How to calculate a person from a photograph. Online services and programs for facial recognition by photo. Yandex is not far behind

Note:Some features are not available in all countries.

Search your photos

Find photos of a person or pet & apply a label

To more easily search and manage your photos, you can apply a label to people or pets recognized by Google Photos.

Note:   This feature is not available in all countries.

Step 1: Find photos of a person or pet

If you don "t see a row of faces:

Tip:   To find photos of a person without searching, tap AlbumsPeople.

Step 2: Apply a label

  1. At the top of a face group, tap Add a name.
  2. Enter a name or nickname.

You "ll be able to search with that label using the search box. Only you can see the private face labels you choose, even if you share those photos.

Tip:   To find photos without searching, tap Albums. At the top, you can tap items like People, Places, or Things.

  Turn face grouping off or on

You can stop grouping similar faces together in your photos.

If you turn off face grouping, you delete:

  • Face groups in your account
  • Face models used to create those face groups
  • Face labels you created
Learn about face models

Face grouping occurs in 3 steps:

  • We detect whether any photo has a face in it.
  • If the face grouping feature is turned on, algorithmic models are used to predict the similarity of different images and estimate whether 2 images represent the same face.
  • Photos that are likely to represent the same face are grouped together. You can always remove a photo from a group if you think it "s in the wrong group.

When face grouping is on, Google Photos may also include photos in a particular group based on other characteristics. This includes photos being taken close together in time and detecting that a person is wearing the same clothing across photos when a face is not visible.

Face groups, face labels & sharing

  • Face labels are private to each account and not shared across accounts.
  • Face groups are not shared when you share photos.
  • By default, face groups and labels in your account are only visible to you.
  • You can choose to label a face group as “Me” and help your contacts ’Google Photos apps to more easily recognize your face in photos. This helps your contacts get suggestions to share photos of you with you. Learn how to label your face group.

When face grouping is turned on, you let us know that you want to make a model of your face.

To delete your models, turn off Face grouping.

Remove, add, or change people & pet labels to your photos

If Google Photos misses or incorrectly groups a photo, you can change, remove, or add a photo to a face group.

This feature isn’t available in all countries.

Change which face group a photo belongs to

You can add, remove, or change a face label when Google Photos labels the wrong person or pet.

Today there are special applications for smartphones and PCs that allow you to find out basic information about a person about a photo. Some of them migrated to online applications, which makes it possible to quickly search for people on the network who have a similar appearance. Although the accuracy in certain cases leaves much to be desired.

Recognition takes place using the built-in neural network, which quickly searches for similar photos by certain criteria, initially the most basic ones, for example, by image weight, resolution, etc. Based on this feature, you may see links to profiles / sites in the search results absolutely not the person shown in the photo, but, fortunately, this happens extremely rarely. Usually there are people with a similar appearance or similar decor in the photo (for example, if the face is poorly visible).

When working with photo search services, it is advisable not to upload photos where several people are in focus. In this case, you are unlikely to get an adequate result.

In addition, you need to take into account that if you want to find his profile on Vkontakte from a person’s photo, you should remember that in the privacy settings of this social network, the user can check the boxes next to certain items, because of which search robots cannot scan his page and users can see not registered in VK. If the person you need has such privacy settings, then finding his page from the photo will be very difficult.

Method 1: Yandex Pictures

Using search engines may seem a little inconvenient, since several links to where it has ever been used can go to one image. However, if you need to find as much information as possible about a person using only his photo, then it is better to use a similar method. Yandex is a Russian search engine that performs a good search on the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

Instructions for searching through this service look like this:

  1. On the main page, click on the photo search icon. It looks like a magnifier against the background of the camera. Located in the top menu, on the right side of the screen.
  2. You can search by the URL of the image (a link on the Internet) or by using the button to download an image from a computer. The instruction will be considered in the last example.
  3. By clicking on   "Select a file"   a window opens where the path to the image on the computer is indicated.
  4. Wait a while until the picture is fully loaded. The same picture will be shown at the top of the issue, but here you can view it in other sizes. This block is not interesting to us.
  5. Below you can see the tags that apply to the uploaded image. Using them, you can find similar pictures, but this is unlikely to help in the search for information on a specific person.
  6. Next is a block with similar photos. It may be useful to you, since similar photos are selected according to a certain algorithm. Consider a search on this block. If in the first similar pictures you did not see the desired photo, then click “More similar”.
  7. A new page will open where all the similar photos will be. Suppose you find the photo you need. Click on it to enlarge it and find out detailed information.
  8. Here, pay attention to the right block of the slider. In it you can find more similar photos, open this one in full size, and most importantly - go to the site where it is located.
  9. Instead of a block with similar photos (step 6), you can scroll down the page just below and see on which sites the exact image that you have uploaded is located. This block is called "Sites where the picture occurs".
  10. To go to a site of interest, click on the link or table of contents. Do not go to sites with dubious names.
  11. If you are unsatisfied with the search result, you can use the following methods.

    Method 2: Google Images

    In fact, it is an analog of Yandex Images from the international corporation Google. The algorithms that are used here are somewhat similar to those of the competitor. However, Google Images has a significant advantage - it is better looking for similar photos on foreign sites, which Yandex does not quite correctly. This advantage can also be a disadvantage, if you need to find a person in Runet, in this case it is recommended to use the first method.

    The instruction is as follows:

    This option may work worse than the last.


    Unfortunately, right now there are no ideal services for free access to search for a person by photo, which could find all the information about a person on the network.

In detective films, we often see how police officers search people by photo. But is such an action available to the average person? It turns out that finding a friend from a photograph is possible.

There are no professional sites for searching images, but there are resources that can carry out a simple selection of people from photos. For example, social. VKontakte network is designed for you to search for your friends by their personal data. However, you can try the selection of users for photos. There are other ways to find a person in the photo.

Let's find out together from a photograph. But first, pay attention to the fact that you can only find the image that is available on the World Wide Web.

How to prepare photos for search

You should have a high-quality photograph, which clearly shows all the facial features, as well as other details. This photo should be scanned and saved on your PC, and also upload the same image to some photo hosting. The preparation is over. Now you can find a person from a photograph, or at least try to do it.

Looking for a friend using the Google Images service

To the question of how to find a person from a photograph, Google and Yandex can answer. Let's look at the principle of their work based on the Google system.

Google Images is a special image search engine. You can enter the name or description of the photo in the search bar, use voice search and even add ready-made images.

Let us consider in more detail the search for ready-made pictures. You can add photos to Google in four different ways:

  1. Upload photos from your PC.
  2. Indicate the address of the image on the computer.
  3. Upload the image to the photo hosting, and then enter the address of the photo in the search engine “Google-images”.
  4. Add a special application to your browser that helps you search for pictures. For example, Google Chrome has a Search by image for Google application. How does this program work? If you hover over any image on the Internet, a shortcut will appear to go to Google Search.

You will be presented with many images that satisfy your search results. It remains only to choose suitable photos from them. Please note that Yandex Images work similarly to your brother!

Find people by photo on

Find out how to find a person from a photograph with the help of the special website. Here you can also upload a prepared image or indicate its address on your favorite image hosting. This service is unable to determine the location of your friends, but the sites on which such a photo is will give out. Perhaps among the search results will be the addresses of social. networks where there is a page of the desired person.

An analogue of this service is the site The difference is that this resource helps you find copies of your picture. And looks for all the images similar to the one you provided. Both services provide convenient extensions for your browser.

How to search for VKontakte friends using photos

You can search for people from VKontakte using the service, which also gives out suitable people from the VK site. This resource works similarly to

In order to find a person in this social. network, you need to know his name and surname, and also have a high-quality photo. If you have all this, go to Vkontakte and use the People search form. Enter in the search engine social. network known data, and then sort the people found by comparing them with your photo.

It turns out that you can find a person "VKontakte" on the photo using the special function that is available on this network! To do this, go to your VK page, and then go to the News section. Here you need to select the “Photos” tab. If you don’t have such an item, click on the plus sign located in front of all the other headers. Now select “Photos” in the list that appears.

