All existing search engines. Search Engines - PIE.Wiki. The main differences between the main search engines

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Errors 404 and 403
  Sometimes, when you request a page on a site, you receive an error message instead. The message is accompanied by a digital code indicating the type of error. The two most common codes are 404 and 403.
Error 404  indicates that the page you requested does not match any page on the site. There may be two reasons for this: the link is incorrect or the pre-existing page has been deleted.
Error 403  means that access to the requested page is denied. This can happen if the owner of the site for some reason decided to close part of the information from users.
  Having received an error message instead of a page, carefully check the spelling of the address - perhaps you just made a mistake when typing. If you are sure that the address is correct, try to start searching for information from the top level of the site.

This is especially true for very popular terms. Use the maximum keywords on the home page. If you are in a very competitive market, one or two keywords is even better. Focus on your home page just that - don't forget the day. The key phrases are "Internet marketing", "Internet promotion" and "search engine optimization." The newcomer in terms of search engine optimization probably added the keywords “search engine entry”, “search engine ranking”, “search engine ranking” in the tag and tried to optimize the page for all used search queries.

Search engine optimization

This article considers various search algorithms, their specifics, and features of work. The information in this article will help you optimize your site in the major search engines: AOL, Google and AskJeeves (part 1), Yahoo and Alta Vista (part 2) and MSN (part 3).

Now everyone already has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a search engine is. As soon as a person has a question, it becomes necessary to find the address of a restaurant or make an interactive purchase, he often turns to one of the search networks on the Internet.

This usually fails. Instead, keywords should be spread across multiple pages, if necessary. Summary: Focus on the first three keywords on your home page. Sometimes even more can be helpful. For example, in a niche market where there is little competition, you can also use 5-6 keywords per page. But try not to make your day longer than 7 words. Also, make sure that your keywords on the page are actually three times larger than their keywords.

But do not try to track down the devil. Keep in mind that each page of your site is a potential entry page for visitors passing through search engines. Therefore, there is no reason to compress all the keywords on your home page. Mistake: in the development of websites, it is typical to be a little lazy. One of the most common mistakes in search engines is that the webmaster makes the visible parts of the site different, but the content remains the same in the invisible area of \u200b\u200bthe head.

If you've ever had to use two different search engines to search for the same query, you probably noticed that the search results are not necessarily the same. Why do different search engines return different results for the same query? On the one hand, this is because the indexing process in different search engines is different, and the search results will depend on what information is detected by the search "spider" and what information is placed by the web developer in the database. On the other hand, and this is most likely the most important, search engines use different algorithms to search for information in databases. An algorithm is defined rules and an established sequence of actions that is used by a search engine to determine the relevance of information in a database to a user's request.

Decision. It’s never possible that multiple pages of a website have the same content, so you should always optimize each page for different keywords. Finally, each page can be an entry page for a visitor passing through a search engine. Always make sure that you optimize not only the visible content, but also the area of \u200b\u200bthe head before placing the page on the Internet.

Conclusion: never use the same thing twice a day. Treat every page of your site as the most important. Optimize them accordingly. Do not be tempted to leave an unreasonable area of \u200b\u200bthe head. It is not true that sites with frames are generally worse placed - many webmasters simply do not know how to optimize them correctly. Figure 1: Search results for "Your browser does not support frames."

  Search algorithm

Search algorithm  - This is a mathematical formula in which the user’s request is taken for the unknown, and usually, having considered several solutions obtained using this formula, the search engine will give one. The search algorithm correlates the query keywords with the information in the database and finds relevant results. Search robots analyze the content of web pages and the relevance of keywords on these pages, based on a formula that may vary across different search engines.

Most of these more than 000 Internet services scream only after professional optimization. Very few of these sites will ever be found in the top ten of any search engine. In your set of frames, simply use the sentence “Your browser does not use frames”, and you will probably never find this page at the top of the search engine.

