Вк fast entry. How to solve the problem with "breaking" what to do

VKontakte users sometimes face a known problem - it's impossible to access your account. The developers of the site have provided for this case a service using id.

   ID is the identification code that each page receives when registering in VKontakte. It allows you to open your account if the password is lost. Determine the number of your page is simple - it appears in the browser after the letters id. One condition - this code should be pre-recorded and saved. To use the id to visit your account, open the http://vk.com/restore access page and click "Click Here." Enter the id in the window that appears. In addition to the number, you need other information - your phone number, passport data. After the introduction of the information, your page will appear.

   To access the account, you can use only the id, without entering the control information. Enter in the address bar http://vk.com/idXXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the id of your page. After confirmation, your page will open.

   This address is entered if there is a desire to get on someone else's strip. Operations are similar to entering your own page, but instead of your code, enter the number of the third-party user.

   The ID of any user is easy to define - open the page of the person interested in you and write down the number that appeared in the browser after the letters id.

To make it easier to remember your id, you can change the sad numbers to a memorable combination. For this it is recommended to use the service "My settings".

So, today we will talk with you about how to access your page in "Contact". The fact is that with this simple action   not all are familiar. True, there are several stages that need to be passed. It is them that we will now do.

What is it?

But before you go to your page in "Contact", let's talk about what it is and what it means. So, let's get going.

To begin with, every user who chooses to use a social network will have to fill out a special questionnaire. It displays the data that a person wants to communicate to other people about himself. For this, there is "my page" in "Contact". Open it is very simple, but more on this later. First let's figure out what specific information this section contains.

In the section "my page" you will see: your own "wall", photos, friends, personal information (interests, tastes, school, university, place of work, etc.), which was made, avatar, name, status, groups, music, videos and even gifts given to you by other users. In other words, this is your profile. But how to access your page in "Contact"? Let's figure it out!

check in

To start, you will need to register in social network. After that, you will be able to open your profile. How is this done? We'll see and understand.

First you need to visit the "VKontakte" site. Look at the right side of the screen. Here you will see the so-called fast registration. It's wonderful, we need it. Enter here your name and surname, click on the appropriate button. After that, you will be offered 3 steps: add classmates, classmates and complete the process. The first two points can be omitted.

If you decide to proceed immediately to the end of the process, then select the country of residence and enter your mobile phone in the desired field. You will receive a special confirmation code. Kill it in the required field and complete the registration. Now it only remains to use the "VKontakte" - "Login" function. "My page" will become available to you immediately after authorization. True, here there are several options for the development of events. Let's see which ones.

No problem

Well, now we are already registered in the social network and even entered your login and password. If you installed and saved the correct contact, "My page" without a password will be displayed in a few seconds. That is, right after the authorization you will have a personal profile. But let's think about how to go to your page "VKontakte" in other ways. After all, there are several more approaches.


So, since our today's topic is nothing more than that, of course, it must first be filled. So now let's try to get into the editor. Go to the website "VKontakte": "Login" - "My page". Now look what you got.

At best, if you have just passed the registration process, you will have a school, a university, and a few friends that you added. Your entered name will also appear as the topmost line. On this all - no information in your "card" will not be. I need to fill out a profile! But how to access your page in "Contact", or rather in its editor?

Look at the list on the left, which opens after you are authorized on the social network. Found there the inscription "my page"? Excellent! Now to the right of it should be written "red." Click on this label. Before you open the profile editor. It remains to enter the desired data and save it. But how to return to your page? Click on the inscription "my page" - now before you will be filled out a questionnaire with information. But that's not all. Let's see how to access your VKontakte page from your mobile device.

Mobile phone

So, what to do with the mobile version of the site? There's no "my page" here. Nevertheless, you can look at your own profile without any difficulty either from a computer or from a mobile device. Let's see how this is possible.

To get started, you need to log in to the site. Now before you open the news. No editors or inscriptions "my page". Want to see your profile? Then just click on your own name, which will appear next to your avatar. As a rule, these data are in the upper left corner mobile version   "In contact with". Pressed? Before you open your page.

But how can you enter into its editor? Is it possible to make corrections directly from the mobile version? Of course. However, first you will need to go to your page. Now look carefully at the displayed information - it is divided into small blocks! On the right in the corner is the inscription "Ed." (or "edit"). Click on it - you will be in the editor. That's all. Now you know how to go to your "VKontakte" page in all ways.

