Any information system. What is an information system? School Information System. Unified Information System

In the Russian Federation there are about 100 state information systems; they are divided into federal and regional. An organization working with any of these systems is required to comply with the data protection requirements that are processed in it. Depending on the classification, different requirements are imposed on different information systems, for the violation of which sanctions are applied - from a fine to more serious measures.

The work of all information systems in the Russian Federation is determined by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014) “On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information” (July 27, 2006). Article 14 of this law provides a detailed description of GISs. Operators of state-owned IPs that process restricted information (not containing information constituting state secrets) are subject to the requirements set forth in Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 11, 2013 No. 17 “On approval of requirements for the protection of information not constituting state secrets” contained in government information systems. ”

Recall that the operator is a citizen or legal entity engaged in the operation of the information system, including the processing of information contained in its databases.

If the organization is connected to the state information system, then the FSTEC order No. 17 requires the system to be certified, and only certified means of information protection (having valid FSTEC or FSB certificates) should be used to protect information.

There are frequent cases when the operator of an information system mistakenly classifies it as a GIS, while it is not. As a result, redundant protection measures are applied to the system. For example, if by mistake the operator of the personal data information system classified it as state, he will have to fulfill more stringent security requirements for the processed information than the law requires. Meanwhile, the requirements for the protection of personal data information systems, which are regulated by the FSTEC order No. 21, are less stringent and do not oblige to certify the system.

In practice, it is not always clear whether the system to which you want to connect is state-owned, and therefore what measures to build information security should be taken. Nevertheless, the plan of inspections of regulatory bodies is growing, and fines are steadily increasing.

How to distinguish GIS from non-GIS

The state information system is created when it is necessary to provide:

  • exercise of powers of state bodies;
  • information exchange between government agencies;
  • achievement of other goals established by federal laws.

It is possible to understand that the information system belongs to the state using the following algorithm:

  1. Find out if there is a legislative act prescribing the creation of an information system.
  2. Check the availability of the system in the Register of Federal State Information Systems. Such registers exist at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation.
  3. Pay attention to the purpose of the system. An indirect sign of classifying a system as a GIS will be a description of the powers that it exercises. For example, each administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan has its own charter, which also describes the powers of local governments. IS “Registration of citizens in need of housing on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan” was created to implement such powers of administrations as “the adoption and organization of the implementation of plans and programs for the integrated socio-economic development of the municipal region”, and is a GIS.

If the system involves the exchange of information between government agencies, it is also highly likely to be state-owned (for example, an interdepartmental electronic document management system).

This is a GIS. What to do?

FSTEC Order 17 prescribes the following measures to protect information for GIS operators:

  • formation of requirements for the protection of information contained in the information system;
  • development of an information system information security system;
  • implementation of information security system information system;
  • certification of the information system according to the requirements of information security (hereinafter - certification of ISPDn) and putting it into effect;
  • ensuring the protection of information during the operation of a certified information system;
  • ensuring the protection of information during the decommissioning of a certified information system or after a decision is made to end information processing.

Organizations that are connected to government information systems must perform the following actions:

1. Classify IP and identify security threats.

IP classification is carried out in accordance with paragraph 14.2 17 of the order of the FSTEC.

Information security threats are determined by the results

  • assessing the capabilities of violators;
  • analysis of possible vulnerabilities in the information system;
  • analysis (or modeling) of possible ways to implement information security threats;
  • assessment of the consequences of violation of information security properties (confidentiality, integrity, accessibility).

2. Formulate requirements for the information processing system.

System requirements must contain:

  • the purpose and objectives of ensuring the protection of information in the information system;
  • information system security class;
  • a list of regulatory legal acts, methodological documents and national standards to which the information system must comply;
  • list of information system protection objects;
  • requirements for measures and means of information protection used in the information system.

3. Develop a system of information security information system.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out:

  • designing an information system information security system;
  • development of operational documentation for an information system information protection system;
  • prototyping and testing of information system information protection system.

4. Implement the information security system of the information system, namely:

  • installation and configuration of information security tools in the information system;
  • development of documents defining the rules and procedures implemented by the operator to ensure the protection of information in the information system during its operation (hereinafter - organizational and administrative documents for information protection);
  • implementation of organizational measures to protect information;
  • preliminary tests of the information system information protection system;
  • trial operation of an information system information security system;
  • checking the built-in information security system for vulnerability;
  • acceptance tests of the information system information protection system.

5. Certify ISPDn:

  • conduct certification tests;
  • get a certificate of conformity.

There is a widespread belief that for the inspection of regulatory bodies it is sufficient to have organizational and administrative documents, therefore GIS operators often neglect the introduction of remedies. Indeed, Roskomnadzor pays close attention to documents and the implementation of organizational and administrative measures to protect PD in the organization. However, in case of questions, experts from the FSTEC and the FSB may be involved in the audit. At the same time, the FSTEC carefully looks at the composition of the technical protection of information and checks the correctness of the threat model, and the FSB checks the implementation of the requirements regarding the use of cryptographic information protection.

