Where the mobile phone was invented. First mobile phone

Where and when did the first cell phone appear in Russia? And what kind of model was it?

  1. the first cell phone was "BRICK" (from MikraTak or STARTAK), and that says it all!
  2. On September 9, 1991, the first cellular operator based on NMT-450 technology ZAO Delta Telecom appeared in Russia. The price of the Mobira phone - MD 59 NB2 (weighing about 3 kg) with connection was about $ 4000. A minute of conversation cost about $ 1. During the first four years of its operation, Delta Telecom connected 10,000 subscribers.

    Surely Mobira - MD 59 NB2 - is the first phone
    but something tells me that the government had them much earlier)

  3. The very first mobile phone in the world was created by the Soviet engineer L. I. Kupriyanovich in 1957. The device was named LK-1.

    The weight of the LK-1 portable mobile phone was 3 kg. The battery charge was enough for 20-30 hours of operation, the range was 20-30 km. The solutions used in the phone were patented on November 1, 1957.

    By 1958 Kupriyanovich had reduced the weight of the device to 500 g. It was a box with toggle switches and a dial for dialing numbers. An ordinary telephone receiver was connected to the box. During the conversation, there were two ways to hold the phone. First, it was possible to use two hands to hold the tube and box, which is inconvenient. Or you could hang the box on your belt, then only one hand was used to hold the tube.

    The question arises as to why Kupriyanovich used the telephone receiver, and did not built the speakers into the telephone itself. The fact is that the use of the tube was considered more convenient due to its lightness; it is much easier to hold a plastic tube weighing several grams than the entire apparatus. As Martin Cooper later admitted, the use of his very first mobile phone helped him build muscles well. According to Kupriyanovich's calculations, if the device was launched into mass production, then its cost could be 300-400 rubles, which was approximately equal to the cost of a TV.

    In 1961, Kupriyanovich demonstrated a phone weighing 70 grams, which could fit in the palm of your hand and had a range of 80 km. It used semiconductors and a nickel-cadmium battery. There was also a reduced version of the dial for dialing. The disc was small and was not intended to be rotated with fingers, most likely it was supposed to use a pen or pencil. The plans of the creator of the very first cell phone in the world were to create a portable phone the size of a matchbox and a range of 200 km. It is possible that such a device was created, but was used only by special services.

  4. http://otvet.mail.ru/question/6579802/ - then appeared ...
    The price of a Nokia Mobira phone - MD 59 NB2 (weighing about 3 kg) with connection was about $ 4000; a minute of conversation cost about $ 1. During the first four years of its operation, Delta Telecom connected 10,000 subscribers. First NMT mobile phone - Nokia Mobira Cityman First GSM mobile phone - Nokia 1011
  5. The first mobile system in the USSR was developed at the Voronezh Research Institute of Communications in the period from 1958-59. In 1963, the Altai system was put into trial operation in Moscow.

    Why Altai? It was understood that the masses did not need such a communication system, perhaps it would remain secret forever, therefore

    The first mobile communication appeared in Leningrad and there are many legends and mysteries around its appearance. The Nokia Mobira MD59-NB2 looks a hell of a lot like the Motorola Dyna Tac. The creator of the mobile phone, Martin Cooper, made his first call to Bell Laboratories to ask how they are doing there, what new ideas in the field of communications. The first call by cellular communication in our country was made by Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak, the first mayor of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Of course, he was interested in talking to the mayor of New York. The first call was overseas. The developers of the communication system were confident in the result, but just in case radiotelephone communication, including long-distance communication in the city, was turned off at the time of the call. Apparently the Finns scored their first goal not quite according to the rules. In the photo below, Martin Cooper smiles maliciously and is ready to tell Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev what is the difference between Nokia Mobira MD59-NB2 and Motorola Dyna Tac.

