How to use virtual glasses correctly. What do VR glasses need to work? Practical use of the VR Box helmet

Today, plunge into another reality is a very real task. Every year, the products of manufacturers are expanded with more and more advanced models of virtual reality glasses, which are designed to interface with modern mobile devices, computers, TVs and set-top boxes. By immersing yourself in virtual reality with a VR device, you can get the full experience of watching a movie in a 3D cinema, experience incredible feelings from vr applications and games.

Let's take a look at how to use virtual reality glasses that work when paired with a smartphone. First of all, you need to make sure that your phone supports this feature. The easiest way to check is to go to Google Play and enter, for example, the Cardboard World app. Do not rush to download it, just go to the page and see if there is access for downloading.

In the positive case, access is open; if, on the contrary, the phone does not support this function, then you will not be able to connect such a phone and you should think about purchasing a more modern smartphone. If you have any of the iPhone models in your hands, then we can say with confidence that this device is equipped with a gyroscope and is efficient in viewing and playing virtual reality format.

In order to start using vr glasses, you must first install special software on your phone. The developers offer an extensive database of movies, videos and games designed for the use of virtual reality glasses. The library can be downloaded for free or you can choose paid content.

Finding an app is easy. To do this, in the Google Play or App Store search box, you need to type VR and select the application of interest in the drop-down list. Depending on our preferences, we download the vr application to the phone. The smartphone is fixed with glasses or special clips, can simply be inserted into a plastic tray, or attached to a silicone mat.

At the top of the glasses, there are triggers that are responsible for adjusting the focal length of the lenses. In order to make the picture as clear as possible, after the application is launched and the glasses are attached to the head, you can adjust the image using the indicated triggers.

In addition, on the Youtube channel, you can upload any 360 video format, which is supported in virtual reality format by default. To perform the function, just open the Youtube channel and the selected video in the mobile application, click on the virtual reality sign, which is located in the lower right corner of the application.

How to insert your phone into virtual reality glasses (joystick), with which it is easy to control your smartphone while watching movies or playing games. Most fans of modern games and movies in HD quality are interested in how to use virtual reality glasses designed for smartphones when connected to a computer. To control the glasses, a special program, for example, common among Trinus VR users, is downloaded to the PC, it is paired with the device via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and you can freely watch a movie library or play games.

VR glasses are just a gimmick, or rather, several tricks combined together in one device to trick your thinking and make you believe that your body is in a completely different place than it really is. The key element in this business is the concept of presence or how much you feel that you are not in a virtual environment, but in an immediate physical environment.

There are several types of glasses for immersive VR:

  • to connect to a PC;
  • to work with a smartphone;
  • for game consoles;
  • autonomous headsets.

The design of the above equipment is approximately the same and necessarily contains the following elements: lenses; split screen or two separate displays, gyroscope, housing, controllers.

Imagine the following situation: when you watch a 3D movie, for example, Thor: Ragnarok, you will be immersed in what is happening while focused on the screen, but as soon as you turn your head to the side, the walls of the cinema will instantly remind you that you are not in the mythical Asgard surrounded by gods, valkyries, green monster and fiery Surtur, and in a local cinema. To stay immersed in the virtual world, you need to limit your actual environment - that's what a headset and headphones are for. Now let's take a look at how VR glasses work.

How virtual reality glasses work

Inside the VR headset, there is a screen with a partition or two separate displays with a 110 ° field of view, which means you will not see the edges of the screen with your peripheral vision. Each screen displays a slightly modified picture for each eye - the effect of stereoscopy is used. To better understand what this is about, do a little experiment:

1) focus your vision on a specific subject;

2) close your left eye with your hand and remember the location of the object;

3) open your left eye, but close your right one - if you did everything correctly, you probably noticed that the object has slightly shifted to the side.

The eyes are at different angles relative to the object of observation, therefore they see it from different angles and with different depths. But when both eyes are open, your smart brain combines the raw data to create a single 3D image. A conventional camera cannot create such a realistic image - you will have to use two cameras at once, located similar to the eyes, after which the video stream from the left camera should be directed to the left eye, from the right to the right. That is why VR glasses come into play - they show each eye two identical, but slightly displaced pictures relative to each other, and the rest of the work is done by the brain.

