Tariff plans for travel and business trips in Russia. Internet in another city. Wi-Fi in the hotel

Do you often go on business trips or do you like to travel around the country? Make sure you connect to your global network... Internet for traveling in Russia Beeline provides an opportunity to continue using the services without overpaying.

With a new service from large company you can just deal with urgent problem... The user is required to select a tariff plan and activate the service. After connecting away from the home region, the subscriber can use the Internet service at a high enough speed, which will be enough for communication through instant messengers, viewing news, using navigation and search necessary information on sites.

Many tariff plans provide internet as national roaming. To reduce costs, it is recommended to connect special servicedesigned for travel. It is designed to expand the Internet package outside the home region - on the territory of the country. The terms are set in advance by the user, which is quite convenient, since it allows you not to overpay.

The service is provided in 2 types: Internet for 7 days in Russia Beeline and for 30 days. Each of them has certain features, and, accordingly, the cost. Options can be activated as many times as needed. Restrictions apply only:

  • In the Chukotka region and other cellular networks.
  • In the Crimea and on the territory of Sevastopol.

Before activating the service, first study the tariffication and read the terms of use. This approach will eliminate the likelihood of unforeseen situations in the process.

How to connect the Internet Beeline in Russia for 7 days

The cost of the service for 1 week is 99 rubles. This option is indispensable for those who are going to visit friends. The connection speed will always be high. The service will be exactly the same as in the home region, which is still convenient and economical. A feature of the service is the expansion of the home region for more comfortable use.

To activate, enter the USSD command * 115 * 361 # or dial the number 0674-09-03-61.

How to connect the Internet Beeline in Russia for 30 days

You can activate the Internet for 30 days in Russia Beeline for only 199 rubles. per month. This option makes it possible to use the network on equal terms with subscribers who are in the home region. The service will be relevant throughout the country and will allow you to save on access to the network.

Now the Internet in roaming is not a problem. On trips, the cost will be slightly higher than at home, which is very convenient. To activate the service, enter the request * 115 * 261 # or dial the number 0674-09-01-61.

Activation can be done through personal Area or use mobile application "My Beeline". It is quite convenient as it does not require the use of additional numbers and requests. First, you need to enter the official website of the company and fill out the online registration form.

Please note that the subscriber can use the help of a company employee. After authorization in the system, you can independently change the settings.

If you have additional questions, you should contact customer support by short phone number 0611. Experienced staff will help you deal with any informational or technical problem. If necessary, you can contact the office of the company. In this case, you need to have a passport with you for identification.

Many will now say: they say, why do we need the Internet, after all we eat to rest, why do we need this garbage? Perhaps this phrase is also relevant for someone who is going to Kirillovka to sunbathe for two days. But absolutely absurd for freelancers, whose work is closely related to the Internet (like mine), as well as for independent tourists in general.

The Internet allows you to work wherever you are. And this work will not necessarily be harmful to rest. Imagine that the weather has deteriorated badly, the rain is pouring like a river ... Why not work in your room until the storm subsides?

You always have fresh information at your fingertips: routes and tips from other tourists, articles on which sights are better to visit, and where to meddle is more expensive for yourself?

You can buy plane, train, bus, boat tickets, book hotels and hostels (sometimes with a very large discount compared to what you would pay on the spot) directly from your laptop (or smartphone, tablet, etc.) ...

I can give millions of reasons why the Internet is extremely important and useful when traveling abroad and not only. However, if you have already come to this article, then, I think, you already understand that you need access to The world wide web during the trip. Therefore, I'll get straight to the point.

So, while traveling, there are two main ways to access the Internet:


WiFi Internet while traveling

So, wifi, I think no one needs to explain what it is, everyone at least once came across the concept wireless network and Internet access through it. So that's it. Almost everyone modern gadget has a built-in wifi module that allows you to connect to the Internet wherever possible.

WiFi internet while traveling is an irreplaceable thing!

