Completeness is the main characteristic of a search engine. Google crawlers. List of sources used

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However, sometimes even pages with well-written, succinct, and descriptive titles may appear in search results under a different title to better indicate their relevance to the search query. The reason is simple: the title tag specified by the webmaster must be static and persistent regardless of the search term. Once we know the user's request, we often find other text on the page that better explains the relevance of the result. Using this alt text as a title helps the user and can also help your site.

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1. History of "Google"

Many of us, faced with the problem of finding information on the Internet, turn to the most intelligent search engine Google. Today Google is the largest search engine in the world, its database of indexed documents is close to 3 billion. Hundreds of thousands of Russian Internet users visit the site every day. How many people know the history of Google? For example, why exactly Google, where does this name originate from? Why the smartest search engine? Let's figure it out.

Users are looking for search results or other relevance badges, and a matching title can increase the likelihood that they will click on a result from your site. If your pages appear in search results with renamed titles, make sure they are not affected by the issues described above. If these problems do not occur, consider if the alternate title does not match your search query.

Creating the right meta descriptions

Description attribute in tag - good way provide a concise, human-friendly summary of the content of each page. Accurate metadata can improve clicks. Below are some tips on how to use them. Try to make descriptions that faithfully summarize the content of each page, whenever possible. Use site descriptions or site level descriptions for other pages or other page level descriptions. For example, posts or information posted on blogs may include the author's name, publication date, and other information. This provides potential users with accurate and accurate information that would not otherwise figure in short description... Product pages can also contain important but scattered data such as price, age, and manufacturer. Correct meta information allows you to collect this information in one place. For example, the following meta book contains detailed information about the book. In this example, the information is clearly labeled and separated. Generate descriptions programmatically. For some sites, such as news feeds, creating accurate and unique descriptions for all pages is very easy: each article is created by hand, adding a one-line description is no longer a problem. For larger sites using databases such as product aggregators, manual descriptions may not be possible. In this case, it is recommended to programmatically generate descriptions. As we mentioned in the first point, correct descriptions should be varied and legible for users. The data indicated on the selected pages described in the second paragraph can be generated automatically. Long string metadata keywords, do not provide users with clear information about the content of the page, and they are less likely to be displayed instead of a regular fragment. Use high quality descriptions. Make sure the descriptions contain necessary information... Due to the fact that meta descriptions do not appear on the pages displayed by users, you can easily ignore them. They can dramatically improve your quality and increase your website traffic.

Disabling fragmentation

  • Make sure there is a meta description on every page of your site.
  • In such situations, it is less likely to display the outline text.
You can also prevent site snippets from being created and displayed in search results.

A bit of history. The Google project was developed in 1998. Its founders are Stanford graduates Larry Page and Sergey Brin. To rank the documents, they came up with new technology - PageRank. If you do not go into details, then its essence is as follows, the more sites have links to this document, and the more authoritative they are, the more authoritative this document is considered. But besides this, when determining the relevance, not only the text of the source document is used, but also the text of those links that link to it. This is why it is often said that Google is the smartest search engine.

The story with the name of the project is interesting. Everything is clear with Yandex and Rambler: in the first case, the name in translation means “I am looking for”, in the second “a wandering person”, that is, a tramp on the Internet. And what is this strange word Google, which, by the way, is not translated into Russian?

When Sergey and Larry were puzzling over how to christen their creation, they came across a note about the origin of the word googol (hugo? L). In 1938, the American scientist, mathematician Edward Kasner (1878-1955), was walking in the park with his nephews. The conversation unobtrusively turned about more numbers. And as usual children ask adults, nephews were interested in the name of a number with 6, 9 zeros…. Until one of them asked: "Uncle Edward, what is the name of a number with a hundred zeros?" It turned out that the mathematician did not know its name; no one had invented it yet. And then he invited his companions to choose him themselves. The youngest nephew Milton Sirotte, then he was 9 years old, coined the word "googol" (googol), and this number was named, and in honor of him the search engine. Google - according to one of the versions, this is a distorted spelling of the googol number, according to another, an error was made when registering the service, hence the name. I don't know if little Milton could have thought that his invention would become so popular? Probably, not.

