Popular words in Yandex. Selection of keywords from Yandex Wordstat and Direct

The largest and most popular search network on the Internet, Yandex, has announced the most popular search queries of Internet users for this year. What people search the most in a search engine, what topics they are interested in, and what search phrases they drive into the search bar.

So, in the first place is the topic of health, and everything related to it - medicines, symptoms, types of treatment, a variety of diseases, proper nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, cough and its treatment, herbs and ointments, information about childhood diseases and methods treatment; a healthy lifestyle, about allergies (May is the peak month), about clinics and doctors.

More than 4% of the search queries are devoted to the topic of health - an average of 7.5 million per day, or more than 5 thousand queries per minute. This is one of the largest search topics - 2 times more than the topic of cooking, and approximately equal to the topic of cars and everything related to them - according to RIA Novosti

In terms of the number of requests from computers, the topic of health is second only to school topics and the topic of cinema, and on mobile devices it leads.

Health queries cover many areas, with the largest topics related to finding information about medicines, diseases and symptoms, as well as clinics and doctors. In addition, many queries are devoted to pregnancy, childhood diseases, operations, analyzes, healthy eating. At the same time, many topics overlap, since they often ask at the same time, for example, about diseases and nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, symptoms and medications.

The most popular category of health queries is drugs, accounting for 34%. It includes questions not only about medications, but also about all the “conditionally medicinal” means - various herbs, substances that may have any healing properties, food additives, as well as various devices and medical equipment.

“Most of all people are looking for medicines, least of all for homeopathy. Only 0.4% of requests for medicines are devoted to homeopathy - the least in this category, ”explained Yandex.

Seasonal factor

In about 30% of searches, people mention specific diseases or any health problems, and also describe symptoms. The most commonly mentioned cough is more than three times more popular than the common cold.

The peak of requests for cough and runny nose falls in January - this is due to the seasonal epidemic of viruses.

“But this year, a surge in requests was also observed in September - most likely, this is due to the unusually sharp September cold snap and unstable weather in several large regions of Russia at once,” the company added.

“In the summer they get sick less - this can be seen in the number of inquiries about health. In winter, people are more likely to look for diseases and medicines. But the hardest month turned out to be March - in March there are most requests for health in general, and also the interest in medicines is higher. In December, the number of inquiries related to diagnostics and various analyzes is growing, and polyclinics are looking more in June, ”the study says.

Most of the requests about diets are asked by users in April.

“Apparently, due to the fact that they want to lose more weight before summer. And the lowest indicator is right before the New Year, when it is useless to think about healthy eating, "Yandex believes.

Allergy inquiries peak in May. The most characteristic words for this month are “lilac”, “bird cherry” and “dandelion”.

“But each month has its own set of the most popular allergens,” the company notes.

In every fifth health query, people list a specific body part that is of interest. At the same time, in matters of children's health, teeth are most "popular", in matters of fitness - muscles, and in the topic of nutrition - the stomach, in cosmetology - hair leads.

And of course, given the approaching New Year, search queries will sharply increase on the topic of the holiday and everything connected with it - the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. In addition, this holiday trend will last until the very month of April, until mid-May. Since from December to the very spring, continuous holidays are planned.

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Before doing something on the Internet: creating a website, setting up an advertising company, writing an article or a book, you need to look at what people are looking for, what they are interested in, what they enter in the search bar.

Search queries (key phrases and words) are most often collected in two cases:

  • Before creating a website. In this case, you need to collect as many keywords as possible in order to cover your entire area. After collection, search queries are analyzed and based on this, a decision is made on the structure of the site.
  • To customize contextual advertising. Not everyone chooses for advertising, but only words by which it is possible to determine interest in a product or service, preferably an active interest expressed by the words "buy", "price", "order", etc.

If you are going to set up contextual advertising, then.

And below we will look at how to collect statistics on search queries in popular search engines, as well as small secrets on how to do it better.

How to view Yandex request statistics

The Yandex search engine has a special service called "Word Selection" located at http://wordstat.yandex.ru/. It is very simple to use it: we enter any words and usually, in addition to statistics on these words, we also see what we were looking for along with these words.

