CONT MEDI. A couple of considerations about the blocking "Contact" and about the lazyman from "Roskomnadzor

Summary from Donbass on March 16, 2018, the reference on the front line between the republics of the Donbass and Kiev junta remains steadily tense. Periodic shootings continue between VSU and the punishers of the Armed Forces, the initiators of which are traditionally the side of the punisher. The preparation for offensive actions across the entire depth of the opponent's defense continues. The rotation of military units and tightening ... Ukrainian nationalists injected the situation around the elections of the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is going to realize the election law of its citizens in Ukraine in their diplomatic missions. Accordingly, citizens of the Russian Federation, located in Ukraine, will be able to vote in Russian embassies and consulates. In turn, Ukropatarity could not but respond to such a "Ham gesture of the aggressor". Some Ukrainian media are already published d ... The world on the verge of serious conflict closer days there is a reinforced crossing of Russia into the zone of the Syrian conflict of army units. According to observers. To enhance the grouping of profits, additional S-400 SPM, fighter aircraft aircraft, surface and underwater ships. On the BDK allegedly arrived by the SSO division. In turn, the coalition under the leadership of the United States increases ... British politicians work with their delusted statements on Russia. Ukrainian political scientists recognize the statements of British officials regarding the case of the violinist frankly. According to the conclusions of Mikhail Pogrebinsky, for the most part, London managers belong to their people, as a cattle. However, it is impossible not to notice the positive effect of such a UK policy. Thanks to the current rhetoric of the Anglo-Saxon ... Why is the Russian media, this is hidden from us? Every day is starting with viewing the news of various Russian and European channels. So every morning I recognize about urgent (according to Producer VGTRK) events of the Russian world and about the most important global events. I also definitely paying the time to European news members, just to receive information from different news sources. Then I connect to everything ... What did Mr. Putin do all this time all this time? This post will be interested in anyone who respects President Vladimir Putin and everyone who does not respect him, as well as everyone who believes in his national patriotism and in The correctness of his political course and everyone who does not believe. The main question, which is the most wide masses of the citizens of the Russian Federation today to the coming Martam elements of the President: And what Putin will deal. .. Zhenoshenko: If the President of Ukraine does not take the phone, he, he threatened and to overthrow his order is known to the general public, now hearing the coup (so-called, Maidan), which took place in Kiev in Kiev in Kiev, is now being held in Kiev Obolon Court. Although, if you feel more precisely suspected of the events of his lightness - the Russian court interrogs only as witnesses, although they are all open on the TV and under the oath declare that ... as a Russian red roller rolled American ambitions in the ice phenchhan if you did not look In Little, the Ice Battleship, which was located the Olympic Hockey team American team on February 17, then I sincerely sorry for me. Even if you omit the political component, this game in minutes and in seconds will disassemble the hockey coaches of the future, so it was a highly professional, rich, bright, active, aggression ... The conscious choice of our own severe future re-election of the new-new President of Russia, apparently, are waiting for serious Change. This is not a secret, it is widely discussed and generally expected by all patriots of Russia and the Russian world, who has already done a choice for himself - to vote for Putin. Probably, it is worth particularly listening to the arguments of the director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies when desired ... Odessa again loses meathers, Odessa is again deprived of the legally and democratically chosen mayor of the city. Gennady Trukhanov today detained border guards at the Kiev International Airport and later handed it to employees of the National Corruption Bureau. This incident explains why the uncle of the gene is already a month and a half (from December 26) was on vacation with the extension and immediately after the release of "from recreation" OPP ... The full loss of military sovereignty looks like a tactular and confident Ukraine loses all types of sovereignty. Considering the inertia of a huge body, the number of citizens and the multi-million mass of the Heritage of the USSR, the dynamics of the process, of course not comparable to the loss of sovereignty by various Balkan dwarfs, who received their statehood from the USSR. But the speed of losses, nevertheless, has long and repeatedly exceeds the speed of the SN ... Cryptodepetty this news is fine Everything: Ukrainian deputies began to massively declare their condition in Bitcoins. No, individual cases were at the very beginning of the commissioning of the system of compulsory declaration of income of officials in Ukraine. But now, it seems, an example of such pioneers, as the leader of the E-Party Party of Ukraine, Dmitry Golubov, with its $ 51 million, on. .. On the bomputs once again you have to write on this that has already become a hateful topic. Again, justice of the Russian Federation hits ours. Moreover, beats strongly, painfully and on the most vulnerable and defenseless place of the forced Russian migrant and militia - on his "wrong" passport. This time they are trying to once again exempted outside the Russian Federation of the militia Nikolai Treg ... The right and judicial age have already come across the unpleasant constancy with the decisions of Russian courts, in my opinion, directly violating Russian legislation against Donbass volunteers. Here is another case (alas, the next) occurred in the city of Ramenskoye Moscow region, in relation to Nikolai Trekuba. Helloing in particular this situation (as long as) we describe T ... Political dances of Pіrtrіotov on the bones of an innocent kangedavna situation with the participation of the Ukrainian Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and With the perturbed "cynicism", pіrtіotami continues and is heated. And if earlier the parties were noted only by comments in the media and stocks of the antipiar, now in this case there is already an open fracture and several large bruises. Blood sheds, the sacred sacrifices are