As in classmates send a message to all friends. How to do legal mailing in VKontakte

Sometimes I want to congratulate all friends on the holiday, to advertise goods or to warn about something. You can send a message immediately to all your VKontakte friends using the "chat" function, we’ll figure out how to do it.

Each user sends there his messages, which are visible to everyone present. This way, it’s easy to discuss and anticipate your upcoming trip or plan your birthday.

Previously, there was a limit on the number of participants in the chat: a maximum of 14 people, then the limit was increased, and since 2017 it is allowed to add no more than 250 friends.

Create some chats if you want to talk or warn a different circle of people. Alas, the function to send a message immediately to all VKontakte friends is not provided in order to combat spam.

The disadvantage of this method is that the text will be read by all participants. If you need to send individual messages, you will have to do it manually.  Insert a postcard into the conversation to congratulate you on your holiday. A group message is also created through the image. For this:

More recently, the Vkbot program worked, with the help of which messages were sent to each individual participant with the same text. She fell in love with users for saving their time and effort. But in the summer of 2015, the official site was closed, and the old versions of the program ceased to function, because they were connected with the developer's servers.

Since 2016, the site offers to download an analogue of the program under the new name Sobot. But it’s paid.  The standard functions are identical to Vkbot, of the additional it is worth noting the introduction of captcha through the antigate and rucaptcha services, an answering machine and unlimited use of simultaneously working accounts.

When sending messages, be careful - if complaints are filed against you, and the newsletter is regarded as spam, this threatens with a ban and even unlimited page blocking.

VKontakte is a site designed for active communication between people. It happens that you don’t want to copy a message, but you want to send text, pictures or even video. To do this, the developers of this site came up with such a good button as "Forward message". This article will show you in detail how to use it.

How to forward a message

Forwarding a text message is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. All you need to do is take a few steps:

Advice! There is a cross next to the Send button, in case you suddenly change your mind about sending. A little higher in the field you can add text from yourself.

Forward message to wall

To get the message you want to forward to the wall, you need to take the following steps (read how to repost to the wall):

mobile version

Unfortunately, on the mobile version of the Vkontakte website ( there is no such “Forward message” button. To do this, you will need to copy it manually:

Additionally: you can send a VKontakte message from your phone in one more way. If traffic allows, you can exit the mobile version and go to the full version and repeat the steps of the first section of this article.

How to forward photo

To forward a photo (you can read how to mark a friend in the photo), you need to follow the same steps as with a text message:

Advice! In this way, you can send not only photos or text messages, but also videos. The forwarding procedure is the same.

Now you will not need to manually copy and send messages each time. Using this button you can save time. And how to create a conversation with several participants, you can read. Good luck to you and see you soon.

A user of the VKontakte social network who decided to start promoting his own group or, say, advertising his services, often faces various kinds of difficulties. First of all, he needs to decide on the methods that he plans to apply for this kind of work. Most often, the user would like to achieve the maximum result without financial infusion, and this is normal. However, it is worth taking into account the policy of the social network itself, which does not approve, for example, the mass distribution of spam, and after all, advertising yourself or a group in a personal message to a large number of people is the notorious spam.

VK Tools

You may not have guessed, but the built-in VC tools allow you to simultaneously send to several people at once. This number is clearly indicated, and is 14 people.Of course, this figure is far from the maximum that you were counting on, but this is better than nothing.

To use this method, just add the desired users one at a time in the address field. By the way, you can resort to a little trick, which is likely to save your time. Just enter the most common letter in the address field, for example, “a” or “e”, as a result of which your friends will appear in the address field in the name of which there is this letter. Well, then you can manually add those who do not have such a letter in their first or last name.


If your intentions are the most serious, you can resort to the capabilities of the VkBot program. I have already talked about it more than once, for example, how you can use it. The application is really useful, and will help to cope with many tasks. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Go to the developer's site, and download this program from there.
  2. After starting, enter it, open the "Newsletter" - "Send drugs to friends" section.
  3. Now enter the desired number of friends, as well as write the text you want to send out.

The program provides several additional features, for example, you can supplement the message with a photo, choose friends by gender and much more.

Well, choose the most convenient way for yourself and enjoy the result!

Hello, friends! As users of the social network Vkontakte, we all often correspond with our friends, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues. And, I think, a situation happened to you when you had to write: “Sasha suggested today ...” or “Vanya had a great idea ...”. That is, you rewrite what was said by one person to another.

