Spain City Cambrils. Cambrils Spain. Things to do in Cambrils

(Calafell) - 43 km.

Pineda de Mar (Pinteda De Mar) is 180 km.

The city covers an area of \u200b\u200b35.26 sqm.

The population of Cambrils has 33500 inhabitants of the 2010 census, the density of 950 residents per square meter. km.

It is more calm and quiet than the neighboring resorts, and has a family-run stay. Clean beaches with small sand.

City can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. historical, medieval area with narrow streets,
  2. port area with hotels and recreation centers,
  3. tourist center Vilafortuni.

Official site of the city:

Website, where you can find a lot of useful information about the city:

History of the city Starts from the XII century.

Although until that time, in the third century, there was a Roman settlement. You can see the ruins of the settlement of La La, plumbing, amphitheater.
There are facts that and long before the arrival of the Romans, during the time of Neolith, there were parking people here. The settlement, which was founded prehistoric ibera, was called Kess. Then the affairs came here, after which local lands captured Arabs.

Over time, the settlement was abandoned by the Romans, and only in the XII century it began to rejuvenate again.
At this time, towers and fortress walls were built for the defense of residents of the city from enemies.

The medieval part of the city in which there are many attractions, is a little distance from the city itself, but you can walk there on foot in 20 minutes.

What to see

The main attractions of Cambrils:




How to get from Altaifuli to Cambrils?

From Altaifulia to Cambrils 25 km, you can also get buses.

How to get from Cambrils to Reus?

You can reach the company's buses: Empresa Plana (Empresa Plana).

On the company's website you can find a relevant schedule and prices:

Note: Between Cambrils and Tarragona 2 Stations (Salou and Port Aventura).

How to get from Cambrils to Barcelona?

Actual schedule and prices can be viewed on the official website of the company - the carrier.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the article:

Getting from Barcelona Airport to Cambrils


1. Buses Empresa Plana (Empresa Plana) - from Terminal1 (Terminal Aeroport T1) Barcelona Airport El Prat.

The site of the company:

Schedule varies depending on the season and day of the week. Temporada Alta - high season from May to November and low Temporada Baixa - from November to May.

On our site you can read more details with buses to (high season):

2. trains Renfe (Renfe) with transfers.

Site option in English:

First you need to get to the city center to stations Barcelona-Estacio de França or Estació Sants. From there to Cambrils.

We describe in more detail: from Barcelona Airport (El Prat) - Terminal Aeroport T1 Ride the carrier transporter PR1B: Aeroport / Terminal T2 - AB 3 stops station to Estació Rodalies, then on foot to El Prat de llobregat.

Then by train R2SV (Carrier: Renfe Cercanias) Direction: Vilanova I La Geltrú

drive 7 stops:

  • Viladecans.
  • CastellDefels.
  • Platja CastellDefels.
  • Garraf.
  • Sitges.
  • Vilanova I La Geltru

Then transfer to the Barcelona-Estacio de França / Tortosa de França / Tortosa train: Tortosa (Carrier: Renfe Operadora)

ride another 7 stops:
Sant Vicenç de Calders
Port Aventura.

Time in the way will take more than 2 hours.

If you need get to Cambrils from Catalunya SquareFirst you need to get to Barcelona Sants station (Barcelona-Sants):

barcelona-Plaça de Catalunya (Barcelona-Plaça de Catalunya) on the Regional Regional Electrician, which comes from ice (Lleida) in the direction of El Hospitale de Llobregat). Time is about 5 minutes.

Then at the Barcelona-Sants station to take the train, which comes from Barcelona-Estacio de França in the direction of Vinaros.

drive 7 stops:

  • Sant Vicenç de Calders
  • TorredEmbarra.
  • Altafulla-Tamarit.
  • Tarragona.
  • Port Aventura.
  • Salou
  • Cambrils.

How to get from Cambrils to Valencia?

Valencia (Valencia) is best riding at Renfe's suburban train (Renfe).

More details you can learn in the articles:

Get to Cambrils:

  • Try to select the desired route on the Rome2RIO website:



Key tags: Cambrils, attractions and interesting places Cambrils, Cambrils, Distance to Cambrils, Tarragona, Catalonia, Costa Dorada, Spain, Europe

Once Cambrils was a fishing port. To date, it is a very beautiful resort, whose beaches are stretched by 10 kilometers. There is a resort on Costa Dorada. The main advantages of this resort are the very clean sea, as well as magnificent beaches and a quiet pastime, which is perfect on vacation with children.