Most of the Internet users have preferred Google search. The reason for their choice is the quality of the work of this company. At first, Google only provided a service like search. But now, in addition to search, the company has many other interesting and useful services, which have long won credibility in the eyes of users. The most useful and popular services created by Google are:

1. Gmail - mail created by Google programmers. The Gmail account immediately became the main one for many users. There is a wonderful intuitive interface. The service works quickly and without delays. Anyone who hasn't tried Gmail yet, I recommend registering there.

2. Google webmasters - this service was created specifically for website owners, webmasters, SEOs, etc. This service provides basic statements about your site: the number of links to the site, the most popular queries, keywords, page loading speed. All of these metrics will help you improve and improve your site.

3. Rss reader. Many internet users read blogs. And with this service you can subscribe to the newsletter of the blogs you are interested in. You will not need to go to the blog every time, all updates will come to you by themselves. There are many other similar services out there, but the Rss reader is one of the best.

5. Google calendar. It is clear that this is not a simple calendar. This is a service with which you can schedule important events by day. This way you will never forget the events that are about to happen. Interesting calendar and the fact that you can open access to the calendar. And other people will know about your plans for the future.

Google: a special approach to creating software products

2. History of Google 2

Google is a company with a non-standard approach. For example, Google has its own file systemas well as servers using common computer components. But at the same time, the now widely known "blank" interface home page Google is not a conscious decision, but a compulsory need. Early versions of the search engine simply didn't know HTML, so they had to keep the page very simple. Initially, there was not even a “Submit” button, there was always something that had to be pressed using your keyboard.

However, Google is now the prime candidate for the No. 1 software developer spot. This is despite the fact that the company is one of the largest corporate clients AMD and intends to independently engage in the design of computers and hardware for their own needs.

A trend that was started by Google and is now actively promoted is flexible software browser. Software that does not have to apply settings at once for all viewed sites, but can save custom sets of options separately. Simple but ingenious. Perhaps the main reason for the success of Google services is the focus on user needs and the highest quality of their solutions.

Look at the very popular Gmail, which attracted Internet users at one time in its gigantic size mailbox - as much as 2 gigabytes. Currently, competitors offer the same or larger volumes, but Google has found a decent answer here too. After all, Gmail is actually browser software - software that adapts to the needs of the user.

Exit Google Chrome - a significant case in a number of decent treatment of Google in its attempt to capture this market. Today, Google offers such custom service options: search, maps, mail, auto-loaded video, not so long ago - mobile phone and then finally the browser came along. With this kind of competition, it is obvious that a few strong players will completely control the market niche. In addition to a good interface and quick work in the new browser, JavaScript has become another reason that forced users to replace their favorite browser with Chrome. There are no obvious advantages (like Gmail - inbox size a few years ago). Google android many foreign observers have called the “iPhone murder”. Despite the googlephone interface, the full keyboard at the bottom of the screen with a fingertip, there are at least three advantages the phone already has: an iPhone-like interface, a keyboard, and most importantly, openness operating system... In addition, it is clear to everyone, without exception, that Google is able to gather around itself communities of Android developers, to attract companies to order software or create it yourself, by the company's staff. This is nothing more than attracting buyers with a rich choice. various programsincluding the freely redistributable GNU License.

Google Documents is a complete custom office suite with the ability to work together (you can even see in real time someone you give access to modify the document). To organize such maintenance tools, you usually have to at least buy some software, install and run a server. Here, a simple registration with a link to an email account is enough.

It is worth noting that the requirement for the independence of the Google browser software has not been confirmed. It is about attempts to seize a monopoly in the industry and the desire to seize complete control over users, before forcibly storing passport data in service registrations.

These claims sound highly unprofessional, and are further refuted by actual events - Google, for example, has reduced the expiration date of cookies and databases where users' past requests are stored. This confirms that the main goal is to provide popular, convenient, innovative services designed to prepare the industry for the next level.

Why is this a velvet revolution?