Oleg Necheuhin, an expert on the protection of information systems, "Contour-Security"

Information Systems   meet daily in our lives - at home, at work, on the street, in transport. And today it is rather difficult to imagine life without such systems! After all, information systems are our so-called helpers. Any organization can no longer fully engage in any activity without information and analytical systems. One of the simplest examples of everyday information systems can be called a telephone directory, where numbers are indicated, as well as last name, first name, patronymic of subscribers.

The enterprises actively use information management systems. With the help of such systems, the life of mankind is greatly facilitated, it is a huge and invaluable help, because one or several people cannot keep in their head or on paper media the data that is occupied by terabytes of RAM in the computer. However, simply storing such information is not enough; it needs to be systematized and adapted for convenient use.

Everything information Systems   can be presented in the form of an information directory and an information database. Each of these systems can be subdivided into others with a more specific focus, for example, according to the subjects of medicine, geography, etc. Thus, for each area of \u200b\u200bactivity there is a specific information management system.

The main function that absolutely every such system pursues is the collection, storage and retrieval of information. A large amount of information often complicates the search, it requires a lot of time and effort. Management information systems are the main assistant in finding the right information. It is very fast, quite convenient and very practical. In addition, information in electronic form will replace paper documents in the near future, since handling electronic documents is much easier, faster and more economical.

In scale information Systems   divided into three main groups:

  • Individual - these are systems created exclusively for one user, they contain personal, personal data that are entered into this system by the user. A good example is a notebook.
  • Collective is a system designed for a small group of people and containing information available exclusively to them.
  • Corporate is a system that can include both small and large enterprises.

Examples of various information systems and their main functions:

  1. Mail distribution system, the system is designed to send a specific or specified message to various specific mailboxes.
  2. Help desk information system through which any citizen can sign up for a specific specialist at a specific time.
  3. A meteorological system that, according to various instrument indicators, can cooperate with the received data and generate approximate weather data in a certain region.

Information systems: results and conclusions

Summing up, we can say that mankind has stepped far along the path of progress and innovation, earlier, to find the necessary information, a person had to delve into hundreds of documents and reference books, now he just needs to set the necessary search parameters in the information system and he will get the result in a few seconds. Moreover, there are a huge number of classifiers that also simplify the search for the necessary information, and also allows you to select certain search criteria. There is also the opportunity to create your own classifier, which will satisfy exactly your needs in finding the necessary document.

Use all the achievements of mankind and always stay in step with the times.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………… .2

1. The information system and its types ……………………………………………… ... 3

2. The composition of automated information systems …………………………… 9

3. The technological process of information processing ……………………………… .16

4. The role of information technology in the design, operation and modification of information systems ………………………………………………………………… 20

5. CASE-technologies ……………………………………………………………………… ... 22

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………… ... 28

List of used literature ………………………………………………… ..29


The 21st century, with which the third millennium begins, challenged mankind in the form of an all-pervasive international connection, the world wide web of the Internet and the emergence of a virtual economy. And who today can say with full confidence that, leaving, the XXI century. will not bring to humanity a more serious threat in the form of the emergence of “machine (ie electronic) intelligence” and a “human-machine” economy? XXI century gives us the opportunity to look at the development of the economy from the moment of its inception, as well as to meaningfully look at the future of the economy and humanity.

Using communications, you can, without leaving your home, manage production lines in the production or financial and commercial activities of the enterprise, keep accounting, study remotely in an educational institution, read books in a library, buy goods, make banking, exchange and other financial transactions , etc. Appearance at the end of XX century. Information technology has led to the emergence of the most profitable business - an interactive business.

It is safe to say that in the middle of the XXI century. Leaders of the world economy and international trade will be those countries that will have high technology and knowledge-based industries. This means that the export of Russian oil, minerals, trade in arms and heavy machinery by Russian firms will occupy one of the last places in international trade and will no longer give the income that Russia had at the end of the 20th century.

In a market economy, the approach to management is fundamentally changing, from functional to business-oriented, the role of information technology is changing radically. Orientation to management based on business processes provides a competitive advantage for an organization in the conditions of fierce competition, and management based on business processes cannot be effectively implemented without the use of information technologies and systems.

1. Information system and its types.

Information system - this is an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in the interests of achieving the goal. A modern understanding of the information system involves the use of a computer as the main technical tool for processing information. You need to understand the difference between computers and information systems. Computers equipped with specialized software are the technical base and tool for information systems. An information system is inconceivable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications.

