What can happen to the iPhone if it does not turn on. The screen does not turn on after a call. Iphone does not respond to buttons and does not turn on - contact the service center

Recently, "apple" devices are gaining more and more popularity. The original design, professional spare parts and support for many applications do not leave users indifferent. Unfortunately, even a device as reliable as the iPhone can suffer from external defects. If you notice that the iPhone has stopped turning on and does not respond to charging, do not rush to write off the gadget. Perhaps the reason lies in a deformed socket or a poor-quality charger.

Reasons for malfunction

IPhone has proven its reliability over the years. The manufacturer cares about the quality of its gadgets, so a factory defect is practically excluded, but allowed. Many malfunctions occur due to careless handling of a smartphone, or with smartphones from the first batch. And also there are crashes in the software due to independent attempts to reconfigure the phone, resetting the factory settings.

Among the most common reasons why the iPhone stopped turning on are:
  • deformation of the socket or contamination on its surface;
  • broken power outlet or non-working USB cable
  • rupture of loop contacts;
  • using a Chinese cheap charging accessory;
  • "Glitch" firmware;
  • problems with the internal components of the iPhone: battery, power controller, motherboard.

    Note! In case of problems with the power controller or battery, you will need to completely disassemble the phone. Do not try to carry it out yourself - you can damage the main contacts, which will lead to the complete failure of the device.


    Many users are in a hurry to deal with the problem on their own, trying to find out the cause and eliminate it. Insufficient quantity and quality of knowledge sometimes leads to sad consequences.

    There are only a few methods that you can try to implement yourself before going to a service center or calling a wizard at home.

    Among all the recommendations given by many bloggers on the Internet, specialists from service centers (SC) consider a complete reboot of a mobile device to be safe. It is carried out if the iPhone does not respond to the connected charger. To do this, hold down the Power and Home buttons with two fingers, and then wait 10-15 seconds.

    If the company logo appears, the phone will boot up, and the problem with turning on will go away. After waiting for activation, connect the charger to the socket and fully charge the smartphone battery.

    If your phone won't turn on, it might be a software glitch. To check and fix this defect, do the following (you must have a data backup):

  • connect the gadget to your computer's USB cable;
  • wait for synchronization;
  • go to the "iTunes" program;
  • Click on the "Restore" button and select the last backup.

    After all the manipulations, the data recovery process will start, while the iPhone should reboot and return to a working state.

    Solving the problem with the charger
    According to statistics, many iPhone users save on buying a charger if the original is lost or broken. This is not surprising, because the purchase of a "charger" from the manufacturer will cost $ 20, and a non-original component is easy to get through "Aliexpress" at an affordable price.

    The solution to this problem is simple - just buy an original accessory and put the device on recharge. If such manipulations helped, you can continue to enjoy the work of a high-quality mobile phone.

    Important! Take a close look at the USB port on your computer that you used to charge your iPhone most often. It may be damaged or broken. To test this theory, it is enough to put the device on charging from an outlet with a voltage of 220 V.

    Problems with charging accessories are quite common, so before trying to "hack" the iPhone with screwdrivers or reset the settings, check the functionality of this attribute.

    Changing components and modules
    When changing the "charger" or rebooting the device does not help, it's time to contact the SC. Only there will specialists carry out a full diagnosis and find out which spare part needs to be changed.

    For example, a power controller or a rechargeable battery often fails during operation. To replace these elements, a complete disassembly of the "apple" is required, during which the cables are disconnected from the motherboard.

    Important! IPhone repairmen replace parts using special tools. If you use the tools at hand, you will completely "destroy" the iPhone.

    And also the reason for not turning on can be damage to the motherboard, which can only be replaced by professionals.

    Your iPhone will last for many years if you follow a few guidelines for using the device. They are spelled out in the instructions for use, but many users do not pay any attention to the book attached to the novelty. From all the manufacturer's comments, note the following:
  • do not allow or leave it in a damp room;
  • do not leave the device near heat sources and in direct sunlight;
  • use a cover to prevent dust from entering the connectors, clogging them;
  • do not drop or knock on the phone.