Mass Monsters is Google's marketing initiative. But no one announces it out loud. For example, a serious flaw in browser software is a program that stops working if contact with the Internet is lost. Google is solving this problem, and other software giants are also developing such solutions. This shows trends in scale. Market leaders understand that very soon the Internet will be everywhere (due to the development and mobile access), and the movement will be free, so it's easier and more convenient to offer software for any user's browsers. google search engine browser interface

Of course, at present the situation with high-quality and affordable Internet connection is not fully resolved - there are still problems in some areas. But the trend in the service provider's market promise is to fix such problems in the near future.

Today, there are many services implemented right in the browser. These are photo editing, converting files, creating slideshows and many others.

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Search engine Yahoo!

1. Briefly about the search engine

Surprisingly, this incredibly popular system, serving millions of requests every day, began as a simple collection of bookmarks with just 2 people - David Filo and Jerry Yang. Today, Yahoo !, it is no longer just a directory, it is a whole group of various services, such as the Yahooligans directory - Yahoo! for children, personal channel system My Yahoo !, free E-mail service, system "Shop with Yahoo!" (buy from Yahoo!), MTV's unfURLed co-project, and more. Among all the systems reviewed, Yahoo! - the only purely catalog, on Yahoo! no own search engine... But the list of categories on Yahoo! is the most complete and straightforward - unlike other directories on Yahoo! it is always easy to determine which section the necessary information... Yahoo! Home Page loads very quickly - although there are a lot of links on it, they are all text.

The central part of the page is, of course, occupied by the search box and the list of categories. The links at the top of the page (graphical) provide access to information such as "what's new", "what's good", "More Yahoos". The last link is recommended to visit - it leads to a page with a huge number of links to various Yahoo! - catalogs and services. At the bottom of the main page, Yahoo! contains a large number of links to the most popular sections of Yahoo !.

When entering keywords from the main Yahoo page, the request is processed using the "Intelligent default" method, that is, Yahoo! searches for the most relevant results in the following areas: Yahoo categories; on Web sites registered with Yahoo; to Altavista (the request is sent if there are no results); in the news. This smart search takes quite a long time. When setting search criteria for Yahoo! remember that Yahoo! looks for these words only in the title and description of the page, since the full-text index on Yahoo! no. Therefore, you should not specify too many terms or synonyms when searching - the number of results from Yahoo! will decrease or even be zero. When entering keywords from the directory page, you need to select the search area - the entire directory of Yahoo! or just its current section. This is done using the radio buttons below the input field.

On the search results page, the categories that match the search criteria are displayed first, and then the sites. There is a number in parentheses next to each category - this is the number of sites in this category. If Yahoo! no results, results from Altavista are displayed immediately. A small table is displayed at the top and bottom of the page, with the help of which you can search in Yahoo! categories on Altavista, in news and events with one click of the mouse. The number of search results on Yahoo! is naturally small, but most of them are relevant. There may be a problem with missing pages, as webmasters usually forget to remove their sites from search engines, and on Yahoo! no mechanism automatic update... For advanced search, Yahoo! offers a not very large, but very useful set of tools. To get to the advanced search page, follow the "options" link from the main Yahoo!

Advanced search tools include date limiting, Yahoo !, Usenet, and E-mail addresses, the use of logical operations on terms and the search for a specific phrase. It is also possible to search for words with arbitrary endings, indicate words that should or should NOT be present in the document, etc. Purely Russian resources at Yahoo! are not added because Yahoo! Inc. there is simply no one to watch and evaluate their contents. But those queries that failed on Yahoo! transmitted to Altavista, and there is a good index of Russian resources.

2. How to search

As the developers of Yahoo! write themselves, their search results page is designed to help users find what they are looking for in a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface.

Let's consider in more detail various sections on the search results page.

Inside Yahoo! (Internal Yahoo!)

These are Yahoo! products or services that match the user's search criteria. For example, if a person specified "frogs" in their query, Inside Yahoo! will show search results by areas where the user can find different types information such as images from the Yahoo! Picture Gallery! items for sale in Yahoo! Auction, frog facts from Yahooligans!

Directory Category Matches

This area highlights categories in Yahoo! The directory that matches the custom search query. If a person wants to see a collection of sites on a specific topic, he should click on the most necessary category, after which the user will be presented with a visual list of sites that was compiled by the editor of Yahoo! on a given topic.

If there are more categories than can be displayed, then the "Next" link will appear in the upper right. Clicking on this link will allow the user to see both commercial and non-commercial categories in Yahoo! Directory that match the search query.