This method has a number of advantages and disadvantages that are worth considering. Here are the main ones:

Pros of WiFi internet

  • Free in most cases
  • You are not tied by any wires and connections
  • Open WiFi without a password can be found in almost every hotel, cafe, bar, restaurant, train station and other public places
  • The speed is significantly higher than when using mobile GPRS or 3G internet

Cons of WiFi Internet

  • Low security when working through public networks (about this and about that, I wrote in previous articles)
  • It is not always possible to find a free access point, especially for underdeveloped countries and countries where a fine is imposed for a passwordless WiFI (Germany, Belarus).
  • Inability to receive a signal while moving, for example, in a car or train that is not equipped with WiFI.
  • The farther from the signal source, the weaker the Internet and the more frequent the breaks. Partially solved with WiFI repeaters and the purchase of a powerful WiFI module with a good antenna, but this is overweight, and in some countries borders on the law (in terms of receiver power).

Personally, I love WiFi and use it whenever possible. I went in, connected to my VPN server, so as not to intercept passwords, and went to surf / work / climb the contact. With a good connection, you can also download movies to your laptop, if the owners have not blocked the port.

How to find free WiFi

Sometimes finding an access point, the so-called HotSpot, turns into a real quest. And you have to resort to tricks. For example, you can download or print a map of nearby WiFi points on your way.

They help well in this difficult matter online serviceswhich contain a card of free and open wifi, or passwords to them.

I like the ShareAir site. It opens access to four various bases, which greatly facilitates the search, although it has one drawback: you cannot combine all databases on one map without resorting to third-party tools (I use Google maps).

However, it should be borne in mind that at one point or another the access point may not work, or simply have changed / set the password for it, the speed may be weak, etc., so do not rely on them too much.

That is why I always keep the mobile Internet in reserve.

Mobile Internet when traveling abroad

Mobile Internet, regardless of its classification (and sometimes GPRS, 2G, 3G, 4G, EDGE, HSDPA, etc.) requires a SIM card, a modem (which can be mobile phone or a smartphone supporting the required technology) and money in the card account.

Why did I remember about money. The fact is that the mobile Internet, in itself a cheap pleasure for Ukraine and Russia, is unjustifiably expensive abroad, and tens of times more expensive in roaming. Therefore, remember once and for all: no Internet roaming with domestic operators. This will ruin you, so even before the border or at the airport, I disconnect the Internet connection on my phone with a Ukrainian SIM card out of harm's way.

And you will go online from local operators.

Which operator to choose for the Internet abroad

There is a curious resource on the Web created in wiki format. It is called Prepaidwithdata. It contains information from almost all mobile operators that provide gPRS services, 3G, EDGE Internet in the most different countries the most remote corners of our planet. You just need to make a choice required operator and use it. Unfortunately, the resource is mostly in English, but you can use a translator.

I will show in practice an example of choosing a mobile operator for 3G Internet on vacation.

Prepaidwithdata - the list for choosing the best mobile Internet operator in any country!

At the time of this writing, I was preparing for a trip to Lithuania, and accordingly, I was interested in the mobile Internet in Lithuania. So I go to home page site, where in the list of countries I choose Lithuania (Lithuania).

Description 3 appears in front of me mobile operators with Internet service, as well as prices for starter packs, rates, rates and other tips.

Having studied them, I came to the conclusion that the most profitable option for me would be the mobile operator LABAS, which promises HSDPA (3G) Internet at a price of only 7 Lithuanian litas ($ 2.6) per gigabyte per month.

So I found a perfectly acceptable option for myself. In the same way, you can find a convenient option for you on your trip!

For the most popular countries, I will prepare articles on Kwidoo: on the mobile Internet in Thailand, Turkey, Germany and other countries.

Mobile Internet when traveling by car

A frequent question is also asked by autotourists who travel across the expanses of Europe and other continents in their car (or even rental car): how to make the Internet into cars? So that the navigator would load traffic jams, plot the route, and passengers could while away the time on the road through not too beautiful landscapes on social networks or chatting on Skype?