available and already have for what I mixes ... How the tragedy in Zaporozhye turned into a scandal of a nationwide - Christian scale to the New Year's Eve in Ukraine there was a larger case. Ukrainian media reported that on December 31 in the city of Zaporizhia, one of the residents of the high-rise building decided to end the life and jumped out of the window. The reasons for this act of 39 years old men are not yet known, but the neighbors have never seen him drunk and characterize it very well. And the strangest thing that land is ... The Great Russian national idea of \u200b\u200bthem was the flag, which was impossible to betray. The red flag with a sickle and a hammer - a symbol of their new country and the new world, which they built with their people for descendants ... They had the idea of \u200b\u200banother future for their children and grandchildren, to betray those ideological Russian people was much heavier, What to win the last football match from the German Nazis ... he, it ... not himself ... imposed ... it .. that ... was attached ... if you still do not know what is happening, then you urgently throw everything Cases and join watching a fascinating show, sorry for cynicism, which now arranged very important people in Lugansk. And the show is not limited only to Lugansk himself, but also applies to the entire LDR, as well as directly affects the DPR, Ukraine and Russia and except that it has not yet caused ... the origin of the Patriotic Orthodox Inquisition has one "respected Western partners" one already established And therefore, a very prominent feature for observation people: with strategic planning of any shares, actions and coups in foreign countries, they always create in these states at first one some kind of dominant power, and then grow the same in the relics opposing. Sizhtaucraine Locked China from the first place "rating" of the main drug suppliers to Russia, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrei Snorpov. "In the Russian Federation, mainly (withdrawn) the psychoactive substances of the amphetamine series, the so-called" Spices. "This is the overwhelming majority of synthetic drugs in Russia, some of them are driving ... how to make romanticism from terrorism, so that Western partners were awarded and respected by the Russian collegian court they asked:" You're all children of high-ranking parents. Took tourist Vouchers in Turkey would stay there, asked political asylum! "?" The answer was discouraging: "If we were escaped to Turkey in this way, we would be accepted for ordinary emigrants. Here is Brazinskas, father and son, flew with noise, with shooting, stewardess Nadia Kurchenko killed, so they are in ... Motherland ... who said urodna? To bastards of trusting ... a, well, and to us: TRA La La La La La La La Lajdrod MVD. RF Rostov Region inflicts another blow to the Russian statehood. Next further describes the next situation of blatant, arrogant, unknown, and irresponsible, on our subjective look, the relationship of some Russian officials to their official duties. Understanding what problems in the future can turn into provisions ... Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Rostov Region applies to another blow to the Russian statesply, those times were passed when in the Red Square of Moscow, a single-engine aircraft would land. There is already that country. But before it did not become, then the heads flew together with the pursuit of those who were accused of a criminal negligence about the landing of that airplane. A little later, the criminal negligence of the same sense, but of other many hundreds and, probably, thousands of Soviet people ... Casus SerebrennikovAdrifying the provocative article "Passion for Serebrennikov" caused quite lean for me, as for the author, excitement among readers and commentators. Earlier, I learned a bit the topic and the number of feedback on it in social networks and the media and therefore a stormy reaction to the article by me was expected. The ordinary citizens, according to their own assurances, before the corruption scandal ... Passion on silvernikovsuszed, such an impression that all Russia today is "on the ears". And not about the so-called "school truce" violated in the Donbas, which has already broke out several lives of Russian people. No, the whole Russian media public and people who consider themselves elite are now talking at all about the friend - about the shocking of them all arrest "icons of Sovr. .. "Pensioners for Putin" are ready to tear the Navalny plug-in teeth on the strips of the American flag. And you? Alexey recently began to agree on a debate with representatives of his probable electorate. Therefore, you can sign up for a queue for debating. Just write down your video-video call and fill it on YouTube. Alexey and his team of bloggers monitor YouTube constantly and therefore your video will immediately be seen and put in line. Developed with VA ... New Rules for receiving Russian passports by Khokhali - a step forward and two backward addition of the topic of recently adopted in Russia amendment to migration Legislation, I would like to add a very important next moment. In the Russian Federation, dual citizenship, it seems, is allowed. Therefore, it is not entirely clear at all, why demand from Ukrainian citizens demand to abandon their Ukrainian in favor of the new Russian. If in terms of combating ... epics about how "Huski" and "Ukrainian" Russians in the center of Moscow defeated the image description (optional) if you still do not believe the propaganda - you are a full fool. If you still do not believe in virtue of social networks - you are a complete fool. If you still think that propaganda, promoted in the formal media, has a full practical priority before the one that does not understand by whom in social networks -... Life with ideas, but without ideals I think it's not quite right that the ruling party It is trying without officially registered in the constitution of ideology as it affects the lives of people through the media and through their non-partisan but proviscial non-commercial civil organizations. After all, the "extracting" of the potential electorate in a competitive "democratic" environment can this very electorate and the brain clod ... a geopolitical chess tournament of the deputy with farmers in NEW-Valeuki is also schizophrenia! A person who sits and works in the State Duma requires farmers from us to pursue a constitutional reform in the state! What do you listen to him!? So farmers met with the leader of the Node's movement Evgeny Fedorov. He is about the support of Putin and the rapidkin, and they are ready to vote for him to vote for the actual eye program ... Let "S Block Ads! (Why?)