After all the steps described above, you should see a search bar with the signature "Search by Photos". There are five search functions here:

1. Search by description.

Enter the name, tags or description of the desired image. The search engine will display images with suitable texts. Pay attention to the fact that the system can read captions in pictures!

2. Search using photo filters.

There are six filters on VKontakte that you can see by editing your photos. select the desired type of filter, and then enter the following characters into the search engine: "filter: name of the selected filter." You can also enter text in front of these characters.

3. Search using geolocation.

Go to the Search tab, and then select the Geolocation button. Select the place where your friend is supposedly located, and then click the "Search nearby posts" button. Now you need to copy the coordinates displayed in the search bar and paste them into the search engine for the photo.

4. Search with the exception of unnecessary words.

Enter a description for the photo in the search line, and after it insert the characters: "-excluded word -dr." So you can narrow the search for people.

5. Search for similar photos.

Upload the prepared image to any of your albums, and then copy the last characters from the link to the uploaded photo. You should get something like this: "photo-12345_6789." Paste this combination into the search bar, writing “copy:” before it. Now in the search results you will see pictures similar to yours.

Use the functions described above taking into account the data about the person that you know.

Other search methods

Suppose that a young man met a young lady during a vacation. Returning home, he discovers that he knows nothing about this person. He has only photos of strangers. A guy decides to find a girl from a photograph. He can use the search methods that were highlighted above. But you can find a beautiful lady in other ways:

  1. Contact the program "Wait for me," while describing all the circumstances of acquaintance with this girl.
  2. Post ads in various social. networks and forums.
  3. You can also search for people on the sites:,,

World Wide Web Deception

The desire to find out how to find a person from a photograph sometimes leads to deceiving sites. Here you will be offered to find the famous on you. To perform a search, you need to upload your photo, and then confirm your decision using your mobile phone.

Instead of providing the promised service, they will simply withdraw money from your mobile account. Theoretically, you can calculate the offender by his IP address, but in practice, any skilled fraudster can change his IP. So you should not use such resources.

One of the most affordable methods to find a person is to search on social networks, including VKontakte. You can search by various parameters, it all depends on what data you have.   There are two ways to find the page you need from the photo.

You have an image and, relying on it, you need to find the person’s page. It should be said that for a successful search, the photo should not be closed by user settings. In this case, attempts will fail.

Another problem is the lack of photography on the net as such. Some people prefer to put beautiful pictures instead of their photos. Therefore, the search is complicated.

To find a user by photo:

  1. Log in to your VK account;
  2. Upload the image to your profile;
  3. Click on the picture to open in full size;
  4. In the line where the page address is written, highlight the id of the photo and copy;
  5. Click on the News tab (in the column on the left);
  6. In the folder that opens on the right, select "Photos";
  7. Place the cursor in the search bar and enter “copy: id from the image”;
  8. Click search. The system will display all the results found. There can be a lot of them or not at all.

In the event that you get a lot of matches, you will have to check each of them. To do this, select a photo and, clicking on it, see who posted the image.   In this way, check everything until you find what you are looking for.

Please note that there are fake pages, the so-called fake profiles. When they deliberately create accounts with the names and photos of real people. This is mainly done with the aim of fraud.

Via browsers

Any browser has the ability to search for pictures and photos. When using them, the system searches for matches across the entire available base, and not just in the VK social network. To get started, open a browser. The principle is the same everywhere, consider an example using Google Chrome.

If you did not find the required account with such a photo, then it is not there or the photo is in a closed album.

In another browser, follow the same procedure as the example above. The algorithm is the same, the interface can only differ.

In the Yandex browser, select the Images tab on the main page.

Next, enter the path to the image you saved and click "Find." Sometimes in this way it is possible to see already deleted photos in the contact.   And even the pages. If the search was unsuccessful - do not be discouraged.

