Is it possible to make a message unread on VKontakte. How to make VKontakte unread message

We have already learned how to recover messages (see). Now let's continue the topic of correspondence in VK. Quite often there is a need to read what was sent to us. But so that the message remains unread. This is necessary so that the person who wrote to us does not learn that we have read his message.

Now I will show you how to make VKontakte unread message.

Is it possible?

While the message has not been opened, it is displayed with a gray backlight. And the message counter shows that we have new messages (see).

Well, when they sent one word or sentence. It will be visible in the general list of dialogs, without opening correspondence.

Keep in mind that if you open a dialog, the message will go into the “Read” status. The backlight disappears and the message counter is reset to zero. And the sender will know that you have read his message.

It’s impossible to unread the message you opened!

How to be?

There is a little trick. Here is a special link for you -\u003dday:01012001. At the end is a group of 8 digits. What do they mean?

  1. The first two are the day.
  2. Second - month
  3. Last Four - Year

Copy this link and paste into the browser. Indicate the date for which you need to quietly read the message. Let's try to look at today's correspondence as an example (the article was written on February 16). The link will look like this:\u003dday:16022017

We will go to the page for viewing the full version of the dialogs. As you can see, the correspondence is presented here, in which there are 6 unread messages. On this page they are displayed in a list.

Video lesson: how to make a read message on VK unread


With this simple trick, we can discreetly read our correspondence.


In contact with

When sending a message to Vkontakte, we sometimes wait for an answer to it. But it is not known whether the interlocutor read it or has not yet read it. Unread messages are pretty easy to identify from both the phone and the computer.

Quick navigation:

How to find out if my message has been read in VK from a computer.

If you wrote a VKontakte message to another person and sent it, then it is very easy to find out about the status of its reading. To do this, use color highlighting, standard functionality from VK developers.

Visit your VK posts. You will remove unread messages against the background of the rest, they are highlighted darker than the rest, read messages.

In the example in the image, we see 2 unread messages from list of all dialogs.

Of course, the visibility of such a selection leaves much to be desired, probably this designation of unread messages should be made more contrast. For example, depending on how the laptop screen is located, such a selection changes from clear to completely indistinguishable, merging.

In the dialogue itself, if you enter, then we will also see a darker, blue highlighting around the sent message, if the message has not yet been read. If you read the message, then there will be no selection and the color will be light, like the rest of the Vkontakte website background.

Not visible read message or not on Vkontakte.

Depending on the angle at which you look at the screen of a monitor, your computer or laptop. Highlighting unread messages can merge and be difficult to distinguish. Just try to look at the dialogs from a different angle.

How to see unread messages in the VK from the phone.

In the VK application for mobile and in the mobile version, it operates as a rule, messages that are unread, are highlighted in a darker color than the rest of the background.

For example, circled in red are 2 messages that have not yet read.

How to find out who read a message in a VKontakte conversation.

Again, following the example of the Whats App where checkmarks appear in gray, while when the message is delivered and change color to green when the message is read. Checkmarks remain gray while these are unread messages.

There is no such function in Vkontakte, but if you sent your message, be sure that it will reach when the interlocutor enters the social network. network.

Each of us is familiar with such circumstances: we read the message, but we don’t want or cannot answer it right away. And our interlocutor sees that the message has been read, but there is no answer. An awkward situation, huh? Fortunately, it can be avoided.

How to quietly read messages in any services

The most obvious option is to view new messages directly on the notification panel of a mobile device without opening the dialog itself. This way you can read at least short replicas of your interlocutors.

If in iOS you swipe left on a message on the panel and click “Watch,” it will show even more text that might not fit in the preview. A similar opportunity is offered by many Android devices. But if the message is very long, then using the panel you can’t read it to the end.

There is one more universal, but not the most convenient way. Having received the message, you simply disconnect and read the dialogue in the corresponding program. The interlocutor does not know about reading until you connect the gadget to the Web. This is the only way to secretly view the message text, for example, in Instagram Direct, and many other applications, in the settings of which you can not disable the read report.

Now consider the options designed for specific programs and services.

How to quietly read messages in iMessages

Developers allow you to hide the fact of reading through the settings. If you use an iPhone or iPad, select "Settings" → "Messages" and turn the switch next to "Read Report" to colorless mode. After this, the interlocutors will not see whether you are reading their messages or not.

To disable read notifications on, go to "Messages" → "Settings" → "Accounts" and uncheck the box next to "Read Report".

How to quietly read Facebook posts

Officially, such an opportunity is not provided. But there are solutions from third-party developers.

If you use the Google Chrome browser, then download Unseen for Facebook. After installation, it will automatically hide the reading status from your interlocutors.

If you prefer Firefox, there is a similar plugin for this browser - Message Seen Disable for Facebook.

