MYTARGET CASE: Course on the Ulysse Nardin watch from Target @ Mail. MYTARGET CASE: Course on the Ulysse Nardin watches from Target @ Mail here is such a Case on the Baellerry purse

Hello everyone, if you read this article, then surely familiar with the previous articles and know that one of my main niches was the sale of a purse (now it is not the main one) from one-page. If you read my articles, then start with and gradually read others. This article will present a whole case, with the results of my work with this offper for the first 2 months of work. And at the end there will be a video about everything that is written in this article. Be sure to see. So, let's begin.

As soon as I saw that I came, I was in a lung shock. But it was not to retreat where I started selling them. (vinegar slightly brought the smell of fish)

After I paid for the order, I began prepared for the arrival of the party. The first thing began to learn to make Landing. Looking at him now, I hardly understand how he could bring money at all if I started working with such a lending now, 100% would fight. But at that time, there were few competitors on these models, as they were just started to sell, so my site began to bring me money. I didn't want to order someone in principle, because there was no money and it was hunting to learn myself. My first lending was so.

This Landing, I did about 2 weeks. Then I started thinking where to run traffic to the site. I knew that there are some kind of contextual advertising systems and so on, since I read about 1 year about 1 year about the business on the Internet and gathered with thoughts about the opening of my own. How to configure the context, I naturally did not have the concept and thought it was not hard. Selecting Y.Dell as the main source of traffic, I started to customize it. Results for June Month you can see on the screenshot (advertising launched at the end of June).

I naturally had 1 advertisement for all keywords, plus not disabled, etc. As a result, I drained more than 2,000 rubles in 2-3 days, I received 1 -2 Lida and spoke softly so to say. At that time, considering that I was almost at zero, it was a lot of money. After that, I began to study the Direct, revised a bunch of lessons, reread a lot of articles, the final step was the employment to work in a fairly good company in an experienced Internet marketer. There I learned to customize Y.Dyrte, as a result, the case went uphill. As you can see in July, the price of clicking at times has decreased, the Lida appeared at an affordable price. And by the middle of July, I have allocated this batch (besides the Direct, there were Lida from the announcement boards and from the contact).

Then there was a new batch, in the amount of about 70 pieces (already normal purses) on the cost of purchased approximately 32-35 thousand rubles.

On the screen above, I rolled down a little with the installation of targets in Yametric, so such a mad conversion. I note that the cost is on the screen in C.E., and 1 cu \u003d 30 rubles in Ya.Dyrte. Price in U.E. Since I used a worker account from Elam.

In fact, this month from the directory I received about 30 leaders, at a cost of no more than 150 rubles (in principle, as it was in July). But I also actively worked advertising in AdWords (Statistics, unfortunately, there is no, since the campaigns were old, I removed them for a long time) to Avito and in free VK groups. I sold this batch for the whole of August, and earned my first solid money. The price of Landing was 1590-1790 rubles.

Total 70 * 1690 \u003d 118300 rubles.

The cost was about 35 thousand + approximately 10 thousand advertising + other costs of about 10 thousand \u003d 55 thousand rubles.

Profit amounted to about 63.3 thousand rubles. (Delivery was at the expense of the buyer).

These values \u200b\u200bare approximate, since at that time I had no analytics, except for the Excel file with the data of buyers, and I do not remember all expenses. Plus there was a certain% non-chip. In order not to be wiping that Lida were with VC, I will provide some screenshots that managed to find. Calls from Avito unfortunately I can not show))

In general, such statistics are given for a period of about 2-2.5 months. As you see, I went out on a fairly good level of earnings from my case, plus received 20 thousand for the work of an experienced Internet marketer (honestly I would worked for free, since I got a very good experience there) was a lot of empty costs that could be easily Avoid, I just didn't know about it and understood only then. But again, this experience, and in subsequent niches, I do not do this.

Now I have 2 sites on these models, contexts and other types of such advertising I almost do not use for a purse, except for holidays. I well configured CEO optimization, one of my site is always in the top 5 for hot demand in Yandex, the other in the top 3 in Google. The VK group also works (more than 1000 live people), an account in instagram, Avito and other bulletin boards.

Again the screenshots, to confirm my words.

As can be seen in the chart, more than 60% of visitors come from search engines. This traffic is very cheap and high quality. I advise you to achieve such traffic and your profits will grow at times. You will not depend on the advertising budget, and you will always have Lida.

Again, to confirm your words that my sites in the top, you can check by itself by entering in the search for example "Baellerry Italia". And I will show you statistics on requests.

It is well indexed in Google, for Yandex I have another site, on the screenshot below.

On the screenshots, it is visible as there are 3 "sediments" it is due to the fact that I forgot to put money, and these days the analytics system did not work))))

Here is such a Case in the Baellerry purse.

In the end, I want to let the most important result. Do not need to think long, to start your business. It is necessary to act than before, the better. As they say, while you decide, others have already earned. Now I am doing everything from the height of experience and the results in earnings at times above.

If at one time I read such articles that I write to you, I would achieve the results at times faster! You are lucky;)

But video about everything I described above. Look for clarity!

This story is interesting primarily with a plum on the CPA strategy with Facebook.

At some point in PABLER I became noticeable advertising hours Diesel Brave from M1. The rejection tightly went anywhere - in MT, FB, instacy and public. And the tendency pointed to the future growth of traffic, because Creative was fresh, but already unscrewed more than 3 days. Do not go to the fortuneteller, you need to embed and pour.

Examples of promo from PABLER:

It was decided to try with an info + FB and to test the model of payment - conversion on the site. Honestly, it was interesting more for the experiment. At first, I did not believe that it would convert, and there will be volume.

More about work on the CPA strategy can be found in help FB. . In PP pixel is configured when generating a link, you just need to insert a part of the code into the string, and the pixel will fit on your lending.

Promotional materials

The main format for the commodity is a video, and this story is no exception. Diesel clock died squeezes, if you are too lazy - you can already go out in the PABLER. Example promo:

CTR on average was 1,16-1,50 . Click price - 10-11 rubles.
For each creative, unscrewed by 250 rublesAnd this data was already enough to highlight the promo, which explicitly give profit and go in a plus. They were left, slag promo cut off. ROI turned out to be approximately 150% At the start, that in the current commercially rare.


  • paul - Men;
  • age - 18-50, later 18-24 cut off due to a bad envelope;
  • gEO - RF (other geo simply was not, KZ and UA would be interested in this offer).

Hello everyone! So I decided to write as we earned 61,000 rubles on the clock in just 3 days.

Product: Ulysse Nardin watches
A source: Target @ Mail
Traffic: Web.
Pay: 680 rub.

So, at the end of February, we decided to try out a new type of web banners with a resolution of 1080 to Target @ Mail.

As a affiliate, M1 was chosen, since they have no problems with goods and payments, as well as their call.

Made 3 ads with good pictures. When you are making the clock, the pictures are very well converted close-up and text.

According to the total tests left one thing:

Two others showed themselves not very good.

Traffic was launched at 10-00. And after an hour they realized that the topic was hot.
CTR of successful announcement reached 1.7%
Therefore, they immediately decided to work for shows. We wanted a lot of traffic so the price for 1000 shows set 32 \u200b\u200brubles. Coverage came out 85%
All ads led to this Landing:

As a result, we received such statistics:

Financial indicators.
Spent on traffic: 57 000 rub.
Income: 120,000 rubles.
Profit: 61 000 rubles.

At the end of the third day, CTR fell sharply and had to already come up with something else, but this is already a completely different story ..)

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