Why does Naidi touch not working on the iPhone. Disabled print scanner: Universal ways to eliminate the problem. What to do if the fingerprint update did not help

Of course, such defense accounted for to the taste of users who immediately began to use all the benefits of "apple products". However, after some time on the site official technical support Apple have become numerous complaints about what failed to complete setting Touch ID. Such a useful solution turned out to be absolutely inactive? Or can I solve the problem? Consider more in the article.

The reasons

There are a lot of factors that can affect the work of a smartphone. Some bind what failed to complete the configuration of the Touch ID, with the updated design standard applicationsNew siri functions, Change the CarPlay interface and many others. However, the reasons may be as trivial than it seems at first glance.

Most often, the problems with the scanner appear at negative temperatures. In this case, the Touch ID configuration cannot be carried out due to the fact that the touchscreen is elementary frozen and cannot count the user. In addition, it changes in cold weather on the fingers of man. Of course, it is impossible to see the naked eye, but for sensitive technology it is a huge problem. Therefore, if you failed to complete the Touch ID setting, go back to a warm place and try to repeat the procedure again when the device and your hands get warm.

The second common cause is dirt and moisture. If you try to adjust the scanner in the rain or in cloudy weather, when the increased humidity prevails on the street, then, most likely nothing will happen. The same applies to dirty hands. Again, outwardly fingers may look clean, however, it will not be enough for the scanner.

Of course, there are more serious reasons for the fact that it was not possible to complete the configuration of the Touch ID. Quite often the problem arises from incorrect setting or short program failure. Also, the reason can be wounded in the hardware.

Proper setting

In order for the Touch ID fully worked, you need to configure it. To make it right, you must perform the following steps:

  • Make sure that the "Home" button is clean, there is no moisture on it. Hands should be dry.
  • Enter the phone settings and select the Touch ID password. Enter a code combination.
  • Click "Add a print" and calmly touch the "Home" button, without pressing it too much.
  • Hold your finger in a stationary state while the device does not begin to vibrate.
  • Repeat the procedure. The finger needs to lift several times and press the button again. At the same time it is recommended to change its position slightly.
  • A new menu will appear on the screen, where it will be prompted to adjust the capture of the imprint. To do this, you need to take the phone in the hand most in a convenient way And apply a finger pad to the "Home" button. This procedure is also repeated several times.

If you still failed to complete the Touch ID setting, you can try to attach another finger. Or use another method.

Restoring Touch ID

To roll back the previous changes and set new parameters, you must perform the following steps:

  • Enter the main menu and select the Touch ID password again.
  • Enter access code and delete old biometric data.
  • Repeat the procedure for adding "cast".

If after that still fails to complete the Touch ID setting on the iPhone, you can try to restore the system through backupwhich was previously done in cloud storage or on PC. To do this, connect the device to the computer and go to iTunes. Then it is enough just to click the "Restore" button and select the desired backup date. After recovery, biometric data must be re-made, as described earlier.

If the problem is hardware

If there has been no program troubleshoot and fails to complete the Touch ID setting, then the reason can be wounded in the device itself. Perhaps the loop of the HOME button has departed. To solve such a problem, you need to carefully disassemble the phone. Then you need to turn off the loop from the button, clarify whether there are damage on it, and re-stick it. In some situations, it helps to correct the error.

However, without proper experience, such experiments should not be carried out. If the user is confident in his abilities, before performing such operations it is necessary to maintain all the data from the smartphone.

If the Touch ID stops working in the App Store

Very often, users notice the problem with the scanner only when entering the official Apple Store. However, if the imprint is not removed in App Store.This may also testify for malfunctions in the device.

In this case, you must perform the following actions:

  • Enter the settings and go to the Touch ID password.
  • Enter the code and find the "Use" section.
  • Disable the App Store and iTunes Store in it.
  • Reload the device.
  • Go back to the settings and repeat the procedure, only this time the stores are necessary, on the contrary, activate.

It usually helps get rid of bugs.

Tech support

If nothing from the above helped, you should not despair. Experienced Apple Technical Support Specialists can help figure out why you cannot complete the Touch ID setting. To do this, you must go to the company's official website and create an appropriate ticket. Either you can search already asked questions. Most likely, the site has a large number of branches of discussion with similar problems. If consultants are offered to fulfill everything that has already been voiced, it remains only to go to the service center and try to diagnose the device. Before it is worth copying all the data from the phone again.