The city can be divided into three zones: the historical part, where old houses prevail; Porto, where hotels and recreation centers are concentrated; Villa Fortuna, which was created specifically for travelers. Cambrils perfectly combines tourism and local traditions.

To come to Cambrils, you must first fly either to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich is 100 kilometers from the resort, or in Reus, which is much closer - just eight kilometers. From airports to the city go buses. If you rent a car, then go along the highway N-340 and the AR-7 highway.

According to the roads, the tourist buses with an open top, which are pleasantly riding and seeing local beauties. Nearby there is another resort - Salou, where you can get there by bike.

Map of Cambrils


There is no sharp temperature drops here, the mild climate of the Mediterranean reigns here. Catalan Mountains greatly play the role of protection against winds, and also protect against all cyclones. There is no strong heat here, in the summer months, hot and dry weather reigns when the air warms up to +26 degrees. In the winter months there is rainy and heat, at this time the thermometer is at the mark of +13. Tourists come here since May and until October. The most peak months are considered July and August.


The coast has a length of 10 kilometers, it is possible to highlight 9 beaches covered with small gold sand. The beaches are called Ardiaca, Cap de Sant Perez, Horta Santa Maria, Prat of Dan Fores, Los, Riera, Esquirol, Vilafortuni, Cat. Each of the beaches at one time awarded the Blue Flag, which testifies to the purity and safety of these places.

These beaches are most popular like Cap de Sant Pere, on this beach there is a sailing school, as well as the beach of Horta Santa Maria, next to which the yacht club was organized. On the beach of Prat Furies, excellent windsurfing opportunities are created, professional instructors will be controlled. Families with babies prefer the beach of flashes, the beach of Cabevet attracts lovers to relax in privacy, because even the midst of summer is not crowded here, as the beach is far from the center of the resort.

In general, on all beaches, the entrance to the sea is excellent, respectively, with kids you can swim on any of them. It is also everywhere toilets, shower, dressing places, there are bars and organized playgrounds for children and sports. Also, rescuers on duty on the beaches. Sun loungers with umbrellas can also be rented.


Old Town is a place for focusing the main attractions. Park-Sami is the main place to visit, which is an architecture ensemble designed in 1882 for one marquise, which decided to create a part of the Cuba in Spain. Here you will see the chic palace, erected in colonial style, and surround its gardens of tropics and the Mediterranean. In the center of the ensemble made artificial lake.

Villa Fortuna is a castle that rises above the resort. Built it in the 12th century. The port tower serves as a venue for artistic exhibitions, which are devoted to urban history.
Also, the Monuments of the History and Architecture include the Monastery of the Middle Ages Convention de Escur, and another Church of Ilelesa de Santa Maria, which was erected in the 15th century, the chapel of the Virgin Kami, erected in the Renaissance style. Also in the city there is a Museum of Emeralds, in which you will learn about the methods of mining these stones and you can buy what you like.

An organized excursion is not the only way to get to the Smya Park and the Escornalba Castle. Before them can be reached by taxi or rented car.

In addition, from here you can go to towns like Salou, La Pineda, where many disco, bars and restaurants. A marine walk on catamarans is organized at the resort, and you can also go to Barcelona.

Entertainment and nightlife

Each spring here is organized by the cooking festival, which is dedicated to the cooking of all sorts of fish. Autumn months are the time of culinary master classes. Once a year here is organized by the real fair of the Middle Ages, when you have the opportunity to purchase products from silver and olives, natural cheeses, honey and beer, and still sausages and local pastries.

Famous "Port Awenura"

In the neighboring Salou, visit the amusement park "Port Aventura", and in La Pineda Water Park "Akvapolis", in which there is a lot of slides, there is a dolphinary, where the show with the participation of marine animals is held. For nightlife, too, it is worth going to these neighboring cities, since it is more rich there than at this resort.

Local beaches provide elegant windsurfing opportunities, yacht sports, as well as yacht walks. On the beach sports grounds you can play volleyball. In the neighboring Salou there is a golf club, so if you always dreamed of playing the game of aristocrats, then look there.

Rent a car and housing

You can rent a car both at the airport by arrival, for example, in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba day of rental will cost 340 rubles and in Salou, which is just a few kilometers from this resort. Here renting from 30 euros per day, sometimes you can see an option for 16 euros as an exception. Most often, when renting the tank half filled, in the same form you need to return the car.

