Correspondence with Siri. Dark mode interface

At the traditional June exhibition from Apple WWDC 2017, companies showed many interesting new products. In general, the exhibition was initially designed for developers, because first of all the company shows updated operating systems, which are divided into iOS, OS X and Watch OS. They showed all of the above, while they said a few words about the new iMac, and also showed a new device from the company - a speaker like a station from Google. She not only plays music in decent quality, but also listens to commands using the proprietary Siri. In theory, in the future it will become an excellent basis for a "smart" home, but now it is too early to talk about such, the advantages and disadvantages will only show time.

But in this article we will not talk about that at all. It is known that a large share of the company is brought not by additional new devices and not by iMac with MacBook. The money is brought, first of all, by the iPhone and partly by the iPad. If we talk about tablets, then sales began to fall and in order to somehow return them to their previous level, the company finally made a major and big step - to make the device look like a MacBook.

After all, Tim Cook said 2-3 years ago that tablets would replace computers, but until this year there were no steps other than improving hardware, inches and apple additions Pencil with a keyboard, the company did not. Hardware is good, but software and software are much more important.

For iPhones, innovations are also important, because the system, although beautiful and functional, is, unfortunately, still raw. It lacked a lot of features, as well as improvements to old ones. Now, after the presentation, a beta version of the new iOS 11 appeared, and much became clear from the presentation. Therefore, in this article we will look at a new operating system, its chips, advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider how to put a beta and how to roll back if something happens.

A beta version was created initially for developers. To participate in beta testing, you need to be a developer and pay a symbolic amount - $ 100 per year. Such people are able to be the first to establish new iOS, and the conference itself was created mainly for them. Indeed, three months before the official release, they must be ready to adapt their application and program for new system, introduce new features there.

However, there is a way to install the beta version for free, it is not difficult and in case of problems it is possible to "roll back" to version 10. However, before installing, be sure to read the material below on how to "roll back". It's important to back up your device, don't forget about it! So, to install the system you need:

  • Download from the link, after installation, restart your phone or tablet.
  • After that, open the settings, from there go to the main ones and download the OS in the updates.
  • To find out if the new version of the operating system is suitable, you need to compare it with the picture below.

However, remember that the actions are done at your own peril and risk. Next, we will describe the method by which it is possible to "roll back" and revive a "brick" or just a device that did not like it due to numerous crashes and lags.

How to roll back?

Usually a lot of people install the system, get to know it for a few days, but the performance is poor. This means that numerous crashes, lags, brakes and other problems are simply boring and there is no strength to endure and wait until autumn. Remember that the OS is set for developers to optimize their applications and introduce features, but not everyone had time to do this, and the version is crude, so problems are inevitable, but they will be fixed by release.

What if you don't want to wait for the release, but the beta is installed and prevents you from using the device? The resuscitation and return steps are simple. And the easiest way is to create a backup copy of the device before following the link above and putting it.

If the user has the seventh version of the iPhone or the plus version, then you need to connect the phone to the computer using lightning. After the connection, the phone's power key and the volume down button are pressed simultaneously. If the version of the iPhone is earlier, then the combination of buttons changes from turning on the phone and the volume down button to the power button and the main Home button. The fact is that on the seventh version of the phone the key is touch-sensitive, which means that the developer took care and made it so that in the role lifebuoy were mechanical. After all, the phone can turn into a "brick" if you install the beta version incorrectly. So, no matter what phone or even tablet (we are talking about iPad), the procedure is the same and only the keys are desperate.

After pressing the buttons the phone will come in into reboot mode. After releasing the power button, you need to hold the volume down or Home button, after which the iPhone will start recovery mode.

Then the "Restore" button is pressed in the aytyuns and the system will start installing the same backup copy on the phone. The server will start installing firmware version 10, which is still supported. After going through the factory setup steps, the same saved backup is restored. If you do not do it and carry out the procedure, the user will receive an empty device. Remember that data will be lost, so it is best to wait until release if no copy has been made.

It is worth saying that sometimes it is necessary to carry out the procedure in order to clear the phone of temporary files and debris that has accumulated on it. This is extra data that slows down the device. If you are not going to install a new OS, just read the material and wait for the update in the first half of autumn, like millions of other users!

9 main features of the system

So, those who took the risk and put the beta version on their device will receive the system chips today. If not, then, as already said, you need to wait until the fall just a little more than two months and get a brand new iOS completely free of charge with all its advantages! Moreover, the system is available both for tablets from the company and for iPhones with iPods. Full list devices are presented above and they cannot but surprise, because even very old devices are supported!

Here we will also discuss the main features that were presented at the conference. This is for those who for some reason did not watch and missed it. Next, we will consider the chips that we liked, then those that the company itself highlights and some other advantages that it does not bring to the fore. We will also consider the disadvantages, without which, alas, nowhere.


No update is complete without Siri and pumping this feature. She now speaks with a renewed voice, more human and pleasing to the ear. It is worth remembering that there are both female and male voices. The update affected both options.

Siri now acts as a translator and is able to work with Chinese, English, German, Italian, Spanish and French. In addition, Siri remembers the search history and is ready to offer useful content that can be liked exactly this user... If the user was looking for a country, for example, Italy, then Siri will suggest the weather in Italy or news from Italy in case you are going to spend a vacation there.

It can be seen that the company is trying to make Siri not just a voice assistant, but a smart assistant and interlocutor who is able to advise and guess requests. Let's see if the company succeeds, but it is set up seriously, allocating a lot of separate attention and space for this function not only in the OS for smartphones, but also in the OS for computers. Considering how neural networks develop, there are more and more chances of creating such intelligence, but only time will tell the results.