We found an interesting solution for ourselves: 3G WiFi routerpowered by a car cigarette lighter. There are many models, although either they are not represented at all on the domestic market, or there are so few of them that I have never seen them. I had to order on the Internet, and I will definitely tell you about this thing in one of the next articles. In the meantime, just know that this happens \u003d) This compact router, which fits in the palm of your hand, receives a wireless mobile Internet signal and distributes it over WiFi.

In addition, users should not forget modern smartphones and communicators, since most of them have the ability to distribute by WiFi mobile The Internet, which frees you from paying for the now, turns out to be an unnecessary device. Regarding specific model you need to find out on the manufacturer's website. For example, my Nokia Lumia easily copes with such a task, and you can make an access point out of your phone with one click on the screen.

On this, for now, we will finish the story. If you have any questions, or have something to add - feel free to write in the comments!

If my article helped or liked you, please share it on social networks. It is very important for me. Thanks!

Internet in another city

At home - everything is clear and logical, someone has a Wi-Fi router, someone has stationary computer and a wire to it. But now you are going on a trip to another city, and the desire to go online, post photos or sit in Vkontakte does not disappear .. There are several options.

Wi-Fi in the hotel

Cheap and cheerful - immediately choose a hotel with free Wi-Fi, now it is almost everywhere, even in cheap hostels. For example, in St. Petersburg, we rented a double room in a hostel 15 minutes from Vosstaniya Square for only 1200 per day per room, and there was free Wi-Fi, and the router was right in our room and the signal was excellent. Read about this here.

That's mine workplace on the journey. I know, not particularly photohygienic, but what can I do, I like to work lying on the couch or on the bed, and not only when traveling, but also at home.

Mobile Internet

It is very easy to get online in any other city in Russia using the mobile Internet. To do this, you just need to connect any Internet tariff from any cellular operator.

How to avoid overpayment! Your Internet tariff should be valid throughout Russia, and not only in your home region.

Some operators are too tricky - their Internet prices seem to be profitable, but in reality it turns out that these 50 MB per day for 3 rubles you will only get in your area, and just where you need to go - pay 7 rubles per MB, which is ruinous ... Megafon used to sin with this, but now in some MTS tariffs similar is found. I use Beeline "All 90", before there was 1 GB per month for 90 rubles, but now they have done only 500 MB and for 120 rubles., however, when 500 MB runs out, you can buy another 500 for 50 rubles, and then another 500 .. In general, it is convenient, since I actively use the mobile Internet only when traveling. Plus for those who need mobile Internet only for a few days: the same Beeline has a daily tariff "Simple Internet" - 250 MB per day for 19 rubles, plus you can buy additional megabytes, if suddenly not enough - for 15 rubles 150 MB. Valid throughout Russia. All tariffs - in Ryazan, in other cities and regions, check the operator's website.

Internet via tablet

Mobile Internet + tablet - you give mobility and compactness!

Just in the subject of mobile Internet, a useful life hack - connecting from a laptop via tablet PC... The mobile Internet is a brilliant invention, but writing a long article from a tablet, and even more so from a smartphone, is terribly inconvenient. It takes me three times as long as it does from a laptop. But here's the problem, there are very few laptops with 3G, and I don't like all of them for other parameters. And how to work if there is no Wi-Fi?

For bloggers and freelancers: you can access the Internet where there is no Wi-Fi from the laptop on which you work or write articles. For this we need a smartphone or tablet computer with mobile Internet.

This is how I work, for example, if the Internet is turned off at the hotel, if I stay with some elderly distant relatives who live without a network, or even on the train - what else to do on the road? Mobile internet is of course quite slow, but you can publish an article, write a blog post, or whatever.

