Blocked classmates. What to do and how to unlock? How to go to classmates if access is closed how to enter "classmates" if you have closed the workplace access

We know how to go to classmates if access for some reason is closed (blocked).

At a recent bright example in Ukraine, the government blocked popular Internet resources of Russia, including classmates. All those who are trying to open a favorite site, waiting for an error on the browser page or the inscription is blocked.

There are ways to bypass the prohibition there are a large number and 90% of them work, and it pleases.

What are the types of bypass to enter the blocked resources:

  1. Anonymizers: Programs, Browser Extensions, Sites;
  2. As for sites through which there is a connection to classmates, this is a long process, and in this way, the entered data can be intercepted. We will talk about the extensions for browsers just below, because This is one of the best options. Anonymizers programs in most cases require settings, so we will skip this item.

  3. Mobile applications of popular social networks.
  4. Did you know that classmates have an app for Android and iOS? If not - boldly swing: and communicate.

  5. Browsers with built-in VPN feature that allows you to change IP and connect to any closed access sites.

Browsers that support the VPN function, not much. Of these are all 2: Opera and Tor Browser.

How to go to classmates in Ukraine

Without the difference in Ukraine, it was closed, or in Uzbekistan, the way it works below for any country.

So, how to go to classmates, for example, in Ukraine or in any other country:

In order to take advantage of a popular social network classmates sometimes not enough to type in the address bar of the browser familiar address. In some cases, access to some Internet resources is blocked. Within the framework of this article, we will consider alternative access to the closed worldwide network pages via an anonymizer server.

As a rule, the problems of downloading some pages can occur in office computers. After all, employers are interested in the effective employment of their employees who are not off at working hours to view social networks and sit on various forums. Therefore, system administrators create so-called black Lists of IP addresses, as a result of which access to these resources becomes impossible.

However, this problem seems intractable only at first glance. To date, there are many specialized Internet sites that provide the opportunity to circumvent such protection. Use them extremely simple. Consider the work of the resource didospa, with which we will try to go to classmates.

We go to the anonymizer website. You see the window in front of you, in which we need to enter the address of the social network. After that, click Open And we get to the login and password page on the social network.

After a short-term procedure for filling the necessary data, we go to your page and communicate with pleasure.

Why did we manage to bypass the protection system installed on the local office network? Pay attention to the browser string in which the address of our site should be registered. However, instead of the usual OK.RU we see an incomprehensible set of characters.

Without deepening in the principles of an anonymizer, let's say that your request is simply hit by the server not on behalf of your computer, and thus, if it was going from a third-party resource (in this case from an anonymizer site). As a result, we got a mirror of the desired resource, the address of which is in no way defined by the office system that we need.

Attention! Official anonymizer service Didospa is only on the site Taking advantage of third-party resources, you are trying to simply give fraudsters the details of access to the social network, so be extremely carefully and do not give in to such tricks.

If unexpectedly access to the site classmates was blocked, no need to despair. Below we will deal, why it can happen and how to get around the ban. In general, the Internet should be publicly available and without blocking, but if this still happened, we will not put up with this. Below you learn how to go to classmates if access is closed, and this can be done in several ways: just and absolutely free.

Causes of blocking:

  • firewall in the workplace. In order for employees of organizations to use a corporate network for personal use, the company's administration sets a filter blocking access to social networks, torrents, etc. Open classmates if the administrator has closed access, you can also read our article;
  • blocking law. In some countries, resources involved in piracy, spying and other illegal activities are blocked at the level of the Internet provider.
  • blocking firewall Windows or in the HOST file.In some cases, blocking can come from the PC itself or laptop.

Go around blocking

The field of how we looked at the main reasons for which access to the social network classmates can be blocked, we turn directly to the methods of solving the problem. After all, we can not just approach the computer and tell him: "Give access to classmates!"

We go to your page through Web services

There are several sites, so-called anonymizers that connect you to the network through your proxy server. It is like an intermediate component between your PC and the social network.

Here are some such resources:


Consider an example of using anonymizer

Go to the site to bypass access to classmates and enter the address of the social network to the field marked in the screenshot. Then Zhmem. "Open through anonymizer".

A few moments later, our site will open. Please note: the URL of the pages has become completely different. There is no forbidden in the address, therefore there are no locks.

The use of such services has a number of inconveniences. For example, in many cases there are restrictions on traffic, so it is no longer possible to fully watch the video in OK.

Attention! Working with anonymizers can lead to the loss of your account and the stealing of its data, as well as the spreadsheet of spam and final blocking. Unfair anonymizers can use the login and password for personal purposes.