    Time is running. Nokia has become a leading manufacturer of original handsets. Once in a conversation with an American, I said: Motorola is a good phone, but we love Nokia. Yes, yes, - said the American: The Japanese also make good electronics. Finns, ”I corrected him, and we both laughed.

The ability to contact family and friends at any moment seems natural to us today, like breathing, but this was not always the case.

Even mobile phones became widespread no more than 15-20 years ago, and wired telephones appeared a little over a hundred years ago. Do you know who invented the telephone and what year it happened?

In almost all modern textbooks and encyclopedias, the American Alexander Bell is named the inventor of the telephone. However, this is not entirely true: Bell was just the person who was able to first patent the telephone, and this happened in 1876.

The real inventor is Antonio Meucci, who was born in Florence, Italy, who later crossed overseas and settled in the United States. He founded the first factory in the world to manufacture paraffin candles, but later became interested in the idea of \u200b\u200btransmitting sounds over long distances. His work progressed successfully, and already in 1860 the inventor showed the public a device that he called a telelectrophone. It used the principle of converting sound waves into electromagnetic waves and vice versa, which later formed the basis of all telephones.

Unfortunately, soon after the demonstration of the new invention, disaster struck, and the designer went to bed for a long time. During this time, his factory went bankrupt, and in order to somehow live, his wife had to sell some devices made by Meucci, including a telephony. Later he was able to restore his invention and in 1871 tried to get a patent for it. However, due to extreme poverty, Meucci could not pay for the services of the patent office, and soon died in poverty and obscurity. Only in 2002, justice was restored, and the US Congress recognized the Italian émigré Antonio Meucci as the inventor of the telephone.

Few people know that the first mobile phone was created in the USSR in 1957. It consisted of the telephone itself and the base station, which was connected to an ordinary city GTS. The telephone set weighed about 3 kg, and Leonid Kupriyanovich became its inventor. The designer continued to work on his own development, and by 1961 the weight of the handset was reduced to only 70 grams. The distance between the handset and the base station reached 80 kilometers on level ground. In 1957, the inventor received a patent for his development under the number 115494.

The disadvantage of Kupriyanovich's device was the small number of phones that could connect to one base station. Their number was limited by the number of frequency channels allocated to the station. According to the inventor, in order to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bMoscow, it would be required to install no more than a dozen base stations. Subsequently, on the basis of the development of Kupriyanovich, since 1965, the Bulgarian enterprise "Radioelectronics" has been producing mobile mini-automatic telephone exchanges for 15 subscribers. They were used mainly at large construction sites as departmental communications.

The inventor of the world's first cell phone is Motorola employee Martin Cooper. He made the first cellular telephone in 1973. The device weighed over a kilogram and was later named Motorola DynaTAC. There were only 12 buttons on the handset, of which 10 were numeric, and the other two were used to call and to end a conversation.

The first cell phone did not have a display, and the battery provided no more than an hour of talk time, but it was charged for 10 hours in a row. Until 1983, Motorola had released five different prototypes of the DynaTAC phone. The first cell phones went on sale in 1983 under the name DynaTAC 8000x. They sold for 3995 dollars, which was a very large sum for that time, but the queues for their purchase reached several thousand people.

The first phone equipped with a touch screen was manufactured in 1993 by employees of the famous computer corporation IBM. It was called the IBM Simon, and its black and white screen was controlled by a stylus, although some operations could be performed with your fingers. The phone weighed about 0.5 kg.

The battery charge lasted only an hour of talk time or 8-10 hours of standby. Although the novelty aroused the interest of buyers, the excessively high price and frequent breakdowns of the gadget quickly brought it to nothing. The production of the IBM Simon was soon discontinued.

As you know, iPhones are produced by the American corporation Apple, which has gained popularity due to its non-standard and high-tech solutions. The main generator of ideas at Apple since its inception was the legendary computer scientist and entrepreneur Steve Jobs, the creator. In 1999, Jobs came up with the idea that the company, in addition to computers, should produce the world's best mobile phones. He came up with the concept of the iPhone, but the idea was realized only in 2005 together with Motorola specialists.