In the regulatory legal sense, an information system is defined as “an organizationally ordered set of documents (an array of documents) and information technologies, including using computer equipment and communications that implement information processes” [RF Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” from 02.20.1995, No. 24-FZ].

The processes that ensure the operation of an information system for any purpose can conditionally be represented as consisting of the following blocks:
  input information from external or internal sources;
  processing of input information and its presentation in a convenient form;
  information output for presentation to consumers or transfer to another system;
  feedback is information processed by people of a given organization to correct input information.

In general, information systems are determined by the following properties:
  1) any information system can be analyzed, built and managed based on the general principles of building systems;
  2) the information system is dynamic and evolving;
  3) when building an information system, it is necessary to use a systematic approach;

4) the output of the information system is information on the basis of which decisions are made;

5) the information system should be perceived as a human-machine information processing system.

The implementation of information systems can contribute to:
  obtaining more rational options for solving managerial problems through the introduction of mathematical methods; the release of workers from routine work through automation; ensuring the accuracy of information; improving the structure of information flows (including a document management system); providing consumers with unique services; reduce costs for the production of products and services (including information).

The type of information system depends on whose interests it serves and at what level of management. By the nature of the presentation and the logical organization of stored information, information systems are divided into factographic, documentary and geoinformation ones.

Factographic Information Systems    accumulate and store data in the form of multiple instances of one or more types of structural elements (information objects). Each of these instances, or some combination thereof, reflects information on a fact or event separately from all other information and facts.

In documentary (documented) information systems    a single element of information is a document that is not divided into smaller elements and information at input (input document), as a rule, is not structured, or is structured in a limited form. For the input document, some formalized positions can be established (production date, contractor, subject).

  In geographic information systems    data is organized as separate information objects (with a specific set of details) tied to a common electronic topographic basis (electronic map). Geographic information systems are used for information support in those subject areas, the structure of information objects and processes in which has a spatial and geographical component (transport routes, utilities).

In fig. 1.1 presents a classification of information systems according to the characteristics of their functional subsystems.

Fig. 1.1. Classification of information systems by functional feature.

In the business practice of production and commercial facilities, the types of activities that determine the functional attribute of the classification of information systems are production, marketing, financial, personnel activities.

Classification of information systems by management level
  information systems of the operational (operational) level - accounting, bank deposits, order processing, ticket registration, payroll; information system of specialists - office automation, knowledge processing (including expert systems);
  tactical level information systems (middle management) - monitoring, administration, control, decision making;
  strategic information systems - goal setting, strategic planning.

Information systems of the operational (operational) level
The operational level information system supports executing specialists by processing data on transactions and events (bills, invoices, salaries, loans, flow of raw materials). The purpose of the information system at this level is to answer requests about the current state and monitor the flow of transactions in the company, which corresponds to operational management. To cope with this, the information system should be easily accessible, continuously operating and provide accurate information. The operational level information system is the link between the company and the external environment.

Information systems specialists.   Information systems of this level help specialists working with data, increase the productivity and productivity of engineers and designers. The task of such information systems is the integration of new information into the organization and assistance in the processing of paper documents.
Office Automation Information Systems    due to its simplicity and versatility, it is actively used by employees of any organizational level. Most often they are used by middle-skilled workers: accountants, secretaries, clerks. The main goal is data processing, increasing the efficiency of their work and simplifying clerical work.

These systems perform the following functions: word processing on computers using various word processors; production of high-quality printed materials; archiving of documents;
  electronic calendars and notebooks for conducting business information; electronic and audio mail; video and teleconferences.

Knowledge processing information systems,    including expert systems, incorporate the knowledge necessary for engineers, lawyers, scientists in the development or creation of a new product. Their job is to create new information and new knowledge.

Tactical level information systems (middle management)
  The main functions of these information systems are: comparing current indicators with past indicators; preparation of periodic reports for a certain time (rather than issuing reports on current events, as at the operational level); providing access to archival information, etc.

Decision Support Systems    serve partially structured tasks, the results of which are difficult to predict in advance (they have a more powerful analytical apparatus with several models). Information is obtained from management and operational information systems. Characteristics of decision support systems:
provide solutions to problems whose development is difficult to predict;
  equipped with sophisticated modeling and analysis tools;
  make it easy to change the setting of the tasks to be solved and the input data;
  they are flexible and easily adapt to changing conditions several times a day; have the most user-oriented technology.

Strategic information systems. Strategic information system    - a computer information system that provides decision support for the implementation of promising strategic goals of the organization. There are situations when the new quality of information systems forced to change not only the structure, but also the profile of firms, contributing to their prosperity. However, this may lead to an undesirable psychological situation associated with the automation of certain functions and types of work, as this may put some of the workers in a difficult position.

Other classifications of information systems.

Classification by degree of automation.   Depending on the degree of automation of information processes in the company’s management system, information systems are defined as manual, automatic, automated.

