Communication with subscribers with questions for history in instagram. Questions for stories in Instagram: how to ask a question and how to answer I do not have such a sticker what to do

Do not know how to make a sticker ask a question in Storsith? So, let's wonder how it works. Or how to create a new sticker in Instagram Storsis (Stories) ask a question. To do this, open your instagram, come in to create Storsith (plusing near your main photo). And for a start, creating content, for its history (Stories). Options and settings are a bit, but we will look at the main, on two devices. It will be, creating a sticker to ask a question, on Android and iOS.

Operating systems, different but functions, not on all devices can be displayed. We have after the update, the sticker has no problems.

  1. You went to create Storsis (Stories). We all know that you can make photos and videos there and add materials already existing in the gallery. For example, choose photos from the gallery. As shown in the first screenshot.
  2. Step second! Find an icon square smile sticker, After the link icons (first screenshot). Click on it and we offer all stickers. This, hasty, gif and see there a new sticker - questions.
  3. Next, click on camera questions. After that, the sticker will appear on top of your story. The field with the words, ask me a question, can be left unchanged. Either write your question. Changing on the field, it will become active, where the cursor rose, you can write your question. For example, ask what firm glasses, lipstick and so on. It all depends on your imagination. Below read about additional features!

If you take the sticker and stretch it with two fingers. You can play with its size. Increase or decrease, on your discretion. The main thing is to be convenient to users, read it!

The question can be dragged into any place, your story.

When clicking, according to the word, ask me a question and replace your text, you will have multicolored circles at the bottom. These are colors in which you can paint, the form of your question.

How to delete, sticker ask a question? Very just clap sticker, finger. After a few seconds, the basket icon appears, at the bottom of the screen. Drag the sticker questions, in the basket and it will be removed. Make it, after you have already published the story, do not work out!

The difference is actually not tangible between Android and iOS. The specificity of the addition, similar to the instruction described above. Except that the IOS operating system, the sticker is positioned by the screen using the auxiliary strips. This, at first glance, imperceptibly, but those who! Enjoy and work in photos and video editors, immediately understand. Strip elements appear. For example, in order to show that the sticker is located exactly in the middle of the screen or reached its lowest point.

Elements and sequence similar to. Choose and create a story. Find stickers and in a pop-up window, choose - questions. Sticker can be changed, write your question. Set color and size, move it across the screen and your storage background.

As you might notice, the screenshots are almost the same. As well as the function, new sticker - questions. Adding a sticker and publishing STORIS (STORIES) is also identical. Here it all depends on which mobile device you use.

Some write questions in PM. Ask about everything: about travel, Thailand, blogging, IP, etc., that is, they ask questions that do not contain something personal, and which can well ask publicly. In the answer, I always asked and ask my questions only in the comments on the blog! Now I will tell why.

  • It can save me the time in the future, since my answer can see someone else.
  • Questions and answers in the comments help other visitors to prepare a trip.
  • As a rule, personal correspondence does not end with the answer to one question and others follow it, and as a result, the answer turns into an hour conversation, especially if it goes online.
  • I answer questions in a queue, and when I have at this time.

Why do I generally talk about saving time?

Probably, it seems to someone, think, I'll quickly ask everything, everything will not lose the blog from the author. But the fact is, thousands of people come to the blog every day and I get dozens of questions. Moreover, some require a thoughtful response, understanding in a situation, google search. I am simply physically able to answer questions also in private messages and by mail. Nevertheless, I want to help me if possible, so I answer questions daily in the comments. Understand, I still have a job and family, so if your question does not contain something personal, then write it in the comments, I will definitely answer if I know the answer.

Message to dissatisfied and freebies

Some are offended after I ask you to ask questions in the comments: "What can not be able to answer right here?" Or - "I'm in scrap on a blog to write, let's here." So, I am not obliged to answer anyone, and either you ask for my rules or goodbye.

Also, the forests are both lovers of freebies, who do not respese someone else's time. Do you really think it is normal to write me a whole list of questions to which I will write an answer for a couple of hours, especially if the answers are in the post itself? Before asked your questions, read carefully posts and comments on articles, use the search on the blog, google in the end, no one must use search engines for you. If you "into scrap" to spend your precious time and at least read the post in which there is an answer, then do not be surprised if someone will "in the scrap" answer you already.

For many instagram, it became not only excellent to publishing photos, but also a means of communication with those users who are interested in your life. Therefore, if questions appear, you can ask them to your subscribers using Inst Stori, which appeared relatively recently.

Publication will be visible to subscribers within 24 hours. In order to interest its users, you can apply with creativity by using ideas that will be offered in this article.

Standard questions for history in instagram

For a short existence, the publication options options, users actively used this opportunity to establish contact with subscribers using issues in Stori. Consider the most popular formats specified in Insty Stori, questions.


Have you often seen similar symbols in instagram history? And often it is supported by a collage of photos or some video. For example, you decided to remove the performance of the song and are interested in our subscribers, is it interesting to such a format of content for them to upload such videos more often.

If you want to know the answer, put the text "+/-?" In the video editor or program. So, those people who will be interested in this will write to you in the director "+", who does not have - "-".


Popular bloggers often try to carry out flash drives with answers to questions for history in instagram. If you have a large number of subscribers, you can try to spend it on your page.