It is very important to understand that statistics for shorter queries include statistics for all detailed queries with these words. For example, in the screenshot the query "query statistics" includes the query "Yandex query statistics" and all other queries below.

The right column displays the queries that were searched by people looking for the query you entered. Where does this information come from? These are the requests that were entered before or immediately after your request.

To see the exact number of queries for a phrase, you need to enter it in quotation marks "phrase". So, specifically, the query "query statistics" was searched 5047 times.

How to view Google search statistics

Recently, the Google Trends tool has become available for Russia, it is located at http://www.google.com/trends/ ... It displays popular search queries recently. You can enter any of your queries to estimate its popularity.

In addition to the frequency of queries, Google will show popularity by region and similar queries.

Second way to see the frequency of Google searches - this is to use the adwords.google.ru service for advertisers. To do this, you need to register as an advertiser. In the "Tools" menu you need to select "Keyword Planner" and then "Get query statistics".

In the planner, in addition to statistics, you will find out the level of competition among advertisers for this request and even the approximate cost per click, if you decide to advertise too. By the way, the cost is usually overpriced.

Mail.ru search query statistics

Mail.ru has updated the tool showing statistics of search queries http://webmaster.mail.ru/querystat. The main feature of the service is the distribution of requests by gender and age.

It can be assumed that the Yandex word search service also takes into account requests from Mail, since at the moment, the Mail.ru search engine displays Yandex ads, and the service is primarily intended for advertisers. And earlier, by the way, Google ads were shown in Mail.ru.

In addition, you can use this trick. The approximate distribution of the audience between search engines is as follows: Yandex - 60%, Google - 30%, Mail - 10%. Of course, depending on the audience, the ratio can change. (For example, programmers might prefer Google.)

Then you can see the statistics in Yandex and divide by 6. We get the approximate number of search queries in Mail.ru

By the way, the exact distribution of the audience between search engines for February 2014 can be seen in the screenshot below:

Rambler query statistics

From the graph above, you can already see that the Rambler search engine covers only 1% of the Internet audience. But nevertheless, they have their own keyword statistics service. It is located at: http://adstat.rambler.ru/wrds/

The principle is the same as in other services.

Even fewer of our compatriots use the Bing search engine. And to see the statistics of keywords, you will have to register as an advertiser and understand the instructions in English.

This can be done at bingads.microsoft.com, and the statistics of requests can be viewed at the stage of creating an advertising campaign:

Yahoo query statistics

In this system, as in the previous one, you need to register as an advertiser. You can see the statistics of search queries here http://advertising.yahoo.com/

How to watch Youtube searches

Youtube also has its own statistics of search queries, which is called "Keyword Tool". It is mainly intended for advertisers, but you can use it to prescribe suitable keywords for your video.

And it looks something like this:

The bottom line.

We have reviewed all popular search engine selection systems. I hope this review is useful for you when writing articles, building websites or setting up ads. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

The topic of this article is Statistics of search queries in the currently largest search engines Google and Yandex.

I think many people guess that in order to successfully promote your site on the World Wide Web, you need to fill it with unique content (content). With this, it seems, everything is clear, sit down at the computer, remember, compose, write down. But not everything is so simple.

Of course, the first and most important thing here is unique content. However, a significant role is played by the correct and competent, from the point of view of optimization of search queries, the compilation of an article, for which you will need to compose a semantic core. This is where statistics services come to our aid.

To get a more or less reliable picture of the statistics of a keyword, it will be enough to use the main services for the selection of statistics:

  1. Keyword statistics from Yandex
  2. Google Keyword Tool
  3. Statistics on search queries from Rambler

You can access the Yandex keyword statistics collection service at http://wordstat.yandex.ru/.

Everything is simple enough here

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that keyword statistics can be requested:
-by regions,
-by months and weeks.

It is necessary to request statistics of keywords by region if you are going to promote the site on a regional scale, thus attracting the target audience from your region. For example, if you are going to promote a website for a beauty salon, you will need to take into account the statistics of search queries in your region.

