The future of computer technology: an overview of current trends. New in computer technology

Science fiction writers foresaw that someday in the world there will be many unique technical devices that can give people new opportunities, sensations, emotions. For example, Ray Bradbury predicted the invention of “shells”, which became the prototypes of modern headphones, and Jules Verne successfully described television and video communications that did not exist in his time. Here are just a few things left beyond the authors' forecasts - this is what is emerging in today's rapidly developing computer technologies.

Wires are in the past

New computer technologies that humanity will be able to see in the near future will no longer depend on cords and cables, even the thinnest and barely noticeable. Employees of the Cambridge Center for Microphotonics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working to achieve a similar result. At the moment, it is the wires that are the elements that connect the important links and parts of any processors. However, scientists suggest that they will be able to replace them with pulses of germanium lasers, which will be able to transmit information in bits and bytes 100 times faster than traditional feeders with electrons moving around them.

This latest computer technology is based on the use of covert channel systems. It consists in the following: microscopic sensors and sensors are installed in many special connectors, which transmit light pulses and transform them into accurate information. Such a solution will help mankind not only get a higher data transfer rate (a chip with a germanium laser has already shown a value of 1Tb / s, which is 2 times faster than wired devices), but also make a partial contribution to stabilizing the environmental situation on the planet. This new technology in computer technology will not consume and generate energy, and, therefore, will reduce the level of heat released into the atmosphere.

Electronics for body optimization

The following new developments in computer technology encompass a whole range of devices: these include in-ear headphones that fix the heart rate, and worn sensors for monitoring and correcting posture, and tactile shoe pads that are able to indicate their owner the way with vibration and built-in GPS sensors to destination. All these devices can be characterized by the phrase “wearable electronics” - these are “smart” gadgets that, due to the latest achievements of science and technology, significantly simplify people's lives.

For example, oncologists at leading clinics are already using Android Glass half-shelves / half-smartphones in order to conduct complex operations for their patients and collect materials in certain clinical cases. To the help of this development, ordinary citizens also resort, who, thanks to voice commands:

  • send messages to various recipients
  • monitor weather changes;
  • find suitable flights
  • quickly learn about the rules of first aid in situations that threaten life and health.

Memristor memory

The new technology of memristor, or memory resistors, will allow the computer sector to become more capacious, because this development promises to transfer all digital devices from flash memory to the most durable and high-speed principle of information storage. Researchers and programmers called it ReRAM (Resistive Random Access Memory).

Unique chips will consist of alternating layers of titanium dioxide and platinum. Energy-independent circuits will help a person process data 1000 times faster, complete 1,000,000 rewrites against the current 100,000 such cycles, and process information almost instantly. Memristors can become a real breakthrough among new discoveries in computer technologies, because introducing them into portable devices, for example, players, e-books and portable laptops, will make it possible to regularly carry with them not gigabytes, but whole terabytes of various materials! The plans of developers from Quantum Science Research, USA, also include the creation of a board with a memory capacity of 1 petabyte equal to over 1,000,000 gigabytes. The actual size of such a chip is amazing - thanks to the use of a memristor, it will be no more than 1 cm.

It is interesting! The memristor development project, which is one of the newest in computer technology, will also be useful for the further development of independent artificial intelligence. It is assumed that memristor memory compounds can form something similar to neuron synapses, and, therefore, generate ideas, make decisions and model other aspects of the human brain.

Improvement of technology and its properties

New developments in the field of computer technology do not exist indirectly from the rest of the world, but, on the contrary, serve to solve acute problems that are important for the continuation of a prosperous society. So, today ecologists, together with nanotechnologists and engineers, are working on the creation of effective, but not threatening nature, mechanisms, vehicles, robots. Here, one of the priority tasks is the artificial structuring of the hydrocarbon, which is part of composite monoliths. This will help make manufactured cars and other cars that are not intended for movement easier by 10%, and, consequently, reduce the amount of toxic exhaust gases that are generated during fuel combustion.

Another important topic is the issue of long-term energy storage. Experts believe that the mass release of innovative batteries - flowing ones to hold the liquid chemical potential of substances, capacious graphene capacitors for thousands of thousands of batteries and discharging batteries, and nanowire lithium-ion direct current sources to save solar radiation will prove effective.

Grand visualization

New technologies in the field of computers will make available a completely different perception of reality. Researchers assure: bringing to the world the possibility of watching television without using screens is timed to coincide with the near future. What is it about? On the creation of a headable virtual reality headset (helmets or glasses), special smartphones for visually impaired and elderly people, devices for receiving and sending video holograms.

