How to put a fingerprint on android applications. How to take a fingerprint on iPhone? Ways to manage Touch ID settings

Alexander Grishin

The fingerprint reader is responsible for the security of your phone data, along with the digital password and pattern. It appeared in Apple devices for a long time, but many still do not know how to make a fingerprint on an iPhone and configure it to work normally.

Now we will tell you how to do this.

In iPhones, for convenient use, the sensor that reads identification is built into the physical "Home" key and is called Touch ID. The installation of such protection extends not only to the screen lock, but also to authorization of the entrance to many popular applications.

Fingerprint installation instructions

  1. Go to the gadget settings menu and click on the "Touch ID and password" item;
  2. In the menu that appears, click on the option "Enable password" or "Change password", if it has already been set before;

Now you need to set up Touch ID. To accomplish this task, enter the settings menu again, after which you need to go to the "Security" tab;

  1. Find the item "Touch ID and Password" and click on it;
  2. First of all, the iPhone will ask you to enter a security code, enter your password and follow the instructions;
  3. In the next step, a window will open asking you to scan your finger. After wiping the surface of the scanner and the finger itself, you need to lean it against the "home" button several times in different positions. Each touch must be stopped after a slight vibration of the phone;
  4. After that, a message will be displayed asking you to take the phone the way you usually hold it when you want to unlock. When you find a comfortable position, take a control scan of your fingerprint.

If your iPhone 6 or any other gadget from Apple will be used by other people, then in the same settings you can add the necessary users who will also have to leave their fingerprints. The number of co-owners cannot exceed 5 people.

Note! Before trying to unlock the gadget by touching your finger, check it for dirt, so as not to provoke the system into a protective screen lock.

In the modern world secure your personal information is no less important than yourself. And this is not surprising, because she fell into the wrong hands, and all life can be turned upside down... Actually for this reason, one of the points when creating any more or less complex electronics, developers pay special attention to the protection of user data, which can be stored in it... A similar situation with smartphones, which are currently equipped with such an abundance all kinds of protection optionsthat you are amazed. However, despite the active introduction of new technologies, one of the most popular remains fingerprint's scanner, about the setting of which we will talk today.

What is a fingerprint scanner?

Thanks to speaking name this technology, to understand what it is pretty simple... Her only purpose is fingerprint reading, which is necessary for the further granting of rights to manage the device only its owner... In other words, first a smartphone, using a fingerprint scanner, remembers data user, and only then, when re-reading, compares them with the ones in memory, and if they match, it becomes available for use.

Sounds great, doesn't it? But in reality everything not as smooth as we would like, because the successful functioning of the scanner depends on many nuances, one of which is its locationselected by the manufacturer in the early stages of development... Placement in a button under the screen can still be somehow justifiedbut on back panel in the camera area? This is what happens to use the device lying on the table, its every time you need to take it in hand? Seriously? And it would be okay that such a placement was chosen by some little-known small company, which is only trying its hand at the production of smartphones, but no. Even such a famous brand as Samsung, already in several of their devices in a row, places the scanner on the back... Obviously, this is inconvenient. Yes, of course they do it for the sake of creating a "frameless" device, but excuse me, unless lack of screen bezels is more important than comfortable use technology to keep your data safe? I doubt it very much.

Another controversial point when using a fingerprint scanner can be considered not the most flawless job... Yes, the technology itself is quite accurate, but in everyday use quite often there is a lack of ideal conditions for its full functioning, therefore, the chance of failure-free operation is noticeably reduced. Your hands wet, finger with plaster, gloves - all these are factors due to which getting access to your smartphone will be extremely problematic... And manufacturers understand this, so they allow, during such difficulties, to use good old PIN-codes, or graphic keys. And this leads to another problem ... Using the fingerprint scanner is not a more effective way to protect your personal information, as if desired, it can be bypassed without problems by guessing the passwordas it was before. It's unpleasant to realize that, right?

In total, it turns out that the fingerprint scanner, despite how it is positioned all over the world, cannot provide you with the highest standard of protection... In addition, it is also quite difficult to consider it as a more convenient way to unlock, since it directly depends on its location, which easily changes at the whim of the manufacturer, who often visual perception is more important than practicality... However, despite these controversial points, it must be admitted that for someone the use of a fingerprint scanner has become the best way to protect your device... And of course, there are those who still have it did not have time to try this technology... For the latter, in fact, it is intended this article, so I think it's time to go to the scanner settings so that everyone can try it yourself and decide whether to use it or not.

How do I set up the fingerprint scanner?

The first step is to make sure that your the device is equipped with this scanner, since despite its prevalence, many old and some new devices they cannot boast.

Most older smartphones without a fingerprint scanner

How can this be done? There are actually several ways.

