Who last looked at the VK page. Who visited my VK page? how to find out

Many users of social networks wonder about the popularity of their page among friends. If in "My World" and "Odnoklassniki" you can see the list of people who visited the page without any problems, then "Vkontakte" this function is not configured.

Is it possible to see who visited my VK page

You can get the answer to this question on the Vkontakte social network website, in the Help section. It is located on the control panel in the upper corner of the page.

The sub-item of the same name is located in the "Page" section of the opened dialog box.

The window will open information upon request. You must read it or vote.

To collect information about all visits to all pages, you need storage and an organized data retrieval system. Collecting and processing this information “just in case” is impractical and expensive. It will not work to get such information bypassing the site.

Although VK does not provide options for viewing the Guests of the page, users do not give up trying to get this information using third-party applications and workarounds. We will talk about the most popular ways to see Guests in VK in this article.

How to see guests on Vkontakte

The social network has a "Profile Statistics" function. Users with more than 100 subscribers can view the average page traffic and break them down by city. However, these are all indirect indicators.

Account deleting

As paradoxical as it may sound, before deleting an account, the system displays a list of people who will be upset if the account is deleted. These are the guests of the page. How do I view this list?

In the right corner of the page on the control panel, select "Settings".

The menu that opens should be scrolled down to the point of deleting the page.

At this stage, the system will ask you to indicate the reason for deleting the page. You need to select the item "My page is not commented on."

The service will display a list of two persons who visit the user's page most often.

It should be noted that the accuracy of calculations using this method is questionable.

Apps and programs for viewing guests

Today there are many applications designed to view the number of page visits. They all work on the same principle. They collect information on the activity of other users on the page (by likes, messages, graffiti). However, these programs do not provide information about those users who just viewed the page. Let's consider the most popular services.

All applications are located in the "Games" section of the menu bar on the right.

In the search bar, you must enter the keywords "My guests".

The system will display a list of available applications. They are formed by popularity rating. You need to click on any of the applications and go to the installation process.

Special applications to recognize guests on Vkontakte

There are a lot of such programs. We will consider the most popular of them in the article below.

"My guests" in VK

There are several programs with the same name in the list of available applications. The most popular of them is "My guests", which is used by more than 1 million users.

The appendix has two main sections. The "Guests" menu displays information about all visitors to the page. The activity of only the user's friends can be viewed on the "All about friends" tab. The system collects information not only about users, but also about the frequency of their activity on the page. This is how the "Fans" rating is formed.

It's worth noting that app subscribers can follow each other. To anonymously monitor the actions of other users, you will have to pay money. Detailed information about tariffs can be found in the section "My Profile".

Guest Trap is another application for viewing the list of page visitors.

To work, the application will need access to the user's personal data: notifications and the list of friends. When you go to the "Settings" menu, the system displays a link to a page on the social network. It must be inserted into the column "Personal site" in the user's personal parameters or published on your wall. According to user reviews, the publication of the link on the site has a greater effect. If the option of placing the inscription on the wall is selected, then a "flashy inscription" will appear next to the link, for example, "Ask me a question". The application will collect information about users who followed the link in the "Caught guests" tab.

Another way to find out the list of page visitors is to use the Guest Trap. This is the function of the same name in the My Guests application. It operates according to exactly the same algorithm.

How to see guests in contact using the "My guests" application

All applications are located in the Applications section of the Vkontakte website. To search for the program, you need to enter the keywords "My guests" into the search line. The system will display a list of applications matching the request. You need to choose the first proposed option.

A new window will display brief information about the program's capabilities. It also contains information about what data the program will access. To install the program, you need to click on the "Launch Application" button.

The task pane will open. You need to click on the "Enable" button.

Allow the application to access data (their list was presented in the first paragraph).

The program is now ready to run.

After installation, the user is taken to the "My guests" tab. It displays information about all visitors to the page, not just friends. For regular viewing of information, it is inconvenient to open the application every time. The link to this statistics page can be saved in the menu.

To anonymously view information about your friends' actions, you need to activate the "Invisible" function. According to user reviews, it is not always advisable to connect it, because your friends can use third-party applications to view the same statistics. They just won't show up in the list of page visitors.

How to see guests in contact from the phone

To view the statistics of visits to the page on your smartphone, it is better to download "My fans and my guests". All information about the activity of visitors will be reflected on the page "My fans". The data can be filtered by time (day, week, month) and gender. To find out information about third-party users who visited the page, you need to go to the "My guests" section. Every day, the application will display the profile icons of the page visitors. By clicking on the avatar, the user will be taken to his guest's page.

Another application "My Guests: TOP 15 + Analytics" operates on the same principle as all previous applications.

