How old computers can be used. New life of an old computer or what to do with outdated hardware

Work and leisure turns into a headache for every user when his old computer is unable to work with a new operating system or updated software, including games. In fact, there is nothing wrong with that, and there are many ways to fix this situation. True, this will require small investments. From this article, the user will learn about many ways to make an obsolete electronic friend work faster.

The secrets that the processor hides

Firstly, we are talking about crystals that have an unlocked multiplier, otherwise hardly anyone will be able to increase the core performance. Any Windows operating system for older computers, be it version 7, 8 or 10, requires a processor frequency of at least 2 GHz for single-core systems and 1.2 GHz for chips with multiple cores. Therefore, you need to focus on these indicators.

It is better to start overclocking the processor from the BIOS interface, because it has ready-made and free hardware. Going to the “Power BIOS Features” tab and finding the “CPU Configuration” menu, you can step by step increase the frequency of the “CPU CLOCK” processor. You need to start small - 33 MHz in one step is a serious increase for any processor. You can also play with a multiplier (if its menu is active). Naturally, this parameter should be changed step by step (in one unit).

There are also many overclocking utilities available. They can be found on the motherboard manufacturer's website. However, their effectiveness is often reduced to zero due to the impossibility of determining the installed processor, because, according to the manufacturer's standards, the crystal is outdated and is not supported by software.

The amount of RAM

Many online publications note that two gigabytes of RAM are enough to install Windows 7 on an old computer, but few people specify that all this resource is needed only for the stable operation of the system itself. The user has nothing left for his programs and games (even a regular antivirus will not be able to fully function). The owner of the PC needs to be guided by at least 3-4 GB.

You can determine the possibility of improvement programmatically without disassembling the system unit. You will need a specialized program (AIDA, SiSoft Sandra, etc.). By launching the application and going to the "Summary Information" menu, the user will be able to find out how many RAM slots he has, the number of installed modules, their capacity and the motherboard's capabilities for maximum memory support. Based on the data received, the owner will understand whether he has the opportunity to increase the RAM resource.

The weak link of any productive system

It may seem strange to many, but it is the hard drive that can slow down the work of any PC, especially if the computer is old. There is only one solution: replace the hard drive with a more efficient device. In most cases, judging by numerous user reviews, the problem is solved by installing an SSD drive.

However, to mount a solid-state drive, you need to worry about the connectivity, because the device works via the SATA II / III interface. If the old computer has only an IDE connector, then you can forget about the upgrade. Many experts claim that old-style motherboards have a PCIex1 slot, but a drive with such an interface is comparable in cost to that of a new computer. By the way, when disassembling the case, you need to be extremely careful and remember what and where it is connected, otherwise the owner will have a new problem - how to reconnect the old computer so that it works. Many inexperienced users forget about this.

Software part

In addition to the hardware, the problem with system braking can be solved without replacing computer parts. Very often, users complain about the slow operation of surfing programs on the Internet or when communicating on social networks. There are actually many such requests, and only a browser for old computers can solve the issue. The QtWeb, BrowZar and K-Meleon applications have proven themselves quite well.

The only negative that is often found in user reviews is the lack of forms for saving passwords. As a result, every time a person enters a social media page, he must constantly enter a username and password. Still, it's better to work comfortably than waiting for each page to refresh for a few minutes.

Caching issues

Sometimes, in order for the browser for older computers to work more efficiently, it is necessary in addition to disable indexing of hard drives. It's easy to do this:

  • open "My Computer";
  • put the cursor on the system disk (by default "C");
  • press an alternative mouse button (right for a right-handed person);
  • select "Properties";
  • in the lower part of the window that opens, uncheck the box opposite the inscription: "Allow indexing";
  • press the "OK" button.

On slow computers, the procedure for canceling indexing may take more than one hour, but the result after disabling the function will be noticeable immediately. Also, to improve the performance of the hard disk, it is recommended to constantly clean up the system from unnecessary files - the "C" drive must have a lot of free space (exactly one fifth of the total capacity). Defragmentation, which can be performed using the same menu where media indexing was disabled, will not interfere with the user. The "Service" tab contains a useful function.

Power supply problems of the system unit

Often, when upgrading a system, especially when adding new components, the old ones are not able to supply the required voltage. The best option for the owner would be to purchase a more powerful PSU, but sometimes the problem is solved in a slightly different way. Unused components can be connected to power supply: cooling fan, FDD, non-working CD-ROM, sound card, TV-Tuner - whatever.