Manual Information Systems    characterized by the lack of modern technical means of processing information and the implementation of all operations by a person. For example, about the activities of a manager in a company where there are no computers, we can say that he works with a manual information system.

Automated Information Systems    perform all information processing operations without human intervention.

Automated Information Systems    involve both human and technical means in the process of information processing, and the main role is given to the computer. In the modern interpretation, the term “information system” necessarily implies the concept of an automated system. Automated information systems, given their widespread use in the organization of management processes, have various modifications and can be classified, for example, according to the nature of the use of information and the scope of application.

Classification by the nature of the use of information
Information Retrieval Systems    make input, systematization, storage, delivery of information at the request of the user without complex data conversions (information retrieval system in the library, in railway and air ticket offices).

Information Decision Systems carry out all operations of information processing according to a certain algorithm. Among them, one can classify according to the degree of influence of the generated resultant information on the decision-making process and distinguish two classes - the ruling and the advising systems.

Management Information Systems    generate information on the basis of which a person makes a decision. These systems are characterized by the type of tasks of a calculated nature and the processing of large amounts of data. An example is the system of operational planning of production, the accounting system.

Advisory Information Systems    They generate information that is accepted by a person for information and does not immediately turn into a series of specific actions. These systems have a higher degree of intelligence, since they are characterized by the processing of knowledge, not data.

Classification by scope.   Information Systems organizational management    designed to automate the functions of management personnel. Information Systems process control    serve to automate the functions of production personnel. Information Systems computer aided design    designed to automate the functions of design engineers, constructors, architects, designers when creating new equipment or technology.
Integrated (Corporate)    information systems are used to automate all the functions of the company and cover the entire cycle of work from design to marketing products.

Classification by way of organization.   By the method of organization, group and corporate information systems are divided into the following classes:

Systems based on file server architecture;

Systems based on client-server architecture;

Systems based on multi-level architecture;

Systems based on Internet / Intranet technologies.

2. The composition of automated information systems.

As a rule, the AIS includes:

· Information resources, presented in the form of databases (knowledge bases) that store data about objects, the connection between which is specified by certain rules;

· A formal logical and mathematical system implemented in the form of software modules that provide input, processing, search and output of the necessary information;

· An interface that provides user communication with the system in a form convenient for him and allowing you to work with database information;

· Personnel determining the order of functioning of the system, planning the procedure for setting goals and achieving goals;

· A complex of technical means.

The composition of AIS is presented in Fig. 1.5.

Information resources include machine and non-machine information. Machine information is presented in the form of databases, knowledge bases, data banks. Databases (banks) of data can be centralized or distributed.

Fig. 1.5.   AIS composition

The complex of technical means (CTS) includes a combination of computer equipment (computers of different levels, operator workstations, communication channels, spare elements and devices) and a special complex (means of obtaining information about the state of the control object, local control means, actuators, sensors and devices control and adjustment of technical means).

Software (software) consists of general software (operating systems, local and global networks and complexes of maintenance programs, special computing programs) and special software (organizing programs and programs that implement monitoring and control algorithms).

Personnel and instructional materials make up the organizational support of the system.

Procedures and technologies are developed on the basis of logical and mathematical models and algorithms that make up the basis of the mathematical support of the system, and are implemented using software and a CCC, as well as an interface that provides user access to information.

For example, an expert system (ES) includes:

· An interface that allows you to transfer information to the database and contact the system with a question or explanation;

· Working memory (DB), which stores data about objects;

· A dispatcher determining the functioning of ES;

· Output machine - a formal logical system implemented in the form of a software module;

· Knowledge Base (KB) - the totality of all available information about the subject area, recorded using formal structures for the representation of knowledge (a set of rules, frames, semantic networks).

The most important component of ES is the block of explanations. It allows the user to ask questions and receive reasonable answers.

AIS structure. Functional and supporting subsystems

Structure -   a specific internal device system.
Based on the definition that an information system is an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to collect, store, process and issue information in order to solve assigned tasks, its structure should be considered as a set of organized subsystems in a certain way that ensure the implementation of these processes.

AIS usually consists of functional and supporting parts, each of which has its own structure.

Function   there is a manifestation of the interaction of the system with the external environment. Function manifestation in time   called functioning.

The functional part is a set of subsystems that depend on the characteristics of the ACS. These subsystems are divided according to a certain criterion (functional or structural) and combine the corresponding sets of control tasks.

The supporting part is a combination of informational, mathematical, software, technical, legal, organizational, methodological, ergonomic, metrological support.

The structure of AIS is presented in Fig. 1.6.

Providing part.

AIS information support is a combination of databases and files of the operating system, format and lexical databases, as well as language tools designed to enter, process, search and present information in the form necessary for the consumer

AIS functions are divided into information, control, protective and auxiliary.

