All VKontakte dialogs themselves were deleted. How can I recover deleted messages in VK from my phone and computer: ways to return a dialog to VK if I accidentally deleted it

Modern letters have long lost their high ground. Long romantic messages sent by mail turned into short SMS messages written in social networks or in social networks. However, correspondence between people has been and remains an important component of social interaction. Contact, like other social networks, completely saves the history of dialogs. What to do if, for some reason, the correspondence has disappeared? How to restore correspondence in VK if, for example, a page was hacked and all your dialogs were deleted? Or a classmate accidentally clicked on the wrong icon on the phone screen.

Is it possible to recover deleted messages in a contact

To return the old correspondence from the archive, the task is only possible when the page with the dialog has not yet been updated. Then, on the site of deleted messages, the "Restore" button will appear. After clicking on it, the correspondence will immediately take its original shape. It is very important not to reload the page, otherwise the history of VKontakte will be lost forever. Care, promptness and accuracy are important here. Before you delete a conversation, consider this step. After all, it will be impossible to resume it, even after a few hours.

Often users are advised to contact technical support. I authoritatively declare - it will not help! Why? Therefore, how to return the message history tech support is not allowed. The contact does not yet have a verification system and it is impossible to determine with accuracy that the true user of the account, not the attacker, requires recovery. No exhortations will affect them, because before removal, the system warns of the irreversibility of the action.

Ways to restore correspondence

Did you manage to get active actions from technical support? Do not despair! There are several tricky ways to restore personal correspondence in VK. They can not be called simple, and none gives a 100% guarantee of success. Sometimes special computer skills are required, but more often patience and time. However, if the correspondence is of real value to you, you should try:

The multifunctional addition to the VK account greatly simplifies the life of many users. The popularity of the extension contributed to the emergence of a large number of fakes, because downloading the application is only from the official site. If the installation asks for personal data, a password and other suspicious actions, it is better to refuse. Otherwise, be with a hacked page!

How to return deleted messages VKontakte using Vkopt? After installing the add-on, an inscription will appear on the right under the main menu of the page. Next, open the messages and select "Statistics" in the "Actions" menu. Set the necessary parameters and click “Let's go!”. After some time, the extension collects your dialogs with all users. After choosing the right one, click on the date and time on the right side of the plate. As a result, you will go to the beginning of the dialogue with the user, even if he was deleted.

Video instruction: how to recover deleted messages in a contact

There are many ways to restore personal correspondence in VK. None of them guarantees the restoration of the full amount of missing correspondence, dialogue or photos. The easiest is to ask the person to send a dialogue to. If a user, like you, has deleted messages, or refuses to make an appointment, more cunning methods come to the rescue. After watching the video, you will see in practice the appeal to the technical support of the social network and data recovery using the Vkopt extension.

If you deleted the correspondence with a friend on the Vkontakte social network, intentionally or accidentally, and you really need it, do not rush to be upset and regret the “loss”. This article will tell you in detail how to recover deleted messages (when possible) using regular VK tools, as well as using a special browser application.

To return the dialogs, first of all do the following:

  1. Check if there is an internet connection; what is its speed. Constant interruption of the connection, a slow communication channel can lead to incorrect display of web pages, including your Vkontakte account.
  2. Temporarily disable the web filter in the antivirus program, refresh the page using the “F5” key and try again to see the dialogue with the interlocutor. Sometimes “OS Defender” scripts block useful code elements.
  3. Turn off the browser add-ons NoScript, Adblock and similar filter applications. They can also interfere with the correct operation of the VC.
  4. Clear your cache / browser history (for Firefox and Google Chrome, use the combination “Ctrl + Shift + Del”). Login again.
  5. In the list of dialogs, by clicking the mouse, highlight the correspondence of the desired user, in the "Search" line, enter the phrase / word from the search message and press "ENTER" to find the correspondence. It may not have been deleted, but simply lost in the bowels of your account.

Vkontakte settings

Sometimes these actions are enough. But if you still cannot recover deleted messages, use the standard tools of the social network.

1. Click on the “Settings” menu, go to the “Alerts” tab. If the “E-Mail for Notifications:” column is set to “Always Notify” (including the “Private Messages”, “Messages on the Wall” options), go to the mailbox specified during registration in VK. Surely, in the list of incoming letters you will find a remote dialogue.

2. If you deleted a single message from the correspondence and immediately realized that you were reckless, click on the “Restore” link next to “The message has been deleted.” The text of the message will immediately return to its place.

3. Contact the user with whom you corresponded with a request to send copies of messages (in PM Vkontakte or in the mailbox). Your messages may be deleted, but he may not (that is, he did not clear the message history).

4. Write a letter to Vkontakte technical support with a request to restore the dialogue: click on the main “help” link in the bottom menu and enter the text.