VIP account buyers get more benefits:
    they can find out who of the subscribers of this application "follow" them, a list of recent page visitors is displayed separately, the rating of the 15 users who visit the user's page most often is displayed, the list of users can be filtered by family status and city of residence.
The only annoying thing is the ad banner for the VIP account, which appears every 5 minutes. In the TOP of paid applications for the iPhone, there are three programs for viewing page guests: "Version for VKontakte", "Edition for VK" and Guests from VKontakte. The developers of these applications charge a fee of 15 to 50 rubles for providing page view statistics, which users can already see for free. Read reviews carefully before downloading the program.

Alternative way

The next method is suitable for those users who have a profile in Odnoklassniki or My World. The essence of the method is to make a beautiful inscription on the wall, and then track the number of clicks on the link. Let's take a quick look at the algorithm:1. You need to choose the most beautiful photo or create it using filters in Photoshop. 2. You need to create an entry on the Vkontakte wall. Hide the link to your profile in Odnoklassniki under the photo. 3. The profile photo of the social network will be automatically loaded. It needs to be replaced with the created photo in Photoshop. For this purpose, the arrows in the photo are used. 4. The title of the link should contain flashy text, for example, "This is my group with beautiful photos." 5. Post and pin the post on the page - When users click on the link, they will be taken to other social networks. Odnoklassniki and My World have built-in tools for viewing page visitors.

Video: how to view activity and page traffic

Users of the Odnoklassniki social network can openly see all visitors to their page - and rightly so. And for some reason they hide information about the guests from the inhabitants of "VKontakte": it is simply impossible to take and see who visited the page. You and I are accustomed to numerous prohibitions, but sometimes we want to know if a new acquaintance (acquaintance) has looked at you on VK, when, how many times, how long has he visited, what he looked through, what he read ...

For installation " Of my guests and fans"Go to the section" Games"And type in the search" my guests ". The application you need is in the first place on my list.

Let's click on its icon and then press the button " Launch the application". All pop-up windows that pop up after that must be closed - this is an advertisement.


After launch, a panel will appear in the list of applications, as in the screenshot below. The first thing you will be asked to do is add the item “ my guests»In the left menu of the page. By doing this, you will receive a notification every time a visitor comes to your place.

Next, the program will offer to set a trap for guests - a bright, attractive link-picture that the guest of your page is likely to click on. Install it if you want to receive more accurate statistics of visits. The fact is that neither this nor other similar programs take into account visitors who do not perform any actions on the page.

If the visitor who looked at you did not open anything, did not follow the links, did not put likes, then the program will not notice him. The trap will tempt him to click on the picture and thereby declassify his presence.

To set the trap do the following:

  • copy the link that the program will generate;
  • go to the section " My contact details"And paste it into the" Personal site»;
  • place a trap link on the wall and enjoy the influx of guests.

All about friends

Another interesting section of the application is “ All about friends". It shows how long ago people from your friend list have visited the site and with whom they have established friendships. Several lists are displayed here:

  • recently visited VKontakte;
  • haven't come in for a long time;
  • blocked (and for what reason);
  • changes in friends (who has new friends from your friend list, who added or removed you).

Next to the name of each user in the list is the button “ See friend's guests". She shows his visitors.


By the way, " My guests and fans»Not only make visible everyone who visited the page, but can also turn you into an invisible person. This means that for other users of the program, and, let me remind you, there are 28,000,000 of them, your visits will remain secret.

As you probably guessed, we are talking about the function " Invisible", For which you will have to pay. Using it and other features of the Pro account costs 14 rubles for 2 weeks, 49 rubles per month and 245 rubles per year.

Finally, I want to warn you that downloading "My guests and fans" from unofficial sources, as well as other programs with similar functionality, often leads to theft of a VKontakte account and infection of the computer with viruses. Be careful!

Just go to his page. In the upper right corner, to the right of the person's name, the time of the last visit will be written, for example: "Dropped in at 8:51 today." If it says there "Online", it means that this person is sitting on VKontakte right now or was there quite recently. The accuracy of this information is 5 minutes. That is, it may turn out that a person has been offline for 5 minutes, and you still see that he is as if online. Previously (until the end of April 2017) this time was approximately 15 minutes.

If nothing is specified there, there is no time (and the words "Online" also not), read on:

Is it possible to hide the date, time when I entered VK?

Could it be that a person has hidden the date and time of his visit to VKontakte, and then how do you know when he entered? How to hide my time when I logged into VK? In fact, the time when you were last online (online) cannot be hidden. If someone told you that you can do this and continue using the site as usual, then he is just lying. There is no such official opportunity. Until April 2017, it was possible to sit invisible in some applications, then this feature was completely removed. Only Login Remains (read more below).

The time of the last entry disappears by itself if you have not entered for a long time (more than three months). It is believed that after this time, it does not matter exactly when a person was online - too long ago. Therefore, for some people you do not see this time: they simply have not been online for a long time, and the date (time) of the visit has disappeared. They themselves did not hide anything. But the time will appear again the next time the person enters. Or maybe the person could not restore access and has not used the old page for a long time, having opened a new page instead.

