Where to go for advice to a corporate client beeline. Beeline corporate rates

The Beeline company offers to connect fast Internet to the office in Moscow. Customers can choose convenient tariffs for small, medium and large businesses.

Bonuses for corporate clients

Legal entities are offered favorable rates and flexible terms of cooperation. Beeline advantages:

  1. The company provides static, dynamically working IP addresses.
  2. A modem with a wireless function supports a large number of users.
  3. If a Beeline access point is installed in the building, the connection is free!
  4. We open up to five e-mail boxes.
  5. Users control costs, traffic, study statistics.
  6. A backup communication channel is provided.

Corporate clients appreciated the benefits of cooperation. They switch to favorable rates, use high-quality services. The company's managers provide round-the-clock assistance.

Moscow provider offers

Beeline has earned an excellent reputation in the market. The company fulfills its obligations, complies with standards. Unlimited or wired internet connection depends on the selected package. Speed \u200b\u200bfrom 2 to 10 Gbps. "Internet to the office" is the most convenient, profitable, functional tariff for corporate clients. Choose a standard set of services or include additional options. By the way, you can connect the Internet to your office as an individual.

Connection is carried out on a convenient day and time. Select the tariff, leave the coordinates, specify the date. In the shortest possible time, the network is connected to the specified address. If the building already has a Beeline access point, your office will be connected for free!

Tariffs and additional features:

  1. In standard packages the speed is 2, 5 or 10 Gbit / s. The package is selected depending on the required speed and budget.
  2. Discounts and bonuses are provided.
  3. Connection of additional services: short corporate numbers, cloud PBX, sales management system, multichannel telephone communication, etc.
  4. Cloud storage of information allows you to store large amounts of data.

Take advantage of the benefits of "Beeline"! To connect to the provider, call.

If you have recently become a corporate client of Beeline, then the question of service will be natural, because with individuals everything is more or less clear: call 0611 or go to any communication salon. We will describe below how a legal entity can resolve issues with Beeline communication.

If you have any questions about communication, your first impulse is to call. The number 0611 is open for private individuals. If a corporate client calls on it, then, of course, they will not be sent away, they will simply be transferred to the required department. The disadvantage of this option is that you have to wait long enough on the line. This can be avoided by calling the specially designated number: 8-800-700-06-28 from any phone or its short analogue 0628 from cell Beeline. The waiting time on the line here is less than on a regular number, and specialists in the field of corporate communications answer. If by 0611 you will be helped to connect services and advised on the cost, then set up a mailing list, auto attendant and similar services can only be at 0628.

If you are a wired Internet or television user, then the number for you 8-800-700-80-61 .

Here you can get financial advice, inquire about communication problems, and get setup advice.

Sometimes a call is not enough. These are cases when the operator needs to send a statement by mail or a claim.

Email address for corporate clients of the Beeline operator

In this case, use mail [email protected] ... At this address, you can solve both financial issues, for example, order accounts on emai, order a username and password to access your personal account, and send complaints, claims and suggestions.

Do not forget that all documents must be issued on a letterhead with a seal and signature of the manager. Sample statements can be downloaded from the operator's official website.

For those who use fixed-line services, separate addresses are allocated:

Beeline corporate customer service offices

Legal entities can resolve their issues in person at any service office. Now there is no division into those that solve the problems of individuals and work only with legal entities. Personal managers are allocated only to representatives of large business, so if you need expert advice, please contact the corporate communications salon, which is located closest to you.

How to get a Beeline account

Let's take this question out separately, since it is one of the most frequent among new clients. The most common options are:

  • Print from the personal account of a corporate client. True, you first need to get access. We wrote about this separately;
  • Receive at any Beeline office;
  • Order delivery by sending a request on letterhead to the operator's email address [email protected] The same applies to detailing, delivery by fax, Russian Post, courier (in Moscow).

Usually, the invoice is issued no later than the 6th day of each month. You will receive it by email immediately. For convenience, you can activate the SMS account service. From the message you will learn information about the invoice amount and the date of its formation. Connect option by number 067409231 .

By Russian post and by courier, invoices are delivered with a delay of up to 15 days.

For every business, one of the most important conditions for success is stable communications, including mobile communications for business. Now you cannot find a single company or corporation that does not use corporate mobile communications. It is stability and availability that are inherent in Beeline communications, the corporate rates of which we will now discuss.