What previously could be seen except in Hollywood films, today is gradually becoming a reality thanks to special projection films, panoramic 3D images and binaural sound that is recorded into a microphone that exactly repeats the shape of human ears!

Brain-to-Computer Interface: Cyborgization

Finally, the latest new technology in the world of computers is the connection of the main organ of the central nervous system of a person with a high-speed electronic computer. Employees at Harvard, USA, have already achieved significant results in this area - they created a barely perceptible polymer grid with electrodes, most of which is free space. Neurons are capable and must attach to the base (frame) in the brain, which will allow foreign tissue to become one of the elements of the body, but continue to perform the functions laid down in it.

In 2012, the team began conducting experiments on mice and rats. This enterprise was a success. Microscopic products with a diameter of several centimeters were introduced into the animals using an ultra-thin needle (100 micrometers) directly through the skulls to specific areas of the brain. Later it turned out that the grids had successfully taken root and continued to integrate into the neural environment the better, the longer they stayed there.

Such a breakthrough can be extremely useful from a practical point of view. Neurointeresteys will provide an opportunity to more fully explore the functioning of the human brain, if necessary, activate certain fractions, prevent and eliminate disorders that occur during Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's and others’s diseases, as well as manage complex technical structures with the power of thought alone! However, such a development entails many ethical issues. For example, how legitimate will the implementation of a neural “chip” be for young children? What to do if the effect on the parts of the brain provokes the manifestation of atypical reactions? Will a man lose his will and freedom after such a step? Nanotechnologists, engineers and philosophers of the future have yet to answer these questions.


The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these achievements we would not have come so far.

Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to realize what will simplify our life and make it more interesting.

Here are a few technologiesof the future that take our lives to a completely different level.

New technologies of the future

1. Bio-refrigerators

A Russian designer has proposed a refrigerator concept called "Bio Robot Refrigerator" that cools food with biopolymer gel. It does not have shelves, compartments or doors - you just put food into the gel.

The idea was proposed by Yuri Dmitriev for the contest. Electrolux Design Lab. The refrigerator uses only 8 percent of the energy at home for the control panel and does not need energy for actual cooling.

Refrigerator Biopolymer Gel uses light generated at cold temperatures to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be installed on the wall or ceiling.

2. Ultra-fast 5G Internet from drones with solar panels

Google is working on drones on solar panels distributing ultra-fast Internet in a project called Project skybender. In theory drones will provide Internet services 40 times fasterthan on 4G networks, allowing you to transfer gigabytes of data per second.

The project involves the use of millimeter waves to provide service, as the existing spectrum for mobile communications is too full.

However, these waves have a shorter range than the 4G mobile signal. Google is working on this issue, and if all the technical problems can be resolved, the Internet may soon reach unprecedented speed.

3. 5D disks for eternal storage of terabytes of data

Researchers have created a 5D disc that records data in 5 dimensions, lasting billions of years. He can store 360 terabytes of data and withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

Files on the disk are made of three layers of nanodots. Five disk dimensions relate to the size and orientation of the points, as well as their position within the three dimensions. When light passes through a disk, the dots change the polarization of light, which is read by a microscope and polarizer.

The Southampton team that is developing the disc was able to record the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Optics of Newton, Magna Map and the Bible on the disc. In a few years, such a disk will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for data storage.

4. Injection of oxygen particles

Scientists from Boston Children's Hospital have developed oxygen-filled microparticles that can be introduced into the bloodstreamletting you live, even if you cannot breathe.

The microparticles consist of a single layer of lipid capsules that surround a small oxygen bubble. Capsules 2-4 micrometers in size are suspended in a fluid that controls their size, since larger bubbles can be dangerous.

When administered, capsules, when confronted with red blood cells, transmit oxygen. Thanks to this method, it was possible to introduce 70 percent of oxygen into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to build the world's first submarine floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters under water   using large pipes wide enough for two strips.

Given the difficulties of moving around the area, in Norway they decided to work on the creation of underwater bridges. It is expected that the project, which has already spent $ 25 billion, will be completed in 2035.

Other factors still need to be taken into account, for example, the influence of wind, waves and strong currents on the bridge.

6. Bioluminescent trees

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme found in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees will be able to illuminate the streets and help passers-by better see at night. A small version of the project has already been developed in the form of a plant that glows in the dark. The next step will be trees illuminating the streets.

7. Roll-up televisions

LG has developed a prototype a TV that can be rolled up like a roll of paper.