Extension for Google Chrome - VkOpt

VkOpt is a multifunctional addon that increases the comfort of using Vkontakte social network at times. Among its features are loading data on media content, an expanded quick access menu for functions and sections, searching for photos in HD quality, and of course, a message processing / recovery module is a very powerful tool.

Attention!  VkOpt - has the status of a trusted application. BUT: beware of fakes and modified versions. The addon can be downloaded without worries only on the official website of the developer or in the Google Chrome extension store.

To view dialogs in Vkopt, you must:
  1. Install the addon in the browser.
  2. Go to your Vkontakte account.
  The section in the page menu should appear immediately after installation.

3. Open "My Messages".
  4. On the right side of the "Dialogs" button, select "Statistics" in the [Actions] drop-down menu.

6. Set the parameters for displaying message statistics (check the boxes next to the options).

7. In the statistics table, find the user whose dialogue you want to view. And then click on the date / time in the same line (rightmost column). Messages will appear on the display.

Do not use third-party dubious programs to restore correspondence, especially those that “request” a username and password from an account on Vkontakte. There is a high probability that after such a "recovery" your page will be hacked.

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Purposefully or accidentally, many of the users in the contact clicked on "Delete" and "Clear message history." After this, the dialogues seem to disappear irrevocably.

However, there are several safe ways to get them back.
  If you didn’t take any action, and the dialogue with a certain person was suddenly empty, then try the following:

  1. Check your internet connection. Such sorrow can often happen due to the low speed of the communication channel.
  2. Try accessing your page from a different browser, application, or device.
  3. Ask if other users have such a problem - perhaps the trouble happened on the servers, and after the repair work everything will be restored by itself.
  4. If there is an antivirus on your computer, temporarily disable the web filter and reload the page with dialogs - the OS defender could easily “eat” the necessary components of the code.
  5. Turn off the filter extensions in the menu of your browser like NoScript, Adblock, which sometimes interfere with the correct operation of the social network.
  6. Clear your cache and browser history, exit your page and close it. Then log in to your account again.
  7. Try to search for correspondence through the search for messages - enter in the appropriate box the words that it can be guaranteed to contain.

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK

  1. The easiest way is to ask the interlocutor to send you a remote dialog or some part of it - because when you clear the history of one user, the second one remains safe and sound until, of course, he doesn’t delete it himself. In Vkontakte, by the way, it’s quite possible to upload a dialog with all attachments to a PC or laptop.
  2. Go to the "Settings" - "Alerts" section. Find Email for alerts. If there is a “checkmark” there and on the “Personal Messages” sub-item, then the entire deleted history of dialogs will be in the mailbox indicated during registration of the VC However, large messages there will not be displayed entirely, and dialogs-general conversations will not be stored there at all.
  3. In a similar way, you can again see the lost messages on your phone - in the event that in the notification settings you have set a “tick” to “Receive SMS alerts” about private messages.
  4. A single, just deleted message in the browser is easy to get back - after all, immediately after the deletion, the Restore button appears. However, if after deleting you have updated the page or switched from it to another, the action cannot be undone.

Such a saving button does not appear when deleting the entire dialog - because the system has already tried to protect you from its recklessness, asking you to confirm the deletion: “Do you really want to delete all correspondence with this user? It will be impossible to cancel this action. ”

Ask for technical support for help - find the “Help” link on the main page and write down your problem in detail to the agent. It will be good if you provide screenshots of correspondence to the request or mention any messages from it.

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK: different ways

In most cases, unfortunately, they refuse to restore correspondence, citing the impossibility of such an action. However, technical support always helps to restore correspondence to those users who lost the archive of messages as a result of "hacking" their page.

If you are familiar with the programming language, then it is possible to restore the dialogue through the social network API. This process is very long and tedious, because you need to return messages one at a time, be sure to indicate their ID:

In conclusion, I want to warn you against calls to “knowledgeable people” and from downloading suspicious software. Alas, these methods will only lead to the loss of money, confidential data of your page and, often, of itself.

Even the only safe (of course, only on the official website of the developer) recommended by many VkOpt application is not able to recover lost correspondence. Maximum, it will reflect the statistics of your messages.

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Anyway, let's try to figure out how this feature is possible for users. Maybe nothing will help us already?

Appeal to the administration

The first option, which can serve us well, is to contact the site administration with a request to restore your correspondence. Only in this way you can quickly and easily read deleted messages in the "Contact".

To do this, log in to the social network, and then go to the "Help" section. It is at the very bottom of the page. Next, in the window that appears, you will have to describe the situation, and also ask to restore your correspondence. All or with a specific user. As a rule, if your request is approved, you will also have to prove your ownership of the profile. After that, they will help you, and you can read deleted messages in "Contact". not the only option that can help solve today's problem. There are a number of interesting and simple actions. Which ones? Let's see.