What can Beeline offer its corporate clients?

Beeline understands how important it is in business to keep abreast of every minute.

To this end, he has developed a product line aimed precisely at such a specific audience of consumers as entrepreneurs and corporations.

Today there are proposals for them that provide reliable communication when working not only with a cell phone, but also with PCs and tablets.

Let's talk about each of them in more detail, because for each specific type of device, you need to choose your tariff for the smooth operation of the entire network.

Now with “Colleagues” you are even closer

The tariff plan is very simple and unpretentious - no pitfalls. Calls between subscribers bound by the contract are charged only 10 kopecks. in a minute, even if they are located in different parts of Russia. Calls to numbers not included in the corporate party (including Beeline) will cost the subscriber 1.9 rubles. in a minute. The same amount will cost one SMS message in Russia, and a message abroad - 6.45 rubles.

It will be helpful to review:

Beeline offers "Everything for business"

The profitable line of products of the corporate tariff "Everything for Business" allows subscribers to talk freely without paying and write SMS to colleagues throughout Russia. Among other things, this plan includes a number of additional services that can be connected to the number on favorable terms. Below you can familiarize yourself with each item in more detail.

In order to connect the tariff plan, you can simply go to the official website in the department for corporate clients, fill out the order form, indicating along with this your personal and corporate information about the company for which the corporate tariff is purchased. After that, a representative of the Beeline company will contact you in the near future and help you complete the registration process.

Reasonable savings with the option "My company"

Such a service allows you to implement optimization of communication costs for large companies, while at the same time not affecting its quality. What is the essence of the service? The fact is that the option allows you to connect to the contract even those SIM cards to which service communication does not apply. Along with this, the corporation itself will not spend a penny on this - subscribers connected to the corporate tariff pay for their services on their own.

In terms of cost and scope of options, the service is similar to the "All for Business" tariffs, but there are several additions:

  1. Free calls (for local and nonresident Beeline numbers in the amount of 120 minutes) and SMS for subscribers associated with the contract.
  2. Other Russian operators have a limit of 50 free minutes, the same number of free messages are provided.
  3. This entire set is available on a prepaid basis.

Corporate services from Beeline for mobile phones

A number of proposals that are willingly used by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

The components of each package are unchanged, customers only select a tariff for themselves based on the quantitative needs for services.

The subscription fee in this case directly depends on how many minutes, SMS or megabytes the client wants to buy.

There are 5 options for this tariff plan, the territory of which is Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • For business for 300 - it will give the subscriber 2 GB of Internet, 100 minutes of free communication, 100 SMS or mms. And all this for 300 rubles. per month.
  • For business for 600 - for 600 rubles. corporate clients will have 10 GB, 600 minutes and messages each.
  • For business for 1000 - the amount of Internet increases to 15 GB and 1500 minutes for calls and correspondence, as for the monthly fee, here it is 1000 rubles per month.
  • For business for 1500 - traffic increases by another 5 GB, and SMS and minutes here 3000. For this you will need to pay 1500 rubles.
  • For a business over 3000 - the amount of Internet is already 30 GB, and twice as many SMS and minutes for calls.

Corporate rates from the line "All for Business"

Attention! Figures and data on the tariff plan are given only for the Moscow region, for nonresident consumers there are their own grids and gradations. So in Kazan you can choose from similar tariffs with a monthly fee of 250, 450, 900 and 1500 rubles. per month.

There's a lot to offer for tablets too

The operator's services for tablet users are mainly aimed at offering the Internet exclusively for business purposes, since it will not be enough to watch video, download it and download traffic in these packages.

But for business communication this is not necessary, because to perform official duties, it is enough to check mail, use social networks and operate simple services that do not eat up precious traffic.

Beeline has prepared the following tariffs for tablets:

  • Fast and Furious 4 GB;
  • Fast and Furious 8 GB.

The difference, as you have already noticed, is only in the amount of supplied Internet and the price for the service. For the first option, you will need to pay 350 rubles. per month, and the second - 550 rubles.

For routers and USB modems

Larger traffic is offered for these devices on a corporate basis. This category of tariffs will provide an opportunity to watch videos, listen to audio tracks. The offer is limited to two tariffs - "Fast and the Furious 16 Gb" and "Furious 32 Gb".

