Download google earth in Russian. Google Maps (Google Maps)

For free observation of the Earth's surface and viewing satellite images online, you can use several applications. In Russia, two of them are most popular: Google Maps and Yandex Maps. Both services boast good quality satellite imagery from most countries.

Yandex maps are an online application from Russian developers, so the cities of Russia are more precisely designed in it. It has built-in functionality for viewing traffic congestion data (large settlements), demographic and geodata. Google maps have equally high-quality satellite images of the Russian Federation, but land and traffic data are available only for the United States.

Watch a map of Planet Earth from a satellite online

Below you can find the Google map built into the site. For more stable operation of the plugin, we recommend using the Google Chrome browser. If you see an error message, then update the specified plugin, and then reload the page.

Watch Google Earth from a satellite, in real time online:

Another advantage of Google Maps is the availability of a client application for working with satellite images. This means that access to the service can be obtained not only through the browser, but also through a previously downloaded program. It has much more features for viewing and studying satellite images, working with a three-dimensional virtual globe.

3D satellite map from Google (downloadable application, not an online version) allows you to:

  • use a quick search for the desired objects by name or coordinates;
  • take screenshots and record high quality video;
  • work offline (requires preliminary synchronization via the Internet);
  • use flight simulator for more convenient movement between objects;
  • save “favorite places” for quick movement between them;
  • view not only the Earth’s surface, but also images of other celestial bodies (Mars, the Moon, etc.).

You can work with Google satellite maps through a client application or browser. A plugin is available on the official page of the program, which allows you to use an interactive map on any web resource. It is enough to embed its address in the program code of the site. For display, you can select both the entire surface and a specific area (you will have to enter the coordinates). Management - using a computer mouse and keyboard (ctrl + mouse wheel for scaling, cursor to move) or using the icons on the map (“plus” - zoom in, “minus” - zoom out, move with the cursor).

The Google Earth Planet service in real time allows you to work with several types of maps, each of which reflects certain data on satellite images. It’s convenient to switch between them “without losing progress” (the program remembers where you were “located”). Available viewing modes:

  • satellite landscape map (geographical features, features of the Earth's surface);
  • physical map (detailed satellite images of the surface, cities, streets, their names);
  • schematic map for more accurate study of surface images.

The satellite image is automatically uploaded at the place of approach, so a stable Internet connection is required to work. For Google Earth to work offline, you need to download an application for Windows or another operating system. It also requires the Internet to work, but only for the first launch, after which the program synchronizes all the necessary data (satellite images, 3D models of buildings, names of geographical and other objects), after which it will be possible to work with the received data without direct access to the Internet.

The surface of the Earth can now be monitored continuously. In addition, there is access to view satellite images. Among the whole variety of applications for such actions, Google Earth online in real time has the most popularity in Russia.

As a main competitor, Yandex cards can be called. Their developers are Russians, due to which the cities of Russia are worked out with the greatest accuracy. Due to the available functions, for large settlements, you can view the level of Internet congestion, as well as numerous geodata and demographic data. Google provide access to traffic, as well as all the information on land only in the United States.

Satellite Live View of the Earth

Google Earth online from a satellite in real time is displayed on the manufacturer’s website. In order for the plug-in to fully work and display all the basic elements, it is recommended to use the Google Chrome Internet browser. In some situations, it will be enough to update the page so that everything opens correctly.

The main advantage of Google Maps is the presence of the developed application for users, through which you can view satellite images in any direction. This provides the opportunity to move away from the classic browser, but simply download the application in advance and use all its features. In addition, there will be much more functions and properties in it. If desired, you can open a three-dimensional globe in virtual mode.

Main advantages

If you pre-download Google Earth online, and not view the maps in an Internet browser, customers receive a full range of positive aspects, which include:

  • Take screenshots of a specific place, as well as record high-resolution video.
  • To search for a plot of land or a building, just enter the name or specific coordinates in the search bar.
  • Move between your "favorite places", saving them previously in the settings.
  • In order to subsequently have the opportunity to work in the program offline, you should make a preliminary synchronization via the Internet.
  • From object to object, you can move the flight simulator. This option provides more convenience for each user.
  • In addition to the earth's surface, you can open access to other bodies in heaven, like the Moon or Mars.

This is only the minimum list of advantages acquired by customers of online cards from the satellite.

View modes

As mentioned earlier, Google maps are available not only through an Internet browser, but also through the application. Through the plugin, you can use interactive maps in any web browser. The specified address is embedded in the program code of the resource. At the same time, the entire planet, as well as a specific selected region, can be displayed. In the latter case, you will have to enter the appropriate coordinates.

Management is via keyboard and mouse. Together with each other, they allow you to zoom in or out, adjust the cursor while moving. In addition, there are additional icons on the map ("+", "-").

