Fly tariff plan. High Speed ​​Internet Fly: Instructions

First of all, you need to make sure that the phone you have chosen supports the service mobile internet... This only applies to early phone models, since all modern mobile devices adapted for Internet access. To know necessary information can be found in the instructions for the device. If you just bought new smartphone, and it has not yet been configured, you need to start by choosing a service provider mobile communications.

Today, all mobile operators are competing with each other, trying to lure subscribers low prices for communication and favorable rates for the Internet. Therefore, it will be easiest to choose an operator with suitable conditions for the provision of Internet services, contact technical support and follow the instructions. Automatic settings ordered from the selected operator - the most simple and quick way install the Internet on a mobile phone. As a rule, you don't even have to do anything for this, since the Internet settings come automatically as soon as you insert a new SIM card, and you just have to accept them.

How to set up the Internet on your phone

If the settings did not come automatically, you can set up the Internet on your phone yourself. For example, consider a phone model based on OS Android Samsung GT-S7272 version 4.2.2 and mobile operator MTC Ukraine.

How to set up internet on your Samsung phone:

To check the correctness of the settings of the existing access point, click on it and go to the settings menu.

Please note that on any smartphone and with any mobile operator, the Internet is configured in the same way. The only difference is the name of the access point and some Internet settings, which can be found on the website of your mobile operator.

I can not connect the Internet on my phone

In some cases, setting up the Internet on the phone can be very confusing, and you can't cope with it on your own. In such situations, you have full right go to the nearest office of your mobile operator, give your phone to the consultant and ask to set up the Internet. Employees cannot refuse you, because their responsibilities include helping and technical support subscribers if necessary.

If you prefer to figure out the problem yourself, we recommend that you go to the official website of the operator and find step by step instructions Internet connection settings. You can also go to the website of the mobile phone manufacturer and find settings specifically for your device model.

It is not difficult to install and configure the Internet on your phone, especially since today service providers are doing everything possible to make life easier for their subscribers. The best option is to ask the sales assistant of the mobile phone salon to set all the necessary settings on the spot when purchasing the device. You just have to choose the most favorable tariff and enjoy spending time on the world wide web.

To create mobile communication "Letay" "Tattelecom" built in the Republic of Tatarstan more than 1100 base stations

Everyone has come across a situation when the mobile Internet does not work well outside the city. But the lack of access to the network can sometimes mean problems at work or ruined rest. Tattelecom solves this issue by constantly building new base stations - today there are more than 1100 of them in the republic. Now the company has gone further: it is launching a new tariff with unlimited 4G and 300 minutes of calls to become the number 1 operator for mobile Internet users.


The dependence of a person on the Internet is more and more obvious - many people need access to the network around the clock. And then a new significant limitation arises: as soon as you leave the city, the Internet starts to freeze, and sometimes the mobile connection itself is lost. The further from the settlement, the worse the situation. The explanation is simple - there are not enough base stations that are responsible for signal transmission and even more high-speed Internet.

Tattelecom launched its 4G mobile network Letai in 2014, investing significant resources in this project, - says the director of marketing and service management. Alexander Smirnov... - Now in Tatarstan "Tattelecom" has built more than 1100 base stations, including 800 4G (LTE), and takes the 1st place in the Republic of Tatarstan by this indicator. "

And today Tattelecom wants to overtake the “big four” mobile operators by launching a tariff that will include not only unlimited 4G Internet, but also 300 minutes of calls to all phones in Russia, for only 6 rubles a day.

“The pioneer was the CHE tariff plan, in which we offered unlimited 4G for 120 rubles a month, but then it did not include calls to other operators,” explains Alexander Smirnov. “And on July 1, we are launching a new product on the market -“ Tariff No. 1 ”. We really count on its appearance and effect, even federal players have no similar proposals! "

What does unlimited 4G internet give? You have no restrictions on your choice of content. You can watch any video online without restrictions, even TV channels and movies. Now this is especially important - the final stage of the European Football Championship is in the active phase, and in a month the Summer Olympics in Rio will start. The speed of unlimited 4G Internet from Tattelecom is up to 30 Mbit / s, and to watch a video, even 1 Mbit / s is enough.