Come up with the first entry to attract users to participate, for example, "Friends, many of you often ask me different questions. So now I decided to answer the most interesting of them. Write to the Direct, and ask the answers in the next publication. "


One of the most popular features in instagram is live ether. If your internet works without failures, you can try to spend it at home in a relaxed atmosphere, and record a direct ether of some event, for example, a performer concert or a noisy party.

Live ethers are an excellent opportunity to communicate with their audience through the history of Instagram. You can raise a specific conversation topic to which your subscribers will send questions. A campaign of dialogue you will gradually answer each of them.

Registration of history in instagram

If you decide to remove the video or make a photo with the text of the question for your story, then first need to think about the design.

  • Try to choose your questions on topics that, in your opinion, will be interested in users;
  • Pick the photo so that it does not stand out against the background of the text. Take advantage of vsco or snapseed photo edits to reduce saturation and contrast in the photo;
  • Also do not forget that the photo when publishing loses their quality due to trimming. To prevent this, it will be an excellent option to prepare a photo on a computer through Photoshop. When cropping, the photo will remain as high quality. The size of the picture should be: 640 * 1136 or 750 * 1334.


Stories in Instagram is an excellent opportunity in real time to communicate with subscribers and share your thoughts. Publishing questions, you can make new acquaintances. Implement your creative ideas in publications and be sure they will not remain unnoticed!

Recently, as many new features have appeared in Instagram that it becomes difficult to monitor them. Over the past few weeks, there have been reports that you viewed all the new posts, the ability to add music, video calls in history, etc. Yesterday, the company introduced another new feature :. This is an interesting way to make your stories interactive. You will definitely want to try a new feature on yourself, but it appeared not to all users. If you are one of them, do not worry, there is a solution.

If you suddenly did not understand, the stickers questions are on a tab with other stickers in stories. You can write a message with the call to ask you questions, and your subscribers will be able to do this by touching the sticker. Questions can be viewed in the same place where users who looked history. There you can touch any question to post a new story with the answer to it. This is a very fun and interesting way to learn something new about each other.

The function came out on July 10, but for some reason not everyone appeared. Now you know that they are not alone. As in the case of other new functions, this may take some time on the introduction of this. At your friends, she may appear earlier than you need, you just need to gain patience. However, there is also the likelihood that the function has not appeared because of some error. In this case, follow the tips below.

1. Look in the right place

First you need to make sure that you are looking for a function in the right place. She is on a tab with other stickers in stories. The sticker-question is located between the sticker with gif images and a sticker with a location. To open stickers, make a photo or video in stories, and then spend on the screen up. Icon with a question should be there. If it is not, go to the next item.

2. Check the App Store for updates.

The new feature is available with the 52 Instagram version for iOS and Android. The application needs to be updated to appear. Go to the App Store and check the update tab. If there are no updates, it is not yet available.

3. Update the application

If you have an update available, you need to install it. After that, the new feature will be ready for use.

4. Restart the device

If you have updated the application, but the new feature has not appeared, try to restart the device. Sometimes it helps. After reboot, check the application again.

5. Wait

Is the function still not appeared? Then it will be necessary to gain patience and wait. This often happens with updates containing new features, after a while it will be available and you.

In the meantime, you can ask questions to your friends and recognize them from the new parties. When the function appears and you, they will be able to do the same.

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Not so long ago, the "Questions" function appeared, and many users had quite a lot of questions. So let's understand how to use a new feature.

The action plan for today is about this:

How to ask a question in the history of instagram?

First briefly about the new "Questions" function. You add yourself a sticker in Stories (your text and field for question) and people can ask you questions. You can answer as in PMC (Direct), and publish it in the form of a new post in the same Storsis.

Now to business, how to make a sticker "Questions" in your Stories:

  1. go to B. Storky and choose a photo or make a background;
  2. go to stickers and looking for "Questions";
  3. we write the desired text (usually something like - "ask me a question!") - Click ReadyYour story.

Stickers - Questions - Ready - Your History

Now all users who are subscribed to you will see in the stories your new post, where they can write their question. I think you have already seen this. Well, if not, it looks like this:

How to answer questions in Instagram?

When someone asked you a question, then you will see a notice of this. Now consider how to look and if you need, answer a certain question.

Everything is implemented simple enough, follow these steps:

Statistics - click on the question - We write text - Your story

Well, it is quite logical that your subscribers will now get the opportunity to see the desired answers.

How to ask an anonymous question in instagram?

When this sticker appeared with questions, many users thought that they were anonymous and as I understand it, asked absolutely everything that would wish.

Here I want to disappoint you a little, because users see who exactly asks them one or another question. Anonymity will be only when publishing your question with the answer.

Whether this option will appear in the future, there is no information yet. But if it is logical to reason, then I think that there is no. Just imagine that then starts.

Why do not question questions in instagram?

Imagine this situation that you have already seen in Stories a lot of users who enjoy this feature. They wanted to take advantage of the questions, but they simply do not.

Let's look at why they may not work in Instagram:

  • you have the old Instagram version installed, so just go to the App Store or Google Play and update it;
  • quite often the newest functions first get bloggers or users with a large number of subscribers, so it is possible to simply wait;
  • if nothing helps, try to delete and install the program again.

I know the tips are quite standard, but there are no other solutions. First, try these methods and if they do not help, then simply refer to Instagram.

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