Central Tbilisi Square. Freedom Square in Tbilisi. What is analytical cookies

At various times, she wore various names, and the history of Passevich-Erivansky, named Caucasian conqueror, graph, is remarkable. In 1827, Russian troops under the command of General I. Passevich were taken by the fortress city of Erevan. Paskevich among other awards was granted the title of Erivanian Graph, the name of Passevich-Erivans and was called the Tbilisi Square, which in the future for brevity was called the Erivanian Square, and later she wore names-beddings, Beria, Lenin, and now the Freedom Square. On it still is the building of the State Duma.
Architector Peterbursc Pavel Stern.
Hall in the city hall. 1886 year

The main area of \u200b\u200b100 years ago was not so spacious as today. Earlier on the square, in its central part, there was a big building Karavanzaraya Tamamshev For clearer what is a "caravansery" in Russia, there were living room courtyards in the cities where trade was going, well, and here Tamamshev was also the first theater in Tiflis, but around trading series and premises for shops. The building was built in 1851 by the Italian Jovani Skudyeri.based on Basilica in the city of Vincenz (in the photo the building on the right).

According to the materials of those times and the building itself and the theater were extraordinary beauty, but died in fire existed for 23 years.

The building was restored in 1879, but the theater was decided not to restore. There was a trading passage. And in 1930, the whole building was finally demolished.
The building caravan after a fire.

And now, if you turn your back to the building of the State Duma and to overtake the building of the Karavanzaray Tamamshev on the right, you can see the beginning on the Erivan Square Pushkin Street

On the other side of the same area for a small square wearing name A.S. Pushkin was Orthodox spiritual seminary, subsequently alma-mater I. Stalin, and now Museum of Art of Georgia.

Building architect Bernardazzi. End of 1830
Photo d Ermakova. Photo of early 1900.

Seminary inside

Pushkinskaya street

in memory of the Great Russian poet, who stayed in one of the houses on this street, a clipping from the newspaper of the beginning of the last century says:

There is no house, but the street remained

Nowadays, the remaining Square and a monument to Pushkina before the building of the Basic Seminary

".... Pushkinskiy Square. On the Erivan Square near Caravan-Saraj Tamamshev, Razmshyeva is sprawled by a small Square, in which Bust Pushkin is supplied. Square although it is conveniently arranged relatively recently, but sprinkled well. In Merge, you can get mineral water, kefir and milk .... "

On Pushkinskaya Street and not far from the square was hotel "France"

On the other side to the left of the caravansee building, if you stand back in the city hall, the Erivan Square had such a species.

View on the other side of the Erivan Square on the Duma Building

On the Erivan Square was the editorial newspapers "Caucasus"

Freedom Square in Tbilisi has already existed for a very long time, though under different names and different spaces occupied. Nevertheless, it is she who remembers all the important events of the country and is one of the main points of the city. From the Square of Freedom, it is recommended to start an inspection of the most important artery of Tbilisi -. Along this street there is a huge number of key places of the capital of Georgia.

Around the column with a monument and the day, and in the evening there is always a lively movement.

Previously, the square was an extensive plot of land in front of the Kodjora gate, which was on the site of the current beginning of the street Kote Abkhazi. Nearby Sololak ravine with the River Avanth Hvei, flowing into Kuru through the current streets of Pushkin and Bratashvili. Approximately from the beginning of the 19th century, the place was different names: wood-haired (due to the fact that there was a bazaar where the firewood was sold) and a staff (because in 1824, the first stone building was built here - the headquarters of the Caucasian corps).

In 1827, the terrain became called Paskevich-Erivanian (abbreviated Erivanian) in honor of the general, under the command of which Russian troops managed to conquer the city-Fortress Erivan. A little later, in the area of \u200b\u200bthis area, namely Pushkin Square, in 1829 there lived a couple of months and rested the Great Russian Poet, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. From this flows the same name of the nearby street and the park.

In 1851, a caravansery of the shopping center Tamamsheva arose on the square at the same time (he existed until 1934) and the first opera house. By the way, the latter successfully operated 23 years and only in 1874 - completely burned down. At the same time, in the second half of the XIX century, the area was renamed to theatrical, and passing a number of "removed" by throwing, racing and sawing it with a stone. Nearby, too, there were small changes - in the southern part of the Maidan, gardens were completely cut down.