Treat the area as if it were the text of your site. Optimize it like a normal page. It is also very important to refer to the frameset pages. For example, you can call up a full set of frames if the page is fragmented in a search engine. Typically, single frames without an associated set of frames are not navigable, as they are only part of the page.

  What information is included in the algorithm?

Many algorithms contain information about user requests, the pages that they study later, and the time they spend on the page. With this information, the search engine can produce the desired results. In order for the results to be relevant to the query, it is necessary to process a huge amount of information for each individual case. Unfortunately, the algorithm is designed only for a small number of possible queries, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of this method.

There are even more complex, better solutions that, however, cross borders. Use frames only if you really need to. Summary. If you need to use frames, make sure they are optimized. What works great for the eyes can prevent a high ranking if it is the only text on the page. Many websites suffer from too much graphic text.

The source code often looks like this. Paste plain text where you can. Currently, you no longer need graphic texts, so the page looks good. If not, you should not make all the text of your page graphic. Leave search engine spiders that they can read and index. Error: Unfortunately, not many webmasters use one of the programs to search for keywords. There are about 4-5 of them. Many webmasters believe that you do not need to use this type of software to research your keywords.

Another method involves link analysis. It is believed that links exist between related sites, and links from high-quality sites lead to the same high-quality sites. I analyze the principles by which some web pages link to others, the search engine can determine what the site is about and how relevant the page is. Similarly, some search engines take into account internal site navigation. So search robots determine how pages of one site are connected, and how convenient navigation is for the user. If the "spider" gets into a dead end, on a page from which it is difficult to go to another section, such a page is "punished".

In the end, you know what your site is. This is a big mistake. Another problem is to optimize your page for too small niches or ambiguous search terms - or vice versa: get into very popular search terms where millions of pages compete with each other. Both are common errors and are reflected in the optimization criteria on the page and outside the page, which leads to a request for links with incorrect link text, for example. It is just a waste of time.

Use only two or three phrases in the competitive sector, so you do not have the same million pages as competitors. You can find these phrases best by scanning various keyword databases. Bottom line: don't guess your top keyboards, but learn them using existing and free keyword tooltips.

Regular databases consist of data grouped by a web developer. This approach is already a little outdated, but most of the databases are created by man, the largest of them is DMOZ.

One of the most basic elements that the search algorithm necessarily analyzes is the location of the keywords on the web page and their density. The more often a keyword appears on a page, the more relevant it is considered.

Additional marks are displayed in italics. In general, use this format only if your site already has a syndication channel. However, search engines can still use this information to identify other pages on your site during the crawl process by tracking links to pages contained in the feed. Make sure the feed is at the highest level of the directory that search engines should look for. The information contained in the feed is retrieved from the search engines as follows.

Using the change date is optional. . The text file must follow these guidelines. The following are sample entries for text files. The same process can also be repeated for two other hosts. You can download this diagram from the following links.