“I think that Tariff No. 1 is even better than Wi-Fi, because the 4G Internet coverage of Letai's mobile communications covers even remote corners of the republic,” Smirnov sums up.


For whom is this coverage area and the new "Tariff No. 1" relevant? First of all, for active youth - they are mobile, and it is simply impossible to imagine them without a smartphone in hand. Unlimited 4G internet was created especially for them. Secondly, for those who often move around the city and within the republic for work, because the lack of a signal can interfere with sending, for example, a report, which can affect the efficiency of decision-making. Outdoor enthusiasts and travelers are equally interested in a stable signal.

“The words that Tattelecom's Letay mobile communications cover almost the entire republic with 4G Internet are not populist,” emphasizes Alexander Smirnov. - We constantly check how our services work, and if there are complaints, we immediately respond. To do this, for example, we constantly monitor the references and reviews about the mobile communications "Letay" and "Tattelecom" on Internet resources, in social networks... We have special automated systems who conduct daily monitoring. Dissatisfied with mobile communications - about 1 - 2 percent, and sometimes they complain that at home 4G Internet catches worse than in a village 20 kilometers from Kazan. Negative feedback is also studied by the CEO and makes sure that problems are eliminated in a very short time. This approach allows us to constantly increase our client base. Tattelecom on the market mobile services less than two years, and more than 250 thousand subscribers already trust us. Our goal is to increase this figure to 1 million by 2021 ”.

And clients appreciate such a scrupulous attitude towards their interests. According to Tattelecom, more and more new subscribers who have chosen the company's services after the abolition of mobile slavery are ex-clients of the Big Four. In general, the story that a local player is fighting on equal terms with the feds is not new for the mobile services market. For example, in Yekaterinburg, a local mobile company controls over 50% of the market.

“If a client switches to us from another operator, we definitely encourage this: we provide the first month without a monthly fee. And to everyone who has connected, we not only give minutes for calls, but also return 25 percent of the cost of mobile communications to the account of wired services, - says Alexander Smirnov. - It is very convenient if you use our home Internet or telephony. And calls from home (if you are a Tattelecom client on subscriber tariff plans) to our mobile numbers and are completely free. If you use a mobile phone on a daily basis, our new "Tariff No. 1" fit better Total".

It is noteworthy that in the advertising campaign dedicated to the new product, Tattelecom uses an image that is very similar to the first cosmonaut. At the same time, the company noted that the “hero” was drawn in the image and likeness of its promising young employee, but the topic of space was not chosen by chance, because the new tariff is a real breakthrough!

19.12.2016 18:18:00

In one of the articles, we considered the question of how to clear the Android desktop from shortcuts.

Nowadays, the Internet is always at hand - or rather, in a smartphone. True, some problems may arise here. If you bought Fly phone, and you cannot set up a connection to the world network, we suggest reading a few tips and personally finding out the tricks of the setup.

The Internet "comes" to your phone on its own. This is how the leaders in the provision of mobile services take care of the "network" well-being. Immediately after installing the "SIM" on the "straight from the tin" phone, the operator's Internet settings automatically arrive. All that is needed in this case is to open messages and enjoy surfing the Internet.

However, it does not always go so smoothly. Difficulties may arise, for example, with telephones that have arrived from abroad and have not yet become Russified. For these and other cases, advice on how to set up the Internet on your phone will come in handy.

Method one. Auto.

To quickly and without unnecessary headaches set up the Internet on your smartphone, you can follow these instructions. Find the "Settings" menu in your Android phone. There will be a section called "Wireless Networks". We select the item "Mobile network". As is often the case, the required parameters are already set in the phone, but the user has reset them (when he changed his SIM cards, for example). In the menu section, you can return the settings to their place with your own hands - you need to click "Automatic detection of settings" or "Reset settings".

In some cases, it is worth activating the "Telecom Operators" tab, where from the list (wait a little, it will appear on the screen) to select the required Internet "provider".

A few simple manipulations - and it is easy to set up the Internet on your Android phone without any help!

Other Fly smartphones
On our website you can find a catalog with the rest of Fly smartphones on Android.