A photo

The Live Photo option has appeared, with its help it is like "pulling out" the frame and it becomes possible to make it the title thumbnail. It is possible to add a Boomerang style when the frame loops. To do this, you only need to press one button. It is worth noting the new formats for storing photos and videos, which significantly helps to save space.

If the user has an iPhone 7 plus, then most likely he will be delighted with how the company has updated the software component, making the portrait mode even better. Digital stabilization has appeared, which works very well and performs its functions 100 percent. The stabilization is neat, smooth, but not overly, and without the jerkiness that sometimes occurs on devices with similar digital stabilization.

In the portrait, an HDR function appears, which will definitely help out during the day, where there are sharp changes in light, and at night such a function does not do as well as it could, so there is still work to do.

New formats allow you to compress photos and videos and save space, but it is not yet clear how this works or whether it is worth it. The screen does not show a strong difference in the loss of quality and a strong drop. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study this issue separately and conduct experiments with shooting different places, different illumination on different modes... This is the only way to tell with certainty whether the new feature is useful.

The first thing that caught my eye was the stability of the first beta version. There are problems with the font or design, the inverse color does not always work stably and correctly, however, in general, there are very few departures and claims only to the design and design component, which will probably be corrected by the OS release in the fall. Therefore, if you doubted and thought about whether to install the OS, then you can install it without fear, unless the internal perfectionist scolds that the dialer looks scary, like the signal indicator. But these are not scary little things.

By the way, another important innovation is scanning documents from multiple angles and saving them. Later, let's talk about how this integration works with Apple Pencil... However, running ahead, we say that the function is high time to be and it is interesting that many third-party applications that survived only due to it will die because of it.

It is important that the situation with the eighth version of the IOS does not repeat itself. Recall that then even after the official announcement, there were crashes, brakes and glitches. If the situation repeats itself, then it would be better not to make all these new chips, but to competently optimize the OS for each device, and not just for flagship models... However, let's see in the fall and in the coming months, when updates of the finished OS will appear.


Maps have been significantly redesigned. We all remember what big problems the company had with them. This time, the maps taught them to better understand what surrounds them, the company worked on navigation, speed limits, and tips for driving along the lanes. Similar functionality has been available on Yandex.Maps and Google maps for a very long time, but the availability of functionality in epl is good news.

A new feature is the ability to activate the Do Not Disturb mode while driving. This means that notifications will not bother the driver when he gets behind the wheel, because the phone automatically understands this. The function is convenient and useful for novice drivers, and in general the company is for safety, which is good. This feature is sorely lacking in Android, where it is still difficult to figure out how to customize some notifications.

Menu decoration

The Control Center has been redesigned a lot, it is now possible to add functions at will. There was a screen recording on video, although before there were only screenshots. This, in fact, kills a huge amount third party applicationswho have been recording all this time for reviewers. There were redesigned icons of applications and functions, a new calculator was integrated, the keyboard is now adjusted relative to the user's left hand or right hand.

Drag-n-drop and a little about iPad

Of course, the function to transfer or otherwise drag-n-drop is the main function in iOS 11 on iPads and iPhones. You can transfer whatever you like: photos, text drags, and so on. This is done using the Files application. The app shows what is in the device's memory. The advantage is that the application works with third-party cloud applications such as: dropbox, vandrive, google drive, and so on. The Dock has an infinite number of icons and icons, labels have been removed, which is also striking and looks more organic, better. There is now a menu of applications that are running. After all, now the power of devices allows you to simultaneously work in several applications at once. Indeed, as on Macs it is easier to control background devices. In a word, the updates of this section affected the strong ones and the OS was instantly transformed.


Now the synchronization of messages is done using icloud and the correspondence is easily transferred from old devices to the newly purchased one without copying the data using a backup copy, now they are synchronized automatically. You just need to bring the new device to the old one.

This application will have to be tested more than once. After all, for example, it is interesting whether the selected messages will be read on one, if you do this action on the other.

New App Store

Of course, the Apple app store has also been redesigned. Now App Store designed in the style of a news application, which came out a year puzzle from epl, but never appeared on the territory Russian Federation... There is now a "today" button in the store, which shows the game applications that are taken from the user's preferences and requests. Big date got here as well. In general, the application has become more beautiful, but several questions arise. For example, what is the end result with all the garbage with which the store is littered. Or whether it will be convenient to search for rare applications. Something suggests that there will be hype or paid applications in the tops and in "today". However, we'll talk about this later, in the next section.

Apple Pay

Apple wouldn't be Apple , if it had not boasted that more than half of retail stores in the United Statesthis year will start to support Apple Pay... And users like it. Of course, in Russia you will find this function only in the capital, St. Petersburg and several other cities, but in general, the main thing is that it exists and is integrated. Separately, it is worth noting the point that could be indicated in the messages. This is about sending money using iMessage. This is a convenient and easy way to return a debt of 100-200 rubles or just throw it off when needed, For example, for travel. After all, now in the capital of Russia Moscow in the metro there is an opportunity to attach the phone to one of the turnstiles. This is a handy feature that should have been integrated into the OS long ago. But in 2017, so in 2017. The main thing is that now it is present and it is more comfortable to carry out transactions than before from card to card.


