How to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

What should a copywriter be able to do first? That's right, quickly type and type blindly. If you do not learn this, then it is simply unrealistic to achieve noticeable success in work. You can get this skill at special trainings or typing courses, as well as purchase textbooks or discs with information. However, we suggest you learn how to print quickly and completely free of charge yourself.

How to learn to type quickly - choose your method

There are different methods of typing on the keyboard, if you choose for yourself and use a convenient and suitable method, you can significantly increase the typing speed. The two-finger method is most often used, although it is the simplest, but not fast. Also, 8 fingers are used for printing: all except the thumb. This method is more convenient, because the hands above the keyboard move much less than in the previous method, naturally, the typing speed increases. The most popular ten-finger method. It is the most effective, albeit difficult.

How to learn to type quickly - the ten-finger method

It may seem to many that it is unrealistic to apply it in practice, but having mastered this method, you will be able to type with all your fingers, and most importantly, without even looking at the keyboard. The essence of the method is simple - each finger is responsible for its own specific keys. Having mastered this printing technique, you will have the skill of rhythmic text input. You will enjoy your work because you will be less tired. The main thing is that not such a strong load will go on the eyes, because fatigue appears precisely from the frequent transfer of gaze from the keyboard to the monitor.

The first step to learning how to type quickly is to remember how your fingers should be on the keyboard. In addition to the "home" keys, each finger also has buttons under and above the original one. It's hard to remember everything, but if you have the desire and with constant practice, you will learn it.

How to learn to type fast - helper programs

There are many programs to improve blind typing. However, not everyone will give you the desired result. You should not grab the first link that comes across to you, go through long registrations, wait for an account confirmation. It often happens that the time it takes for these programs or web services will be wasted by you. The chosen program will not pay off, and you will not get what you expected. We will recommend you three proven programs designed to teach speed dialing.

All 10

A quality new program that will help you get rid of the habit of typing with two or three fingers. First you need to pass a test for your print speed, then you will receive jobs. By completing them, your skills will grow and progress. You can choose the keyboard option in the options - English and Russian layout.

School of fast printing

Not only is this program useful, it is also interesting. Here everything happens in games that will distract from boring workouts. Remember school dictations? Here and here in the same way, the voice will dictate the text, and you will need to type it as quickly as possible.


Unpretentious and simple program that can be downloaded for free. It contains the exercises that you need to do in order to get good results. There are a hundred of such exercises, after completing them all, you will be considered a master of speed dialing. It's up to you whether to end the workout here or continue and switch to more complex programs.

  • If you own a printing method, albeit not the most effective, it is better to improve it, rather than try to learn new things, because because of the memory of your hands it will be very difficult to retrain.
  • In the early stages of training, determine the level of speed that you own. Special programs will help you with this, there are a huge number of them on the Internet.
  • Do not take up workouts after stress or when tired, this will not be effective.
  • Take advantage of free programs, the main thing during training is not to look at the keyboard. If you have previously worked on the keyboard, then it will be difficult for you to break this habit. Alternatively, tape the buttons and practice.
  • You should not spend more than one hour per day on training, it is advisable to divide it into a couple of parts. This will help you avoid overwork.
  • There is no need to rush, quality is more important in typing, and then speed.
  • Optimize your workplace correctly - the position of the computer, chair and table should not give you any inconvenience.

Now you can learn to type quickly or improve your skills. Be prepared for the fact that for a good result you will need time and constant training. The methods and programs we have proposed have helped many to learn to type quickly, we hope they will help you.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without a computer. If not at work, then at home a person has to browse data on the Internet, use a keyboard. It would seem that the need for touch typing can arise only in people whose work is connected with a set of information. But this is not the case. Even with two fingers, you can learn to type quickly. In this case, the person will constantly change the position of the eyes: from the monitor to the keyboard. Lack of concentration affects the quality of vision. This is why any PC user should know how to learn how to type quickly on the keyboard.

How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard

QWERTY - the most popular English keyboard layout today Its name comes from the leftmost letters of the layout. It was invented by Christopher Sholes 150 years ago in the United States. When working on typewriters, when the letters were in alphabetical order, the hammers banged against each other and often broke. Sholes separated the "popular" letters and this solved the problem. But the speed of work has decreased.

