Russian-language twitter. Solving twitter login issues. Can I read Twitter without registering

Most likely, you typed in a search: My Twitter Pageif you got to this article. Looking at the previous articles about social networks, you could notice a certain tendency, according to me, writing on topics such as today's.

Of course, now there are a lot of methods that allow you to save passwords and not resort to remembering them and entering them each time you go to a page on a site.

If you have a registered profile on Twitter, then use the button below and go to your page:

Login to my page Twitter without password

Didn’t it come to you to recall a password invented earlier? No problem! Let's try to regain access. What we need:

As you can see in the image above, I am asked to reset the password using email.

If the nickname is not busy, a checkmark will be displayed to the right of the input field informing us that it can be used, otherwise you will be notified by a message in the same place.

Congratulations! You are registered on Twitter! Click "Let's Go" and start using the social network.

At the end of registration, you will be asked to subscribe to the most popular people from the specified you are strange, search for contacts of your friends and so on.

How to chat on Twitter

  • Subscribe to other microbloggers

Follow   (follow, subscribe, read) - decide who you subscribe to and who you are interested in. To do this, click the "read" button next to the person you have selected and his messages will come to you. In order not to litter your information space, it is necessary to approach this matter with all responsibility. For example, if you were interested in a stone in the forest, then every day you will find out that "nothing happened today." If Mime, then: "...".

  • Write your message

On Twitter, you can write two types of messages - simple and personal (Direct Massage - it, no one but the addressee will not see). You can very quickly contact different stars. By the way, Twitter is the easiest way to be ignored by a star.

The 140-character format is very convenient — briefly, clearly, and to the point — because people are overwhelmed with information and are already tired of it. But few people write interestingly.

  • Gather followers

For more people to read you need retweets. Interestingly, they often retweet messages with a negative message, sad emoticons and question marks. Most microbloggers like to retweet messages about holidays, weekends and social networks.

The final step that can be taken after all of the above is to rejoice at your success. Twitter has gained popularity among many, perhaps you will become a star, thanks to him.

The microblogging service authorization system Twitter as a whole is all the same as that used in other social networks. Accordingly, entry problems are by no means rare occurrences. And the reasons for this can be very different. However, the loss of access to the Twitter account is not a serious reason for concern, because there are reliable mechanisms for its recovery.

Problems logging into Twitter arise not only through the fault of the user (lost username, password or all together). The reason for this may be a malfunction of the service or hacking account.

We will consider all options for obstacles to authorization and methods for their complete elimination.

Reason 1: username lost

As you know, Twitter is logged in by specifying the username and password for the user account. The login, in turn, is the username or the email address associated with the account or the mobile phone number. Well, the password, of course, cannot be replaced with anything.

Thus, you can enter your account either from Twitter, or using a separate one.

  At the same time, if the service flatly refuses to accept the email address you entered, most likely an error was made in writing it. Correct it and try logging in again.

Reason 2: email address lost

It is easy to guess that in this case the solution is similar to the one presented above. But with only one correction: instead of the email address in the login field you need to use your username or mobile phone number associated with your account.

  In case of further problems with authorization, it is worth using. This will allow you to get instructions on restoring access to your account to the same inbox previously linked to your Twitter account.

Reason 3: there is no access to the linked phone number

If your mobile phone number was not assigned to your account or it was irretrievably lost (for example, if you lost your device), you can restore access to your account by following the instructions above.

  1. To do this, click on our avatar near the button Tweet, and in the drop-down menu, select “Settings and Security”.

  2. Then, on the account settings page, go to the tab "Telephone". Here, if no number is attached to the account, you will be prompted to add it.

      To do this, select our country in the drop-down list and enter directly the mobile phone number that we want to link to the "account".
  3. The usual procedure for confirming the authenticity of the number indicated by us follows.

      Just enter the confirmation code we received in the appropriate field and click “Connect the phone”.

    If you haven’t received an SMS with a combination of numbers within a few minutes, you can initiate a re-sending of the message. To do this, simply click on the link "Request a new verification code".