Extensions for browser

You can bypass any blocking without a limit on traffic, free and without registration. We just need to install the plugin on the browser and use it. Consider the process with different observers - you will suit one of them.

Mozilla Firefox.

This browser is undoubtedly the richest on expansion and functionality as a whole. Although the product from Google begins to catch it slowly. So, in order to enter classmates and bypass the ban, we do the following:

  1. Click on the button marked with the number 1 is the browser menu - and choose the "Add-on" item in it.

  1. Go to the tab "Get supplements" And scroll through the page at the bottom. Next Zhmem. "Look more add-ons".

  1. We enter the "Hotspot Shield" query and click on the result in the drop-down menu.

  1. Click the button "Add to Firefox".

  1. Click "Install".

After installation, the extension will appear on the browser panel. We will only have to turn it on. Click on the icon (designated in the screenshot) and select the country whose IP address will be displayed. After that, our extension is activated, and you will get access to all sites.

Google Chrome.

Let's turn off the locking of classmates in the browser from Google. In order to do this, follow our instructions:

  1. Go to the browser menu, choose "Additional Tools", and in them.

  1. Click on the inscription.

  1. In the search field, we prescribe a "TunnelBear VPN" request and click ENTER.

  1. We set the extension to the click on the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Confirm the action.

  1. Turn on the extension, moving the trigger to a new position.

If necessary, you can immediately choose the country to which we will allegedly belong. That is, the IP address of this particular state will be displayed by the expansion.

Now you can use classmates fully. The blocking is canceled and the restriction is removed.


In the Opera browser, bypass access to classmates easier. There is even unnecessary to install third-party software. Establish:

  1. Open the browser settings by clicking on the letter "O" in the upper left of it.

  1. Go to the "Security" tab and turn on Opera VPN (marked "2").

After that, any sites will work, and all restrictions will be removed. In order to disable VPN, you can click on the button highlighted in the screenshot.

If your browser does not appear in the list, try to set the extension for it on the example of existing instructions. Most often this is done similarly.

Use proxy

Another option how to bypass the blocking in classmates and other sites is the use of proxy servers. There are paid and free proxies. The minus of the latter is slow speed and periodic compound failures.

You can find free proxies on the network using Yandex or Google search. Suppose that the address consisting of the IP and the port you already have. Now you need to access classmates browser. We will do this on the example of Mozilla Firefox, but the same approach is applicable to Yandex browser and many others. Start.

How to get to the extension store fiery fox you already know (we described the process on the example of the installation of the VPN plugin), now we need another addition. It is called Foxy Proxy. Let's install the plugin.

Supplement requires a reboot. As soon as it is made, an icon with a leaf image will appear on the panel.

Click on it with the left mouse button and in the Add button that appears, click the Add button.

Enter your IP address and port in the appropriate fields and, if necessary, specify the login and password from them. Save settings.

After that, all locks will be removed and the answer to the question: how to go into classmates if access is closed, received.

If you want to get rid of free proxy glitches, buy their paid version. It will cost approximately 40 p. per month, which, in our opinion, quite a bit.

Mobile app

Android application OK arranged in such a way that automatically bypass blocking. For example, in the same Ukraine, where access is closed by the authorities, the program works perfectly without any interventions. The local functionality almost completely copies the browser version. In order to install mobile classmates on a smartphone we do the following:

  1. Open Google Play (the shortcut is most often on the desktop, in the application menu or in the Google folder).

  1. Enter the request in the search string "Classmates" And click on the desired result in search results.

  1. Now you need to click the "Install" button - it will start the download process OK on the smartphone.

  1. It will start automatically downloading and installing classmates for phone. We are waiting for its completion.

Ready. You can go to the use of mobile application OK on Android. Run it will turn right from here. The answer to the question "How to enter classmates if access is closed?" Received.

ATTENTION: In some cases, when installing the program, you may need to allow access to it. This approach was used in Google Android up to 6 edition. Then the authority began to be configured after installation.

We use mobile vpn.

Sometimes, even when using a mobile application, access to classmates cannot be available. In such cases, it is best to apply free VPN access, which is full in the same play markete. Consider an example of installing and using such a program.

  1. Open Google Play and enter a "VPN" request to the search string. Click on the result we marked in the screenshot. If you do not have this program, you can choose this: they work all the same.

