Rambler mail is a new box. How to create rambler mailbox

Electronic mailbox  is an indispensable attribute of moderninternet user. And this time we want to tell you about such a popularservice like rambler mail: input, mail, inputin which you carry out without special troubles,registration is fast and painlessly , password recovery in which case - basic, andthe interface is very convenient. And from sunwith these nuances we will understand right now. Welcome to rambler.

ambler mail: enter mail and check incoming messageseenia

Email service R ambler appeared in the vastrunet one of the first, and we with great pleasure tell you how it works rambler mail: login to mailrambler is carried outeasy and simple as from your personal computer,like that from someone else’s computer andwhether   from a mobile device.And we will talk more about all these methods.

The first action that beginsyour acquaintance with rambler is, of course, registration.Go to the main page,  from which originates mail rambler: mail, input,and all further actions will take place here:  mail.rambler.ru . And now we begin the registration procedure.

    To create your personal mail on rambler, click on the “Registration” window.

    Enter your data in order:

  • surname;

    unique login (in the list you can choose the appropriate domain yourself);

    password consisting of at least 8 characters (including letters and numbers);

    confirmation of your password;

    phone number  (it will be useful to you in case you lose your password, as well as to confirm registration);

    click "Get Code" and after receiving it, select the option "Register".

    Your mailbox is created, and you can proceed to sending letters, view incoming messages, configure filters and create your own folders.

    Sign in rambler mail - my page

    We created an account with you and we got personal rambler mail, you enter the mail when you enter your login and password, and you can check this action immediately. Close your account by clicking the "Logout" button. Do not forget to select " Remember mail»Upon exit.

    For subsequent login enter the password or click "Login using social networks". So you have entered your mail and can fully appreciate all its advantages and benefits. Now this is your personal account, in which you can work at your discretion. Download an avatar so that the recipients can immediately find out that the letter came from you, come up with a signature, indicating, for example, the position or name of your company.

    The choice of signature and photo for the avatar depends on the purpose for which your mail is intended. For working communication, choose a more conservative photo and an official signature. And in the case of personal use, you can pick up another photo with a signature. After all, Rambler is not only mail, but also news, acquaintances, games and other things.

    By the way, if you need e-mail in constant access, there is mobile versionwith a free application and the ability to collect mail from other mailboxes. Thus, if you have a rambler mail, the mail allows you to enter your second email inbox without any problems. The main thing is to go to your personal mail, do not forget to specify the username and password that you entered during the procedure "Registration".

    How to enter rambler mail from someone else's computer?

    Sometimes it happens that you need to check mail outside the home or use the computer of a work colleague. If you remember the password, there will be no difficulties. Go to the official website of rambler, select rambler mail, enter my mail page. After entering your mailbox, you can check the mail, send a letter or carry out any manipulations associated with the mail service.

    In case of loss of the password, it can be restored:

    Select the function “Remember password” and go to the two-step procedure for password recovery.

    Enter the username and symbols from the image.

    An SMS message with a code will be sent to your mobile number indicated during registration.

    Enter the code and create a new password.

There is another way by which you can enter your mail without password and login. To do this, you need to log in using social networks: Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, etc. You can open your mail without specifying a password if, when setting up your profile, you linked your mailbox to another email service or social network . After authorization, the system will automatically redirect you to the mail server.

Mail rambler: entrance to your personal account

We have already told you about the main ways to open a mail server rambler mail: my page, which is accessed using a password, social networks or password recovery service. Now we want to tell you about setting up an email client on android.

If you have iphone, then installing rambler mail and entering it will look a little different.

    Adding a new account.

    If there are no configured entries,open Mailand select "Other".

    If you have accounts inMail go to "Settings", select "Mail, addresses, calendars", click "Add" - "Other""New account."

Rambler is a well-known email client that continues to hold high positions in the number of active users. The client has a beautiful redesigned design, improved security settings and free registration. Read about how to open an email account and troubleshoot login problems in this article.

Hard to believe, but Rambler appeared in 1996. Then it was a simple search engine, which, as it developed, began to acquire new services, including mail. Today Rambler is one of the most popular services that has received a completely new design.

Registration on Rambler.

Registering for Rambler is very simple. To get started, by launching, you need to go to the Rambler main page and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" .

The service will prompt you to enter your existing username and password, but because we don’t have them yet, select the button "Register" .

Now you need to think up and enter the password twice. A password is considered reliable if it consists of at least eight characters, and also contains Latin letters in upper and lower case, numbers and symbols.

You only need to specify such personal data as the date of birth, gender, mobile phone number and confirmation code, which will come in the form of an SMS message. The entered number will ensure reliable computer security, as will notify you of major changes to your profile.

If you do not want to enter a phone number, select “I do not have a mobile phone number”   and then it is necessary to indicate the security question and the answer to it.

After completing all the columns, complete the creation of the account by clicking the button "Register" .