The Spanish city of Cambrils, located 100 km south of Barcelona, \u200b\u200buntil recently, was an old fisherman. But recently this city has become a popular resort on the coast of the Costa Dorada.

It is more comfortable and calm than the resorts of La Pineda and Salou. But, thanks to the developing tourist infrastructure, magnificent sandy beaches, a warm sea, a beautiful promenade and numerous architectural attractions, the flow of tourists in this place is increasing every year. Each of them will find something interesting in Cambrils for himself.

The ideal climate of this coast of the Mediterranean Sea attracts tourists for almost all year round. In Cambrils, the sun shines about 150 days a year, and the temperature does not fall below +20 degrees. For July-August, there is a peak of the tourist season, but it is best to rest in these places in May-June and September-October.

In Cambrils, the long-standing national traditions and brilliance of the modern popular resort are surprisingly organically combined. In the port, where fishing boats were accommodated before, expensive yachts are now moored, and comfortable hotels, restaurants, bars and nightclubs are located along the embankment. But in any tavern, as many years ago, there are excellent dishes made from fresh fish, which is supplied to the restaurants of local fishermen. According to the long-established tradition, exactly half the fifth, they arrive at the port with fresh catch.

If you suddenly want to stay in Spain forever, and happen, maybe that, that's what you were looking for so long.

Attractions Cambrils

The historic center of Cambrils, impregnated with the spirit of the Middle Ages, fascinates tourists. A small vintage quarter with narrow streets is just an ideal place for cognitive excursions and walking walks. Acquaintance with this unique architecture begins with the main square of the Old Town - Pueblo, in the center of which is a fountain in the form of a well. On this area still preserved medieval buildings.

Nearby are the main architectural attractions of Cambrils: the Church of St. Mary (15-18 century), in which the relics of Saint Placido, and the Temple of the Virgin Kami (founded in 12, and reconstructed in the 17th century). On the territory of the temple is the watchtower.

This impressive height is built in the 14th century and included in the National Heritage List. It was built as a guard post for the guard of the royal road. Prior to this day, the initial layout of this tower with screw staircases has been preserved. Currently, the exposition tells about the period of the Middle Ages of Cambrils.

In the vicinity of the city there is a defensive fortress of the 12th century - Vilafortun Castle, which is declared by the National Heritage.

Located 5 km from the town of Same, designed in 1882 for Marquis Salvador Same. He expressed a desire that the Spanish land was a place resembling him about Cuba, where he stayed a long place. So it appeared surrounded by massive walls of a colonial style palace with tropical gardens, a picturesque pond and elegant arbors on the shore.

Hotels in Cambrilsa

Spacious beaches, the purest sea, the soft Mediterranean climate attracted to the holidays in Cambrils numerous tourists. This place is particularly popular with family lovers with children.

A large number of hotels are located along the embankment, and, unlike other coastal cities, many hotels have access to the beach. There are both budgetary and most modern fashionable hotels. Among numerous hotels with various price categories, each of the holidays will find what is suitable for him by means.

Numerous hostels work in Cambrils, villas and apartments are rented. You can also choose camping at the most affordable prices.

What to see and where to go in the Spanish city of Cambrils

Families with children are often coming to vacation in Cambrils. And they attract their comfortable beaches here, having a comfortable gentle descent into the sea. On a ten-melt coastal strip, 9 beaches with clean fine sand are located. These beaches for cleanliness, landscaping and developed infrastructure awarded the blue flag.

For admirers of outdoor activities, excellent conditions have also been created. They can do diving, windsurfing, yachting, beach volleyball and football, catamaran and motor boat. For lovers of golfing in the vicinity of Cambrils there are 3 excellent golf clubs.

With the onset of twilight, the city is transformed. Of the storage spaces located along the embankment of bars, restaurants, discos. Here for vacationers spend a variety of entertainment shows with live music and dancing.

Since Cambrils is the gastronomic capital of the coast, then visit here and do not taste Palela with seafood or Maricada (Assorted seafood) is unlikely to succeed.

To enjoy the national flavor and get acquainted with local traditions worth visiting fairs and culinary festivals, which are held in this city. Here you can not only taste, but also buy honey, cheese, wine, nuts, olive oil and souvenirs from olive tree. Shopping lovers can visit numerous boutiques and shopping centers, in which sales are starting with the middle of the summer, and discounts on branded summer collections reach 80%.