When forming the Russian keyboard, a different principle was used. The most used letters were placed in the middle, under the strongest fingers, and under the weakest - "rare". But there is still a "blooper". The comma is located on the same button with a period. This is difficult. How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard? It is enough to adhere to the simple rules of typing and the culture of working with the keyboard. Let's consider them in more detail.

Correct hand position

    The hands should be perpendicular to the torso, and the wrists should be bent at an angle of 105 degrees. During typing, the wrists remain motionless, only fingers move. Each hand is responsible for its part of the keyboard. You should not "squeeze out" the keys. Try to hit the middle of the key for a long time. This will prevent typos from appearing and wasting time correcting them.

Using all fingers whenever possible

To reduce the load on the eyes, it is enough to adhere to these rules:

    When typing, your fingers should be in the third row from the bottom. At the same time, the indexes are above the letters O and A. The developers even specially provided them with small protrusions. This allows you to navigate without looking at the keyboard. Hands don't move. Eyes only look at the monitor; look at the location of the letters on the keyboard and try to remember them. Use all your fingers as you work. To learn how to type even faster, you should use the methods learned not only during training, but also at work. At first, the speed will be significantly reduced. But the more you practice, the faster the results will come; the less you peep at the keyboard, the more confidence you will have.

Remember key combinations

When working with text, it becomes necessary to copy and paste material from one place to another repeatedly. Or quickly jump from the beginning of the text to the end. For such purposes, speed dial keys are provided. Immediately, we note that the same combinations work in the same way both in documents and when surfing the Internet. The table below shows the most popular combinations:

Keys Operation
Ctrl + A Select all text on the page
Ctrl + C / Insert Copy
Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete To cut
Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert Paste
Ctrl + Z Undo (back)
Ctrl + Y Undo (forward)
Ctrl + W Close current window tab
Ctrl + N Create a new item (document / open in a new window)
Ctrl + R Refresh
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + F To find
Ctrl + ← / Ctrl + → Navigation by words not only in the text, but also in the browser
Shift + ← / Shift + →
Shift + / Shift + ↓
Selecting a letter in text
Ctrl + Shift + ←
Ctrl + Shift + →
Highlighting a word
(Ctrl) Home / (Ctrl) End Move to start / end of text / line
Page Up / Down Rise / fall
Ctrl + Tab ↹ Switching between bookmarks / windows of one program
Ctrl + Shift + Tab ↹ Move to the previous tab
Ctrl + T Open a new tab
Ctrl + Shift + T Open the tab you just closed
Ctrl + Backspace Go to next page
Backspace Back to page back

The study of these combinations will give an opportunity to increase the speed of work on the PC.

To concentrate on the process of recruiting information, you need to create a comfortable and healthy environment.

    Do not throw your legs over one another. This leads to curvature of the spine, the experience of veins, as a result. To fatigue, loss of concentration. Keep your legs bent at a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the floor or on a stand. Either held straight or reclined in a chair. Eyes look at the monitor at a 90-degree angle. The distance to the screen should be at least arm's length and the work area should be well lit.

These simple rules are known to everyone from school. After many years of improper sitting at the PC, it is difficult to get used to them. But without them, it will be more difficult to quickly learn to type.

Online keyboard simulators

Touch typing involves all fingers. When mastering it, the typing speed reaches 1000 characters per minute. To do this, you need to train on online keyboard simulators. Let's consider the most popular paid and free programs.

SOLO on the keyboard

The online SOLO keyboard trainer consists of 100 tasks. In the process of work, the student types texts of varying complexity. As part of the course, you can study Russian, German, English keyboards and learn how to work with three fingers on a digital layout.

The course is built on psychological support for students, which provides motivation for learning. The techniques used (for example, reporting a typo or a sharp comment), auto-training and texts on distant topics are commented on, but it is thanks to this technique that you can learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. The program is distributed by paid subscription.


Stamina's online keyboard simulator is distributed free of charge.

Possibilities and features of the program:

    For full-fledged work requires registration on the site; Contains a large number of methodological instructions; The ability to study Russian, English layouts and a digital block; The program is built in 4 modes: a lesson (training), a set of phrases, a file (own text), and an adaptive mode. You can switch between them in any order; There is a bug tracking scheme; It is possible to add users as friends; 500-600 people undergo training per day.


The VerseQ online keyboard simulator is built on the "weak points" method.