HomeKit works with AirPlay 2 with exactly the same device that the company showed - a speaker called HomePod. Now it is possible to control the volume in several rooms, while the price is not as high as is usually the case with the company, which is great. The availability of such a device is the key to its popularity. In addition, with the help of AirPlay 2, it became possible to use speakers from third-party companies, so it only depends on the user which one to choose. The company is on the consumer side, which is great again.

Chips that the company itself highlights

Of course, some of them coincide with ours, but there are those that were not mentioned. Let's reveal the chips, which were not mentioned or mentioned above.

For iPad

1 Files - Apple says that the user's documents are now collected in one place. Storing, searching and sorting documents is now easy in one space through one app on different devices... Dropbox, Icloud, Boxing and many other applications are supported. It is necessary to download and in the same second the user will have access to the file on any of the devices available to him. You can also drag and drop them and interact. Any changes will be saved and changed thanks to the cloud on all devices. 2 The Dock is a major update for iPad and is available on all screens. It's now easy to open a file, switch to a friend, and do it all in a few swings and movements. The dock can store many of the applications that the user uses most often. So over time, this strip will become more thoughtful and individual for each user. On the right there will be suggestions for applications that were opened not so long ago and it does not matter if they are open on an iPad, an iPhone or a Mac, which is also convenient. Now the system is becoming one and this is exactly what Apple has been going for many years.

3 Multitasking and its appearance. More precisely, a full upgrade to the normal version. Now you can open absolutely any application in Split View so that it is available simultaneously with the one that is open at the moment. Thanks to the slider, it became possible to resize applications, make one larger and the other smaller. The program selector now remembers the user's settings and, thanks to App Spaces, returns the user to those settings that are most familiar to him and which he uses more often.

4 Drag-n-drop or simple drag and drop. This feature appeared on the iPad and is incredibly convenient for transferring texts, photos, videos and files from one application to another. From safari to notes and so on, there are countless scenarios here. Made the function thanks to the power of the hardware of the new iPads and thanks to its new large size 10.5 inches and one even larger - 12.9 inches, while all of them, of course, are multitouch. It really works, and works without lags, lags or glitches, just like on a computer.

5 Apple Pencil - An optional accessory for your iPad that helps you with many tasks and makes them more convenient and functional. The tool has great functionality and is powerful, it costs $ 100, or rather $ 99. Now you can easily take notes in PDF files, on screenshots of the device, just on photos and images. You just have to pick up a pen, touch the screen and make a note, just like that! It works even on a locked screen and works like magic. All notes are saved in notes and are synchronized using iCloud between the user's devices. In addition, notes are easily made in the mail, if necessary, for example, to explain the way. In notes, the text moves aside and with a pen from the company there is more space for notes and room for imagination. The device is charged using lightning directly from the tablet itself.

6 Already mentioned, but it's hard not to show off this feature. After all, the device great camera, with which you can scan documents from multiple angles that are automatically transferred to the device. Thanks to Apple Pencil, it became possible to sign a document and manually fill it out right on the device screen, and then send it to print or immediately send it by mail.

7 It is impossible not to mention the QuickType keyboard, thanks to which there is more speed dial text. All symbols, letters, signs and so on are now on a single keyboard. In order to select a symbol, you need to swipe down on the button with the letter down, that's enough. This function needs to be tested, but it is shown beautifully and most likely the keyboard will finally get a normal look. 8 Augmented reality, which cannot be ignored. The company has a feature and a whole technology called AR Kit. Augmented reality happens with the tablet camera and is now more accessible to developers than it was before! This means that we will have more content, both entertaining and useful. For example, navigation and maps have a huge number of use cases. Games will also become more complementary and interesting. This is a new format for user interaction with the environment, which previously could not even be dreamed of.

For iPhone

For the iPhone, the company identifies the following universal chips and functions:

1 Live Photos - using this function, it became possible to make a so-called boomerang - a looped video. The picture is played back and forth, this is another function. The company says that some of the photos come out especially funny and that this is a great way to diversify your photos in the feed. In addition, there is an opportunity to shoot a beautiful blurred stream on a waterfall, starry sky or on a Ferris wheel. Long exposure shot, but no digging into settings or tripod issues. This is now much easier to do. Photos take up less space without losing quality.

2 Camera - inside the camera the company has made filters that it calls professional. They help you create realistic skin tones, deeper and more vivid portraits, and more. The ability to quickly process a photo for a classic style, as well as take a photo good qualitybut reduce its weight. Again, we repeat that this function must be checked live. 3 An app store that company officials say has become personalized and easy to find. There are doubts about this, so it is necessary to do tests on devices on the previous OS for the speed and quality of searching for information and applications that are needed. 4 Messages have changed not only from the monetary side, when you can send money using your phone, but also from the entertainment side. Now there are tons of GIFs, stickers, emoticons and more. These functions are invoked with one click. 5 The company devoted a separate conversation to Siri, which we have already mentioned. She became more useful, more human. Thanks to Siri, it became possible to translate into and from several languages. In addition, we did not mention, but it is important to note that now you can ask Siri about music, performers and musicians. She will not only give information about them, but is also ready to play the song. She understands the context and will answer questions like: "Who is the drummer in this song?", "Who is the lead singer in this song?", "When was the album released?" and so on. Therefore, the assistant has become much smarter and more useful.

6 Apple Music - now it is possible to share profiles with your friends. This means that if they want, you will see what they are listening to and you can listen too. Apple makes music real social network, which is based on tastes and preferences in music and musicians, as well as radio stations. 7 AirPlay 2, which makes controlling audio and speakers much easier and more convenient. Adjust the sound in different rooms if the house is large. If the music and the song are one, then it plays synchronously with all the speakers. If it is different, then now you can set a different volume for each, so that the inhabitants of an apartment or house do not interfere with each other with their musical preferences.