From Cambrils, you can make excursions to Salou, located 5 km to visit the amusement park. This is the only theme park in Europe, which will open in front of you 5 different worlds: the Mediterranean Place of the Last Century, Unusual China, the real West West, Colonial Mexico and Exotic Polynesia. In the Water Park "Caribbean Beach" you enjoy water attractions, visiting which guarantees bright and unforgettable emotions.

The resort town of Montbrio-del Camp with healing thermal sources is 6 km away. Many tourists go here to visit the most fashionable water healing center "Terme Montbrio".

Attractions of Cambrils: Attractions, Museums and Entertainment in Cambrils, Spain

Page Content

Museu Moli De Las Tres Eres (Museum of Three Epoch Museum)

Cambrils are primarily associated with a beach holiday. However, in Cambrils there is a lot of interesting things in addition to the beaches. Approximately 1 km from the Cambrils port area is the Old Town. He is all saturated with history, and there is something to see and what to do. In the port area, there is also a lot of interesting sights, which can be destroyed or two.

This page contains a full guide to various attractions of Cambrils. I will tell about museums, churches, historic buildings, monuments and statues. The description, as well as the contact details and address, is attached to each attraction.

Bus Transfers to / from Cambrils

Personal transfers to / from Cambrils

Museums in Cambrils

In Cambrils there are three museums. These museums are connected with each other, and together they are called the "Historical Museum of Cambrils". However, they are located in different parts of the city. The administration of the Historical Museum of Cambrils is located in Museu Moli De Las Tres Eres.

This museum is part of the operating mill. She was restored, and now anyone can admire it. On the territory of the museum is also a place of excavation of the remains of the 13th century.

Museu Moli De Les Tres Eres
43850 Cambrils, España.

Tel.: +34 97 779 4528

Parking near the Moli De Les Tres Eres Museum

This museum is located in the modernist building, which used to serve as a wine cellar. Its place under the roof museum is divided with a cooperative store, which sells local oil olive oil marked by award-winning. Wine in this building was produced from 1921 to 1924. This museum will provide you with a chance to see the process of the evolution of agriculture in Cambrils, you can also see equipment for the production of wine and olive oil.

Museu Agricola.
Carrer Sindicat, 2
43850 Cambrils, España.

Tel.: +34 97 736 9511

Parking near Agricola Museum

Church in Cambrils.

Church of La Mare de Deú de Vilafortuny

This church was built in the 1960s, there are places in the open air.

La Mare De De de De Vilafortuny Church
Plaza Santa Maria de Vilafortuny
Cambrils, España.

This is the Church of the Virgin Mary. The church building was built in the 18th century, it is believed that in his architecture there is a combination of several styles. Every year 08 September this place plays an important role in the celebration for the Holy Virgin Mary.

Carrer Verge Del Cami, 30
43850 Cambrils, España.

Church of Mas D "en bosch

This is the construction of the Renaissance era, dating from 1575. This church was built using building materials left from the Barenys and Vilafortuny churches that were destroyed during the attack of pirates. In this church there is a small cemetery.

Carrer Mas d "en bosch
Cambrils, España.
- At the beginning of the street Avenida de Mas de Clariana

Interesting places and facilities Cambrils

Torre de L "Ermita (Monastery Tower)

This is a watchtower that was recognized as the object of cultural heritage of state importance. It is located on the territory of Sanctuari De La Mare de Deu del Cami. Dated tower by the fourteenth century. It was used to observe the coastline. She impresses both outside and inside.

Torre de L "Ermita
Carrer Verge Del Cami, 30
43850 Cambrils, España.
- At the intersection with Avenida Del Baix Camp

Tel.: +34 97 779 4528

Parking near Torre de L "Ermita

This is the seventeenth-century Watchtower, which served to protect the settlement from the attacks of Pirates (this fact will definitely interest children!). It is located in the heart of the port, and it is often used for temporary exhibitions. Exhibitions are usually related to maritime history.

Torre del Port.
Passeig Miramar, 31
Cambrils, España.

Tel.: +34 97 779 4528

Parking near Torre Del Port

This is a terrific archaeological monument, which dates back to the period from the 1st century BC. for 4 century AD These ruins were opened in 1980. You will have the opportunity to resemble the Roman ruins.

La Llosa Roman Village
Carrer Josep Iglesias.
Cambrils, España.
- (It is located by the road in the center of the Green Park)

Tel.: +34 97 779 4528

Torre del Telegraf (Telegraph Tower)

This 19th century tower was built to optimize communication using optical telegraph. It is considered one of the best such buildings in the country, preserved to the present day.

