps. Unique Austrian nature, welcoming hospitality and full-fledged service deserved high user ratings and recommendations for the mandatory visit.

Related records:

Ski resorts of Austria
Serfaus (Serfaus)

SERFAUS: About the resort

This is an absolutely new ski region not only for the Russian market, but also in a sense for the Austrian themselves. Located in the western part of Tyrol, in the place where the main Tyrolean River Inn takes its beginning, Serfaus appeared a few years ago, when he managed to connect two independent lifts and highways until the skiing zone is actually Serfaus and neighboring FIS-Ladis, located on Alpine plateau (1200-1427 m above sea level). Name these resorts with old Tyrolesk villages, on the one hand, it would be correct, and on the other - the language does not turn. Serfaus, for example, a village very "advanced": There is even a private subway, with a silent train on the air cushion connecting four stations center and lifts. And this is a miracle of the modern industry with eight in the morning to six evenings and is absolutely free of charge passengers.

In a word, a rather extensive and modern zone of skiing appeared with a rather extensive and modern skiing area of \u200b\u200bthe resorts with a deep snow, a haf Pipe, a high-speed descent, two-sighted roads, two large children's ski parks, three rinks, many mountain restaurants , sports shops and equipment rental points.

Recommended: Families with children, SPA lovers, good cuisine, connoisseurs of comfortable accommodation, for confident skiers and snowboarders
Not recommended: Lovers of stormy nightlife, extreme riding fans

- a large height difference (1000 m) guarantees a variety of riding both in the forest area and above it.
- Long ski season.
- Good selection of restaurants, hotels and apartments.
- An interesting resort for well-riding.
- great opportunities for the smallest - many children's parks, equipped with figures and special lifts.

- In the high season can be closely on the tracks.
- Not the best option for unbagging.
- A fairly high price level (in Serfaus).
- Trails leading back to the resort are overloaded.
- Nightlife is not the most busy.

Serfaus: how to get

The nearest international airports are Innsbruck (100 km), Munich (250 km), Friedririchshafen (approx. 180 km), Zurich (250 km) and Salzburg (ok.270 km). Time on the road by car from Innsbruck - 1-1.5 h, from Munich - 2.5-3 h. The nearest railway station - Landek, the bus goes from the station.

Information about the riding zone:

Height difference - 1200-2700 m.
The total number of lifts is 53 (1 funicular, 8 cabins, 9 chairlifts, 32 buffers).
The total length of the tracks is 160 km (lungs - 40 km, medium - 96 km, complex - 24 km).
Season: November - mid-April.


SKIPASS for 1 day at Serfaus Fiss Ladis (the price depends on the season):
For adults - 48-51 euros, for children 5-16 years old - 29,50-31 euros, for young people - 44 euros, for the elderly - 47-49 euros

SKIPASS for 6 days at Serfaus Fiss Ladis:
For adults - 246-273 euros, for children - 145-158 euros, for young people - 231.50 euros, for the elderly - 233-260 euros

SERFAUS: Mountain skiing

In the vicinity of Serfaus, within a radius of twenty kilometers, there are four more ski zones: noaders (1365-2850 m), Reed (880-2300 m), fleece (1073-2212 m) and Caeneal glacier (maximum height - 3160 m). The main transshipment point on the way to the vertices is a panoramic restaurant at an altitude of 1980 m. The skiing area extends from Shengampalm in the north to Minerjoha in the south. The choice of highways is huge - from completely simple to the highest degree of complex. The seekers of ski adventures will find them on black descent from the Compresentel Plateau (2000 m, the highest point - planzurgg - 2365 m) or on the top chade. Very sharp feelings fill the soul and descent from Shenyha in Fis. Nearby sparkle the slopes with red tracks, where the reliability of the snow cover is supported by guns. Beautiful, picturesque routes are in the area of \u200b\u200bFiss (Sheniok, 2409 m). There are also special tracks for snowboarders and a highlighted route meseral for night skiing. There is between Fiss and Ladis and excellent virgin sections that can be interesting both snowboarders and skiers confident of their own forces.