It happens this, you sit in a stuffy office, you have nothing to do and think: "I'll go to VC, read, I'll talk." But, the system administrator has closed access to the favorite social network and now to the site In contact it is problematic to go in order to know how to work. Also this article will be useful, say, if you are in Turkey or in North Korea, where access is prohibited by the authorities. Let's consider several ways how to enter Vkontakte if the access is closed.

VC through anonymizer

There are a number of good services that hide the IP address. The main thing is that they are free. How to access Vkontakte via anonymizer? - as easy as pie. You need to choose one of them in gugloydex, best of all "Chameleon" and enter in the system window search query   or, as a rule, such services are offered by buttons of social networks, we press "vk.com". All. We enter without any fear login and password, we use.

  • The most authoritative service. Some of the others can use your page.

  • Feel free to click the button. Or we can wander in invisible other interesting resources.

  • A familiar interface opens.

VC through the mirror

The next way, for those who strive to understand the truth, how to go into contact, if the site is blocked, strongly echoes the previous one. Here you can help any site that offers authorization in the VC - the so-called "circumvention", for example: amaleto.ru, razgard.ru, etc., they are full. Found a website? We enter the password and login. Profit! Now you know how to go into contact through the mirror, even when the boss is watching over you at work.

Do not forget about mobile devices

Go to the AppStore or Play Market, download the VK application. We are authorized. We use. How to get in touch with a phone that is morally obsolete? We open opera browser   Mini, Mobile, or what else happens there and print it in gugloydex - "vkontakte". Of course, the convenience is small, but, you're online with friends, news, photos). Actually, these are all real options how to go into contact at work. The main thing is to use them carefully so that the boss does not forbid all mirrors or anonymizers and has not selected all gadgets.

Has everyone forgotten the login? - it happens

All sorts of ways to go in. To a favorite contact, if access is closed, we've covered it in its entirety. Here are a few tips on how to go into contact if you forgot your login. Sadness and trouble, it would be much easier to recover the password. Is the number bound to the page? - If yes, then congratulations. Enter the phone number in the "Login" field. Linked to the account, the mobile phone becomes the second login. Did not tie it? - click "Forgot password".

Pay attention, at the bottom of the inconspicuous die "If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone (click here)" - click. We enter the link, but you do not remember any of it, from that zhmakay "For search by people (click here)".

  • We find ourselves, we press "this is my page".

  • Fill the fields. In the future, you will be asked to scan a document, and maybe they will not.

Do you remember everything? But left the VC and do not know how to get back? - Sometimes it happens

The final paragraph is dedicated to those who have just started using the resource and do not know how to go to their page In contact. In the "Login" field, enter your address email   or number mobile phone. In the field "Password" print the cipher.

The entrance to the page you created is best done as follows.

There are many reasons why we can not log into your VKontakte account from your home or work computer. The system asks for the phone number, activation code, information that the page is locked and so on. Of course, a person understands - I can not make contact. The natural question arises: why, how to solve this problem, what to do?

Quite often we do not get to our page and the situation "I can not make contact" arises, because we receive a message that the profile has been hacked, and a spam stream is coming from the page. We are asked to enter some personal information.

The search for a real solution to a problem usually begins after entering a phone number or sending sms does not work, leading only to the fact that money is withdrawn from the account of the phone. There is also a situation where the VKontakte site can not open, displaying various "digital" errors, for example, 404 or 403. The reasons why all these problems occur are usually the same. In rare cases, the cause of the malfunction is something else, but this will be discussed further.

If the page requires entering a phone number or code, you do not need to do it. The appearance of a page with information about suspicion of hacking indicates that the computer has a virus or other malicious software. Viruses can radically change network settings, so when you try to log into accounts, you will be redirected to a page belonging to scammers. Its design completely coincides with the page "Vkontakte", and the sent message is automatically signed for a package of paid services.

Because of these actions, you can lose your login and password to access the page. And then already sending spam, and not just the problem "I can not go into VC" can not be avoided exactly.

A little more about viruses

There is also a slightly different situation. We may not see any messages, but the page can not open, issuing an error, the same problem - I can not make contact, that's all. The reason may be in the same virus that changes the network route. The duration of the existence of such a site is quite small - less than that of viruses. That's why there is a high probability of "catching" malicious software that accompanies a resource that no longer exists.

Malicious programs and viruses work like this. They record changes in system settings   network. Usually this is a computer file called hosts. As a result, the user enters the address of the social network vk.com into the command line, but gets absolutely not where he wanted, that is, on the dummy site. The purpose of creating such sites, as we have said, is to lure money in favor of scammers or to acquire contact information.