  1. On the home page of the application, click on the installation button.

  1. Allow the program access to your smartphone.

  1. To start connecting via VPN, we click the carrot icon.

  1. We are waiting for the connection to the protected network.

Ready. We are connected via an intermediate server and now all locks that existed will be canceled. Access to classmates is open, and we can safely use the social network.

Make it, unfortunately, will not work. We can add to a person to friends and only then look for information about it. If for some reason it is impossible to become a friend, create a second account in classmates and will reach the subject of attention through it.

Social network classmates provides users with a huge number of opportunities. On the site you can communicate with your friends (about how to add video to messages can be read), make new acquaintances, place your photos. Also, classmates provide such an opportunity as publicity settings in order to hide their personal information from users who are not in the list of friends. However, some connect this option by chance and then do not know how to open profile in classmates.

I once had a long time closed all the information on the page from prying eyes and after a long time could not figure out how to return everything back. Therefore, I decided to write an article about this, while playing in detail each step.


In order to open your account in classmates and make personal data available to all users, you will need:

Important! You can open your age for all users, your applications, the community to which you are signed, marital status and personal photos. You can also enable users to comment on the photos or write personal messages using the appropriate settings (you read the same actions for some users to deny some users).

For a better understanding of publication settings and opening there, you can watch a video on this topic.

Via phone

If you do not have the opportunity to use the full version of the site, then you should learn how to open a profile in Odnoklassniki via the phone. In order to do it:

Important! In the event that you used a paid service "", you can also open the page through the publication settings by changing any parameter. However, it should be remembered that for the re-connection service will have to pay again.

I want to finish this article on this. I hope that this article was useful for you and you found the answer to the question, as in classmates to open a profile for friends or for all users. Separately, I want to note that if it is necessary that you can easily find your colleagues, classmates or acquaintances, you should always keep your profile open, so that they could familiarize themselves with your personal information and write a message. If, on the contrary, it is not necessary to find you on the social network, access to the page can be opened only for your friends.

As you know, North Korea's laurels do not give rest to the Ukrainian president, who signed Decree 133/2017 on May 16, introducing the decision of the Ukrainian National Security Council (Council on National Security and Defense) of April 28, 2017. According to this decision, the activities in Ukraine of Russian companies and individuals will impose sanctions. In particular, a huge public resonance caused the decision to block the popular social networks "VKontakte" and "Classmates", Yandex and Mail.Ru, Kaspersky Anti-Viruses and DR.Web, Accounting Programs "1C" . What to do Ukrainian users who will soon remain without loving resources? In this article I will tell you how to bypass the blocking of VKontakte, classmates, Yandex, in Ukraine, and what instruments will help us in this.

We go around the blocking of VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex, in Ukraine

Why do cultural code change

As is known, the goal of the current Ukrainian authorities is a complete separation from Russia, the leading Western countries are directly interested in providing Poroshenko regime as in the field of international diplomacy and resources (investments, loans, visa-free regime). Thus, the West implements the geopolitical doctrine of "deterrence" of Russia (previously it was called the "Doctrine Truman"), aimed at the division of the former territories of the Russian Empire and the USSR.

One of the implementations of this doctrine is the development of Ukraine with the common cultural field with Russia (the prohibition of Russian TV channels, the ban on the publication and import of Russian books, magazines, newspapers), as well as the denial of the values \u200b\u200bexisting in this field (victory in the Second World War, Roadship of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples etc).

Another step in this direction was the disabling of Russian social networks and services (in particular, VK, classmates. Yandex, Mail.Ru, etc.), which, according to the Ukrainian regime, should continue the care of the Ukrainian people from Russia in common with Russia of cultural reality.

To impose on the Internet censorship - the lesson is quite ungrateful. There are always ways and methods to circumvent these prohibitions, for example, Chinese users regularly view the rollers forbidden in China "YouTube". Below I will provide ways to get around the current Ukrainian censorship, and continue to enjoy the functionality of your favorite sites.

I also care that in most cases the use of data tools will somewhat slow down work with your favorite social network, but this is the disadvantage that will have to endure to work with VK, Odnoklassniki and other blocked resources.

Method number 1. Use the Opera browser features to output from "Ban"

For Ukrainian fans of Google Chrome, Firefox, IE, Yandex and other browsers, it's time to look at the "Opera" browser. After all, its capabilities include not only the "Opera Turbo" mode (all traffic through Opera servers, thanks what the sites forbidden in Ukraine are available to you), but also built into the VPN browser, allowing you to create virtual private tunnel connections (data in them is additionally encrypted that will allow not only to bypass censors, but also to ensure their safe work in Wi-Fi networks).