Serfaus: APRES-SKI

Almost everywhere in Serfaus is fed tasty, and during hotels, in the mountains and in ordinary restaurants. Tirlerhof is perfectly prepared traditional dishes for Tyrol. Alt Serfaus, Hiasl "S Stubn and Noldi Stuben are also pleased with the pleasant atmosphere and attentive service. Italy lovers will not be offended: Rexklause and Buona Sera are the best places with Italian dishes. From the middle of the day until late evening, the Hasenstall bars are filled (he is the nightclub) And Holzschupfn. Other noisy places - Lassida, Patschi and Dorfschenke, although in general the nightlife of Serfaus is not too busy.

In surfaus and surroundings, there are many mountain restaurants - more than 20. Several popular seats are located on Komperdell (1980 m), the main "crossroad" region. A special children's restaurant is in the Amusement Park Kinderschneealm, and many other places offer children's portions. A pleasant atmosphere in Kolner House is popular with Sportalm. In Lazid Aim and Schalber Aim a good selection of drinks, simple and affordable food. On the solar slopes above the Fiss there are also many pleasant establishments, in particular, Moser Aim, Steinegg, Wonnehutte, Kuhalm. You can quickly eat or feed children on the top station of the Schonjochbann lift. In Fisz, Berta's Restaurant, located in the Children's Amusement Park above the Fiss. Decent "dots" for APRES-SKI - Budweiser Stuberl, Sportcafe Krimser: Democratic atmosphere, excellent snacks and hot dishes.

Serfaus: With children

Children near the mountain station waiting for the "Track of Adventure" with routes "on the roads of fairy tales" and two lifts. There is also a children's ski school, an unusual restaurant with witch houses and a puppet theater. However, the games and competitions are entertaining here not only by the guys. True, adults are, of course, their fun: Sanya riding, paragliding flights, tennis court or fitness center, cinema or discos. Actually, all this is reflected in those recommendations that specialists voiced: the cheapest resort for skiers of a different level of skiing, ideal for family holidays with children, very good conditions for snowboarding.

An exciting family journey is the best gift in the days of the winter holidays. Options where to go on these days with a child - a lot: you can run away from frost or slush to the southern countries, where the sea, the beach, a lot of the sun and in a summer heat, and you can, on the contrary, go with the whole family to one of the ski resorts.

According to experts, ski resorts that are best suited for recreation with children in many countries:, Spain, Norway,. One of them is the Surfaus-Fiss Ladis ski resort - the most children's winter resort in the mountains of Austria, located on the federal land Tyrol.

Ski resort Serfaus Fiss Ladis

Tyrolean lands are the most beautiful places in Austria crossed by mountain peaks (they are over 600), with highland glaciers, picturesque valleys and alpine meadows, with a mild climate - very like to visit tourists from different countries. It is always sunny and comfortable here.

The Serfaus-Fiss Ladis tourist complex is the association of regions of three Tyrolean villages: larger - Serfaus and neighboring Fiss and Ladis, located at the origins of the main Tyrolean River Inn. Together they form an extensive area for riding with a large length of the tracks, which is united by a single ski pass. Located high above sea level (1200-2800 m), this ski resort is guaranteed to ensure snow on its tracks.

Serfaus Fiss Ladis is:

  • 214 km of tracks of various difficulties at an altitude of 1200 m to 2820 m. Mount Mount Masnerkopf is the highest point.
  • 30 kilometers of cross-country skiing and 10 kilometers of sauna trails in Fiss and Serfaus.
  • 68 lifts of different types.

The lower lifts of ski stations have sports shops and rental points where you can rent ski equipment (you can reserve it in advance). At the end station there is a storage where you can pass your skis. The peculiarity of this building is a computer temperature control and automatic drying.

Serfaus Fiss Ladis is a magnificent ski resort on which you can relax with the whole family with children of different ages. In this wonderful place, surprisingly pure alpine mountain air is especially fresh, because there are no cars in Serfaus. All coming leave their cars in the parking lot at the entrance to the city and then go on the subway (the fare is free). Own rustic metro (Dorfbahn) is a local attraction. This unique underground road with silent trains on an air cushion connects the center and lifts. His length is slightly more than a kilometer. It has been built more than 30 years ago and not so long ago repaired and upgraded. The subway is open from 8 am to 7 pm. They are very convenient to use, especially in winter.

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How to get

On the mountain resort, located in the Austrian Alps in the west of the country, can be reached by train, plane, by taxi.