Due to the increase in the amount of spam, search engines no longer take into account meta tags. And those who still pay attention to this factor mainly consider tags   and <description>  . Of course, there are other factors that the search system takes into account when searching for information at the user's request, for example, how long the site has been on the Internet, whether it contains errors, etc.</p><div class="transy"><h3>Site map log extension</h3><p>Just enter this namespace into the root element. <h4>Informing search robots</h4>  You have the following options. Just insert the following line. This rule is not associated with the user agent line, so you can paste it anywhere in the file.</p> <p>If you received a different response, please send the request again. Search engines are familiar to everyone, including those who are new to the Internet. Search engines have a data structure that includes information about various documents. This is called the "index" that search engines create and maintain. Based on this data, search queries can be edited and processed by users, which means that they find the relevant results and organize them. Processing is done in a reasonable way so that the user can cope with the list of results.</p></div> <p><b>  How do search engines differ?</b></p> <p>The principles of each search engine algorithm are kept in the strictest confidence. No one knows exactly what the search engine pays attention to when indexing information, and what importance each variable of the formula attaches to, so any conclusions are based on assumptions, thoughts and guesses. Each search engine uses its own anti-spam methods and filters, and each has its own understanding of what exactly relates to spam. Many search engines improve their algorithms in order to support new filtering technologies, while others do not change algorithms using advanced filters. In order to understand what the purpose of the filters in the search system is, you need to imagine how the water is filtered: the water flow passes through a special installation made of a porous substance that traps unwanted impurities. The search engine filter also works, it detects "unwanted impurities" and excludes them from the search results.</p><div class="transy"><p>Depending on the type of search engine, they either have access to a particular site, or they can search the Internet for suitable results. Various types of data are available that can be divided into images, sound, video or text files. A text snippet or snippet appears in the result list when users request text documents. To search for people, the person’s search engine finds all the information freely available to the person and their name publicly.</p> <h3>For data sources, different search engines are different</h3><p>Vertical search engine to capture only existing documents on the Internet for specific topics. The intranet search engine is limited to files located on the intranet on the website operator’s computer. Search engines have the ability to search and capture documents around the world.</p></div> <p><b>  How to ensure the effectiveness of search engine optimization?</b></p> <p>It’s not easy to please all search engines when there are thousands of them. Nevertheless, some tips will help you streamline your efforts and help you achieve performance in major search engines.</p> <p>Work on keywords involves obtaining the following information:</p><div class="transy"><p>Index search engines are currently important. Using this data structure allows them to access data, find, index, and make certain websites accessible to them using keywords or keyword combinations.</p> <h3>User searches and list view</h3><p>Users request different types of search engines. He is looking for a navigation-oriented part, while others are developing a search for information on specific topics. Both types of search queries belong to those users who mainly use. This list is divided according to the relevant criteria of individual search engines. Search engines facilitate a simple request form. If the query is not unique, but ambiguous, this is a challenge for the search engine, which can not solve the meaning itself.</p></div> <ul><li>how often your keywords are requested by users;</li> <li>whether their competitiveness is high;</li> <li>do they match the site’s content?</li> </ul><p><b>Choose 3-5 key phrases to optimize your page.</b>, instead of wasting energy on all the many words. The more phrases selected, the lower the density of keywords. Attach keywords to each page, instead of fitting them to the entire site. Keyword density can range from 0.7% (applicable to Google) to 1.7 (applicable to Yahoo).</p><div class="transy"><p>Many search results are also lost to the user when he or she uses his search query in a specific form of grammar or uses punctuation marks. As a rule, operators use their search engines internationally. Thus, the goal of search engine optimization is a good rating in order to get as many valuable clicks from visitors as possible, which then turn into the so-called conversions on the website. These conversions include, for example, sales, contacts, newsletters, etc.</p></div> <p><b>Convincing, unique title for each page.</b>  is a necessary element of search engine optimization. All major search engines attach great importance to the quality of the title.</p> <p><b>Unique content</b>containing basic keywords is also needed. Write for ideas, not for keywords. Keywords should flow from content, and not vice versa, content from keywords.</p><div class="transy"><h3>Why optimize your site for search engines?</h3><p>"Life gives you nothing." This proverb also applies to the presence of websites. Currently, an attractive website and great offers or services, unfortunately, are no longer sufficient. What brings you the most beautiful splendor when no one sees it, when no visitors come to the site?