", Excellent collective blog. Articles of many state-owners published on "Conte", including, for example, Rostislav Ischenko, Nikolai Starikov and your submissive servant. At the same time, the censorship on the "Conte" was not, and the moderation was soft enough - therefore quite controversial texts came to the tape.

Here are my considerations about this.

1. From "Roskomnadzor" the owners of the site did not receive any requirements, no requests, no notifications. The employees were too lazy to strain, they silently blocked the site and that's it.

At the same time, a year ago, "Cont" was written off with Roskomnadzor, gave all contacts, explained the mechanism of the site.

2. Mail "Roskomnadzor" is silent. Of course, letters sent immediately to the post office with questions, "Cont" preventively deleted an article, which, as users assumed, could cause blocking. Roskomnadzor letters ignored letters and, since now Saturday is now, it will certainly be ignored by their at least until Monday.

By the way, the scan of the court ruling is also not laid out. "Conte" is invited to go to Penza, look for the appropriate court and try to get a solution there: only to find out what page, actually, the claims arose.

3. Providers are also not even trying to understand the question - they block not a separate page, but the site is entirely. I understand if the site works through HTTPS, block only one page problematically - but you can at least redirect users to the page, where will the cause of the blocking be explained? After all, it can be indicated on the same page that if the site goes to the HTTP protocol, only one page will be blocked?

4. It would be possible to solve the problem better? Definitely. In the following way:

Create a hotline on the website of Roskomnadzor, which will answer the questions around the clock to the questions of the owners of sites on blocking.
- We assign specialists from the same team to call the voice of the site owners, which should be blocked, and write them letters about blocking.
- We assign providers to take all possible measures to be blocked only one page, and not the entire site.

Voila. There will be much less problems with locks.

5. How much is it worth creating such a hot line? Let's calculate. For round-the-clock work, we need to, let's say five people. Salary expenses, payroll taxes, premises, long-distance communications and so on will be, as my experience shows, about 500 thousand rubles per month, 6 million rubles per year.

This for Moscow, I didn't even try to save it, and I did not even take this job that this work was theoretically already someone in Roskomnadzor performs - that is, the necessary resources are already allocated for it. But, let's say, we create everything from scratch and immediately start working on a wide leg. Is the "Roskomnadzor" 6 million rubles per year?

Yes there is. The budget of "Roskomnadzor" is about 10 billion rubles a year, therefore, the cost of creating a hotline will not exceed 0.06% of its annual budget.

6. Do I need to bother like this? Maybe let the "conta" suffers, do not care about his problems?

No, it is impossible. At a minimum for the reason that meaningless blocking of this kind sharply spoil the reputation of our entire authorities in general. Each time the opposition resource is similarly blocked, the opposition media raise a terrible scream on the oppression of freedom of speech in Russia - trying to give the laziness of specific officials of Roskomnadzor for a targeted policies of the authorities to suffice from freedom of speech.

7. You can, of course, see it that "Cont" - a resource, rather, a patriotic orientation, and that before banning opposition resources, Roskomnadzor checks everything much more carefully ... But then it turns out quite some kind Furious wildness.

Of course, I have no illusions about our journalistic community, which, despite the silent silence of oppositionists, remains through liberal. It is quite clear that our media does not pay attention to the blocking of patriotic resources, they are only interested in the problems of the pro-Western opposition, it is for our journalists "its own".

But still Roskomnadzor is the federal service, he should feel responsible to society and the state.

8. Finally, I will say a couple of gentle words and adding the Admins "Konta". If someone considers himself to be a "patriot" and "stateman", this does not mean that he is really a patriot and the governmentist. Let me remind you on Evromaidan, too, all the patriots of Ukraine, and we all see where these patriots have brought their long-suffering country.

Therefore, dear editors of patriotic resources, do not take the one for "their". Do not allow our resources to actively incite under the type of patriotism.

First, this ignition is not in the interests of society and the state. Secondly, I doubt "Roskomnadzor" here, right tomorrow I will take my reproach and right in June will create a hotline. And this means that for ignition - even under the patriotic sauce - your resource can block, and you will later catch the lazy people from Roskomnadzor to explain to them that you have already corrected everything.

Update. I was informed that the hotline in Roskomnadzor was there.

Thinking out loud

From her first person

M. He acquaintance with the right began with the fact that a number of interesting articles respected by me at that time authors were published on this site. More or less detailed familiarization with the site left an unpleasant precipitate. It was the impression that nowhere I have not seen so much motherhood and evil comments, however, taking into account his popularity, with the aim of expanding the reader's audience of my blog, I registered on it, having in addition the transfer of its publications to the right.

For a number of technical reasons, after the first attempt refused to use it. More than me this site was not interested in my disposal of sufficiently other good information sources. As for comments and mat, as well as part of the work of the site moderators, more precisely, its absence, I fully agree with the Braznikova.

But here's the reason for the authors of publications, I do not agree with everything, I will write about Julia Brazhnikov. I, for example, it is not clear how Vladimir Volkonsky got under her hot hand, whose publications I sometimes read, something even printed in my blog, and I really can't even suspect it in dislike for Russia and the president personally, and even more so in Liberalism and accessories to 5 columns. In addition, quite respected experts and bloggers are printed at the right.

As for the president, I am completely solidary with her, but it is in what he does, and not his subordinates, sometimes sabotizing or distorting his instructions and directives. This primarily concerns the government and his permanent Chischisia Medvedev.

  • But I firmly confident in one thing that the president knows what he does and does this for good and in the name of Russia. Our president does nothing just like that!

So, I suggest your attention a rather detailed analytical article about that. What is such a journalistic platform "Cont" and with which it must be "eating." Then. As for the site itself, it is probably so. Much looks like the truth. But no one has canceled propaganda, but the fact that in this area there is not a struggle. And death, understandable and without unnecessary words. There is a struggle of ideologies and here any, sometimes unclean, funds, which remains only to regret. Your right to agree or not with the opinion of the author.

