Understand what is locked in. How to find out that your number is blocked on someone's iPhone. Do blacklists exist

How to block annoying contact on iPhone? How do I know if my number is blocked? How to bypass number blocking in iOS? We will answer all questions in this material.

Block incoming calls in iOS

With the advent of iOS 7 (the Black List function successfully migrated to subsequent versions of iOS), each iPhone owner has the opportunity to add a nasty contact phone number to the black list without using any dances with a tambourine. Incoming calls and messages from a blocked contact will no longer bother you. This function was expected, if not all, then by many.

Video instruction:

1. Open the Phone app, go to the tab "Recent"  or "Contacts".

2. Select the contact you are interested in and open information about it.

3. Scroll down and press “Block the subscriber”Block Contact.

In order to see the list of all blocked contacts you need to open the application "Settings"go to section "Telephone"  and select menu “Call blocking and identification”.

In the same menu by pressing a button "Editing"  or swipe right to left to delete contacts from the black list.

Here, through the menu Block Contact  You can quickly add new contacts from the address book to the black list.

To view blocked contacts from go to "Settings"FaceTime"Blocked".

When another VK user blocked you, you will see a message "The user has restricted access to his page."  If before, when you went to his page, this did not happen, but now it appears, then this is a sure sign that this person blocked you personally (added to his black list).

The word "blocked" may mean something else!  If your page is blocked (frozen) by the administration and you cannot log in to VKontakte at all, read Blocked VKontakte. What to do? Decision . This is also described a little here at the end of the page.

What does it mean? In addition to this user, nothing changes for you on VKontakte. You can use all functions, look at other pages, communicate with people. But it’s on this person’s page that you won’t be able to enter. In addition, he cannot write a message or add to friends. If you were friends in VK, then before blocking he had to remove you from friends.

This is his personal decision, there is nothing you can do about it. Apparently, he does not want to communicate specifically with you. It is also sometimes called "banned" (from the word "ban" - blocking). However, it is possible that he blacklisted you by mistake. If you think that this is a mistake, try to contact him in other ways - for example, through your mutual friends, by phone, by mail.

Do not try to be annoying and chase a person if he does not want to. He may complain about you, and there is a risk that the administration will block your page - then you will not be able to use the VK at all and lose contact with all your friends.

How to go to the page of the person who blocked you, or write a message to him?

Perhaps you can do this if you create another page in VK. But it may turn out that a person has restricted access for those who are not friends with him. In addition, you can try to exit VKontakte and go to the person’s page at its address (the address is what is written in the address bar of the browser when you are on the page; for example, vk.com/id126494354) If the page is not hidden, then you will see it (maybe partially). In general, it all depends on how exactly the person set up his page.

The person has a PM closed, how to write to him?

When you go into messages and try to write to this user in PM, you see this: “You cannot send a message to this user, because it limits the circle of people who can send him messages.”

Perhaps at some point this person closed his PM from strangers, and now only friends can write to him. But if you corresponded with him earlier, then for another week after that you could write to him. Maybe he even forgot that he did it, and actually expects a message from you! So try to tell him about it - through your mutual friends, by phone or some other way. Read this instruction:

Please note that messages may not be sent for any other reason. Read here:

How to find out everyone who blocked me (added to the black list)?

If you want to see at once all the people who blocked you (list), then this is not possible, and the VKontakte help center officially reports this:

Alas, there is no opportunity to see the entire list of users who chose to restrict you access to their page.

But you can take turns to go to the page of each person whom you suspect that he blocked you, and check. If you see the inscription "The user has restricted access to his page," then you are on this person's black list. An indirect sign by which you can identify a suspect is that he has left your friends.

Can the one who blocked go to my page?

Yes maybe. For him, nothing changes. He only forbade you to write to him and look at his page. That is, it works unilaterally. But you can block it yourself in response, read on:

How did they block me? How can I block a person myself?

There is a separate very good page about this:

Also, this instruction may be useful to you:

How to unlock, remove from the black list?

Perhaps the person you want to chat with has blocked you by accident. Only you can unlock you. You need to give him this instruction:.

How do I know that they blocked me in a group?

Going to the group page, you will see this: “You have been blacklisted by this community.”  To this may be added a comment by the group administrator - read it to understand why you were blocked.

If you think that you were unjustly blocked, and want to unblock in a group, try to contact its administrator (or ask someone from your friends to do this). Feel free to apologize if you were wrong. Or you can just sit silently, then nothing will happen and you will remain blocked until the end of time.

No, that’s not it, they completely blocked me, I can’t enter the page!

There is also the likelihood that your computer is infected with a virus and in fact you do not log in to VKontakte, but to the site of scammers who will ask for money for "unlocking". Then in no case do you pay anyone, but do everything according to the instructions - Doesn't get into Contact? Decision .

