What is Siri: an overview of Apple's interactive assistant and its counterpart. What is Siri and how does it work? Siri features

Summer at the exhibition WWDC 2011 apple showing iOS 5, introducing most of the new features, with the exception of one, the presentation of which was delayed for several months ...

In October 2011 another apple presentation already does not Steve Jobs , and the new head of the company Tim Cook... At this event, iPhone 4S is shown, and at the very end of the event, the floor is given Scott Forstall - Apple's senior vice president of iOS at the time. And exactly Scott Forstall presented to the whole world the beta version of the intelligent voice siri assistant, which has become not only a key innovation in iOS 5, but also exclusive to the iPhone 4S.

The cheering of the crowd, criticism of observers and journalists ... How many holivara gave birth to Siri on the Internet? Why did Siri make so much noise?

Who Created Siri?

Who Created Siri? SRI International, a division of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research and Development Agency), started work on Siri in 2007, not Appleas many assume.

An interesting fact is that Siri is the result of more than forty years of research. Siri was originally developed by Doug Kitlauss, Tom Gruber, Norman Winarsky and Adam Chainer. Siri's chief executive officer was Doug Kitlaus, but after Apple bought Siri, Doug stepped down, which makes sense.

Imagine how large the backstory of Siri was, or rather the amount of work done by researchers in the field of voice recognition and processing. Research teams from:

  • Carnegie Mellon University, University of Masachusetts
  • University of Rochester, Stanford University
  • University of Southern California
  • Institute for Human Rights and Machine Knowledge
  • Oregon State University
... worked for years and accumulated information before DARPA decided to seriously engage in the development of a computer voice assistant.

Siri on iPhone 4S

And on October 4, 2011, on iPhone presentations 4S show Siri. It is on this that Apple focuses attention when promoting the next iPhone: Siri is integrated into iPhone 4S, interacts with the main iOS applications, answers tough questions - all of which are incredibly impressive to all those who have personally worked with Siri.

Of course, it was not without accusations and criticism. Apple was accused of trying to extradite Sirifor something new and incredible. According to some, on other mobile platforms something similar has been around for a long time, and Apple has not invented anything new again ...

However, this is not quite true. One has only to try Siri at work, as this opinion changes dramatically. Famous critic Eldar Murtazin, remained skeptical about the new product, but only until the moment when the iPhone 4S fell into his hands.

So what's so special about Siri?

What's so special about Siri? is probably the most common question. The fact is that Siri has a full-fledged conversational conversation with the user. At the time of the iPhone 4S announcement, Siri was still in beta, but this is not so important, because Siri is constantly being improved and refined, and all this happens remotely.

In addition, Siri uses the evolving human speech recognition technology developed by Nuance Communications. Siri individually adapts to each user: it listens and learns its owner, analyzing his preferences. It is surprising…

How does Siri work?

Everything is very interesting here. While other voice assistants previously worked simply with a search engine, Siri works with a variety of services, which allows you to accurately answer a variety of questions, including very complex ones.

After asking a question, he is sent to the Apple servers (Siri), where it is processed and sent to the appropriate service. And it's not just search giants Google and Bing… For example, OpenTable, André Gayot, Citysearch, BooRah, Yelp Inc, Yahoo Local, ReserveTravel and Localeze are used for business matters. Siri looks to Eventful, StubHub, and LiveKick to find information about events. When asked about movies, Siri responds using information from MovieTickets.com, Rotten Tomatoes and The New York Times ... voice assistant from Apple will handle most day to day issues, but key feature is that Siri works with WolframAlpha.

WolframAlpha allows Siri give answers to the most difficult questions, since this is not search system. WolframAlphapositions itself as computational knowledge engine (translation: knowledge base and a set of computational algorithms).

Thanks to all of the above, Siri manages to understand a person's speech and his questions, which he asks in a fairly free form, and not specific commands. At the presentation, the question was given as an example: “ Should I take an umbrella today». Sirianalyzes the question and understands what she needs to answer - what kind of weather is expected in this area.

Of course, Siri is not perfect yet, but the very fact that such a solution appeared in mobile phones cannot but talk about the promising future of speech recognition technology and computer voice assistants.

And finally, I suggest you look at a small selection.