We need a tablet or smartphone that can be used in wi-Fi quality access points. I'll tell you using my example Samsung Tab 3 ... Go to "Advanced Settings" and click on "Modem and Access Point". There we turn on the "Portable point wi-Fi access". If you click, we see the name of the network - mine is AndroidAP8793. Below is a list of connected devices - my laptop. And even lower short instruction by connection and password from the Wi-Fi network. Now just on the laptop find the network in the list and connect with the password specified on the tablet. Here are screenshots:

You can work safely anywhere, the only difficulty is that Internet tariffs for mobile operators are usually finite, that is, 500 MB, 1 GB, 3 GB per month, etc., and then they cut the speed to 64 kb / s. The Internet from a laptop is already inconvenient. It took me 300 MB to work for a couple of hours. So choose a suitable tariff or use the options (like mine - get another 500 MB at high speed for 50 rubles.).

Internet abroad

We travel not only in Russia, but also abroad. But you should not go to other countries with your own mobile Internet from Russian travel agencies - there are extortionate prices! I came across an advertising banner from Megafon at an airport in Moscow:

Connect our mobile Internet when traveling abroad! Only 120 rubles a day!

The quote is approximate, but the meaning is accurate. TOTAL? In general, before the trip, do not forget to turn off the mobile Internet until your phone goes online to check the weather, and your balance has not gone into the red in a moment. How do you use the Internet abroad?

Local SIM cards

The first option is to buy a local SIM card, which is suitable for both Internet access and calls home. We did this in Ukraine (there was a convenient tariff - at UAH per minute when calling to Russia and at 1.25 per day - for 50 Mb of Internet) and in Thailand (2.5 rubles for calls to Russia, Internet with per megabyte payment) ... Check rates from local cellular operators better in advance.

Wi-Fi - wherever you find it

In Europe, we did not buy local SIM cards and did not use the mobile Internet. They called home to Russia via Skype from the hotel, and there we also had free Wi-Fi in the room. Again, when you choose a hotel, read the description and see that there is Internet - oddly enough, in Europe it is not available everywhere. You can also find free Wi-Fi not only in the hotel, but also in shopping centers, cafes, and even just on the street.

Internet on the street

But what if you are far from the hotel, in another city or even in another country, you do not have mobile Internet, but you urgently need to go online? For example, look at a map, find a phone number, read a letter, find out the schedule of trains, or see the departure time of a flight. What to do? Run to the hotel? It's much simpler - many cafes now have free Wi-Fi. In some places it is without a password, and you can just walk up to the door, stand next to the cafe and go online - this is in case you save money, because if you go to a cafe, you will have to buy something. If with a password, then it is always given to customers, you can take a cup of tea or coffee and ask for a password from Wi-Fi. Look for the coveted door sticker.

Wi-Fi + light laptop - here's the easy way to work on the road

In Russia or abroad, we approach the doors of McDonald's, Shokoladnitsa, Starbucks, KFC, Teremok and other network cafes - usually there is Internet without a password, and you can use it for free.

An interesting feature is free Wi-Fi just outside. I meet this already in several of our cities. For example, on the embankment in Petrozavodsk, in Ryazan on Orekhovoy Lake, there is probably somewhere else - you can just come to the park, sit on a bench with a laptop or tablet computer, and work in the fresh air. I love this idea for sunny, warm, summer days.

Internet and communication in the mountains

And the last thing I want to tell you about is going online and simply connecting where there is no civilization - in the forest, in the mountains, in the desert and other wild places. Usually, if there is no civilization at all, then there will be no communication there either, and accordingly, you should not count on the mobile Internet.

But you will probably take some gadgets with you - a GPS navigator, which many people now use instead of ordinary paper maps, a smartphone (often it works like a navigator), a tablet computer, a camera, an e-book to read before bed, and so on. ... But do not forget - we are in the mountains, far from civilization, we sleep in tents, and we have no electricity. How to charge gadezhty?

For charging smartphones, tablets and e-books where there are no outlets, use external batteries and solar panels.