  4. As a result of such manipulations, we see the inscription “Your phone is activated”.
      This means that now we can use the number of the attached mobile phone for authorization in the service, as well as for restoring access to it.
  5. Reason 4: “Entry closed” message

    In this case, the solution to the problem is as simple as possible - you just have to wait a bit. The fact is that such an error is a consequence of the temporary blocking of the account, which on average automatically shuts down an hour after activation.

    Reason 5: the account was probably hacked

    If there is reason to believe that your Twitter account has been hacked and is under the control of an attacker, the first thing, of course, is to reset the password. How to do this, we have already explained.

    Also, restoring access to the hacked account, it is worth taking measures to ensure its security. And those are:

    So, we examined the main problems with logging into a Twitter account. Everything outside this refers more likely to service failures, which are extremely rare. And if you still encounter a similar problem when authorizing on Twitter, you should definitely contact the resource.

It is very difficult for a person who has never used the social network microblogging Twitter to understand what's what from the first entrance. That is why we wrote a review on the topic "Login to your page" with a detailed description of all actions and pictures.

Going to the official website   You will see two forms for data entry. The first thing above is the form to enter your profile. If you do not have a created page, go through the setup.

Login to the page

To enter your profile, enter in the first field the phone number to which the page is assigned, an e-mail address or username. Next, in the second field, enter the password that was set during registration and click the "Login" button.

If you are logging in to your computer, check the box next to “Remember” and the browser will save these personal data.

What to do on Twitter?

By going to Twitter, you will immediately feel the atmosphere that is close to a personal blog. Here, users use short, instant messages to talk about what they are doing at the moment, what they will do in the near future, share various news, publish photos, videos and much more!

Twitter is an international social network. Here you can find friends not only in the CIS countries but also far beyond their borders. A lot of famous personalities who confirm their identity. One such user is the current president of the United States, Barack Obama:

In addition to communication, many members of this social network using their personal accounts on which publish various kinds of advertising materials, paid retweets, and much more.

It is also worth noting that you can use Twitter ʻom not only from your desktop computer, but also from gadgets on the Android operating system (

Today, the social network Twitter (rus. Twitter) is very popular among many Internet users. With it, you can both send tweets and read them. Log in to your page to read tweets and write your own.

What is Twitter?

Tweets (from "tweet") are short messages whose size is 140 characters. So, with their help, users of this social network write various concise texts, publish hashtags, as well as links to images, videos. Tweets can be addressed to all subscribers (followers), as well as to a specific user on the network.

Many famous people from all over the world have their Twitter account. Thanks to this media, celebrity fans will learn the latest news from the life of stellar people.
  Owners of smartphones, iPhones, tablets, iPods very often go to Twitter from these gadgets when they have access to the Internet. It is very comfortable not only at home, but also at work during the break, on rest, in public transport, etc.

  Twitter login to your page

First of all, you should open the browser that you use. Enter the address of the official Twitter website in the address bar:   . The main page of the web resource will open before you, where you need to enter the phone number, username or e-mail, as well as the password for your account. In the event that you do not have your Twitter profile yet, then on the same page you can go through the procedure for creating it.
  So, first enter your first and last name, enter your email below and come up with even lower login password. After that, click on the “ registration". Then you will be redirected to another page of the site, where you can edit the data that was entered in the previous step. If everything suits you, then click on the blue button with the inscription "Registration".

  Next, the system will offer you to secure the created account. To do this, enter your mobile phone number. If you do not want to do this or specify a number later, you can safely skip this step and proceed. On a new open page, you need to come up with your nickname (name) in the account. Remember, you can change this name at any time or specify it later. If you specify an invented nickname immediately, you will need to click on the blue button with the inscription "Next". Thus, the registration procedure is completed. Having entered the e-mail specified at registration, you will open a new letter and confirm your account.

How to follow on Twitter?

If you want to follow the news that is published by an interesting person for you, you must first go to this user’s page, and then click on “ Follow" ("To read").

  How to write tweets - messages?