We already wrote about. Then several users can immediately participate in the dialogue and everyone will be in the know. But if for some reason you cannot combine certain friends in one dialogue, you can correspond with one person and then forward some messages from your dialogue to another.

In this article we will talk about such a transfer, how it can be done from a computer or phone.

Forward a message to a friend Vkontakte from a computer

If you go to your Vkontakte page from a computer or laptop, then select the "Messages" menu item in the left menu. Next, you need to open correspondence with the person where there are those that need to be forwarded.

Select the necessary ones with the mouse - just click on them so that they are highlighted in blue. Then at the top click on the “Forward” button.

A list opens with the people you chatted with. If the desired user is not listed, then use the search.

We are looking for a person to whom we will forward the selected messages and click on it.

The text will be attached. To send, as usual, click on the arrow.

This is what the forwarded message will look like. First, your avatar is shown as the sender, and then the avatar of the user whose text you are sending.

Use phone

If you want to forward via the installed Vkontakte mobile application on your phone or tablet, then open the side menu and select the “Messages” item in it. Then open a dialogue with the person whose text you will forward.

Highlight what you want to forward - click on one of them and hold your finger, then select the rest. The selected ones will turn blue, and their number will be written at the top.

To forward the selected messages, click on the arrow at the top right, which points to the right.

If you are an active user of the social network "VKontakte", then you are probably already interested in the question of how to create your own official group. In fact, in order for it to become truly popular and visited, it is necessary to recruit subscribers.

Currently, there are a large number of ways in which you can develop your community. There are both paid and free options. Today we decided to tell Vkontakte users how to create a newsletter. After all, this issue is currently very relevant.

This term means a way to send personal messages to your existing subscribers, friends. Of course, you can’t physically create a newsletter for strangers, since it’s simply not possible at the moment, but at any time you can order paid advertising from a social network. For some, such a service may be too expensive, but for some it is not needed if the administrator wants to use his strength and capabilities. By the way, you can send personal messages with various offers. For example, if your group sells goods, then you can inform in this way about pleasant conditions or promotions, contests and so on. Vkontakte is a social network that can bring good traffic, and this also attracts money.

Advertising obsession

Let’s first deal with marketing, how mailings work, and how users respond and respond to them. When a message arrives from an unfamiliar user who calls by name, and there is a link leading directly to the profile in it, some people are surprised, but many have long been accustomed to receiving ads in this way and have long turned a blind eye to this. “VKontakte” is a social network, the scale of which is practically unparalleled, and, accordingly, it’s not so difficult for other users to find you, even if they are not in your friends or subscribers. For example, they can find you through a special form. The same applies to your mutual friends.

Preparatory work

If you created your own personal group, have already managed to fill it with unique and interesting content that you think will be interesting not only to you, but also to other users, then it's time to start doing mailing. Before you post, you need to be prepared. So, gently make up not only an interesting and attractive sample, but also make sure that it is written correctly and without sending out Vkontakte messages should be done carefully and with caution. If you have your personal page and are the creator of the group, in this case, we recommend using a second, third-party account to distribute invitations, which you are not afraid to lose. You can register or buy a new account yourself; there are currently a large number of stores that provide similar services.

Spam protection

Experts do not recommend sending an advertising message with an invitation to the group to all users in a row, since such an action the system will notice and consider it spam, and, accordingly, in such circumstances, you can very quickly lose your account. This will happen even if you do not receive complaints from those users to whom you have already sent such an invitation. If you want the Vkontakte newsletter to go really high-quality and without problems, then you definitely need to know about the special rules, which we will tell you about now.

No advertising slogans

If you read the first part of this material and are an active user of Vkontakte, you now know how to do the newsletter. But nevertheless, one should remember the most important nuances and details, which are categorically not recommended for such actions. In the subject line of the message that you plan to send in the future, never write the words “free”, “share”, and so on, since such letters are immediately sent to the Spam folder, and users almost never read them and in most cases delete them. If you have faced an important question related to the VKontakte social network: “How to make a newsletter?”, Then remember that it is very simple, the most important thing is to prepare with all responsibility.


If you have additional accounts, it doesn’t matter if you personally registered them or you bought them, you should test various advertising messages, and only in this case you can find the best option. So we solved one more problem regarding the VKontakte social network: how to create a newsletter. Try our tips and don't be afraid to experiment.

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