If you are convinced that your the smartphone has a fingerprint scanner, then you can go to the process of setting it up. I think it's worth clarifying right away that the instruction is first of all intended for owners of devices with "pure" Android... That is, if your smartphone manufacturer has installed modified version operating system, some points from the setup instructions may differ, but in general terms everything will be identical one way or another... Therefore, keep this in mind, and do not worry if there are any inconsistencies in the checklist. So...

Simple, right? If you no longer need a scanner, you can disable it in the same settings menuby entering the previously saved password / code / key.

Light touch

Now you know how enable and disable the fingerprint scanner... I myself belong to this technology indifferently and I don't use it at all, but my own attitude towards it you have to work out on your own... Anyway, I still have hope that the scanner will be refined and made really convenienteven though manufacturers today are focusing on faces and retinas. What do you think about this? Write your comments.

The fingerprint scanner in Android devices is not new. Back in 2011, the first smartphone with a scanner appeared on the market - Motorola Atrix 4G. Later, in October 2013, the HTC One Max was released. But the functionality of scanners at that time was limited only by the ability to unlock a smartphone. And since Android did not officially support scanners at the time, manufacturers had to write their own crutches.

But after Google introduced Android 6.0 Marshmallow, one of the important innovations of which was just native support for fingerprint scanners and the Fingerprint API, developers finally got the opportunity to use the scanner's capabilities in their applications.

Samsung has also created its own fingerprint reader SDK for its Galaxy smartphones, and some third-party apps use this as well.

There is little information about the possibilities of scanners on the Internet at the moment. Therefore, I'll tell you a little about what I myself could find.

The first thing to know is that not all smartphones with a fingerprint scanner currently support the aforementioned Fingerprint API. For support, the smartphone must naturally run on Android OS 6.0 or higher. Galaxy devices do not need Android 6.0 to work with Samsung SDK.

A few words about the smartphones themselves. At the moment, there is exact information about the support of the standard Fingerprint API in smartphones Nexus 5X / 6P, Sony Xperia (Z5 line) and Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge (the latter support both the standard API from Android 6.0 and the API from Samsung). Support will also appear on the OnePlus 2 smartphone after updating the official firmware to Android 6.0, the company said. As for the rest of smartphones, the situation with them is not clear yet. (if there are owners of smartphones not mentioned above, please unsubscribe in the comments).

Now, actually, a small list of applications that I managed to find. Most of them are password managers, blockers, and banking applications. In addition to them, the fingerprint scanner is used in some applications simply for secure login. Example: the well-known messenger Telegram.

Their functionality is very similar, so I'll write a few words only about the most popular from the list - Lastpass. Using this application, you can log into the browser on various sites or applications. That is, instead of manually entering the username and password on any website or application, simply click on the input line and a message from Lastpass appears asking you to put your finger on the scanner. We put our finger on, select the desired account from the list and that's it - you are logged in. The scanner can also be used to log into the application itself instead of entering a password. Lastpass supports both the standard Android 6.0 Fingerprint API and the Samsung API.

The functionality is basically the same as that of most of these blockers - you select applications from those installed on the device and when you launch them you will need to enter a password or pattern. And now you can also use the fingerprint scanner to unlock.

Payment systems and banking applications

Well, of course, Google Play Store and Android Pay and Samsung Pay payment systems are supported (for scanners in Galaxy smartphones).

Here are some of the things I found. I hope the information was useful to someone. Be sure to write in the comments if I made a mistake somewhere or if you want to add something.

Concerns about the security of user data are forcing manufacturers to look for new ways to protect the smartphone. One of these novelties, which has already become quite firmly established in life, is the use of a fingerprint in Android or a similar function used on Apple devices - Touch ID. The fingerprint scanner has long ceased to be a feature of flagships and is installed even on inexpensive Chinese phone models.

History of origin


Android's fingerprint scanner feature was originally implemented in version 4.4. But not every device and manufacturer applied this technology correctly, since there was no universal API that established uniform principles for the use of fingerprint authentication.

The first formal requirements for the use of a fingerprint in Android were established with the release of the Marshmallow system or Android 6.0. After updating the OS to a fresh version, the Compatibility Definition Document was also updated, a collection of instructions that developers must follow in order to obtain certification from Google for the installation of services and the correct operation of fingerprint authentication.

The function has improved every year. According to forecasts of experts in the field of mobile technology, by 2019 more than half of smartphones on Android will receive a fingerprint scanner.
If at the dawn of its appearance, fingerprint protection in Android was implemented at a "rudimentary" level, then with the advent of a unified documentation and a universal API, the degree of security offered by Google can be considered the most appropriate to the level of development of modern technologies.