Information functions implement the collection, processing and presentation of information about the state of an automated object to operational personnel or the transfer of this information for subsequent processing. These may be the following functions: measurement of parameters, control, calculation of parameters, generation and delivery of data to operational personnel or in adjacent systems, assessment and prediction of the state of the AS and its elements.

Control functions generate and implement control actions on the control object. These include: parameter control, logical action, program logic control, mode control, adaptive control.

Protective functions can be technological and emergency.

With the automated implementation of functions, the following modes are distinguished:

· Dialogue (staff has the ability to influence the development of recommendations for managing the facility using software and CCC);

· Adviser (the staff decides on the use of recommendations issued by the system);

· Manual (personnel make management decisions based on control and measurement information).

The above diagram of the structure of AIS is carried out mainly in reference and information retrieval systems. The structure of more complex systems, in essence, is an AISU, i.e., AIS control, ACS of various levels and purposes.

For example, AIS “Tax” is a system of organizational management of the bodies of the State Tax Service. This is a multi-level system that implements:

· The first (highest) level (President of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation, State Tax Service of the Russian Federation) - methodological guidance and control over taxation of various types of taxes at the country level;

· The second level (Tax services of the territories and regions, Tax services of the republics, Tax services of Moscow and St. Petersburg) - methodological guidance and control over taxation for various types of taxes at the territorial level;

· The third level (Tax inspections of districts, Tax inspections of cities, Tax inspections of urban areas) - direct interaction with taxpayers.

In the tax system, the management process is informational. AIS tax service consists of supporting and functional parts.

The supporting part includes informational, software, technical and other types of support specific to organizational type AIS.

The functional part reflects the subject area and represents a set of subsystems that depend on the characteristics of the ACS. Each level of AIS has its own composition of functional support.

So, at the second level, the structure of the system is as follows (Fig. 1.7).

Fig. 1.7.    The structure of AIS "Tax" (second level)

The subsystem of methodological, audit and legal activities provides work with legislative acts, decrees, decrees and other government documents, as well as with normative and methodological documents of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The subsystem collects, processes, and analyzes information from territorial tax inspectorates.

The subsystem of control activities provides documentary verification of enterprises and the maintenance of the State Register of enterprises and individuals. The register of enterprises contains official registration information about enterprises (legal entities), and the register of individuals contains information about taxpayers who are required to submit a declaration of income and pay certain types of taxes from individuals.

The subsystem of analytical activity of the State Tax Inspectorates (STI) provides for an analysis of the dynamics of tax payments, forecasting the amount of collection of certain types of taxes, economic and statistical analysis of the economic activity of enterprises in the region, identification of enterprises subject to documentary verification, analysis of tax legislation and development of recommendations for its improvement, analysis of activities territorial tax inspectorates.

The subsystem of intra-departmental tasks solves the tasks that ensure the activity of the STI apparatus and includes paperwork, accounting, material and technical supply, work with personnel.

The subsystem for the preparation of standard reporting forms generates summary tables of statistical indicators that characterize the typical types of activities of STI at the regional level for collecting various types of tax payments, and controls this process.

The structure of the system at the third level includes the following functional subsystems:

· Registration of enterprises;

· Desk audit;

· Maintaining personal cards of enterprises;

· Analysis of the state of the enterprise;

· Documentary verification;

· Maintaining regulatory documents;

· Intra-departmental tasks;

· Processing documents of individuals.

It is not advisable to describe these subsystems in detail here.

Note that the functional subsystems consist of sets of tasks that are characterized by a specific economic content and the achievement of a specific goal. In the complex of tasks, various primary documents are used and output documents are compiled on the basis of interconnected calculation algorithms, which are based on methodological materials, regulatory documents, instructions, etc.

Considering AIS as an information automated enterprise management system (AMS), it is possible, for example, to present its structure in the form shown in Fig. 1.8.

Fig. 1.8.    Structural Automated Process Control System

There may be other functional subsystems.

ACS, like any control system, it is convenient to consider as some set of processes and objects (interconnected elements). Each of the subsystems is separate and can be considered as part (subsystem) of a system of a higher level.

ACS is built according to the hierarchical principle (multi-level subordination) of the relationship, both by structural location and by the distribution of management functions. A system can be represented as a composition of subsystems of various levels. To obtain the elementary components of the system, its decomposition is performed, forming a metasystem tree, on which subsystems of various levels are distinguished.

Decomposition is carried out according to the functions or composition of the elements (data, information, documents, technical means, organizational units, etc.).

3. The technological process of information processing.

The technology of automated processing of economic information is based on the following principles:

Integration of data processing and user experience in the operation of automated systems for centralized storage and data sharing (data banks);

Distributed data processing based on developed transmission systems;

A rational combination of centralized and decentralized management and organization of computing systems;

Modeling and formalized description of data, procedures for their transformation, functions and jobs of performers;

Taking into account the specific features of the object in which machine processing of economic information is implemented.