From archive

How to read deleted It should be noted that when cleaning the correspondence, it is removed only from the user who performed this action. This means that the second member of the conversation will retain all phrases.

So, if you want to read deleted messages, you can always turn to your interlocutor with a request to find you this or that phrase and forward it. As a rule, if the conversation was with your friend, then no problems will arise. Otherwise, you can forget about this scenario.

Honestly, the method studied now is not the most popular. Especially if you suddenly needed information a long time ago. For example, which was about six months ago in the presence of active correspondence with this user. In this case, finding the necessary information can be very difficult. Nevertheless, deleted messages in the "Contact" can be read in several more ways. Which ones? Let's look at them.


Here is another quick and interesting version of the development of events. It will definitely help you learn how to read deleted messages in "Contact". For example, you can restore what was deleted. True, this must be done in a very short time. How? Let's get it right.

So, if you notice that you accidentally deleted a message, you can return it to history. The main thing - do not go from the page and do not refresh it. Leave it as it is. After clearing the correspondence, you will see a message about the successful operation, as well as the line "Restore". If you click on it, then all conversations and phrases will fall into place. You can read messages, sort them, and then remove unnecessary information. That's all.

Honestly, this option is not very popular. Probably due to the fact that it is necessary to crank it just instantly. Indeed, in another situation, understanding how to read deleted messages in "Contact" will be several times more difficult. Let's see what other methods exist to solve the problem.


For example, some users may come across specialized programs that offer to expand the standard functions of a social network. Among the additions, you can also find the ability to read previously deleted messages. This is actually a very interesting feature. True, it must be treated with extreme caution.

The thing is that such programs are often the most real viruses. Instead of helping people, they simply infect computers and also steal user accounts. If you run the risk of using such applications, then be prepared for not the best consequences. Honestly, it is best to refrain from this method.


And now we will get to know you with another scenario. In particular, it is suitable for those who do not particularly trust programs. Such users, as a rule, resort to the help of special hosting. They allow you to read deleted correspondence.

In order to use this option, you will have to find the appropriate site, and then visit it. Go through the registration (in some cases), and then contact the main programmer. It will be possible to discuss with him all the nuances of providing the service, as well as find out the cost of "pleasure". Usually it is not very big, but also not very miserable.

Then at the appointed time, transfer yours from the social network (username and password) to the programmer, and then wait for the result. Honestly, this option is also far from always being safe. If you do not know the person who provides you with message recovery services, then there is a huge risk of account hacking. So you will be left without a profile. It will be possible to restore it, but with certain efforts.

Communication on social networks has long become much more popular than telephone conversations or even personal meetings, they send important business information in personal correspondence, declare their love, make appointments or pour out their souls. This is the fastest and easiest way to communicate with a person who is hundreds of kilometers from the person you are talking to or, if necessary, hide information from others, but sometimes due to a network failure, virus or personal experiences, all correspondence is lost and then it becomes necessary to solve the problem: how to return deleted messages in contact?

A lot of inexperienced users are lost by accidentally deleting a dialogue with the interlocutor and panicking, only exacerbating the situation, but even if the virus “ate” your entire system, do not worry: almost everything that got into the global network can be returned and restored, you just need to make a little effort and know how to do it.

How to recover deleted dialogue in vk

The easiest way to recover the information you need.   - this is to contact your interlocutor, it is unlikely that he also deleted all correspondence, most likely he will be able to send you the necessary again or just completely copy the history of your communication.

  1. You can very easily return deleted messages in a contact if you just deleted them by mistake and haven’t yet reloaded the page, to do this, click   restore button that appears on the site of the deleted message.
  2. Sometimes it’s impossible to find the message you need, but in fact, the information is stored somewhere in the depths of your account, before resorting to other methods of recovery, check whether you deleted the messages exactly: go to your network page and go to the messages tab . You may be able to find the right one by searching for specific words or on the dialog page. If there is no way to return deleted messages and contact your interlocutor, contact the site administration : log in from your page and click to the Help button , it is located at the bottom of the page. The technical support service employs professionals who can help in this situation.
  3. Another way to view deleted messages in a contact is to check your mail: by default, in the default settings “In contact” is "Notify by E-mail"   and if you do not delete letters from the basket, you have a real chance to recover the lost information.
  4. You can also take a chance and try to recover deleted SMS in contacts using   special programs and applications such as LS Restorer and others, but no one can guarantee their effectiveness, and the risk of "picking up" a virus or spy in this way is quite large.

No matter how reliable electronic storage of information seems to us, one should not forget about caution, all professionals prefer to duplicate all the important data on the hard drive and external media, so as not to be in a similar situation.

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