The phone says the mobile network is unavailable. Why the Android device does not catch the mobile network

Has the Internet suddenly stopped working on your phone? There can be many reasons for this, each of which requires a separate consideration and solution.

There are a number of reasons why the Internet does not work on the phone, which are commonplace and often happen due to simple carelessness.

However, there are some that are more difficult to deal with, they require a longer and more complex solution.

We have collected the most frequent problems with a broken internet.

Banal problems

Read also: Setting up the Internet MTS: All possible options

These reasons include a number of problems that can be solved using the simplest methods.

Checking these items is a priority if there is no network access.

  • The first and also the most common reason why is missing mobile Internet on the phone is negative balance. Sometimes, mobile operators, withdraw funds without the user's knowledge. Ordinary forgetfulness may also be the reason. In any case, in the absence of the Internet, it is worth checking the funds on the account. Verification methods usually differ depending on the mobile operator.
  • The lack of a network can also be the reason for the lack of the Internet. In this case, it is enough to check the network indicator. The solution to this problem can only be movement in space. Since the reason for this phenomenon is the specific location of the user. Depending on the distance of the communication towers, the network in different locations can range from excellent to none at all. This directly affects the operation of the mobile Internet. That is, if the network is low, then the Internet will also be slow. Sometimes the reason may lie in the device itself. If the network is always low enough (even if the user is near the tower), then it is worth taking the phone for repair.
  • "Data transfer" is not enabled. In modern gadgets, the mobile Internet does not work by itself. It consumes a certain amount of phone power. In order to drain the battery, a function was invented that allows you to turn it off. Therefore, you should find this item in the settings and put a tick on it or switch the toggle switch (depending on the model).
  • Network registration failed. This phenomenon is possible after network failure. As mentioned above, it is enough to change the place of deployment. However, it happens that the user has come to a place where the network should work fine, but it is still disabled. The solution to this problem is to restart your phone. Often this problem typical for 3G networks.

Sometimes the previous points are irrelevant, and then you have to look for a more significant reason for the lack of a network.

Access settings lost

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It's not uncommon for modern gadgets... Therefore, it is worth checking in the settings related to the network access point (APN).

Usually, it is not difficult to find this item in the settings, but its location may vary depending on the phone model.

There are 2 ways to solve this problem:

  1. Request settings from the network operator. Not all users are aware of how to fix this problem. Therefore, you can contact your mobile operator, which will not only prompt you for the points, but also send automatic settings, it will be enough to download them.
  2. Manual configuration. More difficult option and it is not suitable for everyone, since many users do not even know where to find the settings item (not to mention how to fix them). Usually, this setting will still have to be done with the help of an operator. It happens that automatic setting networks for certain model phone is impossible. In such cases, again, you need to call the operator cellular communication and find out the items to manually configure the network. Usually, the operator will tell you point by point where to go, what to press and enter in the fields. After that, you should press the "save" button. Problem solved!

Usually, eliminating the above points is enough to solve the problem. However, it also happens that the reason lies deeper.

If the above points did not help to enter the network, you should contact the specialists. Sometimes the phone requires more serious adjustments, flashing or even some repair.

Sometimes it is enough to contact service center service operator. Perhaps they will be able to find the cause and eliminate it.

To connect to high-speed mobile Internet, you need to switch to the corresponding tariff of the mobile operator.

And although at the present time almost all of them provide access to high speeds, nevertheless the old tariffs do not have this opportunity.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose the most convenient and suitable tariff that provides such services and buy a card, or reconnect with the help of an operator or enter certain combinations, you can also send an SMS with a code.

However, it should be borne in mind that the functions of such an Internet are not possible on all phones, but only on modern smartphones.

And not even all of them support the 4G function. Therefore, when connecting a tariff with this function, you should make sure whether it is supported by the gadget.

Nevertheless, such functions consume a large amount of traffic, so when choosing a tariff you need to take this into account and give preference to unlimited access.

But this possibility is not always present. Therefore, when leaving the network, you need to disable "data transfer".

Do not forget about the banal reasons for the lack of the Internet and check this function when connected to a network.