</p> <p>This leads us to the following proverb: “Do good and talk about it!” To attract potential prospects to the site, it must be sold and made public. Why use search engine optimization? Obviously, to attract visitors to the site. Maybe I don’t even know what my company is? Every day, 58 million people on the Internet expect the Internet. The proportion of your potential customers is huge. But also the number of your competitors. Be more real than your competition!</p></div> <p><b>Optimize website structure and design</b>to avoid search engine penalties. Convenient navigation, readable code, valid links, proper markup will facilitate the work of the search engine on indexing your site and increase the potential of pages, i.e. ability to attract user.</p> <p><b>  High Quality, Relevant External Links</b></p> <p>Since major search engines rely on external links to determine the relevance of the site, you just need to take care of their quality and relevance. Do not use artificial reciprocal links. Your links should lead to resources relevant to your field of activity.</p> <p><b>  Search Engine Basics</b></p> <p>Having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the search engine works, you can easily determine how it wants to see your site, how it evaluates relevance, and which sites it “punishes” and for what.</p> <p><b>  Search Engine Optimization - A Continuous Process</b></p> <p>Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. Constantly updating content, links, and pages is essential to ensure continued success. The key to search engine optimization is unique content: content, keywords, links.</p> <p><b>  Do not inflate an elephant from a fly</b></p> <p>If you follow the basic principles of search engine optimization, changes to the search algorithm will not scare you. Of course, some transformations and changes may be required, but do not sound the alarm.</p> <p>Why is it important to understand what are the requirements of a search engine? They say that you need to know your enemies by sight. In this case, the search engine, of course, is not your enemy, but the more you know about the basic principles of its operation, how it indexes sites, etc., the higher your chances of a high ranking in this very search engine system.</p> <p>Suppose that you optimize the resource only for Google and Yahoo, in this case you lose two-thirds of the possible traffic, when optimizing for MSN, you lose 85% of the traffic. It will be easier to optimize your resource immediately for several search engines when you have information about their basic concepts.</p> <p>Does this mean that as soon as there is any change in the search engine algorithm, you need to immediately begin to improve your site? No, it is not. In fact, what is needed in this situation is not to panic. Improving and transforming your resource, try to act in accordance with the knowledge about the search engine that is available to you.</p> <p>An attempt to solve the mysterious formula of the search algorithm is unlikely to lead to the desired result. Most likely, you will simply waste precious time instead of building friendships with search engines. Having proved yourself on the good side, you can not only provide your resource with a place on the search results page, but you will feel more confident and calm.</p> <p><b>  The main differences between the main search engines</b></p> <p>"Knowing the face of your enemy," you can figure out what exactly determines the position of your site in a particular search engine. Search engine algorithms are being improved continuously, some daily. It is impossible to predict when and how the next change will happen, but it is useful to pay attention to the following factors, which, of course, will affect the site ranking:</p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"><tr valign="top" align="center"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Factor</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>  External links</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Content Density</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Keyword density in title</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Keyword Density in Meta Tags</b> </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Search system</b> </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Google</b> </td> <td>  Natural, one-way links; punishment for quick links</td> <td> 2.10% </td> <td> 17% </td> <td>  undefined</td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Yahoo</b> </td> <td> </td> <td> 3.40% </td> <td> 19.60% </td> <td> 7.00% </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>  Msn</b> </td> <td>  natural and artificially acquired links, reciprocal links; no matter what the speed of their acquisition</td> <td> 4.90% </td> <td> 18% </td> <td> 7.80% </td> </tr></table><br><p><b>  AOL Search</b></p> <p>AOL claims to be the first search engine using cluster technology. Search results are automatically broken down by relevant topics and displayed on the results page in parallel to general search results. It is important to note that in 80% of cases, AOL turns to the Google database to find the necessary information. Therefore, optimization for AOL can be safely considered as optimization for Google, because both systems use the same principles to measure the relevance of resources and produce results. The main difference is that AOL is used as a means of finding information in 16% of cases with search engines.</p> <p>The Google search engine uses the so-called Hilltop algorithm, or in other words, "Austin update." Hilltop relies heavily on the "credibility" of the site, which is defined by it as the significance of the site and its importance is applicable to a specific area of \u200b\u200bactivity (thematic group of keywords).