Sponsor Matches

Sponsored Deals - Relevant search results that are paid for by entrepreneurs or organizations and provided by a third party access tool search server.

Web Matches

These results show combinations of relevant web pages and sites provided by third party means search engine access and Yahoo! Catalog. This is the default style in which the results appear.

When a site listed in search results is also listed on Yahoo! Directory listing of the search result will show the title and description provided by Yahoo! Catalog. In addition, the user will see the More sites about link at the bottom. By clicking on this link, the user will be able to view a collection of sites on the same topic on Yahoo! Catalog.

Directory listings include sites that have passed through special program Yahoo !. These sites paid Yahoo! review and count them for inclusion in Yahoo! Catalog.

3. Advanced search

Advanced Search is a feature that helps you refine your search results.

In the search engine yahoo system! direct search is possible (that is, the search is carried out only by specified words) and advanced search.

Advanced Search helps improve the accuracy of your search results by using additional syntax to focus your search. The user can enter most of the following search parameters directly into the search box, or select them from the Advanced Search page, which can be accessed from the advanced search link to the right of the search bar.

The advanced search page is presented below.

include all of the words:

include this exact phrase:

include at least one of these words:

exclude these words:

the Web Yahoo! Directory listings

<< Fewer options

only show pages in

only show pages from

only show pages updated in the

Keyword Locations:

show pages where the keyword is

show pages from the site or domain

e.g.,, .org, .gov

Search by URL (Web Address)

Find web pages similar to

Find web pages that link to

Let's consider this page in more detail.

Include all of the words - This option allows you to find search results that include all words that the user typed in the search box. This is similar to inserting an "AND" between words or a "+" in front of a word.

Include this exact phrase - This option allows you to examine results that exactly match the words that users have entered. This is similar to placing quotations ("") around a set of words. (Example: You are looking for a famous saying or quote: "I want to go home").

Include at least one of these words - Select this option to search results based on multiple metrics that match or one or more of the search words. This matches the insertion of "OR" between words. (For example, if the user wants to find information on either canoes or boats.)

Exclude these words - This option excludes the specified words from the search. In normal searches, this matches the insertion of "NOT" between words or the character "" before a word. (For example, you are looking for information about flowers, but you do not want information about roses to be displayed. To do this, enter "flowers" in "All of the words" and in "Exclude these words" enter "roses").

Search - Here the user needs to choose where he wants to search for information: on the web or only in the Yahoo directory.

More options - Using the additional options that appear when you click this button. Let's give them a short description:

Language - Allows you to select which language the sites will be displayed in on the results page.

Country - This feature allows you to display results based on the selected country.

Date - Limits search results to those sites that have been modified within the past 3, 6, or 12 months.

Keyword Location - Allows the user to choose their own search terms - on the page, anywhere, in the title, in the text, in the URL, or in links to other pages.

Domain - Asks which domains should (or should not) be searched (for example, with com, org, gov, net, biz, info, name).

Search by URL - The user can try to find web pages that are similar or belonging to a particular site.


Recently, when information has become worth its weight in gold for a person, its availability and quick search are important for a person. To meet the needs of the public, search engines have to constantly evolve, improve and attract users with new services and new opportunities. People are attracted to search engines, who can not only search their database of sites, but also forward the request to other search engines. In the Yandex system, for example, a user, if he did not find anything necessary for his request, can try to find the same thing using search engines such as AltaVista, Google, Fast, Yahoo !, Rambler, Aport !. At the same time, he does not need to manually go to the site and retype his request, he can simply click the necessary link at the bottom of the page:

Search the same on: AltaVista - Google - Fast - Yahoo! - Rambler - Aport!

Search engines Yandex and Yahoo! today - one of the most visited servers on the Internet. Their popularity is only increasing every day and it is impossible to predict how popular they will be in a few years if they develop at the same pace.

internet search engine query

List of sources used

1. - Help finding Yahoo!

2.http: //

3. - Yahoo! Search Directory - overview

4.http: // - Yandex search directory - overview

5.http: //

6.http: //

7.http: //

8.http: // - Death of Yahoo !? I don't think so, but ...

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