8 Control Center, which has been updated to such an extent that it is now possible to create and adapt applications for yourself, adding those that the user uses more often. The same dictaphone, if it turns on it more often than the calculator. If the "smart" home system works, then the setting of the brightness of the light and many other parameters are taken out there. If you use a 3D touch, then there are even more commands and opportunities.

9 Lock screen. It now has access to notifications, which are activated by tapping the top of the screen and dragging it down. Notifications will be immediately available to the user. 10 Do not disturb mode while driving, which we have already mentioned. The user will receive notifications, calls and other information after the function is disabled - upon arrival and stop of the car. If a person needs to communicate something and he does not understand why you are not answering, he will be sent information that the user is driving. 11 To set up the device, you need to bring one phone to another, older one. All necessary information without iCloud and backups will immediately go to the new phone.

Chips that were not mentioned, but they are cool

At the top are the chips that we have identified as the main and most innovative that people have been waiting for. The company, as you can see, has highlighted them, but at the same time some others, which, in their opinion, should be given no less emphasis. However, it was noticed that there are a number of chips that have been deprived of attention, but in vain, because they are no less useful and are worth detailed consideration.

Write Siri

The ability not to slander Siri, but to write in text and Siri will easily answer it. Sometimes, especially in Russian, the requests are not entirely correct and it infuriates. Therefore, there is an option to correct the request using the keyboard or enter it from the very beginning. Convenient and practical, because until now not everyone wants to use the function and talk to Siri, but write without problems, given the great functionality of the technology.

QR code support

Fun fact, but the company still decided to introduce the ability to recognize a QR code with a camera, which it simply could not read before without special software and applications. Thanks to Apple for introducing this feature, but not thanks for the fact that it's 2017, which means they did it a bit too late ... too late. However, codes of this format are still used, so let the function be, it is not superfluous. However, it should be noted that the technology is more popular in Russia, in America its hype has passed.

One-handed mode

Quicktype has become more convenient here for those who use one-handed printing, for example, while holding a cup of coffee in hand. The text is typed easier due to the fact that the emoji button is held and held, after which the buttons and letters become closer to the finger that is being typed.

It is worth remembering that in the eighth version of the OS, the company offered third-party developers to create their own keyboards for the system. This was done in order to steal several technologies into which Quicktype was poured. This is a kind of store inside messages, where you can add stickers and many other features. But now they have added full support for one-handed typing and third party keyboards and are not needed at all. In addition, it should be said that the maps have the ability to change the scale with one hand, this is no less useful while driving around the city.

Screen recording

This feature appeared, obviously, after Samsung announced it in its Galaxy S8 device. Now it is possible to save a screen recording, make gifs out of them, and all this, as you might guess, was spied on by Samsung.

Editing screenshots

Screenshots can now be edited more functionally and simply than before. And that's even without Apple's special pen. Marking is done by hand immediately after the picture, so it is much easier to mark points or a road on the map if you need to send the picture in messages. There is no need to go to the folder in which the pictures were stored and press the changes there. No, now everything is faster and Apple presented many features at the presentation that speed up interactions with the device and save time. Some of the shortcuts that the company is introducing everywhere thanks to the same 3D Touch.

New podcast design

Podcasts, like a branded app store, have undergone big changes. It is logical that old version was without many handy features and often worked incorrectly. Now listeners of podcasts will be delighted, because now there are many convenient solutions, including design ones, that simplify work and delight the eyes.

Additional features of 3D-Touch

Flight data

Previously, only an assistant from Google could do this, but now Siri knows about the user's flights, about his flights, the transfer of this flight, and so on. It is convenient and does not waste a lot of time. If the flight is rescheduled or canceled, Siri will notify you immediately. Only she has up-to-date information that does not have to be searched for on the Internet for a long time.

What has emerged from what is happy or depressing?

Of course, it was not without deeper changes, and not just software and system ones. There are advantages and disadvantages, but we decided to highlight the main changes that affected interaction with the device after installing a new OS on a phone or tablet (or a player that supports the eleventh operating system)

iOS 11 blocks apps that use background location.

By locking apps that have been minimized, Apple conserves battery power and improves OS performance. This is useful because many taxi-like apps track the user's movements even when they are not using a taxi. This is a kind of Big Date on people, and besides, it wastes battery and strains the processor.

It should be noted that such companies often received a lot of criticism. After all, the issue of personal space and confidentiality is especially acute in Western countries. But the problem is, as already said, that the device discharges faster, and if there are a lot of such applications, then it discharges even faster.

In the new OS, the problem was solved with the help of advanced settings, which were previously only available to application developers. Now it is available to everyone and limiting location tracking is no longer a problem.

This is the setting for limiting movement tracking for Uber in the tenth version of the OS.

And this is in the eleventh version of the OS. It can be seen that it has become more useful and convenient.

We remind you that the function is already available in the beta version of IOS, but it is recommended to install it only at your own risk after creating a backup copy.

iOS 11 will save data, but remove unnecessary software

In the tenth version of the OS, Apple allowed to get rid of applications that were standard and installed by default. This pleased the users, because these applications were distracting and took up space on the screen and in the system, so users hoped that the space would be cleaned up with the removal. After all, there are many people who bought phones with 16 and 32 GB on board and each megabyte was important. However, applications were removed, but space was not added, they only disappeared from the desktop. Thus, there is no software, but it took up decent space if you put the applications together.