While the project is at the testing stage:

    You can use it for free; For full-fledged work requires registration on the site; Training is carried out only in the Russian layout; There are error statistics.


Online keyboard simulator Bombina is suitable for both adults and children. A set of lessons in Russian and English is accompanied by pleasant music. The demo version is distributed free of charge. Gameplay, the ability to choose the level of difficulty, a quality scale showing how much the user is ready for the next stage. User can learn Arabic, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Russian and Spanish layouts.


In the iQwer online keyboard simulator, work is carried out in three modes: a set of syllables, words, sentences. The statistics show the average typing speed, errors and record indicators. The user can change the theme from light to dark, turn on or off the backlight.

Funny fingers

Online keyboard trainer "Funny Fingers" is designed specifically for children. Colorful interface, pleasant soundtrack, difficulty levels designed for quick mastering of the keyboard. There is an opportunity to hone the technique on the text of a fairy tale or a Russian or English poem.


Multilingual online children's online keyboard trainer "BabyType 2000" is designed as a game in 4 languages: Russian, English, German and French. Escaping from monsters, the main character overcomes obstacles in the form of numbers and letters. In addition to the colorful design, there is also a convenient control system and built-in statistics.


You can learn how to quickly type on the keyboard in the "Keyboards" simulator, also designed as a game. The user can choose the difficulty level himself. The texts for training are taken from the downloaded books:
    Access to the site is provided free of charge. For full work requires registration on the site. The training is carried out in the form of a game where players compete in the speed of typing. Or create a game with their own rules. For the points earned, you can buy cars or increase the rating. There is a rating for all players. You can add friends.
For 80 rubles per month in a premium account, you can:
    Analyze the combinations of letters that the user is typing slower than others. Load books for typing. Receive bonuses in the game.

Blind printing on a computer

Blind typing is a way of entering text in which the person does not look at the keyboard. Concentration on the text increases concentration and mindfulness. All fingers are involved in the process. Today, when computer technologies are firmly in use, the complexity of the task depends on the speed of typing. When typing correctly, the number of errors is reduced and the time spent on work is reduced. The principle of all simulators is built on memorizing the location of the keys. In the form of games and prompts, the user gets used to typing with all fingers. At first, this process takes a very long time. But with an increase in the number of completed tasks, the speed increases. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to type quickly on the keyboard.

Keyboard simulator is a computer program or online service designed to teach or improve touch typing skills. Improving the touch typing skill is an increase in the typing speed, a decrease in the number of typing errors.

Blind printing or blind ten-finger typing method is to quickly type on the keyboard with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. The blind ten-finger method has been invented for over 120 years in America... Using touch typing, you can achieve print speeds up to 1000 characters per minute! This is of course a super-record speed, but there is no limit to perfection!
Everyone can learn blind typing. For this, keyboard simulators have been developed to which our site is dedicated.

Keyboard simulator? Which one to choose? This question is faced by many users who want to learn high-speed error-free touch typing. In this article, we will look at 7 keyboard simulators that I think are the best, if you didn’t like my selection on our website, you can find a lot of other keyboard simulators.

The criteria by which we will choose a keyboard simulator:

  • Price. There are paid programs and there are free ones... Of course, all keyboard simulators on our website can be downloaded and used for free, but this is a matter of your conscience;
  • Availability of guidelines - if you are going to study from scratch you need a keyboard simulator with methodological instructions, to develop speed, you can use game keyboard simulators or programs without methodological instructions;
  • Language - This article contains mostly Russian-English keyboard simulators, but there are exceptions;
  • Number of exercises and training time - some developers of keyboard simulators promise that you will learn to type quickly in a certain amount of time;
  • Exercise content.
  • Program settings.
I will say right away that I will not write here and disassemble each keyboard simulator "for parts" in detail. Let's take a brief look at each one according to the criteria, I myself know that not everyone can read tons of text. Keyboard simulators for children are not covered in this article.

1.Keyboard Solo 9 is the most popular keyboard simulator:

  • Price: - paid , 600 rubles one language, course 3 in 1 900 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Language: russian and English (in version 3 in 1 which can be downloaded for free on our website);
  • 100 exercises, the training time is individual and depends on the time of the classes, if you practice for 1-2 hours every day, then about 1-3 weeks;
  • Exercise content: in exercises Solo on the keyboard
  • Yes.