Touch ID is a unique fingerprint reading technology. It is equipped with such versions of Apple mobile gadgets as iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. According to the manufacturer, in the sixth line models, this technology is more perfect. However, the forums often receive complaints from many users that Touch ID is a fairly poorly working element both in the first and second version.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Touch ID is definitely good. And not only in terms of marketing, but also for practical use. Using Touch ID, the iPhone owner can unlock his device, enter the "Tags" of some programs on the network, make payment through Apple Pay.. But this is if the technology functions smoothly, which is not always possible. As in any electronic mechanism, in Touch ID, sometimes problems also arise. How to cope with them? Let's deal with.

First, if the problems have discovered after the recent firmware to the "Ourser" version 9 (or more "fresh" versions of iOS) may need Diangrade. This term denote the system rollback to the previous version. But if problems are not so significant, better decision will wait for the next update.

All other problems are often caused by misunderstandings that do not assume anything serious. Therefore, most of them the user can solve independently, without contacting the repair shop. Moreover, such problems will not be treated as much as much, but the ways of their decision have long been known. In this article, consider each problem and how it is decided in detail.

It often happens so that the fingerprint does not work on the iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S. If there are failures in the system, experts recommend to make a simple reconfiguration. In other words, you need to re-train the gadget to recognize the fingerprint. When the first scanners appeared, Apple has occurred annual updates. software for them. This is done so that the devices can remember the fingers of their owners as much as possible.

Significant optimization in this area was carried out in the "Operation" of the eighth version. But as the practical experience of many users showed, if the imprint does not regularly refresh, somewhere after a month, the Touch ID will begin to give failures. The reasons for this are usually the most banal, but at their base they are cosmetic character (the imprint was worn out, the dry skin of the finger and the like misunderstandings).

Considering the foregoing, when bugs Touch ID on iPhone 5S, you need to update the print in memory of the gadget. But before the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the surface of the display and wash your hands. Then go to the iPhone settings, and then in the Touch ID password section. An earlier imprint at the same time you need to remove through the swipe, moving along the display from the right side to the left. After that, you need to click on the Add Print button and again hold a regular printing operation, according to the instruction.

Touch ID does not function in the App Store

Such as the previous described problem is found quite often. And this is usually due to the fact that the scanner does not interact with the App Store. As before, the reason most often lies in cosmetic factors. But sometimes the problem occurs due to software malfunctions iPhone 5S. Many users note that gadgets based on the "Operations" of the eighth version, or rather, touch technology ID in them, in this store does not work.

To solve such a problem, you must perform the following steps:

  • Click on the settings section, and then on the Touch ID and password item.
  • Go to the use section of the technology and disable the App Store.
  • Make a reboot of the device system.
  • Come back to source settingsTurn on the App Store.

After all the completed actions, the Touch ID-bug in the store should be removed on the machine. Recall the same thing that if the user did not make purchases in the store during the day, with a new input, the system will request the password input.

Fingerprint scanner does not work in principle

It happens that the scanner itself fails, that is, simply breaks. Although this happens extremely rarely.

Signaling about breakdown can complete non-working capacity after the update. In this case, you can try " Hard Reset.", Having made the Backup procedure before this.

But if it is in violations of iPhone 5S software performance, hard reboot Usually solves the problem by 100%. Otherwise, the user will have to consult a repair, because without competent diagnostics of the device there is no longer anywhere.

Touch ID stops working at low temperatures

According to statistics, glitches in the work of technology in winter or in cold conditions there are much more often. As always, the explanation for such a phenomenon is simple. It's all about changes in the papillary pattern of fingers, which changes when changing weather conditions. To the eye to determine such changes, of course, is not possible. But smart touch ID immediately detects them and gives failures.

As it was already possible to guess, this is being treated, too, through an imprint update. But here you can do everything even easier. It is enough to perform and save your "winter" imprint in the device's memory. To do this, you need to do the procedure as soon as you came from the street, and the fingers are still cold. Although, this is not a guarantee of a successful solution to the problem. According to the reviews of the iPhone owners, not always the above methods cope with the situation.

If the scanner does not work under mud or damp

Here in the long explanation to go into anything. Obviously, moisture and dirt do not give the system to scan a fingerprint. We are talking about the presence of dirt or moisture not only on the fingerty, but also on the surface of the scanner. Therefore, before the operation, you need to wash well and dry your hands and carefully wipe the scanner with a dry cloth.

But one important point should be remembered: for a long time to keep hands in the water when washing is not necessary, since at the same time the skin will swell and the papillary pattern will change greatly.