How the device determines your location in the virtual world

And so, here you are in the virtual world, but where exactly? For this, tracking technology was created. If you turn your head and the picture does not change for the next 50 milliseconds maximum, you will start to feel nauseous. Therefore, information is collected together from several sources, such as a gyroscope, an accelerometer to measure your speed, and a magnetometer to correct the offset.

Virtual reality technology has been around since the mid-nineties in its current form, but why are VR headsets just starting to gain popularity? The main reason is the potential side effects - early versions of helmets literally rocked users. The nausea that some people feel during immersion and being in virtual reality comes from the mismatch of sensory information that occurs when you move around in the virtual world, but in reality you do not move. The body and brain are input data for the inner ear, which is responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, that is, your balance. And if the body and brain are out of sync, you will feel dizzy.

Most VR headsets are covered with miniature diodes, whose signals are transmitted to nearby cameras - from here the exact location of your headset is tracked, and as a result, your location in virtual space is calculated, which allows you to move and explore. Cameras are irreplaceable in virtual reality rooms. Inside a specially equipped room, the user can safely move without feeling nauseous while in the virtual world.

This article is more likely for beginners who have heard something about "mobile viar", but do not really understand what it is.

At best, such people even saw some kind of primitive helmet at the exhibition, where they were turned on (or maybe even rides based on!). The wow effect is achieved, but still there is a feeling that this is all self-indulgence and that there is nothing but slides. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

I will say right away that I am talking specifically about glasses for smartphones, and not about full-fledged VR helmets, like Oculus or Valv for 60k. That is, we take a phone, launch an application on it that gives a stereo image and insert it all into VR glasses ...

Simple Smartphone Glasses - Google Cardboard

In the four years since the announcement, the technology has evolved a lot. Accessible and convenient, but most importantly, content for these helmets began to appear.

If you want to know in general terms what virtual reality glasses are and how they work, I recommend you here for the "little ones". Moreover, after reading it, many questions will disappear, besides - it is not only about telephone VR, and gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bvirtual reality systems today.

So, in order, what can you do in virtual reality glasses for your phone (and in general, in any VR glasses)?

Attractions and games for virtual reality

Yes, I'll start with slides and the like - the most obvious use for these helmets. If you have such glasses and, you can simply watch other similar games for vr-helmets.

Only in my catalog are collected now and which are not ashamed to recommend for installation and review. Moreover, new ones appear every day. Most of them are free.

In addition to the already mentioned primitive slides, there are already full-fledged games, for example, or, and all this in virtual reality mode and full immersion!

The first Quake in the mobile "viara". True, for him.

Panoramic photos

Now you can watch Avatar in 3D at home, having a mobile phone and VR glasses for a smartphone

Although not everyone likes viewing with such glasses, many still prefer 3D TV in the old fashioned way.

Watching YouTube in virtual reality

Now, any video on YouTube can be watched on a “big virtual screen”, and it's not difficult at all. More details. YouTube itself has added this feature to its mobile app.

YouTube in virtual reality mode

Watching regular (2D) movies and TV series on the big screen

Oddly enough, but now I do not watch more in a helmet, but ordinary films and TV shows. At home I have an old 32-inch TV, and the helmet provides a huge and clear picture compared to it. Why you don't want to turn on an ordinary TV anymore.

Watching "Westworld" in VR. This is not a real hall, this is a virtual living room)

Stream games from PC

Many people manage to run popular PC games in their helmets, such as Crisis, GTA, Skyrim, and so on. Moreover, many of them are in full 3D mode, with presence, immersion, and all the things to do. Read more in.

Stream Skyrim from PC to Phone

Oculus, Valve and Steam VR exclusives launch

Layouts and interior design in virtual reality

This is also already possible thanks to the application. The bottom line is that in a few minutes you can create a model of your real or desired apartment and then walk around it in virtual reality mode.