</p> <p>This search engine has developed a resource evaluation criterion such as link popularity. This criterion ensures the quality of search results and increases the resistance of the search engine to automatically generated web pages. Link popularity is an integral part of Google PageRank.</p> <p> defines PageRank as a whole system of algorithms for estimating parameters from numerical values \u200b\u200bto web pages indexed by a search engine.</p> <p>PageRank includes over 100 factors. It is difficult to say how much weight each of these factors has, but it is known that backlinks act as one of the most significant factors in determining relevance. PageRank factors also include concepts such as keyword density, domain registration deadline, design, the absence of errors on the site’s pages, convenient navigation, the absence of spam, and many others.</p> <p>We can say that Google is the most mysterious and at the moment the most popular of the major search engines.</p> <p><b>  AskJeeves (Ask Jeeves)</b></p> <p>To work in AskJeeves you just need to enter the English keyword in the query line, then just click the "Ask" button and Jeeves will do everything you need. Recently, a search engine was rebranded and its mascot, a butler, will soon go down in history.</p> <p>AskJeeves works according to the principles of the Teoma search engine. Many note that Teoma tolerates abandoned sites longer in time than any other search engine. Therefore, there is a high probability that when using redirects (temporary - 302 or permanent - 301), your old URL has a good chance of remaining in the database for a long time. Previously, data was reindexed by a search engine once every 3-6 months, and very rarely it happened that AskJeeves indexed the same resource twice a month. Reindexing in this search engine is generally considered random and superficial, it is also noted that sponsorship fees increase the chances of a resource for faster and deeper indexing. In any case, you will not soon see your site in AskJeeves or Taoma until you make a sponsorship fee. Otherwise, you will have to wait a very long time for the search robot to express a desire to index your site.</p> <p>AskJeeves is a good place to advertise. Ad serving works the same way here as with Google Adwords. If working with Adwords brings you pretty good quality traffic, AskJeeves will be even more successful. Here the word "quality" is the key. AskJeeves makes it very easy to fake clicks. That's because AskJeeves uses a special method of displaying search results on the results page. If Google sponsored results are located on the page, of course, separately from the general results: either highlighted in blue at the top or bottom right, then in AskJeeves it is difficult to distinguish between sponsored and conventional resources.</p> <p>Help search engines are designed to obtain the most accurate information for the given keywords. Their main task is to familiarize themselves with the contents of the databases for the first time. <br>  Reference books of this kind are very useful if the search criteria are not clearly defined.</p> <p>The study of Internet information is carried out in the process of step-by-step viewing of the proposed categories. The content of information is built on a hierarchical principle.</p> <blockquote><p>All reference search engines have their own search algorithms.</p> </blockquote> <p>In order to occupy the first positions in the lists of responses to a request, it is important to optimize the content of the site’s content for the search engine. Using special methods of website promotion, you can make resources more visited.</p> <h2>Browse Popular Search Help</h2> <p>One of the largest Internet search help systems is <b>Yahoo</b>! Its database includes more than 2 million sites. The first level of the hierarchical structure consists of 14 categories, such as, for example, Education, Politics, Natural Sciences, Business and Economics, News, etc. Search can be done by a simple or advanced interface. All available information is reflected without using any priorities. You can get the same result in different ways, because the system has a cross-structure. <br><img src='' height="450" width="300" loading=lazy><br>  Database <b>Open directory project</b>  formed manually and today includes more than 4.5 million sites. <br>  This help system uses <b>Google</b>. Each section has been translated into several dozen languages.</p> <p>Russian search engine <b>Aport</b>different logical and reasonable. The first row of categories includes 24 topics (cars, money, travel, etc.). Each link has information of the following nature: a brief summary, “citation index”, “league” and the location of the resource (specific country).</p> <p>The most popular help system in Russia is <b>Yandex</b>- allows you to clarify the features of the resource by region, genre, audience, etc. The ranking of sites in topics occurs in descending order of their authority, that is, depending on the citation index.</p> <p>Finding information when the search criteria are inaccurate is quite difficult and practically impossible in real life. Help automated systems, the information in which is arranged according to a hierarchical principle, will help to achieve this.</p> </div> </article> <div class="entry-footer"> <span class="entry-meta__comments" title="Comments"><span class="fa fa-comment-o"></span> </span> <span class="entry-meta__views" title="Views"><span class="fa fa-eye"></span> </span> </div> <div class="b-share b-share--post"> <div class="b-share__title">Do you like the article? 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