Method two. Operator assistance.

But it also happens that it is not possible to set up the Internet on Android in the first way. You can contact the operator for help mobile network, which will tell you how to set up a connection.

Dial the help number known to the subscriber and explain the problem to the girl on the other end of the line. It happens that the subscriber has not yet learned the SOS phone number. You can look at the SIM card packaging - there you will find the coveted help phone numbers. The subscriber is given two options to choose from - to call the specified number or send a message to a special short number... After the request reaches the addressee, the operator will send the necessary settings for connecting the Internet on Android.

The scheme for connecting to the Internet with the help of an operator is simple, but there are pitfalls here. The following scenario is also possible:

The necessary settings for accessing the Internet have been sent several times,

SMS messages were sent to the specified numbers,

BUT the operator at the other end cannot help and asks to drive up to the office in person at the specified time.

It is clear that there is neither time nor desire for the latter - after all, you can connect to the Internet without wasting minutes and nerves!

Method three. Manual.

And what if the previous two methods didn't work? And you don't have Internet access on your Android phone? Another option is to delve into the settings and "hammer" them into the phone with your hands. It will take a little more time, but do not be afraid to "rummage" in the device - everything is simple if you follow the instructions!

To set up a connection on Android in this way, first open the "APN Access Points" item. We find the section "Create a new access point" in the list. You have to get a little creative and come up with a name for your internet connection. The name can be any word (do not limit yourself to the names of telecom operators). In a specific case, how you call the "ship", its "voyage" will not change.

It is necessary to personally type on the smartphone keyboard the access point of a specific mobile operator... In this case, it is not necessary to call the consultant again. We offer to help you with the necessary data on the access points of the largest operators cellular in Russia.

Megaphone: internet

After that, you will need to independently type the username on the smartphone keyboard. In the case of "Megafon" and "Tele2" it has already been registered, so here you can safely skip this item and leave the fields blank.

For MTS subscribers, type “mts” in the name line. For those who use the services of “Beeline” it is logical to write “beeline”.

In the case of Megafon and Tele2, there is no need to invent anything - there are no passwords. And for users of "MTS" and "Beeline" in the password line you just need to duplicate the name - "MTS" and "Beeline", respectively.

It happens that the operator codes (designated as "MNC") are not specified initially. If nothing is written in the corresponding line, then you will have to write numbers and letters yourself. In one window we write "MCC" - 250 (valid for all operators in Russia), but the MNC values ​​are different. Let's list the codes for the main operators:

01 - MTS
02 - Megaphone
20 - Tele2
99 - BeeLine

After filling in the settings, you should check that there is a checkbox next to the mobile data transfer. If attempts to set up the Internet did not work, you should try restarting your Android smartphone.

For those who need more complete information about the settings of each specific telecom operator, we offer links to official instructions largest telecom operators in Russia:

Here are the instructions of the largest mobile operators in Russia. However, it is clear that the list is not limited to four companies. To learn how to set up an output in global network on an Android smartphone from other providers, you need to go to the official website of the operator and copy the information from there.

How to set up a Wi-Fi connection

The previous tips related to setting up GPRS / EDGE / 3G / 4G internet connections. There is also a faster way to transfer data on the Internet - via Wi-Fi. For many users, it is preferable to 3G, as it works at high speeds, often located in free access(many points of distribution in large cities) and does not require special configuration.

Sometimes Android phone users have a question: how to set up the Internet via Wi-Fi signal? It is much easier here than in the case of 3G internet.

First you need to go to the settings menu and select the item "Wireless networks".

Here you can see a list of networks that are available for connection. Those networks, access to which is unlimited, can be used to access the Internet immediately by clicking on the name. For others, it's worth entering a password. Can add new network by selecting the appropriate button in the menu. Android will start searching for networks around.

After entering the password, you must enter the "Additional functions" section. Here you can write static address router or point Wi-Fi access... In addition, you can immediately enter the data of the mask, gateway, DNS server. This may be needed for the subsequent correct operation of the Internet connection.