Torre del Telegraf.
Avenida Diputacio.
43850 Cambrils, España.
- right at the end of Calle Del Riu Llobregat

Parking near Torre del Telegraf

Castell de Vilafortuny (Vilafortuna Castle)

This structure is also considered to be the object of cultural heritage of state importance. It was built in the 12th century as a defensive structure.

Castell de Vilafortuny
Avenida Vilafortuny
43850 Cambrils, España.
- The castle is located near Calle De La Baronia, immediately before turning the road.

Cambrils Spanish resort town, previously fishing village, and today one of the famous resorts of Costa Dorada, famous for "golden" sand. In this city, the purest sea, beautiful and well-groomed beaches.
There are many attractions in the city that their inhabitants are proud of. Churches, parks, monuments and more. The feature of the city is the fishing market, at which at a certain time, all fishermen of the city are called their catch, after which the restaurants offer a tasting of fresh seafood dishes.
Cambrils is a great resort for recreation with children. In parks there are playgrounds for children, the beaches are also equipped for a comfortable stay on them with children.

Holidays in Cambrils all year round

The location of Cambrils predetermined his mild climate. There is no sharp change of temperature. Mountains that are located, close to the city from cold winds and cyclones.
There is no scorching sun here, the temperature + 27 ° C is a comfortable for relaxing by the sea. The spa season begins in May and ends in October. Cambrils is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. The temperature of the water, the resort season, ranges from 17 to 26 ° C.

AT april In Cambrils, the average temperature is about 18 ° C during the day, and 11 ° C at night. Water at sea 14-15 ° C. The sediments are several times a month.

AT may The average air temperature is 23 ° C, water in the sea is 17-18 ° C. The number of rainy days is less than in April.
In the summer - in june, July and August - The air temperature in Cambrils ranges from 25 to 30 ° C during the day, and from 18 to 22 ° C at night. The sea in summer is very warm, the water in it is heated from 22 to 26 ° C.

AT september Here heat is as well as in summer, the water is warm, the holiday season is in full swing. Tourists are still coming to watch the beautiful Spanish town of Cambrils.

AT october The sea becomes cooler, in other matters, as well as the air temperature. The holiday season goes to the decline.

Winter Cambrils quiet calm city, air temperature during about 13-15 ° C. Water in the sea is cold 7-10 ° C. But in winter, this city is also beautiful and worth a visit to at least for the sake of the abdomen, which is dedicated to mollusk - Galera. Festival, passes in February, lasts three weeks, during this time you can try a huge number of different dishes of cooked from this mollusk, and just spend the fun time.

How to get

Visit Cambrils In Spain, you can fly to Barcelona Airport, which is 100 km from the city, or to Reus Airport - 8 km from Cambrils. Train, bus and taxis are those vehicles by which you can drive to the center of Cambrils. Of course, it is more convenient to fly to Reus, but from Russia, only victory aircraft (from Moscow) fly from Russia, there are no direct flights from regions.

From Barcelona Airport there is no direct train to Cambrils. Therefore, you first need to drive to the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200band then take it on any train going to Cambrils. By time, all trains go about an hour and thirty minutes. They go every hour. It is best to go on a suburban train, it will cost you cheaper by 10 euros than on the train of long distance.
If you arrive in Terminal 1, then you will need to sit on the shuttle to get to the station, since it is 4 km from Terminal 1.

To get to Cambrils by bus, the stop should be signed in the terminal 2.
It's more difficult to get by bus, its schedule depends on the day of the week. On weekdays, buses go 5 times a day, on Saturday three times, and on Sunday and on holidays 4 times.

The most expensive way and at the same time the most convenient way to get to Cambrils is a taxi. Distance from Barcelona to Cambrils about 100 km. The desire to get to the city by taxi will cost you about 200 euros. By time it will take a little more than an hour.

In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthere are many firms that rent cars, but be careful when choosing a firm. In order to not overpay, read carefully the conditions for receiving and returning the car. You can take a car directly at the airport, but more reliable and cheaper to book a car in advance when using one of the international services. All rolled nuances can be found in a separate article.

Choice of housing in Cambrils

Housing options in Cambrils A large number is also hotels, removable apartments, villas, campgrounds, apart-hotels and even bungalows.


