The best services for wrapping behavioral factors. Behavioral factors. Promotion and promotion

Hello dear readers of my blog.

Everyone is wondering how to promote their own Internet projects to the top of Olympus. To do this, all methods are good, both white and black SEO.

Today I’ll talk about the dark side of traffic mining, and more specifically about tools to improve PF.

For your convenience, I decided to collect each service for promotion of behavioral factors in this post.

I do not want to delve into the details of each, much less test it myself. I do not have many sites to shoot them in the eyes of Yandex.

I will give only a series of brief characteristics and descriptions for each tool for general information.

TOP online tools for promoting behavioral factors

They promise to withdraw your site from average positions in the TOP 10

Price - 5 r / transition

The SERPClick system does the following for you:

  • Rate inquiries;
  • Properly prepares clicks throughout the site;
  • Report on the budget;
  • Distribute tasks to users;
  • Distribute tasks to users;
  • Summarize (statistics).

According to my collected reviews, I conclude that the service is not worth using. Many bloggers conducted experiments, but alas, 90% were under the PS filter for wrapping up behavioral factors.

  They promise to fully simulate the traffic from the search!

  • Price - 4 p. 00 kopecks (5 p. Moscow IP)
  • It is completely Trast service to wind behavioral factors. One of the leaders on the Russian Internet. There is a personal support forum where you can find out a lot of interesting things.
  • Posted by Roman Morozov, Honored Artist among SEO Optimizers.

Behavioral factors are said to be effectively improved.

Analyze transitions in detail.

Effectively configure the system yourself.

They consider their methods real.

The reviews write about good statistics of attendance and cheating. It seems that all operations are carried out by living people.

The service catches up traffic from different ip, but not a word has been said about the increase in behavioral factors.
Cost:  1000 visits for 30 p.
  They give a visit bonus for registration. Good affiliate program and three service packages.

What behavioral factors take into account:

Separately, each CTR upon individual request;

Region ip user;

Period and depth of viewing pages.

Where to start improving behavioral factors: basic settings.

For starters, the wrapping of behavioral factors can be done with the TOP-50, that is, the middle of delivery.

It should be borne in mind that a sharp increase in visitors is not natural and Yandex may not like it. In this regard, I recommend starting with search queries that occupy the TOP 10 positions.

Use PF to adjust traffic should be given the frequency of requests. Since it makes no sense to throw money into phrases with a frequency of 10 to 50.

This parameter depends on the theme of the site. For some, the WS - 1000 will be the best option, and for narrow niches, 100 is enough.

How to dunk a competitor with behavioral influence?

Yandex company assures optimizers that it is impossible.

Contrary to search engines, some SEO gurus claim the opposite. It’s unlikely that it will be possible to influence the mega-popular sites that occupy leading positions, but it’s quite realistic for some upstarts (slightly ahead of your competitors).

Download a shit program like "TRAMP"  and wind up competing sites. This is not a panacea, of course you can apply more serious methods.

How to protect your web resource from attack by competitors?
  1. Monitoring periodically traffic.
  2. Track traffic coming from constant, same suspicious ip (use webwizor from Yandex metrics).
  3. With a strange unjustified flow of visitors, immediately write to Google and Yandex support and hope for a miracle.

Watch for strange things happening on your site and take measures to eliminate them without slowing down!


To use these services or not is up to you, dear readers.

I can only say that I would not engage in this kind of activity, the percentage of imposing sanctions and getting into the BAN is too high.

To bring the site to good positions, read (only proven methods).

If you still know the existing tools - write in the comments, it will be useful to consider them too.

Good luck in your promotion!

Behavioral factors are visitor behavior on the site. Today they are of great importance for website promotion, moreover, we can say that this value is steadily increasing. There is logic in this, because only the user can really correctly decide how useful the site is to him.

The influence of behavioral factors

Visitor behavior takes into account:

  • Login to the site (source, login page);
  • Time spent on the site;
  • The number of pages viewed;
  • Referrals to internal and external links.

These are indicators by which you can measure user behavior on the site.

It is known that in the search engine ranking the following factors are taken into account:

  • Number of failures;
  • Depth of view (number of pages visited on the site);
  • Time on site;
  • The scheme of movement on the site;
  • CTR snippet in search results;
  • Social signals (if users share materials on social networks);
  • Return to the site from bookmarks;
  • Return to the search.