    If you operate the gadget without a cover, then after a certain period of time, you will need to clean the connector. To do this, use a soft bristled brush.

    Do not use a needle, toothpick, or wire to clean the connectors or the speaker. This will lead to a violation of the integrity of the parts and the need to replace them with new ones.

    Help from service center specialists

    If the iPhone of any model breaks down, the right solution would be to contact the SC specialists. They will conduct diagnostics, which includes external and internal inspection of the elements, identify the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it. If you need to replace components, then an original spare part from Apple will be installed in your smartphone, or a cheaper but high-quality analogue that is in no way inferior to the original spare parts.

    The help of craftsmen will cost much less than buying a new iPhone after trying to repair it yourself.

  • Apple is the most popular brand in the world, not least thanks to its line of branded smartphones breaking sales records. At the same time, almost everyone agrees that the 5th series was one of the best. Therefore, many prefer the same 5s to the new and not so far gone, in terms of technology, eights and sevens.

    There are situations when the 5s turns off and does not work, which makes the owner panic and spend any money on fixing his favorite gadget. But even if 5s does not start, this is not always a reason to go to the service.

    In some cases, the accessory can be repaired by an ordinary person, but you will have to independently diagnose and find the cause of the breakdown. So what to do with the iPhone 5s if it won't start and show signs of life?

    System crashes

    As much as Apple boasts about the reliability of their accessories, one of the main reasons why the iPhone 5s won't start is a system failure. A frequent practice when one update of inept programmers turned hundreds of thousands of phones into "bricks".

    This especially affected older models, for which the hardware simply could not handle the early, not optimized version of iOs.

    So, if the phone turns off by itself and does not show signs of life, it is better to take it to the service with a warranty card. And when there is no guarantee, but your "satellite" has turned off and does not turn on, does not react to charging, you have to fix everything yourself. Fortunately, this is done simply and you will not need any programming knowledge.

    How to fix a phone that won't turn on due to a system crash

    The phone has turned off and won't turn on, what should I do? The main thing is not to panic and let the device discharge, after which, after putting it on charge, simultaneously hold down the Home and power buttons. This will take you to a kind of "developer menu", after which you can manually reset the latest updates.

    There is also an option to rollback through iTunes for PC, in most cases it is even easier.

    But there is also a drawback to such a fix - in fact, it is a factory reset, so most of your data that is not stored in the cloud will simply disappear. In order to avoid such a fate, make backup copies of your memory and transfer photos and other media to other media, and keep important files in several copies.

    Battery problems

    It happens that the smartphone has passed out and does not turn on, it does not react to power in any way. In such cases, the problem lies with the battery. Just recharge the phone battery after a full discharge, it will save most of the devices and let you know exactly the source of the problem.

    If the phone started up, the reason was in the battery, and you should order a new one. It’s more unpleasant if the gadget charges but does not turn on. At the same time, you see the charge indicator and you can already estimate that the phone is full of energy.

    The problem may still lie in the batteries, and there is no better way to test this, how to move the battery to another gadget and see how it reacts. Does it behave the same? Then a new charger won't help you.

    Faulty charger

    What if the problem on which the iphone 5s does not turn on lies in the charger itself? This is also a fairly harmless option and is solved by buying a new accessory, but how to check your assumption without spending a pretty penny?

    It is best to have a voltmeter and ammeter with you, they will allow you to know exactly whether power is being supplied.

    Another way to figure out the reason why the device does not start and does not respond to charging is to try the power supply on another device. With proper experience, you can disassemble the charger and replace the burnt-out capacitor or resistor yourself, or just buy a new one.

    Flashing and viruses

    The phone won't start or work after you've downloaded an app from an unknown source or decided to get super user rights? Then the guarantee automatically disappears, according to the agreement you signed when you first started the program, and you have to get out of the situation yourself.