TO Regret, he was conceived in such quality from the first days of existence. Maybe it would not be worth turning the past and once again retell the details of strange incidents, which seem to be exhausted. But the organizers of a complex multistage action called "Continentist" It is clearly calculated on its long-term use. Therefore, they are unlikely to leave the project after a small failure.

Actually, in the sad story of contact, as in the mirror, the scenario of the radical-national revolution prepared for Russia is reflected.

Murder will out. Back in 2014, against the background of the patriotic lift, the reunification of the Crimea, sanctions and import substitution of partners because of the puddles, they realized that the lichni and the strategy of the subversive team in Russia should be changed to quickly. Liberal Maidan in Russia turned out to be unpromising, pro-Western democracy now caused an open antipathy from the people. This eloquently showed the last September 13, 2015 elections. Therefore, for the next attempt of the state coup confined to the Duma and presidential elections, the fifth column instead of euro-centrism was proposed a course on Russia radical-patriotic and nationalist.

The progressive public has long been realized that "new Russians" nationalists, "patriots" radicals and old good liberals - links of one chain. They are combined with a common idea: destabilize the internal political situation in Russia. To achieve this result, parties and public organizations of a patriotic sense were urgently activated, however, standing on frankly anti-government positions. The views of "Patriots" 2014-2016 are labeled as anti-liberal, but the program of their actions from the Liberals of 2010 is no different, for their goal is to enter the government and overthrow the current regime.

In the choice of political movements (COB, KPU, NOD, air defense, Ros, "Great Russia", "Russian Imperial Movement", "Slavic Association and Revival", "Other Russia" and many others), designed to replace the failed liberals, focused on Aggressive patriotism, external, and in essence there is a false support for the president and the unreacted criticism of the government. However, if the officially prescribed position of the parties looks soft and neutrally, their real activity often overlaps far beyond these frameworks and balances on the verge of law, reaching open extremism and appeals to the change of state system.

The main theses and slogans of their programs are almost identical. They differ only in the degree of admitted crime, religious colors and emotional heat. They are reduced to a pair of phrases: Russia is under the external control of hostile forces of global imperialism / sionism / cosmopolitanism, and in the government, some liberals and Jews are sitting in the government, which specifically created and continue to create economic problems.

Just walk the streets with such posters are irrelevant and dangerous. First, the authorship is always open, and "for the bazaar" will have to answer. Secondly, the population refers to the protesters and demonstrations. Wherever it is better and free to turn in an anonymous virtual space, where to track the nameless mass of agitators is almost impossible.

For the propaganda of his ideas, compromising the enemy, then the influence of the current government, the identification and recruitment of the Allies, was needed by the Internet-bridgehead, where they could not interfere with supporters of the radical-"patriotic" opposition. They acted ahead and began to prepare the platform almost two years before the elections to the State Duma. The resource was to be responsible to several qualities: to be very popular, available to the wide sections of society, protected by the presence of popular figures known for its support for the government course. For these purposes, "Continentalist" was designed at the end of 2014.

The site started well, beautiful and transparent. A competition was announced for the best article where the winner in the number of views was determined by Internet users. Interesting authors came to "Cont". Based on the content of their publications, the thematic color of the site was first determined as a patriotic and supporting presidential policy.

A little clinging the position of administrators, immediately eliminated from the moderation of comments and leaving it at the discretion of the authors. The explanation, no matter how surprisingly, was standard ... for trolls: allegedly, it is necessary to give the opportunity to express our opinion to everyone, even psychoam and hired collaborators.

Suspicious was the rapid site promotion. The number of visitors and registered users grew in geometric progression. It would hardly have happened naturally - other resources with all the desire to show such acne could not.

In principle, these deviations from the norm could have alert. The picture was complemented by other ugly details: somehow too fast formed by the "elite group", which puts the advantages of his own and not allowing the rest to the top rating; trails of dismissal competitors who support Putin's team; Inadequate comments, where the abnormative vocabulary and insults were practiced.

From correspondence with other authors, suspicions were confirmed, and the picture was evaporated. The guys promoted in the Internet pieces immediately smeared that there are full of bots. For example, the views of the "elite" articles were limited to a small three-digit number, and their karma was more than 100, and even 300-400 even more often. This is despite the fact that the quality of the materials caused great suspicions of their high rating.

Commentators began to register on the site for the sake of one or two messages due to a certain publication, which they were given by the FAS team. Therefore, to note the note of the nicknames of revealed trolls and even the ban was useless: they changed the names and addresses. Moreover, if on ordinary sites after several complaints Ip, the scumbag was still tracked and closed the entrance to him forever, at the counter moderators they did not bother.

This, however, was only the side effects of the gradual change of the ideological direction of the cont. In the comments and respectively, the advantages of the rating were to be supported or watery publications are not clear what, or low-line attacks on the Russian authorities. The first, obviously, should be a background for the second, scheduled as a locomotive of the site. Next - more: Among the "Best" mysteriously began to appear articles with Maternaya vocabulary, rude insults to the government and frankly extremist publications. The most intriguing: All of them were recommended by moderators, and some even stood in the promo (highlighted in the tape "viewed by the moderator")!