Among the map viewing modes, the following stand out:

  • Landscape from the satellite. The features of the planet’s surface are more interesting here.
  • Geographic - in the form of a scheme that allows you to study incoming images in more detail.
  • Physical - displays streets with names, cities.

The main requirement for stable operation and instant download of cards is a high-speed Internet connection. You can also use the offline mode, but here you will initially have to use the Internet to download.

A program from Google for viewing satellite maps of the Earth and space.

Remember how the great writer Victor Hugo described Paris from a bird's eye view? Thanks to modern technology and the presence of the Internet, you can easily make such an unusual journey without even leaving your home. Moreover, you can take virtual tours around the world, and then also look into the depths of the sea. And if this is not enough, then you can go and go into space to explore the Moon or Mars, for example. All these features are provided by a relatively small free program. Google earth.

This program is a client of the same name Internet service and allows you to view, download and edit satellite images of any places on the globe. In addition, in the latest version Google earth  integration with servers such as Youtube and Panoramio has improved, as well as the opportunity to get acquainted with some historical events and look at the bottom of the ocean. Another innovation was the function of video recording of your route and viewing finished tours.

In addition to the free version, there is also a paid analogue of the program Google earth pro. Here is how they differ from each other:

Comparison of the free Google Earth satellite map with its paid version of Google Earth Pro

As you can see, there are differences, but they are not so critical. The biggest “nuisance” of all is the presence of copyrights and logos Google earth  on saved maps. A maximum resolution of 1000 pixels in most cases will be enough (in a paid maximum speed - 4800 px) to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe terrain. You can measure the area using the Ruler tool and the corresponding mathematical formulas. And instead of the built-in email client, you can use standard Outlook Express or an online service from Google.

Install Google Earth

There are two options. program installation . If you want to download it from the official site, then you will be prompted to download a small (about one and a half megabytes) executable file. After its launch, you will be prompted to download all the necessary installation files from the Internet. At the same time, it will be offered to install the Google Chrome browser as well. The second option is an offline installation (we suggest using it). In this case, all the necessary files are included in the installation distribution, which should be run to install the program.

After completing the installation process on the desktop, you will find a shortcut, by clicking on which, you can run Google earth.

A program window and a tips window will open, in which you can learn about some of the features Google earth. If you want the tips to not appear anymore, just uncheck the box "Show tips at startup".

Google Earth Interface

Now we will consider directly the program window itself.

It consists of several panels and the main window itself, in which maps are displayed. You can control the viewing using the navigation panel (on the right). The slider below determines the magnification of the map, the “with hand” button allows you to move the map, and the “with eye” button helps to change the viewing angle of the map.

Google Earth Settings

Before you start working with the program, I would advise you to look into its settings. Go to the menu "Instruments"  and select the item "Settings":

I advise you to pay attention primarily to the sliders “Relief display quality”  and "Overview Map". The higher your Internet connection speed, the higher you can set the terrain quality and the size of maps (tiles). The remaining settings are at your discretion :).

Close the settings and return to the main program window. Of most interest to us is the left side panel. It is with its help that you can find a specific locality, manage labels and map layers. It is divided into three corresponding subsections, each of which performs a number of functions.

Map search

The first section is "Search". Here you will see three bookmarks: “Flight”, “Company Search” and “Routes”. The first of them provides the ability to quickly find the desired point on the world map (city, village, street, house, etc.). The second tab is very similar to the previous one, but it allows you to find specific institutions in a given search area. The most spectacular opportunity is to lay a route between the two indicated points. We set two points (departure and arrival), press the search button and after a couple of seconds we get the result with a detailed description of the points of the route found. The only condition is that the search is performed only on already cached maps, so before laying a route, you should “show” all the maps on the way to the layer where the roads will be visible.


Section "Tags"  allows you to view information about some places marked on maps. Default to Google earth  contains only one set of labels under the common name Sightseeing Tour. Click on the plus sign next to the section name and you will see places that you can visit. Let's look at the Eiffel Tower, for example. Double-click the left mouse button on the label, and we are transferred to Paris :). For greater effect, I advise you to include the “3D buildings” layer in the layers section;).

Additional layers

And finally, the third section of the sidebar is "Layers". That's where the expanse is :). What is there just ... Love watching photos taken in different corners of the planet - turn on the layer "Panoramio". Interested in a road map - layer "Roads"  at your service. If you want to receive information about objects on the map from Wikipedia, activate the corresponding option in the section "Still". Here is such, for example, now the meteorological situation over Europe :)

Google Earth Toolbar

With the sidebar, I think there will be no problems, so let's now look at the possibilities of the toolbar:

The first button allows you to hide the sidebar. The following group of buttons helps us add one or another element to the map (label, shape, path, image or video tour). Consider how this is done with the example of a label. Push button "Add tag"  - a dialog box for adding an object appears. We select the desired place on the map and edit the information about it in the dialog box, then click Ok. The created label appears in the list in the side menu.