    How to fix a smartphone infected with a virus

    You can revive such a "brick", but it will be much more difficult. The main thing, as soon as the iPhone is disconnected, is not to touch it. Let the gadget discharge completely, then connect it to a PC and see if it is recognized by the computer and reacts at least somehow to charging. If all is well, then the usual reset of the system is no longer enough, and since the apple product stopped starting after the demolition of the system, it is necessary to put it back.

    It is no longer possible to aggravate the situation here, you essentially erased iOs from permanent memory, so the screen went out and does not turn on. The only solution is to load it back there.

    Since your actions will not aggravate the situation, before you pay a specialist, try to fix the gadget yourself. Most of the programs for installing firmware are freely available, but finding licensed firmware is already more difficult. Since you tried to reflash the device, all the necessary software is available on the pc and as soon as you find a suitable archive, try to repeat all your previous steps.

    What to do if the smartphone is charging, but does not turn on

    It is much more unpleasant if the smartphone shows charging, but is not recognized by the system, then you just have to wait, literally. Set the device aside to completely de-energize the battery. This will take from a couple of days to a week, depending on the amount of the last charge.

    Then reconnect it to the PC and this time it will have to somehow be recognized. It doesn't matter if an incomprehensible device or data store sees your computer. The main thing is that the device is in the system at all - this will be enough for recovery. And if even after a complete discharge nothing happened, then the problem probably lies in the hardware and you need to contact the service center.

    What not to do

    In a panic, people are capable of doing a lot of stupid things, and when it comes to technology, everything only gets worse. Firstly, do not disassemble the apple device under any circumstances. Disassembly removes the warranty tags, it is almost impossible to disguise the abrasions on the bolts, and the consultant, hearing the phrase "does not start after disassembly," may well throw a couple of thousand, saying that you damaged some part or bridge, trying to find a breakdown.

    Therefore, even if the device went out and died, then think about each of your actions in the repair, so as not to make it worse. Even if you managed to aggravate the situation, it is better not to mention it in the service center and refer to the original problem with the phone.

    There are situations when the iPhone is simply discharged, and the owner starts to panic, "why the iPhone does not turn on" and breaks it, starting to disassemble and mindlessly picking the boards. Therefore, before carrying out any manipulations, diagnose the cause of the breakdown and carefully study the materials to correct the breakdown.

    And if the accessory has abruptly sat down and this is not the first time when the device turns off at half the charge, feel free to change the battery.

    When to go to the service center

    Here's what to do if you drown it or drop it, hitting a hard surface - this is a separate question. Your task is to make sure that there is no hardware failure by examining the case for cracks and dents.

    Almost any "five" that does not work and does not start due to the fault of the user can be restored, but assess the appropriateness of this. If replacing the board costs more than a new device, it's better to get a new smartphone.


    We have tried to cover in as much detail as possible all the ways to solve the problem. Now, you should roughly understand which "symptoms" indicate which damage and how to fix each of them.

    A more visual instruction video is below. Couldn't fix the breakage and the apple device still won't turn on? Then it's better not to disassemble the gadget, but take it to the service. Found another way out of the situation? Leave a comment and help those who might have the same problem!

    See you on the site!

    Video instruction

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    Apple smartphones and tablets are technologically sophisticated devices that rely on the correct interaction of hardware and software. If there is a firmware failure or technical malfunction, the iPhone or iPad may not turn on. In such situations, the intervention of the service center specialists is not always required, and the owner of the device can try to fix the problem on his own.

    This article discusses what to do if the iPhone does not turn on without visible damage. If the device is, for example, smashed or submerged in water, it is unlikely that the tips below will help remedy the situation.

    iPhone won't turn on and screen won't light up

    A common problem is when the iPhone does not respond in any way to the power button and any other user actions. The screen in such a situation remains completely black, and even the Apple icon, which usually appears at startup, does not appear on it. The most common cause of such a malfunction is a problem with the battery or firmware. If iPhone does not turn on and the screen remains black, we recommend that you proceed as follows:

    If none of the tips above helped turn on your iPhone, you can try connecting your device to your computer using a USB cable. In such cases, the smartphone should turn on automatically. When this does not happen, we can talk about the presence of problems with the battery.

    iPhone won't turn on and apple is on

    When the smartphone completely refuses to turn on, in most cases the problem is with the battery. Moreover, if the device shows signs of life, but the download stops at the Apple logo - a bitten apple, the smartphone software is most likely faulty. This situation is often encountered by users who do not correctly JailBreak iPhone, which causes problems with the original iOS firmware.