The latter factor is considered the most important, simply because if the user returns to the search, it means he has not received an answer to his question. Consequently, the PS will decide that but this request does not need to put this page in high places. The optimizer cannot recognize this indicator; it is known only to the search engine. To some extent, you can focus on the number of refusals, but the user can spend a few minutes on the site, view a couple of pages, but still return to the search.

Search Engine Behavioral Factor Collection Methods

For their part, PS can only measure a number of factors, such as the CTR of the snippet, social signals and a return to the search. To collect other data, they use:

  • Statistics collection systems that optimizers install themselves. These are Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica;
  • Browsers that belong to PS. Yandex.Browser and Google Chrome. They collect a lot of data;
  • Browser plugins (bars, applications, etc.) are also capable of transmitting information.

You cannot forbid search engines to collect data on behavioral factors; if you do not set up statistics systems, then you will only limit their possibilities. Is there any need to do this? Of course no. There is no sense in this, while you yourself are depriving yourself of excellent tools for analyzing behavioral factors.

A good site, in terms of behavioral factors, is one that solves the user's problem. Optimal behavioral factors can be very different at different sites. For a one-page user, it is important that the user comes, sees and buys. The depth of viewing and the time on the site in this case do not matter if the user did not immediately buy what he needs. For information sites or online stores, this is much more important, there these indicators (if they are good) give a clear signal to the PS: "The site is interesting to the user."

Today it is no longer possible to ignore the value of PF; the optimizer should strive to improve them. There are only two ways:

  • Natural;
  • Unnatural.

I’ll talk about natural methods in the article “Improving Behavioral Factors”. Unnatural methods include cheating using a number of services. I do not recommend them, since today there is a very big risk of falling under the filter for wrapping PF, search engines have very well learned to recognize such methods.

If you have a very good and interesting site that has excellent behavioral factors, this does not mean that they do not need to be improved. Practice shows that PF can be improved almost always, and this facilitates its promotion. But at the same time, it is also important not to aggravate them by their own actions.

What can worsen behavioral factors?

Even at the stage of creating the site, you need to avoid errors that can guaranteedly worsen PF. There are things that you can’t do at all or you need to do very carefully, they will be discussed below.

Information does not respond to user request

One of the most common reasons to leave a site. If you are sharpening a page for a specific request, the information on it should completely answer the user's question. When a user searches for a “product price”, he wants to know the price, and not read a long description without specific numbers.

Sometimes search engines can make mistakes and people can come to a page for requests that aren’t answered on the page. Most often this happens on low-frequency queries or when there are no other materials on the subject in the issue. In this case, it is better to add the information that users need, this can greatly reduce the number of failures.

Excessive advertising

No one likes sites with lots of ads, pop-ups, or randomly playing videos. You will not only receive a large number of refusals, but also run the risk of getting sanctions from search engines for a large amount of advertising. Plus, they will lower you in the issue of bad behavioral factors.

Yes, with advertising sites earn their living, but you need to be very careful in this matter. Deteriorating behavioral factors will also reduce income. It’s better not to work on the amount of advertising, but on its quality.

Long texts

Today there are fewer and fewer fans to read; for many, a long text is an excuse to leave the site. Without need, large “sheets” do not need to be written. If the topic can be revealed in 2-3 thousand characters, you do not need to write 10. And if there is such a desire, it is better to make some materials and relink them. But if the page needs long text, follow these rules:

  • The text should contain images, videos and other elements that will make its perception easier;
  • Do the table of contents with anchors, this makes it easy to navigate long articles;
  • The beginning of the text should be interesting and make the visitor want to read it to the end.

Keywords and errors

Unnatural key phrases like “buy a city cheaply” are disgusting for many. Especially when they are in every paragraph (or even sentence) and are in bold. This can be said about numerous errors. Plus or minus a comma - no one will pay attention to it, but if the text was written by an author who does not know Russian at all, no one will read it. Just because this is not credible.

Design and layout

Incorrect layout and terrible design very often cause deterioration in behavioral factors. If the site is made in unnatural colors, if the design looks cheap and clumsy (especially on a commercial site), then such a project will not cause any confidence. Layout also should not cause inconvenience to the user, look at your site yourself from different browsers and with different resolutions. There should be no errors here, these are the basics.

I’ll also include an unreadable font. Surprisingly, this still occurs.

Black font on a dark blue background ... what can I say, you yourself see everything.

Ill-conceived navigation

Poor navigation, which does not push the user to go through your site, can be the cause of bad behavioral factors. There is no need to talk about deterioration (unless you have changed the navigation to the worst option), but usually there is always something to work on. Your site should have a well-thought-out menu, linking, search bar (especially if you have a lot of pages).