It is always more reliable to enter the VK through the Login!

For six years, more than 1 million 800 thousand users of VKontakte have trusted us already .. Join now!

Has someone ignored your WhatsApp messages for several days? The most reliable way to find out the correct answer to the head question is to ask the person if he has blocked your contact.

It is difficult to notice the difference between ignoring and blocking, because the developers deliberately made it difficult to determine that the number was blacklisted, but did not remove it. Therefore, turn on your smartphone or tablet, open WhatsAp and follow these steps.

How do I know if they blocked me on WhatsApp?

Check the status of the last occurrence of the investigated contact in the network

The first thing we are going to do is check the user account for the latest appearance on the network. Find and open correspondence with the person you are interested in to get started. If there is no open chat, look for its name in the address book and create a new one. At the very top of the application window, under the initials, a notification of the format “was available today at 18:22” (or simply “was today at 19:01”) should appear. If such a message does not appear, you may be blocked.

However, be careful not to blame the other party ahead of time. In the program settings there is an option to intentionally block the display of the appearance of a user on the network. Of course, additional evidence needs to be found. If the status “online / was in touch” is not visible, proceed to the next step.

Blue flags

Checkmarks next to the time the message was sent is a great way to understand if it was sent and read. This is also the key to answering the title question.

We understand together:

  • one gray flag means that the information has been sent;
  • two grays indicate that the message has been received;
  • two green icons indicate that information has been viewed.

If you are blocked, you will see only one gray flag. This is because the message will be sent, but the system will not deliver it to the contact. This may also mean that the user has lost his phone or is not connected to the Internet. But along with the first step, the assumption that you fell out of favor is more believable. However, it does not give full confidence. Therefore, if one gray mark is visible for a long time, proceed with the step below.

No profile changes

If the number is in the blacklist of the subscriber, his profile data will not be updated on the phone when viewing it. Therefore, if he or she changes the image of his contact, the old photo will still be displayed for you.

The immutability of User picture itself is not surprising. In the end, a person may not have a profile picture at all. Individual people never update them. In combination with two other steps, this feature is crucial. So, if the avatar remains the same for a long period, then go to the penultimate step.

Is the call available through the application?

The first three points are passed and the chance that a lock is taking place increases. To test your theory at the fourth stage of the investigation, start by searching for the user in the contact list. Then try to make a phone call using the program interface.

Does the call go through? Are there beeps? Good news! Blocking did not occur!

And if there is no connection? This happens if the user does not have access to Wi-Fi or mobile Internet to be able to receive a call ... or if he blocked your profile.

Time to sort it out once and for all

Seamlessly approached the final stage. So far, only indirect evidence has been collected. Now we bring it all into a single whole.

The creation of group correspondence will complete the investigation. Open a new chat and add some friends to it. Adding is easy, without unnecessary difficulties. Now we are trying to attach a suspect account to correspondence. If the operation was successful, the investigation justifies the alleged blocker, even if there are all the signs in the remaining steps.

If an error notification pops up stating that there is no permission to add these contacts, then you are blocked. The second option is a malfunction, but if other numbers are connected, it is not clear whether the suspected blocker is on the network, and messages and calls are not accepted, then this is almost certainly a ban.

“How do I know if I’m blacklisted or not at the bank?” - A frequent request from Internet users. The answer is interesting to borrowers who are going to get new loans and who want to analyze their chances of approving applications. The following are important points and nuances.


Do blacklists exist

What is a bank blacklistthat customers are afraid to get into? This is a list of borrowers with large debts and numerous systematic delays. Once in the so-called " blacklist », you run the risk of being refused in subsequent attempts to contact the bank.

Some banks do draw up blacklists based on the fulfillment of contractual terms by customers. If the conditions are not met, the borrower is entered into the database, and employees are wary of it, realizing that the citizen is not able to responsibly fulfill the assigned debt obligations.

If the client refuses to repay the loan, the financial institution has the right to transfer information to a collection agency. Such agencies may have your own lists.

It's important to know! Databases of banks and collection agencies are available to employees of organizations and are intended for familiarization in the performance of official duties in relation to certain persons. Blacklisted citizens themselves do not have access to data.

Is there a single base

Single base, which contains the data of "malicious" defaulters and unscrupulous borrowers, does not exist. But delinquencies, debts that have formed, and other errors of banks are entered into the credit history (CI), which is a complete description of a citizen’s creditworthiness and reflects all transactions made by him: concluded loan and loan agreements, submitted applications (including rejected ones), delays in payments, debts.

CIs are formed and issued by the credit bureaus (BIC), in which all information flows from creditors. But BKI does not have any base of non-payers. The information stored here is confidential and is issued upon request only to entities, that is, to the borrowers themselves. The story may be available to another citizen - the user, but he will not receive it in full and after the recorded permission of the subject.