  • Price: - free;
  • Availability of guidelines: there are methodological instructions for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are in the program help;
  • Language: russian, Ukrainian and English (you can download additional language packs on the official website);
  • Number of exercises and training time: exercises in the basic mode 17, training time individually;
  • Exercise content: mostly text exercises, there are sound jokes, you can freely switch between lessons, there are several modes;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    3. Solo on the keyboard 8 - an early version of "SOLO" but no less in demand:

  • Price: - paid , the disc costs 800 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: there are methodological instructions for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are in the program itself;
  • Language: russian and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: exercises 100, training time is individual and depends on the time of classes;
  • Exercise content: in the exercises you can find a lot of things, tests, humor, videos, letters from readers, quotes, advice. You cannot switch upward in random order between exercises (you cannot skip classes);
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    4. VerseQ:

  • Price: - paid , 170 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: there are methodological instructions for touch typing in the keyboard simulator , are in the help;
  • Language: russian, German and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: the number of exercises is infinite, the program generates exercises with problem symbols;
  • Exercise content: you start practicing right away;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, Little.

    5. Rapid Typing Tutor:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: there are methodological instructions for touch typing in the keyboard simulator
  • Language: multilingual program;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 4 levels of difficulty, the training time depends on you;
  • Exercise content: you immediately start practice, you can switch between exercises arbitrarily;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, a lot of.

  • Price: shareware but unlimited ;
  • Availability of guidelines: there are methodological instructions for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are located in the keyboard simulator itself;
  • Language: russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 100 exercises, training time individually;
  • Exercise content: theory and practice, you can switch between exercises arbitrarily;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    7. Virtuoso - hard keyboard trainer:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: there are methodological instructions for touch typing in the keyboard simulator , are in the help;
  • Language: russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 16 exercises, learning time - until you learn;
  • Exercise content: practice, complexity is very high, in order to move on to the next task, you need to do the previous one well;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes;
  • It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without a computer. Despite the fact that users of all ages spend a significant part of their time with a laptop, few people have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to properly type on a keyboard with two hands. Typing speed is a useful skill to save time when working with text. Any user can master fast printing, and at the same time he does not need any extra abilities or expensive courses. You just need to be patient and make a little effort, and in a few weeks you will be typing text of any complexity quickly and without errors.

    Quick print methods

    Learning to type quickly

    There are only two main methods of fast typing: visual and “blind” ten-finger. The first method is used by most people: looking at the keys, a person types text with one or two fingers (usually the index or middle). The second method is more professional and consists in the fact that the user types with all fingers of two hands, while not looking at the keyboard.

    Blind printing

    Blind printing

    This method assumes that certain letters are assigned to each finger. The main thing is to initially “put” your hands in the right place and practice pressing certain keys. For example, the letters "A", "P" correspond to the index finger of the left hand, and the letters "O", "P", etc. to the right. Repeating the actions many times, over time, the work of the fingers will be so brought to automaticity that you no longer need to look at the keys.


    We can say that you have mastered the method completely if your consciousness does not control the movement of your fingers.

    Ten-finger printing rules

    For a quicker mastery of typing with ten fingers, it is recommended to follow these guidelines:

    1. Pressing must be sharp, without delays or presses, otherwise fluency will not be achieved.
    2. Do not hit the keys hard, otherwise you can get joint disease.
    3. Beats on the keyboard should be even and rhythmic.
    4. Be careful not to bend your fingers.
    5. Correct fit is half the battle. One should sit on a chair calmly, relaxed, without tension of the spinal column, without stooping or leaning on the back.
    6. It is necessary to start training with the correct position of the hands - the index fingers should be located on the letters "A" and "O", the rest should be located on the middle line of the keyboard on the remaining three keys in order.
    7. Now is the time to develop mechanical skills. With the help of special training programs, it is necessary to type certain words without peeping at the keys.
    8. The more repetitions you do, the faster you will master the blind typing skill.
    9. The typed text should be well lit and located on the left side.

    When I was still in school, I saw in different films episodes with some hackers or just episodes of working at the computer. And there, you know, they always show that the user very quickly knocks on the keyboard with all ten fingers. Moreover, without looking at the keyboard.