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Would you like to have a personal assistant on your iPhone? For example, so that you can plan your day, week and even month, and someone in a pleasant manner reminds you of important matters, schedule your appointments, direct actions, call or send mail directly from your smartphone. Such an intelligent voice program siri interface on the iPhone was developed in Russia by the SiriPort project group.

Individual characteristics voice assistant Siri meets today's innovative requirements for creating artificial intelligence. The application is super smart and can fully perform voice commands from all possible actions on a smartphone: call subscribers from the contact list, send messages, find necessary information, create bookmarks and texts of assignments, without using the keyboard of the smartphone, but only the voice interface. This article will show you how to install Siri on iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 or 6 generation.

The new licensed Personal Assistant application is a voice recognition software and is installed on all Apple devices. It should be added that the voice assistant works based on iOS 7 on iPhone devices 4S using Siri, Siri on iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7th generation. In addition, the assistant can service iPad Mini, Mini 2 and Mini 3, is also present on iPod Touch 5th generation, on Apple Watch devices, and still works on iPad 3rd generation and above.

After the appearance iOS version 8.3, Siri iPhone can be configured to Russian. IOS 10 on next-generation devices takes into account the even greater capabilities of the voice assistant. This greatly facilitates the work of finding and storing personal information data, saves, as they say, time and money.

Wondering how to enable Siri on iPhone?

For example, if you don’t know how to turn on Siri on iPhone 4-7 or don’t understand how to turn off Siri, then we will proceed in stages. Consider a voice assistant on an iPhone 4S or iPhone 6S using a voice assistant. First you need to find out if the application is installed on the iPhone 4 or iPhone 6S and why Siri does not work on the iPhone. If it turns out that the assistant's program cannot be run on an iPhone, do not despair, you can install other quite similar ones alternative programssuch as the Dragon Go! program developed by Nuance, which will be able to access other programs installed on the iPhone, such as Google, Netflix, Yelp and others.

If the voice assistant was installed in the iPhone at the time of sale, it will most likely be in the active state by default. To check this, hold down home button on an iPhone. Siri will beep to indicate her readiness to work. You can give a command by voice: for example, say clearly aloud: "Check your mail!"

If Siri is not activated the right way, you can do it yourself as follows. Open the main screen of your phone and tap "Settings", find the "General" folder and, knowing how to use it, launch the "Siri" application. However, working with smart program, you can give a dozen tasks to the assistant, communicating aloud. Try saying a greeting such as "Hey!" or "Hello Siri!", or, say, "What's the weather, Siri?" In addition, you can define the gender of your assistant by selecting it in the settings section.

How to change Siri's voice or language

If the voice assistant communicates with you in an incomprehensible language, you can change its language. To do this, find Siri in the iPhone settings menu, select the Siri Language command. You will see a list of language options and, scrolling through, select the one you need, with which the assistant will communicate with you in the future.

If you want to program the manner of communication of an individual assistant, customize not only her voice, but also the established style of address, various phrases that you will be pleased to hear. For this purpose, go to the "Settings" section again, launch the "Siri" program, find command line "Audio feedback" and accordingly activate the option of communication that suits you.

By the way, the developers of this software product prudently introduced into the mind of a voice assistant the ability to recognize voices, intonation, accent and even dialect, she understands any languages.

Siri mode in the car

Inclusion siri apps can greatly facilitate your tasks by choosing the desired direction on the map when you are driving a car. To do this, the car must support the CarPlay software or use the "no looking" function available in this program. To use the services of an assistant, you need to call him by pressing the voice command button located directly on the steering wheel of the car and give Siri the appropriate command.

If your car has a touchscreen with CarPlay support, activate Siri by launching the Home button from the screen menu. If you have spoken a command, the assistant waits for a pause in the speech to start executing. But, if the car is very noisy, it is better to answer with the button that transmits a sound wave located on the screen, and then Siri will guess that you are finished and will begin to carry out the assigned task. If necessary, by going into the iPhone settings, you can also read how to turn off Siri.

You can also connect the assistant to the source through a Bluetooth headset, as well as through USB wire... In this case, perform all actions in the same order.

In this review, I decided to combine all the necessary knowledge about Siri. From the article you will learn how to set up Siri, how to use it, what it can do and why you need it at all.

Who is Siri? What is Siri?