Innsbruck Airport is the closest to the resort is a ride. From Airports Vienna, Munich, Zurich, you can order a shuttle service. From Vienna or Zurich easy to get by train. Here is an excellent railway message. From Landek Station, which is half an hour from the ski resort, you can drive by bus, but more comfortable and faster by taxi.


Ski-Pass is a special permission in the form of a magnetic plastic card with information listed on it (your personal data, validity period, the area of \u200b\u200baction), which provides you with an unimpeded passage to ski resorts lifts.

One skate pass is valid for the entire region. Its price depends:

  • from age: kids up to 6 years old on the lifts are allowed for free, discounted tickets are provided to children from 6 to 16 years and older people (from 65 years old);
  • from the season (in the "high season", in which the Christmas and New Year holidays fall, the price may rise by 15%);
  • from the action zone (universal ski pass gives the right to ride and in neighboring valleys).

Why families with children love to visit this ski resort

  1. For recreation with children, perfect conditions have been created here.

Going on a trip with a small child, you can book the necessary children's accessories in advance in the tourist office (stroller, bed, feeding chairs). For accommodation with children, you can find cheap cozy family hotels in various categories, apartments, guesthouses, chalets with free pools and water and wellness treatments.

All resort hotels are focused on vacation with children, but among them you can allocate several popular family hotels:

  • Hotel Bar - Leading Family Hotels & Resorts 4 * (Serfaus)
  • Hotel Lowe - Leading Family Hotels & Resorts 4 * (Serfaus)
  • Baby und Kinderhotel Laurentius 4 * (FISS)
  • Familienhotel Furgler 4 * (Serfaus)

Serfaus has hotels with Russian owners: Hotel Maximilian 4 *, Tirlerhof 3 *. Some hotels offer free shuttle to lifts.

The resort has a lot of ski and entertainment children's parks: in Serfaus - Kinderschneealm, Murmli Park, Tubing Park, in Fiss Ladis - Bertas Kinderland, with playgrounds, slides and slopes for kids, with children's tracks and special children's lifts (there is even for transportation Children in the stroller), children's cable car, "speaking" animals.

  1. Ski schools take children from 3 years

They are distributed by groups depending on the level of preparation. With newcomers who rose for the first time (importantly correctly), classes begin to spend on small slides (slides here of different lengths and complexity). Then the training program is complicated simultaneously with a slide height. Many children by the end of their studies can already ride together with the instructor on simple "blue" tracks, "populated" by bears, filins, cartoon characters who dance, sing or growl when small skiers are approaching them.

Children who are confidently on skis are mastering more complex tracks (to determine the complexity of the route, color marking is used: "blue" - light highways, "red" - complex, "black" - for experts). Skiing is accompanied by cheerful ski racing, competitions, skiing carousers, an animation program, playing hills. An interesting adventures and surprises are waiting for a special color of the Murmli Trail of Little Skiers.

  1. A lot of entertainment for adults and small guests of the resort

For amateur sensations - Skyswing swing, lift-delta flange Fisser Flieger in Fisz, American Famielen Coaster Schneisenfeger, Serfauser Sauser cable system.

For adults - nightlife, gourmet restaurants, interesting excursions to Innsbruck, Swarovski's crystal worlds in Wattense, Shopping in Switzerland in Zamenown, indoor pools.

For young tourists, special children's restaurants with children's menu are operating at the resort: Starrest, Murmlirest, Bertas Kinderplanet with ski schools in Serfaus and Fisz, family restaurant Sonnenburg.

Where you can leave the child under the supervision

In Serfaus at the lower stations of the ski ski school, you can leave children from 1 to 5 years in Murmli Krippe. In a ski kindergarten there is something to do. Children under 3 years old and those who do not want to ski, can have fun in children's entertainment parks, ride out sleds with parents or with a breeze to ride on a special snowy 30-meter highway for Snowyubing.

Not afraid and the smallest. For kids (from 3 months) there is a place in the BERTAS kindergarten kindergarten in Fiss Ladis. Experienced babies will look at the children, and parents will be able to spend this time on the mountain slopes. In addition, many hotels have children's clubs, where they also offer children care services.

In short, for children here is a real winter paradise. Yes, and parents do not have to miss: lovers ride easily will find a suitable track for themselves.

By the way, resting at this resort is not only in winter, but also in the summer. Good luck!

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