The whole technological process can be subdivided into the processes of collecting and inputting the initial data into the computer system, the processes of data placement and storage in the system memory, the processes of data processing in order to obtain results, and the processes of outputting data in a form convenient for user perception.

The technological process can be divided into 4 enlarged stages:

1.   - initial or primary (collection of initial data, their registration and transfer to WU);

2.   - preparatory (reception, control, registration of input information and its transfer to computer media);

3.   - main (directly processing information);

4.   - final (control, release and transfer of the resulting information, its reproduction and storage).

Depending on the technical means used and the requirements for information processing technology, the composition of operations of the technological process also changes. For example: information on the control unit can come to the MN prepared for input into the computer or transmitted via communication channels from the place of its occurrence.

Data collection and recording operations are carried out using various means.


─ mechanized;

List of references

1. CIT course "Internet-technology in projects with plastic cards." V. Zavaleev, “Center”, 1998.

2. "Information Technology: Theory and Practice of Advertising in Russia." I. Krylov, "Center", 1996.

3. "Network Magazine", No. 10, 1999.

4. "PC WEEK", No. 6, 1998.

5. Information from the Electronic Payment Systems Website,

6. Information from the “Bank of Abstracts” Website,

7. Automated information technology in the economy: Textbook. for universities / Ed. G.A. Titorenko, 2006.

8. Aliev V.S., Information Technologies and Financial Management Systems, 2007.

9. Fedorova GV, Information technology accounting, analysis and audit, 2006.

10. G.N. Isaev, Information Systems in Economics, 2008.

11. Automated information technology in the economy: Textbook. for universities / M.I. Semenov, I.T. Trubilin, V.I. Loiko, T.P. Baranovskaya; Under the general. Ed. I.T. Trubilin. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.-416s.

12. Kozyrev A.A. Information Technologies in Economics and Management: Textbook, 2001.

13. Romanets Yu.V. Information security in computer systems and networks. / Ed. V.F. Shangin. M .: Radio and communications, 2001.-376s.

It is worth considering this issue from different points of view, which will create an overall picture. Experts say that it is an interconnected set of tools, personnel and methods used to store, process and issue information necessary to solve any specific tasks.


Considering, it must be said that it can have a different scale and purpose. There are other features. Systems can differ in the degree of coverage of different areas of the company, can be intended not only for warehouse or accounting, but also finance, production accounting and document management of the enterprise.

Regardless of purpose, they all have a whole set of properties that have become common to them. The use of computers is essential for the processing of information in any modern system. They are tools and a technical base in conjunction with specialized programs installed on them. If we talk about what an information system is, then it should be noted that its basis can be called tools designed to store and access data. At the same time, they are intended for use by the end user, who should not be a specialist in the field of computer technology. This includes client applications designed to provide an intuitive interface.

IP Types

Such systems are divided into documentary and factual. The former are focused on solving problems related to production management, accounting, and other similar ones. The latter are focused on the search for unambiguous answers to queries, as well as on the solution of the task in only one way. These can be heterogeneous reference and information systems, search systems, as well as those engaged in the operational processing of data. Documentary IPs are designed to solve problems that do not provide unambiguous answers to questions. Here you can cite as an example which is becoming increasingly popular in enterprises recently. A mixed type of IC is allowed.


Speaking about what is an information system, it is worth touching on such an important issue as its scale. It is customary to distinguish between individual or desktop IP, network, which includes several users, as well as the largest - the scale of the enterprise. It is quite difficult to imagine a modern company without using such a system. It doesn’t matter in which area the company’s activity is concentrated, its size is not so important either, its IP in any case serves as a pivot that ensures efficient management of production, trade or timely quality services. With its help, the solution of managerial tasks is simplified, part of the employees can be freed from solving various routine matters, the probability of errors is reduced, the number of paper documents is reduced, and there are also opportunities to significantly reduce costs. For this reason, any modern enterprise is distinguished by the fact that everything related to the information system and ensuring its smooth functioning has become a subject of special control by the management staff.

City Cadastral Information System

The IP of the city cadastre is one of the ways to ensure the information conversion of cadastral data on objects of different types of property in the village. It is a complex of hardware and software, material and labor resources, which are aimed at creating information about real estate and its complete presentation in the form of material documents.

The city information system plays a very important role in providing data, since it serves as an effective means of creating the information space that is used to manage social, economic, economic and other activities in it. In the current socio-economic conditions, the creation of such a space becomes possible only on the basis of the absolute automation of processes such as collection, processing, storage and updating of cadastral data on real estate. In addition, the provision of information systems provides access to all of the specified data, an operational exchange between state and commercial structures of various kinds, services and organizations of the city.