Naturally, the user has to decide which component he needs to get rid of. The FDD has fallen out of favor in the last decade and should be disconnected first. With additional fans in the case, if there is no desire to turn them off, you can do differently: switch the cooler consumption from 12 to 5 volts. This is easy to do: the red cable from the fan must be installed in the terminal opposite the red wire of the connector coming from the power supply unit (by default, the contact is made with the yellow cable).

Is it all bad?

Many owners, thinking about where to rent an old computer, overlook one interesting feature - the cost of working elements for old PCs, albeit used ones, in the secondary market is quite high (for example, many sellers ask for the same amount for old-style RAM , how much is a modern one). This is the main feature of the secondary market, because many owners find it easier to buy one spare part than to spend money on purchasing a whole system unit.

Therefore, before giving your obsolete PC for a song, many professionals recommend reading the ads in the media (section "Buy"). Perhaps you will be able to profitably sell your "iron friend" in parts. Of great value is a motherboard with an installed processor, RAM, a discrete AGP video adapter and an IDE hard drive. Naturally, all of the listed elements must be in working order.

Specialized firms

If the user is interested in where to return the old computer, then the recommendation includes a specialized workshop or a similar store, of which there are countless numbers in every city of our country. However, before going to such a company, the owner needs to find out some of the features of such organizations.

  1. If we are talking only about the sale of an old computer, then you should not count on a large sum. In fact, such a solution would be completely disadvantageous for the user.
  2. In workshops that improve a weak computer, things are better. The user will be installed a more productive part minus the cost of the old one. Sometimes the workshops offer the same used spare parts. You should not refuse if the seller gives a guarantee for at least 1 month.
  3. There are also organizations that take spare parts for sale (thrift stores). Out of ignorance (or unwillingness to read the contract), many owners simply donate their old computer to the company. After all, the user has to pay for the rent of a shelf in such stores, and the cost is deducted from the price of spare parts.

can not be

It is not worth sending a PC that is not interesting even to specialized organizations to a landfill, because there are many interesting solutions that suggest what to make of an old computer. First of all, the steel case of the system unit (without spare parts) is actively used by the owners as a home barbecue (you can even fix the pot). There are not many valuable materials in the block, but it will be possible to collect 200-300 grams of aluminum or copper. There will be an application in everyday life and working fans. You can think of anything: an aquarium, a terrarium, a cage for rodents, a bedside table - there are many options.


If the computer is old, this is not a sentence, but rather the emergence of a new and interesting hobby, which many owners just lack in life. It would be a fantasy, but everyone can find a use for their favorite PC without outside help. It is better, of course, that the computer does not break down and is always in working order. The main thing is that the reader understood that there are no hopeless situations.

“Necessity for invention is cunning,” says the old adage, and computer enthusiasts have never complained about the lack of creativity. Unusual computer cases are one of the manifestations of developed imagination and resourcefulness. These people are not stopped by the fact that after buying a suitable iron, there was no free money for a case for it. The Kulibins prove that the lack of funds is not a hindrance in assembling a computer. It is the creations of such creative people that this material about cool PC cases is devoted to.

I bought a case, but there was not enough for iron

There are also situations when there is a high-quality case at hand, but there is nothing to put in it. What to do in such a situation? You can find a set of iron "dinosaur times" at a flea market, but not everyone will like this approach. Such components make noise, collect dust, consume electricity, and even break down at the wrong time.

American enthusiasts have developed a Raspberry Pi mini-computer, priced at around $ 30, which is slightly larger than a credit card. The board of this little one contains the filling comparable to that of an average smartphone, and when installing Linux, such a PC can be used to watch movies, surf the Internet and other simple tasks. In the example shown, this is exactly the kind of computer installed in a desktop PC case.

The supermarket will help us

Do you have access to old fruit containers at the supermarket or vegetable market? Then you can make a cool PC case for just a hundred rubles. Potato box, some cable ties - and the case is ready.

Such a PC can be called an example of minimalism and ingenuity all rolled into one, but there are also weirder computer cases.

All my life I dreamed of a laptop

You want a powerful laptop, but you don't have enough money, and taking a loan is not an option? Then the toolbox and the matrix from the LCD monitor come to the rescue. A bit of ingenuity, and with a slight movement of the hand, it all turns into a laptop.