If the tariff is not unlimited and the user has not turned off "data transmission", it is possible to write off money from the account if the allocated amount of available MB has been exhausted.

Therefore, it is worth considering this moment in the absence of access and checking the account.

Speed \u200b\u200bmode

Read also: Home Internet Beeline: Personal account and other benefits

It is also possible that the coverage area high-speed internet not available in a particular region. In this case (on some operators mobile communications) there is an automatic transition to using 2G Internet.

It also happens that there is no access. In this case, you need to contact the network operator and find out what is the reason. Sometimes it is enough to reconfigure the phone.

But the problem of coverage cannot be solved, therefore, when connecting a tariff, you should carefully study the information on the site on this issue, so that later there are no difficulties.

Sometimes difficulties with access are possible if the network user is on the move. This usually does not apply to simple walking.

An urgent problem is in the case of movement by transport, since sometimes the phone does not have time to switch between communication towers, which is why the Internet fails.

In this case, you should either reduce the speed of movement, or be patient with the Internet connection until the vehicle stops.

The lack of the Internet is possible even if 3G technology is disabled.

This is an item in the settings of some smartphones that is responsible for the operation of this function and is disabled to save energy or traffic. Therefore, if there is no connection or low load, it is worth checking if this item is enabled.

One of the common problems can be a SIM card that has been in use for more than 5 years. The fact is that the production of new SIM cards is carried out using improved technologies that make it possible to speed up the connection.

In this case, it is enough to change the SIM card to a new one, which will exclude the possibility of this problem.

The most popular internet connection is Wi-Fi.

All modern telephones are capable of such a wireless connection.

In addition, public institutions provide such access.

At the present time, you can freely connect to the network if there is an open connection.

However, various problems with Wi-Fi are not uncommon.

Sometimes, when a user wants to call another person, when making a call, there may be a problem with establishing a connection to the cellular network, as a result of which a message appears on the screen of a smartphone or tablet: “ Mobile network unavailable».

Owners of absolutely any company can face a similar error. cellular operators: MTS, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline, etc.

This article will cover:

  1. Why the phone says that the mobile network is not available, what does this mean;
  2. What to do if the phone says: "Mobile network is unavailable."

The main reasons why the mobile network may be unavailable and what to do

The main reasons why the mobile network may be unavailable and what to do:

  1. Device malfunction... There may have been a glitch in work operating system on your device. In this case, the Internet can work.
    What to do: In this case, you need to reboot your phone / tablet.
  2. Poorly installed SIM card... If the SIM card is poorly installed, it does not sit tightly in the slot, then this can lead to the fact that the phone will not catch the network and the message “Mobile network is unavailable” will be displayed.
    What to do: pull out and reinstall the SIM card.
  3. SIM card blocked... In certain situations, the operator can block the card.
    What to do: contact your operator.
  4. SIM card damaged... A damaged SIM card will also cause communication problems.
    What to do: replace the SIM card.
  5. Poor mobile network connection... When registering a SIM card in cellular network preference is given to the newer type of connection. That is, if the SIM card catches the 3G and 4G networks, then the 4G network will be preferred. However, the quality of the 4G connection may be worse. Because of this, problems arise and the inscription is displayed: "Mobile network is unavailable."
    What to do: in this case, you need to go to the phone settings and manually install required type connections. The video clip at the end of the article will show you how to do this.
  6. More serious operating system problems (IOS, Android) ... Over time, the device may experience various kinds of problems, errors, conflicts with other applications, the effects of viruses.
    What to do: Factory reset. How to do it for specific model you need to find out on the website of the manufacturer of the phone or tablet.
  7. Invalid mobile network... The phone settings may have an incorrectly specified mobile network.
    What to do: if often or constantly when you call, it displays the message "The selected mobile network is not available" or "The specified mobile network is not available", then you should set automatic network selection in the phone settings.
  8. Bad firmware... Poor phone firmware is also possible.
    What to do: you can reflash yourself mobile device or contact the service center.

In order to establish what is the cause of the problem, it is advisable to do the following:

  1. Insert another SIM card into your phone, this will eliminate or detect a malfunction in the phone;
  2. Insert your SIM card into another phone, this will eliminate or detect a malfunction in the SIM card.