If you need to live a maximum of a week without outlets, buy a regular pocket external battery... Mine for 12000 mA cost 2000 rubles. Enough for 4-5 full smartphone charges. Now they are even cheaper.

Mobile phone + solar battery - and you are connected even where there is no electricity

A trickier feature is a solar battery combined with a battery. In the photo above, it is she who is at 15000 mA. It can be fixed at the top of the backpack, and it has time to charge during a sunny day. The entire group can charge their gadgets from such a battery.

Tip: look for communication in the mountains on the peaks and on the passes - where there are some settlements in the line of sight and there may be cell towers.

Also, now there is communication in the mountains and mobile Internet in alpine camps and small villages at the foot of the mountains (for example, in Ternauz in the Caucasus).

What gadgets do you take with you on such trips or travels? And what other ways to get online do you know?

And finally, here's a funny gadget from Sony - no useful purpose, but it perfectly cheers up:

How to get there
For a convenient search for cheap air tickets for the required dates, use the service - do not forget to look at the calendar low prices for adjacent dates. You can order a transfer from the airport to the hotel on the international service.

Where to stay
Hotels I'm looking for on - compares offers across all booking systems, you can choose the best option. If you want to save money, the cheapest option is to rent rooms and apartments from local residents. To do this, use the service (if you are not registered there yet, follow the link and get a $ 25 bonus on your first booking).

Ready tours
Sometimes you can catch a tour for the price of the flight, or even cheaper. I'm looking for last minute tours on and - look at the coming dates and different destinations.

You can find the most profitable insurance on the website from a dozen different insurance companies - it will come in handy for obtaining a visa.

Everyone knows that using the Internet and mobile communications while traveling can be very, very expensive. I do not want to waste my and your time on retelling tips on how to save money on the Internet while traveling (tips like "Turn off data roaming", "Use free Wi-Fi" or "Leave your phone at home"), - this article is about how to minimize the cost of the Internet, if you really need it on a trip (it’s not at all a fact that everyone needs it, for example, when there is such an opportunity, I enjoy traveling in the “here and now” format with great pleasure and have a rest from computers, smartphones and other gadgets; however, such an opportunity does not always appear ...).

So what is the internet for when traveling?

  1. Orientation in unfamiliar terrain. Having access to the mobile Internet through a local cellular operator (that is, having a “local” SIM card in your smartphone), open the “Maps” application and enter into search bar desired address. Then press the button "Get directions" from the point where you are at the moment to, for example, a booked hotel. The screen displays both the route itself, indicated by a bold line, and the point moving along it - this is you at the given moment in time. No need to look for someone to ask for directions, no need, with insufficient knowledge of foreign languages, to master the universal sign language in emergency order - with the Internet you can feel like a truly independent traveler! I'm not talking about trips through the desert, where for many kilometers around there may not be a single settlement and not a single person. If there is a cellular connection in these places, then there is Internet - at least GPRS, this is enough for a map with your location point on it and the names of settlements to appear on the smartphone screen ...
  2. Using different booking sites.Just imagine: you come to an unfamiliar city and think where to stay. With mobile Internet at hand, you can easily solve the issue of booking a hotel or apartment anywhere in the world. And just as easily you can book a car or, tickets for excursions and museums without a queue, for the entire duration of your trip, you will find and buy (if you plan to continue your trip by plane), and much more. With the internet at your fingertips, you will have complete freedom of choice on any journey. You can also see the timetable of various ferries, buses, trains, etc. - very useful when traveling!
  3. You stay in touch with family and friends.Comments are unnecessary here. Instagram, others social networks, Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, email, - all this will be available to you wherever you are (not only in a hotel or restaurant with free Wi-Fi).
  4. There is also a category of travelers working on trips... Rather, there are three categories: the first is people who travel a large amount of their working time. I have not yet decided for myself whether to envy them or sympathize. Traveling is, of course, interesting, but a business trip is not at all the same as a vacation ... The second category is poor people who seem to be on vacation, but under the terms of the employment contract they have no right to disconnect and not answer calls from office (I had this, and I can't say that I got great pleasure from such "holidays on a leash.") And, finally, the third category is the real lucky ones - people who manage to make money sitting with a laptop somewhere on the shores of the Indian Ocean or the Caribbean Sea, this is their lifestyle ... Be that as it may, but we all need the Internet when traveling from time to time for work.