Here are examples taken almost at random for the last year: "Talking emptiness" ( ), "Putin's cunning plan" ( ), "Black day of human rights offshore. The Commissioner for Human Rights has become the General-Germanist " ( ), "Mr. Medvedev, and did you sue ...? Dmitry Anatolyevich, it's time to go on vacation! It's time! " ( ), "The horrors of the bloody regime. Ghost City Surgut » ( ), As well as creativity, Mr. Blagin, who was under the court for inciting the retail.

Tells the literary quality of "Blowing". What an audience could they put a plus except criminal?

In response to the increasing number of claims of the indignant public, administrators, as they say, were attacked by a rag. So, before the May blocking of the site, they received appeals about InformNapalm, where it was said that the blog was incited on this blog, frank disinformation and slander about Russia (first-hand information). There were reports of falsified subscriptions and "cooled" views and ratings. However, your submissive servant, for example, Dear Ilya Kanavin (Support Agent) replied that they are not able to read all articles published on them on the site (!).

It means that if they will place an Igilovsky agitka, they simply will not be noticeable. And you say - terrorists ... as Vysotsky sang, amazing near, but it is forbidden.

Such pofigism is caused, of course, not naivety, but confident in his impunity. The organizers of the "Continentalist" have an excellent roof. The fact that moderators actually protect the violators says that the site is created for them.

Sacramental question arises: why is all this done? Serious work - Application for serious intentions. Here are just whose?

Well, I will share my own experience.

In early September last year, the Moderator of Conte Joker turned to me with a rather strange request: to write material in support of protest against Udo Vasilyeva. So that the organizers of this protest referred to him, allegedly going to contact Putin. In short: Evgenia Vasilyeva, accused of the Oboronservis case, was ahead of schedule for a court decision. Despite the loud informational campaign against this ruling, its initiators did not provide any weighty arguments in their favor, what I also wrote about ( ).

It turns out that the contact administration is directly related to a certain structure that develops shares aimed against solutions of the current power. Because the court decision applies precisely to those.

What kind of structure is - it becomes clear if we collect the topics of publications causing the most hysterical reaction to collect the topics of publications. This, firstly, articles representing in the objective (and not exigest-psychopathic) light activities of the Russian government, the Central Bank, the economic block, the judiciary, etc. Secondly, these are materials on extremist manifestations in some opposition parties.

But, on the one hand, this is the main directions of attacks of the radical-"patriotic" opposition. On the other hand, this is the idea of \u200b\u200bits true face that has nothing to do with love for homeland.

The most fully stated points are implemented in the national liberation movement (NOD), which is austerizing theses about the "Colonial Constitution", "traitors in the government", "occupied and corrupt Russia" and the like. But another subjective argument in favor of the direct and close connection of the node with the "continentalist": I remember, one of the continental provocateurs, who had long tried to convince me of the negative activities of the Russian authorities, turned out to be just a Nodovtian, loyally punctured in the comments to the article "Adjancy Perfumance" ( ).

Node, by the way, was outraged by the liberation of Vasilyeva almost most of all: . Then the Internet users were excavated with whom they are connected and from where his leaders are financed ("18 million and NOD", ... Fresh information about the liberal color of the node, about the sources of its sponsoring and relations of Fedorov with Chubais, see here: "Flag of the Russian Federation on microman NOD" ( ). Please note: in contrast to the obscene and anti-Semitic "Blowing", this article was not recommended by the contour moderators and did not appear in the main tape.

Actually, it was worth a question for a long time: what caused an unreasonably aggressive controversy at the end a long time ago, which turned it into a "fearful" site?

Associations will arise by themselves, it is only worth remembering that national-radicals, including Nodovski, have repeatedly noted a number of provocations and attacks on those whom they at the moment were decided to glue the "liberal opposition". Creepy roller with Maria Catasonova ( .. demonstrative scuffers with the impudence of patriotic symbols and slogans, insults in people and on the Internet are well combined with the lumpen atmosphere of contact, as well as with vocabulary and rhetoric of contact commentators. Judging by their content, with an accuracy of parts to the coincidence with the slogans of the node, followers of the national liberation movement and (to a much lesser extent) of such radical organizations make up the main array of trolls, provocateurs and other, sorry, shouted at the "continentalist".

As an illustration of their morals and a manner, the April attack of the node activists on the guests of the school competition "A man in history can be given. Russia - the twentieth century ", which holds the Memorial society. "Patriots" noda doused with green Lyudmila Ulitskaya, poured out the ammonious of one of the visitors and threw out guests with eggs, shouting insults to their address. In total, about 25 people participated in the disgrace, which speaks of a well-planned action and its aimsal of public resonance. The streets and memorial can be treated in different ways, but the next day, Dmitry Sadkov stressed that the Kremlin consider the figures of the nodes of hooligans that discredit the St. George ribbon and add, they define the very concept of patriotism.

Also extremely ambiguous looks like a request to maintain the Node on the primaries of United Russia. Fedorov's participation can somehow explain because he is a member of the EP. But the choice of "United Russia" by other patriots from the noda instead of the Party "National Course", which, as indicated on its official website, is a party of national liberation movement, it seems strange ( ...

And just the riding idiocy was the Nodovskiy action against the celebration ... Russia's Day, which "patriots" called "Dependence Day".

Judging by the similarity of the style and scenarios, the legs of recent information campaigns against the famous figures of the Russian politics are growing from the noda and conjugate the flows against it, Astakhov, Summer, Seagulls. In any case, the nature of the statements very much resembles a story with Vasilyeva.