In the upper right corner, click " Tweet”(“ Tweet ”). A window will open in front of you, where you can write anything you want, and if you want, add a photo, video, poll or gif-animation. You can also indicate your location, i.e. the place you are tweeting from. Twitter users can send private messages, so that communication is tête-à-tête.

  How to repost on twitter?

  Register on the social network Twitter, subscribe to interesting pages and write what you want in your account.

Today I want to talk about such a popular phenomenon as Twitter. In relation to webmasters, this social network can help attract additional visitors to your site, as well as other social networks. For example, such as, and, and also Tweeter can serve as a kind of analogue.

For example, as far as I know, many visitors to my blog site follow its updates through this microblogging service. But in order for this to work as it should, you will need to understand what Twitter is, how to register in it and how to use it.

By the way, recently the registration form and the interface of this service have been completely translated into Russian, which is good news. True, when this article was written, this social group was not friends with the Russian language at all, so I had to rewrite and supplement something.

What is Twitter and how to use it?

So, what is Twitter - first of all, it is a service designed for communication. It has replaced (or in addition) traditional social networks that have snapped up, and its audience is growing like a snowball. Now, it is probably already difficult to meet a person who has never heard of him or similar microblogging services (FriendFeed, etc.).

Nevertheless, for many, the essence of these services is still not clear and therefore it is worth answering the question “What is Tweeter” in a little more detail. In this series of articles I will try to tell in detail about how to register in it (now already in Russian), how to work with it, how to gain subscribers (followers), how to automatically post headings of new materials on your site into it (it will be) .

Twitter was created in 2006, and by the beginning of 2007 had already gained sufficient popularity. Sometimes it is characterized as microblogging due to the fact that the size of the message left in it is limited to 140 characters. Due to this limitation, in Twitter messages using special services up to something like this:

Due to the small length of messages, it is very convenient to communicate on it from a mobile phone. Actually, Twitter was designed for this, because in it the limit is 140 characters per message, and in a mobile phone, as you know, the limit is 160 characters (in SMS messages). The remaining 20 characters can be used for the sender name.

But for this you will have to provide a username and password to access your Email. My main mailbox is located just on Gmail, but somehow I did not dare to transfer his password to Twitter.

If you decide to take this step, then apparently, based on your address book, all users from it who also have an account in this microblogging service will be found. Well, and you can add them to your friends.

Twitter over the time elapsed since the writing of this article, managed not only to start supporting the Russian language, but also got a new interface. Therefore, immediately after successfully completing registration, you will be taken to a page at the very top of which will be pictograms of your next steps.

The step described in the previous paragraph is now called “Friends” and has the number 3:

A new step has appeared in the new interface, which opens after registration - “Interests”. On this tab, you can tell exactly which topics you are interested in. Having opened one of the proposed topics, you will see the tapes available in it.

To subscribe to them you only need to click on the button "To read"located nearby. As a result, the button will change its appearance and the inscription “I read” will appear on it:

How to change the background for Twitter?

By default, the background of your profile will be decorated in blue, but you can change it, as well as the color of the panels, the color of the font and links on your page as you wish. For example, my twitter looks like so.

You can also see what the interface of this service looked like before. To do this, you will need to select the option "To the old Twitter" from the drop-down list next to your "Username" (located in the upper right corner):

To customize the design of your page, select “Settings” from the top menu (see the screenshot above), and in the window that opens, select “Design”.

To set the background of your page on Twitter, you can use the proposed options by simply clicking on them with the mouse. If none of the proposed backgrounds were to your liking, then you can use your image file as.

To do this, click on the "Change Background Image" button under the thumbnails of the backgrounds, click on the "Select File" button and find the graphic file on your computer.

By clicking on the “Change design colors” button on the right under the thumbnails in the Twitter settings, you will be able to:

  1. fill the background with one color, which you can select by clicking on the square with the inscription "background"
  2. set the color of the text on the pages of your account by clicking on the square labeled “text”
  3. select a hue for the design of all links by clicking on the square with the words "links"
  4. you can select the background color and frame color for the right sidebar on your web page in Twitter by clicking on the “panel” and “border” squares, respectively

After you finish doing aesthetic delights, do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the corresponding button at the very bottom. At first, I did not notice it and, as a result, I had to adjust the background and design of my Twitter account again. In the same settings window, on the “Profile” tab, you can fasten the profile picture by selecting the desired picture in the “Image” area.