Where could I buySim-a card for Internet access while traveling?

If the trip is to be in Russia, everything is simple with this: almost all national mobile operators have Internet tariffs and cellular communication all over Russia, which means that you can solve the problem of Internet access even before leaving your hometown - you just need to go to the website or the office of the mobile operator - and the problem will be solved - you either connect for a while tariff optionsallowing you to save on the Internet and mobile communication during a trip. (It is recommended, however, to clarify in advance how things are with the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe operator whose SIM card you are going to purchase in the area where you plan to go).

But if you are planning a trip abroad, it is recommended to purchase a local SIM card upon arrival (ideally, right at the airport). For example, with unlimited internet for a week, two weeks or a month. This will significantly save money. For example, in Thailand, a month of unlimited 3G Internet will cost you no more than 1,000 rubles. In the USA - more expensive: $ 51 (unlimited internet + calls throughout the country).

From my own experience, I can say that 1G of the Internet is always enough for me for two weeks of vacation (I don’t download videos, I don’t hang on the Internet for hours, otherwise I don’t especially limit myself).

Mobile internet in Spain

There are two main mobile operators in Spain - Movistar and Orange, their SIM card with 1 Gb internet limit will cost about € 15. There are sales offices in major tourist centers and in virtually every major shopping center in cities. To purchase you only need a passport and money. We insert the SIM card into the smartphone, turn it on - everything can be used!

Mobile internet in Greece

The most popular operators in Greece are Vodafone and Wind. Vodafone has a package unlimited internet for 2 weeks a couple of years ago it cost € 20, for Wind - 2 GB for 10 days (more than enough if you don't download the video) - the same € 20. For registration, you also need only a passport.

Mobile internet in Finland

In Finland, prepaid mobile internet can be purchased at all points of sale of the two most popular operators in the country:

DNA - https://www.dna.fi/myymalat (open the Myymälät kartalla tab, ie "points of sale on the map").

Opening an account with Sonera currently costs € 5.9 (with € 7 credited to your account), while opening an account with DNA costs € 7.9 (of which € 7 is credited to your account). But Sonera does not have unlimited internet: internet will cost you € 0.01 / MB, or € 10/1 GB. And of the DNA tariffs, the most interesting one seemed to me is the DNA Rajaton Prepaid tariff. For € 0.89 per day (debited from the account every day), you can use the Internet without restrictions, call and send SMS within Finland. Calls and SMS outside Finland are charged additionally. (And incoming calls, for example, from Russia, are already included in the tariff).

Mobile internet in Germany

The main mobile operators in Germany are E-plus, O2, Telekom, Vodafone.

I found Prepaid tariffs for each of them, the price is on average € 15 for 1 Gb of the Internet (per month) or € 20 for 1.5 Gb.

If you have experience using mobile Internet in any country (by purchasing a local sim card), I would be grateful if you share your experience below in the comments to this post.

Alas, the rhythm of life today is such that it is not always possible to go on a trip, as they say, according to the “everything is off” system - forgetting about the Internet and a mobile phone. And someone and quite deliberately does not want to lose touch while on a trip. After all, freelancers often work on the go.

So, internet for travel: The topic is vast and complex. We will not give background information on various proposals in this article, since it may lose its relevance at any time. Instead, as usual - useful general advice, directions to be guided by.

On the road, you will have two main ways to connect to the network: public wi-Fi networks, and mobile internet. Naturally, they have pros and cons, as well as their own nuances. But before talking about this, let's raise and immediately close another question ...