I advise you to watch the video, which describes in detail what to do if the mobile network is unavailable and why this happens:

Hopefully the article " Why the phone says the mobile network is unavailable and what to do"Was useful to you.

Cellular communication provides for the use of certain frequency ranges. No other communication systems work here, which ensures high-quality data transfer between mobile phones and base stations... But for some reasons, the network may be unavailable, which is reported by the phone when trying to dial a number. Let's see what to do when the "Mobile network is unavailable" error occurs on MegaFon. In most cases, the problem can be solved fairly easily.


Cellular communications are very complex. Millions of phones, modems, tablets and other devices work in the network of the same MegaFon. The network itself consists of many base stations, switches, control centers and other equipment. That is, the communication system is quite complex, albeit stable. But no one is immune from mistakes - failures can be observed both on the side of MegaFon and on the side of the subscribers themselves.

If the phone says that the mobile network is unavailable, you just need to restart it. Reboot - universal way bring to life any digital device ... It can hang in whole or in part, losing all or part of its functionality. Therefore, many devices (from a router to a computer) have a reset button. In smartphones, this operation is performed using the function of the same name or a banal turn off / on cycle.

Let's see what happens during a reboot:

  • Cleared rAM devices;
  • The operating system boots from scratch;
  • Various modules and services are restarted;
  • The phone is re-registered in the cellular network.

If you use MegaFon, and on the screen of your phone suddenly appeared the inscription "Mobile network is not available", feel free to send the device to reboot.

Network failure

If an attempt to call a person failed due to the occurrence of the MegaFon “Network not found” error, you need to look at the network indicator (these are vertical or horizontal sticks indicating the quality of reception).

If empty here, it indicates:

  • The lack of network coverage at a specific point;
  • The lack of network performance;
  • The communication with the base station on the phone side has failed.

With the first case, everything is clear - if the mobile network is not available, you just need to find the site where it is. Such situations often arise outside the city, where there are several times less base stations than in the city.

In the second case, the appearance of the inscription "Mobile network is unavailable" on MegaFon may be associated with some technical work on the operator's side. The situation is extremely rare, since the camera equipment is highly resistant. It is very easy to find out which side of the breakdown is on - just try to call from another phone... If it also shows an error, you need to wait until MegaFon does its mobile network affordable.

If the error appears literally every time you try to dial, wait 10-15 minutes, restart your phone and try to call again.

In the third case, the error occurs on the side of the mobile phone (or any other mobile device). Try sending the device to reboot and try to call again. If the symptoms are repeated on other SIM cards, then the case is definitely in the phone. It must be taken to a repair shop (or handed over under warranty), where experienced specialists will take care of it.

The most common reason for the "Mobile network unavailable" error on MegaFon is a SIM card breakage. Check it on another phone - if nothing comes out, get a duplicate with the same number at the nearest service office.

Roaming error

The "Network not found" error on MegaFon can occur in roaming, especially internationally. Sometimes foreign operators do not register a SIM card in automatic mode ... The reasons may be different, but there is only one solution - you should try manual network selection in the handset settings. The problem is solved in a similar way in intranet roaming (but most often everything works fine here).

Chinese phones

Another reason for the "Mobile network unavailable" error on MegaFon is the use of smartphones and phones with "crooked" chinese firmware... As practice shows, errors when using non-certified equipment are really possible... And getting rid of them is very difficult - unless you reflash the device in some service (provided there is an alternative or more new firmware). There is only one advice - buy only certified handsets, tablets and modems.

In contact with

The problems described in the title have become more frequent in recent years. Previously, I only occasionally noticed negative feedback about the work of operators on Twitter, then sometimes I began to encounter problems with receiving the network at home, then my friends complained (I have to help as someone who writes about smartphones!), And, finally, situations began to arise when I simply can't get through to my mom, and my dad complains that none of his friends and workmates can simply catch him online. At the same time, absolutely everyone has different smartphones: someone Samsung Galaxy Note 4, someone has a Meizu MX4 Pro, I have a string of different devices, from Htc one M8, M9 and A9 to my current favorite LG G4. All operators are also different: MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, different places in which this happens (home, work, university, just somewhere on the road) and other conditions that do not repeat at all. That is, from such a sample it is impossible to draw any precise conclusion as to why specific people do not catch the network, the smartphone shows zero "sticks" or maximum divisions, but no one can call them anyway. How to live with this and what to do? I'll tell you now!