Page Download Speed

The user is used to the fast Internet, he is also used to the fact that sites load in a couple of seconds. If your site will load for a very long time, then a large number of failures can be guaranteed. Do not overload pages with elements that can take a long time to load (animation, etc.). It may look beautiful, but what difference does it look like if most people don't see it?

Mandatory registration

Mandatory registration is often the reason for leaving the site. If you need it, make it possible for users to log in through accounts on social networks that almost everyone has today. This applies not only to online stores, but also to many other sites, including information ones. The user read the article, wanted to leave a comment, but they require mandatory registration? 99 out of 100 will leave.

Deprecated Content

Sometimes it happens that the article hangs in the top, but the information in it is already outdated. Many are too lazy to update old articles, this may be the reason for the deterioration of behavioral factors. Here you must either not display the date of publication of the document, which immediately shows that it is out of date, or update the content. The latter option is better, as many will still realize that the information is outdated, even without a date.


Texts with a lot of terms will almost certainly scare away those who are not versed in the topic. Add tooltips when you hover over text or explain the meaning of the term in brackets. Those who know their meaning will not pay attention to it, and the rest of this will greatly facilitate the perception of the text.

These are the main mistakes that can lead to deterioration of behavioral factors. I did not mention very specific ones, like a musical background (there are still such sites), I indicated only the most common ones. Try to avoid them from the very beginning, this will facilitate the promotion of the site.

In the modern world of high technology, the development of Internet projects plays a huge role in promoting business ideas. For this, two types of SEO are used - black and white.

The author of the blog is engaged in white SEO !!! But sometimes, at the request of customers, you have to resort to gray and even black SEO. Usually I use cheats for external optimization, crowdfunding, promotion of a resource on other sites (views, likes, comments). I recommend in 95% of cases not to use cheating on your site.

According to statistics, the use of black SEO is much more productive in terms of speed of achieving results than other types of promotion. One of the channels of black SEO is the wrapping of PF with the help of traffic surge. In order to understand the system for obtaining this type of traffic, first of all, you should consider each service individually helping to promote using behavioral factors.

Behavioral Services  every day gaining great popularity. It is cheap, angry, quickly in the right hands.

Task behavioral factors

The main tasks of cheating behavioral factors include:

  • Accounting for the number of people following the URL.
  • Definition of individual CTR pages.
  • Receiving traffic from the desired GEO zones by means of determining the IP of the user.
  • Increase page browsing time.
  • Number of pages viewed.
  • Activity.

Attention, when driving traffic, keep calm and use this tool adequately. All indicators should be similar to the desired site, page (lifetime, activity, number of pages viewed, failures).

Configuring Behavioral Factors

Yandex system controls the process of site traffic, so an unnatural increase in viewing the resource may be blocked. To do this, start wrapping up the behavioral factors should be from the pages located in the TOP - 10. Traffic is regulated using the PF and query statistics are taken into account. It follows that the frequency of requests from 10 to 50 often leads to a waste of money. Before you start cheating attendance, you need to pay attention to the site settings.

Commonly used services that will help you buy referrals to the site include:


The main objective of the service is to bring the customer’s website to the TOP 10 best. Promotion price - 5 rubles per transition. The improvement program consists in evaluating the request, packaging clicks, receiving a budget report, distributing tasks among users, and providing statistics.

According to numerous reviews about the site, we can conclude that this service is not effective. The result of using this site is the opportunity to be under the PS filter due to behavioral factors.


Behavioral factors are said to be effectively improved. - Analyze transitions in detail. - Effectively configure the system yourself. - They consider their methods real. The reviews write about good statistics of attendance and cheating. It seems that all operations are carried out by living people.


userator.ruhelp buy page views. The duty of the resource is to simulate traffic from the search. The cost of the work done is 4 - 5 rubles, depending on the IP. This is one of the sites to which you can entrust the promotion of behavioral factors. The resource is widely used in the vastness of Russia.

An additional advantage of the site is forum for customer support. The site actively does a cheat on behavioral factors, conducts transition analysis, and customizes the system. Website users claim that this resource improves traffic statistics. Userator was created by Roman Morozov, a well-known SEO optimizer.


AT publications  the site indicates that it catches up traffic thanks to various IP addresses, while being silent about the increase in behavioral factors. The cost of the service is 30 rubles per 1000 visits. This resource provides an affiliate program, a package of services and a visit bonus for registration.