Select "Profile" from the top settings menu. Here you can make changes to the existing data of your profile, and I also recommend adding the address of your web project to the “More Info URL” field. What is remarkable, he will be.

But recently, search engines can still take into account, to one degree or another, backlinks from this microblogging service.

How to use Twitter (now in Russian)?

Selecting the “Notifications” item from the top settings menu, you can configure: about what events you will receive messages by E-mail, for example, when someone subscribed to your feed (follow you). Directly from the sent letter, you can go to the web page of this person by clicking on his name:

After reviewing the content of his messages, you can make a decision about subscribing or not subscribing to his twitter feed. To subscribe you will need to click on the button "To read"   (in the English version of the interface - “Follow”, from where the feet of the terms follow, follow and follow) grow at the top of the window:

Subscribing to a message from a user or, alternatively, “Follow” someone on Twitter (Follow), means adding someone to your contact list. This is what we just did by clicking on the “Follow” button.

But this user will not be able to see your news until he adds you to his contact list. The easiest way to create a Twitter contact list is by adding users with similar interests. You add them, and they add you.

To do this, you can use the search on Twitter - Ask your interests in the search bar and as a result you will get a huge list of inhabitants of this service who are interested in the same thing. Requests, of course, can be entered in Russian too.

As soon as you start adding users to your contact list, their messages will appear in your feed. To get into your news feed   you just need to go to the address TWITTER.COM, click on the "Login" link at the very top of the window and enter your login and password specified during registration.

If the browser remembers the username and password, then after going to the above address, you will immediately get into the news feed with messages from those twitter users that you are following.

If you don’t like the posts of any user and you don’t want to read them anymore, you can unsubscribe from receiving messages from this user by going to his page (tape). To do this, you will need to click on either his name or his avatar in the message. On his page on Twitter, move the mouse cursor to the “Read” button, which will change to a button "Cancel", and click on it:

There are some more small buttons that will help to receive this user's messages on a cell phone, etc. You can write your message on Twitter in the form provided for this at the very top home page   with an inscription "What's happening?". When you start typing a message, you will see the number of characters that can still be typed to the right to the bottom of this form. B, but for this you will always have to have them at hand, because you will not find a built-in tool like Vkontakte in this social network.

In order to reply to an existing message on Twitter, simply move the mouse cursor to it and click on the message that appears at the bottom of the message "Reply"   (in the English version - "Reply").

After that, the name of the user whose message you are going to write the answer will be automatically added to the response form, and the @ sign will stand before this name, meaning that this is, in fact, a response.

Often messages are read through specialized programs, and not through an Internet browser. There are quite a few such programs. Can send private messages   via Twitter that other users will not see. To do this, the recipient must follow you, then you can on his web page, by analogy with the unsubscribing method discussed just above, click on the arrow next to the button that resembles the sun and select "Direct message username" from the drop-down list.

To summarize, we can generalize and say that Twitter is a service that is an explosive mixture of a blog with ICQ. But still, this is not quite a blog. He is a means of communication and information. With it, you can meet interesting people even if you are not added to each other's contact list.

If the person you need is not subscribed to your updates, you can still reply to his messages by simply pasting him into the response form @ sign in front. As a result, he will notice you and you can finish in any form convenient for you (icq, etc.).

But besides this, of course, Twitter can bring visitors to your site in an amount proportional to the number of followers if, for example, you set up automatic posting of the headers of your new materials. But I’ll talk about this and about setting up posting for the headlines of new articles from your website there in the next article.

By the way, Twitter developers have recently launched another social project, however, aimed at users of mobile gadgets. Now it’s great rapidly gaining popularity, so I advise you to familiarize yourself with the article provided by reference in order to, so to speak, keep up with life ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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