How to delete a mailbox. How to delete a mailbox on mail. ru

Electronic mail is a service that allows users of the World Wide Web to exchange data, so-called e-mails. It would seem, why is this kind of technology needed in the 21st century? After all, every third already has a page on social networks, where you can exchange documents, audio, video, etc. However, it is impossible to register on such resources without a mailbox.

Creating a mailbox is a simple procedure. Yandex is no exception. You just need to carefully read the text and follow the system prompts that appear.

However, what if you need to delete your account? The instructions for deleting a mailbox will also be simple.

First of all, the user must identify the reason for the need to delete the account. Often, problems arising on one of Yandex's services can be easily and simply resolved. For example, if the user of Yandex. Money "forgot my payment password, you can restore such a code in the" Help "tab. It is also possible to contact the service support service if the user cannot solve the problems that have arisen on his own.

Important! You need to know that as soon as the mailbox is deleted, all information associated with the mail will be erased along with it. And the network service login will be unavailable for a while for re-registration.

If the given arguments did not convince the user, below will be instructions on how to delete an e-mail on Yandex.

Deleting a mailbox on Yandex

  1. Open your browser.

  2. Go to your account.

  3. Open "Yandex.Mail" by clicking on the word "Mail".

  4. In the upper right corner of the screen, find the button with a gear. Click on it.

  5. In the window that opens, select the line "All settings". Click on this phrase.

  6. On the left side of the screen, find the line "Enter your details", located at the very bottom of the list. Click on this interface element with the left mouse button on the pointing device.

  7. You will see "Account Management". Scroll down the page until you see Addresses and a map.

  8. Click on the "Delete account" line.

  9. To permanently delete a mailbox, enter all the required information in the fields of the window that opens. In this case, it will be necessary to enter the captcha and answer the security question entered during the registration of the "soap".

  10. Click on the "Delete account" button.

Note!If the user for some reason changes his mind about deleting his account, it will be enough to click on the "Return to passport" button.

Restoring a mailbox on Yandex

Is it possible to recover email on Yandex? Within 30 days, the user can cancel the deletion, however, all information will be subject to recovery, except for e-mail messages in the "Mail".

If the email has been deleted by another user, the mailbox can be restored again within 30 days.

Advice!If your Yandex email address has been hacked, don't rush to delete it. Restoring access to the "soap" is possible.

The first step is to install an antivirus program. Such software will help in the future to avoid re-hacking your mailbox.

The next steps to restore access to the mailbox are as follows:

Linking a phone number to mail on Yandex

In order to exclude the possibility of repeated loss of "soap" in the future, a telephone can be linked to the mailbox. For this:

Restoring a mailbox on Yandex without a login

What if, to enter the mailbox, the user could not remember either login or e-mail? The procedure will be slightly different:

  1. Click on the "Can't Login" button.

  2. Click the mouse on the line "I do not remember your login".

  3. Choose from the proposed logins the one with which you can enter your mail.

  4. If you did not find the required nickname, click on the button “The required username is not in the list”.

  5. In the fields that appear, enter your phone number and captcha.

  6. Left-click on the pointing device on "Continue".

  7. Type the code received in the SMS message to confirm the ownership of the phone number.

    Important! Be careful, the password must be entered within 30 seconds!

  8. Enter the requested information in the First and Last Name fields.

  9. Click on the "Continue" button.

  10. From the offered logins, select the one to which you want to restore access. Click on the "Login" button.

  11. Enter your password in the window that appears.

  12. Click on the "Login" button.

Welcome to the mailbox!

With the advent of the Internet, the exchange of letters moved to the electronic version. Computer owners got themselves e-mail, a place for which many major services offered. The largest email services are Google's Gmail, Yandex,, with strong competition between them. You need to have a personal e-mail not only to exchange letters, but also to register on most resources that use mail as a login or confirmation method.

Features of deleting a mailbox on the network

An active user can own several e-mails at once, no one limits him in the possibility of registering for services. Sometimes it becomes necessary to delete a postal address so that letters no longer come to it, and hackers cannot hack it. This function is standard for any service, the process is generally similar, but there are some differences. For example, some mailboxes can be deleted only if you manually erase all letters inside the mail, while in others this is not required.

In this case, it is easier to delete the mailbox, because all actions can be performed within the account. Upon authorization, the system recognizes you as the owner and does not interfere with the necessary actions. To erase all data, you need to follow the instructions of the service, which will be described below. Each mail system has a control point that helps to delete mail.