In short, there is a problem, and more and more people notice it, but a simple change of the smartphone or operator, as a rule, cannot be solved in any way. There are many reasons, I suppose, but the simplest is this: the number of devices is growing at an incredible pace, the number of subscribers and owners of complex smartphones - as well. At the same time, operators do not have time to cover new spaces and improve the current infrastructure at the same rate as the market is growing, and manufacturers of smartphones and platforms are more concerned with the development of frequencies, ephemeral 5G and other things than debugging current technologies, these are the realities. All this leads to what I wrote above - you, for example, MegaFon and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and the device shows all divisions, but you can't get through. Why? Because cellular communication and mobile technologies Is a complicated thing.

I already wrote a small note about good old phones, which, in fact, reveals my solution to this issue.

Here I just want to remind you about this decision, because the problem is becoming more and more urgent, especially in large cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. So, if from time to time you are faced with "does not catch the network", "I can not get through to you, how so ?!" and other problems, it is not necessary to immediately go and change the operator, this will hardly help, because MTS and MegaFon work terribly for some, MegaFon and Beeline for others, and for others - nothing at all except TELE 2. You just need to go to any nearest "Euroset", "Svyaznoy" or another store, buy a simple push-button telephone costing up to 1,500, a maximum of 2,000 rubles (preferably for 990 in general) and the simplest SIM card of any operator other than yours, preferably without a monthly fee, and remove all subscriptions and additional services and services in it (this often needs to be done through a call to the operator's call center). Then you put your SIM card in new phone, and for your main number through your personal account or a call to the support service, you set up forwarding to a new SIM card under certain conditions: the number is busy, the number is unavailable or no one answers, say, 20 seconds.

Of course, if you are more or less versed in the topic of operators and how it all works, then this method will make you smile and seem like something like shamanic dances or making wishes for a shooting star, I would have thought so myself, to be honest. The trick is that this method works in my case, for example, it has been tested for several years. A couple of years ago, my main number (MegaFon SIM card) began to catch poorly, people didn’t call me, important calls were lost. At first I called the support service, left applications for places with poor network reception, changed smartphones and did many other things that did not help at all, and then I just bought a handset for 900 rubles, put a SIM card of another operator there (in my case, MTS ), set up call forwarding according to the specified conditions, and the problem went away. Some of my calls now come to the second device, because the SIM card is basically still inaccessible, but this has not bothered me for a long time.

Or another option is a smartphone with support for two SIM cards. But that's a completely different story.

How often, instead of the expected voice of the right person in the receiver, the indifferent is heard: "The subscriber is temporarily unavailable." And if you are sure that the battery is charged, and you firmly know that this person was not going to turn off the phone, then what could be the reason for the lack of connection, why sometimes you cannot get through?

    What it looks like - when no connection occurs:

    Relevant sound signals and the following voice, broadcasting that "the subscriber is temporarily unavailable";

    Short beep and call reset;

    No beeps, signals or messages - silence and call rejection.

    If we exclude the malfunction of the telephone itself or the sim card, there remains one reason for the lack of connection - disruption in cellular communication. First, you need to understand the mechanism of its work.

    The essence mobile system based on the division of the area into several sectors ("cells"), which make it possible to use radio frequencies multiple times. Moreover, cells that are not "in contact" with each other can use the same frequency. The quality of cellular communication depends on the frequency at which your phone operates.

    When you make a call by pressing a button on your device, a radio signal emanates from it, overcoming a thorny path from several instances (operator's base station, controller, switchboard, etc.) until the connection starts and the signal goes back.

    Over the years, modern systems have improved the process of cellular communication and now guarantee reliability and high speed of connection. However, there are still problems. You yourself can probably give examples of when communication is lost - in the elevator, in the basement, in the subway. The reason for this lies in the massive obstacles between your unit and the base station. Often the signal cannot overcome the thickness of the earth or even thick walls; communication can be disrupted in conditions of close proximity of houses.

