Download the program to make intro for. Best intro software

The opening splash screen or, as it is also called, the intro can be found in almost every more or less popular content maker engaged in video production. This is, so to speak, an integral element of any video that adds status to the author.

In this article we will talk about programs for creating intro, two in total will be presented - Cinema 4D and Sony Vegas.

The main attributes of a quality intro

Before talking about programs for creating an intro, I would like to emphasize some of the factors that make the intro of a better quality.

  1. The screensaver should be remembered. This is one of the most important factors. The viewer who sees the splash screen should immediately remember it and associate it with your content in the future. Here it is important to get acquainted with conditional competitors and do not like theirs. Use custom elements and effects.
  2. Suitable stylistic design. It's simple: if you are, for example, a tech blogger, then the intro should make it clear to the viewer.
  3. Duration. It is important to understand that the viewer does not want to watch the intro for 30 seconds, or even a minute. 5-10 seconds is enough, but make sure that the intro does not break off and is completely finished.
  4. Intro is a business card. This is how each screen saver can be characterized. The viewer will judge you exactly by the first frames of the video, so try to do everything on a professional level.

Well, now let's go directly to the programs for creating the intro.

Program # 1: Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D is perfect for creating an interesting intro, decorated in 3D. Therefore, if you want to abandon the 2D screensaver, select it. But keep in mind that to do quality work, you need a powerful rendering computer and a lot of knowledge in using the program's tools.

With this program you can make 3D text, add decorative objects, apply interesting effects and make backgrounds.

Program # 2: Sony Vegas

Sony Vegas is the exact opposite of Cinema 4D. In its arsenal there are no tools for working with 3D graphics, on the contrary, in this application it is very easy to create colorful 2D screensavers.

We can immediately say that it is much easier to use, and the entry threshold for new users is low. It is also worth noting that rendering such a splash screen does not imply the use of a powerful computer.


So, you have learned exactly how the intro should be done and which programs will help you. Finally, I would like to say that there are no programs for creating an intro on "Android" and you should not look for them, since in any case they would not be able to make a decent splash screen.

The term "intro" is widely used not only in photography and music, but also in video projects. This is an animated screensaver that includes such important elements as superimposed special effects, interesting soundtrack, changed font and background. To make a quality intro you need an intro maker.

For which projects can you use complex animation screensavers? In fact, for almost anyone. Including: intro for video hosting sites (YouTube, RuTube), social networks (VK, Facebook, Twitter), video cards and greeting videos, presentations.

We make high-quality intro in a convenient program

We recommend you "ProShow Producer" and install this software on your computer. The program is fully compatible with modern versions of the operating system Windows 10 and 8, as well as earlier versions of the popular 7, Vista, and classic XP. Quick installation is carried out through the Installation Wizard built into the distribution kit; after the installation is completed, there is a shortcut to launch the software on the PC desktop.

The program for creating an intro is compact and fast - it does not take up much space on your hard drive and does not load the computer's RAM.

Other important advantages of the software are:

Fully Russian-language menu

Built-in 3D compositions for projects from photos

A large number of animation effects

Ready-made templates for creating intros, titles and collages

Convert videos to HD format

To quickly understand the functions of the program, for example, an online tutorial has been developed with step-by-step instructions and overview articles. All elements of the splash screen - inscriptions, sounds, background, transition, are changed and processed with special effects in just a few clicks.

What are the most commonly used display effects for intros? These are: appearance of a logo in the splash screen, animated text with information about the project, simultaneous display of the logo and text. Experiment in "ProShow Producer" with any options.

The built-in software collection contains animated, glowing, static screensavers. Each created project can be saved for future use in a special working format. Also, the intro can be converted into formats for viewing on a computer and mobile phone, burning to a DVD disc and publishing on the Internet. For a screensaver, conversion takes no more than 1-2 minutes.

Powerful software for making screensavers is available to everyone

To make your first intro yourself, you only need 5-10 minutes. Before you start, check out which special effects for screensavers are the most striking and modern. We recommend that you pay attention to such design elements as the overlay of animated and glowing text, GIFs, glow effects, falling leaves, snow, balloons and fluttering butterflies.

An application for the android operating system called "" allows the user to independently create high-quality video materials through simple actions. Thanks to this program, you can also do:
1. animation cards with author's congratulations;
2. to edit and perfect both the author's videos and those taken from the network;
3. Create interesting slideshows with impressive effects.
In addition to the above purposes of this application, you can also use it as an editor to develop a unique advertising banner or video.

Having opened the application for the first time, you immediately get a good impression of it because of the bright slide, against which in the central part of the screen there is a white plus, circled in a transparent circle. Below it you can see the inscription "create a new video". By clicking on the plus, the slide instantly disappears. In its place, a strict, black background appears, on which there are two sections: photo and video. They contain the content on the device. Also on the sides are arrows that redirect the user forward or backward.
Having selected the material for processing, the application automatically sends it to the preview.

If everything suits you, then you should just click on the small checkmark in the upper right corner and return to the previous menu. Then you need to click on the "Forward" arrow and go directly to the main part of the editor. Automatic hints will help a novice video editor not to get confused by the abundance of editing tools offered.
A unique tool called "Themes" deserves special attention when working on video content. Its elements provide a ready-made video framework including:
1. well-chosen music for the character of each element;
2. visual effects of decent quality;
3. harmoniously inserted headings.
To create a pleasant surprise for loved ones or friends, just pick a theme, combine it with the existing video, save and send.

All editing results appear in the "Camera" folder.
The "" application can be downloaded for free from the Play Market. It is guaranteed to be worth it, because with the right approach, it will provide a good mood, pleasant emotions, or will provide invaluable assistance in creating advertising materials.
"can rightfully be considered one of the best editors for the android OS.

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