In 1907, an unprecedented crime was accomplished on the square - a large amount of money was stolen from the state bank's card. Attribute this incident Bolsheviks led by Semen Ter-Petrosyan (Kamo).

One of the buildings, located opposite the monument to St. George, reliably protects the paragraphs of Griffins.

From 1918 to 1990, the area changed its names like gloves. She was and "free," wore the name "Slap Section", then Beria and even Lenin. By the way, a huge 18-meter monument "Leader" for quite a long time (almost 50 years) stood at the honorable place in the center of the square. Since 1990, the area has returned its legitimate and quite suitable name, freedom.

And in our time, the place has managed to "distinguish", becoming known and recognizable for the whole world. In 2003, a rally began here, which turned into the overthrow of the power of the president.

Now on the area of \u200b\u200bfreedom quietly and calmly. In 2006, the center established a monument - a column with a monument to St. George, who kills the dragon on top. It is noteworthy that it was Saint George - a patron of Georgia and the Georgian people.

In the area of \u200b\u200bFreedom Square, in addition to the remarkable Pushkin Square, there is an info center for tourists and guests of the city, the central branch of the Bank of Georgia, a few different cafes and restaurants, and still not bad at the beginning of the street Kote Abkhazi (for us it seemed to be one of the most profitable in Tbilisi. ).

How to get to the Freedom Square?

Some major and popular streets are coming to Freedom Square: Pushkin, Leonidze, Dadiani, Kote Abkhazi, and a small Tabidze. While in the city center, the area is easily accessible to all travelers. It is not difficult for it to walk on foot (if you live in the area of \u200b\u200bRustaveli Avenue), drive up on the subway or bus.

The metro station under the same name "Liberty Square" name is literally a few dozen meters from the square itself. Please note next to the station, around the corner, the Griboedov Theater was settled - a beautiful Baroque Building. If there is a desire and time, we recommend to see it. Schedule of performances and detailed information about it can be found on

Freedom Square is one of the main and oldest places in Tbilisi. It is in the heart of the city and is a platform with organized circular motion. Rustaveli Avenue is leading to her - transport "Artery" of the capital, Pushkin Streets, George Leonidze, Galaktion Tabidze, Abkhazi Cat and Shalva Dadiani.

In its center installed a column with a five-meter gold-plated statue George the victorious work of Zurab Tsereteli. Around the area there are administrative buildings, branches of large banks, shopping centers, the hotel of the popular network Mariot, cafe, as well as travel information desk, where you can get advice and a map of the city for free. In walking distance, the most interesting and popular attractions include Tbilisi.


Freedom Square has long ago, but under different names and territory occupied. Once on this place there was only an empty space in front of the Kodjora gate and ravine. Later dance fell asleep, they were crushed, and it turned out something similar to a large flat site. In the Middle Ages, it was called a caravansery, which is translated as "hotel square". From 1827 and before the revolution, the name "Erivans Square" was called, in Soviet times it was renamed in honor of Beria, and later Lenin.

It was only in 2006 its present name. Here often were going to conduct mass events, including during the revolution of roses and the struggle for the independence of Georgia. On celebrations in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, about 100 thousand people came to the square, before D. Bush and M. Saakashvili.


Freedom Square is located in the central historical part of the city. Therefore, the tour of Tbilisi is worth starting from here, especially since the tourist information center is working here. In walking distance there is an embankment of the Kura River, the Bridge of the world, Park Rica, Cathedral of Sionia and the National Museum of Georgia.

Bridge of the world

A 10-minute walk from the Freedom Square in the Eastern direction runs through a pedestrian bridge across the Kura River - Bridge of the world. Built in 2010, he has already managed to become a modern business card Tbilisi. It is 4 steel supports and a glass roof of an unusual form. An interesting feature of the architectural structure is its illumination in the dark. Thousands of light bulbs flashes alternately, transmitting a message encoded by Morse alphabet.

Park Rica

Cathedral of Cion

In the nine hundred meters in the southeast direction from the Freedom Square, the Cathedral of Sion or the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin is towers. It is considered a sample of medieval architecture. The first church in this place was built in about sixth century, but many times were destroyed and restored. At today's view of the cathedral influenced numerous restorations. The cathedral is interesting to tourists in that it is here that the Cross of St. Nino is kept here, which brought Christianity to the country.