    The reasons for the disruption of the network may lie in the banal overload of the station. For example, at the beginning of the New Year, everyone starts calling each other with congratulations and holiday messages, as a result, stations or switches cannot cope with the huge volume of signals, as a result of which the possibility of connecting with the desired subscriber becomes unlikely.

    Communication may be disrupted due to changes in weather conditions - a large amount of precipitation, thunderstorms, hurricane.

    Can't be ruled out mechanical damage optical cable, failure of computers at the station.

    Before calling the mobile company to which your phone is connected, check your device, perhaps restarting it will give the desired result. But even if nothing has changed, try not to be nervous and calmly explain to the operator what the problem is. The main task of any cellular company is to provide communication services that satisfy the client, and if any problems occur, they, as a rule, do not depend on the human factor, and are eliminated quite easily.

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Cellular communication provides for the use of certain frequency ranges. No other communication systems work here, which ensures high-quality data transfer between base stations and mobile phones. But because of certain reasons the network may be unavailable, which the phone informs about when trying to dial a number.

Let's see what to do if the "Mobile network is unavailable" inaccuracy occurs on MegaFon. As a rule, the trouble is solved quite easily.


Cellular communication is a complex thing. Millions of phones, modems, other devices and tablets work in the network of the same MegaFon. The network itself consists of many base stations, switches, other equipment and control centers.

In other words, the set of connections is quite complex, albeit stable. But no one is immune from inaccuracies - failures can be observed both on the side of MegaFon and on the side of the subscribers themselves. If the phone informs that the mobile network is unavailable, it is necessary.

Reboot is a versatile method to make a digital device feel emotional. It can freeze in whole or in part, losing all or part of its functionality. Based on this, many devices (from a router to a computer) have a reset button.

In smartphones, this operation is performed using the function of the same name or an obvious off / on cycle. Let's see what happens during the reboot:

  • The RAM of the device is cleared;
  • OS boots from scratch;
  • Various services and modules are restarted;
  • Secondary registration of the phone in the cellular network is performed.

If you use MegaFon, and on the screen of your phone suddenly appeared the inscription "Mobile network is not available", feel free to send the device to reboot.

Network failure

If an attempt to call someone or a person failed due to the origin of MegaFon's inaccuracy “The network was not found”, you need to look at the network indicator (these are vertical or horizontal sticks indicating the quality of reception). If it is empty, then it says:

  • the lack of network coverage at a particular point;
  • The lack of network performance;
  • The communication with the base station on the telephone side has failed.

With the first case, everything is clear - if the mobile network is not available, you need a site where it is available. Such situations quite often appear outside the city, where there are several times less base stations than within the city.

In the second case, the appearance of the inscription "Mobile network unavailable" on MegaFon may be due to some technical work on the operator's side. The environment is very sparse because the camera equipment is highly stable. It is very easy to find out which side of the breakdown is on - just try to get through from another phone.

If it also shows an inaccuracy, you must wait until MegaFon makes its own mobile network cheap.

If an inaccuracy appears almost every time you try to dial, wait 10-15 minutes, restart your phone and try to call again.

In the third case, the inaccuracy appears on the side of the cell phone (or any other mobile device). Try sending the device to reboot and try to call again. If the symptoms are repeated on the second SIM-cards, then the matter is specifically in the phone.

It must be handed over to a repair shop (or handed over under warranty), where skilled experts will take care of it.

The most popular circumstance for the appearance of the “Mobile network unavailable” inaccuracy on MegaFon is a SIM card breakage. Make sure it is reliable in another phone - if nothing comes out, get a duplicate with the same number at the nearest service office.

Inaccuracy in roaming

Inaccuracy “Network not found” by MegaFon may appear in roaming, especially in international roaming. From time to time, foreign operators do not automatically register a SIM card. Circumstances may be different, but the answer is one thing - go to try out the manual network selection in the handset settings.

In a similar way, a nuisance is solved in local roaming (but much more often everything works fine here).