If the debtor has not made payments for a long time and has large debts, then the bank could sue him. And if in the course of the trial a decision was made to recover, the case probably fell into Federal Bailiff Service  (FSSP). And she has her own base, and is in the public domain.

Who gets blacklisted

It’s possible to get into the bank’s black list for various reasons.:

  •   Existing delays. And one missed payment is an excusable mistake. But if delays are regular, you are probably blacklisted.
  •   Debt in the bank. It could be formed for various reasons: missed payments, reduction in payment amounts. Moreover, sometimes debts are formed due to the banal carelessness of borrowers, so before you stop making payments, it is better to find out if the loan is actually closed.
  • Incidents during visits to the bank: conflicts with employees or customers, inadequate conditions (for example, intoxication).

For your information! If there are one or two delays, the bank issues a warning. But if payment gaps are constant, the client is blacklisted.

How to check your credit history

Credit history won't let you know are you blacklisted by the bank.  But with its help, you can independently analyze the performance of debt obligations and look at yourself through the eyes of creditors, evaluating how faithful and responsible you are.

There are several ways to contact the BKI:

  •   Personally come to the department and write a statement by signing it. One appeal this year is free, and subsequent ones are paid.
  •   Take advantage of the online services provided by some bureaus.
  •   Send a letter with a signature certified by a notary.
  •   Send a telegram by presenting an identity document to the service provider.
  •   Turn to partners: agent banks working with the BKI company.
  •   Take advantage of the services. For example, through ➥ you can get data stored in the National Bureau of Credit Histories. You need to fill out the form and pay. The report will be sent by e-mail and will contain everything that is useful for the borrower to know, including the results of checking the passport against blacklists.

Important! In Russia, there are as many as seventeen BKIs, and first you need to find out which CI is stored. You will do this using the Central Directory of Credit Histories through the Central Bank website. Fill out the form and get a response with a list. But to fill out, you need a subject code, which you can generate or find out in a bank, bureau. It is possible to contact CCCH without this code from the BKI, from a notary public, by telegram or from a financial institution.

How to find yourself in the list of debtors through the FSSP

If you have long-standing large debts, you are probably included in the base of the Federal Bailiff Service. On the FSSP website, find all the services, among them look for the section of the database of court proceedings. Begin your search by an individual, filling in the required fields to find out if you are on the black list of the bank, or whether a decision has been made on collecting debts.

Can I contact the bank

Many large banks have black lists, but such information is available only to employees and is not subject to disclosure. Moreover, even if you are present in the database, you can hardly find out about it. But there is another way - to find out debts to the bank.

If you entered into an agreement with the organization and issued loans, you can get information about them. And you can find out debts in different ways: request an extract from the department, go to your personal account through online banking, use mobile banking, call the hotline or send an email.

Nuance! Even the presence of delinquencies and debts is not an indicator of being on the black list, but automatically reduces your chances of an approving decision of the bank.

It’s almost impossible to find out that you’ve been blacklisted. But then you can find out the credit history and independently evaluate the probability of approval of the application by the bank.

Video: how to find out about your debts

   1. If you try to reach your friend for a long time, and in response you hear only short beeps that demonstrate that the called subscriber is busy, this can only mean one thing: you are on the “Black List” of this person. It also means that while you are in this “Top”, you will not be able to contact him.

2. If, nevertheless, you have a situation in which it is simply necessary to contact him, try sending SMS to his number with a request to call back. Do not forget to give a short summary of the problem that you need to resolve in this SMS. In most cases, I must say, the messages reach the subscribers, well, and if he considers it necessary for you to call back, he will do it right away.

3. Not always the person on the other side of the wire will call you back. If this does not happen, after a while try to call him back yourself. Perhaps your friend or acquaintance has already removed you from the "Black List", and now you can directly contact him.

4. Almost certainly this trick also will not work, so we advise you to take the phone from your parents, friends or acquaintances and contact this person in this way. In this case, the answer will probably not keep you waiting long, and at the other end of the line you will hear the long-awaited “Hello”.

5. Now almost on every corner in the stores are selling new SIM cards. If you really need to talk with one or another subscriber, get a spare card, inserting it into the phone, you can make a call so important for all mankind. And if your friend or acquaintance picks up the phone, he will have no choice but to listen to a problematic issue and try to resolve it with you.

6. In general, it should be remembered that if you were listed on the Black List in your personal account (whether it is Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 or other mobile operators), the above methods should help you. In the event that you were added to the “Black List” due to the device settings, it will be enough for you to disable the “show number” function on your phone, and then all calls to the mobile device will go through! Have a nice chat!

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