Siri (English Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface) is a personal assistant and question-answer system developed for iOS. Siri uses natural speech processing to answer questions and make recommendations. Siri adapts to each user individually, learning their preferences over time.

Siri's story begins in 2010 when voice application Fall into App Store from Siri Inc. Siri buys out Apple on April 28, 2010.

Siri is available on the following devices.

  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus
  • iPad Mini 1, 2, 3, iPad 3, 4, Air, Air 2
  • iPod Touch
  • Apple Watch

Siri in English first appeared in iOS 5. Siri in Russian came out with iOS 8.3.

How do I turn Siri on / off?

In Settings for Siri, a separate section has not yet been allocated. Therefore, we go to Settings-\u003e General-\u003e Siri... We turn on the Siri checkbox, if not turned on.

After that, a message appears in the center of the screen that warns the user that requests for Siri are being sent to Apple's servers. Click "Enable Siri"

Below we see siri settings (we'll come back to them later). We are interested in the item Language... We choose "Russian".

Now press the Home button on the iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch and hold it down without lifting your finger for a couple of seconds. The Siri launch screen appears on the iPad.

We ask our questions - we get answers or some action from the system.

Siri settings

Settings-\u003e General-\u003e Siri... Let's go through the specific options.

Allow Hey Siri - by enabling this option, you can activate Siri if the phone is charging. To do this, you have to say, never guess ... "Hey Siri."

Language - Siri language selection. Yes, you can communicate with Siri in any language you know. Moreover, for some languages \u200b\u200bthere is a choice of dialects.

You need to understand that phrases for Siri are spoken by a living person (announcer). This requires resources: that is why Siri in Russian so far speaks in one female voice.

Audio feedback - the essence of this setting: silence Siri if the phone is in silent mode... By default, Siri will always beep.

My details - this item allows you to select yourself from the Contacts program. Siri will address you as specified in the Nickname field (if any) or by name.

I will add that Siri can understand human language and she is constantly learning. That is, she understands human phrases like "How are you?" and responds accordingly. Chat with Siri. :)

Siri also provides the widest possibilities in English. In Russian, many additional options not yet. In particular, English Siri supports the WolframAlpha system. Translation into Russian is underway, but there is no exact date for the appearance of WolframAlpha support in our Siri.

Siri is built into CarPlay. CarPlay is the modern way iPhone control in the car, when the most required applicationsadapted for the driver.

Frequently asked questions and answers about Siri

Question: Can Siri be installed on older devices? Why isn't Siri on iPad 2?

Answer: It is impossible without jailbreak. Yes, and with a jailbreak, you need to look for up-to-date instructions and not the fact that it will work.

According to most users, the lack of Siri on older devices is the trick of Apple marketers. The official version is the absence of a noise filtering chip on older devices. The version is not very believable.

Question: Can Siri be installed on Android, PC, OS X?

Answer: No. Siri is currently a development exclusively for mobile devices Apple. On other platforms, there are competitors, analogues, etc., but not Siri.

Question: Siri stopped or didn't start speaking. What to do? How to get her voice back?

Answer: Try to do a Factory data reset. Settings-\u003e General-\u003e Reset-\u003e Reset All Settings. After that, you will have to re-enter passwords from the App Store, Wi-Fi, install required parameters in the settings, but the voice to Siri will most likely return.

IN recent times smartphones have become more and more part of our life, becoming the main attribute. FROM portable devices the modern generation spends all their time working, playing or studying. Thanks to the phone, customers are constantly in touch not only in mobile networkbut also social. We are talking about "VKontakte", "Twitter", "Facebook" and so on. I would like to note that smartphones are essential assistants. They allow you to properly distribute your day, set goals, and achieve them. Also, thanks to phones, you can control your own behavior. Of course, not without the help of applications.

One of the well-known tools for communicating with a smartphone is Siri. This article will talk about how the assistant works, how it is activated, and so on, as well as talk in detail about what Siri is.

Siri technology

First of all, I must say that the technology behind Siri was created by a huge group of developers. If you trust sources on the Internet, then 40 years ago, scientists were working to create artificial intelligence. As a result, something appeared that is capable of analyzing and reacting to all the information that is given by a person. Siri is a question-and-answer system. This is a development that is completely built on all such achievements of scientists. Thanks to the timely decision by Apple to use such technologies as complements to products, the era of artificial intelligence began. Due to the great efforts and labors of scientists, now a person can use Siri. About what it is and how it works - further.