The need for such a structure

At the moment, certain state, commercial and municipal organizations (land markets, mortgage banks, real estate privatization committees, tax inspectorates, insurance companies and others) are almost unable to fulfill their direct duties without organizing timely exchange of cadastral information that is reliable during this period of time. That is why the development of an information system of this kind allows us to solve not only the problems of protecting property rights and taxation, but also other issues.

Non-Cadastral Tasks

Prompt, complete and high-quality informational support of the city administration authorities, commercial, economic and other structures and individual citizens with full and reliable information about the physical condition of real estate objects of different ownership forms and other elements of the urban environment;

Analysis of the use of infrastructure, natural, labor, material, technical means and resources of the city, their distribution by ownership and so on;

Work on the preparation of urban planning and architectural projects, the design of engineering networks and other things.

Difficulty in work

The design of information systems of this kind has become necessary due to the fact that until recently there were no analogues on the domestic market that could solve such complex problems. There are no such solutions abroad, however, in recent years, the intensification of work in this area is simply amazing. The first Russian development in this area was AIS GK, created by the Novosibirsk branch of RosNITs Zemlya. It is focused on providing various structures with reliable cadastral information: administration, privatization committee, insurance bureaus, tax inspectorates, institutions and enterprises, mortgage, land and investment banks, as well as individuals who own real estate.

Features of data accounting

It is important to understand that certain services and organizations of the city can be not only passive consumers of cadastral information, but also shape it, having a huge impact on the formation of urban information space. For this reason, the development of the AIS GC was carried out taking into account the possibility of using software products of such users, and also provided for the safety of their fleet of technical measuring instruments. A unified information system was developed taking into account all these features.

Used construction principles

Modularity in terms of construction, which allows for the normal functioning of each individual element, and hence their entirety as a whole;

They have a very flexible software architecture, which allows you to include new subscribers in the network and exclude them from it, without compromising the health, reliability and productivity of the entire structure, and also does not require any reconfiguration;

Data is fully protected from loss in case of failures or unauthorized access to IP;

The classification and coding of data on elements of the urban environment is uniform;

Information is entered in a single format, which has become possible thanks to the use of system configuration tools that are provided by the operating system and network DBMS;

The results of geodetic changes are processed in a fully automated mode, regardless of what methods were used to collect them;

The information in the database is presented in topological integrity, it is possible to edit all types of cadastral data;

Operational control of the reliability and correctness of the data during all operations with them.

Such a unified information system is capable of solving not only the cadastral tasks directly, but also many others, associated with the development of plans for the development of territories and their reorganization, environmental protection, rational allocation of housing facilities, modeling of traffic flows, property management and much more. In addition, such a system easily incorporates custom devices, tools and computers.


The school information system represents a completely new approach to education. With the help of important elements, timely data supply is achieved. For example, an element such as an electronic diary is used to post information about grades and homework, allowing teachers to interact quickly with students. This includes an apprenticeship portfolio demonstrating his activity at school and beyond. The school information system supports the use of personal privacy settings through a personal account. Parents can quickly receive reliable information not only about academic performance, but also about homework.

So, all this allows us to understand what an information system is, how it helps in solving many important issues.


1. The concept of information system and their classification

2. The structure of electronic information systems




Information system (IP) - a system for collecting, storing, accumulating, searching and transmitting information used in the process of management or decision making. IP includes:

Inform. - reference fund,

Processing language inform.,

Media inform.,

The complex of models.

Automated IP - a set of inform., Economic and mathematical methods and models, hardware, software, organizational, technological tools and specialists.

Automated IP is designed for the efficient operation of economic IP.

In organizations there are a large number of different types of IP: from traditional to complex, working on the basis of local and global computer networks.

1. The concept of information system and their classification

Definition 1. An information system is a set of interconnected elements representing information, personnel and material resources, processes that provide for the collection, processing, transformation, storage and transmission of information in an organization.

Definition 2. Information technology is a set of methods, procedures and tools that implement the processes of collection, processing, transformation, storage and transmission of information.

Information in the modern world has become one of the most important resources, and information systems (IP) have become a necessary tool in almost all areas of activity.

A variety of tasks solved with the help of IP has led to the emergence of many heterogeneous systems that differ in the principles of construction and the rules for processing information embedded in them.

Information systems can be classified according to a number of different attributes. The classification under consideration is based on the most significant features that determine the functionality and design features of modern systems. Depending on the volume of tasks to be solved, the technical means used, the organization of functioning, information systems are divided into a number of groups (classes) (Fig. 1.).

According to the type of stored data, IP are divided into factual and documentary. Factographic systems are designed to store and process structured data in the form of numbers and texts. You can perform various operations on such data. In documentary systems, information is presented in the form of documents consisting of titles, descriptions, abstracts and texts. Unstructured data searches are performed using semantic attributes. Selected documents are provided to the user, and data processing in such systems is practically not performed.