If you forgot your password or entered an incorrect username

During the registration of the box, you are prompted to specify a spare e-mail. It is needed if you have hammered personal access data for this mailer. Deleting mail, if you do not remember your password or username, you need to start with their recovery. All modern sites have a hyperlink under the login form, which, as a rule, has the following wording: "Forgot your password?" Click on it, and you will be automatically redirected to the data recovery form via mail.

There you will be asked to indicate the backup box where the link to change the password will be sent. After going to the address, a form will appear for specifying a new password, but to change it may require confirmation of the ownership of the profile. As a rule, when creating a mail, you need to fill in additional information that you need to enter, for example:

  • additional mail address;
  • secret Question;
  • cell phone number;
  • options for boxes for sending E-mail;
  • any data - in the form for contacting support.

How to delete mail

It is one of the most popular services that offers free registration and use. Even after deleting, you can re-create yourself a mailbox. You will have the opportunity, after some time, to use the same login for registration. If you decide to delete your account so that you no longer have access to it, you must use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open Mail's home page through a browser.
  2. Find the login form in your mailbox at the top left. Enter your password, login and click the "Login" button.
  3. You will be taken inside the mailer, find the "More" hyperlink on the top bar. Click the "Help" section.
  4. You will be directed to a page with information that users are often interested in, with a list of answers to questions. Under the number 11 is the item "How to delete a mailbox ...", click on it.
  5. A new tab will appear with information on how to delete a box that you no longer need. Follow the steps in the manual.
  6. Click on the link "Special interface", indicate the reason why you want to delete your e-mail, for example. "I don't like the name" or "I want to make a new one."
  7. You will need to enter your email password again. Then click on the "delete" and confirm your desire to perform this action.
  8. Then you will receive a warning message that the mail to mail will be deleted, and all responsibility is removed from the service. There will also be a link to restore your account if you change your mind. If everything is correct, just log out of your profile.

Deleting a Gmail inbox on Google

Google's service includes many tools that customers can manage from their account. This is another popular email hosting service that generates you an email immediately when you sign up with Google. If you decide to delete your Gmail, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter your password and login from your account and log in from the start page.
  2. On the profile settings page, scroll down and find the "Delete services" option under the "Account Management" section.
  3. A new page will appear where you need to click on the line "Permanently delete the Gmail service".
  4. This will delete your mailbox, but if you want, you can restore it, the data will not be saved in it.

How to delete your Yandex email

In terms of popularity, this search engine ranks first in Russia. Yandex mail opens up the opportunity to use other functions of the service. To complete the removal procedure, you will need to log in to the portal. To do this, go to the main page and enter your username, password from e-mail. Next, you need to do the following:

  1. Find the icon with the account name in the upper right, click on it.
  2. An additional menu will drop out where you need to click on the "Account Management" item.
  3. You will be redirected to the profile "passport". Scroll down the page and in the middle there will be a gray inscription "Delete account".
  4. Click on this hyperlink, read the information about the consequences of deleting mail.
  5. If you agree with everything, you must confirm the operation of deleting mail. Enter your password again and click "Delete account".

Is it possible to recover a deleted mailbox

Any service gives you the opportunity to close your account or profile. If you want, you can return it, but the chances that all the contents of your mailer will remain is very small. As a rule, correspondence is erased from all folders, especially if the restoration is carried out after some time. For example, you can return your account to Mail ru using the following instructions:

  1. Go to the main page of the service.
  2. In the window for entering the mail, enter the old data: the login and password of the remote mailer.
  3. A new window will appear, where you will be prompted to restore your email account.
  4. You must click on the word "Unblock".

Information, letters, blogs and other services that were associated with the mail profile will not be stored, so they will not be returned when restoring. You will be able to use e-mail again, but the content will be deleted irrevocably - you will receive an empty profile with your usual name (address). When you remove them from you, they receive consent to the elimination of all data, so try not to do such actions in the heat of the moment or out of emotion without thinking.

Consequences of actions taken

Large sites like Google, Yandex or Mail provide the user with a set of different services at once: mail, music, photo hosting, blog, etc. The e-mail account becomes the key to access them. If you delete it, you lose the ability to use other portal functions. Below are examples of which functions and services you lose access to if you delete mail.

  • all settings for mail, letters are deleted;
  • you won't be able to write to Replies Mail;
  • there will be no access to "My World" and "Games Mail".