After such simple steps, you can easily connect to a Wi-Fi point and use high-speed Internet. As it turned out, setting up Wi-Fi Internet on a smartphone is as easy as shelling pears - just arm yourself with competent advice and a little time.

Let's hope that useful tips will help smartphone users Fly! on the basis of the Android OS, easily connect to the World Wide Web. And you will be able to read new interesting and useful materials on our website from the phone screen.

If you are interested, then you can read the article about.

Today, in the century information technology, the Internet on the phone will surprise no one. A modern means of communication is used as a pocket computer through which you can connect to world wide web in a matter of seconds, check your mail, look in, read the news, etc. But for this, of course, you need to know how to turn on the Internet on your phone. By and large, this is very easy to do, however, such a task can be difficult for a beginner. Our article will help you understand the nuances of setting up the Internet on mobile phone or smartphone.

Setting up the Internet on different models phones may differ. For example, turn on the Internet on lenovo phone can be done in the same way as on other phones running on the Android platform - only the interface of your phone's settings will be different. A little differently, the Internet is turned on on iOS and Windows Phone 8.

How to enable and configure the Internet on an Android phone?

The most in a simple way how to turn on the Internet on your phone is use of wi-fi... If your phone runs on the Android platform and you have an access point, then it will not be difficult to connect to the Internet. Such an Internet will work faster and, moreover, money will not be withdrawn from the account for using it. So what to do:

  1. Turn on wi-fi in settings network connections or using the button placed on the main screen.
  2. Choose one of the available networks.
  3. Enter the password for secure connection (you can get it from your network administrator). If the connection is made, your phone will remember this network, and in the future will automatically connect to it.
  4. Sometimes, in addition to the password, you also need to specify other settings (access port or proxy server).
If wifi hotspots you do not have, but access to the Internet is required, you can use WAP, GPRS or 3G. You may not need to configure anything, since mobile operators automatically send their settings to the switched on phone - they need to be accepted and saved once. This is especially true for devices iPhone type, which already have all the settings for working on the Internet. If this did not happen (and this happens, for example, in phones brought from abroad), connection settings can be ordered by calling contact center your mobile operator. The settings message that you will receive, you also just need to save. You can configure the connection yourself, manually. To do this, as a rule, in the corresponding menu item (let it be traditional GPRS), you need to fill in the empty fields "login", "password" and "APN access point". The latter will need to be created independently by entering the appropriate characters in the field. As for the login and password, these fields either remain empty or coincide with the operator's name (mts, beeline, etc.).

Information about APN protocols is different for each operator, it can be found on their official websites. And the access points of the most popular operators in Russia and Ukraine look like this:

If you've done all that needs to be done and the internet won't connect, try turning your phone off and on again. Perhaps the system just needs a reboot for the new settings to become active. Also keep in mind that when you connect via 3G, you must have funds in your account.

First, connect all the elements of the system using a patch cord (meaning a router and a PC).

Second, check your settings network card computer - in the properties of the protocol, it is necessary to select the type of TCP / IP and tick the functions automatic receipt addresses. After that reboot operating system PC and go to the next step.

The third stage is setting the parameters wifi router... Each router has its own software interface - to get into Personal Area router, go through the browser at - you can log in as admin, in this case the password will be the same (admin). Here you can set wifi parameters connections.

Internet service provider "Letay" often supplies special installation discs together with network equipment... With such a disc, you can perform quick setup Wi-Fi.

Insert the disc into your PC's CD drive and run the setup program. Select the "Setup Wizard" function and follow the instructions of the system. Specify ADSL as the connection type - if your house uses an ADSL modem to access the Internet, or Ethernet type - if you have an Ethernet cable from the entrance or from the street.

The rest of the settings can be left untouched. the program already contains those network parameters that your provider uses. However, you should ask individual settings security. In the program interface, open the tab WLAN setup- and first check the "Basic settings" - there should be a tick "Enable wireless network», And a unique network name, channel number and region must also be specified. After that, go to the "Security" section, at the bottom, select the WPA2-PSK authentication method and enter the security key that will protect the wireless network from unwanted guests. AES is the recommended encryption type. Save the settings. Now you can close the program and restart your router and PC. Wi-Fi setup finished.

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