    If the iPhone does not turn on and the apple is on, you will need to perform a device recovery:

    Note: If you've backed up your iPhone before, after restoring, you can use them to get all the data back to your device.

    The genius of some people is simply impossible to deny. What is only Jobs, who set a new standard for the whole world in terms of mobile devices. For a whole decade, no manufacturer has been able to depart from the established canons. But all reflections on greatness and genius disappear when the iPhone 5s is not turned on, what to do in such a situation is not clear and commercial geniuses are in no hurry to explain.

    Why does iPhone break?

    No device can work without failures. More precisely, not a single high-tech device can never fail over the entire period of operation:

    • iPhone is smartphoneassembled from dozens of different components.
    • Each part of the iPhone, in itself, is a small miracle and the result of scientific and technological progress.
    • All these components are interconnected due to rather fragile loops that have the ability to fail at the most inopportune moment.
    • It is impossible to exclude the "human factor", not every user can boast of careful handling of fashionable gadgets.

    In such conditions, sooner or later the phone will stop giving "signs of life", there will be problems with the sensor or some services. This is inevitable, you should prepare yourself for such a turn in advance. Sorting out and looking for the culprits in this case is not the most reasonable decision, it is better to try to fix the situation yourself.

    Repair of equipment on your own

    Official dealers always advise to carry products to service centers and do not try to fix the damage yourself:

    1. This is beneficial to the manufacturer from a commercial point of view. You can get a good bill for fixing any, even the most insignificant malfunction.
    2. It is convenient for diagnostics. It is much easier to try to restore a device when you know for sure that no one has delved into it before you and did not perform any manipulations.
    3. This is sometimes simply not acceptable to the user. The device is necessary for the user in a couple of hours in working form, and the service center advises to come in 3-4 days.
    4. This can hit a decent budget. Even minor, but regular breakdowns outside the warranty period will cost a pretty penny.

    And it's not just about iPhones, or even about phones in general. The manufacturer is really interested in the minimum number of breakdowns and malfunctions in the products sold. But even more corporations want the user to turn to them for help with all the difficulties that have arisen, and not to solve them on their own.

    The iPhone turned off and won't turn on: what to do?

    If iPhone refuses to turn on:

    • Simultaneously hold down two buttons - "Home" and "Power". Sometimes this action already helps to achieve the desired effect.
    • Press the buttons and hold them in this state a little longer. Even after half a minute you shouldn't despair, the phone may still start showing signs of life.
    • Put the device on charging, you may not have noticed how the battery completely sat down.
    • Let it charge for 15 minutes, even if the battery was almost full recently. If you only knew how lithium batteries suffer in the cold.
    • "Click" the sound switch a couple of times. From the point of view of theory, this should in no way affect the performance of the smartphone. But in practice, such manipulation sometimes really helps to start an already hopelessly "extinct" device.
    • Launch iTunes on your PC and connect the cable from the iPhone. On the phone while connecting, hold down "Home". This is an option to quickly restore your smartphone, just click the "Restore" button on the screen.

    All these methods of checking the health of the phone will not take more than a minute. What's even more interesting, they will not harm the device itself. Just think, no one opens the case, the "inside" of the iPhone does not climb. If you cannot start the phone on your own, you can safely contact the service center.

    What to do if the iPhone falls and won't turn on?

    Mechanical damage is a separate topic:

    1. Malfunctions resulting from a fall or other physical impact are always more difficult to fix.
    2. Any problem is related to the destruction or serious damage to part of the iPhone.
    3. Most likely, you will not be able to do without seeking help from specialists.
    4. The problem may not be due to damage to the part itself, but to the loop that connects it to all other components.