Chinese phones

Another reason for the appearance of the inaccuracy "Mobile network is not available" on MegaFon is the use of phones and smartphones with "crooked" Chinese firmware. Experience has shown that inaccuracies in the use of uncertified technology are indeed likely. And getting rid of them is very difficult - unless you reflash the device in some service (subject to the presence of another or newer firmware).

There is only one advice - take only certified handsets, modems and tablets.

Video "Mobile network is not available on Megafon - because of what"

"Not registered on the network" is the answer. "NOT REGISTERED ON NETWORK", n9005 galaxy


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Few people have not encountered a similar problem. It seems that everything should be in order: the phone is working properly, the SIM card is inserted, the contract with the provider has been concluded - but there is no Internet access. And just about he was still there, and after a minute - as it had not happened. A familiar situation, isn't it? If the Internet does not work on your phone, then do not despair and rush to the service center at breakneck speed.

With very little effort, you can really cope with the problem without someone else's help. the Internet on the phone is configured somewhat differently than on a regular one personal computer and this often causes difficulties for users. Which interface elements are responsible for setting up the connection? What are possible reasons denial of network access? We will consider all these questions in our article. The most commonplace reasons are the least paid attention to. And completely in vain. Here is a short list:

  • The Internet on the phone has been disabled for non-payment. That is, you have a negative balance in your account.
  • Your phone won't connect to the internet because you're out of range.
  • The data transfer option is out of order.
  • In all other respects, a normally working mobile phone did not go through the automatic registration procedure.

The probability of the above is rather high. It is with checking these options and fixing these problems that we will begin our struggle with the disappeared network.

The simplest tests

First, we check the balance. Each provider offers a different method. Read the instructions or dig into the contact list - usually there is a corresponding number. To obtain information on the account, dial *, then a three-digit code (unique for each operator), followed by the # symbol and press the call button. In response, the display shows the amount of the amount available to pay for calls. If the wallet is empty or there is an overrun of cash, top up your account and the Internet will appear.

We will assume that everything is OK with the balance. What to do next? Looking at the indicator network connection... If it is deactivated, it means that you are out of range. There is only one cure for this - to get away from this place.

All modern smartphone models have a special option. It is called "Data Transfer". To get to this parameter, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the connection settings menu.
  • Click on "More".
  • Click on the item "Mobile network".
  • On the screen that opens, check the box "Mobile data transfer". The figure below will serve as a good illustration:

What if there is still no internet? You can try turning off your smartphone and turning it on again. Sometimes it helps. The fact is that 3G networks often stop pinging after leaving the subway and in other cases entering the access zone from places where there is no network. In this case, the machine is unable to connect to the network without restarting.

Restoring settings automatically

It so happens that the device flew off network settings... It is easy to restore them and you can do it in two different ways: get settings from operator or do manual configuration. The first method is, of course, preferable. Simply because it is simpler. You don't need to boggle your head with all sorts of technical details. For some time now, this service has become available with every mobile operator. To download the settings from the provider's server, you need to call a specific number or send an SMS to the number. For Beeline, this is a call to 06503, for MTS - an SMS to 1234, Megafon receives SMS to 5049, and Tele2 is waiting for your call to 679.

In response, the operator will send a package of settings to the phone, which will be automatically registered in the operating system of your phone - that is, you will not have to do anything with "pens". If you do not know the "magic" number of your operator, then refer to his website - there should be this information.

Restoring the settings manually

Theoretically, everyone is able to set parameters manually, but not someone who is not at all friendly with the OS of his smartphone. We give short instruction (for more or less experienced users, it should be enough):

  • We get to the settings of the APN access point. Usually through the items "More" \u003d\u003e "Mobile network" \u003d\u003e "APN access point".
  • Create a new access point by clicking on the plus sign. A form with fields for filling will open. Here you will need to set the connection name, username, APN parameters and password to log into the network.
  • We take the field values \u200b\u200bfrom the following table, which contains data for each operator:

Enter values \u200b\u200bin the fields, save and reboot the phone. If after turning on the network is still absent, then things are bad and you have to go to the specialists. That is, in principle, everything you need to know about why the Internet does not work in your own phone.

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