  • profile settings, letters from mail are erased;

Today, traditional postal correspondence is giving way to more modern means of communication. And one of those tools is email. It combines a user-friendly interface for correspondence over the network, simplicity and reliability. And its most important advantage is that the speed of delivery of a letter takes 2-5 minutes.

But sometimes the difficult question arises of how to delete mail. Why not easy? The fact is that the details of deleting a personal mail account are not sufficiently described on the Internet. After all, first of all, the security of personal data is necessary. You can delete mail in such a way that the username and password for the account may end up in the hands of third parties. And what resource would want to lose another client?

Still, we will try to explain in an accessible language how to delete email. Perhaps someone will really need it.

Delete mail account for Yandex

In principle, this procedure is more or less understandable. But you need to decide what you want to erase. Only a mail account or the services Direct, My Circle, Personal Blog, Yandex-money, etc. automatically "tied" to it.

First, let's figure out how to delete mail on Yandex without using additional services. As usual, we log into the Yandex account by logging in to the “login” and “password” fields.

Then in your mailbox we find the "Settings" button. It is located just below the "Exit" link. You need to click on it with the cursor.

Now you will be taken to the Yandex.Money digital passport settings. They will display three key items: "Change password", "Personal data" and "Delete mailbox". Select the last link and click on it with the cursor. In the field that appears, enter your personal password and click "delete". From now on, your mail on this system will be deleted.

How to delete mail and additional services on Yandex

Even though the mailbox is deactivated, you can still access various services in your account. If you need to remove everything, including Yandex services, do the following:

  • In your account, find the item "Personal data". By clicking on it, you will be taken to a special page, at the bottom of it there is a link "Delete account".
  • Click on this hyperlink and the server will generate a password form. Enter your password into it, and then click on the "delete" button. After that, the Yandex system will display the initial page of the search server in the browser, and the account will be deleted.

Thus, it is not difficult to delete a mail or Yandex account. Here's another point that is also important. When deleting, the server may ask you for an answer to the so-called secret question. This question is a code word that you entered in the registration form of the service and had to remember.

The first thing to do is get into your virtual office. For which, of course, you need to introduce yourself to by authorizing yourself.

Now that you have logged into your mail, you can erase it. For this:

  1. In the "username" field, enter the personal part of the name of your email account.
  2. Click on and select the required domain in it (the second part of your mailbox name). The domain looks like @ or @ In general, the symbolic notation of a domain name is just that.
  3. The third step is to enter your password from the mail in the "password" field.
  4. The fourth step will be to delete personal mail. To do this, you need to click on the "delete" button. If the password is entered without errors, your mail will be deactivated and its contents destroyed. Now the symbolic name of the former e-mail box will be blocked for registration for 3 months.

We hope this was useful and informative information for the owners of mail accounts on and Good luck to you!

You can delete a mailbox only if you are inside the system. Simply put, before the deletion procedure, you need to go to your mail. If you use a mail agent program on your home computer or mobile device, you need to go to the website and log in to the system there. Once you have entered your mailbox, click on the "help" button, it is located on the toolbar in the "More" section next to the "contacts", "files", "topics", etc. buttons.

Find and destroy

By clicking on "help", you will be automatically redirected to the accompanying service mail ru, specially designed for answering questions and solving controversial problems - "help mail". By the way, in addition to information about your mailbox, you can find out here a lot of useful information about the entire service. Deleting mail is a question on the list of the most frequently asked, so you can easily find it on the main page of the service in the main menu. In case you have any difficulties, you can use the search engine provided by the system. It will take you to the correct page.

Did you think well?

So, as soon as you find the item you need, feel free to click on the link and the system itself will redirect you to where you can delete the mailbox. Actually, then you just need to follow the instructions - the interface designed to remove the box is quite simple and does not require any skills. The only thing to think about is the reason why you are going to delete your box. Oddly enough, the developers are very interested in this question, so they will have to answer it - otherwise, nothing will be removed.

Give up a lot

And something else. Using mail on the mail ru service, you may not even know that it is associated with many related services that you also use constantly. These are photos, videos, "mail replies", as well as easy and convenient access. If you communicate on the “my world” social network or use an email agent for correspondence, you will also have to forget about this. Together with the removal of your mailbox, all these benefits of civilization will no longer be available to you. It is worth noting that the e-mail service itself also warns about this during the deletion process.