I'm in Altspace)

Augmented reality

This is when everything is superimposed on our usual reality. For example, it allows you to apply filters to what you see in real time, and even allows you to kill the monsters jumping right on your carpet! Just like Pokemon, yeah) And over time, there will be more such applications. It is not for nothing that Microsoft glasses are worth a horse price tag and on Kickstarter they are already sculpting augmented reality headsets for $ 30 ...

An example of working with augmented reality

Development and programming of games in virtual reality

This is an extremely promising topic. Now you can make not ordinary games, but virtual reality games. I am already myself, and if you've always wanted to make a game, then it's time.

My variations on the Dark Tower theme in VR


As you can see, today the range of applications for virtual reality glasses for smartphones is very wide. These are not only a device for geeks, they can be useful in every home.

Of course, there are a lot of jambs and disadvantages in technology now. The same stream from the PC - these are the same dances with a tambourine, and so on. There is no single standard for applications, which is why they also do not work the same everywhere and not for everyone. And the difference in versions of the android also introduces confusion.

In addition, for everything to be ok, you need it. And many people just don't think about mobile VR and keep buying. But as time goes on, technology is improving and developing, and I am sure that now we are just at the beginning of the path, when virtual reality will become available to everyone and will be an integral part of our life, as computers and smartphones have become today.

My VR zoo for smartphone

Currently, the technology of immersion in virtual reality is in great demand and popularity. Now any gamer can plunge into the virtual world of his favorite game without any difficulties. And after evaluating VR games, you will understand that they are the future and soon the usual entertainment will become a thing of the past.

So let's figure out what kind of virtual reality headsets exist at the moment, how they differ from each other and how to set them up to work correctly. The instruction is universal and suitable for any device, but we will focus on VR for Android, because this is the most affordable and budget option, suitable for absolutely everyone.

How VR headsets work

All glasses and virtual reality helmets are designed according to the same principle and by and large differ only in the quality of their electronic "filling". In fact, it is a "box" with two screens or one display divided into two, and having an insulating partition between them.
This is done so that the person's left and right eyes see separate pictures. And this very image differs in that it is fed from different angles. The human brain is designed in such a way that when it receives visual information from the left and right eyes, it gathers it together. And since it was given at the right angles, the result is the feeling that we see 3D, and not two separate flat pictures.

Another important element of a VR headset is a gyroscope - a built-in sensor that reacts to changes in body position in space. Simply put, it is thanks to him that we can turn our heads in the virtual world and consider it as in ordinary reality. Note that all VR helmets have this sensor, but budget smartphones do not. There are VR games for android powered by an accelerometer, but there are few of them and they are of poor quality.

Types of VR glasses

All VR devices fall into three main categories:

1. VR helmets for PC and consoles. This includes the "pioneers" of the industry such as the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and others lesser known. For their work, you definitely need a powerful PC or an appropriate game console, to which they are connected. This also includes Pimax 4K, Deepoon E2.

The best games with the most modern graphics are released only for such devices. In addition, you can play in a VR headset in regular PC games that have been released for a long time. True 3D will be defective.

High cost. In addition to the helmet itself, the price of which reaches 60-70 thousand rubles, a powerful PC is required, which costs about the same amount.

Lack of mobility - you won't be able to get far from your computer, and you won't take them on the road either.

2. Standalone VR headsets such as Uranus VR One, Sulon Q and others. They have a built-in processor, display, RAM and do not require a connection to a computer. As the saying goes, "put it on and go", having previously charged the battery like a regular smartphone. Many models, by the way, can be connected, if desired, to a PC and work from it. This category includes Magicsee M1, VR PRO, etc.

The most important thing is autonomy. You can immerse yourself in VR anywhere, as long as the battery is charged.

Lower price compared to the previous category.

It can be noted that at a price they start at about 15,000 rubles, which is much more expensive than, for example, Cardboard.

3. VR glasses for smartphones are the largest group, the founder of which is the world famous Google Cardboard. At their core, they are a "box" with lenses where a smartphone is inserted. However, there are also intermediate "hybrid" variants, for example Samsung Gear, which have electronic stuffing, but to immerse themselves in the virtual world you still need a smartphone. Lineup: Baofeng, Xiaomi Mi VR, VR Space, Fit VR, Shinecon, VR BOX, Ritech and others.