    And then I thought that someday I could do it too. I will learn and will knock on the keyboard, quickly and quickly type with all ten fingers. Years passed. I graduated from school, university, and began to work. And yet I learned to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. It turned out to be not as difficult as it once seemed.

    Why type fast?

    I believe that in our age there is nowhere without such a skill, and every user who spends at least a couple of hours a day at the computer should learn this. As nowadays everyone can read and write, so the skill of speed typing on the keyboard () is also necessary. It has already become even more important than traditional writing. I think this already needs to be taught in schools, right from the first grade, along with writing and reading.

    Primary training of printing in Russian and English layout

    So, I have mastered the method of blind ten-finger printing from the very moment I started my career, that is, for about 7 years. When I was graduating from the university, I came across a cracked version of the program "SOLO on the keyboard". I sat for 3 nights and went through the first 50 exercises of the Russian course. They just include all three rows of letters and after passing them I learned to type fluently in the Russian layout. Then I lost the opportunity to complete the course. But when I started working, I deliberately tried to type in compliance with all the rules for the English layout. And since I actively used it in my work, in just a couple of months I learned to type quite fluently in English with all ten fingers and without looking at the keyboard.

    Training with SOLO on the keyboard

    Nevertheless, a couple of months ago I wanted to improve this skill, because I was hesitant and wrong to type punctuation marks and special characters, numbers, and did not like to use shift. Until that moment, I had a typing speed of about 200 characters per minute in the Russian layout and 150 in the English one. I went through the SOLO keyboard exercise for both layouts, now completely. As a result, the dialing speed increased to 250-270 in the Russian layout and up to 200 in the English one. But what I achieved was that I confidently and blindly learned to dial signs and numbers. I worked especially hard on these exercises.

    These statistics show that I spent a total of 24 hours on Russian and 16 hours on English, with an average speed of 180 characters per minute in both cases.

    But you need to understand that this pure time,continuous dialing. In fact, it took me about a month to complete both courses. Without straining, 1-2 hours a day in the evenings.

    SOLO learning outcomes

    Typing test results in Russian layout

    Look. Before training, the Russian layout had a speed of 220. Immediately after passing 250. Then there was a test in English, showing 150-160 strokes. After passing it, the speed in English became 200-210. And it is quite logical that the English course further improved my motor skills, so I passed the Russian test again after it, and the speed in it increased to 270 automatically!

    Tests in English layout

    How important is it to print without errors?

    Also, it is worth noting the improvement in the accuracy of the set. This is a very important factor in touch typing skills. And by the way, if you want to learn how to type quickly, then be sure to pay more attention from the very beginning to the correctness of the set and error-free. It is much easier to pick up speed afterwards than to retrain accuracy when there is already speed. Believe me, this is the worst thing - learning how to type quickly, but do it with a lot of mistakes and fixes.

    Here are the results I came out with after "SOLO on the keyboard":

    Feedback on the course "SOLO on the keyboard"

    I can't say that it was very difficult for me, but the course is unique and you need a decent perseverance and a lot of patience in order to pass it. In addition, the author of this course is some kind of psychologist, and he made this course in such a way that, in addition to teaching blind typing, he also trains endurance, will and a positive attitude towards life along the way.

    I don’t know how effective this can be for you, but I don’t take all this without his installations, so for me it was nothing more than child's play. As for the financial costs, they are more than modest. It took me about 300 rubles for all this training. For me, this is a penny, compared to the effectiveness of the training and the time this skill will help to save. But there are simulators that are more effective, and even free. I was just already familiar with "Solo", it seemed to me suitable, so I learned from it.

    Developing touch typing skill on the Key Race

    But I didn't stop there. As effective as Solo is, its capabilities are rather meager. I wanted to hone my typing skills even better. I want to type fast enough that my typing speed does not interfere with my thought flow. This means that I need to achieve a speed of at least about 500 characters per minute.