A request for statistics of keywords by months (weeks) is necessary if you offer seasonal services, or your product is in demand at a certain time of the year. For example, promoting the website of a travel agency or online store selling seeds, this should be done without fail. This will allow you to predict the seasonal growth and decline in the number of visitors coming to your site for certain queries.

After you have entered a keyword and clicked the Find button, the service will give you a list of search queries by keyword, as well as the number of hits for this query per month. The left column will contain queries containing the keyword. On the right, associative search queries may appear, i.e. requests similar to the one you indicated.

I want to remind you that search queries are divided into:
1. HF - High-frequency requests (over 5000 requests per month)
2. Midrange - Medium-frequency requests (from 1000 to 5000 requests per month)
3. LF - Low-frequency requests (up to 1000 requests per month)

Building a semantic core is the topic of one of my next articles, but for now I will tell you that it is often better to pick several low-frequency queries and move through them than one high-frequency one.

Google search statistics

Google's keyword tool is very similar to the keyword statistics service Yandex. At least the functions they perform are similar. You can find it at http://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal.

Here, by analogy with Yandex, the number of requests per month for a specific keyword is displayed. Shows the number of requests in the world (total) and in the target regions.

In addition, Google's tool shows, based on the analysis, the level of competition for each keyword.

Since the Google Keyword Tool was originally created to search for keywords to buy links, here you will also find an approximate CPC.

Rambler search query statistics

This service is not very developed and does not offer any special features. The search engine Rambler is currently receiving a minimum number of visitors. Therefore, using it to select keywords is not entirely rational.

Yandex remains one of the most popular search engines in Russia today. Its pages are viewed more than 3 billion times monthly, i.e. more than 100 million queries are processed by the search engine every day. It should be noted that more than half of all users of the search engine are in 10 large cities in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk). The average number of requests per user is 6-7 times per session of using the search engine until the moment the desired result is selected.

The most popular queries are identical in wording and have the same spelling. Most of all, people are looking for information related to social networks (for example, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki). The list of the most "Yandex" includes the phrase "download", "watch online", "", "", "download songs", "download music".

Geographical queries are also popular, for example, "St. Petersburg", "Map of Moscow", "Moscow". Navigation requests for finding sites with a specific address or category (for example, mail.ru or "online store") are gaining popularity. Sometimes users are looking for jobs ("job search"), and background information ("salad recipes").

Search engine Google has similar statistics for the Russian Internet, which, however, is more popular abroad.

Detailed statistics of search queries can be obtained on the sites of popular search engines.

Foreign Internet

One of the most popular searches for 2013 in the world is for the personality of Nelson Mandella. The second line in the ranking was taken by a request for a biography of Paul Walker. People often looked for information about iPhone 5s and Samsung Galaxy S4.

The type of search queries, despite the general trend, may vary depending on the region and current events taking place in the world at the moment.

The most popular Google search queries related to cinematography were "Iron Man" and "Man of Steel". Among the videos, people most often looked for Harlem Shake; there was also a large percentage of those wishing to receive data on the tragic events in Boston. Navigation queries are still popular - for example, Facebook, Youtube, Outlook, Google, etc. Often in search engines, people indicate the word free, which indicates a desire to get something for free. Also, Google often processes information on requests from Channel One, Sochi Olympics, and the traffic police (accident reports).

Now we will try to figure out why you need to know the number of requests in Yandex and what advantages this information opens up to the user or website creator.

Let's start by defining

Let's start by understanding what keywords are and their frequency.

An equally important question: "Why is the number of Yandex search queries so important for the development of a site?" Obviously, on a website or blog, one of the main roles is played by traffic, more precisely, visitors who most often come to the resource from the search engines, and therefore it is so important to understand the principles of their work.

All queries in "Yandex" can be divided into 3 groups, depending on their prevalence: low-frequency, medium-frequency and high-frequency. In most cases, the group to which the request belongs is determined because each topic has its own level of competition.