The TV uses polymer-based organic LED technology to reduce screen thickness.

In addition to LG, other major electronics manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony   and Mitsubishi   working to make screens more flexible and portable.

Future technology development

8. Bionic lens for lightrhuman vision

Canadian doctor is going to conduct clinical testing "bionic lenses", which 3 times improve one hundred percent vision   using an 8-minute painless operation.

The new lens will be available by 2017, improving the natural lens of the eye. During the operation, the syringe inserts a saline lens into the eye, and after 10 seconds, the folded lens straightens and is located above the natural lens, completely correcting vision.

9. Spray clothing

Spanish designer Manel Torres invented the world's first spray clothing. You can apply the spray to any part of the body, and then remove it, rinse and wear again.

The spray is made from special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology will allow designers to create unique pieces of clothing with an original design.

10. Portraits derived from DNA

Student Heather Duy-Hagborg creates 3D portraits from DNA found on cigarette butts and chewing gums   on the street.

She enters DNA sequences into a computer program that creates the appearance of a person from a sample. Usually during this process they issue a 25-year-old version of a person. Then the model is printed in 3D portraits in full size.

11. Shopping in virtual reality

One of these stores was opened at a train station in South Korea, where you can make an order by photographing the barcodeand your purchases will be delivered home.

Chain stores Homeplus   has installed six full-size door screens with images of shelves with goods that you would purchase in a supermarket. Under each product there is a bar code that can be scanned and sent using the application.

You can place an order at the station on the way to work, and the goods will be delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Unmanned vehicles

Expected that by 2020, there will be about 10 million unmanned vehicles, which will reduce the number of deaths by 2500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already begun to implement some of the features of automatic driving in their cars.

There are also many companies trying to develop technology for self-driving cars, such as Google, which announced a prototype unmanned vehicle. A fully autonomous car is expected by 2019.

13. The city under the dome

Dubai is under construction a mall called "Mall of the World" with a retractable dome, which controls the climate inside, and provides air conditioning.

The complex will occupy an area of \u200b\u200b4.46 km2 and will include a large beauty and health center, a cultural and entertainment district, hotels with 20 thousand rooms and much more. It will be the largest shopping center with a closed theme park.

14. Artificial leaves that convert carbon dioxide and sunlight to fuel

Scientists have developed new solar cells that convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into fuel using the sun.

Although there have been many attempts to convert carbon dioxide into something useful, the real method was first developed. Unlike other technologies that require noble metals such as silver, this method uses tungsten-based material, which is 20 times cheaper and works 1000 times faster.

These solar cells use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce synthetic gas - a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide that can be directly burned or converted to hydrocarbon fuel.

Near future technology

15. Plasma force field protecting cars from accidents and collisions

Boeing has patented a method for creating a plasma field by quickly heating air to quickly absorb shock waves.

The force field can be generated using lasers or microwave radiation. The created plasma is air heated to a higher temperature than the surrounding air, with a different density and composition. The company believes that it will be able to reflect and absorb the energy generated by the explosion, protecting those inside the field.

If technology can be implemented, it will be a revolutionary development in the military field.

16. Floating cities

Floating Ecopolis, called Lilypad,   was proposed by architect Vincent Callebaut for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to the problem of rising sea levels. The city can accommodate 50,000 people using renewable energy sources.

Innovative technologies have become perhaps the greatest agent of change in the modern world. It can never do without risk, but positive technological breakthroughs promise to provide innovative solutions to the most pressing global problems of our time - from lack of resources to global environmental changes. (...) By highlighting the most important technological advances, the Council seeks to raise awareness of their potential and help close gaps in investment, regulation and public perceptions.

- Noubar Afeyan, entrepreneur, one of the authors of the report

Now let's look at the innovations themselves.

These innovative technologies are virtually invisible. Among them: in-ear headphones that monitor heart rate, sensors that monitor posture (they are worn under clothing), temporary tattoos that monitor the work of vital organs, and tactile soles that show you the way through GPS using vibration.

The latter, by the way, they want to use as a guide for the blind. And the well-known Google Glass glasses innovative technology is already helping oncologists in operations.

Google Glass - innovative technology

2. Nanostructured graphite composite materials

Automobile exhaust polluting the atmosphere is a scourge of modern ecologists. It is not surprising that increasing the working efficiency of transport is one of the priority technological areas.