Apple's first phone, called the Purple-1, was a symbiosis of a phone and an audio player. It did not receive the expected popularity, but the Apple team continued to work, and in 2007, the iPhone was presented to the public in San Francisco for the first time, which later became the iconic phone. Today, the happy owners of iPhones are millions of people in all countries of the world.

The world's first mobile phone

It is officially believed that the world's first mobile phone was manufactured in the USA. Legend has it that on April 3, 1973, the director of the mobile communications department of Motorola Martin Cooper, while walking around Manhattan, defiantly called his mobile phone, which was allegedly very surprised by passers-by who saw this.
The mobile phone was first put on sale by Travel Electronics in 1979. It weighed 907 grams and cost $ 3,895 at the time, roughly the price of an average car. Thus, the first cell phone cost more than the then Toyota Corola, which was sold in the US for $ 3698. The subscription fee was$ 50 a month, and one minute of conversation cost users from 24 to 40 cents, that is, equal to the cost of a gallon of gasoline (3.78541178 liters).
However, few people know that long before the prototype of Motorola, a mobile phone appeared in our Soviet Union. Its creator was the Soviet radio engineer and popularizer of radio engineering Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich.

The prototype of the portable automatic duplex mobile radiotelephone LK-1 created by him was tested on April 9, 1957. The mobile phone had a range of 20-30 km, but weighed about three kilograms.

A year later, Kupriyanovich improved his LK and reduced his weight six times to 500 grams! The new apparatus was also much smaller - like two packs of cigarettes. Foreign mobile phones will reach this weight and size only in the early 80s. Kupriyanovich's mobile phone, like modern ones, communicated with the GTS through a base station (ATR). It not only received and transmitted mobile phone signals to the wired network, but also transmitted signals from the wired network to mobile phones. Thus, from the LC it was possible to call any landline phone, and the LC could also be called from a regular city number or from a street machine.

In 1961, Leonid Ivanovich again improved his invention, which he called a radio telephone. As a result Kupriyanovich's mobile phone so small that it fit in the palm of your hand and weighed only 70 grams! In size it was like a modern mobile phone, but without a screen and not with buttons, but with a small-sized rotary dial.

Such weight characteristics did not allow using it as a wearable nickname, and then in 1958 Kupriyanovich created improved models of an apparatus that was the size of a cigarette box "Kazbek" and together with the power source weighed half a kilogram. A pocket phone will not only allow you to call any subscriber, but also receive calls from home phones. and from street vending machines.

The first nationwide system of national telephone communication was the Soviet system "Altai", which was put into trial operation in 1963. Altai system originally operated at a frequency of 150 MHz, but by 1970 the Altai system was operating in 114 cities of the USSR and a 330 MHz band was allocated for it. In Voronezh, this system operated until the end of 2011 and was closed for economic reasons. until now the Altai system has been operating in Novosibirsk.

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→ Improvement under Peter I

21 Mar 2015

Who Invented the Mobile Phone?

Mobile phone - a portable means of communication, without which modern society can no longer imagine its life. Nowadays, everyone can buy a mobile phone or smartphone for every taste at a reasonable price.

The first mobile phone.

How did it all begin? In the middle of the twentieth century, the option of communication at a distance using a portable means of communication was considered. Soviet engineer Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich showed the world the first experimental model of the current mobile phone. Weight of cell phone presented in 1963, was 3 kg, he also could not work without a special base. Scientists and inventors agreed that the invention needed to be improved.

A means for communication in the car was presented by the laboratory Bell Laboratories... Synchronized with Bell Laboratories, company Motorola developed a new version of a portable means for communication at a distance. Motorola in those days was engaged in the sale and release of radio stations.

Who Invented the First Mobile Phone?