Naturally, with an increase in the number of gigabytes, the payment will proportionally increase: for 16 GB the user will pay 850 rubles a month, and for 32 - 1150 rubles.

Summing up

Finding the tariff you need will not take much time and effort, since Beeline has developed its proposals in such a way that they include balanced options at reasonable prices. You just need to decide on their number, which is necessary to maintain a stable connection in your business.

Corporate tariff plans have been around for a long time, but not many mobile customers know why they are needed. After all, there are many favorable rates for individuals, which, at first glance, are cheaper to use. It should be noted that corporate rates in the name itself imply the use of a starter pack within a certain company, business, and other things.

Generally, corporate rates are intended for legal entities. With the use of such plans, the company benefits from advanced capabilities. Because of this, the cost of such packages is one level higher than for individuals. For a clearer example, this review contains tariff plans from the beeline company. It is this telecom operator that allows using corporate packages on favorable terms. Below is a brief description of the corporate plans of the Beeline company, which you can familiarize yourself with.

Tariff overview

Before the description, it should be noted that corporate Beeline tariffs are provided in two directions:

  1. Federal number;
  2. Direct number.

But which one to choose depends only on how the connection will be used. Also, corporate clients are given the opportunity to choose not a simple phone number, but a beautiful one. To make the set of numbers memorable for most people.

The first plan to be considered was "Prestigious for the Year". Such a plan allows subscribers to pay for communications a year in advance. Its cost will be 9,900 rubles per year for the Moscow region. If you count, then the monthly fee will not be so much for such a connection, only 825 rubles.

Customers who activate the tariff will be able to get:

  1. Unlimited within the network in Russia;
  2. 3000 free minutes for calls and 3000 free messages for communication and data exchange with any operators throughout the country.
  3. In addition, subscribers will also receive 20 GB of Internet traffic.

All these privileges are provided every new month. Also, customers are provided with a gift from the company, namely they can pick up a SIM card that will have a beautiful number. The cost of a SIM card must be within 1000 rubles. The organization will also be able to connect one more telephone number free of charge. The "Prestigious for the Year" rate is a really advantageous offer for many businesses.

Also, customers can use just the "Prestige" or "Prestige Exclusive" tariff plan. Their cost is different and amounts to 1200 rubles / month. and 7500 rubles / month respectively. You can find out more about these plans on the company's website or call the technical assistance operator. Beeline hotline by phone 0611.

Also, the company's subscribers can use a fairly inexpensive tariff called "Convenient". Its cost is only 350 rubles per month. A federal phone will be available to subscribers. A SIM card with such a tariff will be beneficial for use in the home region, because 200 minutes per month are provided for making free calls in Moscow while in the home network.

Full unlimited within the network, as well as unlimited calls to numbers that are registered under a single corporate agreement. Subscribers will also be able to connect one more phone for free.

It should be noted an equally profitable plan called "Bronze". Communication on such a plan is quite profitable. For 550 rubles / month users will be able to teach such privileges for communication:

  1. Unlimited network in the country;
  2. A package for calls in the amount of 600 minutes is provided, which will allow you to speak free within Russia with any operator.
  3. Also, a message package is credited to the SIM card, which includes 600 sms and mms.
  4. The company also did not miss the unlimited Internet. Customers are charged 10 GB of traffic for using the network without restrictions.

The "Bronze" tariff also provides for the connection of a second number.

To use unlimited Internet, you can activate the "Unlimited for 900" tariff. A phone with such a plan will allow you to use the Internet, without any restrictions, for an amount of 900 rubles, which are debited once a month. The tariff works throughout Russia. But it is intended only for surfing, calls and SMS are not provided for it.

Recently such tariff as “University” has appeared. This is a one-of-a-kind starter pack that has been created exclusively for anyone involved with higher education institutions in certain areas. It can be both students and teachers. By activating the "University" tariff on the SIM card, clients receive unlimited calls to the owners of the same plan. Calls to other numbers are not expensive at all. Also, the "University" plan implies a free Internet package that provides traffic for a month's use.

In the case when the SIM card carries the "University" tariff, the client will need to pay a monthly fee of 150 rubles. The "University" tariff plan can also be used by family members of students or teachers. Such an offer could significantly reduce communication costs, which is great news for many people. For detailed information on the "University" tariff, it is recommended to go to the company's website. In addition, details on it can be found at the educational institution itself. Connection is possible either with a passport in the communication salon, or with a student card.