In the eleventh version, the company proposed a different option. When talking about not standard applications, but about third-party applications, it is important to pay attention to this.
If the application is removed, the application will be removed from the desktop, but the data that was stored thanks to the application will remain on the device. With this feature, it is not necessary to configure it again if the user decided to restore and download again. This is useful if these are games that consume a lot of memory. The saves remain in memory, but the game itself can be deleted.

This data can be managed using the storage and programs that are available in the settings in the "General" item. The blue button is to uninstall the program, but save the data. On the red is the function of deleting everything that belongs to the program.

Will apps and games work on the device after installing iOS 11 and how to check

It is worth noting that if the application or program was 32-bit, then it will no longer work on the new device. There are favorite programs that do not update for a long time, but the user uses them. How to know what they will work for new version OS?

This can be done without any problems from the device. You need to enable Settings, from there go to General and click "About this device". The application selects a program or game that interests the user. After that, you just need to include the data in the certificates. It will show applications that are not supported by the system.

We'll have to find newer versions of third-party applications, but there is no way to get the programs back into working order. However, it is rare to find truly useful applicationsthat run on such an outdated 32 bit system. The loss is not so great, but it is a "stone in the garden" for people who have consistently used the application, and now the company is taking this program away from them. Such users have only two options: do not update or forget about this application and move on. It is difficult to imagine a program whose copy is not on the market, so we recommend moving on, because the system is innovative and it is better to update to improve the quality of interaction with it.

About music

A very large topic will be devoted to music. Often, users argued whether to listen to music on an iPhone in principle or not. After all, music lovers use professional players and headphones and it is quite possible that they will not be able to listen to music on an iPhone, which means that the money was wasted if a phone was bought for these purposes, too. The arguments were simple: MP3 and AAC are bad and it is simply impossible to listen to them. The codecs are cut, half of the instruments and roughness are not audible. But the FLAC format helps you not to lose quality and hear every smallest detail. However, Apple had a different take on this and used a special audio format called ALAC. that was like FLAC iOS 11 | HANDS ON

Apple's proprietary operating system, iOS 11, is full of new features. But not all of them were covered by the company at the presentation. Galagram presents the top most interesting hidden features and capabilities in iOS 11 and reveals all the secrets of the firmware. We are sure that you will discover a lot of new, useful and interesting things, let's go!

IOS 11 dark theme - how to enable

First secret: iOS 11 has a dark theme or dark mode. To enable this feature, go to Settings\u003e General\u003e Access\u003e Show Numbers\u003e and enable Intelligent Inversion... This will allow the system dark mode to be used, but the problem is that some applications do not have dark mode support for normal use.

And apps that already have night mode don't look very pretty if you enable Invert Colors. In many games, colors deteriorate and distort the picture. But there are other apps from Apple, in which the dark mode works fine and even helps to comfortably use the smartphone in the dark. Among them: mail Mail, Safari browser and Apple Music player.

How to switch AirDrop through settings

Now AirDrop can be turned on or off right in the settings. Open Settings\u003e General\u003e AirDrop and enable or disable. Previously, it was possible to do this only through the Control Center (lower curtain).

How to create a PDF in Safari

How to turn off iPhone through Settings

If your iPhone or iPad is damaged and the shutdown key does not work, try this method to turn off your smartphone through the Settings app. To do this, open Settings\u003e General and scroll down the page. Here you will see a Shut Down button that allows you to turn off your iOS 11 device. If your power button is broken, this is probably the only way to turn off your phone or tablet.

How to activate experimental features in Safari

For the first time, Apple is giving you access to some of the experimental Safari features in iOS. To activate, open Preferences\u003e Safari\u003e Advanced\u003e Experimental Features. You can enable many features here, such as Link Preload, that can speed up your browsing. However, most people won't understand what these features do, so it's best not to include what you don't understand.

How to block ads in Safari

With the release of iOS 11, Safari introduces a new Ad Tracking Prevention feature that prevents advertisers from tracking you over the Internet. It removes certain cookiesto prevent this, and naturally ad companies (like Google) are not happy with this feature. But your user experience will be great.

New effects in iMessage

The proprietary iMessage app has two new effects: Spotlight and Echo. Spotlight puts your message in the spotlight, while Echo repeats text on the screen multiple times. To do this, you need to click on the blue arrow in the messages and select the effect you are interested in for sending SMS.

How to disable autoplay of videos and requests to rate an application in the AppStore

Go to Settings\u003e iTunes & App Store. Here you can turn off app ratings and reviews and annoying autoplay videos. It will save you those annoying app rating hints and automatic playback videos in a brand new app store.

How to turn on the flashlight and adjust the brightness

In iOS 11, the flashlight has four brightness levels instead of three. To fire up the flashlight, simply open Control Center and press and hold the flashlight icon to select the brightness level.

How to hide iMessage notifications

If you do not want to receive notifications from some numbers, contacts or spam mailings, you can quickly turn off notifications for these phone numbers. On the home screen in iMessage, swipe to the left of the message you want to snooze and tap Hide Alerts.

Turn off automatic Wi-Fi connections

If you have multiple Wi-Fi networks in your home or workplace and you are tired of your iOS device automatically joining slower networks, you can ask it not to automatically join certain networks.

Go to Settings\u003e Wi-Fi and tap the i icon next to wi-Fi networkto which you are connected. Now disable auto-connect. In this way, wi-Fi password will be saved, but you will not connect to the network automatically, but only by clicking on its icon in the settings.