How to solve the problem with "breaking" what to do

As one could understand from all that was said above, in fact there is no break-in in the technical use of this concept. All changes to hosts file, caused by viruses, absolutely not terrible. But there may be other malfunctions. There are several ways to solve the problem of "I can not make contact," which we will discuss later.

Resetting the network settings of the computer with AVZ

First, you should consider the simplest and most convenient way   solve the problem "I can not make contact." In addition, it is the fastest among the existing ones. On the Internet, you need to download the AVZ utility, which does all the work itself, so the user does not need to study in detail what exactly needs to be fixed in hosts and other files and partitions. It is important to remember that you only need to download the utility from the official site. Then you need to install it by unpacking it in the desired folder.

Startup must be done only on behalf of the Administrator. The main menu opens, where you must first select the "File" section, and then "System Restore". In the newly opened window, you must place a checkmark next to a number of items. Each computer has its own settings and versions operating system, but checkboxes should be exactly opposite:

  • "Resetting the SPL / LSP and TCP / P settings";
  • "Restore the Explorer startup key";
  • "Replace the DNS of all connections to Google Public DNS";
  • "Clean up the hosts file".

After all the checkmarks are put in the right places and removed from all other items, you must click on the button "Run marked operations". Then restart the computer, then you should try again to go to the "VKontakte" site. It is worth noting that during the execution of the utility of its functions, most likely, the connection to the Internet will be disconnected, but after the operating system is rebooted, everything will be restored. Some latest versions   utilities automatically adjust to the system settings, so ticks in most cases will already be displayed where necessary.

How to fix hosts file yourself

Usually the first method helps. But if this did not happen for some reason, and you can not log into your VKontakte page again, you can manually correct the hosts parameters. This method is also suitable for those who do not want to download anything.

The first thing to do is find the "Notepad" program in the "Start" menu, which is located in the "Standard" folder. In Windows 8 it is better to use the search. Notepad should be launched on behalf of the Administrator. In the program menu, you must select "File", then "Open". A new dialog box opens, where you can select the file format. It is necessary to change "Text documents.txt" to "All files". Open the hosts file located in the Windows / System32 / Drivers / etc folder. If at the bottom open file   there are lines in which VKontakte is mentioned, then they must be deleted. Then you need to save the corrected hosts, and then restart the computer.

In view of the fact that this method of solving the problem is fairly simple and accessible to everyone, some viruses are arranged so that they place records much lower than empty lines. So, if you could not find the right one at once, you can try scrolling the "Notepad" window down.

How to troubleshoot a problem using Windows static routes

If the matter is not in the hosts file, we continue to search for the answer to the question of why I can not make contact. The most common cause of problems with logging on to VKontakte is the prescribing of static routes in the operating system. To solve the problem, you must first start the command line on behalf of the Administrator. From the Start menu, select the command line. Like Notepad, it is located in the "Standard" folder. On it we make a click with the right mouse button and select the line "Run as Administrator". After opening, you need to enter the route-f command, and then start it with the Enter key. Usually, the Internet connection is interrupted at this time. You should not worry, just like with the AVZ utility. After the computer restarts, everything will be restored.

How to configure the automatic network configuration script and the proxy server

Such a variant of the problem is considered by experts to be the least probable among the reasons why it appears, but still it can not be ruled out. In this case, a virus or malicious software prescribes the addresses of extraneous proxy servers in the computer system or various scenarios of automatic network configuration.

To make sure that the problem is in this, go to the "Control Panel" operating room windows systems. To do this, you can use the "Start" menu or the folder "My Computer" (for Windows 10 - "This computer"). Next, you need to do so - select the item "Internet Options". The icon may not appear, but in this case, return the "Control Panel" to the classic view. In the "Internet Options" there is a section "Browser properties", where we click on the "Connections" tab, already in which we click on "Network settings". Then you need to look at what is in this tab. The default setting is "Automatic parameter determination". In addition, nothing else should be installed. If something looks different, you must return to the factory settings. After that, you will need to restart the PC again.

Dr.Web Curelt and trial antiviruses

If none of the above methods yielded the desired result and solved the problem of "I can not go into contact", there is one more, the last one. You can use the Dr.Web Curelt utility. It may not reveal the problem, but it's worth trying, since the utility is provided completely free. It can be downloaded from the official website.

The utility also for some reason did not help? Download quality antivirus program. But only qualitative. Almost all of them are paid, but most of the manufacturers provide users with the so-called Trial Version - trial version. Usually its term is about thirty days. But this month is quite enough to explore the computer and find out the reasons why you can not enter VKontakte and remove all unnecessary and causing significant damage to the device.

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