Hotels in the city are located on Avenida Diputacio, 7-kilometer Street, which connects Cambrils and the neighboring town of Salou. This street contains many different hotels that become very busy in the holiday period. Some of them are located on the beaches themselves.

Rent an apartment

In some parts of the city you can see whole houses with removable housing. Apartments are different in size and comfort.
Before staying at any option, look at a few more apartments to make the right choice. If you want to see a colorful Spanish apartment, then look for it standing in homes that are located in the old part of the city. If you are looking for a modern apartment, focus on home that are right near the beaches. Some apartments are equipped with a personal pool. Search for apartments (as well as villas, apartments) can be at international venues, such as AirBNB, where owners offer their housing for tourists.


In Cambrils, the rental villa for rent is not a very popular business, but some real estate agencies do this. So, if you wish, you can find this option, which is especially true if you are going to relax a large company or family. Villas can also be found from the owners, on the respective rental sites. On the same, AirBNB, for example, a very large selection of villas and cottages around the coast. Costa Dorada.

Camping in Cambrils

A very popular type of housing in Cambrils - Camping. In the city about four thousand places for tents and houses on wheels. And more than 500 bungalows to accommodate almost twenty thousand people.
If you decide to stay at the campsite, which are seven in Cambrils, then you need to decide on what exactly and what amenities.
Camping First Class (Suite) provides that you will rarely leave it. There are pools, entertainment, children's clubs, restaurants on their territory. Therefore, they are far from the beaches.
Second class campgrounds are located right near the beaches, it is less comfortable, but the sea is near.
Bungalow - there are a different level of comfort. Some of them have everything you need (air conditioning, TV, microwave). It all depends only on price per night.

The price policy on housing is very different. The price per room in the hotel ranges from 40 euros per day and higher. It depends on the view from the window, location from the beach and comfort of the room.
Language problems are extremely rare. In Cambrils there are a lot of Russian-speaking, who work and live there. Also, the local population knows English enough.

Beach Cambrils

The coast of Cambrils stretched 9 km, and this is 9 excellent beaches, each of which is marked by the Blue Flag.
In the holiday period, when the beaches are especially filled, the local authorities impose a ban on the presence of domestic animals on the beach.

Beach Ardiaca.. There are no violent waves on it, since the coastal strip is the breakouts. This beach is great for recreation with children, there are playgrounds, shower cabins, dressing cabins. The beach is large and spacious.

On the beach Llosa. Many different cafes, bars and restaurants in which there is a children's menu. It is not as big as Ardiaca, but no less attractive.

One of the most popular beaches is Horta Santa Maria.For the season there are a lot of people here, as the yacht club is nearby. The beach is well equipped for children and for games in volleyball.

Small beach Riera. In the city center - equipped for a quiet quiet rest. Here you can rent umbrellas and sun beds.

If you like active leisure beach PRAT D'EN Fores / Regueral You will fit perfectly. Here you can enjoy various water sports, with the participation of an instructor or without it, also provides for an active leisure for children.

If you need a plain beach for a comfortable stay, then the beach Esquirol - Good selection.

Beach Vilafortuny For outdoor activities, with restaurants and bars. Located away from the city center.

If you wish, to stay away from people and urban bustle of the beach Cavet. Suitable perfect. It is not peaceful and calm.

If you like sailing - Cap de Sant Pere - at your service. There is a sailing school.

Attractions and excursions

Visiting Cambrils, it is worth seeing all his sights - this is the Church of St. Mary, the Temple of the Virgin Kami, the fishing park, Park Pinaret, the Museum of the Kambrils History, Wardor Tower, Port Tower, Roman Settlement of the Losa, Vilafortun Castle, Church and Church of Mas d'Ener Red lighthouse, monument to fishermen wives, Park herself.
Cambrils is located between other resort cities, which allows you to ride on excursions and not only. In the neighboring large resort cities you can visit discos, go to golf clubs, go to the famous park of Aventura Park Amusements, you can also visit the water park, dolphinarium, the largest aquarium in Europe. There are excursions to healing sources of thermal land of excursions in Barcelona.

  • Do not take a lot of cash on the road, better let them be on the map and more reliable and more convenient. In Spain, you can pay the card everywhere.
  • Walking around the city with the original documents is also worth it, it is better to take copies that in case of theft you had originals.
  • Do not forget to look after your things, theft here is less than in big cities, but they are.
  • Remember the number 112. It will come in handy in case you become bad, or you will need a police assistance.

Burning Tours to Cambrils

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