Perhaps these are all popular and favorable rates from the company, but their list is very large. Therefore, if necessary, you can detail the data on the company's website.


You can activate any corporate tariff using the following methods:

  1. It is recommended to activate the plans in the company's branded stores. To connect, you will need the phone and passport of the owner of the SIM card.
  2. The hotline works without interruption. By calling it, subscribers can get advice and activate the tariff. You may need to name your passport details.
  3. It is also possible to buy an already activated plan in the new starter pack. The procedure can be done at the beeline office. After purchase, insert the SIM card into the phone and the tariff will be available.

Mobile communications for legal entities often account for a large share of expenses. Providing corporate SIM cards to employees is not only a pleasant bonus for employees, but also explains the need to coordinate the actions of all team members using mobile communications. Corporate tariffs from Beeline offer rather favorable conditions, since the subscription fee includes packages of free minutes and SMS.

Varieties of corporate rates

Today the product line consists of 4-5 offers, the number of which depends on the region served. For example, for Moscow and the region there are 5 tariffs, and in St. Petersburg and in most of Russia - only 4. The names of corporate tariffs immediately reflect their cost:

  • Everything for business for 450;
  • Everything for business for 900;
  • Everything for business for 1500.

Earlier, corporate tariffs of Beeline were "metal" - Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. For Moscow, the names of the tariffs will be different, since the cost for the services received is slightly shifted. So, the cheapest tariff for communication of a Muscovite will cost 300 rubles, although the subscriber is provided with fewer included services than at the minimum tariff in other regions.

Beeline tariffs do not have a connection fee, however, upon registration, an advance payment is charged, which will be on the subscriber's account until the termination of the communication services agreement. The exact amount depends on the selected tariff. General conditions for all are free unlimited communication between subscribers of the Beeline network. This means not only employees of one organization, but also people who are not part of this group.

The differences between the TP are in the amount of the subscription fee, as well as the amount of paid services included: free minutes to any numbers in Russia, SMS and MMS between subscribers who are not members of the same group, as well as Internet traffic. If the package limits are exhausted, the conditions for all tariffs become the same: 1 ruble per minute when calling phones in the home region and 3 throughout Russia, and SMS messages to any region - 1 ruble. SMS and MMS between employees are unlimited and free.

The guarantee payment for this Beeline tariff is equal to the amount of the subscription fee, that is, 250 rubles. The monthly fee itself covers 400 minutes for calls within Russia to the phones of other telecom operators, 400 SMS and MMS messages, and 4 GB of traffic. Tariffication conditions do not change when the subscriber is in roaming. The only exception is the Internet, which, when visiting the Republic of Crimea and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, will be paid separately at 9.95 rubles per 1 MB of traffic spent.

Everything for business for 450

The guarantee fee for this tariff is already 600 rubles. But the subscription fee already includes 700 free minutes and the same amount of SMS, and the traffic is doubled compared to the previous tariff, so you can use up to 8 GB of Internet monthly. After the traffic is exhausted by the end of the month, its speed will be 64 Kbps, so there will be no comfortable connection to the network. For most subscribers, this speed is tantamount to a complete disconnection of the Internet.

Everything for business for 900

A one-time guarantee payment is paid in the amount of 1200 rubles. For a monthly fee, the SIM card receives 1500 minutes and SMS, and the traffic size increases to 15 GB. Such a tariff plan is mainly chosen by rather large organizations. In addition, it is possible to share services between several employees at once, since several people can be simultaneously connected to the same tariff.

Everything for business for 1500

The guarantee payment is 1,700 rubles, and a monthly subscriber receives 5,000 minutes to numbers of other operators throughout Russia and the same amount of SMS. And the traffic reaches 20 GB. The most expensive TP for business with a monthly fee of 3,000 rubles, which operates in Moscow, provides 6,000 minutes and SMS, as well as 30 GB of Internet tariff.

How to connect?

Only legal entities can connect to the tariffs for business. To do this, you must either fill out an application on the Beeline website, which also contains information about the organization. The second option is to conclude an agreement at the Beeline service office. It is possible to disable the tariff after the employee's dismissal or due to the liquidation of the organization only in the communication salon. The employee himself can switch to other tariff plans remotely while saving the SIM card.

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