It is a pity that such organizer talents are showing only our enemies. And where is the initiative coming from the government, and not from the opposition? Why there are still no of the same site with the opposite direction, where the projects seem to be the contour and would decompose on atoms to atoms, and not linden patriots? We will note that information war is underway against us. It is because it is being done that she does not have enough opposition. After all, the problem is not to catch in the network already "ready-made" extremists, but in order to prevent the birth of new ones.

Already after the May scandal with the right and its blocking, information appeared that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation checks the national liberation movement on extremism. Check will be conducted in 4 regions of the country ( ...

What will continue to do now? It is unlikely to assume. Well, for example, the Nick "Sergey Yurkov" appeared at the counter in June with articles on the same topic: a good president does not give a bad government, this time in the person of United Russia. Looks like to order? Definitely. It is not yet blocked by financing, the information war on the site will continue. In addition, even after possible trouble in Noda, it is possible that such a promoted and popular resource will transmit any other patriot radical.

Therefore, all the readers of the contact and Internet lovers want to remind the future:

You can only believe the president. Everything else is from the evil.

If Putin says that he is pleased with the work of the government and Medvedev, it means that they do everything right. If the president declares that the Central Bank acts effectively, it means that it does not see any external management and insufficient sovereignty in the activities of Nabiullina. If Putin does not consider it necessary to change the Constitution of Russia, it means that at the moment it all suits it. And if he came to the Congress of "United Russia" with the words of support, it means that Putin's supporters should vote for her.

For a long time, many people say that the contact turns into the garbage. Below is the opinion of Julia Bhāzhnikova.

Unfortunately, he was conceived in such quality from the first days of existence. Maybe it would not be worth turning the past and once again retell the details of strange incidents, which seem to be exhausted. But the organizers of a complex multistage action called "Continentalist" are clearly calculated on its long-term use. Therefore, they are unlikely to leave the project after a small failure.

Actually, in the sad story of contact, as in the mirror, the scenario of the radical-national revolution prepared for Russia is reflected.

Murder will out. Back in 2014, against the background of the patriotic lift, the reunification of the Crimea, sanctions and import substitution of partners because of the puddles, they realized that the lichni and the strategy of the subversive team in Russia should be changed to quickly. Liberal Maidan in Russia turned out to be unpromising, pro-Western democracy now caused an open antipathy from the people. This eloquently showed the last September 13, 2015 elections. Therefore, for the next attempt of the state coup confined to the Duma and presidential elections, the fifth column instead of euro-centrism was proposed a course on Russia radical-patriotic and nationalist.

The progressive public has long been realized that "new Russians" nationalists, "patriots" radicals and old good liberals - links of one chain. They are combined with a common idea: destabilize the internal political situation in Russia. To achieve this result, parties and public organizations of a patriotic sense were urgently activated, however, standing on frankly anti-government positions. The views of "Patriots" 2014-2016 are labeled as anti-liberal, but the program of their actions from the Liberals of 2010 is no different, for their goal is to enter the government and overthrow the current regime.

In the choice of political movements (COB, KPU, NOD, air defense, Ros, "Great Russia", "Russian Imperial Movement", "Slavic Association and Revival", "Other Russia" and many others), designed to replace the failed liberals, focused on Aggressive patriotism, external, and in essence there is a false support for the president and the unreacted criticism of the government. However, if the officially prescribed position of the parties looks soft and neutrally, their real activity often overlaps far beyond these frameworks and balances on the verge of law, reaching open extremism and appeals to the change of state system.

The main theses and slogans of their programs are almost identical. They differ only in the degree of admitted crime, religious colors and emotional heat. They are reduced to a pair of phrases: Russia is under the external control of hostile forces of global imperialism / sionism / cosmopolitanism, and in the government, some liberals and Jews are sitting in the government, which specifically created and continue to create economic problems.

Just walk the streets with such posters are irrelevant and dangerous. First, the authorship is always open, and "for the bazaar" will have to answer. Secondly, the population refers to the protesters and demonstrations. Wherever it is better and free to turn in an anonymous virtual space, where to track the nameless mass of agitators is almost impossible.

For the propaganda of his ideas, compromising the enemy, then the influence of the current government, the identification and recruitment of the Allies, was needed by the Internet-bridgehead, where they could not interfere with supporters of the radical-"patriotic" opposition. They acted ahead and began to prepare the platform almost two years before the elections to the State Duma. The resource was to be responsible to several qualities: to be very popular, available to the wide sections of society, protected by the presence of popular figures known for its support for the government course. For these purposes, "Continentalist" was designed at the end of 2014.

The site started well, beautiful and transparent. A competition was announced for the best article where the winner in the number of views was determined by Internet users. Interesting authors came to "Cont". Based on the content of their publications, the thematic color of the site was first determined as a patriotic and supporting presidential policy.

A little clinging the position of administrators, immediately eliminated from the moderation of comments and leaving it at the discretion of the authors. The explanation, no matter how surprisingly, was standard ... for trolls: allegedly, it is necessary to give the opportunity to express our opinion to everyone, even psychoam and hired collaborators.

Suspicious was the rapid site promotion. The number of visitors and registered users grew in geometric progression. It would hardly have happened naturally - other resources with all the desire to show such acne could not.

In principle, these deviations from the norm could have alert. The picture was complemented by other ugly details: somehow too fast formed by the "elite group", which puts the advantages of his own and not allowing the rest to the top rating; trails of dismissal competitors who support Putin's team; Inadequate comments, where the abnormative vocabulary and insults were practiced.