  1. To start Opera Turbo, click on the menu button of the browser.
  2. And find the Opera Turbo mode there and activate it (in some browser versions it is done through options - Settings - Quick Settings - Enable turbo mode).
  3. If, after the actions taken, you do not reproduce music in VC, I advise you to get acquainted with the brief instructions for the resumption of this function in the social network.

Activate Opera-Turbo mode to bypass locks

To activate VPN in Opera, go to "Settings" - "Security" - VPN - "Enable VPN".

For users of mobile devices based on "Android", I recommend the application (its action on the smartphone is similar to the action of the TURBO mode above in the stationary browser), as well as Opera VPN (unlimited VPN on Android).

Use Opera VPN when working with gadgets on Android OS

Method number 2. We go around the blocking of sites with extensions for browsers

Adding extensions data to your browser will allow you to use VPN capabilities, proxy and other similar tools for censorship.

Among such extensions I advise you to look at the following extensions:

  • anonymox (Chrome, Firefox);
  • Browsec (Chrome, Firefox, Opera);
  • FRIGATE (Chrome, Firefox, Opera);
  • Privatix (Chrome, Firefox, Opera);
  • Zenmate (Chrome, Firefox, Opera).

It is usually enough to install one of the extensions data to your browser, to the right of the address bar, the icon of this extension appears, by pressing which you can activate-deactivate this extension, and thereby avoid blocking "VKontakte", OK.RU, Yandex, Mile Post and other blocked sites.

Expansion "Zenmate" will allow you to bypass censors

If there are problems with VK after climbing blocking, write to.

Method number 3. Use public DNS to unlock your favorite VK and classmates

If your provider blocks the domain name resource you need, then change your DNS to public from Google.

  1. Click the "Start" button, type NCPA.CPL in the search bar, press Enter.
  2. In the list of network connections that opens, find your internet connection, enjoy the cursor on it, right-click, and select "Properties".
  3. Find in the list "Internet Protocol version 4", double-click on it, then put a tick next to the "Set the following DNS servers addresses" option.
  4. And register in the first row value of, and in the second - Click on "OK", restart your PC, and then try to go to the locked site.

Use public DNS from Google to bypass blocking

Method number 4. Use Tor Browser for an anonymous entry on sites

Tor technology (anonymous distributed networks) allows you to transfer encrypted traffic through the complex networks of proxy servers and user computers. Such traffic is very difficult to block, while the lack of TOR is a rather low connection speed.

The popular implementation of this technology is Tor Browser, which implements the basic principles of the TOR network. Working with it will allow to bypass blocking VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex, in Ukraine.

Browser "Tor" will allow you to stay anonymous and bypass sites

Method number 5. Use proxy server

The proxy server is an intermediary server abroad. Your request does not go to a locked censorship site, but to a proxy, proxy requests the desired page, and on your own behalf, it gives it to you, thus, bypassing the blocking of censorship.

  1. Examples of proxies can be called,, proxysyte and other similar resources.
  2. Go to one of the proxy, enter the address of the prohibited site in the Special Window.
  3. Click on the corresponding start button (for example, in the case of, this is the "proxfree) button, and the locked site will be open, thereby allowing to bypass the blocking of VKontakte, classmates and other prohibited sites.

Proxy Proxy Server Workshop

Method number 6. Use anonymisers

Anonymizers are a tool that allows you to hide information about your computer. Its action is similar to the proxy action, you enter an anonymizer site, enter the site address you need into a special line, an anonymizer loads this page itself, processes, and then transmits it to the user.

  1. An example of an anonymizer is a site.
  2. To work with it, go to 2IP.IO, enter the link to the locked resource in the Special Window (URL).
  3. The fake country from which the connection should be connected (COUNTRY).
  4. And then click on the "Open" button, it will help to avoid blocking VK, OK, Yandex, Mail.Ru and other prohibited sites.

Method number 7. Use VPN tunnels

You can also create a VPN connection to bypass the blocking, and virtual private networks can work as a proxy, but with any type of traffic.

  1. There are several free VPN programs (for example, you can recall the well-known "SecurityKiss").
  2. Download, install, and start this program, select Server, create a VPN tunnel, and all traffic will go through it, bypassing the lock.


This article covered various ways to bypass the blocking of VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex, in Ukraine. The simplest and convenient is the installation and activation of the "Turbo" mode in the Opera browser, but if this method is ineffective, then try the other methods listed by me above. Their implementation will allow to bypass the blocking "VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki" and other listed sites, and to fully enjoy their rich functionality.

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