The cheapest VR glasses available to anyone. The same Cardboard will cost you only 100-150 rubles, and worthy plastic samples - 1500-3000 rubles.

Mobility. You can take such a headset with you wherever you go, especially since the smartphone is always at hand.

You can play PC games by connecting to a computer using special programs.

The only and main disadvantage is the small amount of good content. There are many VR games for Android, but there are very few truly high-quality projects. However, every day there are more and more of them, ranging from simple VR shooting galleries to full-fledged shooters. The best VR games for Android you can find.

How to connect and configure VR glasses for 3D and VR applications on Android

VR helmets for PC are configured and connected to a computer according to the instructions that come with the kit. Stand-alone headsets do not require any settings at all: turn it on and play. Therefore, we will not focus on these devices, but consider the last category.

Setting instructions:

First of all, we download the VR application we need to our smartphone and launch it. Most often, you will immediately see that the smartphone screen has "doubled" - this is normal, developers do not need to be afraid and write negative reviews.

Then we install the smartphone into our VR headset. The installation method will differ depending on the specific model. For example, in VR BOX glasses, a special bar is removed, where a smartphone is installed between the clips on the springs, after which the bar is inserted back into the glasses.

And in BOBO VR Z4 the front cover simply flips open, where we then insert the smartphone. In general, there is nothing complicated here - even a child can figure it out. Do not forget to plug the headphone wire, if any, into the standard jack.

After that we put on glasses and enjoy the game. Let's add that for control we may need a special joystick (we will consider it below), or it will be implemented using the device's gyroscope. For example, the hero shoots automatically when we look at the enemy or the interactive button is activated when we look at it for a long time.

Some VR headsets have built-in controls. For example, Cardboard has a built-in magnetic trigger, and BOBO VR Z4 has an external wireless button, pressing which, we are like pressing the screen with a finger. This is a rather important nuance, since there are games that support this way of control. Therefore, when purchasing a virtual reality headset, take one that has such buttons.

If you have problems with the image, try adjusting the lenses in your glasses. Adjustment is not available in all models, but for example, in VR BOX, you can move the lenses closer to the bridge of the nose, as well as move them away or vice versa to move them closer to the eyes.

Such a problem often occurs when the smartphone screen is divided incorrectly, and we, wearing VR glasses, continue to see two separate screens. If adjusting the lenses does not help here (and most often it will), you need to use a special application called Cardboard, which can be downloaded.


1. Download, install and launch Cardboard.

2. After starting, the application should determine the model of your glasses on its own. If everything is correct, press "yes". Otherwise - "no, choose glasses".

3. We provide the application with access to the camera and scan the barcode from your VR headset, if there is one. If it is not on the glasses, then we look for the model of our headset on the official website - there will also be a code there. We scan it, and the application will automatically configure the smartphone to work with your glasses, i.e. will select the desired angles and split screen ratio.

Until recently, immersion in the world of virtual reality was akin to a rare and expensive attraction. But technology does not stand still, and today virtual reality is gradually becoming available to the general public.

The most affordable way is to use virtual reality glasses for smartphones. However, to call these glasses actually glasses is not entirely correct. So, let's figure out what kind of device it is, and how virtual reality glasses for a smartphone work.

First, let's figure out what such a device is. has been known for a long time. This is a complex device, which is a plastic case with straps. The device itself is put on the user's head and connected to a computer or laptop.

There are lenses inside the body, behind which there is a screen divided into two parts. Sometimes it can be two screens. The images on the screens do not differ in principle, but due to the fact that each eye sees its own image, a three-dimensional effect is created. This is a consequence of the binocular vision characteristic of humans.

In order to be able to navigate in the virtual world and somehow look around, it is necessary that our device reacts to the movements of the user's head. To solve this problem, it is customary to use gyroscopes. Actually, they are installed in helmets. Curiously, the same gyroscopes are found in most phones. This is an important point and we will come back to it later.