From correspondence with other authors, suspicions were confirmed, and the picture was evaporated. The guys promoted in the Internet pieces immediately smeared that there are full of bots. For example, the views of the "elite" articles were limited to a small three-digit number, and their karma was more than 100, and even 300-400 even more often. This is despite the fact that the quality of the materials caused great suspicions of their high rating.

Commentators began to register on the site for the sake of one or two messages due to a certain publication, which they were given by the FAS team. Therefore, to note the note of the nicknames of revealed trolls and even the ban was useless: they changed the names and addresses. Moreover, if on ordinary sites after several complaints Ip, the scumbag was still tracked and closed the entrance to him forever, at the counter moderators they did not bother.

This, however, was only the side effects of the gradual change of the ideological direction of the cont. In the comments and respectively, the advantages of the rating were to be supported or watery publications are not clear what, or low-line attacks on the Russian authorities. The first, obviously, should be a background for the second, scheduled as a locomotive of the site. Next - more: Among the "Best" mysteriously began to appear articles with Maternaya vocabulary, rude insults to the government and frankly extremist publications. The most intriguing: All of them were recommended by moderators, and some even stood in the promo (highlighted in the tape "viewed by the moderator")!

Here are examples taken almost at random for the last year: "Talking emptiness" (, "Sunny Putin Plan" (, "Black day Pgawskins. The government-friendly authorized by the Human Rights became "(," Mr. Medvedev, and did you sue ....? Dmitry Anatolyevich, it's time to go on vacation! It's time! " (, "The horrors of the bloody regime. The Ghost City of Surgut "(, as well as the work of Mr. Blagin, who was under the court for inciting Reta.

Tells the literary quality of "Blowing". What an audience could they put a plus except criminal?

In response to the increasing number of claims of the indignant public, administrators, as they say, were attacked by a rag. So, before the May blocking of the site, they received appeals about InformNapalm, where it was said that the blog was incited on this blog, frank disinformation and slander about Russia (first-hand information). There were reports of falsified subscriptions and "cooled" views and ratings. However, your submissive servant, for example, Dear Ilya Kanavin (Support Agent) replied that they are not able to read all articles published on them on the site (!).

It means that if they will place an Igilovsky agitka, they simply will not be noticeable. And you say - terrorists ... as Vysotsky sang, amazing near, but it is forbidden.

Such pofigism is caused, of course, not naivety, but confident in his impunity. The organizers of the "Continentalist" have an excellent roof. The fact that moderators actually protect the violators says that the site is created for them.

Sacramental question arises: why is all this done? Serious work - Application for serious intentions. Here are just whose?

Well, I will share my own experience.

In early September last year, the Moderator of Conte Joker turned to me with a rather strange request: to write material in support of protest against Udo Vasilyeva. So that the organizers of this protest referred to him, allegedly going to contact Putin. In short: Evgenia Vasilyeva, accused of the Oboronservis case, was ahead of schedule for a court decision. Despite the loud informational campaign against this resolution, its initiators did not provide any weighty arguments in their favor, as I then wrote (

It turns out that the contact administration is directly related to a certain structure that develops shares aimed against solutions of the current power. Because the court decision applies precisely to those.

What kind of structure is - it becomes clear if we collect the topics of publications causing the most hysterical reaction to collect the topics of publications. This, firstly, articles representing in the objective (and not exigest-psychopathic) light activities of the Russian government, the Central Bank, the economic block, the judiciary, etc. Secondly, these are materials on extremist manifestations in some opposition parties.

But, on the one hand, this is the main directions of attacks of the radical-"patriotic" opposition. On the other hand, this is the idea of \u200b\u200bits true face that has nothing to do with love for homeland.

The most fully stated points are implemented in the national liberation movement (NOD), which is austerizing theses about the "Colonial Constitution", "traitors in the government", "occupied and corrupt Russia" and the like. And here is another subjective argument in favor of the direct and close connection of the node with the "continentalist": I remember, one of the Kontov provocateurs, who had long trying to convince me of the negative activities of the Russian authorities, turned out to be just a Nodovtian, who was headlessly punctured in the comments to the article "Adjanie Perfomance" (

Node, by the way, was outraged by the liberation of Vasilyeva almost most of all:\u003d1130. At the same time, Internet users were excavated with whom they are connected and from where his leaders ("18 million and nodes", http: //russianResident.LiveJou ... Fresh information about the liberal color of the node, about the sources of its sponsoring and relations of Fedorov with Chubais CM . here: "Flag of the Russian Federation on Node microman" ( Please note: unlike the obscene and anti-Semitic "non-flying", this article was not recommended by the contour moderators and in the main tape appeared.

Actually, it was worth a question for a long time: what caused an unreasonably aggressive controversy at the end a long time ago, which turned it into a "fearful" site?

Associations will arise by themselves, it is only worth remembering that national-radicals, including Nodovski, have repeatedly noted a number of provocations and attacks on those whom they at the moment were decided to glue the "liberal opposition". Creepy roller with Mary Catasonova ( https: // ... Demonstrative scuffers with the impudence of patriotic symbols and slogans, insults in people and on the Internet are well combined with the lumpen atmosphere of contact, as well as with vocabulary and rhetoric of contact commentators. Judging by their content, with an accuracy of parts to the coincidence with the slogans of the node, followers of the national liberation movement and (to a much lesser extent) of such radical organizations make up the main array of trolls, provocateurs and other, sorry, shouted at the "continentalist".