This will be facilitated by carbon fiber nanostructuring methods for the latest composite materials, which will help reduce the weight of cars by 10% or more. For what? A light car needs less fuel, which means it will pollute less

Another environmental problem is the decrease in fresh water reserves and the associated desalination of sea water. Desalination can increase the supply of fresh water, but it also has drawbacks. Moreover, serious. Desalination requires a lot of energy, and in addition, waste forms concentrated salt water. The latter, returning to the sea, has an extremely negative effect on the marine flora and fauna.

And the most promising solution to this issue may be a fundamentally new look at these wastes. They can be considered as a raw material source of very valuable substances: lithium, magnesium, uranium, ordinary soda, calcium, potassium compounds.

Energy issues are an inexhaustible source of questions. But some of them seem to be completely solvable thanks to new innovative technologies. For example, it is proposed to use flowing batteries for storing chemical energy in liquid form and in large quantities. This is similar to how we store coal and gas.

They will allow you to save quite large amounts of energy and all kinds of solid batteries, moreover, in cheap and affordable materials.

Recently, large-capacity graphene capacitors have also been invented, with which you can very quickly charge and discharge batteries, making many tens of thousands of cycles. Engineers and other potentials are considered, for example, kinetic energy in large flywheels and storage of compressed air underground.

The molecular structure of graphene

5. Nanowire lithium-ion batteries

Such innovative batteries will be faster to fully charge and generate 30-40% more electricity than today's lithium-ion batteries. All this will help improve the market for electric vehicles, and will also allow you to store solar energy right at home. Experts suggest that now and over the next two years, batteries with a silicon anode will also be used in smartphones.

A real leap forward in this area occurred last year. That is why it is highly likely that in the near future important breakthroughs await us regarding the use of innovative display technology without screens. What is this about? About the headset of virtual reality, bionic contact lenses, the development of mobile phones for the elderly and visually impaired, video holograms that do not require glasses and moving parts.

Glyph: futuristic virtual reality helmet

7. Medicines for human intestinal microflora

Recently, it turned out that the intestinal microflora affects the development of many diseases - from infections and obesity to diabetes and inflammation of the digestive tract.

Everyone knows that antibiotics destroy the intestinal microflora, causing complications such as infections from the bacteria Clostridium difficile, and sometimes threatening a person’s life. Therefore, clinical trials are underway all over the world today. As a result, it was possible to detect groups of microbes in a healthy intestine. These microbes will help create a new generation of medicines, and those, in turn, will help improve the treatment of human intestinal microflora.

These are also new generation drugs. Get them will allow advances in the study of ribonucleic acids (RNA). With the help of these preparations, it will be possible to dilute the natural protein present in excessive amounts and it will become possible to produce optimized drug proteins in the body's natural conditions.

RNA-based drugs will be produced by already established private firms, but in collaboration with large pharmaceutical companies and research centers.

9. Predictive analytics

Smartphones are innovative technologies that contain an incredible amount of information about the activities of people, both the owners of these smartphones and their friends (contact lists, call logging, GPS, Wi-Fi, location-related photos, download data, applications used by us etc.) will help to build detailed predictive models about people and their behavior.

All this, according to experts, should serve a good purpose - for example, urban planning, the appointment of individual medicines, medical diagnostics.

Innovative technology Controlling a computer only by the power of thought is not a fantasy at all. Moreover, it is much closer to reality than we used to think. The brain-computer interfaces (when the computer reads and interprets signals directly from the brain) are already undergoing clinical trials. And most importantly - there are already good results. They are needed, however, not for fun, but for people with disabilities. For example, for those who suffer from quadriplegia (paralysis of the arms and legs), isolation syndrome, people who have had a stroke, and are traveling in a wheelchair. The brain-computer interface is capable of much. With it, a person will be able to control, say, a robotic arm in order to drink, eat and do much more. And yet, brain implants are able to partially restore vision.

AMD or Intel? The struggle on the PC processor market is escalating: after many years of failure AMD is bringing the Zen processor to the market. Mobile chips and video cards will also become faster.

1 Zen Master by AMD

AMD has declared war on Intel with the release of the new Zen processor, and fans of powerful PCs will again have the opportunity to choose between two equivalent chip brands in the spring. Zen architecture combines four cores with a shared third-level cache and 14nm transistors. At the same time, every AMD core implements hyperthreading, which until now has been the prerogative of Intel.

2 Intel Kaby Lake 4.5 GHz

New laptops have already appeared, including the Medion Akoya S3409, running on Intel's new generation of processors - Kaby Lake. In 2017, we can expect chips for PCs with an increased clock speed up to 4.5 GHz. This is likely to be facilitated by the 14-nanometer manufacturing process for semiconductors.