National Museum of Georgia

Just three minutes walk from Square to the south on Rustaveli Avenue is located the National Museum of Georgia. It stores thousands of Georgian archaeological and ethnographic exhibits. Works museum from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 6 pm.

How to get

Freedom Square is located in the central part of Tbilisi and is a peculiar transport hub for public transport. Therefore, it is easy to get to the subway, buses, car or taxi.

Metro near Freedom Square

Due to strong traffic on the roads, it is faster to move around the city on the subway. The nearest station is the station - Liberty Square on the Red Branch line Akhmeteli - Varketili. The distance from it is only 170 meters. Coming out of the subway, you need to move in the southern direction on Rustaveli Prospect, which rests on the square.


In walking distance from Square there are bus stops - Pushkin Square from the North side and Dadiani - with South. Pushkin Square Suitable routes: No. 6, 14, 20, 31, 33, 37, 42, 46, 52, 58, 61, 80, 87, 88, 58, 61, 80, 87, 88, 137, 140, 80, 87, 88, 137, 140, 150. Dadiani items stop routes: No. 4 , 10, 83, 90, 106, 112, 124. The distance from them to the square is approximately the same - about 100 meters. Schedule and bus routes can be clarified on the Tbilisi transport company website.


Many tourists rented cars in Tbilisi and travel throughout the country. About 4 kilometers from Central Bus Station. The route is running along Dimitri Gulia Street, and then Vakhtang Gorgasali in the direction of the center.


The most comfortable and inexpensive way of movement in Tbilisi is a city taxi. The average cost of a trip around the city will be 6 lari and more. For convenience, you can use the Mobile Application Yandex.Taxi.

The most important thing is the old place in the city that remembers the many events that took place at different times - the Freedom Square of Tbilisi. This place has changed its name many times and the territory occupied on the map, it is from here to start a trip to the glorious city. Here are all the most interesting sights of Tbilisi and the legendary Prospectus Shota Rustaveli - the main artery of the city.

A bit of history

Initially, this place was on Kote Abkhazi Street, near the Kodjora gate. Not far from this territory from Sololak ravine proceeded by the Avanti Khevi River, which flows into Kuru. During its existence, the area was many different names, so at the beginning of the nineteenth century they were ordered wooden, and a little later, because of the headquarters of the Caucasian corps built here.

After another couple of years, the Central Square Tbilisi was renamed Erivan. It was done in honor of the Russian general who captured the Erivan fortress. Not far from this place is to this day, Pushkin Square and Street, whose names were obtained in honor of the great Russian poet, who lived here for a while.

Around the middle of the nineteenth century, the famous shopkeeper Tamamshshshch has opened his caravanserai on this territory, which has existed from 1851 until 1934. The first opera house in Tbilisi, which existed twenty-three years and burned down in 1874.

After this case, closer to the end of the nineteenth century, the ravine ran not far from the square decided to throw, dissolve and shut down, which was done. But this is not all the changes touched around the districts, at about the same in the southern part of the Maidan, gardens were cut down.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Square witnessed a loud crime - in the middle of a white day from the carriage, which belonged to the state. The bank, the criminals were stolen the big funds for those times. In this act, the Bolsheviks, who headed Semen Ter-Petrosyan, as well as Kamo, were suspected.

This place often changed the name during the twentieth century. From 1918 to 1990, she was named as:

  • Square Square
  • Freedom Square
  • Square Beria
  • Lenin Square
  • Extracted in stone eighteen meter leader of socialism was installed here for fifty years. But at the end of the twentieth century, the place was renamed to the Freedom Square, which suits her as it is impossible.

The last time the central square stated itself in 2003, there was a largest rally in the history of the state. This led to the overthrow of the current power. This event announced this place in all, and once again confirmed the name.

There are no high events for a long time. In 2006, a monument depicting St. George was established here, which is poured by a dragon with a spear. It is necessary to mention that Saint George is a patron and defender of Georgia and its inhabitants.

Attractions near Square

In the area of \u200b\u200bFreedom Square, there are many objects of the city infrastructure, they include:

  • Square Pushkin
  • Information center for tourists, which is marked on any tourist map
  • Central Bank of Georgia, which is also state
  • Many different cafes for every taste
  • Tbilisi Currency Exchange, the most profitable in all of Georgia

What to get to

The place is extremely affordable for all visitors, as all the streets come here that popular with tourists.

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