How to scan QR codes with a camera in iOS

The camera app on iOS 11 can now scan QR codes. You don't need to configure anything for this. Just point the camera at any QR code and it will scan it and follow the link or perform an action. However, be careful, some QR codes are programmed to send money from your smartphone.

How to write a message to Siri

Talking to Siri is not always convenient, with the arrival of iOS 11 you have the opportunity to send messages voice assistant using touch input. To write to Siri, go to Settings\u003e General\u003e Sharing\u003e Write to Siri.

Permanent notifications

Your smartphone receives many notifications a day. To avoid losing the most important ones, go to Settings\u003e Notifications and select the apps for which you want to turn on persistent notifications. Now tap the Persistent icon, which is under the blue icon representing your iOS device.

How to log in to apps via iCloud Keychain

If you are using iCloud Keychain to store your passwords, you can use that to sign in to apps. Previously, you had to copy and paste your credentials, but in iOS 11 you will see the "Keychain" icon above the keyboard for quick entry to the program or account.

How to turn on answering machine on iPhone

There are times when you are busy and cannot touch your phone: driving a car, riding a bike, or banal cooking. Your iPhone can now answer phone calls automatically. Go to Settings\u003e General\u003e Access\u003e Call Routing\u003e Auto Answer. Turn it on and then you can set how many seconds your phone should wait before automatically answering a call.

How to scan documents in Notes

Nowadays, the Notes application has become very reliable and useful in iOS 11. It can scan documents and even allows you to add tables. Notes in iOS 11 allows you to quickly draw a drawing on a document or notes. To scan documents, simply open Notes, click the Plus button, and select Scan Documents.

And one more thing about Notes in iOS: if you have iPad Pro, you can double-tap the lock screen with Apple Pencil to quickly open the Notes app and start composing your note right away, which is convenient and practical.

How to customize the Control Center for yourself

If the default arrangement of shortcuts in the Control Center does not suit you, you can customize them to your liking. Just open Settings\u003e Control Center\u003e Customize Controls. Here you can add or remove apps from the Control Center and choose their position as you like.

Password for connecting to a computer

If you connect your iOS device to your computer and connect it to iTunes, you will need to enter your password separately to access the data on the device. Previously, you just had to unlock the device and press the "Trust" key.

How do you like the collection of secrets of iOS 11? Tell us in the comments what you liked the most about the system. If you find something new for yourself, do not forget to share this article in your messengers and social networks.

An overview of the main innovations of the iOS 11 operating system and its comparison with iOS 10.


In June 2017, Apple presented the announcement of a new operating system iOS 11, which all fans of "apple" devices have been waiting for. The first beta, released for general testing, did not make the best impression on users. After installing it, the devices began to slow down terribly, there were "lags" in the animation and most applications crashed with critical errors.

However, a month later, a modified fourth beta version of the operating system was released, which runs and functions equally well on new smartphones and old models like the iPhone 5S and SE.

In our article we will look at new interesting features of the beta version of the operating system. iOS 11, major design changes and standard applications, as well as compare it with iOS 10.

Overview of new features, capabilities and chips of the operating system iOS 11 for iPhone and iPad

  • Before proceeding to the review of the operating system, it should be said that the list of innovations presented in the article is not complete. Many features are missing in the beta and will only appear in the finalized version.
  • It's also worth noting that Apple is dropping support for 32-bit A-series processors, which means that the operating system iOS 11 will work on smartphones iPhone 5S and aboveas well as on iPad 5 and up... Not compatible with earlier OS models.

Design and interface

  • The very first thing any user looks at is the interface. operating system iOS 11 acquired a more compact status bar. The signal strength indicator has become much smaller and acquired a look familiar to everyone with iOS version 7. The battery level icon is also affected by the changes. It has acquired a semi-transparent stroke and slightly reduced in size.

  • Panel icons Dock lost their signatures. For many, this "innovation" may at first seem unusual and unnecessary, but in fact it allows you to lengthen the screen and fit a little more shortcuts on it.

  • The font under other icons and in some standard applications, like a calculator, gained more contrast and became bold. Compared to the thin font that Apple previously used, the new one is very easy to read and doesn't have to strain your eyes.
  • Applications App Store and iTunes Store got new labels. The updated icon was also awarded to the application “ Calculator", Which in addition received also completely new design with attractive round keys.

  • Otherwise, the operating system interface iOS 11 practically did not change and at first glance it can not be distinguished from iOS 10.

Control center

  • In our opinion, the coolest innovation in iOS 11 Is, of course, a command center that has been completely rethought. It now has multiple levels, supports 3D Touch in each menu, including "submenus" where you can choose the coolest and most popular functions.

  • Finally, there is an opportunity to separately disable cellular data if you really need it, and once again the developers have rethought music player... Also, now it is possible to customize the control center a little to fit your needs.

  • The only downside to the control center in the beta is the fact that in a horizontal position it does not completely fit on the screen, regardless of your smartphone model.


  • Most smartphone and tablet users constantly take a lot of screenshots on their devices. This is generally considered one of the most popular, as strange as it may sound, functions on iOS devices, including.

  • IN iOS 11 now it is possible to quickly edit screenshots. Similar functions are already available in many other operating systems, but here it is implemented quite conveniently and cool. In just a couple of movements, you can crop an image, paint something on it, add text, send, and so on.

Files app

  • Goodbye to iCloud Drive! Hello " Files"! At first glance, it might appear that nothing has changed in the storage application. But now the files stored locally on the device have been added to those files stored in the cloud, and you can also save files directly to the application " Files"From the browser Safari and from other applications.