Of course, in terms of weight, such a machine will be 2 times heavier than a laptop, and you need to carry a keyboard and mouse with you. But, of course, this example deserves a place in the selection of the most unusual computer cases.

Do-it-yourself iMac

Apple computers are not cheap pleasure, and Lenovo monoblocks even cost less, but also more expensive than a desktop. But what if you want an all-in-one PC? You can tighten the belt and dig up on the iMac, or you can just take the filling from a laptop with a broken screen and a desktop monitor. A little double-sided tape, a couple of self-tapping screws - and we meet the new iMac model.

For a complete entourage, only a bitten apple is missing, as well as a silvery color. But this is not a problem either: a trip to building materials (for a spray of silver can) and a grocery store (for a kilogram of apples) can solve the problem. At the same time, vitamins for the body, after a long winter.

Another example of how to make a candy bar with your own hands.

The second life of a cardboard box

In the era of the development of online stores, everyone in the house gradually accumulates a huge amount of packaging containers in which purchases are delivered. Sometimes it’s a shame to throw away good boxes, and pantry space quickly runs out. You can breathe a second life into the box by using it as a PC case. This is especially rational if the brand new pieces of iron in it came from the store.

This approach is very popular among the people, the Internet is replete with pictures showing such unusual cases for a computer.

If you have no time to do needlework, or all the skills learned in labor lessons in elementary grades were forgotten right after leaving school, you don't even have to bother with scissors and scotch tape.

And so it will do. And even like this:

Subtle and tasteful

Sometimes unusual computer cases can pleasantly surprise you. Sometimes this is the fruit of careful work, and for the price they are compared with the factory models.

For the production of such a case, made in the spirit of minimalism, one plexiglass probably cost several hundred rubles. And given that all the details are neatly fitted, the owner also worked on it for more than one hour.

And this is generally a masterpiece, and the manufacture of such a cool case for a PC just cost a pretty penny to the craftsman.

Poor fish

Effective heat dissipation and a stylish look all rolled into one also deserves a place in this selection of unusual computer cases. We can only hope that the owner bought the aquarium specifically for the PC, and the fish did not have to go free swimming.

By the way, if someone wants to repeat this step, you need to take into account that you cannot pour water as a liquid. For these purposes, synthetic or mineral oil, for example, transformer oil, is optimal. In any case, the liquid must be electrically inert.

Computer in a canister

Another example of using an obsolete container, this time plastic. Such a machine would organically fit into some fuel warehouse or car service. There, such a strange computer case would not stand out against the background of the general environment.

Cooling is never superfluous

This is the slogan that the owner of this strange computer case, made entirely of fans, probably guided. But it consumes a lot of such a number of turntables, for sure one more power supply is required for them. And one can only imagine what kind of noise rises in the room when such a monster is turned on.

Once and for all

This is how such an unusual computer case can be called. Polyurethane foam is very difficult to remove from surfaces, and if any part fails, you will have to sweat to get to it.

By the way, this is another example of the recycling of vegetable crates.

For those who are tired of constant overheating of the laptop

It seems that the owner of this laptop is tired of constantly cleaning his computer from dust, regularly changing thermal paste and fighting overheating. Why else would you need to install a powerful water cooling system on your laptop.

True, it is difficult to call such a design a laptop, because we are not talking about any mobility. That is why this masterpiece of "engineering" and got into the selection of the strangest computer cases.

If you decide to buy a new computer or it is broken and beyond repair, and you do not know where to put it, this article is for you. It takes a little imagination and effort to accommodate an unnecessary processor and monitor. Let's take a look at some of the options for transforming old iron.

Brazier from the body

To build a barbecue, it is enough to separate the side panel of the system unit and remove the insides. Such a grill is perfect for barbecue in the country and is very functional. You can put not only skewers on it, but also put a soup pot. It also has an easy-to-fit barbecue grill.

To convert the monitor into an aquarium, you need to remove all components from it, leaving only the plastic case. Place a glass aquarium in it. The monitor can be left in its usual form or decorated with stones, rhinestones, sequins. Such an element of interior decoration will express the originality and extraordinary thinking of the owner.