Will be useful

The storage of fingerprints (and other important information) is carried out within the secure TEE execution environment. When the pad is scanned, the read information is placed in encrypted form inside the storage. A three-level encryption system is used to ensure security. After the user activates the fingerprint scanner in Android, a call to TEE is made, during which the received profile data is compared with those already in the storage. If there is a match (receiving a sufficient number of “yes” answers) from the TEE side, a positive response is sent to the core, which, through the API, implements the required action.

How to set up a fingerprint on Android?

Initially, the function of using a fingerprint scanner is disabled. To activate it, a number of actions are performed, which are similar for most modern phone models:

  • Go to settings.
  • Select the "Lock screen" menu.
  • Then go to the "Fingerprint" tab.
  • Open Fingerprint Management.
  • Before giving the opportunity to add a new "snapshot", the system will ask the user to enter a PIN-code, which is required to provide additional protection and prevents hackers from replacing the security key.
  • Next, you need to select "Add a fingerprint".
  • A schematic display of the fingerprint pattern will appear on the screen and an explanation that the user will need to apply his finger several times until vibration appears. It is advisable to apply the pad in different parts to get a complete drawing.
  • After completing the procedure for adding a fingerprint to Android, a circle with a green check mark will appear on the screen.

It is important to know

After making the "impression", you can use the fingerprint authentication method to unlock the smartphone.

After entering a fingerprint in Android, the system offers the possibility of various applications. One of them is to unblock any application that is protected by a scanner from unauthorized access. To activate this mode, you need:

  • Go to settings.
  • Go to the "Fingerprint Management" menu.
  • Activate Application Protection.
  • Enable the "Application Lock" option for smartphones from Chinese brands or set up Samsung Pass for smartphones from the Korean giant.
  • After selecting the option to unlock applications by fingerprint, the user will be prompted to determine the programs that require this authentication method. By default, confidential includes Contacts, Gallery, Messages, and your email client.
  • The program icons will appear on the screen. The presence of an active checkmark will indicate that these applications can only be opened using a biometric identification system or another blocking method.
  • In devices from Samsung, if it is necessary to enter a password for a site or program, the user will be prompted to use the Samsung Pass system to unlock.

Another convenient way to use a fingerprint scanner is to set up a payment unlock in Google Play. A similar function has received its implementation since service version 5.9. Starting from it, each user can pay for the purchase of an application or game using a fingerprint scanner.
To activate this feature, you need:

  • Register at least one print.
  • Go to settings.
  • Select the item "Fingerprint authentication" by putting a tick in front of it.
  • Establish a mandatory verification procedure for all purchases.

Now, when making a purchase, the system will ask for a fingerprint to confirm the action.

Additional benefits of a fingerprint scanner

Android's ability to use a fingerprint reader isn't just limited to security. Some smartphone manufacturers "hang" additional options on this part to improve the usability of the phone.

Camera button

By default, all smartphones with a fingerprint sensor have the ability to activate the touch capture function. This is convenient when you need to take a selfie, especially if the scanner is placed on the rear panel. On some smartphones (e.g. Samsung), the finger shooting function is configured in the camera menu.

Alarm clock

By means of a fingerprint sensor, you can turn off the alarm. You just need to put your finger on for a few seconds to turn it off. When using a third-party application, the function is disabled or activated in the settings.

The Touch ID fingerprint scanner has become one of the three main features of the iPhone 5s. At the moment, a technically very complex device is used in a smartphone for two actions: unlocking the phone and authorizing purchases in the App Store and iTunes Store.

It would seem that the use of Touch ID in other applications and services suggests itself, but so far this will not happen. Apple refused to provide developers with the opportunity to work with a biometric sensor, and did not comment on this decision.

Only Apple's flagship smartphone now has a fingerprint module. However, any iPhone and iPad user who dares to jailbreak can easily reproduce the capabilities of Touch ID. In particular, the option to skip the password-protected lock screen.

How to simulate Touch ID fingerprint scanner on any iPhone and iPad:

Step 1: Go to Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Password Protection if you have iOS 7.0.4, and Settings -\u003e Password Protection if you have iOS 7.1 and above. Set a password to unlock your device.

Step 2: Jailbreak using Evasi0n 7 utility. Instructions for working with the application can be found on our website for Windows and Mac OS X.

Step 3: Go to Cydia and download the free Activator tweak. You can use the search (Search tab).

Step 4: After respring, open Cydia again and find the ByPass tweak, install it.

Step 5: Go to Settings -\u003e Activator.

Step 6: Go to the "On Lock Screen" section, find the "Home Button" section and go to the "Short Hold" menu.

Step 7: Check the box next to ByPass.

It's all. Now lock your iOS device. When you try to unlock the gadget, a standard password entry screen will appear. But, if you press and briefly hold the Home button, the device skips the lockscreen and immediately opens the iPhone or iPad desktop. You don't even need to turn on the device screen first - just touch the button right away. The Touch ID scanner works the same way.

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