Whatever it was, but the first person who invented the mobile phone was Martin Cooper... He worked for Motorola and was Head of Communications. Scientists and experts were skeptical about the idea of \u200b\u200ba mobile phone. Martin Cooper did not give up on his idea. April 1973 Martin called the director of Bell Laboratories from Manhattan with his invention. The era of mobile technologies began with this call. Cooper, of course, did not accidentally call the director of a rival company. He wanted to show that his team was the first to cope with the task.

When did the first mobile phone appear?

The first prototype of a modern mobile phone was presented to the world in 1983, exactly ten years after the fatal bell. The model was named DynaTAC 8000X and was estimated at $ 4,000... This price did not deter people who even signed up in long lines to buy a new product.

What was the first portable mobile phone?

The first portable mobile phone was very different from the mobile phones we are used to using today. What were these differences? Below is a complete list of them:

  • the length of the apparatus tube was 10 cm, a long antenna was attached to it;
  • instead of the display, which we are accustomed to using, the phone was equipped with only buttons for calling a particular subscriber;
  • the DynaTAC 8000X weighed one kilogram. The dimensions of such a phone were impressive: 22.5x12.5x3.75 cm;
  • the first portable mobile phone did not receive calls, but only made them;
  • the battery lasted only 45 minutes of conversation, if the phone was not touched, it could work up to 6 hours;
  • the first phone was charged from 7 to 9 hours.

A person constantly needs communication. For the exchange of information and just for the soul. And it is not enough for him to communicate with people who are nearby. There is always something to say even to those who are on the next street, in another city or across the ocean. It has always been that way. But only at the end of the nineteenth century did we have such an opportunity. In this article, we will trace the history of the appearance of the telephone, find out who invented the telephone and what difficulties scientists faced.

Over the years, there have been many different ways of transmitting information. Our ancestors sent letters with messengers and carrier pigeons, burned fires, used the services of heralds.

16th century Italian Giovanni della Porta invented a system of communication pipes, which were supposed to "permeate" all of Italy. This fantastic idea was never implemented.

In 1837, American inventor Samuel Morse created the electric telegraph and developed the telegraph alphabet, which was called " morse code».

In the 1850s, an unexpected discovery was made by the Italian Antonio Meucci, who lives in New York. Confident in the positive effects of electricity on human health, he assembled a generator and opened a private medical practice. Once, having connected the wires to the patient's lips, Meucci went into a distant room to turn on the generator. As soon as the device is working, the doctor heard a patient scream... He was so loud and clear, as if the poor fellow were nearby.

Meucci began to experiment with the generator, and by the beginning of the 70s the drawings of the apparatus were already ready " telephone". In 1871, the inventor tried to register his creation, but something prevented him. Either the Italian did not have enough money for the registration procedure at the patent office, or the papers were lost during shipment, or, perhaps, they were stolen.

Who first invented the telephone and what year

In 1861, a German scientist Philip Rice invented a device that could transmit all kinds of sounds through a cable. This was the first telephone... (It is worth familiarizing yourself with that and its history of creation) Rice was unable to register a patent for his invention, so he did not become as widely known as the American Alexander Bell.

On February 14, 1876, Bell took the application to the Patent Office in Washington to patent " A telegraphic device with which human speech can be transmitted". Two hours later, Elijah Gray, an electrical engineer, showed up. Gray's invention was called "A device for transmitting and receiving vocal sounds by telegraph." He was denied a patent.

This device consisted of a wooden stand, an ear tube, a battery (a vessel of acid), and wires. The inventor himself called it a gallows.

The first words spoken on the phone were: “Watson, Bell says! If you can hear me, then go to the window and beckon with your hat. "

In 1878, a series of lawsuits against Alexander Bell began in America. About thirty people tried to take away the laurels of the inventor from him. Six claims were dismissed immediately. The claims of the remaining inventors were divided into 11 points and were considered separately. Bell's primacy was recognized on eight of these points, and inventors Edison and McDonnaught won the other three. Gray has not won a single case. Although a study of Bell's diaries and documents filed by Gray with the Patent Office many years later showed that the inventor is Gray.