    I set this goal for myself after I discovered and tried to “skate” on the site This is a site where people compete in typing speed, in the form of "races", typing texts in various modes and formats. They get all sorts of goodies, ranks, points, ratings, achievements, medals there, hold events - competitions and tournaments :)

    How typing skill development affects overall personality development

    Agree, most of us learn much better if there is someone to look up to, someone to "catch up", in a competition format. This is the idea behind the Clav Race service. In addition, there is an opportunity to go through all kinds of exercises and dictionaries. You can also create your own exercises. It is even possible to upload ... books there! Imagine: people READ books this way - PRINTING them! Yes, at first it seemed unimaginable to me too. But after thinking about it, it became obvious that this is a great way to develop - improving typing skills, reading a book, developing motor skills, attention, patience and attentiveness. So I'm thinking about typing some book ... in English... After all, my print in English is much weaker, which means it will be effective. In this way, I can also improve my knowledge of English, which is also very weak for me :) While I'm thinking about which book I should "read". If you have anything to recommend for this purpose - please do it in the comments, I will be very grateful.

    In addition, this is the development of finger motor skills. It is known that all the "large" muscles of our musculoskeletal system are controlled by only thirty percent of our brain. Another 30% control the muscles of the face. And 30% is a hand, fingers. Thus, developing the hand, fingers and fine motor skills, we develop these very 30% of the brain. New connections are formed in it, which means there is a general development of intelligence. I am convinced of this. And what are the remaining 10% of the brain responsible for? It's ... language! Yes, yes, if you train the muscles of the tongue, you will develop your brain, this is not a joke. Regular antics in front of a mirror improves the condition of the body as a whole. That's it.

    Individual training program for blind typing

    In the meantime, I regularly “ride” there, participate in competitions whenever possible. I have developed a "program" of vocabulary exercises that help to develop speed and typing skills in certain areas that I considered problematic for myself. For example, letters "zh'e", punctuation marks, numbers. I try to regularly practice these dictionaries, and progress is evident. I can even demonstrate my success to you, since the site keeps accurate statistics in all areas.

    My training progress

    As you can see from this graph, my average print speed is now about 300 characters per minute in "standard" mode. This mode is small texts of 300-400 characters, quotations from books. At the peak, it reaches 320-330 when the fingers are "warmed up".

    And this is another mode - Marathon. Here the text is typed continuously for 5 minutes. This is where endurance and mindfulness develop. In this mode, it is very important to make as few typos as possible when typing. Therefore, I brought up statistics on the percentage of errors. The progress is clear. As for the speed in this mode - it is slightly lower than in the "normal" mode and at the moment I have it in the region of 280-290 symbols / min.

    How to type numbers quickly?

    I began to train numbers, because by the nature of my work I often have to do it. Well, mainly, that's why I began to train - to print numbers easily and quickly, without errors. Moreover, I do not recognize the additional numeric keypad (numpad), and I type numbers exclusively in the top row. As you can see, in a month I improved the speed of typing numbers 2 times, and the percentage of errors at the very beginning of training was 10%! This is given that I had previously practiced recruiting them in solo.

    How to learn to type punctuation marks?

    Well, this is a special dictionary in which I practice typing punctuation marks.

    A very harsh thing, I'll tell you, try it :) It looks something like this.

    But it’s very, very effective. When I just started practicing this dictionary, I made one mistake in each expression, or even 2-3 for each such "Yes, yes?" and "Well, well ...";)

    This is such an experience, friends. I plan to practice hard until the set speed is stable around 500. Surely, many of you think that even 300 is very fast. But I play there every day with people who are typing 600-800 characters per minute. Take a look:

    And this is how a set looks like at a speed of ~ 500 characters / minute:

    Although the two videos differ in speed, the dialing modes are different here. In the first video there is a short, "sprint" text, so it is much easier to show a speed of ~ 700 on it than 500 in the second video. 5 minutes of continuous typing at a speed of 500 characters per minute is a very serious result.

    This is what I'm going to achieve. Although speeds of 400-500 seem unrealistic to most people, in this community, users who have such a record are considered "average", and those who gain at a speed of about 300 are beginners. Like me, for example :) But in fact, all these people have achieved very serious results in this simple skill. Just go there and check your speed.

    Here's a story, gentlemen. Yes, I just like to type on the keyboard, I get some kind of pleasure from it, or something :) Perhaps it will seem strange to someone, before I thought that it was strange that I like to type. But after looking at how many users there are and how active they are on websites and services for developing typing skills, I realized that this is normal. And the more perfect this skill becomes, the more pleasant it is for me to do it. This is my main tool. Even cutting bread and peeling potatoes is more pleasant at times, if not an order of magnitude, with a sharp knife.So this tool also needs to be honed! What I wish you too!


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