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If you started playing Minecraft under one nickname, but want to change it, it's not so difficult. The developers of the game understand that people have different reasons for changing their name: they may lose their temper, get tired, there might be a mistake or a rash choice when registering for the first time.

There are several ways and tips on how to change your nickname in Minecraft. The most important thing for players is to preserve their achievements and achievements so that they do not have to delete their nickname along with their account. With the right actions, everything will remain untouched.

Nick change

  One way to change your nickname is to go to the Mojang website.

First you need to find out if there are restrictions in Minecraft to change your nickname. The first is if less than a month has passed after registration and account creation. The alias can be changed once a month.

Please note that the selected nickname must not coincide with the names of other players. When changing the alias of the game character, the profile name on the site does not change.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on account. You will find this tab on the right side of the page, at the top.
  3. Click Log in and enter your details (email address and password). You will also find this button in the upper right corner. You can skip these two steps if you are already logged in.
  4. Go to the “Profile Name”, where the profile name is indicated. You will find this section in the middle of the page.
  5. You need to click Change, so you can change the player’s data. This link is easy to find on the right, next to the current name. In the text box, enter a new one.
  6. After entering, it is worth checking the availability of the name, if it is not occupied (Check availability). When available, “username is available” appears. If busy (username is use), we are looking for another.
  7. It remains to enter the password to enter the account, and click on the line about the change (Change name). All of these options are at the bottom.

Account Password Change

It happens that there are problems when entering the password if you forgot it or entered it incorrectly. If you want to know how to change the password in Minecraft, read the instructions:

  1. Log out to the central hub (node) of the server.
  2. Create a password containing more than 16 characters (letters of different registers, numbers).
  3. Now enter the command / changepassword (we change the old password to a new one).

After this operation, a message should appear in the chat about a successful password change.

When buying a licensed version of the game, many have the question, how to change the nickname for Minecraft licenses? Go to the same Mojang website and in the account window find in “My Games” the option to change the nickname (“Profile Name” - “change”), you have already read the instructions for changing it.

A few years ago there was a problem associated with changing the Minecraft username, now it does not exist. Changing a nickname is very easy on the main site of the game. Many thanks to the developers for the availability of this option and the ease of implementation.

Video: How to change nickname in Minecraft.

Today we’d like to talk about how to change nickname in KCC. This question is very relevant, since on different versions of KSS and on the license the nickname changes in different ways, by different teams. In this article, we’ll tell you about all the ways to change your nickname in such a great game like Counter Strike: Source. So let's get started.

How to change nickname in CSS v34

There are two ways to change the nickname in KCC v34 - through the console or through the settings. The nickname on this version of KCC changes in the same way as in the good old KS 1.6.

How to change nickname through game settings in CSS v34

Changing the nickname through the game settings is very simple. To do this, open the main menu, then go to the tab settings  (Serrings) and look for the window network mode. After that you need to find the field player name  and enter the desired nickname there. Remember to apply the changes.

How to change nickname through console in CSS v34

The second method is very simple - change the nickname through the console. To do this, open the console by pressing Yo (~)  (if it does not open, then you need to turn on the console) and enter the following command there.

Name Your nickname

How to change nickname in CSS v90

In CSS version 90 and other new versions, the nickname will have to be changed in a slightly different way. These methods are described for the pirated version, read about the licensed version a little lower.

How to change nickname through console in CSS v90

So, to change the nickname through the console, open the console itself by pressing Yo (~)  (if it doesn’t open, read about how to enable the console in KCC) and enter the command a little lower.

Setname your nickname

If the command did not work, then try the command already known to us.

Name Your name

How to change nickname through rev.ini in CSS v90

If the above methods are not suitable for you, then you can still change the nickname through the configuration file rev.ini. Go to the root folder of Counter Strike: Source, look for the file rev.ini  and open it.

Now you need to find the line "PlayerName \u003d You name" and instead of You name we indicate the nickname we need. Do not forget to save the file after that.

How to change nickname in CSS Steam

If you own a licensed version of CSS, you can only change your nickname when editing a Steam profile. As you know, the profile name and nickname in CSS (also in CS: GO) are interconnected. Changing the name of the Steam profile will change the nickname in CSS. We hope that you understood the essence. Just change the Steam profile name and after that in CSS you will have the same nickname.