However, Apple guarantees fans of their products that in the new gadgets of the sixth line with the labeling S Touch ID more effectively works with wet surfaces. But at the same time, the developers still do not recommend using a scanner when the hands are wet.

Breakdown after repair: reasons

Speaking simple wordsIn the process of repairing the device may be damaged by the loop between the touch ID and the telephone board. This leads to the fact that the authenticity of the imprint system is already not able to determine. And after that, the gadget is deactivating a biometric sensor. In such a situation, the replacement of individual elements in order to establish the work of the technology is impossible. The identifiers between Secure Enclave and a third-party sensor simply will not match.

If the loop is completely damaged, its restoration is an impracticable task. The fact is that it includes ten tracks consisting of several layers. And the thickness of each track is the tenth stake of the millimeter.

The situation with the HOME button elements governing the press registration process. From the replacement - the case is simple. However, unlocking the device from this time will be available exclusively through the password. Identify the broken Touch ID through the settings simply. To do this, carefully consider the Add New Fingerprint menu. It should be gray if there are any malfunctions.

The only method of obtaining a properly functioning sensor with dactyloscopic technology is based on it to apply elements of another device. This means that you will need to install new board And the Home button. However, this repair will cost the user very expensive. It is advisable in such a situation to purchase new iPhone. Of course, if the technology Touch ID is highly important for the user.

After iOS updates Can not be done or fail to complete the Touch ID setup? In this manual, to help you, the most common problems with the Touch ID and their solutions are collected.

If problems with the touch ID started immediately after updating to the new version of iOS.may need to roll back it. As long as you have a chance or stay with the problem, before the release of the next update. We have seen that in some IOS updates, errors appear, and the following corrected it.

Although it may seem that the problem with the touch ID, but there is a reason why your iPhone more often requests a password after the update. If you have not enjoyed your password for six days, and did not enter the Touch ID to unlock the phone for eight hours, then you will need to enter a password. This is an Apple rule, and it is installed for your safety.

How to correct the problem Could not activate Touch ID on the iPhone?

Regardless of whether you are initially incorrect Touch ID settings, or you think that over time it becomes unreliable, there are all sorts of reasons why the touch ID in iPhone or iPad may not be able to recognize your fingerprint, as before, or as it should . Sometimes in such cases it is best to start all over again.

Unlock the iPhone or iPad and re-configure the Touch ID to fix most of the errors. Before doing this, make sure that there is no dirt or sweat on the touch ID sensor, and also wipe your hands.

Step 1. Settings → Scroll down and click "Touch ID and Password".

Step 2. Then enter your password and turn off the functions " Unlock iPhone."And" iTunes and App Store ".

Step 3. Click the "Home" button to return to main screenAnd then restart the iPhone by clicking the "Shutdown" button.

Step 4. Settings → Scroll down and click "Touch ID and Password". Enter your password.

Step 5. Turn on the "Unlocking iPhone" and "iTunes and App Store" functions.

If you could not complete the Touch ID setting the above method, turn on the "Open, attaching finger" function. To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to Settings → Basic.

Step 2. Click "Universal Access".

Step 3. Select "Home".

Step 4. Turn on "Open by applying a finger".

After that, restart the phone and check if the failure is filed. "Unable to complete the Touch ID setting."

Sensor Recalign Touch ID

The easiest way to fix the Touch ID errors is to re-create your fingerprint on the iPhone. Over the past year, iOS updates did big workwhich corrected most Touch ID errors including "Unable to configure Touch ID", and there are also general performance improvements on iOS 8 and higher.

It can help if your fingerprints have changed slightly over the past few months due to wear, dry skin, etc. To do this, you need to perform the following simple steps:

Step 1. Run the Settings application and open the "Touch ID and Password Code", enter your password when the query appears.

Step 2. Select a fingerprint to which you have problems, then click the "Remove Print" button.

Step 3. Click the "Add Print ..." button to start re-scanning a remote finger.

Step 4. Apply your finger to touch Sensor ID in different ways - with the right to left, top down and on the sides until the fingerprint icon becomes completely painted.

Step 5. When you are asked to configure the capture, scan the edges of this finger until the fingerprint icon becomes completely painted.

Note: Scan front, rear part And the sides of this finger in such a way, as you think you will apply it to unlock when it is not convenient to capture.

Step 6. Click the "Continue" button when the process is completed to save the fingerprint.

Block the device and make sure the print runs; Congratulations, if everything happened! If not, restart the device, according to the instructions as shown below and check whether the problem is eliminated.