A service was developed that, with the help of artificial intelligence, instantly found a person on VKontakte using almost any photo, taking into account facial features. With its help it is easy to find out who is depicted in the photo by finding his page.

He also found similar people. For example, it was possible to find a girl who looked like a famous actress or singer that you like.

You could find a stranger on VKontakte. To search it was enough to have his photo at home - even if this photo was just taken. The service was searched for free, there were paid services (an unlimited number of requests per month, additional search settings). You could search for people by photo from a computer or tablet, or you can from a phone if you install the application.

This service (FindFace) has been closed since July 2018, as it operated on personal data without the consent of its owners. Hardly anyone wants his page on the Internet to be found in the photo and find out the details of his personal life.

There are other ways that are described below:

How to find a person from a photo on a social network, the Internet. How to find out who is in the photo

Search for a person in a photo in Yandex

Yandex has a good search on photographs. He can find on the Internet both exact copies of photos, and with slight differences - for example, different photos of the same person.

Search for photos in Yandex

You will see all the sites and pages on social networks where the same or similar photos are found. You can open any page to find out what kind of person this is, what his name is and where he comes from. And if it is written “No such pictures found”,   then Yandex didn’t find anything.

Search for a person on a photo in Google

If you have a Chrome browser (Chrome), the easiest way to search for photos in Google is to right-click on the photo and select "Find this image on Google."

There is a Google Pictures service where you can search for a person by photo. He will find all the sites where it is, and - with any luck - he will determine what kind of person is in the photo. This can be used to expose fakes - people who use other people's photos on their pages (profiles) on social networks.

How to search for photos in Google? Very simple:

If it doesn’t work, do this:

  1. Simply open google   on a computer, laptop or tablet (you need the full version, not the mobile one).
  2. Click on the top right "Images"   - the camera icon should appear in the search bar.
  3. Further - from the 2nd point, as described above in our instructions.

Why can not I find a person in the photo?

Because it is not always possible. It all depends on where you got this photo. Maybe the person did not upload it on his page on the social network, and the search engine in this case will not find him in any way. Maybe he uploads photos only for friends - and then they are also unavailable for Google and Yandex. Or maybe the person is simply not on social networks (or he was, but left).

Photographed a man, how to find him?

You liked the person, you were too shy to go up and get to know him, but you took a picture of him secretly. How now to find a person from a photo that he took? For example, in VK?

No way, because only you have this photo. He is not on the Internet on this person’s page, and you cannot find him by photo search. You can only publish it in the VK group of your city like “Looking for you” or in the group of your educational institution and hope that someone recognizes this person (or he recognizes himself if he is subscribed to such a group). However, not everyone will like this: a person may demand to delete the photo.

How to find out a link to a photo, picture, image on the Internet (address)?

Usually in the photo you can right-click and select Copy Image Address   (in different programs it may be called a little differently).

If you need a link to a photo of VKontakte, you can first click on this photo, select "Yet"   and than “Open original”   - the photo will open in full size. Now right click on it and select "Copy image address."

After that, you can paste the copied address wherever you need: either right-click there and select Paste   either first left-click, and then press the keyboard shortcut on the keyboard Ctrl-v   or Shift-Insert.

How to find out if the photo is real or from the Internet (fake)? Where did the person get the photo from?

To find the original source of a photo, you can search for a photo in Google or Yandex by searching through pictures, as we just told. If the photo is found, you will see all the sites where it is. So you can determine where it came from. In fakes, photos can usually be found on many sites - they do not worry, where to get it from. If there will be a result “No such photos found”,   then, most likely, the photo is original, that is, the person himself posted it, and did not copy it from somewhere. But of course, in this case, it may not be him in the photo at all.

In addition, there is a TinEye service (“Tin Ai”), which searches through pictures and shows the source of this picture. You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it, and TinEye will look for where this photo came from. Like Google Pictures, it shows all the sites where this photo is found.

Keep in mind that sometimes TinEye does not find all the photos, especially those that were recently posted.

What other search methods are there?

Instructions for finding a person on the Internet by name, surname, city, date of birth and other data are here:

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