  At the request of readers, I explain how to change my NIC to LiRu. What is a NICK? Nick is an alias on the Internet, that is, a replacement for your name. It is set by the author himself and it is he who is its creator.

Thanks to imagination, a person is registered on a site, on a social network (VKontakte, classmates), or a forum, always indicating his own nickname. Nick will display the name of your profile on the site, and actually on it people will contact you.

Sometimes a nickname can characterize your character, so be careful and be careful when creating it.

But sometimes Nick is chosen by chance, or he’s tired of you, or you just grew out of him, and you want to change it.

I will explain how this can be done on LiRu.

Go to settings (diary management). That is, click on the icon gears in the upper panel of the diary.

Since I’m more used to the old settings, it’s more convenient and easier to explain through them, then GOING TO OLD SETTINGS.

Find the tab   "change password, email or name", and click on it.

In the window that opens, prescribe your code- password for entering the diary, settings will NOT BE SAVED without it.

Here, in the window, we register a new NIC. There you can see, you can change your E-mail, and you can change the password of your diary.

After you enter a NEW NICK, click on the CHECK NICK button below. A new window will open, where it will be written free nickname or busy. If they write to you: This name is free, you can choose it! So this nickname is unique, it can be used! Just close this window!
  If the nickname is NOT UNIQUE, then you need to make a choice again, and check again, and so on until your nickname is unique! Here you can also change NAME in the address of your diary. Do not forget that only Latin characters are allowed there, as well as underscores, hyphens and numbers.

If your NICK in English, you can register it in the diary address. Instead of a space, you can use a hyphen.


Within two hours, you can return to the previous nickname, that is, you have 2 hours to change your mind. After two hours, you will rename, and wherever the previous nickname was, a new one will appear in its place.

You can always return the old nickname to yourself.

But if you suddenly matured and decided to change the nickname from PRINCESS_LESNAYA to Princess_Lesnaya (that is, change only some letters from capital to lowercase, or vice versa, without changing the letters themselves), most likely you will not be able to do this. The LRU will write that "Nick is busy or reserved." To get around this, while doing the following: Change the nickname to "Vasya_Hi" (or to anything unoccupied) and then without any problems change to Princess_Lesnaya. It should work out.

That's all. If you wish, you can and get a free certificate. By registering your nickname you will be recognized by it and it rightfully belongs to you and only YOU.

Having entered the site, enter your NIC and then the BUSY button. In the window that opens, fill in your details. This is Email, your name and code from the image. Then press REGISTER.

Your nickname will be registered and you will receive CERTIFICATE on your nickname. To insert in the diary, take the HTML code below and paste into a new entry is a global platform for conducting live broadcasts dedicated to computer games, creativity, travel and other entertainment content. Any user can register a unique account and start streaming if they have the proper equipment. Here we will figure out how you can change the nickname on Twitch from your phone or computer.

Nickname change from PC

Consider the instructions for changing the nickname on a personal computer:

  1. We open the official site and go from your account to the main menu, select "Settings".
  2. On the page that opens, find the line "Username" and click on the "Edit" button.
  3. Now enter a new nickname. If he is not busy and meets all the requirements, then a green checkmark will appear in front of him.
  4. After entering the name, click "Update."
  5. After that, the system will ask you to confirm the operation by entering the password from the account. If the shift is successful, you will see the corresponding window. To finally confirm the process, go to the email and follow the link that was automatically sent from

How to change nickname from phone?

The official Twitch mobile app does not have the option to change the nickname. This can only be done through a full site. But you can download through a mobile browser, and then go to the full version of the site when he offers to do it.

After that, you need to follow the same steps as described above to change the nickname on “Twitch” from the phone. Remember that you will need access to email to confirm.


Since this streaming platform is the largest resource, it has many rules. Some of them apply to changing nicknames:

  1. The username must not infringe copyright and registered trademarks.
  2. Nick should not help you impersonate another person.
  3. The account will be liquidated if inactive for 12 consecutive months.
  4. Words in a nickname should not be insults.

At the same time, Twitch management reserves the full right to change the conditions at any time.

Also, if you change your nickname, you will lose all statistics associated with the old name. However, this does not affect your subscribers and earnings. Link to the old channel will not automatically direct users to the URL with the new nickname. After the change, your old name becomes available to all other users. After changing the nickname, you can change the case of letters in the account settings.

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