Entrance to the Rambler mail.

Go to the Rambler main page and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" . Enter the created login and password. As a rule, your browser will offer to save this data so that the next time you do not waste time entering the same data.

In addition, to quickly switch to mail, we recommend adding the site to your browser bookmarks.

The mail interface is pretty simple. On the left side are folders with letters: “Inbox”, “Sent”, “Drafts”, etc. Letters of the selected folder are displayed a little to the right, and an open letter to the right.

Pay attention to the very last paragraph on the left side of the page, which is called "Add other boxes" . By choosing this item, you can connect additional email addresses from other mail services: Mail.ru, Yandex, etc. Thus, from one site you can send and receive emails from all available email addresses.

Problem entering the Rambler mail.

In some cases, users to check emails. Most often, this problem occurs for the following reasons:

1. Wrong login and password.  When entering your email address and password, make sure that the correct keyboard layout is enabled and that the Caps Lock key is disabled. In addition, enter the username and password manually, without pasting data from the clipboard.

2. You do not remember the password.  A frequent situation among users is when a difficult password is created and is safely forgotten already at the next attempt to enter the mail. To create a new password, use the access recovery service at this link.

3. The mail account has been blocked.  If you did not enter Rambler mail for a long period of time, then the system could block it. To resume access to mail, contact support, where you need to explain the essence of the problem. As a rule, the support service works quickly, so soon your mailbox will become active again.

4. The box has been deleted.  If you try to log in to your mail, you see a message “The box does not exist” then it may have been deleted. Recovery of deleted mailboxes is not performed, so you will have to go through the registration procedure again.

5. An old browser version is installed on the computer.  Older versions of web browsers may not meet Rambler mail requirements, so upgrade your browser to the latest version.

Almost every modern person uses e-mail, resorting to the services of various services.


  • In the upper field  enter the selected email address;
  • In the bottom  - password entered during registration;
  • If you do not want to re-enter data at each login, check the box next to Remember me - in this case, your password will be entered automatically;
  • Click the Enter Mail button;
  • Alternative option  - login through social networks, for this, click on the button with a convenient for you, in which you have an account;

  • An additional window will open., in which you will need to enter the social network page (if the login is already completed, then you just need to confirm the synchronization);
  • With this action, all missing data   copied from the social network to the mail profile;

  • After completing the login process, you will be taken to the mailbox itself.

In the upper right corner of the screen there is an Exit button.

If you don’t force to leave the mail after the end of each session of using it, then you do not have to enter a password - each time you click on the link, you will immediately get into your mail.

Password recovery

It is believed that the Rambler system is not very well protected just because of the simplified password recovery system.

If you want to go into the mail, but don’t remember your password, do the following:

  • On the left, under the main login form, click the button, Remember password;
  • In the window that opens, in the input field, enter the email address for which you want to reset the password;

  • Check the checkbox next to the text I am not a robot that appears after entering the address;
  • Complete the task suggested in the pop-up window and click Next;

  • Now indicate the answer to the security questionselected during registration (strictly in the same form that you entered it earlier);

  • Create and enter a new password twice, which must comply with the same rules as during registration;
  • Confirm that you are not a robot and click the Save button.

If the answer to the security question was correct, then you will be automatically redirected to your inbox.


The account you create to use the mail gives you access to all the other services of Rambler. First, consider the mail.

By default, its start page opens with a list of incoming letters.

The list in bold marks those that have not yet been opened, the usual - read.

In the upper left corner there is a menu for navigating letters - the number opposite the Inbox signifies how many messages have not been read at the moment (the same with the Spam folder).

What other functionality does the start page of a mailbox represent?

  • When you click on any letter in the list you open it;
  • Using the menu in the upper left, can view inbox, sent, deleted letters and spam;
  • The Create Folder button allows you to create an almost unlimited number of folders for moving letters in them and grouping them;

  • The Write button at the top of the screen gives you the opportunity to proceed to compose a letter;
  • The Contacts button allows you to create a notebook with various email addresses that you use most often;

  • When you click on the search button, the search line opens.in which you can enter the word, phrase or address that. The system will search in all existing letters;
  • The View button allows you to configure the display - only a list of letters with the addresses of senders, or a partial display of the message text too;

  • The Feedback button allows you to leave your opinion about the service.

This is the main functionality that all similar services provide.

Writing a letter

Press the blue Write button at the top of the screen and a text entry form will open. In the To field, enter the recipient’s address or the name of the contacts stored in Rambler’s mail. In the Subject field, specify the subject of the letter (optional).

In the large field below, enter the text of the letter.  For formatting, you can use the settings and buttons at the top of this field; there is a special button for attaching a file at the bottom of the field. You can also save the text of the letter by clicking on the button Save draft  below the text input field on the right.

By clicking on the Copy or Bcc button, you can send a copy of the letter to any email address. The buttons are in the input field of the recipient address.