Siri on iPhone

From the iPhone 4S to the sixth generation, Siri was introduced as a separate application. If desired, the program could be removed or, conversely, downloaded to your device. The main condition is for the smartphone to work in the operating room iOS system... The utility was launched by a simple click on the icon. Now Siri has become a basic program. Even if the user does not yet know that there is a special store with official applications for "iPhones", immediately after the purchase he can start using this artificial intelligence. What is Siri and how does it work?

"Siri" received the principle of speech requests, from which she selects commands for herself and executes them. Thanks to the work of the company, the utility is able to recognize large language pack... At the moment, Siri has 20 variations. Within the territory of Russian Federation the program is available in Russian. There is also a voice processing function.

Siri features

A person who has not yet worked with Siri, of course, thinks not only about what Siri is, but also what functions the application performs. What is it for, how can it help when "communicating" with the gadget. The answer is as banal and simple as possible. The utility must correctly and correctly recognize all user commands. The reaction is quite fast, errors are excluded. This is the main function of the utility. If we talk about more specific tasks, then, in fact, "Siri" is capable of executing any command that is subject to the smartphone itself. You can ask the utility to call or send a message, for example, and wait a little while the request is completed. You can also perform voice processing of the application.

Features of the program

Of course, there are no technologies that would ideally understand a person's voice and everything he says. Siri is an attempt to create a means of communication between the smartphone and the consumer. However, it also has its drawbacks. That is why you should know exactly all the features of the program and how to use it. Siri cannot be installed on Android, but there are analogues.

All requests must be as clear as possible. For example, the following commands will be executed: "Call dad", "Open mail" and so on. All requests must be formed accurately and not in any form. This is only allowed for in Englishsince this packet is best recognized. Do not forget about the manner of pronunciation and clarity. All phrases should be spoken as correctly and clearly as possible. It is these factors that determine the extent to which the request will be understood. It should also be borne in mind that if the command is given in a noisy place, then, most likely, "Siri" will not understand it.

Available languages

Quite an actual question - what languages \u200b\u200bare available in the program. There are many of them: Russian, English, Swedish, German, many Asian, and so on. What does it do? If the language pack is installed in "Siri", then it is possible to communicate and make requests on it. In any case, the program will understand the commands. However, there is one peculiarity. Not all of the listed languages \u200b\u200bare available in the operating system, which means that Siri will not function on them. If the iOS version is higher than 8.3, then a similar problem may not arise, since this modification software half of the languages \u200b\u200bdescribed above have been added.

How do I work with Siri?

Another topical question that interests many. How to work with Siri? There are two ways to enable the program. If it is preinstalled and goes immediately upon purchase, then you don't really need to do anything special. The program will start by long pressing the "Home" button. If you do not want to use the assistant or you do not like that the key is responsible for turning it on, then the option can be disabled in the settings.

The second option is that Siri is not installed on the phone. Then you will have to install the utility yourself. To do this, go to the official Yabloko store and download the desired program... After installation, you can enter Siri directly from your desktop. It will work like normal application... The program does not require activation or registration. This development is as clear and simple as possible. The interface is simple, straightforward, anyone can use such an assistant. Let us remind you that Siri does not exist on Android.

How to use?

Using Siri is even easier than downloading it yourself. You should go to the application. There, the user will notice the audio recording line. A similar panel is also available in the recorder. In addition, the launch of the program is equipped with soundtrack, after which the phrase “Hello, can I help you with something?” in a pleasant voice. The owner of the device says what he needs.

An example of such a request is the phrase: "Siri, show me the nearby free parking lots." Once the speech is recorded, another beep will sound. After that, "Siri" will display the results of the command on the screen.

"Siri can't hear my voice, what should I do?"

Sometimes it happens that "Siri" does not recognize the voice or does not hear it at all. If you do not want to take the phone to service center and pay money, then you can try to find out the reason yourself and deal with its solution.

It is worth checking the performance immediately operating system... Very often, after flashing or updating, Siri does not want to listen to the owner's requests. This is usually treated with a hard reset, but unfortunately not 100% of the time. If it does not help, then you should go to the settings and try to "tinker" there: turn on / off the assistant, allow access to the microphone, and so on.