  • In beta version " Files"Not yet work with all applications, however, the fact that finally a normal search engine appeared in iOS and it is possible to conveniently work with files made quite a few users happy. Yes, and us, including.

New App Store

  • When you last time went to App Store in order to just climb in it and look for something new? Most often, users just go to the search and download the application they need specifically. Apple understood this and completely changed the entire design. App Store... Not a trace remained of the old look.

  • Now the store has huge dies that open with beautiful animation, on which you can immediately read information about the application, see pictures and so on. In other words, App Store became not just a store, but a kind of television showcase.
  • Classic tab TOP charts removed altogether. Now directly there are two categories " Games"And" Programs”, And already there are paid and free applications. At first, some users get a little lost in the tabs, but then they start to get used to it and they realize that it's even more convenient this way.

Screen recording

  • A feature that a thousand years ago was available from Jailbreak finally officially came to iOS. It would seem, why do we need screen recording? I need it. Let's say that you need to explain to a friend or girlfriend where this or that menu item is located and what needs to be done in order to change this or that setting. You simply record this action on your smartphone screen and send via Messenger.

  • It is worth noting that video recording also works in some games, allowing you to record the gameplay in memory, similar to the program Fraps on the computer. As always with Apple, the application interface is as simple as possible. Launched quickly through the control center, made desired entry and sent to whoever needed.
  • It would seem that this is not some kind of special innovation. But you can't imagine how much easier life becomes with such a chip. Moreover, it is still possible to record in parallel the voice directly from the microphone. That is, you are not just recording the screen, but also commenting.

iOS 11 on iPad 10.5

  • I would also like to talk about iOS 11 on the iPad. After all, it's not for nothing that when Apple presented iPad model 10.5, the developers said that it is perfect for iOS 11 and it will be almost the best operating system for him.

  • Indeed, in itself a powerful iPad 10.5 with an operating system installed on it iOS 11 turns into a mega-device. FROM iOS 11 the tablet, in a sense, began to resemble the MacBook. It has the same Dock and there is Drag and drop.
  • Multitasking in a global sense hasn't changed much. On the tablet version iOS 11 there is a picture-in-picture function, in Safari there is Split View, you can open another application in parallel. It is the ability to open several applications at once that users on the iPhone are so lacking.

Scan QR and dock codes

  • Surely many people know what to scan QR codes with the help of numerous applications and with this innovation Apple probably destroyed a whole chinese market... But the way this function is implemented in the most iOS 11 greatly simplifies life.

Drag and drop

  • For this function, we specially highlighted a separate paragraph of our article, since its implementation in iOS 11 madly in love with many users. Especially on the iPad.
  • You open two applications and from one to the other you can drag pictures, media files and everything else. In addition, you can even select text and separately drag and drop it into the application " Files», After which you will automatically create a text document.

Create PDF files

  • Creature PDF - one of the new features that has been successfully implemented in the operating system iOS 11... Offline access in Safari, the ability to sync iMessage via iCloud and many other minor changes in PDF-editor will make using the operating system convenient and easy.

New animations

  • Operating system speed iOS 11despite the beta version, it is pleasant enough. Not only on new devices, but also on old ones. And new animations make interacting with iOS a little more interesting and engaging.

Key differences between iOS 11 and iOS 10

  • Frankly speaking, any global changes in iOS 11 Did not happen. Compared to iOS 10 the interface has been slightly changed. Namely, the fonts, the status bar were reduced and the icons of some applications were changed. Everything else appearance the operating system remains the same. You can see for yourself on the example of the contact book in the image below.

  • Some users, who have already had enough time to play around with the updated animation and the functions that were listed above, gradually began to get disappointed in iOS 11 and return to iOS 10... This mainly applies to owners of old smartphone models, such as iPhone 5S or SE.
  • The fact is that the beta version iOS 11 by and large does not differ much from iOS 10, but at the same time weighs much more. On older models of smartphones, as you know, there is an eternal problem with memory and not everyone is ready to sacrifice it for a couple of new functions.
  • Let's hope that after the release of the full version iOS 11 with the full range of features promised by the developers, it will become much more interesting and stable. At the moment, there is not much difference between the old OS and the new one. The final choice is up to you.

VIDEO: Review of the beta version of the operating system iOS 11 for iPhone and iPad

Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) kicks off in San Jose. The event turned out to be more than eventful: the company showed updated MacBooks, and even its own AR platform, but not much time was given to the upcoming 11th version of iOS.

With iOS 11, i-devices will have a new Files program for organizing documents, dock on iPad, the ability to drag and drop content from one application to another, money transfers in Messages, redesigned App Store and Control Center. Other, no less significant, but off-screen functions that Apple simply did not have time to talk about, were collected by Vesti.Hi-tech.

Comfortable one-handed typing

iOS 11 can significantly simplify text input when the user holds the smartphone (especially its Plus version) with one hand. To enable "one-handed" mode, you need to hold your finger on the globe icon and select one of the three keyboard positions from the list: in the center (by default), left or right.

"Correspondence" with Siri

With the Apple assistant in iOS 11, you can not only talk, but also correspond. By enabling the Type to Siri setting ("General" → "Accessibility"), the user, holding down the "Home" button, will be able to give instructions to the assistant using text, not voice.

Quickly enter numbers and symbols

The keyboard on iPad now has quick access to alternate characters, numbers, currencies, and punctuation marks - now they appear on the keys themselves in light colors. In order not to press Shift, the user will just have to "swipe" the button down and release it.