Based on the degree of automation of information processes in the company’s management system, information systems are divided into manual, automatic and automated.

Fig. 1.1. Classification of information systems

Manual ICs are characterized by the lack of modern technical means of processing information and the implementation of all operations by a person.

In automatic IP, all information processing operations are performed without human intervention.

Automated information systems involve both human and technical means in the process of information processing, and the computer plays the main role in the performance of routine data processing operations. It is this class of systems that corresponds to the modern presentation of the concept of "information system".

Depending on the nature of data processing, IP are divided into information retrieval and information decisive.

Information retrieval systems enter, systematize, store, issue information at the request of the user without complex data conversions. (For example, IS library services, reservation and sale of tickets for transport, hotel reservations, etc.)

Information-solving systems also carry out information processing operations according to a certain algorithm. By the nature of the use of the output information, such systems are usually divided into managers and advisers.

The resulting information of IP managers is directly transformed into human decisions. These systems are characterized by computational tasks and processing large amounts of data. (For example, IP production planning or orders, accounting.)

Advisory IPs generate information that is accepted by a person for consideration and taken into account when forming managerial decisions, and does not initiate specific actions. These systems mimic the intelligent processes of processing knowledge, not data. (For example, expert systems.)

Depending on the scope, the following IP classes are distinguished.

Organizational management information systems - designed to automate the functions of management personnel of both industrial enterprises and non-industrial facilities (hotels, banks, shops, etc.).

The main functions of such systems are: operational control and regulation, operational accounting and analysis, prospective and operational planning, accounting, sales, supply management and other economic and organizational tasks.

Process Control ICs (TP) - are used to automate the functions of production personnel in the control and management of production operations. In such systems, the availability of developed means for measuring the parameters of technological processes (temperature, pressure, chemical composition, etc.), procedures for monitoring the admissibility of parameter values \u200b\u200band regulation of technological processes is usually provided.

Computer-aided design IP (CAD) - designed to automate the functions of design engineers, designers, architects, designers when creating new equipment or technology. The main functions of such systems are: engineering calculations, the creation of graphic documentation (drawings, diagrams, plans), the creation of design documentation, modeling of designed objects.

Integrated (corporate) IS - are used to automate all the functions of the company and cover the entire cycle of work from planning activities to marketing products. They include a number of modules (subsystems) working in a single information space and performing the functions of supporting the respective areas of activity.

Analysis of the current state of the IP market shows a steady upward trend in demand for organizational management information systems. Moreover, demand continues to grow precisely for integrated management systems. Automation of a single function, for example, accounting or marketing of finished products, is considered to have already passed the stage for many enterprises.

IP customers began to put forward more and more requirements aimed at ensuring the possibility of integrated use of corporate data in the management and planning of their activities.

Thus, an urgent need arose for the formation of a new methodology for building information systems.

The purpose of such a methodology is to regulate the process of designing IP and to ensure that this process is managed in order to ensure that the requirements for both the IP itself and the characteristics of the development process are met. The main tasks, the solution of which should be facilitated by the design methodology of corporate IP, are as follows:

Ensure the creation of corporate IP that meets the goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the requirements for automating business processes of the customer;

Ensure the creation of a system with a given quality on time and within the established project budget;

Maintain a convenient discipline for maintaining, modifying and building up the system;

Ensure the continuity of development, i.e. use in the developed IP of the existing information infrastructure of the organization (reserve in the field of information technology).

The implementation of the methodology should lead to a decrease in the complexity of the process of creating IP due to a complete and accurate description of this process, as well as the use of modern methods and technologies for creating IP throughout the entire life cycle of IP - from concept to implementation.

IP design covers three main areas:

Designing data objects to be implemented in the database;

Designing programs, screens, reports that will ensure the fulfillment of data requests;

Consideration of a specific environment or technology, namely: network topology, hardware configuration, architecture used (file server or client server), parallel processing, distributed data processing, etc.

Designing information systems always begins with defining the purpose of the project. In general terms, the goal of the project can be defined as the solution of a number of interrelated tasks, which include ensuring at the time the system was launched and during the entire time of its operation:

The required functionality of the system and the level of its adaptability to changing operating conditions;

System throughput required;

The required response time of the system to the request;

System uptime

The necessary level of security;

Easy operation and system support.

According to modern methodology, the process of creating IP is the process of building and sequentially transforming a number of consistent models at all stages of the life cycle (LC) of IP. At each stage of the life cycle, specific models are created for it - organizations, requirements for IP, IP design, requirements for applications, etc. Models are formed by the working groups of the project team, stored and accumulated in the project repository. Creation of models, their control, transformation and provision for collective use is carried out using special software tools - CASE-tools.

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