Another common problem is microphone breakage. To check this, you can connect a headset. If the assistant reacts through it, then the problem is probably in the phone. In the absence of headphones, you can go to any program where you can make voice input. Again, if it doesn't work in other utilities, then the problem is with the microphone. In this case, you should take your phone to a service center. They will help to solve the problem. If the smartphone is still under warranty, then they will do it for free.

Now anyone can answer the question "What is Siri?" The program is clear and convenient.

The Siri function is available in Russian starting with iOS 8.3 and above. It is a personal assistant that can be controlled by voice. Positioned as artificial Intelligence your IPhone with which you can communicate and recognize various information... In fact, this innovation also caused a lot of criticism and ridicule, especially incidents often happened due to the peculiarities of the Russian language.

You can fully configure and use Siri on the iPhone 6 and above. It works with some limitations on older phones, as well as the iPad and iPod Touch.

Siri setup

Before you start using Siri, you need to enable and configure it:

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone and press Siri.
  2. Set all sliders to on (Siri, On Lock Screen, Allow: Hey Siri).
  3. Next, the procedure for setting up the program will start. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to clearly pronounce the proposed phrases several times in order for the program to work correctly in the future.

Siri is available on iPhone 4s and later, iPad Pro, iPad Air and later, and iPod Touch 5th generation and later. However, the voice call function fully works only on the iPhone 6 and above, on older devices only works if they are connected to a charger. On iPad, iPad2 and iPad mini voice call function is not supported.

Ways to contact the assistant:

  • Say “Hey Siri” clearly (if supported).
  • Press and hold the Home button, options for questions will appear on the screen. Or you can ask your own. Depending on the model, you can just say, or you may need to click on the microphone icon on the screen every time. If Siri is ready to receive commands, then on the screen you will see a colored horizontal bar representing a sound wave.
  • If you have a headset with a remote control, press and hold the Center button or Call button until sound signal... Then you can speak the commands. For airPods headphones just double-click on the surface of one of the headphones.
  • For vehicles with technology: press and hold the button voice commands on the steering wheel or, if the vehicle is equipped touch screen, press and hold Home. In order to improve perception in noisy environments, the program will speak the commands for confirmation. Click on the sound wave if you want to show that you have finished speaking.

You can also customize the language, audio feedback and call announcements. For some countries, a choice of voice is available, but for the Russian language only female has been developed so far. To enable call announcements, go to "Settings", then "Phone", "Call announcements" and select the desired option.

Siri integrates into many apps. You can enable or disable this in the appropriate paragraphs. For example, if you slide the screen to the right, you will see "Siri Suggestions" and a bar with icons under the usual search bar. These are the most necessary, in her opinion, programs, but this does not always coincide with your opinion. To disable these suggestions, do the following:

  1. Go to "Settings", "General".
  2. Select Spotlight Search.
  3. Move the Siri Suggestions slider to Disable.
  4. You can also see if you need Spotlight Suggestions when searching.
  5. Here you can also configure which applications will not be displayed in the results.

If you do not need not only suggestions, but also the electronic assistant itself, then you can turn it off completely by moving the slider in the "Settings" menu - Siri. Removing audio feedback means turning off Siri in silent mode. By default, this option is activated with the assistant itself.

Using Siri

The most interesting thing is what opportunities the electronic assistant offers. The developers have endowed the app with wit and friendly communication style. It is difficult to say whether they use it for convenience or, rather, for entertainment and uplifting.

Here are the basic commands that Siri can use to help you control your phone or tablet:

These are just examples of commands showing areas of opportunity. Pronounce commands clearly, ask clarifications. Siri often asks for confirmation if she understood the command correctly. And she can also be asked general and tricky questions. For fun, try asking the following:

  • Siri, are you smart?
  • What's wrong with Apple?
  • Who Made the Best Computer?
  • I want to sleep.
  • Which came first, an egg or a chicken?
  • How old are you?
  • Tell a joke.
  • Tell me a story.
  • Ok Google.

Ask tricky questions several times and she will have a variety of answers. This is such an interesting feature on Apple devices. Allows you not only to control your phone with your voice, but also to have some fun and cheer up. If you know more interesting commands and unusual answers from Siri, give your examples in the comments.

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