Customizable control point

Control Center can be customized to your liking, removing rarely used functions and adding the most needed ones. On the auxiliary panel, for example, you can take out the inclusion energy saving mode, change the font size, screen recording and even the Apple TV remote, and remove the flashlight and calculator. The location of the buttons, however, cannot be changed.

Hide unused apps

In the "Settings" iOS 11, a function will appear that will automatically remove programs if they have not been launched for a long time. Data and documents associated with this or that application will remain in memory - in case the user wants to reinstall the long-forgotten software.

Well-readable fonts

Headings in Contacts, subcategories in Photos and Apple Music, and buttons for Calculator and Phone are now bold and easier to see. The same changes were made to the official Apple website, where the company almost completely abandoned the thin version of the font.

FLAC audio file support

iOS 11 will be able to play music in high quality, lossless FLAC format right out of the box. Previously, Apple completely ignored OS and iTunes support for this format, and users had to look for third-party media players to play FLAC files.

Dark design

Left - "smart" inversion, right - normal

The expected full-fledged "dark theme", which could save battery power and extend device life by highlighting only the necessary pixels, in iOS 11 did not appear. But there was a function of "smart" inversion, which reverses the colors, but only for some interface elements, without affecting the application icons, images and videos. You can enable it in the settings ("General" → "Accessibility" → "Display adaptation").

A friend with an iPhone on iOS 11 who comes to visit can be connected to home Wi-Fi in one click. New feature OS will automatically recognize i-devices wishing to connect to wireless network, and with the consent of the owner sends them the password "over the air".

More flexible control over AirPods

iOS 11 allows you to assign dual-tap control of music playback on wireless airPods headphonesrather than calling Siri. For example, on the tap on the left "ear" you can pause, and on the right - skip a track.

Smart drive cleaning

The new OS will tell you what you can sacrifice for additional disk space... By selecting the Storage and iCloud Usage option in Settings, users can free up storage by deleting old Messages conversations, email attachments, and data stored in iCloud.

The release of iOS 11 is scheduled for autumn, most likely in September and October. The new OS will only run on devices with 64-bit chips, which means the iPhone 5 and 5C, along with the 4th generation iPad tablets, will be left behind. Moreover, iOS 11 will "bury" almost 200 thousand applications, so the system will lose support for software written for 32-bit processors.

The abandonment of the old architecture cannot be called a surprise. Earlier this year, Apple removed nearly 50,000 iOS apps from iTunes, long abandoned by developers. And released in January, the beta version of iOS 10.3 began to warn about the presence of outdated software on the iPhone. You can check whether old, but favorite games and programs will be available in the fall in the settings ("General" → "About this device" → "Programs" → "Program compatibility").

Just yesterday at WWDC 17, Apple unveiled a new mobile operating room iOS system 11. Already now anyone can install it on their iPhone or iPad according to our instructions.

To give an incentive to download the test version, here is a list of the most interesting features:

1. New Control Center

What's new: everything! The panel was completely redrawn and the logic of work was changed, now it is one screen instead of two. A long press opens a submenu even on older models without 3D Touch. Vertical slides for volume control are more convenient than horizontal ones.

In the settings, you can add and remove unnecessary switches, finally!

Where to look: just swipe from the bottom of the screen on the desktop or in applications. To change the switches, go to Settings - Control Center and arrange them in any convenient way.

2. Screenshot editor

Where to look: hold down the buttons Home + Power to take a screenshot, we see a small preview in the lower left corner. Click on it and edit.

3. Correspondence with Siri

What's new: now you don't have to speak the commands for the voice assistant, but just write them, as in the messenger. This is useful for those who are embarrassed to use Siri in public or are simply in a noisy place.

Where to look: first go to Settings - General - Accessibility - Siri and enable the option Siri text input... Now we launch the assistant in the usual way and see the keyboard for entering text.

4. Turn off Siri completely

What's new: the assistant can be turned off completely. Now Siri will not be annoying if you accidentally hold down the Home button, and most importantly, it will not start voice input either.

Where to look: the coveted switch is on the way Settings - General - Accessibility - Home... In chapter Press and hold to speak need to choose Off.

5. iOS dark theme

What's new: of course, this is not exactly what we expected, but you can already use it. The color inversion in iOS was before, but now the prefix "smart" has been added to the chip.

When changing colors, wallpapers, icons and most others are not inverted system elements... This creates a pretty bearable black theme.

Where to look: you need to activate the enable option Smart color inversion along the way Settings - General - Accessibility - Keyboard shortcut... Now triple click home buttons will quickly turn dark theme on and off.

6. Screencast recording

Where to look: on the menu Settings - Control Center add a switch Screen Recording... After that, we are looking for a button in the Control Center. The entries are saved in the Photos application.

7. Emergency call

What's new: pressing the Power key five times now brings up a menu with the ability to call a selected contact without unlocking the device.

Where to look: press Power five times on the locked screen, go to the medical record editing mode and add the number of a close relative. After that, a slider for the call will appear in the menu.

8. Your own watch face for Apple Watch

What's new: now any photo can be quickly turned into an original watch face for Apple Watch.

9. Narrow virtual keyboard

What's new: the updated input method is useful for anyone who finds it difficult to hold their shovel with one hand. Now the keyboard may become narrower and move to one of the edges of the screen.

Where to look: we open virtual keyboard anywhere and hold the symbol to switch languages, you will see icons for shifting the keys.

These nine chips are worth your attention, for the sake of some you can even put up with the glitchiness of the first beta of iOS 11 and go with the test version. You can read about other innovations and changes in iOS 11 here. read 15170 times

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