Forced restart of the device

Next action action - forced reboot. Hold down the "Power" and "Home" buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds and release when you see the Apple logo. These instructions are designed for the owners of the iPhone 6 and previous models.

For the owners of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, you must clamp the "Power" and "Volume Reduction" buttons, and for new phones iphone X. First, click on the volume increase, then to reduce the volume and hold the "Power" button for 10 seconds. The rest of the process is the same.

After rebooting, your fingerprint should work fine.

If after performing these steps to re-calibrate TOUCH IDs you still can not unlock iOS device with the help of a fingerprint, possibly there is something else, besides iOS errors. Take these steps to troubleshoot:

Wipe the touch touch sensor with microfiber cloth to remove oil traces from fingers and dirt.

Use another finger; Perhaps the finger you are trying to take advantage, there is no bright imprint.

Note: According to reviews, many iPhone owners have encountered a problem "Can't Complete Touch ID Settings." Official support Apple says it is a hardware problem and you should either replace the "Home" button (or screen + button "Home"), or the whole phone.


If the problem with the Touch ID continues to pursue your device, you should either wait for the next iOS update, or you should contact Apple. Also if your iPhone is still under warranty, contact official service Apple.

Hello everyone! As already repeatedly noted on the blog, all articles are those problems or questions that I personally faced either I myself personally or my friends. Actually for this, a site was created - to share personal experience And help others with "apple" technician. And so, my already old enough, but still opening iPhone. 5s "Threw up" to me the next idea for the instruction - he suddenly stopped working the Touch ID.

And, as I thought at the first moment, it happened completely and irrevocably. No, but what else can you expect? The device is not new. Chips, scratches, scratching, falls - all this was. The natural wear of the device is not going anywhere :) Therefore, when Touch Id "fell off," I was not very surprised. Surprise has come after later, in the process of solving this problem ... However, let's go about everything in order.

So, a brief background:

  1. I updated on iOS 10.3.1
  2. After some time, I began to notice that the sensor was not always trigging. But as usual did not give this importance - maybe the hands are dirty or something else.
  3. But after I could not go to a client's bank-client, in my head "Solitaire formed" - Touch ID does not work.

Looking ahead, I note that everything was allowed safely. But what actions had to do for this - now you will learn, went!

It is worth noting that if on your iPhone installed "non-vectory" hOME button (for example, replaced after repair), then the Touch ID will not function on it. Never. Sensor Print "Hard" tied to system board. One board is one home button. Also, some sellers immediately sell the iPhone with a non-working scanner -.

But we have another problem - the iPhone stopped recognizing the imprint, although nothing happened to him (except IOS update). I thought it was a simple "glitch" of the system and that's what:

And here, it would seem, everything should end. But no - the miracle did not happen and the Touch ID still did not work. After that it became clear that the problem is iron. And it is the loop of the Home button:

  1. It may be damaged (moisture, non-acceptance assembly or device disassembly).
  2. It can be simply not inserted (installed not to the end).

And it seems that this is not my case. iPhone I did not urinate, and since the last disassembly, the scanner worked perfectly ... But still the device had to disassemble and that's what happened:

  • I disassemble the iPhone.
  • Disconnected the HOME button loop.
  • I looked at him and, as expected, I saw nothing - he is in perfect condition.
  • Put back.
  • Touch ID earned.

Honestly, the result was a little surprised :)

I do not know why it helped a simple reapplision of the loop, but the fact remains a fact - after this operation, the button began to normally handle the prints of my fingers.

Although I have one idea why it could happen - in lately IPhone fell several times, and quite strongly. I already thought that it would reach even before replacing the screen, but in the end everything cost. And perhaps the fall was the cause of all these problems.

Sometimes the iPhone broke through the fault of users. Some breakdowns eliminate enough simply in almost any service center. However, there are breakdowns that cannot be eliminated without Apple intervention. For example, a button with the Touch ID scanner is tied to the processor of the device. It can be replaced, but the print scanner will not work. Help with it can only apple companyand she decided to help.

According to Reuters, the company Apple start Deliver to authorized service centers of the device called Horizon Machine. It is planned to supply devices in more than 200 service centers In 25 countries. Change the fingerprint scanner into the iPhone, saving its performance, you can only with this device that performs the necessary calibration.

It will be great if Horizon Machine appears in each authorized service center. This will make apple devices more accessible and fast. Alas, there are cities in which there are no authorized Apple service centers. It is for this reason that there is an initiative, in which technological companies want to oblige to provide specifications and tools for the repair of their products. Apple actively

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