Eliminating Competitors Using Behavioral Factors

The Yandex search engine claims that eliminating competitors using behavioral factors is not possible. Sites with huge traffic will be difficult to bypass, but eliminating petty competition is quite possible. There are a large number of programs that, after downloading them, carry out a sufficient increase in attendance.

Confrontation with competitors

To eliminate competition, the following series of actions should be carried out:

  • Traffic analysis.
  • Use Webwizor to detect suspicious IP addresses.
  • If you have problems with visitors, you should contact Yandex and Google support.

Any problems or suspicious processes occurring on the site should be immediately fixed.

Topic  Behavioral factors associated with cheating have been discussed for a long time on the network, but the use of sites for cheating traffic is a purely individual solution. It should always be remembered that traffic cheating can entail sanctions and BAN. To increase site traffic, a positive result will bring improved behavioral factors.

i repeat, do not use cheating on your sites, it can only be useful for promoting external publications.

Leave comments if the topic will be interesting (I will add a few more highly specialized sites).

In this article I want to consider a popular, today, direction in website promotion - optimization of behavioral factors.

Briefly, the behavioral factor is an assessment of the search engine of the nature of user behavior on your site and awarding the site a certain position in accordance with this assessment. Analysts working in the giants of the search industry, such as Yandex and Google, have long come to the conclusion that code optimization and a thematic citation index have long ceased to be an indicator of high-quality sites that meet the user's search criteria. And the true criterion can only be how much the end user who clicked from the search engine was interested in this site. And this behavior is determined again by the end user. Behavioral factors include how long the user spent on your site as a whole and on each page separately, how many clicks he made, and even mouse movements and clicks on the pages of your site.

The behavioral factor is determined by the following parameters:

  • Attendance  - how many unique visitors came to your site per day.
  • Search Engine Transitions  - how many visitors came for various requests from search engines.
  • Failure rate  - the ratio of the number of failures to the number of interested visitors. A failure is considered to be a transition to the site when the user has been on the site for less than 15 seconds without looking at more than 1 page. Naturally, the lower the bounce rate, the higher the position of your site.
  • Duration  stay on the site and the duration of viewing each page.
  • Session depth  - how many pages are viewed on the site, after going to it.
  • Return from site to search  - it is not yet clear how this parameter is taken into account, but it is considered a bad sign if a person has looked through your site, and after that returned to the search engine and started looking at other sites. That is, it is understood that your site is good when the user found on it all the necessary information.
  • User behavior on site pages  - this criterion takes into account mouse movements, scrolling (page scrolling), clicks, keystrokes.

For the "good behavior" of the user on your site, the latter should not only contain all the necessary information, but also look beautiful in the search engine (title, favicon and meta description to help you), present information beautifully and clearly, encourage the user to also read other information on your site (make people browse the pages).

That is, the only, quite honest method of improving the characteristics of behavioral factors is to create a really high-quality website that is good for the average user.

Methods for optimizing behavioral factors.

There are several recommendations in order to encourage the user to go to your site from the search, and after the transition, motivate him to spend enough time on your site and perform actions that the search engines will “appreciate”. We list the main ones:

  • Quality content, comprehensive content of articles. Only if the user finds on your site everything that he needs, he will linger on it and will not return to the search results. Therefore, only the completeness and qualitative content of the material are the leading parameters for the promotion of behavioral factors.
  • Visual representation in search. Here we include the recommendations listed above: a beautiful, memorable website icon, well-composed page titles and descriptions in the meta description tag.
  • Competent and high-quality page linking. This factor will help increase the depth of view. For this, it is necessary to make links to other articles among the articles on the site, blocks like “See also” or “Popular articles” will also be useful.
  • Video posting  help increase the time spent on the site. Therefore, supplement your articles with video materials that you can design as separate pages or embed among text content. Placing a video increases the time it takes to view pages up to 10 minutes or more, and this is very, very useful. Also, in order to increase the time spent, for sites of entertaining subjects, you can place light games, puzzles or gif-pictures.
  • Placing comments form for articles or headings. Commenting is a very useful addition to your site. Provide a comment form for the article, and in case of promotion of stores or services, be sure to add the ability to leave feedback. Fortunately, today you can use the built-in functions of popular CMS, such as Joomla or WordPress, or use third-party services - Disqus, Hypercomments or comments from Vkontakte. Moreover, the ability to comment does two useful things at once - it improves behavioral characteristics and constantly fills your site with fresh content.