If you are ready to pay dear (very expensive!) For mobile Internet using your usual SIM-card, or your operator offers some very favorable conditions for communication in other regions and countries ... well, we can only be happy for you! It is possible that you absolutely do not need any advice from this article. But still, read it to the end.

We will not review the specific proposals of mobile operators in the post-Soviet space: firstly, there are many operators, and secondly, their tariffs may change at any time. Various special offers, seasonal promotions, and the like are also possible, so there is only one advice: follow the news!

By the way, don't forget to turn off roaming and automatic updates in the settings of your gadgets before leaving the "home" region. Otherwise, an unpleasant surprise may await you: modern technology can be too independent.

Wi-Fi while traveling

Public Wi-Fi hotspots are a great solution in developed countries. Let's say in Europe free Internet awaits you everywhere: in cafes, hotels, trains and ferries, even just in parks and on the streets. Just get connected! There are few significant drawbacks, but they are.

First, security: a public network is a public network, and it is not worth repeating the mistakes of the hero of a popular film (“I thought that Americans were more honest than ours…”). Therefore, at a minimum, do not conduct banking transactions through such connections.

Secondly, Wi-Fi is not available everywhere. Somewhere on the German Autobahn, you will not connect to it, and in developing countries such offers are usually tight.

How do I find free Wi-Fi nearby? Of course, there are many resources on the Internet that solve this problem. Let's say one example: www.shareair.net

But far from the only one. However, keep in mind that such resources are still not serious aggregator sites, and no one can guarantee the relevance of the information. Just in case, consider the fallback options.

Now let's talk about mobile internet... There are three options for solving the problem ...

Local operator SIM card

It may be worth considering buying a SIM card from a local cellular operator. As a rule, from the point of view of registration of problems, this does not constitute: your passport will be enough. Chances are that you may not be able to get the "regular" local tariff, and get some special "tourist", but it is still incomparably more profitable than roaming.

How to find similar offers? Again, there are sites on the Internet that accumulate information about local offers on mobile communications available to travelers. Good example such a resource: http://prepaid-data-sim-card.wikia.com

Its both a plus and a minus at the same time is the wiki format. Therefore, on the one hand, the information may turn out to be unverified, on the other, on this site you can find completely unique information that someone got absolutely by accident.

By the way, keep in mind: in Japan, due to the spread of CDMA communication, you will need not only a card, but also a local mobile phone. This is very likely in China, where their own mobile frequencies are actively used, albeit based on GSM. These are two well-known examples, the possibility of encountering others cannot be ruled out ... check in advance!

Travel SIM: SIM card for the traveler

Option for those who travels regularly... Why search for local deals every time when you can purchase a special “Traveler SIM” designed specifically to provide affordable communications around the world?

There are a lot of such offers, the market leader is TravelSIM - 190 countries of the world, 320 mobile operators ... in a word, such a SIM card will work literally everywhere. But this company also has competitors, for example, GLOBALSIM or WorldSIM.

In a word, if you travel a lot around the world, and you constantly need mobile communication, then it makes sense to carefully study the proposals of such companies.

Sometimes such offers are found, for example, from airlines: Lufthansa is a prime example. Using a SIM card MTX Connect, you will be able to pay for the Internet with the accumulated miles.

Satellite Internet

Well, what can I say ... This, of course, is also not an option for the budget conscious, but if you are traveling to truly wild places, then there simply will be no other way to connect to the network. A satellite modem will work anywhere in the world, although the quality of communication is often lame, and the price is extremely far from humane. But, we repeat, sometimes there is simply no other way out.

One interesting gadget ...

At the end of this article, we will give one more helpful advice... If you are traveling by car, and not alone, it is quite possible that it makes sense to purchase a car Wi-Fi router! This gadget is still quite outlandish, but it is possible to find it on sale: just insert a SIM-card into it, and “distribute” the Internet in the car, without using a smartphone.

We hope our tips will help you stay connected and save money!

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