If the page does not say when the person entered, then it was a long time ago. How do you know for sure? On his page, click on the button "To write a message" (if he has a personal account for you) - VK will show the date when he was on the site for the last time. It is better to do this in the full version of VK.

Sometimes the time of the last online is not displayed simply for the reason that some technical work is going on in VK or it is simply buggy. This does not happen for everyone, but for that part of the people who are affected by these problems. Then, when everything is corrected, the time of the last access to the network appears again.

How to use VK offline? The VKontakte administration reports that they have never given the opportunity to hide online status. You can only follow new events in VK while staying offline, through (are there new messages, likes, who is online, and the like). As soon as you visit the VKontakte website, you will appear on the network again, and your friends will be able to see it on your page. Nevertheless, this is enough for many. Try it, it's convenient and safe.

Invisibility in mobile apps like Kate Mobile and the like no longer works. In addition, among such applications there are many fraudulent ones that do nothing and just steal your passwords. So be careful. The most secure login method is one that has been around for many years and has nearly two million users worldwide.

There is another auxiliary way to hide the time of the last login to VK - you can enter, do something, and delete your page before exiting. It is not permanently deleted immediately, so you can restore it the next time you log in. But it is not recommended to do this all the time, because you risk losing access. And of course, people who look at your page will see that it has been deleted.

Try Login

Through the site Login (site), you can find out what is happening on your VKontakte, and remain invisible until you go to the site. It also works for Odnoklassniki and Mail.ru. You can enter any site with one click, it is very convenient.

Dear readers, I welcome everyone! This article will describe how to see who visited my VKontakte page. Currently, social networks are gaining more and more popularity. Someone uses Odnoklassniki, someone Vkontakte. But, nevertheless, you can communicate in all social networks.

If Odnoklassniki has a function for viewing guests, then Vkontakte does not have this function. The portal's management stated that such a function has never existed and will never be. However, there are a couple of ways to get around this limitation and find out who visited your page. I will reveal secrets to you!

Who visited my VKontakte page - 4 ways

The first way - VK guests

This method is the most efficient and reliable. However, you need to know that you can see only those users who visit your page frequently. The list does not display users who occasionally visit your page.

Go to your page and look for the "My Settings" section, located on the left side of the screen, then - "Delete page". Go down to the very bottom, to the point "My page is not commented." Next, you will see a list of users who visit your page the most.

Method two - tracker

There is an application Pathfinder where you can get the code as a link. This link must be inserted anywhere on your page. For example, in the line "website". Now all that remains is to wait until someone clicks on this link.

The social network VKontakte is, first of all, people and the relationship between them. Each user of the social network can anonymously visit the open pages of other people, including friends. The social network maintains the anonymity of such visits, and it is impossible to reliably find out who is currently viewing your wall, reading comments on it, looking at photos and showing other activity on the page. But there are several indicators that allow you to understand who often visits the page and shows interest in it. Such indicators are likes, comments and reposts of posts on your wall. After analyzing them, you can form a list of guests on the page, as well as determine which of them is the most active.

Within the framework of this article, we will consider two ways to find out who visits your VK page most often.

Why find out who visits your VK page

A social network involves communication between people, but people are far from always sure that they are able to interest each other. In this case, it will be useful to find out how serious an interest a particular person is in you by analyzing his activity on your page. Interestingly, it is not at all necessary that this person be your friend. The methods described below, among other things, allow you to find out about the activity on your page of guests who are not on your friends list.

For users who maintain a VKontakte page for the purpose of selling goods or services, it will also be useful to know who often visits their page and is active. After analyzing the activity, you can offer the most interested users directly in private messages new products, services or tell them about the campaign that has begun.

How to view guests of a VKontakte page when deleting it

The easiest way to find out who visited your VK page is to use the delete VK page function. At the same time, when using this method, you will not have to go directly to the last step, which involves deleting the page.

In order to find out the list of people who are most interested in it when deleting a VKontakte page, you need to do the following:

Please note: If you close this dialog box, and then reopen it and again mark the reason “My page is not being commented on” when specifying the reason for deletion, you may see other names and surnames of users who will be most upset when you leave. In a similar way, you can find out at once several of the most active users on your page.

How to find out through applications who visited my VK page

The social network VKontakte has games and applications, many of which surprise with their functionality. Among them are a large number of applications for analyzing the activity of visitors to your page. Such programs allow me to find out who came to my VKontakte page, who wrote comments on it, liked photos and showed other activity. To use these applications to analyze visitors to your page, it is enough:

Let's consider using the example of the program "I am a spy - my guests", how to find out who visited your VK page:

Please note that only one program was considered above, which allows you to determine who visits your VK page. In fact, there are many such applications, and among them you can find programs that highlight the most active visitors by likes, reposts, comments and other activities, which can also be useful to determine the presence of interest.

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