For the house from the monitor, only a plastic case is needed. Its filling depends on what kind of animal will live in it. For a hamster, it is filled with dry grass or sawdust; instead of a screen, a metal mesh is pulled in the form of a door. If the monitor will serve as a bed for a cat, it is covered with a soft cloth inside, and a mattress is placed on the bottom.

A grinding machine needs a hard disk chip, a part with disks, a motor and a reading head, and sandpaper. The sandpaper is cut along the diameter of the disk, fixed with glue and connected to the motor. When using such a device, do not press the knives strongly against the disc.

For an original clock with a pendulum, the motherboard and hard drive are removed from the system unit. The clock mechanism is attached to the PCB and the numbers for the dial are glued. A hard disk is used as a pendulum, which is attached to a long perch. Such wall clocks will not go unnoticed by guests.

This is a handy compact thing that allows you not to clutter up your computer with thousands of photos from your mother-in-law's birthday or New Year's corporate party. The server for data storage can be designed in the form of a fabulous casket by placing the hard drive of an unnecessary computer in a wooden openwork box. On the back side of the box, make holes for the wires to be connected to a PC.

This accessory will become a unique thing, making the image of its mistress unique. The keys can be matched with letters that line up into a word. To assemble the bracelet, you need a fishing line, keys and an awl. A hot awl makes holes on both sides of the keys and string them on the fishing line, connecting its free edges.

For earrings you need keys and fasteners for them. You can select buttons with the initials of the first and last name. At the top of the button, a hole is made into which metal hooks of earrings are inserted. Such decoration will surely attract attention and admiring glances to their owner.

Ego can be used as an element of interior decoration or to play a trick on a work colleague. To create such a lawn, it is necessary to disassemble the keyboard, lay out a layer of cotton wool, lay grass seeds on it. Watering such a lawn is necessary in the morning and in the evening, and after two days the first sprouts will be visible.

The original mailbox will delight all neighbors and emphasize the imagination of its owner. The old system unit must be freed from the internal filling and removed the drive. The hole from it will serve as a place for the immersion of correspondence. Such a structure must be fixed on a post and installed near the house. For a more attractive look, the box can be painted in a bright color and a funny inscription can be written.

To do this, you need to remove the processor, motherboard, video card from the old computer and connect them to the TV.

Mine gold

Gold is found in small contact elements on the motherboard. You can remove it from there using chemical reagents. To do this, they are removed from the board and a series of chemical procedures are performed. It is worth noting that it is possible to finish off quite a bit of gold, and the procedure itself is very dangerous.

For such an invention, it is necessary to purchase a TV tuner, connect it to a PC and install a suitable operating system.

To use the cooler on hot days, you need to disconnect it from the system unit, leaving the red and black wires, install it on the stand and connect it to the trigger mechanism with a motor.

To make a hinged shelf, you need to unscrew the side panel of the system unit and screw on the loops for attaching such an original piece of furniture to the wall. The shelf can be painted in your favorite color.

Such unpretentious transformations will allow you not to throw an old non-working computer into a landfill and find new original and useful things in everyday life.

Thinking of buying a more powerful computer? But what about old equipment? We have compiled a list of five possible options, and then we will tell you why you should not send your old computer to junk. Agree, while it works, there is always hope of finding a good use case for it.

Home theater

For many, it seems like a good idea to turn a computer into a home theater, but not everyone decides to take this step. But now that you have an “extra” computer, why not give it a try? It may well cope with video playback, launching downloaded files, and even, depending on the hardware, let you watch movies on DVD or Blu-ray. And if you have a projector in the hall, then the image can be displayed in an even larger format. And not only for video, but also, say, for games.

Home broadcast

If you bought a more powerful replacement computer, then the old one can be used to run games remotely. Steam has a special mode when the image and sound, as well as all commands from the keyboard, mouse and other controllers are broadcast over the home network from the main computer to another device. Of course, this will require a fast connection of the 802.11n or 802.11ac standard, but on the other hand, you can play all modern games on an old computer and, if it is a laptop, you can safely move around the house, and not be tied only to a powerful hospital.

Give to child

Many parents prefer to give their child a tablet with limited access to protect them from unwanted information on the Internet. However, you can now allocate an entire computer for your child. Why not? There are a number of operating systems designed specifically for young people with appropriate design and functionality. This is one of the easiest ways to introduce a child to high technology and help to start navigating the computer world.