    If you have already "opened" your iPhone, this experience can be repeated again:

    • Examine the contents carefully.
    • Look for cracks, impact marks, or crushing marks.
    • Inspect all loops, correct them if necessary.
    • Check out.

    Sometimes this is enough for the phone to work again. If you don't understand anything about electronics, have never seen microcircuits and do not know which side to hold on to the soldering iron, it is better to take the iPhone to a branded service center right after the fall.

    When it comes to relatively expensive equipment, it is sometimes cheaper to pay for someone else's work than trying to do something the first time.

    Should the specialists be told about the cause of the malfunction? If the iPhone is under warranty, you can keep silent about this or confidently prove that the phone has never fallen anywhere. Warranty cases for mechanical damage do not apply, and so - maybe lucky. Conscience issues are a separate topic. Is the warranty expired? Then feel free to say, this will simplify the diagnosis of the device.

    How to fix an iPhone 5s on your own?

    If your favorite phone suddenly stops turning on, you must:

    1. Do not panic, pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
    2. Check the charging port is working, it could be deformed or clogged with dirt.
    3. Make sure the phone charges normally when turned off. The reason may lie in a malfunctioning iPhone battery or problems with the charger itself.
    4. Press two buttons - "Home" and "Power", hold them in this position for up to a minute.
    5. Play with the sound switch, then hold down the two cherished buttons again.
    6. Connect your phone to your computer, after launching iTunes on your stationary device. An automatic repair might start.
    7. Put the iPhone on charge, overnight and check its performance in the morning using all the methods described above.

    None of the options come close to solving the puzzle? Well, it's time to turn this problem over to real specialists.

    Every year the number of users with "apple" products is increasing, but many newbies do not know at all, if the iPhone 5s does not turn on, what to do and where to run.

    Video: what to do if iPhone 5s won't turn on

    In this video, Oleg Romanov, a phone repairman, will tell you how you can revive the iPhone 5s that does not turn on:

    Have you ever dropped your phone? With full confidence, we can say that 70% of iPhone users have this happened. And for another 30%, after the fall, the gadget turned off, and did not want to turn on without certain manipulations. This article describes in detail the situations when the iPhone fell and does not turn on, what to do in such cases and how to cope with the problem yourself.

    In order not to deviate from the topic, we will not conduct moralizing on how to properly handle your device, but will immediately move on to the possible consequences if you drop your iPhone:

    Broken screen

    A breakdown can carry several variations of a malfunction:

    1. the display is cracked, but partially works;
    2. there is an image, but the sensor does not respond;
    3. completely black or white screen;
    4. total refusal to work with the impossibility of turning on the device.

    If the display is cracked, but its performance remains normal, you can not make repairs, but continue to use the device. In some cases, the defect is purely aesthetic. But sometimes from everyday vibration, cracks can increase, which in the future can affect image distortion or poor touch screen performance. It is better to immediately replace the part yourself or take it to a service center.

    Deformation of the case

    The most innocuous result is a simple dent in the surface that does not affect the functionality of the iPhone. Unfortunately, this rarely happens. Dents that could cause a failure to turn on the appliance damage the following internal parts:

    • cPU
    • screen control module
    • power feeder
    • power button chip
    • printed circuit board
    • damaged or disconnected display cable
    • broken track on the microcircuit.

    This is not the whole list of broken parts that affect the operation of the iPhone. You can determine the breakdown yourself when the device stops functioning, having previously disassembled the device, but even if you find a broken element, you will not be able to make repairs without special equipment and knowledge. It would be best to take the phone to a specialist.

    Invisible defects

    Not always after the iPhone has fallen and does not turn on, the consequences are dire, it can be reanimated by a simple reboot. Simultaneously hold down the HOME and ON buttons, hold them until the smartphone starts to reboot. If this does not help, then you need to try to connect the device to your computer via iTunes and solve the problem at the program level.

    When this procedure does not work, there is only one way out - the service center.