Unfortunately, in the mobile version it is not yet possible to hide the reading status. So if you need to ignore someone, you have to use it on a computer.

How to quietly read messages on WhatsApp

There is a special option in the settings of the WhatsApp mobile application for this purpose. Open the section "Settings" → "Account" ("Account") → "Privacy" ("Confidentiality") and turn off the toggle switch "Read reports". After that, the messenger will stop marking messages with blue checkmarks.

In the desktop version of WhatsApp, this setting is not available. But if you use it in a mobile application, then the changes will apply to the computer.

How to quietly read messages in Viber

In this popular messenger, you can also turn off viewing reports directly in the official mobile client. To do this, go to the menu "Settings" → "Privacy" and disable the option "Viewed".

In the desktop version of Viber, this setting is not available. But if you use it in a mobile application, then the changes will apply to the computer.

How to discreetly read messages on VKontakte

There are no standard functions for this. But you can try workarounds.

Android users have access to the alternative client VKontakte Kate Mobile. If you log into it using your account and click "Settings" → "Online" → "Close Unread", the program will hide the status of messages. Unfortunately, I could not find a client for iOS with the same functionality.

There is also a way to secretly read messages on the VKontakte web version. You can use the link\u003dday:xxxxxxxx, specifying the digits of the current date in the format DDMMYYYY instead of X: for example, 19032018. A message box will open in which you can read them unnoticed by senders. But keep in mind that developers can close this loophole at any time.

How to quietly read messages in Outlook

You can turn off viewing reports in the web version of Outlook. Go to “Settings” → “Mail” → “Message Processing” → “Read Notifications” and check the box “Never send notifications”. Changes will be saved for all Outlook clients.

Hello, friends! As you know, all messages from other users that you have not yet read are highlighted in blue. As soon as you click on the message, a dialog with the selected user will open and the message will be read - it will be written not on blue, but on a white background. And, naturally, your interlocutor will also understand that you have read the message.

But there are times when another person does not need to know that you are reading his letters. Let's say you are offended by a person, or someone who is a stranger writes in general. But you really want to read! What to do in this case?

So let's deal with this. We will learn to read a completely sent message from another user. At the same time, it and on your page will still be displayed as unread.

If you already clicked on a message that you didn’t want to click on and opened a dialog, it will go into the read status. The question arises: how to mark a message on Vkontakte as unread? Well, that one can’t be helped in any way (at the moment, in any case) - to pretend that you have not read it will not work. But for the future, you can use one of the methods described in the article.

How to read VKontakte messages without marking them as read

If the user sent a short message, then everything is very simple. Go to your messages and read the sent text without opening a dialogue. If there are several messages, type the full name of the user in the search bar (for example, Anya Kaminskaya), and a list with all his messages will open in front of you.

But if an ellipsis is at the end of the visible part of the message text, then it is not displayed completely.

The method may take some time if you have a large chat history in your profile. But ... if you really want to read messages from a computer or laptop, and in any other way, then perhaps it is worth it.

Please note that it is not always safe to download various programs for Vkontakte from the Internet. There is a chance of catching a virus, or that your username and password will fall into the hands of another person.

Using AutoVK

Download the AutoVK program from the official site - it is indicated in the screenshot below in the lower right corner:

Enter your login and password, then click on the "Authorization" button.

Now in the lower left corner should appear the name and surname specified in your Vkontakte profile. If so, click on the "Messages" button.

In the next window, select the folder on the computer where all the dialogs will be downloaded. I previously created the folder "Downloaded correspondence" on the desktop. I select it and click "OK."

Wait until the process is completed and a window appears with the message “Finish”.

We search for the selected folder and open it.

Files will be shown in it - the whole dialogue with one person, this is a separate file. Chat _ # _ 1 is the conversation you are participating in. The name of each file is the id of the page of the user with whom there was correspondence.

We go to the page of the user we need in VK and copy its id from the address bar of the browser. Next, in the explorer, click on the search bar and paste the copied number there.

As a result of the search in the folder “Downloaded correspondence”, only one file will remain. Open it.

Notepad opens the correspondence with the selected person. At the beginning of each line will be indicated the date and time of the message sent.

As you can see, the text above is what I need.

Make it easy to read.

You read what a person wrote to you, and the message on Vkontakte is still displayed as unread on both your and his page.

Using VK-Robot

Download the program from the Internet and unzip the archive. You do not need to install it, immediately run the executable file with the extension. * Exe.

The VK-Robot program is paid, but there is a trial period of 5 days. When it ends, some of the functions simply become inaccessible, and so it can be used.

The main window of VK-Robot is as follows. Go to Settings immediately.

On the “Accounts” tab, specify “Login” and “Password” from your Vkontakte page and click “Add Account”. After that, it should appear in the box on the right. Click “Save” and close the settings window.