Web server

If you have your own website, why not host it on your own web server? If you have a free computer and constant Internet access, it will not be difficult to organize such an option. Thus, you can significantly save on hosting costs. However, it should be borne in mind that if the site has a large audience of daily visitors, then its own web server, especially on old equipment, is hardly a good idea due to the generation of too much traffic.

Home data storage

Another scenario for using an old computer is to create a single server for sharing files between devices on your home network. It will act as a repository where you can place anything you want: music, videos, photos and other content. As for the implementation of such an idea, there is a considerable amount of various special software. Thus, all files will be in one place and can be accessed from any device at home.

Which of these methods are you planning to use (or have already used) you? Do you have other options? Write in the comments.

Many are wondering what to do with their old computers.
We offer 10 possible options for their use: from a home server or media center to a sale in pieces or turning into an original design element.

Due to the constant drop in prices for more and more advanced computers, old computers are simply lying around, such as the 300 MHz Pentium II.
You can't upgrade such a computer.
Its scope is limited only by the owner's imagination.

Experiments with computer networks

With two computers at hand, you can network them together.
All versions of Windows c Windows 95 have built-in networking capabilities, so no additional software is required.
On the hardware side, you will need a network card for your old computer, and for a new one if it doesn't have a network card, a network cable and a switch or router.

You won't be able to glean much useful information on this topic from the Windows Help files.
Here guides can come to the rescue, many of which can be found on the Internet.

Multimedia player

Many computers have sound cards, and, as a rule, if the computer has a processor more powerful than a Pentium 200 MHz, it works fairly well with the Winamp player.
Try installing your favorite player on your old computer and you can connect it to your living room audio system and use it as a media player and storage for MP3 and WMA files.

In the simplest case, you can connect your computer to two mid-range speakers.
To connect to a home theater system, you need to make several purchases.

First, buy a wireless mouse and keyboard kit so you don't get tethered to your computer.
You cannot do without a video card with a video output to watch movies on a large TV, and not on a monitor.
If your old computer is connected to your main computer via a network, you can also play files from the main computer on this multimedia center.

Multiplayer games

Once your home network is established, you can introduce your friends to multiplayer games.
You can find games that work well on your old computer.
The best option might be DOOM 95, which works quite well on computers with 486DX / 66 processors, and even more so on Pentium 200.
The game requires Windows 95 or higher.

Install Linux

Even if you haven't been working with computers for long, you have most likely already heard about free operating systems and various Linux distributions.
An old computer is a chance to try what it's like to work with Linux without damaging your primary Windows PC.

Linux supports old components well.
It even seems that the older the hardware components, the better Linux supports them.

Print server, file or web server

For all of the above, your old computer can be very slow.
Then it can be used as a home server.

If you have multiple printers connected to different computers, try connecting them to the same old computer.
Leaving it always on, you can print over the network to any printer from any computer.

You can use your computer as a file server, hosting information that may be needed on other computers on your home network.
If you are connected to the Internet via a dedicated line, you can make a web server from your old computer.
You do not need to install a special operating system for this.
Windows 98 and a free web server like Apache will do.

Transfer your old computer to the nearest school

If you can't find a use for your old computer, call your nearest school or district education department.
Many schools will be happy with computers with 486 processors.
Many well-known companies continually donate computers to educational institutions and children.
Among such companies Dell and Gateway, moreover, now the school will be able to get a licensed copy of Windows from Microsoft for free for the computer you donated.

Use your old computer as a visual aid

If you have never seen what a processor looks like, or do not know how a hard drive is installed.
Why not sort out these issues on an old, no longer needed computer?
This is the best tool for hands-on training in assembling computers and updating them.

Disassemble and sell your computer piece by piece

Many organizations and users still use old computers for their own purposes, and they are completely satisfied with them, especially if special programs were written for their tasks, designed specifically for this class of computers.

Difficulties usually arise when a component fails.
It is expensive to buy a new computer, and some components of old computers may have been out of production for a long time and become a real rarity.
Due to this, many parts of your computer can quickly find buyers.

Show your own imagination

The previous way of using an out-of-date computer or monitor has become yet another proof that, using your own imagination, you can provide a new life for a seemingly unnecessary thing.
If none of the listed ways of using an old computer suits you, before you get rid of it, try to connect your imagination, perhaps you will get something original and really necessary.

Translation: Vladimir Volodin

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