    The only plus in invisible defects, provided that the iPhone is still under warranty, is almost one hundred percent replacement of the gadget with a new one at an authorized dealer (unless, of course, you tell them that you dropped the gadget).

    Battery breakdown

    Sometimes, after hitting a hard surface, battery problems arise. This can be either a loose plume or damage to it. The battery may also swell if the contacts are closed inside it.

    In case of any of these malfunctions, you cannot do without opening the case, since all Apple batteries are built-in.

    Replacing the battery requires some skill and a set of tools. Having neither the one nor the other, it is better to take the phone to the service. If you decide to make a replacement yourself, follow the instructions below:

    • The first step is to remove the front panel. To do this, you need a five-blade screwdriver and a special suction cup with a ring. Unscrew the two screws on the sides of the case, attach the suction cup to the bottom of the screen and use a special plastic spatula to separate the top panel from the main part of the mobile phone, while pulling the display off with the suction cup.
    • Now you need to raise the front side so that it is at a 90 degree angle to the bottom of the case. This is necessary because the display is connected by three cables to the main board, which are fixed with a bracket. In this position, you need to unscrew three screws and detach the bracket. Using a plastic spatula, disconnect the display, front camera and sensor wires from the microcircuit. That's it, the front of the iPhone can be completely set aside.
    • Now you need to start releasing the cable from the battery. Unscrew the two screws of the metal bracket, remove the clip itself and release the wire. In order to get the battery, you need to tear it off the case, because the battery is fixed with glue from the factory. Take a plastic spatula and run it several times around the battery, after which it should peel off easily.


    Taking a new battery, perform all the above manipulations in reverse order.

    Important! All screws in iPhone are of different sizes, so you need to prepare 1.6mm, 1.8mm and 1.2mm five-blade screwdrivers. When removing the screws, it is better to take a picture or draw a diagram where what size is screwed in.

    Damage to the charging module

    The charging module acts as an intermediary between the battery and the main board, it also distributes the power supply to all parts of the apparatus that require it. You can replace the power controller yourself by purchasing the necessary spare part for your Apple model, but it is better to take the gadget to the service so as not to aggravate the situation in case of incorrect repair. After all, the specialist will quickly identify all the problems associated with the repair.

    The motherboard is out of order

    Perhaps one of the most significant breakdowns, because the outcome of a fall can be different, from the inability to find the network to complete inoperability, when, for example, the iPhone 5s does not turn on. "Motherboard" contains a very large number of different parts and modules, each of which is responsible for its own functionality, and it is possible to analyze a specific malfunction only in a service center, using special equipment.

    If some peripheral element is out of order, then it is possible to repair the motherboard and restore the phone's operation. When the board itself breaks down, you will most likely have to say goodbye to your device. Of course, you can buy a new motherboard and fix everything, but the cost is unlikely to make such a repair worthwhile.

    In each Apple model, motherboards have a different degree of strength and the number of modules installed on them. So, for example, modification 5 and 5s contains a huge number of microcircuits that are easily damaged after falling. An even more sensitive board is installed on models 4 and 4S, where damage is possible not only to individual parts, but also to complete damage to the board.

    Power button or loop

    After hitting your phone, the power button or its elements may be damaged. Can break:

    • the key mechanism itself
    • spring diaphragm
    • contact pad
    • loop or power path

    It is possible to determine on your own that the power button is out of order only when the smartphone is turned on and there is no reaction when you press this key.

    Repairing such a malfunction is considered one of the most expensive, due to the high price of spare parts and it is difficult to fix the breakdown on your own. In order not to overpay, the right decision would be to contact a proven and reliable service center, where, if possible, they can restore a broken button, and not just offer a complete replacement of the module.


    Try to be careful with your beloved iPhone from Apple, because restoring the device's functionality in most cases costs the owner a large sum. Although many people think that if the phone is expensive, you are its body and internal parts are quite reliable and durable, but in practice everything is completely different. If we determine in percentage terms which part of a mobile device breaks down most often, then the answer is unequivocal 65% is a screen, and the younger the model, the more expensive it is.


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