In addition, sometimes there are also additional sensors that track the position of the head in space. The received information from the sensors is transmitted to a PC via a USB or HDMI cable. Actually, this is the whole helmet device. The only problem is. that all the necessary elements combined in one device give a high cost of the gadget, which is unaffordable for many users.

Everything seems to be clear with the device of the classic virtual reality helmet. But what is the principle of operation of virtual glasses for a smartphone, and what is their feature. This device is the first commercial model intended for the general public. The pioneer in this area was the company that launched the market made of cardboard.

As we have already discussed above, to get a virtual reality helmet, we need to combine in one device:

  • lenses;
  • display;
  • gyroscope;
  • body.

The nuance here is that many people already own various models of mobile devices. As you know, every smartphone is necessarily equipped with a display and a gyroscope. It is these elements that are the most expensive in a virtual reality helmet, and they are already in our mobile device.

All that remains is to add a case with lenses. This can be done relatively inexpensively and simply, which is what VR glasses do. Thus, the cost of the gadget is significantly lower than the price of a classic PC helmet. Now it becomes clear. what are virtual reality glasses for a smartphone, and what is their purpose.

All that is needed is to purchase VR glasses, install a smartphone in the case. Adjust the lenses to your vision and launch the corresponding application on your smartphone. As a result, we have a full-fledged virtual reality helmet, the cost of which is significantly lower than analogs for a PC.

The only thing you should pay attention to is the compatibility of the device and the specific smartphone model that the user has. Many glasses are versatile, but there are some. Which are designed for one or two models of mobile devices, and are not suitable for the rest.

Features of virtual reality glasses for smartphone:

  • designed only to work in combination with a smartphone;
  • picture quality directly depends on the capabilities of the smartphone display;
  • riftcat vridge app allows you to play games designed for pc glasses with high quality graphics;
  • there is no need for a powerful computer;
  • it is possible to connect a smartphone to a computer via a usb cable and use it in ordinary games with a high-quality 3d picture;
  • it becomes possible to watch 3d-films almost anywhere.
  • compatibility with any vr applications.

Some disadvantage is that the gaming industry in this area lags behind the PC VR gaming industry. Therefore, there are practically no really high-quality and interesting games for phones. But this is only a matter of time, and the issue will probably be resolved soon.

Popular models

Since the introduction of Google's Cardboard, glasses of this type have developed and spread rapidly. Today they are equipped with high-quality lenses, a well-thought-out and comfortable body, reliable attachment to the head, and the ability to adjust the lenses to suit the user's vision.

Many companies have taken up their production, and there is a huge selection of different models of these simple and interesting devices on sale. A natural question arises, what can virtual glasses for a smartphone, and what are the main differences between different models.

As in any other market segment, its leaders have emerged here. Some manufacturers focus on the release of low-cost budget versions, while others have focused on the production of expensive options with many additional options.

So in top-end products, FiiT VR models are confidently kept, as well as, the cost of which can fluctuate between 1000 - 2000 rubles. They are distinguished by an excellent combination of quality and price, comfort and versatility. Among the more expensive models are Ling VR or Baofeng 4. Here you will have to pay about 4000 rubles.

Given the wide variety of different models of virtual reality glasses for smartphones, when choosing a particular model, certain criteria should be followed:

  • compatibility with your smartphone model, the size of the screen and the smartphone itself, the permissible image resolution (some Chinese models can work with only one smartphone model);
  • features of the user's vision, it is desirable to have lens adjustment, and if the vision in different eyes is different, then separate adjustment is necessary;
  • why do we need virtual reality glasses for a smartphone, the intended use of glasses: watching movies, playing VR games, or for a specific game on a PC;
  • financial capabilities of the buyer, budget model or expensive.

With the final version, each buyer is determined based on their needs, preferences, and, of course, financial capabilities and understanding how 3d glasses for a smartphone work.

In general, summing up, we can say that the emergence of VR glasses for smartphones has made it possible to make a real breakthrough in the industry of virtual reality games, making it accessible to the general public. Today, almost every smartphone owner can afford to purchase this device and immerse himself in VR games or watch 3D movies in almost any place convenient for him.

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