Let's move on to statistics

Now let's figure it out directly with where to see the number of requests in "Yandex" per month. First of all, you need to visit the page of this search engine, called WordStat, literally this term means "word statistics". Finding the appropriate service in a search engine is not difficult. And now you have come to the indicated page.

which you want to check the number of Yandex requests per month. After that, click on the button called "Match" and get statistics for the entered key, as well as words close to it. The arrow shows the total number of such requests. Opposite to each of the keys, the number of requests in Yandex is shown exclusively for it. So we figured out the basic principles of this service, we will discuss the details below.

Perfect world

Idealists believe that it is not worth wasting time to find out the number of requests to Yandex. Indeed, in their opinion, the main thing that helps in promoting the resource is the unique content. If you write articles on your own, the project will surely be successful and attended. At the same time, the main share of visits will be given by transitions from

Unfortunately, in reality the situation is somewhat different, and the fault is

ill-fated requests in Yandex, which dictate their terms and make adjustments to work.

Internet users sometimes formulate their desires in a rather strange way, and if this is not taken into account, then even the most informative and interesting site can be doomed to failure. In no case should you spam the text of the article with keywords - this can ruin everything.

The number of requests in Yandex: why is it not hidden?

Why would Yandex give us the opportunity to study statistics? Optimizers have always been on the other side of the barricades from search engines. Sadly, everything, as always, comes down to money. Optimizers unwittingly take away from search a certain part of its main income, which is formed thanks to contextual advertising.

it is strange that the Yandex system opens access to And again money from Advertisers need the specified information to create optimal ads in Yandex.Direct. Thus, the search engine has to open the data for everyone, which is successfully used by people who want to attract an additional audience to their resource.

More about the service

Yandex statistics is the main tool for webmasters. In Wordstat, all data is displayed in a simplified form - all word forms are combined, most often prepositions and interrogative forms are not taken into account. It's great that the service lists both derivatives from the entered words and associative queries typed by Yandex users along with the words they are interested in.

This feature allows you to significantly expand and improve the semantic core. The first tab of the statistics "By Words" shows the total number of hits for the specified words. In turn, the tab "by region" allows you to understand how often the question of interest to the webmaster is asked in different regions. Yandex system
splits the search area into approximately 300 regions.

Use the map

Another interesting function is available to users of the service, which cannot be passed by. Pay attention to the "on the map" tab, thanks to which you can visually assess the frequency of using certain words on the world map. In addition, you can track the change in the frequency of the specified question in a certain period of time using the tabs "by week" and "by month".

Flies separately, cutlets separately

Keywords and search queries are very often confused with each other, so let's try to clarify. A search query is a set of words typed by any user in a special search string. Keywords are selected words from the queries you have defined, based on which you will be promoted to the top ten resources in the search results.

Often, for a particular article, it can consist of just a few words, which must be entered several times in the text of the article, be sure to include them in the title. Be careful not to increase the key density to 3 percent or more - your material may be excluded from the system index. It is better to use keywords in various word forms, according to the logic of the story.

Let's sum up

When you write the requests on a piece of paper, thanks to which you expect to receive

additional influx of visitors, you will need to choose keys from the resulting semantic core, be sure to use them in the title of the material. In addition, it is necessary to use keywords with a density of 1-2 percent in the text itself.

It can take a lot of time to master the principles of analysis in every detail. Many professionals who work with other promotion methods feel uncomfortable learning new techniques, but sometimes it is necessary to take a breath and understand if you are moving in the right direction. Taking into account the number of requests in Yandex, using the Wordstat service to analyze your own project, you can reconsider your views on work and, if necessary, change the direction of movement.

You can use Yandex statistics to manually find all the options related to the subject of your resource. This will have to be done manually, so this work will be time-consuming, but in the end you can get incredibly valuable results. Gradually, the analysis reveals most of the obvious mistakes, and also allows you to determine in advance the topics of future publications, since the questions that users most often ask search engines are of interest to them first of all, and therefore should first of all worry the developers of various resources for greater efficiency.

It should also be noted that during the analysis, you can find out whether the site you are creating at the moment has any positions regarding the phrase or word you are interested in. For this purpose, you can use various programs, among which should be noted "Site Auditor".

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