Now click on the arrow opposite the word “Export”. In the drop-down menu, select "Export dialogs."

Enter an account and click “Select”.

Then select the folder in which all dialogs will be downloaded and click “OK”. My folder is the same as in the previous paragraph. If you did not create a folder in advance, then do it now by clicking “Create Folder”.

Wait for all dialogs to be downloaded.

Find the selected folder and go into it. Here all files will be signed - this is the name and surname of the user with whom you corresponded. They are arranged in alphabetical order. Click on the file whose messages you want to read.

The text I need is shown at the very top, as this was the last message from this user. The time and date when it was sent are indicated at the end of the message.

Read what a friend or a complete stranger writes to you, and be calm - he won’t know about it.

Use phone

If you want to read the message on your phone or tablet with Android, but so that it remains unread, then you can use various programs.

I will show you the example of the Kate Mobile program. Download it from the Play Market and go to your Vkontakte account.

Then go to the Messages section. As you can see, I have one unread one. Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

From the list that opens, select "Settings."

When you close the open dialog, you will see that the message that you just read, still appears in the list as unread, your interlocutor is exactly the same.

If you receive notifications of new Vkontakte messages received in your mail, then go to your inbox. There in the incoming letters there will be a letter from Vkontakte, and in it the full text of the message that the user sent you.

And finally, I remind you that if you read the message, but not in one of the ways described above, and now you want to make the message unread in VK, then you will not succeed - alas, there is no turning back.

That's all. Now you know how you can read the sent message so that a friend does not find out about it, and it still appears as unread.

Each of us is familiar with such circumstances: we read the message, but we don’t want or cannot answer it right away. And our interlocutor sees that the message has been read, but there is no answer. An awkward situation, huh? Fortunately, it can be avoided.

How to quietly read messages in any services

The most obvious option is to view new messages directly on the notification panel of a mobile device without opening the dialog itself. This way you can read at least short replicas of your interlocutors.

If in iOS you swipe left on a message on the panel and click “Watch,” it will show even more text that might not fit in the preview. A similar opportunity is offered by many Android devices. But if the message is very long, then using the panel you can’t read it to the end.

There is one more universal, but not the most convenient way. Having received the message, you simply disconnect and read the dialogue in the corresponding program. The interlocutor does not know about reading until you connect the gadget to the Web. This is the only way to secretly view the message text, for example, in Instagram Direct, and many other applications, in the settings of which you can not disable the read report.

Now consider the options designed for specific programs and services.

How to quietly read messages in iMessages

Developers allow you to hide the fact of reading through the settings. If you use an iPhone or iPad, select "Settings" → "Messages" and turn the switch next to "Read Report" to colorless mode. After this, the interlocutors will not see whether you are reading their messages or not.

To disable read notifications on, go to "Messages" → "Settings" → "Accounts" and uncheck the box next to "Read Report".

How to quietly read Facebook posts

Officially, such an opportunity is not provided. But there are solutions from third-party developers.

If you use the Google Chrome browser, then download Unseen for Facebook. After installation, it will automatically hide the reading status from your interlocutors.

If you prefer Firefox, there is a similar plugin for this browser - Message Seen Disable for Facebook.

Unfortunately, in the mobile version it is not yet possible to hide the reading status. So if you need to ignore someone, you have to use it on a computer.

How to quietly read messages on WhatsApp

There is a special option in the settings of the WhatsApp mobile application for this purpose. Open the section "Settings" → "Account" ("Account") → "Privacy" ("Confidentiality") and turn off the toggle switch "Read reports". After that, the messenger will stop marking messages with blue checkmarks.

In the desktop version of WhatsApp, this setting is not available. But if you use it in a mobile application, then the changes will apply to the computer.

How to quietly read messages in Viber

In this popular messenger, you can also turn off viewing reports directly in the official mobile client. To do this, go to the menu "Settings" → "Privacy" and disable the option "Viewed".

In the desktop version of Viber, this setting is not available. But if you use it in a mobile application, then the changes will apply to the computer.

How to discreetly read messages on VKontakte

There are no standard functions for this. But you can try workarounds.

Android users have access to the alternative client VKontakte Kate Mobile. If you log into it using your account and click "Settings" → "Online" → "Close Unread", the program will hide the status of messages. Unfortunately, I could not find a client for iOS with the same functionality.

There is also a way to secretly read messages on the VKontakte web version. You can use the link\u003dday:xxxxxxxx, specifying the digits of the current date in the format DDMMYYYY instead of X: for example, 19032018. A message box will open in which you can read them unnoticed by senders. But keep in mind that developers can close this loophole at any time.

How to quietly read messages in Outlook

You can turn off viewing reports in the web version of Outlook. Go to “Settings” → “Mail” → “Message Processing” → “Read Notifications” and check the box “Never send notifications”. Changes will be saved for all Outlook clients.

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