Development and improvement of the phone

The further fate of Bell's invention was taken up by Thomas Edison. In 1878, he made some changes to the structure of the telephone: he introduced a carbon microphone and an induction coil into the circuit. Thanks to this upgrade, the distance between interlocutors could be significantly increased.

In the same year, the first ever telephone exchange began operating in the small American town of New Chaven.

And in 1887 in Russia, the inventor K. A. Mostsitsky created a self-acting switchboard - the prototype of automatic telephone exchanges.

Who invented the mobile (cell) phone

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of a mobile phone is the United States. But first mobile phone the device appeared in the Soviet Union. 11/04/1957 radio engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich received a patent for " Calling and switching device for radiotelephone communication channels". His radiotelephone could transmit audio signals to the base station up to 25 kilometers... The device was a box with a dial for dialing, two toggle switches and a tube. He weighed half a kilo and worked up to 30 hours in standby mode.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a cellular telephone communication appeared back in 1946 at the American company AT&T Bell Labs. The company rented car radio stations.

In parallel with AT&T Bell Labs, Motorola also conducted research. For nearly ten years, each of these companies has been striving to get ahead of the competition. Motorola won.

In April 1973, one of the employees of this company, engineer Martin Cooper, "shared his joy" with colleagues from a competing enterprise. He called the AT&T Bell Labs office, invited the head of the research department, Joel Engel, to the phone, and said that he was currently on a New York street talking on the world's first mobile phone. Cooper then went to a press conference on the miracle of technology that he was holding.

The "firstborn" of Motorola was named Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. He weighed about a kilogram, and reached a height of 25 cm... The phone could work in talk mode for about 30 minutes, and charged for about 10 hours. And ten years later, in 1983, it finally went on sale. The new car cost a lot of money - $ 3500 - a little cheaper than a brand new car. Even so, there were plenty of potential buyers.

In 1992 Motorola released a mobile phone that could fit in the palm of your hand.

At the same time, the Finnish company Nokia presented the first mass-produced GSM phone Nokia 1011.

In 1993, thanks to BellSouth / IBM, the first communicator appeared - a telephone connected to a PDA.

And 1996 is the year of the creation of the first clamshell phone. This is the merit of the same Motorola.

At this time, Nokia delighted the world with the first smartphone with an Intel 386 processor and a full QWERTY keyboard - Nokia 9000.

On average, a person makes almost 1,500 phone calls a year.

Who invented the touchscreen phone

The great-grandfather of the famous iPhone is IBM Simon, released in 1994. It was the world's first touchphone. Simon cost a lot - $ 1090. But it was no longer just a telephone. It combined the qualities of a telephone and a computer, and it could also be used as a pager or fax. It was equipped with a calculator, calendar, notepad, to-do list, a couple of games, and even an email agent.

The device had a monochrome display with a resolution of 160 × 293 pixels with a diagonal of 4.7 inches. Instead of the usual keys, a virtual keyboard appeared. The battery lasted for an hour of talk time or 12 hours of standby time.

Too high a price did not allow the model to become popular among users, but it was "Simon" went down in history as the first touchphone.

In 2000, the world saw the first telephone officially named smartphone - Ericsson R380. The touchscreen of the R380 was hidden under a hinged cover with ordinary buttons. The screen was monochrome, with a diagonal of 3.5 inches and a resolution of 120 × 360.

The smartphone was based on the new Symbian OS for mobile devices. R380 supported WAP, browser, notepad, e-mail client, games were installed.

In 2007, IBM released the first phone with a sensor that responded to the touch of a finger rather than a stylus. It was the LG KE850 Prada. This model was also remembered for its unusual design and wide functionality.

In the same year, Apple introduced its famous iPhone to the general public.

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