The next group of buttons allows you to view historical maps of the selected region and change the lighting. Clicking on the button with the image of the planet displays a list of available planets for which maps are compiled. These are the Earth, the Moon and Mars. In addition, you can see a map of the starry sky (with reference to terrestrial geographical coordinates).


Tool Ruler  allows you to measure the distance between two points on the map. There are two options for taking measurements. The first - "Line"  - allows you to measure only a straight path between two specified points. If you want to know, for example, the distance between two cities on the highway, then select "Way"  and indicate the broken line of your route.

Saving and forwarding part of the card

The last group of buttons allows you to send by mail the selected part of the card, print it on a printer or watch on the online service Google earth.

Google Earth Tools

And finally, let's look at one of the program menus, and specifically in the menu "Instruments".

If you have a GPS navigator, then you can synchronize it with the service Google earth  through the appropriate menu. Well, for special "extreme" there is the opportunity to fly by plane over any place on Earth thanks to flight simulator. We activate the simulator, select the plane, the area over which you want to fly and click "Start the flight". You can control the plane with the mouse, but I advise you to read the help, and get acquainted with the hot keys for this matter, since the control is very delicate :). An unforgettable experience guaranteed!

Even if at school you didn’t like geography, then with Google earth  You will spend more than one hour of time exploring our planet or traveling in space. You can see cities and countries that you have not been to before, as well as tell everyone about your city and its attractions. WITH Google earth  You can easily show your photos to the whole world or send them to your friends. In a word Google earth  it's not just geography, but the whole world on the screen of your monitor!

P.S.  This article is intended for free distribution. Copying with authorship is welcomed Ruslan Tertyshny  and all P.S. and P.P.S.

P.P.S.  If you liked this program, then you can try another similar solution. This program is a shell for many satellite maps, including the Google Earth service, among other things.

Google earth - A universal program for viewing the surface of the Earth. In its market segment for a long time occupies leading advanced positions. With it, you can view photos of countries, cities and localities in high resolution. Also possible get acquainted with the 3D model of any landscape. The Earth’s surface is captured by modern high-tech satellites. Free Download Google Earth  It is recommended to everyone who likes to learn new countries and cities, no matter how far they are from home.

Google Earth Planet in Russian  provides an opportunity for users to travel the planet. For its normal operation, a sufficient amount of RAM, at least 512 MB, is required. This is necessary so that the globe displayed on the screen rotates without slowing down. You can zoom in on a map of a particular area using the mouse wheel. Google Earth 2019 for Windows captured the most remote corners of our planet. So any user can make a unique journey of their kind.

Google Earth 2019 is accessible to everyone and very easy to manage. Convenient location of key buttons and menu items contributes to quick map navigation.  The program also has a well-implemented search for the right place or city. In addition, there is a help section where everyone can get the information they need.

You can always download the latest version of Google Earth to your computer on our portal. We constantly monitor updates on the developer's site.


Program Status:  Free

The size:  36.21 Mb

Developer:  Alphabet Inc.

System: Windows | macOS | Android | iOS

Russian language:  Yes

What are the uses satellitesflying over our heads in real timeyou know?

We can just watch them, we can with the help, we can calculate the coordinates and get pictures of the area.

In addition to the above presented static map of the Earth from the satellite, you can use the service or just such an interactive map to view:

But you can look at such a card from a satellite on the Yandex Maps service

Satellite map of the world from Yandex maps online:
  (Use + and - to zoom the map)

Google Earth maps also provide virtual travel to any corner of the world.

(To move around the map, enlarge, reduce the map, change the image angle, use the navigation in the form of arrows and + and - signs at the top of the map. Try also to control the map by holding the right mouse button)

Enter the name of the city:

You can observe the Earth in real time from the satellite! You can learn more about this in our article “”

The capabilities of satellites today are simply fantastic. It turns out that there is another no less interesting activity - satellite fishing!
  If you have:
  1) satellite dish
  2) Computer DVB tuner (DVB-PCI tuner, DVB card)
  Then you can go fishing. But what, then, can we catch and what is the point here?

And the meaning is this - by sending a request for the issuance (downloading) of a file, you send a request to a special server, the answer comes via satellite to the receiving plate. One request is sent, and anyone can accept it, because the satellite does not know where a particular user is and transmits information to everyone who falls within its coverage area. In order to get the file you need special card for receiving a signal from. The card has a unique number by which the satellite identifies the recipient, allowing him to receive discrete data. In turn, the "fisherman" catches the entire stream, all user information from some provider. In order to catch something worthwhile from this stream, special grabber programs are needed, in which there are filters where you can specify file extensions, size, etc. The only thing is that grabbers do not determine a file by extension, but by file signature, so you will additionally need to download codes with filters. You will also need renamer programs to sort files by directories, delete unnecessary and clones.
  Who knows, maybe you can catch something “large” or stumble upon information from the “Top secret” section, which will bring a little romance and adventurous notes into your life.

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