Everyone who uses the Internet has an e-mail, all the more actively. Registration on all sites is confirmed via mail. Therefore, you should not start several e-mail boxes at once, so as not to get lost among them, not to confuse passwords, etc. Therefore, we immediately advise you to delete mail that you do not use. In general, it is worth having one work e-mail, where useful mailing of letters will come, and through which you can communicate with friends, in which work issues could be resolved, etc. The only question is, do you know how to delete mail. But we can help you with this question, read the article below.

However, something else may be the reason for deleting mail. For example, many, due to little communication on the Internet, decide to completely retire from there. So they delete all pages from social networks, sites from browser bookmarks and, in fact, e-mail. If your email is regularly hacked and spam is sent from there, then you should change the password to a new and secure one that is not associated with prompts. If, in spite of this, mail regularly gets to others, it is worth changing the mail system. A popular reason for deleting an email account is that you don't like its address, you want to change it, and for this you need to create a new mailbox. Either way, you made the decision to delete your email address, it remains to be seen how to do it.

Delete mail mail.

If you decide to delete your mail on mail, remember that you can always register again, only under a different address. For example, if your email address was “ [email protected]", Then after deleting for some time you will not be able to use the same address for registration, and you will have to choose another address yourself, or choose from those offered by the system, for example," ivanovivan1982 "or" iivanov56740 ". It is the change of the name of your mailbox that becomes a frequent reason for deleting old mail. the ability to rename e-mail is not provided yet by any mail system, although most likely it could be popular with users.

But more about deleting mail on the mail ru service.

  1. Go to the main page of the mail -,
  2. In the upper left corner of the site, enter your mail using your username and password or "rod",
  3. You will find yourself in the mailbox. Here you need to click on "More" in the top panel of the site, then click on "Help"
  4. Now you have pages with various useful information of the mail with the most popular questions and answers to them. Here find number 11 "How, which I no longer need?" and click on this line,
  5. A new window will open where you need to read how to delete email. Follow the directions described there;
  6. Click on the "Special interface" link, enter the reason for your wish to delete your mailbox, for example: "I don't like the name of my mailbox, I want to create a new one", etc.,
  7. Enter your mail password in the form, and click on "Delete", and then - "OK".

Next, you will receive a notification that your mailbox on the mail will be deleted, if you change your mind, immediately click "Restore this mailbox", if your decision is final - just leave the mail.

Delete yandex mail.

It remains only to find out how to delete mail on Yandex. As in the version with mail, there is nothing difficult here. First you need to log into your mailbox. If you don't remember it, perhaps you had some data written somewhere, otherwise what's the point of deleting mail on Yandex if you don't even remember it and never go there?

So, you have found the login and password for your account on Yandex mail. In the inbox in the upper right corner, you will see the account name, or "email address" as it is now commonly called. Here's what you need to do next:

  1. Move the mouse cursor over the account, a window will pop up in front of you where you need to find "Passport" and click on this line,
  2. In a new dialog box, you need to refer to them pages, where on the right there will be the cherished line "Delete account",
  3. Click on the link and read what happens if you delete your email. As always, all letters and money will be deleted if they were on your Yandex Money account, and letters that will be sent to you by users or websites after deleting an email inbox you will never be able to receive, they are deleted and are not stored anywhere.
  4. Next, you need to confirm the deletion of the mailbox on Yandex by entering the password from the e-mail box and clicking on the "Delete account" button.

As you can imagine, the process of deleting mail from Yandex will take you even less time than deleting mail from mail. If you have other mail, then the essence of deletion is the same, so proceed according to the worked out scenario.

Mail recovery.

If you have deleted your mail, but want to restore it, you can do that. So, how to recover deleted mail on mail: it's very easy and simple to do, you just need to inform the Mail Service Support Service about it using a special request. Here's what you need to restore your email account:

  1. Enter the mail portal (in this case it is mail ru),
  2. Enter your email address and password into the form on the main page of the site,
  3. A window will pop up with a proposal to restore the operation of the e-mail you need,
  4. To restore the email you need to click on "Unblock".

If restoring your e-mail you expect to see the previous page, letters stored there, information, view your blog, etc., then you can not waste time, this is not possible. When deleting a mailbox, you were informed about the deletion of all information and data assigned to a specific mailbox. You agreed with this and confirmed the deletion, your data was deleted and now there is only an "empty" email address. So, advice for you, dear readers: do not delete the mailbox in the heat of the moment, on emotions, it is better to wait a while and think over your decision, the past cannot be returned.

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