If the user created a signature for his letters, then it will immediately be displayed by default in the text input field of the letter, although it can be changed right there if necessary.

Click on the Send button on the left under the field with the text of the letter, and it will be sent. In this case, it will be saved in your Sent Items folder in your mail.

You can also write a letter in the form of an answer to the incoming.

To do this, open the incoming letter and scroll down to the end of the text field.

Underneath is a quick response form - just enter your answer and click the Reply button.

Rambler Mail: access to My Page and use - a detailed guide

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Today we will consider:

Today exists. But a few years ago, the leader among them was Rambler. In the vastness of the CIS countries, this domain appeared not only as the main device for exchanging electronic letters, but also for communication using the ICQ method, the first social network. On its users, accustomed to Rambler, the structure remains to this day, although the leading position has slightly decreased. Therefore, let's figure out how to enter the mailbox.

How to get mail Rambler

Access to the mailbox opens on the page email.rambler.ru. Here is a standard window in which you need to specify the prepared data. If you don’t have a Rambler mailbox yet, you can simply start it by pressing the green button “Create Mail”.

  Come up with an original login, or just use your last name and first name. Domain, you can select any of the proposed list.

  The password must consist of letters and numbers, collected in random order. Length - at least 8 characters.

Together with the mailbox you get authorized access to other services from Rambler. To identify friends, you can set your photo on the avatar. It is worth noting that, unlike other similar systems, Rambler is not tied to a mobile phone. This approach significantly reduces security, since hacking such an account will not be difficult for any program designed for this. Hackers use this to resell logins to spammers and virus distributors.

The domain interface itself is very simple. The system suggests combining several mailboxes into one for easy transition between them.

How to check mail

There are several options to see unread letters:

The advantage of Rambler is that it is a convenient and simple service. He is not burdened by complex innovations, obscure services and advertising. Even the weakest “teapot” can figure out its interface, and an inexperienced user can send a letter.

By registering a username and password, you can access your mailbox from anywhere and on any computer.

Any email service offers the user on his site a complete list of tools for normal work with him. Rambler is no exception. However, if more than one mailbox is used, it is much more convenient to use mail clients to quickly switch between services.

The process of setting up an email client is not something complicated, although there are some nuances. There are different email clients, and each has its own characteristics. But before setting up the client itself:

You can begin to configure the program itself.

Method 1: Microsoft Outlook

Speaking of email clients, one cannot but mention Outlook from the Redmond giant. It stands out for its convenience, safety and, unfortunately, a large price tag of 8,000 rubles. Which, however, does not prevent a huge number of users around the world from using it. The most current version at the moment is MS Outlook 2016 and it will be the example that will be used to configure it.

To do this, do the following:

  • "Your Name"  - name and surname of the user;
  • Email Address  - address Rambler mail;
  • "Password"  - password from the mail;
  • Password Retype  - confirm the password by re-entering.

  • In the next window, tick "Change account settings"  and click on "Next".
  • We are looking for a field "Server Information". Here you need to configure:
    • "Account type"IMAP.
    • "Incoming mail server"  - imap.rambler.ru.
    • “Outgoing mail server (SMTP)”  - smtp.rambler.ru.
  • Click on "Finish".
  • Setup is completed, Outlook is ready to use.

    Method 2: Mozilla Thunderbird

    Free is a great choice. It has a convenient interface and ensures the security of user data. To configure it:

    • Username.
    • Registered mail address on Rambler.
    • Password from Rambler mail.
  • Click on "Continue".
  • After that, you will need to select the type of server that is most acceptable to the user. There are only two of them:

    1. IMAP  - All received data will be stored on the server.
    2. "POP3"  - All received mail will be stored on the PC.

    After choosing a server, click Done. If all the data was correct, Thunderbird will configure all the parameters himself.

    Method 3: The Bat!

    It is convenient no less than Thunderbird, but has its drawbacks. The largest is the price of 2,000 rubles for the Home version. Nevertheless, it also deserves attention, since there is a free demo version. To configure it:

    1. During the first launch, you will be prompted to set up a new profile. Enter the following data here:
    • Username.
    • Rambler Mailbox.
    • Password from the mailbox.
    • "Protocol": "IMAP or POP".
  • Push "Further".
    • "To receive mail use": "POP".
    • "Server Address": pop.rambler.ru. To check the correctness, you can click on "Verify". If a message appears "Test OK", everything is fine.

    We do not touch the rest of the data, click "Further". After that, you need to specify the outgoing mail settings. Here you need to fill in the following:

    • "Server address for outgoing messages": smtp.rambler.ru. The correctness of the data can be checked as in incoming messages.
    • Check the box opposite. “My SMTP server requires authentication”.

    Similarly, do not touch other fields and click "Further". This setting The Bat! finished.

    By setting up the mail client in this way, the user will receive quick access and instant notifications of new messages in Rambler mail, without having to visit the site of the mail service.

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