3 Artemis for smartphones

In 2017, ARM plans to launch an Artemis processor. Manufactured using a 10-nanometer process technology, it promises smartphones 30% longer battery life and more computing power. Presumably, this processor will be used in the iPhone 7s.

4 AMD will return to the market for top-end graphics cards

Very little is officially known about the next generation of AMD Vega video chips. But thanks to numerous leaks, it becomes clear that we are talking about top-level solutions that are significantly superior to Polaris (Radeon RX 470 / RX 480) - all this with a relatively modest increase in power consumption.

\u003e The fastest graphics card in the second half of 2017, a dual-chip Vega-based motherboard with a performance of about 23 teraflops should be able to carry out twice as many calculations per unit time than the current NVIDIA Titan X leader. Most likely, it will use the second generation of increased High Bandwidth Memory with connection to the processor via a very wide bus.

\u003e Virtual reality in 4K resolution   technically will be available on any mid-range computer. In addition, in 2017 there will be games with a larger color palette and enhanced clarity thanks to High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology. It is for them that this giant power of video cards is needed in the first place.

Data storage: the new SSD is ripe for a record

Since 2017, fast SSD and flash drives will be able to accommodate much more information than traditional HDDs. However, a new type of magnetic memory has every chance of burying even a flash.

5 Turbo SSDs read at 10 Gb / s

Is there a speed limit for SSD technology? 2017 will definitely give a chance to rethink the current state of things. So, Samsung PM1725a performs more than a million I / O operations per second. Seagate is preparing a Nytro XP7200 SSD with read speeds of up to 10 Gb / s (1.25 GB / s). Its connection is implemented through the PCIe bus with 16 lines, that is, similar to video cards. So far, the maximum on the PC was four lines, and in the server hardware - eight.

6 Gigantic SSDs up to 100 TB

Farewell, magnetic disk: drive developers have started stacking even flash cells, which leads to incredible recording density. Seagate is creating an as-yet unnamed 60-byte solid-state drive in 3.5-inch format. Toshiba has already set its sights on 100 TB.

7 Large memory pooling

Before flash memory gained momentum, a new successor technology entered the market. It differs in modules on which the RAM and the drive merge into one turbo-carrier. Such modules can withstand much more writing processes than SSDs, and transfer data so quickly that they can replace RAM. Intel created 3D XPoint memory, which is now being tested on Facebook servers. However, 3D XPoint is only ten times faster than SSDs - this is not enough for RAM.

\u003e As on purpose, it is magnetic memory should complete the merger: MRAM technology from Everspin does not use magnetic currents to store information, but magnetic elements - it was first used in Aup-AXL-M128 modules for the M.2 connector. (Fig. 1) The magnetization can change so quickly that the MRAM reaches the speed of RAM. Only the problem of insufficient capacity remained unsolved - 256 Mbit per chip. But next year, the density should be increased four times. In addition, MRAM is not subject to "aging", like flash memory, and saves data when the power is turned off.

\u003e In microprocessors   Fujitsu plans to start using Nantero's small NRAM memory (Figure 2). NRAM stores information in carbon nanotubes by changing conductivity. This technology has the same good potential as MRAM.

8 Terabyte SSDs for phones

Speaking of recording density: Samsung places its terabyte SSD in an area of \u200b\u200bonly two square centimeters - ideal for ultrabooks, smartphones and tablets. This is probably possible due to the new generation of V-NAND memory cells, when 64 layers of cells are superimposed on each other.

Fast Internet in any networks

Thanks to Google’s new Pixel phone and equipped networks, Internet speeds will rise to unprecedented heights, even in public transport, where free Wi-Fi is already available.

9 New speeds on TV cable

Behind the encrypted abbreviation DOCSIS 3.1 lies a powerful upgrade for data transmission via a coaxial (television) cable, which leading providers will begin in 2017. In addition to building a network on the provider's side, customers will also need a new modem, such as the Arris SURFboard SB8200. In theory, DOCSIS 3.1 will allow downloading data at a speed of up to 10 Gbit / s, and downloading at a speed of 1 Gbit / s, finally burying fiberglass.

10 Mobile communications breaks gigabit border

Leading mobile operators are preparing their networks for LTE Advanced Pro technology. Next summer they should overcome the gigabit line. It remains to hope that providers will coordinate their tariffs and be able to offer their customers more traffic for the same money.