Monitoring and evaluating user behavior on your site.

In order to improve the behavioral factors on the site, you need to somehow see the actions of users when they visit it. So that, in which case, if people do not linger on some pages and immediately “run away” back into the search, we can take some actions to improve this situation. It is most convenient to evaluate these factors using the Yandex metric service. This service is a collector of statistics of visits for your site and looks very similar to other counters, such as liveinternet or mail, but it is only externally. Inside Yandex metric is a very powerful tool for in-depth analysis of user behavior on the site.

After you install the counter on the site and it takes some time to collect statistics (a few hours or a day), you need to go to the metrics page, log in, and you can watch such parameters as the number of failures, the transition to search phrases, the number pages viewed and much, much more. But the most important thing lies in the built-in tool Webvisor. Go to it in the side menu:

When you go to the webviewer, you see a table in which each line displays a separate visit of a user. In the columns you can see the parameters of this visit, such as the source of the visit; the search phrase by which the user found your site, the number of pages viewed; time spent on the site; browser, operating system and so on.

On the left, near each visit there is a small button (a triangle in a circle). By clicking on it, you can watch something like a video of the visit and see what the user was doing on your site.

Also pay attention to the “Activity” column, this is exactly how Yandex evaluates user behavior on the site, that is, this is the desired behavioral factor. This rating can be from 1 to 5 and is conditionally displayed in circles. Moreover, the better, according to Yandex, the behavior, the greener the circles. In the above image, only one visit was rated 5 points. In my personal experience, a rating of 5 can be obtained only if the user writes something on the page: comment, review or post. If the user did not write anything, then even if he made 40 visits and was on the site for 3 hours, he still would not receive more than 4 points. That's why I pay special attention to the presence of the comment form on the site.

Thus, browsing the information in the web browser, you can understand: which pages have a good factor of behavior, and which ones need to be done to improve it. And using the recommendations given in this article, I think you can easily achieve the result you need. Simply optimize pages, add videos, comments, raise controversial issues to encourage people to comment. In general, make each page of the site interesting for the user, and your site will be loved not only by visitors, but also by search engines.

Absolutely everything is written about behavioral factors: both honored gurus and beginner seo optimizers. Consider behavioral factors, their effectiveness, and also talk about the myths of promotion in this way.

Links, internal optimization, seo texts are terms that entered the vocabulary of specialists and service customers a long time ago. Despite the fact that some of the nuances regarding the use of these areas are still controversial, their effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed and measured. The market does not stand still: in the SEO toolkit there are new techniques for promoting sites and increasing their traffic. One of the ways that has become popular only in the last 3-5 years is through the promotion of behavioral factors (PF).

Like any innovation in the SEO industry, the rapid development of such services could not but cause many myths and misconceptions (and sometimes deliberate misinformation of customers). It is to them that we will devote our today's post.

Myth # 1: promoting behavioral factors produces instant results.

Today, to argue that behavioral factors actually work effectively is already pointless. Based on this thesis, many customers expect super-fast results and an impressive growth in positions as soon as they notice a 2-3% drop in failures in Metric. In fact, the first results appear after 1-2 months of promotion.

The truth is that search engines, although they use behavioral factors in ranking, but changing them on a site cannot give immediate results by definition. In Yandex, for example, updates (updates) of behavioral factors do not happen more than once a month.

Myth # 2: Behavioral Behaviors Are Dangerous

In fact, if you use the improvement of behavioral factors using the TOR browser or go to promotion services and statistics systems from different devices, then the probability of filters is completely eliminated.

Myth # 3: Behavioral Factors Don't Work

This myth is the opposite extreme for many optimizers. Considering that changes are often not obvious, and it is difficult to track the direct relationship, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the influence of PF on ranking is completely absent.

In order to verify the influence of behavioral factors, it is enough to look at the efforts that Yandex makes in the fight against various services.

Myth number 4: behavioral factors for the site can be disabled

Search engines take information about user behavior from a wide variety of sources: click-through rate, browser plug-ins (e.g. Yandex.Bar) and statistics collection system counters (Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics). Of course, the webmaster will not be able to influence the entire combination of these tools.

On the other hand, there is a piece of truth in this myth. So, for example, if the behavioral factors are far from ideal and are clearly worse than the average in terms of topics, it makes sense to temporarily not use Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics - not to send the search engines sad statistics on their site until the situation improves. During this period, for collecting analytics, you can connect, for example, LiveInternet or other statistics collection systems

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