As an illustration of their morals and a manner, the April attack of the node activists on the guests of the school competition "A man in history can be given. Russia - the twentieth century ", which holds the Memorial society. "Patriots" noda doused with green Lyudmila Ulitskaya, poured out the ammonious of one of the visitors and threw out guests with eggs, shouting insults to their address. In total, about 25 people participated in the disgrace, which speaks of a well-planned action and its aimsal of public resonance. The streets and memorial can be treated in different ways, but the next day, Dmitry Sadkov stressed that the Kremlin consider the figures of the nodes of hooligans that discredit the St. George ribbon and add, they define the very concept of patriotism.

Also extremely ambiguous looks like a request to maintain the Node on the primaries of United Russia. Fedorov's participation can somehow explain because he is a member of the EP. But the choice of "United Russia" by other patriots from the noda instead of the "National Course" party, which, as indicated on its official website http: //nazkurs.rf/, is the party of the national liberation movement, it seems strange (https: // XN- -80aaalaaatcuj2BBDB ...

And just the riding idiocy was the Nodovskiy action against the celebration ... Russia's Day, which "patriots" called "Dependence Day".

Judging by the similarity of the style and scenarios, the legs of recent information campaigns against the famous figures of the Russian politics are growing from the noda and conjugate the flows against it, Astakhov, Summer, Seagulls. In any case, the nature of the statements very much resembles a story with Vasilyeva.

It is a pity that such organizer talents are showing only our enemies. And where is the initiative coming from the government, and not from the opposition? Why there are still no of the same site with the opposite direction, where the projects seem to be the contour and would decompose on atoms to atoms, and not linden patriots? We will note that information war is underway against us. It is because it is being done that she does not have enough opposition. After all, the problem is not to catch in the network already "ready-made" extremists, but in order to prevent the birth of new ones.

Already after the May scandal with the right and its blocking, information appeared that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation checks the national liberation movement on extremism. The check will be conducted in 4 regions of the country (http: // / ...

What will continue to do now? It is unlikely to assume. Well, for example, the Nick "Sergey Yurkov" appeared at the counter in June with articles on the same topic: a good president does not give a bad government, this time in the person of United Russia. Looks like to order? Definitely. It is not yet blocked by financing, the information war on the site will continue. In addition, even after possible trouble in Noda, it is possible that such a promoted and popular resource will transmit any other patriot radical.

Therefore, all the readers of the contact and Internet lovers want to remind the future:

You can only believe the president. Everything else is from the evil.

If Putin says that he is pleased with the work of the government and Medvedev, it means that they do everything right. If the president declares that the Central Bank acts effectively, it means that it does not see any external management and insufficient sovereignty in the activities of Nabiullina. If Putin does not consider it necessary to change the Constitution of Russia, it means that at the moment it all suits it. And if he came to the Congress of "United Russia" with the words of support, it means that Putin's supporters should vote for her.

And if I annoy someone or strain, you can clog into the angle and suffer.

In the comments to the previous post I was pleased that many supported me in my desire to write a blog further.
Moreover, the user basanda. Suggested to lead also at the right, which is positioned as a platform of social journalism.
I went there, looked. I did not see special advantages over LJ, and even more so I did not want to spray 2 sites. After all, the writing of the post requires effort, and its editing and publishing in LJ also requires considerable effort that extinguishes. At the right, publishing and editing is much simpler - the copy / paste from Word made and ready. In LJ with this problem.
But only for the sake of this advantage, I would not behave there. But when I went to the blog rating, then I immediately crossed out!
I saw on the 2nd place Fritz Morgen ...

I will now explain my hostility to this blog. I sometimes read in the posts of bloggers about discontent about posts in Fritz Morgen, but did not give it values.
I decided to go and read ...
The quality of the materials turned out to be lower than the plinth. I'm not trying to somehow remake it, but it really is. There you will not see the materials from the respected and serious publications of the Vedomosti and Kommersant, even at the worst end of RBC. There are splashed phrases from the frankly yellow press and other odious bloggers in the style of Russia all will win, we have a cooler than in America, everything is in ... and except Russia. And at the same time, not a single digit and no facts, just nadergan phrases. In principle, for the Patriots and TV viewers of 1 channel - this is their blog. It would seem that nothing terrible, all readers should have their own blog. I don't have anything against anything, everyone has his point of view and reads what he wants. You don't need to think much, I read Fritz, charged with good energy, as we are fine, and everything is bad in America, and happy!

I decided to comment on his articles in my naivety. I will clarify that without a mat, any aggression, simply give a reference to an article with numbers showing the fallacy of the opinion expressed in his posts. Also gave references to their posts with numbers showing an alternative opinion.

And what do you think?
Three comments were given to me to do, but on the fourth it was just blocked! Without explaining why! Just because I have a different opinion!
I think it is absolutely unacceptable to block for a different point of view! Block stands for unjustified and unmotivated aggression, inadequacy, mat, insults and similar things. But not for another opinion! This is not the first channel with a censorship!
I am ready to change my opinion and write a refutation if I prove on the numbers in what I am wrong. But not just shut down the mouth, because it is unprofitable to listen to me and read.

I interlock from Fritzorgen I regard compliment to my works. I would leave him with zombie readers, let them believe in his fairy tales. In LJ, he takes the 20th place now, but in the counter he is 2nd !!! Second!!! With a huge separation from the rest. If you say that I'm shocked, I do not say anything. It is that this circumstance and prompted me to write on the right to make an alternative to a zombie blog!
So I will duplicate your records and there.

My address at the counter -

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