11 Free Wi-Fi in transport

By the end of 2016, Mosgortrans and Russian Railways plan to complete equipping all vehicles with new Wi-Fi equipment. Now you can get free Internet access everywhere.

12 Google attacks Apple and Microsoft

With the launch of the new Pixel smartphone, the successor to Nexus devices, Google is showing off its new strategy. The pricing policy of this company in the future will be increasingly focused on Apple: depending on the phone and configuration, the cost varies from about 55,000 to 75,000 rubles. Unlike the Nexus line, where the Android operating system was in the foreground, a new voice assistant comes to the scene, which Google modestly calls the “Assistant”. The company is going to put it on a par with Siri from Apple, Cortana from Microsoft and Alexa from Amazon.

\u003e New OS
  In addition, Google is currently working on a new operating system, code-named Andromeda, which should combine Chrome OS and Android. This new shell will be installed primarily on two-in-one laptops and tablets, which Google contrasts with Microsoft's Surface devices. The first device based on Andromeda should be the Pixel 3 transforming laptop - a subsequent modification of the Pixel C model. It will enter the market in the fall of 2017.

Virtual reality: immersion in a world of illusions

Google is arming itself, Oculus is re-equipping, and Intel is starting to climb - in 2017, the virtual reality market can dramatically change course. We are also waiting for an immersion in VR-worlds using a browser.

13 Google Daydream

With the launch of its Daydream VR platform, Google says goodbye to cheap Cardboard Glasses. The helmet, called "View", is made mostly of plastic and textile, so it weighs little. It creates the same realistic immersion as the competitor Gear VR from Samsung. However, this helmet only works with Daydream-compatible smartphones such as the Pixel Phone.

14 Wireless helmet

Oculus VR, one of the leaders in the market for VR helmets, has introduced a prototype Rift headset called "Santa Cruz", which can do without connecting to a PC. The computing unit is located on the back of the head.

15 Intel Project Alloy

The central element of Intel’s VR glasses prototype is the RealSense camera, which recognizes physical objects in space - for example, the user's hands. Next year, this company will open its software and hardware for developers.

16 WebVR: virtual reality in the browser

The advantage of VR content in a browser is that you do not need to install additional software to view content using a suitable helmet. Today, many organizations are developing virtual reality for the browser. The technical base is the WebVR JavaScript interface, which arose as a result of the collaboration of the Mozilla and Google Chrome teams.

\u003e Car configuration in VR   At its Connect conference, Oculus introduced React VR, a program that allows web developers to easily create WebVR content in the future. In addition, Oculus showed a WebVR application from the Renault concern, which allows you to configure a new car in virtual reality. For viewing WebVR content, Oculus is also developing the Carmel VR browser.

\u003e VR for Microsoft Edge   Even Edge should become the gateway to virtual reality in the future: Microsoft developers are already working on WebVR support in the Windows 10 browser. Together with Microsoft's HoloLens glasses, it will fundamentally change the way you work on the Internet.

The world is on the verge of big changes

In 2017, we will manage our smart homes through voice, receive purchases using drones and drive a Tesla car on winter holidays, unless, of course, everything goes as planned.

17 Tesla Model 3

At the end of 2017, this will happen: the first models of the affordable Tesla Motors Model 3 electric car should be transferred to the first pre-order buyers, provided that the battery production at the Gigafactory factory of the company is going according to plan. In the US, the price of these innovative cars of the future middle class will start at $ 35,000 dollars. It does not include charges for using fast charging stations.

18 Delivery using drones

Permissions have already been obtained from the relevant air traffic authorities: Google in the USA and Amazon in the UK are currently testing the delivery of their goods with autonomous drones. A commercial launch is planned for 2017.

19 Smart Homes from Google and Amazon

With Echo and Home speakers, Amazon and Google are entering the smart home business. Both devices are voice controlled. The voice assistant will respond.

\u003e Echo Amazon’s Amazon assistant will provide information, read audiobooks, read messages, traffic information and weather forecasts, and play music from Prime and Spotify using the voice of Amazon’s assistant. In addition, it can be used to control devices from the home network: lamps, switches and thermostats produced by, for example, Philips (Hue) and Innogy.

\u003e Home   (pictured) is a competitor to Google’s Echo device with almost the same capabilities. The difference: Google’s “Assistant” acts as an assistant, and there is a link to other products of this corporation, such as Chromecast and Play Music.

PHOTO: manufacturing companies; Martin Mielek / Google, Amazon, Samsung, Google; Deutsche Bahn AG; Dirk ellenbeck / vodafone

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